V0ldek, to techtakes in AI enthusiasts continue to cause the rest of us to not have nice things: project maintainer shuts down experiment to curtail backlash exacerbated by fan

Surely the task of reviewing something written by an AI that can’t be blindly trusted, a task that basically requires you to know what said AI is “supposed” to write in the first place to be able to trust its outpu, is bound to always be simpler and result in better work than if you sat down and wrote the thing yourself.

This is only semi-related but.

When I quit Microsoft last year they were heavily pushing AI into everything. At some point they added an automated ChatGPT nonsense “summary” to every PR you opened. First it’d edit the description to add its own take on the contents, and then it’d add a review comment.

Anyone who had to deal with PR review knows it can be frustrating. This made it so that right of the bat you would have to deal with a lengthy, completely nonsensical review that missed the point of the code, asked for terrible “improvements”, or straight up proposed incorrect code.

In effect it made the process much more frustrating and time-consuming. The same workload was there, plus you had to read an equivalent of a 16-year-old who thinks he knows how software works explain your work to you badly. And since it’s a bona fide review comment, you have to address it and close it. Absolutely fucking kafkaesque.

Forcing humans to read and cleanup AI regurgitated nonsense should be a felony.


Holy shit that sounds infuriating

It’s already immensely frustrating how many of these things operate in such a completely non-dwim way (especially when they’re interjected in workflows that don’t need them), but overtly forcing modifications like that into one’s work is invasive and abusive as hell

I’ve been meaning to write about this for a while, think that’ll be in this weeks todo list…

thelinuxEXP, avatar

@V0ldek @Jayjader At some point, I worked on a real estate website. We wanted to add little pages describing all the various neighborhoods in major cities, and contracted actual humans to do so, people who lived in said neighborhoods.

Reviewing their work, rewriting parts of it, and fixing mistakes was excruciating, I can’t even imagine trying to do that with the insipid writings of an AI that doesn’t understand the context or the purpose of what is asked of it…


@thelinuxEXP @Jayjader @V0ldek I'm perty sure review is the other half of that same task that folks want to pawn off on AI.


It’s definitely a dream product pitch for the kind of person who “had an idea for an app and just needs to find a developer who’s willing to partner on it”

joncruz, avatar

@V0ldek @Jayjader jeez. Reminds me of what they did with their whole TDD "no, don't do it! Oh ok
, now call whatever you did do 'TDD' even though we didn't allow you to do TDD" thing.

f4grx, avatar

@V0ldek @Jayjader omg I so wholeheartedly agree. Why do we have to review shit we could write in the first place?

The same goes for music and visual arts.

Some people say that it will be more productive to have art created by generative models, and then a human can fix it. But why? Why leave crap jobs to humans and have the good work done by a crap machine? This is complete nonsense!


Microsoft is trying so fucking hard to push AI that it’s become pathetic at this point.

For some reason I still get those stupid GitHub emails even though I think I’ve unsubscribed from them ten times already, and it’s always the same crap about “93% of developers agree that AI is making them 67% more efficient”, or “86% of code is now written with the help of Copilot”, or “420% of our users generate sexy catgirl porn on company time”. And there’s never a source for these numbers.

Meanwhile, even the most AI-hyped marketing bozos in our company agree that Copilot is fucking useless. Even asking it so sum of some Excel rows takes more time than just writing the stupid macro yourself, and you have to double-check the macro it writes anyway.

This really has shitty Kickstarter vibes, where they make up even more insane crap every update just to get people to pledge more while they’re burning through their funds without delivering anything they promised.

It annoyed me enough to move my own repos all over to Codeberg, so I guess that’s something at least.

gregly, avatar

@mii Look, if big corporations want to pay everyone six figures to generate sexy catgirl (or catboy) porn on company time, I’m not gonna stop them. /s


At least 1% of their users generate sexy catboy porn on company time. Source: I am that user.

gnomicutterance, avatar


  • Loading...
  • corbin,

    Microsoft is legendary for this. In fact, I’ll give you Microsoft’s entire business recipe; it’s not secret:

    • Dogfood all products
    • Maintain backwards compatibility at all costs
    • Have at least a decade’s worth of liquid operating funds in the bank at all times

    Microsoft does dogfood all the things actually, which I think is one of the good aspects of the company.

    We used the experimental versions of Teams, all Azure changes were first deployed to the part of the cloud used by MSFT, etc. Even new C#/.NET versions are first ran through internal projects.

    dgerard, avatar

    holy shit, that’s post-worthy


    Not sure which community this fits. Is it a tech take? I guess it’s largely Satya’s fault…

    gsuberland, avatar

    @V0ldek @Jayjader honestly I'd have just closed that review comment with an abrupt "insulting levels of nonsense; ignore" every time.

    gsuberland, avatar

    @V0ldek @Jayjader (but there's a reason I don't work at big orgs haha)

    aapis, avatar

    @V0ldek @Jayjader damn I’d resolve that conversation so fast the bot wouldn’t know what to think. If I wanted someone to propose nonsensical changes I’d ask someone not involved in the project to review it?

    narc0tic_bird, to privacy in Google engineers want to introduce DRMs for web pages, making ad-blocking near-impossible in the browser

    What the fuck is happening to the internet recently?

