@freebliss@post.lurk.org avatar



Code, media, and systems with a focus on ethics, simplicity and sustainability. Occasional libre graphics steward in vienna. Illustration scholar. Nightclub pianist without nightclub. he/him.

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freebliss, to random
@freebliss@post.lurk.org avatar

I tagged #faircamp 0.13.0 for release today, here's what's new:

ALAC supported as input format / New theme option round_corners (https://simonrepp.com/faircamp/manual/theme.html) / RSS feed image is auto-generated, item title includes artists, item description includes release text / Description text on release pages now shows above the fold (previously easily missed) / Waveform width determination at transitional viewport widths corrected and polished / Unnecessary transcoding of intermediate track assets for already existing archive fixed / ... and a few other fixes in code and docs

Debian packages are already updated, other platforms should follow in the next days (I'll post short notes then).

This time around a huge round of applause to all the people (and there are many!) who develop and maintain the libraries that faircamp relies on under the hood, for instance @polyfloyd, whose excellent id3 crate enables faircamp to read mp3 metadata. Thank you! (*_ _)人

gavcloud, to music
@gavcloud@sonomu.club avatar

after much configuration and long build times, I have managed to upload the 130+ albums from my :bandcamp: Bandcamp page to Faircamp, the amazing site generator by @freebliss for music catalogs by artists and/or labels.


@freebliss@post.lurk.org avatar

@gavcloud generally speaking any changes made that do not alter the streaming or download formats requested (so for instance changes of description texts, site theme, etc.) should build within mere seconds. Asides for future updates of faircamp that might mandate retranscoding, you should not face any long transcoding times for a while now (if you're happy with your audio formats and don't want to change them for the time being of course!). If you observe anything counter to what I'm describing let me know, then it's a bug. ;) @keefmarshall

@freebliss@post.lurk.org avatar

@gavcloud this is amazing, I think this must be the largest faircamp site in existence (at least that I'm aware of). Well done and let me know if there's any observations on what would (have) made the process easier for you. I'm happy to improve things for handling such large sites!

freebliss, to random
@freebliss@post.lurk.org avatar

I haven't yet formally announced #faircamp 0.12.0, so here goes :)

A new theme option for making all waveforms full width is now public (disable_relative_waveforms, see
https://simonrepp.com/faircamp/manual/theme.html), the underlying eno language and parser got an update (more on this elsewhere, no practical changes), an iOS background scaling problem was fixed (thanks to @fennifith who submitted this PR and did lots of testing), a critical issue that broke the player for some people who had certain browser extension(s) running was fixed, "name your price" now checks that the price entered conforms to what's asked and skips payment if 0 is entered, and finally, a lang attribute was added to each page's html tag, which helps automated translation and screenreaders (again thanks @fennifith, who btw. also provided a great deal of other input that will soon help aid some upcoming changes).

Debian and macOS/brew (thanks Clément if you read this) releases are already updated, thanks to @keefmarshall's research I can now also inform you that building from source on FreeBSD officially just works (TM), this has been documented in the manual too.

Apologies if I forgot anyone, and as always: Thanks everyone for your efforts! More faircamp related news are just around the corner, stay tuned. ( ^◡^)

freebliss, to random
@freebliss@post.lurk.org avatar

I updated the faircamp website today, it now includes links to @meljoann's faircamp tutorial blog post, @radiofreefedi's initiative to support artists that can't host sites themselves, a best-effort listing of all known faircamp sites out there (thanks @mxv and others who have collected and pointed me to these and/or are hosting faircamp yourselves!) and a (again best-effort) credit section directly on the website. Thanks everyone for your support and kindness in these busy last days! \o/

freebliss, to random
@freebliss@post.lurk.org avatar

My domain provider (easyname) increased my yearly domain fee for .com by 60%. Asking for a justification, support replied that they're just passing on price increases from their domain registry. Is this credible? 60% increase for .com registrations at the B2B level seems like a big deal, given its the most widely used domain out there?

freebliss, to random
@freebliss@post.lurk.org avatar

A small but quite essential new #faircamp release 0.11.0 is out: Markdown and html in catalog and release texts is now rendered to plaintext for the RSS feed (making feeds actually valid™), urls to download files are now encoded to resolve issues with unsafe characters, sites can now be generated in norwegian bokmål (many thanks to @harald), and the favicon can be entirely disabled now for extra smolness.

