

ManyRoads avatar


opa, professional genealogist, power walker, avid reader, technologist, historian, civil libertarian, constitutionalist, NAFO member

My postings are selected for their informational value; I "do not" necessarily agree with their content.

Federated avatar


Solutions Architect. Recovering project manager. Maker of small-batch, artisanal bad jokes.


I’m a #hippie at heart, but with an engineer’s brain.…it’s so confusing. I enjoy all types of movies/series, but especially #SciFi (#StarTrek, #StarWars, #TheOrville, #TheExpanse, #BattlestarGalactica, etc.).

I'm a big #TheLordOfTheRings fan. And, yes, I did enjoy the #TheRingsOfPower series. #LOTR

Exploring the outdoors is also something that brings me joy (#scubadiving, #hiking, #biking, #camping, #fishing, etc.).

Taking life one day at a time. Be kind 🖖 avatar


Content-Creator-for-Hire (for Your Business) . Sharing Discoveries on the Internet Since 1992 . #Creator . #Geek . #Nerd . #Toys . #StarWars . #LEGO . #Seattle . #Nerd . #Retro . #Founder . #Entrepreneur . #3DPrinting . #Vegan . #Jedi . #Tech . #Software . #Community . #SocialMedia . #SciFi . 100% Personal


Over 20 years in administrative expertise, blending creativity with precision. Specializing in virtual assistance, content creation, and empathetic, meticulous service. Here to make your professional journey smoother! avatar


t3n, das Magazin und die Plattform für digitale Zukunft, beleuchtet online und im vierteljährlich erscheinenden Printmagazin aktuelle Entwicklungen und Trends im Digital Business. Die Redaktion liefert nutzwertige und relevante Inhalte für eine einzigartige und engagierte Community von digitalen Pionier:innen. & avatar


Join me for some Laughs and Inspiration as we explore the Intersection of Baseball Humor and an Uplifting Mindset. #BaseballJokes #PositiveVibes #MentalHealth #Wellness #Manifesting #Transformation #Consciousness #Spirituality avatar


Posting my #NowPlaying and music-oriented articles helps create more tags.

If you happen to enjoy some of the same tags, right on, we have something in common. 🤘

Direct-follow the account for all the B.S.

Follow #TheMetalDogIsNowPlaying for everything I'm listening to, across multiple genres. Fair Warning: It's not always metal.

Follow #TheMetalDogArticleList for misc articles.

#TheMetalDogAIArtList for AI Art

Otherwise, stick to the targeted band or genre hashtags.

#TheMetalDogToots avatar


Nondenominational Christian🌸 every Sunrise is an unwrapped present🌄 every Sunset leaves warm memories behind🌅 I LOVE Cats🐱 I LOVE Autumn🍁 AnyTime is the right time for coffee☕ Owls are the coolest birds🦉 ALWAYS Forgive even if they don't apologize🌹

#ChristianFaith 🤺🛡 #ChristianLiving


⚠️ Folgeanfragen werden innerhalb von ⚠️
24 Stunden angenommen/abgelehnt.

Sky => Die Abkürzung von Skylar xe/xem | they/them | wäre fein, bin aber auch nicht verletzt, wenn man das nicht verwendet.

Geboren bei: 327.66 ppm

Seit 2018 im Fediverse ist meine Superkraft.

Ich schreibe fast über alles mit Schwerpunkt "Kampf gegen meine Essstörung", #Ernährung und meine #Gewichtsabnahme (bisher habe ich 69 kg abgenommen).

Meist genutzte Hashtags: #NewDawn #SkyBlog #DailyMeal #Sucht #Intervallfasten #IntermittierendesFasten #IF #Fasten #Abnehmen #Essstörung #Diät #Keto #OMEOD #OMAD #Ketose #LCHF #Zuckerfrei #OhneZucker #LowCarb #TeamBrokkoli #TeamRosenkohl

#Alleinerziehend #Armutsbetroffen #Essstörung ( #BingeEatingDisorder ) #Angststörung #PTBS #Depressionen

#AmericanFootball #Serien #Filme #AlitaArmy #LittleMonster #LGBTQIA+ #Zuckerfrei #BioHacking

#Ostholstein #Wagrien #Küstenkind #Ostsee avatar


can probably fix a printer avatar


Software Developer with #PKU. I made PKU Calculator, and PKU Talk. From the #UK. avatar


Former hacker; Wild-wanderer wondering "Why?"; still skeptical.