    Twitter and Reddit CEOs completely losing their minds, and now Google of all companies wants to lock down the whole internet?

    This isn’t even close to being okay. It’s 100% bullshit.


    IDK, but we need to riot. Fuck google.


    This happens when something, in this case the Internet, is a monopoly or oligopoly.

    AnonymousLlama avatar

    A race to the bottom with who can come up with the next dogshit idea on how to ruin the internet and make things actively worse for the people who use it


    AI happened. The promises, benefits, opportunity for massive financial gain, and the clear and present danger of how transformative it can be have all caused internet-bases companies to throw out the rulebook and lose their collective minds.


    Check out “enshittification”


    This is what so many people said is coming.

    Psaldorn, avatar

    Their fake advert viewing numbers and YouTube’s inability to monetise without ruining itself are forcing them to think of new ways to encrapsulate user’s and drain their wallets.

    Instead of, you know, providing a service people want and would pay for.


    The tech sector just hit a major correction recently. Wall Street found companies like Google to be overvalued and as such their stocks suffered. This is Google trying to claw back some of that value. See step 3 in the enshittification process. This isn’t just Google. It’s the entire tech sector.

    Lenins2ndCat, avatar

    Growth reaches a saturation point and now they have to cannibalise every single thing in order to continue growth (in company values). This comes at the expense of product quality for the person using it but that’s fine if you have no competition because everything is a monopoly.

    The capitalist system is the problem. The system will ALWAYS reach this endpoint for as long as it is a system that demands infinite growth.


    What do you mean, Google of all companies… It’s a company that makes 90% of its money from ads and all of its products are made with the express purpose of enabling them to spy on you or creating technical dependencies so you can’t quit their services.

    Plus they’ve already tried to lock the web into proprietary formats (AMP, PWA etc.) and have maneuvered so they have 90% of the browser market and the smartphone market but can’t be actioned for it.


    Since when was PWA proprietary?

    dontblink, avatar

    Luckly we still have free platforms like lemmy, browsers like Firefox, networks like tor or i2p, torrents, monetary system like bitcoin.

    We can step out of the world of and we are the ones who have the most intruments to do so.

    Izzy, avatar

    Yes, which works for the few, but they know that the majority are completely oblivious and will just consume whatever they are given.


    Nothing about this is recent, those who pay attention to the standards process have been screaming for ages about the Google problem. It’s just that now between interest rates being what they are and them having a monopoly on the browser market that they’re cashing in on their investment.


    and now Google of all companies wants to lock down the whole internet?

    Of all the companies, Google always seemed the most likely, both to want to and to be successful. They’ve tried before, sometimes in small ways, sometimes in larger more obvious ways (AMP, the implementation of content filtering in Chrome etc.).

    They’re the world’s largest advertising and data harvesting company. It’s their business. Of course they want to lock the internet down to serve their goals of learning as much about you as possible and using that data to shove ads in your face.

    Whenever using any Google/Alphabet product you have to ask yourself, “am I ok with this thing I’m about to use being built by the world’s largest advertising company?”. The answer should be “no” more than it is “yes”, particularly for things that have access to lots of your data, like web browsers, phones, home speakers etc.


    Because for the first time in 14 years money is no longer free.

    Right now the interest rate sits at 5% and it will remain there for the foreseeable future. Investors no longer have the patients to wait for growth because bonds are actually investable now, so all your “get user first find business later” companies began to panic and tries to squeeze everything out of its users.

    Hilariously, the only social media company that will come out of this relatively unharmed is probably Facebook, because their unethical practices actually makes money

    banazir, avatar

    Recently? This is a long time coming. Users have been accepting all kinds of shit from big players without complaint. Even if they protest it’s usually just performative and they keep using the services, sites and software that violates all kinds notions of user and privacy rights. Most people unfortunately are (understandably) not equipped to really even understand the kind of shady shit these companies pull on the daily. The internet is going to shit and its users will gobble it up and ask for more. It has been frustrating watching this happen, but there’s really very little that can be done.

    miss_brainfart, avatar

    The main problem with us users is that we are god damn lazy. We want everything to be the most convenient it possibly can be.

    Remember when Apple updated iOS to allow users to stop cross-app tracking, which severly upset the Zuck, that absolute manchild?

