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Attention Kmart Shoppers…
The maoist uprising against the landlords was the largest and most comprehensive proletarian revolution in history, and led to almost totally-equal redistribution of land among the peasantry.

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This has been bothering me since 2020. Millennials and Zoomers on Hexbear: without googling, do you know who Alfred E. Neuman is?

In the 2020 primaries, Donald Trump said that Mayo Pete looks like Alfred E. Neuman (which is devastatingly accurate), and Pete countered that he’d never heard of Alfred E. Neuman and it “must be an old person thing.” That was incredibly weird to me, because I’m younger than Pete Buttigieg and I know who Alfred E. Neuman...


i’m two years older than that pod person and i totally know. i think mad magazine was something kids who went to convenience stores in the late 80s/early 90s unsupervised would know about. pete seems like his entire existence before the age of 20 was some kind of daily stage-managed romp through political career incubators and society tutelage before retiring to a special bath where a silent old woman would bath him in buttermilk for 45 minutes and then lay out cheese cubes for him to snack on while watching taped interviews with Henry Kissenger.

i don’t think pete knows what anything is, except as it can be handed to him on an index card by a bodyman.


the coolest thing about the federal student loan program, besides how the servicing of the loan has been privatized since god knows when and is naturally rife with complaints and scandal, is that for as far back as i can remember, the “subsidized” rate that the federal government will loan a qualifying (low-income) college student money has always been higher than the interest rate someone can get from a private loan to buy a house. and of course the loans at the subsidized rate are not enough to cover costs at an in-state school, so you also have to take out “unsubsidized” loans from the federal government, which are like double the interest rate of the subsidized loans. and, those are not often enough either, to cover housing, so then you get into private loans.

and none of these can be discharged due to bankruptcy, specifically due to the efforts of the senator from MBNA, Joe Biden.


it’s absolutely cheaper to be a landlord.

the barrier is having a pile of cash or some asset worth a pile of cash. if you have a pile of cash and you are current on any debts / have a co-signer, you can borrow against your existing assets to buy more property and collect rents to cover your payments/interest, cost of maintenance, and a personal income for yourself.

even if you don’t want to handle any of the lease signing, tenant issues, maintenance hiring, etc, you can hire a “property management” company and pay them 10% of the rent collected to handle all of it. large/significant improvements would have to be financed by you, but if it’s a livable structure that meets code, you can just sit back and do nothing while taking in 90% of the rent.

additionally, in our ongoing housing crisis / property hoarding situation, even though you haven’t paid off the loan to buy the residence, it’s net worth will grow beyond the original purchase price and let you access more credit to purchase another property.


i knew this guy who did this, sort of but not really. when he was like mid 30s, he maxed out all his credit cards to the tune of like $20k to purchase consumables for the dying self-employing sole proprietor business he ran out of his parents’ house. he did it intentionally planning to default, the logic being, “well i am broke, what can they do to me? the vehicles i use are in my parents’ names. i have nothing” his parents are on fixed income/retirees.

i am a fan of sticking it to the man, but even i was like, “is this a good idea?”

anyway, his dad found out about it before the declaring of bankruptcy and he had to sit down with them. after that conversation, which i was not privy to, he got a regular job and was made to pay off his debts. i am pretty sure there was a personal bank loan involved so he wouldn’t have to pay the 22% interest rate or whatever on the cards.

the point of this story being, a strategic default can totally be a genius play but the implication is it has to involve strategy.

like taking the cash and leaving the country forever lmao.

Why did nobody ever think to just win over Trump voters? Well, the Biden team did, and sees that their path to victory is spending $200mil on ads in small, rural areas where Trump won by a landslide. (hexbear.net)

Life would be so different and so easy if you could just make a living being as stupid as the consultants who came up with this plan....


i mean, if you won’t materially do anything to assist people in the geographies your political project abandoned 50 years ago, it’s probably a great idea to inundate their media consumption with annoying interstitials where you pretend fucks are given. worse case scenario, those people hate you even more, but the media companies will appreciate the revenue coming out of depressed demographic blocs and that’s the real end game here anyway: big media buys.


to avoid giving myself away, i work in a public support role for a sector. that sector has hemorrhaged workers since forever, but let’s say it has gotten really bad in the last 20 years. the public institutions know this, but try to frame it as an efficiency thing. though with so many collapsed communities and their corpses dotting the landscape, they can’t really claim this has all been a win in public.

anyway, we operate in an austerity environment of “cuts-cuts-cuts/do more with less!” so when a few years ago a tech bro douche showed up on the scene and promised to recreate the entire region into a mecca of a very specific and capital intensive form of activity in this industry, the administrators of agencies and public institutions all rolled around on their backs like servile dogs for him. the hype train and red carpet were incredible. after decades of “well, there’s no money for anything”, suddenly the taps are open, but all for flash and pomp. nothing to actually materially benefit the people here. so much hype. around the same time, a capital formation from western europe (via universities, state agencies, business groups) started making connections to our institutions in a more circumspect manner, looking to “explore feasibility” in expanding this same activity in our region. their state goals are to build our capacity for “professional development” (worker training they don’t have to pay for) and increase our capacity so we can become clients of their intellectual property/technology licensing.