Philosophy 🤔, Science 🔭, Politics 🏴‍☠️

Pragmatist 🐿️, Generalist 🌍, Anarchist 🍞

#ActuallyAutistic #ActuallyBipolar

All hostility and disrespect gets blocked.


English teacher to adults adjusting to a slower pace in #YEG after life in HCMC, Việt Nam. Lots of interests & connections.
Sorry, I don't follow empty accounts or boosters. I hide most boosts.


Hi! I’m Rod, a Blerd (Black + nerd) who loves science fiction, fantasy and related media. Host of EYE ON SCI-FI Podcast + founder of The 7th Matrix dot com. Chocoholic.

Profile picture: me, smiling, looking straight into the camera. avatar


Advocating for #freesoftware as an ethical imperative. Lover of #cats. #Interactivefiction enthusiast and #Startrek fan. #Gay and proud! #Tech enthusiast. Join me in the fight for a world where #freesoftware is the norm! 🌍🐈

Posts are CC-BY-SA either version 4.0 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. See

#fedi22 #freeculture #gnu #gnulinux avatar


Hard SF Author. Readers call my stories 'Cory Doctorow meets James S A Corey.' I like making scifi concepts easy to understand. If you like Linda Nagata, Kim Stanley Robinson, and John Scalzi - I'd love to get to know you.

My dream is to take care of myself and be nice to people - I'm doing that by practicing to be a self-sufficient science fiction author.

#author #indieauthor #writer #scifi #futurology #technology #cyberpunk #spaceelevator #spythriller avatar


Uh, what to say...
#SysAdmin, #automation, #monitoring, with a dose of #programming and #InfoSec.

I like #reading, especially #SciFi and #Fantasy. #TTRPG, especially futuristic, say, #ShadowRun

#Biking and some other #sports

Will gladly talk about #pets.

#T1D #type1diabetes #diabetes, and thankful to #WeAreNotWaiting for cyberware making life easier.


Comics about cute animals with big feelings by


Parody of reviewer 2. Good-natured comedy account. I try to post funny things and sometimes it might be research related ✍️🤣

Profile picture and banner from pexels and unsplash. avatar



IT Engineer in the European institutions.
Green activist.
#WorkFromAnywhere advocate #WFA
Basketball player still active at 44.
Father and husband 24/7.



#introduction #introductions Politically engaged. Traveller. Bibliophile. Wine lover. Fitness enthusiast. Kindness counts. So does a good sense of humour. Democracy is fragile. We need to remain vigilant. Living in Canada, and somewhere in Europe in winters.
#nobot #nature #music #photography #travel #greece #flowers #sunsets #music #photography
#wine avatar


Utilisateur du forum web internet Mastodon, titulaire du permis B et maîtrise de l'outil informatique
Gitan à 12,5%


IT Engineer, Linux Bent Windows User, Photographer, Videographer, and Jack of All Trades for the rest. Living my best life with my Wife ( and Cat in the Pittsburgh area.

  • IT Engineer at Motional
  • Sound Guy at
  • Photographer/Videographer at (
  • Photographer at
  • Photographer at
  • Photographer at avatar


I'm not here anymore. Please check out! avatar


Software developer and entrepreneur. Helping people grow their Python + programming skills through


“I know that you believe you understand what you think I said, but I'm not sure you realize that what you heard is not what I meant.” ✨~ Robert McCloskey. Words to live by. #thementalist fan | all things Mentalist | #SimonBaker | #Fanfiction | R&B music lover | Lover of police procedurals and murder mysteries | Avid reader |


I speak the truth but nobody listens to.
Welcome to the place of misunderstanding.
Human or Robot? avatar


Transformation Guide & Meditation Teacher at the Transformational Mediation Group

Background in medical science and medical use of radiation. Certified in clinical hypnosis. Certified HeartMath Practitioner.

· ┈┈┈┈┈┈ · ꕥ · ┈┈┈┈┈┈ ·

#fedi22 #fedi23 #verowellness #health #wellness #meditation #selfregulation #manifesting #transformation #consciousness #spirituality #transformationalmeditation #podcast #fireside #tmgcommunity


A poverty-stricken, soft Batman by night. Illustrator and writing teacher by day. Previously: McSweeney’s, Slackjaw. avatar


Mobilität für Menschen - VCD Landesverband NRW. Informationen zu klima- und umweltverträglichen Mobilitätsangeboten. Betreuung:


Suspense and urban fantasy author. avatar


:battery_full: :star_wars: Alright, let’s do this one last
time. My name is Chris Jarvis.
I was bitten by a radioactive
variable and for Math.floor() years I’ve been the one and only JarvisScript :serenity: avatar


becoming dumber as a career move avatar


Alias Sylvain Balteau. Vétérinaire en zone rurale. Pour parler d'humains et d'animaux. avatar


Keeping a sharp lookout for the bright and beautiful, great and small, wise and wonderful.