    Turns out that if you actually inform people and give them a clear choice to make, the overwhelming majority of users do in fact not agree with being tracked, as an example.


    I haven’t read the replies but there was a very interesting episode by Derek Thomson’s Plain English podcast which I found incredibly interesting.

    Derek made the conjecture that we were on a cusp of a big paradigm shift in the Internet.

    For the last 20 years, it was essentially about building a consumer basis. So companies like Netflix and Facebook and Amazon did not care about current profits. The point was to just get consumers, drive out the competition, and commandeer the monopoly.

    Now and especially post Covid companies like Twitter are realising that this isn’t going to work. The next movement is going to all be about paying models. This is what we’re seeing with Twitter. This is what we’re seeing with OnlyFans or Patreon.

    So in light of the above comments, none of this is surprising. The next era will be about paid models of the internet.

    I need to find that episode as it was extremely prophetic. It might have potentially been this one…


    Sounds you might enjoy the Enshittification of TikTok article floating around. It explains quite well the mechanism why a site have to becoming worse and worse over time.

    frevaljee avatar

    Google has already been a worthless pos for years. Impossible to get relevant results, even with operators. You just get ads and irrelevant SEO sites. And adding "reddit" at the end of the query will probably not work so well in the future either, seeing how that site has also gone to shit.

    And they have already tried monopolising the entire internet with their amp bullshit.

    So this is just in line with their vision of making the whole internet into a pile of burning shit under their total control.


    Hello from Kagi. It’s better over here.

    frevaljee avatar

    Yeah I've been a little interested in trying Kagi, but it is quite expensive... Are the results that much better?


    They give you a couple searches for free each month (I think it’s 10) - go try it out!

    ddnomad, avatar

    The enshittification of the internet shall continue.

    We will fight and we will lose, as depressing as it sounds. The vast majority of people just don’t and won’t care.


    You’ll finish your enshittification and you’ll like it!

    i_love_FFT, avatar

    We’re on Lemmy. We’re already winning!


    We may win a battle or few, but not the war.


    Then i’ll scrape the songs i currently watch on youtube with jdownload and stop using the page otherwise.

    All they do is make the internet less attractive. Now that works to increase profits for a while, but eventually the content creators withdraw, the platforms become worse and eventually uncool and people stop using it, or use it less. Facebook is on a decline in western countries. We went through multiple video snippet apps already and tiktok and instagram too will be declining eventually.

    We dont have to win the war because the war will never end. We just gotta make the best out of the battlefields we win.


    I built a Python script that scrapes metadata from Spotify and apply it to songs downloaded off YouTube so it looks identical as if you bought the album.

    I’ve been thinking to post it on like GitHub cause it’ll be useful for tons of people but I also don’t want to get sued


    That is super awesome, but yeah, sounds like the kinda thing you should keep underground. Too many cool projects have been killed because they went public.

    dontblink, avatar

    But a small minority of really determined people is enough to change the world 🙌

    I love to see how people nowadays find easier to imagine the end of the world than the end of capitalism… That’s how they’ve been brainwashing us till now.


    Interest rates going up means investors are demanding more profit so all the tricks web companies have held off on till now are coming out.


    Better time than ever to be a FOSS enjoyer, that’s for sure


    Honestly, this second half of 2023 for me has been about finding FOSS options for literally everything. And eventually I’ll have a home server I can use for the things I can’t use on the cloud


    It’s like in Silicon Valley when the VC tells them they don’t need to be profitable they just need to market, then as soon as he dips below technically being a billionaire he demands that they focus on being profitable immediately


    A lot of them never had to make a profit before.

    Rich idiots threw money at anything because while a million dollars is more than the vast amount of us will ever have, to them it’s like buying a lotto scratcher.

    The underlying issue is wealth imbalance.

    Kichae, (edited )

    And one of the primary reasons they never had to make a profit was that, so long as interest rates were functionally zero, it didn't really cost the investor class much of anything to park money in a money losing operation while waiting for it to become sellable.

    With interest rates back to pre-2008 levels, though, there's a price to money again. And a real opportunity cost. So, compete with bonds or watch your investors walk.


    That wealth imbalance also pushes companies to force dumb shit like this on thier customers.

    If Google were to just come out with a $10 a month plan that removed all the sleazy ways they try and profit from you, the overwhemling response would be “Oh great yet another subscription”, because these subscriptions have become a significant chunk of people’s income each month.

    But what if greedy neoliberals hadn’t been pocketing our pay rises for $20 years and that subscription was functionally $1? Most people would be happy to blow $20 supporting 20 different content providers.

    Unfortunately, their greed is insatiable. There’s always a room of executives doing their grubby little sums. “If people have $1, they probably have $2. We could double our profits! Then double our salaries!”.

    Inflation just means “If rich people find out you’ve got more money, they’ll fuck you out of that too”.