those of us with any kind of actual material politics understood the tech bro was doing a hype pump and dump, while the western europeans were here do to some longer term colonialism. our energy and labor costs are rock bottom. it was baffling how the decision makers could not see what the tech bro was doing, who was the more nakedly obvious of the two with the media blitz of bullshit. they were not even aware of the ongoing court cases for fraud filed by his own investors as they happened. they just saw a really rich guy and started drooling and nuzzling his crotch.

of course, in the wake of the last year, tech bro’s bubble popped and all of that shit folded with nothing to show for it. the sycophants were shell shocked, and pretended we hadn’t urged caution the entire time. the western european colonizers though, are still around and inserting their tentacles into everything. paying for little travel junkets so do nothing clowns with high salaries can feel important. these decision makers are simply fucking enchanted with them and literally refuse to see the transaction for what it is: a fire sale of our natural and human resources for the exact same assholes that have been doing this for centuries.


The world frequently quotes our most famous and beloved alumnus, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., but the world must know that without Morehouse, there would be no Dr. King.

what in the fuck. yeah, he was a double legacy at morehouse but he got 2/3rds of his degrees at other institutions, including his doctorate. and, more importantly, credentials don’t create people. successful and influential alumni are something to brag about, not claim as a created property.

i would be furious if the place that i got my credentials said or even implied i wouldn’t exist without them.


makes one wonder how much of a dumbass Emily Blunt must be.

or if it’s dead-eyed transactionalism to be at the top of the list for reactionary militarism movies and TV and cake up.

if so, guess he’s not a fan of Vonnegut, because in the end we are who we pretend to be.


as ever, the analysis that libs find settler-colonial genocide acceptable (Churchill) as long as it’s not happening inside the imperial core (Hitler) to people that look like them, cuts through their tortured pseudo-ethical posturing like a laser.


great pic by the AP, open mouthed, aggressive angry, pointing and the lighting makes his eyes look like empty sockets of vantablack space, where all love and humanity go to die.

lol, “looks like” just playin’


it’s an important distinction, between Christian-Zionism and Israeli-Zionism that seems to be lost or purposely obscured by democrats:

  • Israeli-Zionism is settler-colonial and wants to exterminate the indigenous…
  • Christian-Zionism wants the entire world to burn in a nuclear Holocaust right after Jesus comes back in a magic Ford SUV and drives all 1200 people at their specific megachurch to heaven, where they can eagerly watch everyone else writhe in agony forever.

imagine forming a coalition with the heavily armed and powerful people who pray for your eternal torment.


People are saying I crapped my pants, but it’s more like my pants crapped me. Because of communism.



the bit idea of staying federated but banning their admins is making me laugh and i support it.


it has long seemed to me that the censoring of information in the west is done through distraction and entertainment. there is so much media to consume and the most easily consumed has historically been the media that serves the interests of the powerful. this is still true, though the market concentration of legacy media ownership reached a crescendo just as the internet started to proliferate.

capital has obviously inserted itself into the internet’s largest platforms, which all benefit from network effects. the effect that social media, like facebook and twitter, have had on the dissemination of news is hard to overstate. of course, the legacy platforms trying to differentiate themselves as being somehow more legitimate, but that distinction falls apart outside of obvious specific examples. the real difference is the level of interactivity in legacy media is non existent.

legacy media has only ever been interested in creating one-way outputs: articles, videos, etc., where the forum of an engaged audience is presumed to exist and agree with the outputs. web 2.0 phenomenon has completely this blown up. nowhere is this more obvious and absurd than their curated “Town Hall” events where handpicked Joe Blow is brought in to ask an approved question from a note card, and this is meant to represent the public square.

in any event, more to the question of censoring the internet, i think what we’re seeing is the attempt to bring the “public square” under some level of control. we all know that people arguing in the comments section is often more interesting and engaging than probably 90% media outputs. when that is taken away, people go elsewhere to do it. communities are still trying to find the level of moderation they desire for that kind of interaction. all the while, the established power structure is seeking to insert itself into that conversation within the largest communities. and yes, i think “preventing violent extremism” is the tactic that gives them the most leeway and power. “national security” implications give the most latitude in avoiding courts and issuing gag orders. “stopping misinformation” is probably going to be the framing that is used more broadly when some censorship becomes public. for example, though the laws around the banning of TikTok are all weird national security legalese, the way it’s being framed proponents of the ban is as a source of disinformation. i think this is because the national security argument has a better shot in legal interpretation than “people are lying on my internet program, ban the internet program”.

a key piece of censoring the public square is to make sure the censorship itself doesn’t invite much attention or scrutiny.


