
Aging former communalist anarchist suffering from #LongCOVID, therefore currently focused on the intersection of health politics, ableism, eugenics & fascism, particularly how the state has used the covid-19 pandemic to undermine mutual aid efforts and community care. Proud (sometimes sad) ex-worker since 2008.

Or. Just some lonely guy who has no life.

"I die, as I have lived, a free spirit, an Anarchist, owing no allegiance to rulers, heavenly or earthly." ~ Voltairine de Cleyre


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antiall3s, to random

"An interesting connection is the one between billionaires and the far Right. Millionaires, billionaires, and even most far Right politicians don’t give a shit for Jesus or abortion or any of that. They don’t have souls, they’re banking on Hell being a fiction, and they know they can get their abortions whether it’s legal or not. What the extreme Right voting bloc provides them, however, is a minority large enough to provide a feasible path to electoral victory, given enough gerrymandering, voter suppression, xenophobic media coverage, and social media conspiracy theories. They tie their economic agenda (which allows short-term profits from fossil fuel investment, price-cutting in production standards, stripping social services) to a conservative social agenda to get the votes."
~ Peter Gelderloos

antiall3s, to random

"Grief is the ultimate interruption of the normalization of mass death and mass murder because in grief, we acknowledge the value of life as we do in no other scenario. We grieve because we love life, because we love those we have lost. We love the living. We know the value of humanity. That is what our grief means to us. And so we retake our humanity, we reclaim public space, and we reclaim this day from a genocidal administration with our grief and with our love, and with our refusal to allow those who are dying to go unacknowledged. We hold this space for them. We say their names. We honor them because they are part of us and we are part of them. And so long as they are dying, there is no justice for any of us. And so there shall be no peace for those who lead us.

I know that many of us are grieving a great deal in these times, and that our grief can at times feel all-consuming. Grief can cause us to shut down, retreat, or turn inward, but I want to remind us that there is power in grief. Because grief refuses the normalization of violence and loss. Our grief is a rejection of dehumanization. By grieving, we are refusing to devalue the lives of those we have lost, and we are refusing to become less human ourselves. We are refusing to sacrifice the parts of ourselves that are soft and permeable enough to facilitate human connection and mutual recognition. In our grief, there is hope for humanity, because in our grief, love and decency persist in the face of atrocity.

I urge you to make space for your grief and to nurture its power. As Rasha Abdulhadi teaches us, “If our hearts break, let them break outward into action."

Kelly Hayes from a speech they held at the 24-hour vigil for Gaza in Chicago, as quoted here:

antiall3s, to KindActions

Our lifestyle has increasingly pushed us into social isolation. Which has resulted in a siege mentality of sorts, where it's the two of us against the rest of the world. Family and friends were lost to us due to the push towards the normalization of the ongoing pandemic by a neoliberal order under late stage capitalism. It individualized responsibility, which not only forced us deeper under siege, but also made us increasingly lonely.

We tried to reach out to other people in similar situations, but no one seemed interested to engage with us in a committed way. , , , , it all sounded good in theory. But they were not happening for us.

What can we do?
We would be really grateful for some leads.

antiall3s, to random

"The Conservative Party conference has been happening in Manchester and you can’t have missed it because it’s the most exciting public event since the GB News launch party when everyone in attendance was so happy, they looked like they’d been diagnosed with a horrible illness. That’s the level of excitement we’re talking about, but you already knew that because let’s be honest, you have no life beyond drinking tea out of your Margaret Thatcher cup and watching reruns of Antique’s Roadshow."

And it only gets better from there 😂🤣🥲

antiall3s, to random

"There's this thing called the Overton window. It refers to the spectrum of acceptable political opinions in public discourse. Maybe you've noticed how far to the right the whole thing has shifted over the last couple of years. Nobody talks about universal healthcare anymore. Nobody talks about universal basic income anymore. You're lucky if you're allowed to strike.
The spectacles will be the last thing to go. As society collapses, the rich will work overtime to supply everyone with a constant stream of distraction and entertainment. They'll encourage everyone to keep eating out, shopping, and watching movies no matter what virus is spreading. A growing number of people will be too braindead and emotionally numb to resist.

The concerts aren't going to stop. The football games aren't going to stop. The movies aren't going to stop. The elite will keep all of that going as long as possible, no matter the cost. That's what convinces everyone that everything's okay. If that ended, people would have to stop and pay attention to what's happening. They would actually feel how hot it is.

They would feel the despair.

They might do something."

MikeDunnAuthor, to random

@MikeDunnAuthor Isn't that quote from Naomi Wolf's book? When she wasn't Bannon's bestie yet.

antiall3s, to random

It is wild to again experience what a huge influence weather changes can have on my #LongCOVID. From yesterday hot and dry at 30º C it is now 20º and super humid. A climb that i was able to do easy on my bicycle yesterday was no longer possible today. I was out of breath half way up and had to push the rest of the way.