    The $1 will never be enough. They’ll keep charging more and more until people have nothing left to hand over. Then they’ll figure out more ways to squeeze a profit out of you. Manipulating you with ads, selling your private data, turning your body into expensive dogfood – whatever makes them a few more cents.


    What the fuck is happening to the internet recently?

    Capitalism is spreading further into the dark reaches of the internet.

    fearout avatar

    I know, right? It’s so weird. In every single instance of some bullshit happening it’s easy to brush it off as incompetence or an attempt at profit maximization, but overall it feels a lot like some kind of targeted disassembly of whatever made the internet great and facilitated open discussions.

    mounderfod, avatar

    It can be a combo of several objectives:

    • make a shitload of money
    • stop people from realising we’re making a shitload of money off of their backs
    • keep people poor so that even if they do realise there’s nothing they can do about it

    I don’t think it’s coordinated, I think it all starts from the same root cause: Silicon Valley Bank failed. These companies all need to do something they’ve really not done much of in the past: turn a profit. But these companies are not run by the business geniuses we were once convinced were running the show. Most of them live so far removed from a normal persons life that they don’t understand what motivates us, what we want in a platform, and as soon as we provide feedback after they’ve already made a decision, they decide it’s because we don’t understand the squeeze they’re under to make money.

    • Twitter: Elon Musk thinks he could make more money from subscriptions than advertisements. The whole thing’s a disaster because that’s really dumb. This case may be a little different though because there’s some evidence Musk just wanted more people to see his tweets and to pay people to be his friend
    • Reddit: Spez fails to see that he has multiple revenue sources available to him so long as he keeps his users around. Somewhere, there was the right balance of charging for the API at a reasonable price, performing better market research on his user base to provide a better ad platform, and keeping the Reddit coin system in place as the base liked it because the user base paid more for that than most similar online payment schemes.
    • Google: this is the scary one. This is the one that seems like they know exactly what they’re doing. They’re ramping up their enshittification following the fall of SVB, but the way they’re doing it is both malicious and a minor enough inconvenience that the majority of their users will stay. And they’re doing it in small quiet ways. A little bit of tweaking how YouTube bans users here. A little bit of RFCs about DRM on the web there. Some PRs to chromium and android no one will notice. All to squeeze more ads into peoples online experiences. Their search product has been utter shit for about 6 years now, but people still prefer it over Bing or DuckDuckGo (which is a wrapper for Bing). They’ve learned the following lesson: if you’re big enough, the citizens of the web will let you do it

    DuckDuckGo seems, for me anyway, be crappier and crappier by the month. Am I the only one? Are there alternatives?


    SearXNG and LibreX are both meta search engines, which combine results from several different search engines.


    Duckduckgo is a wrapper for bing? No wonder it sucks… I want to like it, but the results are usually pretty bad in comparison to Google. Takes me much longer to find what I’m looking for with DDG. :/


    Startpage might be something for you, mixed bag though but I got nothing of substance to say against it.


    I’m using an anonymous browser and for me often DDG has better results than Google now. My Google-fu used to be on point but recently I can’t seem to find sites that aren’t SEO traps.


    I have exactly the opposite experience. Google has gone to shit, and duckduckgo gets me there faster 90% of the time. Plus the results are short and concise, or immediately helpful.

    The SEO of the internet has really fucked googles algorithm. At least with duckduckgo I can end the search with !g to switch to google if I need a second go, but you cannot !d in google.

    TheHighRoad, avatar

    I 100% would have signed up for Reddit Premium and payed monthly for Sync access if they had allowed me to hand them the money. Oh well ¯⁠\⁠⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠⁠/⁠¯

    fearout avatar

    Right? I had a subscription for Apollo and am now supporting kbin on Patreon (btw, guys, here’s the link if someone wants to help out).

    It wasn’t that hard to offer a product that people would be fine paying for.

    fearout avatar

    That's a good write up, thanks. I don't claim it's coordinated, just that it feels more and more that way.

    Also, I switched to DDG a year or so ago and I haven't heard that it was a wrapper for Bing. So I went to google it (I can't not use this verb when talking about online searches, lol), and it seems like it's not really the case. It gets some results from bing and utilises their ads to make profit, but it seems like it's a small part of their output. Is that incorrect? Do you have some more info about it being a wrapper? I'm kinda curious now


    I’d be happy to hear that’s true. They were originally an aggregator until Google changed their api

    halfempty avatar

    DuckDuckGo is not a wrapper for Bing, but is in fact a distinct and independent search engine. DDG does grab some results from bing. but it also grabs from other sources and it's own crawler.

    4am, avatar

    Elon Musk wanted to drive Twitter into the dirt once he was forced to buy it. Criticism, jet tracking, rejection of fascist-adjacent opinions that are “logical” but only if you’re a heartless engineering robot.