Thanks everyone involved in the release issues for helping out <3, and a shout-out to @themissingcow for handling the macOS brew release(s)!

Sidenotes: I presented faircamp at the @servus d*sign week in linz/austria last week, had some great conversations with peers on possible futures of libre and self-empowered music publishing recently (and more coming up), and I may have some exciting general faircamp news to share soon, but alas still too early to tell, even I don't know. (¬‿¬ ) Stay tuned.

freebliss, to random
@freebliss@post.lurk.org avatar

I just wanted to help a friend degooglify their shared rehearsal room calendar, but it ended up with me getting nerd-sniped into building a smol, nice calendar for small collectives/friend circles. (/▽\) It's a single php file you can drop in any webhost, then it walks you through first time setup and then it's up and running. It persists all data to an adjacent php file, so you can simply backup/transfer the calendar by moving the files between computers. We'll do a test-run with the shared rehearsal room, then I'll release it (copyleft). It's also mobile-friendly, has dark/light mode, only 5 lines of (optional) javascript :D, and I'm doing my best to get accessibility right from the get-go. I'm kinda excited, and highly amused what an easy nerd-sniping target I am. Yay! :D

A simple settings page for a calendar, allowing editing of title, weeks shown, start of week, editing users, adding users. Each user needs a key, name and permissions setting.

@freebliss@post.lurk.org avatar

FLOSS news! (ノ´ヮ`)ノ*: ・゚

This is the initial 1.0.0 release of Feber - a simple, self-hostable group calendar.

Originally just a two-day hack for for a friend ('s shared rehearsal room), a few more weeks of work turned this into a universally usable, polished tool - hopefully of use to a wider public.

The short pitch: A single PHP file (+assets) that is compatible with virtually every standard webhost out there, and a database-free design which means setup, backup and transfer is just copying files from one computer/server to another. The interface is responsive, adaptive (dark/light), and built with accessibility (and intent to improve) in mind.

As I am by now maintainer of more FLOSS projects than I can reasonably look after in a sustainable fashion while just running on my commitment and love for the cause, this time around I've included a possibility to financially support the project. Emphasis on this being optional - Feber is AGPL3+, free to share with anyone, you can pay for it if and as you wish.

Thanks for reading/sharing, enjoy #feber and ping me if there are issues with anything (feber itself, the website, the demo, ...), I'm sure I've messed something up along the way. :)


Feber login screen, just username, password inputs, sign in button, logo and title.
Calendar settings page allowing configuring of title, start of week, weeks shown, freely title booking vs. name-based booking, anonymous viewing and editing links
Keyboard shortcuts help page, describing how to delete events, repeat events and view past events using keyboard shortcuts

freebliss, (edited ) to random
@freebliss@post.lurk.org avatar

Tomorrow evening (tuesday 6th, 22:00 CET) local upper-austrian radio station Radio FRO will be airing a #faircamp special, created and hosted by @fadimat. Expect two hours of music exclusively from the faircamp universe (!! (╯✧▽✧)╯), and a brief appearance of mine as a guest on the show. Don't forget your universal translators, the talking bits will be in german. :)

https://dorninger.servus.at/fadimat-105-date (de/en)

https://www.fro.at/fadimat105-feb24/ (de)

[Update: Corrected the post - there will be two hours of music \o/ (one more than I announced originally ;))]

freebliss, to random
@freebliss@post.lurk.org avatar

Introducing ...

The Hyper 8 Video System.


Yaaaaaayyyyyyy ٩(◕‿◕。)۶

@freebliss@post.lurk.org avatar

@lislegaard yaay i hope so too \o/ :)

@freebliss@post.lurk.org avatar

Last log entry before the first big milestone: Hyper 8 (https://simonrepp.com/hyper8) is probably going beta on wednesday. ٩(◕‿◕。)۶

In this first official release, no singled out part will be a big deal by itself - not yet - but I think the whole package is going to prove a critical point:

Video on the web can be done a) without depence on big tech (Youtube etc.) b) without dependence on financially and/or socially volatile community infrastructure (Peertube etc.) c) without much technical know-how at all, d) practically maintenance-free forever (as long as the web still stands) and e) with a user experience (talking audience here) pretty much on par with contemporary alternatives.