I don’t think these young people know a lot about Israel or about the conflict. I think the older people do, but not this younger generation.”

ah yes, recognized knowers of world events and their context: older americans.

my parents were alive during korea and couldn’t name any details about it except “the north was bad”. never heard of literally anything the CIA has admitted to doing, MK-ULTRA, Church Committee, Operation Cyclone, Operation Bloodstone… goodluck on murkier events like Operation Gladio. even more recently, they couldn’t name any sects of islam relevant to the 2003 invasion/occupation of iraq. they barely remember the Shah or that the US/UK used to run pakistan and iran like client states. never heard of the BCCI or the Durand Line. they couldn’t tell you anything about the Opium Wars. they know Ollie North lied, but not what he lied about or how it related to Nicaragua. or what went on in Nicaragua.


as a medical doctor and teacher of pediatric medicine, I would be fascinated by a group of wizards that charge young parents to heal their terminal children of incurable disease with magic spells and potions.


that quote from the Iranian cleric after the US assassinated one of their leaders, about how it would be a struggle to hit back in-kind, because the US has only fictional heroes.

“Think about it. Are we supposed to take out Spider-Man and SpongeBob? They don’t have any heroes. We have a country in front of us with a large population and a large landmass, but it doesn’t have any heroes. All of their heroes are cartoon characters — they’re all fictional.”

i think about that a lot.

like a fucking laser beam. every pro-military special forces bozo ends up being a dead-eyed psycho that can’t even be stage managed to appear normal to fans for a 30 second spot with infinity re-takes, re-shoots and do-overs. not to mention, it becomes clear within a few months that they are focused on the cash grab of the spotlight when they cut ties with some “brother who saved my life 3 times” because they won’t share the money. the attack dogs of america burn under the scrutiny, the flag officers that oversee them are bureacratic careerists and money launderers for industry.

the working class heroes of civic infrastructure, the nurses, the teachers, the firefighter, the 36 hour shift week ER residents, none of those people can be trusted with a heroes platform because they’ll probably say, “the game is rigged” in a fit of unscripted frustration at whatever sinecure-holding asshole just cut the budget again to pay for a 2 week trustee/executive board training confab in Antigua.

so of course, the earnest and authentic american hero has to literally be a completely fictional character.


there are only two buses. both buses are going to hell! and you better get on one of them or else the other bus will win the bus contest and be declared the king of all the buses.


i gotta admit they really captured the vibe of a dying american stripmall eatery by using the theme, ambiance and food quality of a fast casual toilet clogger with the pricepoint of place you can’t really afford to eat at routinely.

the contradiction of high price signaling and low gut bomb is a very powerful american experience.

abbondanza, amici miei. chefs-kiss

Biden is toast with people under 45 isn't he?

The 45+ crowd will vote for him because they support isn’treal and are afraid of Drumpf but I think we’re going to see a massive drop out of young voters. Probably too with the people who already don’t vote to begin with, namely service workers who are fucked over either way with D’s and R’s....


this is my last election as an under 45, but i haven’t voted for a major party for El Presidente since Obozo’s first term, let me be clear. i thought he was gonna close gitmo.

i work with a bunch of PMC types in the non profit / give a fuck sector, so they are generally younger than me by 10-20 years. there are only a few committed turbolibs, who like brag about their connections to the local DNC franchise. legit cringe. i think probably there’s a chunk that are more fearful of another trump term than a biden term and don’t see a path out, though we all live in a safely red state with just a handful of electoral votes anyway so the emotional investment is non existent for anyone with a functioning mind. so basically, the bulk of the over 45 professionals are all visibly wigging the fuck out about another trump term, to our incredulity. i bet if i told any of the well remunerated / wealthy Gen Xers that i wasn’t gonna vote for biden, they would burst a blood vessel.

what would be amusing to me would be if biden loses, but the dems pick up seats in the house and senate that some kind of antagonistic coalition can form with the numbers to override presidential vetos and fuck with the courts. i don’t think it’s feasible and would probably only do terrible things, but it would be funny.


"P = G + E + block chain

Phenotype = Genotype + Environment, but now the equation respects the contribution of block chain NFTs. with enough bored apes getting slurpjuice, we can revolutionize dementia into a value-add for the marketplace."

  • me, a Technology Management Consultant.

prion disease incubation is from 5 years to like 60+

so this will be a cool bomb to go off sometime down the road, like the early boomer sunset + lead toxicity one we’re all currently being subjected to.


i found it somewhere years ago when i guess some very talented sinophobe made it when john cena spoke mandarin (after years of taking classes in an effort to get the WWE to crack the china market) and used it to make a contrite apology to the people of china for mistakenly referring to taiwan as a country in a post promoting Fast and Furious 9.

obviously, for burger brains, this made him guilty of the highest form of treason and generated a lot of angry content, but when i saw the image containing my pfp i was really impressed with the technical execution and decided to reappropriate it, because to have the strength of Cena with the mind of Mao is the ultimate aspirational #LifeGoals.


i love the framing of a workplace as obviously, necessarily apolitical. as though workplaces are anything but the most intensely political battleground of our fucking lives.

a boss dictates your every move and word so that you can access food, shelter and healthcare: not political!


if you charge a billion dollars per post, he could make a profit on the purchase in like 30 posts.

why yes, my mind is very powerful. thank you for asking.

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