    His hubris forced him into buying it, but once he had to, he might as well destroy it. How else do you think he got the Saudis in on it for another billion?

    I laughed about this theory at first, just memeing it like “ha could you even imagine?” But every single day it seems more and more like he does the worst thing possible to “monetize” and then gripes about it like the only reason his brilliance isn’t working is because big mean liberal woke mind virus society is trying to do cancel culture because they’re just jealous he’s rich.

    001100010010, to technology in Google is working on essentially putting DRM on the web avatar

    Unsupported browser, please install Chrome.

    You are logged out, please log in or sign up for an account.

    To verify your identity, please enter your phone number, a text message will be sent, please enter verification code.

    Error, your account has been flagged for further review, please submit 3 different government IDs, with at least 2 containing your photo, and 2 containing your address.

    Error, name doesn’t match, if you have changed you name, please submit proof of name change.

    Error, no citizenship status detected, please submit birth certificate or naturalization certificate

    Please wait 7-14 bussiness days. A phone call will be made to the number you’ve submitted.

    Error, missed call. Please wait 30 days for another call.

    Error, unsupported operating system, please use Chrome OS, Android, or Google Smart TV OS

    Error, Google Smart Home assistant not installed, please purchase one within the next 3 days to avoid losing signup process.

    Error, could not confirm identity, please purchase Google 360 cameras to verify identity.

    Error, server maintenance in progress, please retry signup at a later time.

    Thank you for using Google!

    henfredemars, (edited )

    Or they just ban you without recourse and poof all your data and accounts are dead.

    Edit: consider using Google Takeout to download your data periodically as a hedge against trouble with your account. This will help prevent data loss in the event your account suddenly goes poof. It won’t help you with the apps you bought though.

    001100010010, avatar

    Don’t forget you also lose all the android apps you purchased. Oh wait, isn’t there a community that helps you avoid that?



    Sorry, can’t run code not signed by an attester recognized by your hardware manufacturer.

    Please enable bootlock and wipe your device to regain attested status.

    Can’t enable bootlock, your device’s attestation expired 1 months ago, please use an up to date device if you wish to use attestation.

    001100010010, avatar

    Rip Linux, Android custom roms.


    Kind of. Several apps already refuse to run without bootlock or on a rooted system if it wasn’t for Magisk, this will make web apps to refuse running too.


    Please write for black mirror!


    Please drink verification can


    Glory to Arstotzka … I mean Alphabet.

    tojikomori avatar

    Thanks for this. I skimmed the proposal doc itself and didn't quite understand the concern people have with it – most of the concerns that came to my own mind are already listed as non-goals. The first few lines of this comment express a realistic danger that's innate to what's actually being proposed.


    Being listed as a non-goal means nothing though. Who says it won’t become a goal later on?

    wildncrazyguy avatar

    I'm sorta sitting here in that same scenario. My iphone screen was severely broken last week, I don't use any other apple services. When I tried to get into it, my phone went into security lock mode. Coincidentally all of my 2FAs for my other accounts did their monthly checkin. No phone, no checkin so now I'm locked out of nearly all of my work accounts. Apple ID will renew in a few days, but I didn't think to take my broken phone with me on a trip, so my SIM with my phone number is now 1000s of miles away. So now I'm boned til I get home. 2FA works well until it works too well.


    I would just move on at step 3


    Thank you for choosing Google!

    KoboldCoterie, to technology in Google employee responds to all the negative feedback WEI, (google drm the web) avatar

    WEI’s goal is to make the web more private and safe The WEI experiment is part of a larger goal to keep the web safe and open

    (Emphasis mine)

    They contradict themselves in the span of 2 sentences. Great look, folks.

    exscape avatar

    How is that a contradiction?

    The Open Internet (OI) is a fundamental network (net) neutrality concept in which information across the World Wide Web (WWW) is equally free and available without variables that depend on the financial motives of Internet Service Providers (ISP).

    Open is not the opposite of private. You can have an open internet where your information is not shared with third parties, i.e. private.


    The web is currently a communal well. We all drink from it because people before us paid the foundations.

    Google aims to be the owner of that well. Like the land and oil barons before them, they wish to monetize every last second of web access.

    That same corporation, to spew such vile, ignorant nonsense is…well, I guess it shouldn’t be much of a surprise, should it?

    lixus98, (edited ) to RedditMigration in GitHub - v1nsai/red2lem: Crossposts from Reddit to Lemmy
    lixus98 avatar

    I also made a similar bot, might be useful!, this one doesn't check every single post, only external links, I didn't want to repost original content or spam communities, so the post only gets one post per hour (which can be changed) and checks the community to see if there's a similar post there already (same link).

    Edit: it uses the json page, and filters posts based on upvotes, downvotes, age, etc. It supports multiple subreddits and communities at the same time.