I think for everyone who's not blissfully happy with their big tech solution (probably has an expiry date), blessed with reliable community infrastructure (also might have an expiry date) or technically privileged to depend on neither of the two, Hyper 8 is going to be big news in the long run. Can you tell? I'm super excited about this! :)

@freebliss@post.lurk.org avatar

@silmathoron Possibly yes! I have a memo in my todo list to look into PeerTube's P2P load balancing approach for video and see if and how it could be integrated at some point. That said, priority-wise this is for me still very far away, as there's a ton to do on many other fronts first. :D Related to this, I'm fairly certain that I want to support torrent-based downloads eventually (could be used to serve lower-quality streaming formats online, but offer higher-quality formats with distributed download for offline to ease server load). In either case, usecase wise I'm also going for smaller producer/audience situations first. Folks who do only, or primarily, video, including with large audiences, will probably anyway be on multiple platforms, potentially using professional paid services and/or have other requirements hyper8 does not cater to - livestreaming, livechats, live analytics, etc.

As for @dried re. S3 + CDN - no dedicated ideas on that front yet, I'm first and foremost getting the generic deployment options ready (rsync is implemented already with some caveats, ftp is my next target right now). I also suspect that folks who wrangle S3 and CDNs and so on will anyhow bring the expertise to set up their custom deployment for these things (as seen with faircamp \o/)

Hope that clarifies some parts! :)

@freebliss@post.lurk.org avatar

@dried my pleasure, appreciate all the input too!

@freebliss@post.lurk.org avatar
@freebliss@post.lurk.org avatar

Folks, it is my great pleasure to announce that today, the Hyper 8 Video System officially entered Beta!! \o/

I'll keep it short for this announcement, so if you're curious what this is all about follow the thread back in time (especially the most recent toot explains it really well I think!).

Special shout-out to austrian federal ministry BMKÖS for making this possible with a project grant for digital cultural heritage and my lovely project collaborators at dérive society for urban research in vienna - things wouldn't have worked out nearly as well without their initiative!

With this I'm raising a glass in celebration and starting a few days of vacation ;), cheers and thanks for your support everyone, I'll be back in the workshop in a few days. <3


@freebliss@post.lurk.org avatar

I'm working on a static site generator for video¹ - think PeerTube/YouTube, but entirely static. I've posted a brief introduction (video) two weeks ago (see thread), today I'm sharing an excerpt of something I just wrapped up: Customizable aspect ratio for thumbnails. This gives flexibility to build sites for anything from cinematic (super wide) trailer collections to specialty formats (square?), to TikTok-ey mobile video logs (portrait). \o/

The whole thing is called the "Hyper 8 Video System", and there's a ton more to say about it (because so much is already there!), but for now I'm mostly focusing on keeping development and design work at a fast pace, and talking/writing less. But stay tuned for more! ( ^◡^)

Development is happening in the open at https://codeberg.org/simonrepp/hyper8

(¹ this is in the making for the last 6 months or so already!)

A plain video listing with thumbnails, the thumbnails are 4:3, almost square
Another plain video listing, the thumbnails here are very wide, with a cinematic feel to them

freebliss, (edited ) to random
@freebliss@post.lurk.org avatar

New #faircamp release 0.14.0

Notable changes¹: Introducing "Unlisted Releases"² (only visible to those given the private link), Polish translations (thanks Damian Szetela!), Option to disable waveforms³, Prevent almost all layout shifts during page load (thank you @fennifith!), Prevent search engine crawling of non-public pages (thanks @dried for the intel!), More efficient image resizing algorithm and ~25% faster pure-rust image processing, Text direction automatically set based on language

Debian/Arch packages are out already, macOS brew update as well!

In related news, since a few days it's possible to financially support my work on faircamp via Ko-fi (https://ko-fi.com/simonrepp) and Liberapay (https://liberapay.com/simonrepp), thanks to everyone who nudged this and those who already donated now and before - much appreciated!

Featured image: Poise Under Chaos's Faircamp (https://faircamp.artweirdomedia.net/ and on the fediverse @poiseunderchaos)

¹ Full changelog: https://codeberg.org/simonrepp/faircamp/src/branch/main/CHANGELOG.md

² Unlisted releases documented at https://simonrepp.com/faircamp/manual/releases.html

³ Disable waveforms documented at https://simonrepp.com/faircamp/manual/theme.html

freebliss, to random
@freebliss@post.lurk.org avatar

Words of reason from the ICC. May they ring loud above the rash cries coming out of international politics right now.