[I am aware that for some people with LC it is the heat that is a huge challenge, but for me i have some much more energy when it is hot and dry]


@nilsskirnir That could be true for me as well, it just rarely is cool and dry here. But very cold and dry is not very good either.

antiall3s, to random

My FOMO after having to leave the birdsite has been transformed into a GTMO, glad to miss out. I am aware that i need to work on the acronym a bit though. #Muskodus #Twexit

antiall3s, to random

In May of 2020 i went to see my MD, about these strange, persistent symptoms i had been experiencing since an unknown (yet suspiciously familiar sounding) infection in early march. First he told me, it's just your asthma that got worse, use more asthma spray. A few weeks later after things got even worse he told me, it's just panic attacks, here have some Benzos. Side note: These Benzos are not at all recommended for use with asthma. But nvm.

Through online contacts i found out that it might have #LongCOVID.

My contacts to medical doctors have not improved much since then, they kind of believe me. But the data does not confirm that anything is wrong with you.

As a consequence i have stopped expecting anything from medical doctors and instead started avoiding them as best as i can. My only hope is for a test, that at some point will prove my illness. Until then, they can fuck right off and just write me the prescriptions i need.

But when i read about what seems to start happening (or rather keeps happening?) in certain health care settings now, it makes me so sad and angry. More than 3 and half years after LongCOVID has been named by patient groups, they are now telling people to just 're-frame it in their brains'. Just start working again and see how this will fix things for you. As if. There is also a type of person, who was lucky enough to get cured after having LongCOVID, then turns into the worst proponent of preachy self-righteousness out there. Just stfu.

The problem with this illness is that what works for one person might be the worst idea for another. It will require a level of individualized care that the medical establishment simply cannot provide. More urgent than ever do we need to build radical and robust communal care structures. The best possible help will come from there.

antiall3s, to philosophy

These last few days i have been watching some of the videos from #Socialism2023. Some of it was interesting, like the panel on carceral sanity. But most of it was trying to sell books. And then there was Naomi Klein, who in one sentence said she still believed in the Green New Deal and Bernie Sanders, in other words reformist or #greenwashing stuff, and in the next seemed to say that we need an insurrection!? Uhm. And oh, she was also selling her latest book (which i will read, it sounds quite relevant).

I am definitely not a socialist.

But. The conference had a state of the art #COVID19-policy. And comparing this to some recent anarchist conferences and festivals, like the superspreader #Anarchy2023 for instance, made me despair yet again.

It has to be stated again and again, the #anarchist scene has glamorously failed and keeps failing during the ongoing pandemic and is therefore not the scene to be involved in as we enter the age of the pandemics.

Yes, COVID is not the last pandemic, far from it. In fact, COVID has even weakened our immune systems in such a fundamental way, that it opened the door even wider for future pandemics.

The ableist even eugenic turn i had to witness and even experience among people claiming to believe in #anarchy has been the biggest disappointment in my life. So far.

Get a fucking grip.
Let us build robust and radical communal care structures.
Mutual aid needs to be a praxis or fuck off.
Abolish cops, psychiatry, the state, the family.

antiall3s, to random

Oh cool. Now an article about the hook-up culture at #Anarchy2023. Just what we needed.
</sarcasm off>

Still not a word about [#Ableism or the complete lack of #COVID19 protections. Crimethinc has joined the anableis = anarcho-ableists]

antiall3s, to random

"Making this picture even more hair-tearingly frustrating for disabled people avoiding healthcare settings is that the counter-argument for proper airborne infection control really is nothing beyond “don’t wanna.” There is no logical argument for allowing the spread of COVID-19 in healthcare settings. There is no scientific debate about the ways in which COVID is spreading. There is no risk analysis which shows that cancer patients or people who’ve just had heart attacks should consider a COVID infection to be no big deal. There is literally no excuse for this bizarre, unscientific mistreatment of patients other than gross incompetence, institutional negligence, and systemic ableism."


CrimethInc, to random avatar

Memories from Saint-Imier, 1872 to 2023

In July 2023, some 5000 anarchists gathered in Saint-Imier, Switzerland for a week of events commemorating the anniversary of the establishment of the first international anti-authoritarian labor federation. Here, we explore that history and present a variety of accounts and appraisals from anarchists who came from around the world to participate this year.

A newspaper spread showing local coverage of the gathering in St-Imier.


@CrimethInc Such a long text and not a word about poor accessibility and the ableist, and ultimately even eugenicist way the gathering was organized, which prevented many immuno-compromised and chronically ill people from even attending. (the extra food line for mask wearers was a cynical joke. And the way you wrote about it is pure ableism. You wrote: "a special section for people who still want to use masks and maintain social distancing". "Want" is the absolute wrong word here, some of us "must" still wear masks, and if you need to keep "want" in there, we "must" wear them because not enough of you ableist assholes still "want" to wear them in oder to protect and include us).