    Mnmalst avatar

    Ah sweet I was about to start working on something like this. Will definitely use it in the future. Thanks
    *edit: Ah it still uses the public json endpoints. A "real" scrapper might be necessary in the future.

    lixus98 avatar

    You are right, I already had a scraper in progress, if it comes down to it I will use that instead.
    Edit: also you can contribute if you want to, suggestions are 100% open.

    Mnmalst avatar

    I might if I find something I am missing.
    I have some specific requirements when it comes to scrapping. I am planning to use it on my phone in termux which doesn't allow all nodejs modules. Sadly also the most popular scrappers which use a xserver in the background. So it has to be very basic html scrapping which should be possible when you do it on the old.reedit site.

    lixus98 avatar

    I see, I used node bc that's what I'm most familiarized with. I'm running it from Digitalocean and seems to be stable for now.
    But if you have different requirements you should definitely give making one a go.

    Mnmalst avatar

    Oh, nothing wrong with node at all. I used it for something very similar in the past myself. It's just that certain modules just don't work in termux.

    kool_newt, to technology in Google is working on essentially putting DRM on the web

    I’m working on essentially removing Google from my life.


    Spoiler for a later stage of your journey: Your phone gets wayv faster. That part is pretty nice.


    Oh really? Is this from like not having to contact google analytics for every action?


    I’m not sure, honestly.

    Charitably, we could assume it’s just from removing Google and various carriers background apps meant to improve my experience.

    Uncharitably, I have my suspicions. For the last five or so versions of Android something always seemed to be using processor cycles and battery when I wasn’t actually doing much with my phone.

    But I never saw evidence of usage data exfiltration via Google apps - at least after I turned off the related optional settings.

    In any case, switching to GrapheneOs was a startling and pleasant speed boost for me, whatever the real root cause.


    Not a bad idea. Just also avoid Microsoft, Apple, and any non-open hardware or software… they all do the same stuff or worse.


    I don’t let perfection be the enemy of progress.


    Is it progress, or just picking a different cage?

    Good luck in your voyages though, my approach is to try keeping stuff in multiple cages, also far from perfect.

    Bishma, avatar


    For me the most annoying part was switching off gmail (I went to fastmail) and the hardest habbit to break was Google search (I mostly use DDG).

    rm_dash_r_star, avatar

    I use fastmail, great service.

    What motivated me to do that is finding these megacorp providers do not keep your email private.

    Bishma, avatar

    I don’t remember what my breaking point was, but since I dropped gmail there have been 2 or 3 announcements about it that would have gotten me to that point again.

    ConfusedLlama avatar

    That is the only solution to all this!

    To everyone: Please remove at least as much Google products/services as you can from your life. Start with the easiest ones. Have a plan and gradually find alternatives for all other products/services of them. Remove them from your life. It will help even if you do this partly. This is for the benefit of us all.

    Also, let's do the same to Microsoft, Apple, Meta, Reddit etc. Let's not let our lives depend on them. They are corporations. They are programmed to maximize profit.

    I know there's currently not a lot of good alternatives out there, but if enough of us ditch these ass-companies, more and more open-source, decentralized, not-for-benefit services will pop up, and the existing ones will improve greatly. These are not for-profit projects that can be bought by corporations later and used to their benefit. They will only benefit their users.

    Let's do this!

    Fuck megacorporations!

    fishidwardrobe, avatar

    @ConfusedLlama @jherazob @kool_newt At this point I'm starting to wonder if an iPhone might be the lesser of two evils… sheesh


    I wish it were feasible to get off youtube…


    gradually find alternatives for all other products/services of them

    The difficult part is finding real alternatives that fundamentally improve the situation. Most of the alternatives out there are just shams, which have all the same problems, but are more expensive, less reliable or otherwise fundamentally flawed. Be it the Feddiverse (literally just a central server, all the federation is optional), Firefox (Google’s way to fend of monopoly lawsuits and stop real alternatives from arising, still telemetry, constantly tries to sell you something) or self hosting (pay more, get less).

    Linux on a PC works well enough as Windows alternative, but as soon as it comes to anything networking/Web/cloud related things are a f’n wasteland. The part I don’t get is why we still don’t even have a reliable way to hole-punch through NAT and an alternative to DNS in the Free Software world. That has been the major pain point for at least the last 20 years and is the major stopping block for true P2P alternative software, but it’s still largely an unsolved problems (libp2p is one way to deal with it, but not in widespread use and still has numerous problems from what I understand).

    2xsaiko, avatar

    The only thing I have left is YouTube. Apparently Piped allows registering and then storing subscriptions, maybe I’ll move mine there.