This is my place of freest expression. Mostly photography, mostly beauty, sometimes moody, but I get over it.

I like my timeline free of politics, controversies, current events, arguments, trolling, the Boogeyman of the Day, and similar drivel.

Like-minded people are always welcome here. 🙂 avatar


Beaucoup dans ma tête, souvent énervée.
Je suis payé pour parler de sexe et je passe pas mal de temps à lire.
Pronoms : n'importe.
En ce moment j'essaie de faire des choses avec #LaRoueDesTâches 💪


Indie game creator and publisher. Loving indie games <3


Romance author. Chronic pain & mental health advocate. Come for the smut. Stay for the memes. avatar

stefano "Barista", Founder and System Administrator, Unix enthusiast ( #FreeBSD, #OpenBSD, #NetBSD, #DragonflyBSD, and #Linux ), with a keen eye for everything happening in this world and the fascinating beings that populate it. I enjoy #music, #photography, and, of course, #technology.
I'll be sharing posts about my interests. I'll also boost the posts from



Nachdenkliches und Witziges aus dem Leben eines 1984 geborenen, veganen Gutmenschen aus dem Ruhrgebiet. Queer, cis, introvertiert/schüchtern und depressiv verstimmt. Eventuell AD(H)S und/oder autistisch.

Titelbild: „Cream Cheese Marble“ von „ZakVTA“, CC-Lizenz BY-NC-SA 2.0 (


This is my "personal" account which only means it's where you'll primarily find my geeky interests, left leaning politics, and the like. I have a separate account for my art which is what keeps the the lights on. Despite all the email requests assuring me it does, exposure does not pay bills.

Art account here if you'd like to also follow me there:


If I follow you from both accounts I'm just increasing my chances to see your posts. 😀

Just migrated here from Universeodon which I joined in November of 2022.

I'll pin some posts with more details but a few hashtags before I go

#LGBTQIA #Queer #StarTrek #DoctorWho #Transformers avatar


The account of AI6YR Ben, on his own server. Also at (ham radio). Yes, I'm the guy who found that hiker using only the selfie of his feet. If you want to support this server,


Alt account to post my porn without my friends having too much of it in their tl. Don't follow me if you don't want to see sexual acts, would thoses be mines or others sex workers's ones.

Classic dumbass known as fuckingkaramazov on girlcock dot club.

Profile picture is my face poorly photoshoped like it is a rap album cover, big image is what?

ah yes, gtfo if you're -18 thx

#sexworker #trans #nsfw avatar


L'inverse d'être cool
Malmö, Suède


I make content as often as I can :) avatar


Inkscape Programmer and Software Freedom Contractor. Graphics, art, computers, politics, ideas, science.

Politics: A socialist... well, a federated pro-social consensualist... er, or something like that.
Meme Immunity: Innate rebel, adaptive skeptic, and pro-humility
Pronouns: he/him/they/them
Culture: British, Northern, Industrialist, Riverfolk, Pro-Sustainability, Pie.

My avatar image is a vectorised man in a bowler hat and suit, smiling. avatar


They / Them :pride_cat_pan:

🇫🇷 Moi c'est Adminsitrateur d'instance Masotodon et passionné d'informatique

Généralement entrain de bricoler un logiciel par si, par là ou d'écrire un peu .

🇺🇸 Hello, I'm (they/them) , Administrator of the mastodon instance and general nerd !


If I am posting here, my server is down. Now residing at

Once was in R&D at Apple & Compaq. One NASA launch. Designed stuff. Made things go. Made things stop. Collected data. Sysadmin. Musician. Lead guitarist. Songwriter.

Working on an RPG and new music. Might resurrect an RTS someday. Header picture is the RPG game landscape before adding stuff to it, and with DLSS off.

Avatar: Man in a gas mask
Header: Catalina-like landscape from WIP video game avatar


Programmer/Systems Analyst, Gamer Girl, Streamer, Absurdist, Premier Remix Culture Enjoyer, Voter.

Genderfluid, She/Her.

Send me cool unique games no one's heard of.

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