And in your text there is not a mention of the anarcho-capitalist, conspiracist, right-wing libertarian bullshit that was present at the gathering. (At least one of the main organizers is a right wing libertarian, who was active in the anti-masker protests here).

But read bellow.

I was right to call the anarchist movement dead as a movement. And it has died in Saint-Imier in 2023.

#Anarchy2023 #Ableism #Anarchy

antiall3s, to random

"People who are home-bound, bed-bound, or just can’t make it to in-person meetings/hangouts/etc need and deserve community. Who is anyone to say that online spaces cannot exist as community building?"


antiall3s, to random

"it’s not enough to dismiss the ideas of people like Musk as being outlandish or absurd. Of course they’re absurd. Musk’s claim that he is going to create a self-sustaining colony on Mars is utter nonsense, but it is not enough to simply know or assert that. The world we inhabit has been carved up and ravaged by people who leveraged ideas that were, in my opinion, no less absurd. Stories have power. The hopes that we offer people, in bleak times, have power. We have to understand the appeal of space as humanity’s last recourse, in these times of catastrophe and crisis, and we have to build movement narratives in opposition to that storytelling."


MediaActivist, to fediverse

What, in your opinion, is the closest (#Fediverse) alternative to #Tumblr?


@MediaActivist Depends what you use it for. For images pixelfed, for text one of the blogging apps. But maybe wait and see, if Tumblr will indeed implement the Activity Pub protocol as they have announced.

ReneMeadowbloom, to wwc

Maybe not the most exciting, but a good, watchable half that.



@ReneMeadowbloom And to think, the best Nigerian player isn't even playing. Yet.
But it has been a while since i have seen this type of player to player marking like the one on James in the game. @wwc

ReneMeadowbloom, to wwc

Lauren James has been making these goals (including the disallowed) look easy.



@ReneMeadowbloom yep, that was the question there and it was not clarified with the camera angle they showed. @wwc

antiall3s, to random

"Intersectional above all
Headless, autonomous, organized
The center of so many overlapping circles
We are integrity of thought and deed
Community minded
Black, trans, gay, woman, working class, and anyone so sick of begging for a living wage
Harbingers of revolution
There are lines we will not cross
Against injustice, cops, and billionaires
An offense against one is an affront to us all
A brick sailing through the window
Of your local nazi bar
A spark fanned at the precinct
Reborn in fire
Diverse in our backgrounds, our ages, skill sets
Together we rise
On closed down highways
Pulling down fences
Lifting one another, scaling walls"
~ Rowan Haaland



"The way we respond to this COVID pandemic, the ways we practice what it means to keep each other alive now, will set in motion our actions for the hard years to come. Adapting to new problems is an act of love. It challenges all that we are told to believe about ourselves, though, which is not easy. Being able-bodied is a temporary or impossible state of being, especially in this society where organized abandonment is the reality for most of us, especially QT-BIPOC disabled folks."
~ em rodriquez


"Our liberatory efforts mean nothing so long as we are willing to compromise our values on critical issues fascism makes no secret of weaponizing against us. Ableism can’t end a legacy of eugenics any more than transphobia can secure trans people a life worth living. Our aspirations towards abolition and the liberation of Black people mean nothing so long as we tolerate reactionary, inaccessible, and apologist methods of increasing our numbers in supposed opposition to anti-Blackness. During this fascist period, every compromise we make with oppressive dynamics and systems will be swiftly leveraged against us."
~ Estelle Ellison



"In many ways, fascism is able to bring more individuals into its thrall by reassuring people that marginalized folks couldn’t possibly make them change their lifestyle under capitalism. And with that peace comes the erasure and dismissals of valid pressing concerns from those of us who struggle to survive in the margins of society.

The pressure to assimilate into today’s eugenicist normalcy mounts with every unmasked event leftists organize, every concert people compromise their precautions for, and every restaurant and bar people decide they must enter."

[Link: 👆]


"During this fascist period especially, embracing our creativity can help us find better, more flexible, and resilient ways of caring for each while bolstering our ability to combat oppressive dynamics. It is important that we do not give up our collective agency and creativity in exchange for rigid organizational disciplines that refuse to accommodate us and everyone imperiled by eugenicist normalcy. We cannot compromise with the systems that want us dead. There is much problem-solving to do and we need a comprehensive discerning solidarity more than ever."

antiall3s, to philosophy

The anarchist movement is dead. As a movement.

And Saint-Imier, where it was born, is where it went to die.

#Anarchy2023 #RIA #StImier #Anarchy #Anarchist #Ableism

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