    Gotta say, deleting my google account would be very awesome to do

    ICastFist, avatar

    Use invidious to watch YT videos “outside YT”. I think viewing from there doesn’t count towards their metrics, so you’re “freeloading” on their content. Some instances:

    ConfusedLlama avatar

    I use FreeTube, which is opensource and allows you to subscribe to channels without an account. The awesome thing is that you can categorize channels under different "profiles".

    However, I think it won't take too long for Google to paywall YouTube APIs and do what it can to prevent web scraping (through disabling login-less use or attempts such as the one linked in this thread.). So our best option would be to ask our favorite Youtubers to move (or duplicate) their videos to other platforms such a peertube, and start using those platforms ourselves.

    Jcb2016, to liftoff in Liftoff v0.9.18 Release - Bugs and Quality of Life!
    Jcb2016 avatar

    Are you gonna intergrate kbin ?

    Teon, to privacy in Google engineers want to introduce DRMs for web pages, making ad-blocking near-impossible in the browser
    Teon avatar

    "Please click on all the crosswalks before you can enter this site"
    This is why people pirate things.

    user224, avatar

    In total, I’ve probably already spent weeks on completing captcha. It often takes me up to 5 minutes, “try again, try again, try again, wasn’t able to verify try again later,…”


    Missed a traffic light!

    miss_brainfart, avatar

    Apparently, doing a captcha right the first time reeks of robot, and deliberately clicking a wrong tile, before deselecting it again to complete it looks more human.

    I have no idea if that’s actually a thing or not, but the few times I’ve tried it, the very first captcha accepted me right away, so idk.

    conditional_soup, to technology in Google employee responds to all the negative feedback WEI, (google drm the web)

    My big concern with this and the new digital standard for images that they’re proposing is that it looks to make the internet less anonymous than even in-person interactions. To me, that’s a complete destruction of one of the most valuable features of the internet. To some extent, anonymity is a shield against tyranny; a government can’t exactly come and drag you off for re-education if they can’t tell who made the image mocking the dear leader. No matter who you are or how you identify politically, we should be able to throw our tomatoes anonymously if we do choose, without threat of Google telling the Chinese or American governments who threw them.


    This is Troll Trace


    New digital standard for images?


    I just want to post my little comments online without having it tied to my identity. Why? More people see what I say than in real life, some of them could be crazies. I don’t want my real identity right there for the SWATting the second I say I like to knit because it’s a craft of Satan and his ilk or something. Or more likely, that I support LGBTQ+ rights so blacklist me, and kill me for not following the laws of your religion that considers this a bad thing. I want this hidden behind Evergreen5970 so if you want to hurt me you at least have to put some work in to find me, which is a wonderful deterrent for this behavior.

    jeebus, to technology in Google is already pushing Web Environment Integrity into Chromium
    jeebus avatar

    Fuck this is trash. DRM for the web. I wish people would understand websites like kbin are not free and that if you use a website you need to pay to keep it alive. But no one wants to pay for anything on the internet, and so we have ads. Ads will for sure kill the internet.

    interolivary, avatar

    The fact that people feel entitled to free content online really activates my almonds. They’ll whine and moan about enshittification and how eg. news is just clickbait now, and then promptly shit their pants when someone suggests they actually pay for things since they clearly don’t want ads either

    Anomandaris avatar

    Surely you can reverse that and point out corporations whining and moaning about people expecting free content when they're barely paying their employees enough to afford to pay their bills.

    The problem starts with corporate greed, hoarding revenue by keeping employee's salaries to the minimum acceptable, providing as little functionality as possible to reduce overheads, double dipping by selling a product/subscription and then selling their customer's data, and then complaining they aren't getting more money for what little they are doing.

    Then inevitably a little guy like Kbin comes along and suffers because the internet is filled with soulless, ultra-capitalist corpo scumbags.

    interolivary, avatar

    Surely you can reverse that and point out corporations whining and moaning about people expecting free content when they’re barely paying their employees enough to afford to pay their bills.

    Those are separate issues

    Anomandaris avatar

    They are absolutely not separate issues. How can I be expected to shell out $15 per month for 10 different content subscriptions if I can only just afford to put food on my table?

    interolivary, avatar

    Doesn’t mean that content producers and the people running services don’t need to eat too. Sure, many if not all big corporations are terrible, but not all online content is provided by them.

    Anomandaris avatar

    But a massive amount of them are. Small and solo creators on Youtube or Twitch need to conform to the rules of Google and Amazon, and even medium size creators are influenced and coerced by the precedents and market trends set by the much larger corporations.

    And it doesn't matter if not all content is provided by large corporations, those large corporations employ the most people, and dictate in a lot of ways, the rules of the employment market. It's due to their habits and practices that wages are artificially low and expenses are inflated for record profits.