"Let us today be clear on one core issue: if we do not demonstrate our willingness to apply the law equally, if it is seen as being applied selectively, we will be creating the conditions for its collapse. In doing so, we will be loosening the remaining bonds that hold us together, the stabilising connections between all communities and individuals, the safety net to which all victims look in times of suffering. This is the true risk we face in this moment.

Now, more than ever, we must collectively demonstrate that international humanitarian law, the foundational baseline for human conduct during conflict, applies to all individuals and applies equally across the situations addressed by my Office and the Court. This is how we will prove, tangibly, that the lives of all human beings have equal value."


freebliss, to random
@freebliss@post.lurk.org avatar

The https://mirlo.space/ (@mirlo) kickstarter for a sustainable cooperative model of empowerment for musicians and labels on the web is now almost 80% funded! \o/


I'd be very very happy to see them succeed, because not only are they building something fantastic, but they're also bringing invaluable experience from past endeavours in the field to the table, which is, I believe, essential in making the right choices to sustain an ambitious project like this in the long run. If you can support them, go for it. \ʕ◕ᴥ◕\ʔ

freebliss, to random
@freebliss@post.lurk.org avatar

State of video on the web, May 2024 (according to caniuse.com data):

H.264: Safe bet, works everywhere

VP9: Now supported in all browsers (!) since this march. It's royalty-free and significantly more efficient than H.264, therefore as soon as unsupported Safari browsers drop away this could be another safe bet around 2025 possibly.

HEVC/H.265: Not royalty-free, not well supported, pragmatically speaking this one might remain a footnote in web video history because ...

AV1: Already great support everywhere, except, you guessed it, Safari. Also royalty-free and again significantly more efficient than everything that came before (including VP9 and HEVC/H.265). If Apple decides to add software decoding in Safari anytime soon, this might find ubiquituous support everywhere in the next years.

freebliss, to random German
@freebliss@post.lurk.org avatar

Wirtschaftskammer Wien erfragt in ihrer aktuellen Unternehmerumfrage: "Sind Sie für oder gegen den Bau des Lobautunnels?". Hm, wo genau liegt nochmal die Relevanz und Kompetenz in dieser Frage bei der WKW? Braucht man jetzt wieder wirtschaftliche Laienmeinungen zur Verkehrsplanung weil einem die wissenschaftlichen Verkehrs- und Umweltgutachten nicht schmecken? Seufz.

@freebliss@post.lurk.org avatar

@computersandblues Genau das, wobei ichs nochmal lustiger/trauriger find dass der Einzelhandel dabei in der Regel nicht mal seine kapitalistischen Interessen sinnvoll vertritt, sondern aus Ignoranz heraus eine Lose/Lose Situation für alle verfolgt. Wenns nach den Wirtschaftstreibenden gegangen wäre, wäre z.b. die Mariahilferstraße in Wien nach wie vor eine laute, schirche, zugeparkte Straße - dass die Verkehrsberuhigung nicht nur die Lebensqualität an der Straße, sondern auch den Umsatz der Geschäfte signifikant erhöhen würde, wollte keiner glauben. Jetzt ist die Straße nicht nur eine angenehme Flaniermeile geworden, sondern auch an Einkaufstagen so voll mit einkaufswütigen Leuten, das würde sich platzmäßig nicht mal ansatzweise ausgehen wenn da noch Autos fahren würden. Man würde meinen die Wirtschaftstreibenden lernen aus sowas, aber natürlich ist es bei anderen Verkehrsberuhigungrojekten wieder genau dasselbe: "Bitte bitte nehmt uns nicht den Beton und die Autos und die Parkplätze weg jammer jammer ..." 🤡

freebliss, to random
@freebliss@post.lurk.org avatar

I bow to all of you who submitted to #fedivision - what a musical ride <3 thanks everyone, also to the organizers! I'd love to drop some individual notes on all these magical tracks but going through my shortlist from last weekend again (which wasn't all that short haha) and making up my mind on what to vote for took the last of my time & energy for today unfortunately. x) Cheers for a great finale tomorrow, and everyone who didn't listen in or vote yet, here's your chance: https://fedivision.party

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