    Until corporate greed is managed properly, consumers will always struggle to have enough expendable income to pay content creators, and therefore will always be searching for free content.

    interolivary, avatar

    Oh yeah, no disagreement there; the source of all these problems is ultimately an economic system designed by and for sociopaths. But, be that as it may, the fact that even the people who could afford to pay for services simply don’t, and many run adblockers too and rarely turn them off for eg. news sites even if the ads they run aren’t extremely distracting. For example when ABP introduced a whitelist for “non-annoying” ads, it didn’t exactly go down well and people said they had “sold out.”

    Big corporations can get fucked for all I care, but as I said, the ones not working for them and running services or news media or whatever also need to eat, and peoples’ reticience to pay for things in one way or another has directly led to those big companies taking over more and more of the field and WEI is an outgrowth of that.

    fiat_lux, (edited ) to degoogle in Google engineers want to introduce DRMs for web pages, making ad-blocking near-impossible in the browser

    Bug: violation of w3c code of ethics issue was opened 15 hours ago.

    It was closed 14 hours ago with the status "completed" without further comment.

    The guy who closed it posted an entry a day earlier called "So, you don't like a web platform proposal" on his rarely used blog. It has the appearance of telling people how to critique proposals in a professional way, while being completely dismissive of any communication attempts simultaneously. Perhaps he needs to reflect a little more on his blog entry's subheading "We're all humans", because he doesn't seem keen to address how users who rely on Assistive Technology are going to be able to use his DRM Web.

    Edited to add: The code of ethics is for people who work at the W3c, so not entirely applicable anyway.

    DolphLundgren, to RedditMigration in I made a tool that transfers your reddit subscriptions to lemmy, thought maybe you all might be interested

    Not to steal your thunder but the wefwef web app does this also, you just paste in your profile’s multireddit url and then it gives you a clickable list and each click searches Lemmy for all similar communities and then you can sub to any that you want.


    Is wefwef iOS only though?


    It’s a web app. Now called Voyager.

    DuckGuy, avatar

    No, Wefwef is a webapp, meaning you can use it on anything (even on desktop.) It goes by Voyager now.


    Didn’t know that haha. My script does the same thing pretty much. Just automatically if that maybe is worth something. And I’m not after thunder, I made this mainly for myself (and to train coding) and if someone else finds it useful that’s great


    Certainly! I think it’s important that people innovate and it’s amazing when it’s helpful for others. Keep up the great work! 😀

    henfredemars, to opensource in Microsoft Just Released MS-DOS Source Code!

    The MS-DOS v1.25 and v2.0 files were originally shared at the Computer History Museum on March 25th, 2014 and are being (re)published in this repo to make them easier to find[.]




    In 2014, MS-DOS 1.25 and 2.0 were released under a Microsoft shared-source license (Microsoft Research License) which forbids redistribution

    In 2018, both versions were published to GitHub and relicensed as MIT, making them properly open-source

    Today, MS-DOS 4.00 was added to that repo, also under MIT.

    jaykay, to selfhosted in Stash version 0.25.0 has been released! 🎉💦 avatar

    Awesome work! But can we please normalise describing the software IN the post? From the post alone I have no idea what Stash is


    For anyone who doesn’t know: it’s Jellyfin but for porn.


    I firmly believe that this information (but for porn) would increase adoption of the software being advertised.

    erev, avatar

    I was about to swipe away because I have no clue what Stash is.

    I’m still about to swipe away but with the knowledge I might actually use this.


    It’s unironically one of the best self hosted software there is. Its tags management feature is unmatched, I wish a similar system existed in Paperless.


    Thats not the feature i would port to paperless.paperless needs an o counter lol.


    There are quite a few github repos with projects filled with buzzwords and other bullshit where i still dont understand wtf the software is actually for 🤔. I dont get it.


    God, yes! I see updates like this and just go, “Cool, moving on” because I have no idea what it does, and if you’re trying to get me to adopt your cool thing, I’m going to need more then what appears to be some random strings of words. 😅

    elbarto777, to linux in Linux on a Commodore C64

    So, as is, a real C64 should be able to boot Linux within a week or so.

    This made me laugh! But as an avid vintage computing fan, I applaud this effort.

    I wonder if it runs common programs such as vim.

    pewpew, avatar

    Vim needs to be compiled to 6502 or you need to implememt an x86 emulator (not sure if it could run at all on a CPU that limited)


    The CPU could run vim even if it needs to emulate an x86. The problem is going to be RAM, the C64 just doesn’t have enough. Even early versions vi took up most of the available RAM in a PDP-11/70.

    HarriPotero, avatar

    The post refers to a RISC-V emulator for C64. The Linux kernel booted is RISC-V, so you’d be vim for the same.


    An x86 emulator could in theory be implemented in a Commodore 64, given that it’s a Turing-complete machine. Would it be practical, though? Hardly.

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