toplesstopics, to Youtube avatar

I finally found a rare gem of a supporter who cares enough about my fight for abolishing specific that he goes the extra mile and PUTS UP HIS OWN VIDEO RESPONSES 🤯 Except now he's banned on from posting for a week, simply for linking to my website toplesstopics(dot)org 🙃 there's nothing whatsoever sksual on my site, literally just links to the "patriarchy unfriendly" versions of my videos I host on Peertube where my heinous female npls are visible as I just sit there talking about whatever, not at all sksual like the MILLIONS of "people who look male" posting top (less) thirst traps on every mainstream platform. I've known YouTube has blocklisted my website for years (and basically anything else I've ever linked to, see toplesstopics(dot)org/banned for hundreds of screenshots of proof), but someone ELSE, an MAN even, getting a week long ban for linking to my website is a new frontier of blatantly misogynistic fascist censorship that I've yet to see crossed.

It's so enraging, because this guy is such a BAMF for not only commenting on my social media posts, but making FULL-A** VIDEO RESPONSES, which is something I've had happen maybe five times ever in the ten years I've been making videos about top freedom. He says he'll still keep making new videos after the ban ends, and I appreciate him more than words can say for doing this. The ONLY way we can EVER convince these capitalist institutions to stop assigning different levels of censorship based on "what gender you look like" is if A WHOLE LOT OF PEOPLE are VERY LOUD in pointing out the hypocrisy, and dudes like this are precious all-stars in this fight ❤️

toplesstopics, avatar
Please subscribe, like, comment etc in support of this wonderful human who has gone above and beyond in supporting my fight against specific by making multiple video responses to my own posts, and consider making your own videos as well, or at least text or image posts sharing why you think banning the chests of "people who look female" from online and in public as "sexually explicit nudity" but not the chests of "people who look male" is hypocrisy that needs to stop ❤️

toplesstopics, to feminism avatar

Very quickly sketched out #webcomic page idea summarizing the blatantly nonsensical "female nipples are sexual because we treat female nipples as sexual" counter-argument I hear/read so often from #misogynist who want to maintain the #genderbased #censorship status quo established by the #patriarchy.

#feminism #intersectionalFeminism #topFreeEquality #equalityforall #doubleStandards #sexism #misogyny #womensEquality #genderEquality #transphobia #malePrivilege #topFree #freeTheNipple #toplessEquality

binaryhawk, to america avatar
JackTheCat, to random avatar

Scottish LibDem leader Alex Cole-Hamilton suggested his party would have areas of common ground on which to work with the SNP, suggesting Swinney could turn to them for votes on some legislation.

I'll bet he did.

iuculano, to Romanian avatar


Controversial , a self-proclaimed "misogynist," will stand trial on charges of and , court rules

Tate was indicted in June along with his brother Tristan and two Romanian citizens on charges of human trafficking, rape and forming a criminal gang to sexually exploit women – allegations they have denied.

kaia, to random avatar

BDSM tank loves to be caged

voltrina, avatar

no girls allowed

:blobcatnotlikethis: i will cancel whoever did this, this is absolutely #sexist and #misogynist :( :blobcatsadreach:

toplesstopics, to Youtube avatar

Today's / / short: is a topless eight year old girl considered "sexually explicit nudity"?

Looking forward to the living under the twisting themselves in knots through their to rationalize why the chest of a girl who hasn't even hit puberty yet is inherently "sksually xplct ndty" while the chest of a MALE at ANY age is always considered public- and online- safe 🙃

gentrifiedrose, to random

My new friends are just as and even more intuitive than I am. They can spot distant hints of cruelty as well if not better. I always dreamed of meeting people who did not normalize #racial #misogynist #homophobic leanings even before they were noticeable. Its nice to not feel like a freak or be told, "that's normal". Its healthy to be around sensitive people who do not excuse hints of things we should never tolerate. Slow violence is still violence no matter how glacially it infects us.

msquebanh, to Malaysia avatar

Ian’s name became prominent in the 2010s when he involved himself in the discourse around #Gamergate, a coordinated #OnlineHarassment campaign towards women in the video game industry like Zoe Quinn and Anita Sarkeesian.

Funnily enough, Ian positioned his views against the harassment, defending those who were targeted by Gamergate and calling himself a “turbo-feminist”.

#AsianMastodon #Malaysia #TootSEA #FarRightInAsia #AsianFascist #AsianBigot #misogynist

iuculano, to Women avatar

Via #RonFilipkowski

« #Gaetz explains why #Republicans don’t need #women voters: “For every Karen we lose, there’s a Julio and a Jamaal ready to sign up for the #MAGA movement”»

Yeah, #MattGaetz is definitely an

#Misogynist #Misogyny


toplesstopics, to LGBTQ avatar

Preview image of the upcoming video I'm almost done editing- Topless Topics Interviews TammyJo Eckhart: ancient historian, kink educator, and erotic/"edgy" fiction author. I'll announce when the full video goes up--early uncensored access for Patreon donors, patriarchy-friendly mainstream version on Youtube whenever I have time to finish censoring out my heinous female nipples! Become a donor here:

Even after ten years of making videos like this, it's still so crazy to me to stop every now and then and look at the video and marvel at how something like this gets banned on every single platform that isn't explicitly a porn site as "sexually explicit nudity," just for having nipples on a "person who looks female" visible. It doesn't matter how incredibly boring or mundane the topic is, or the fact that I'm just SITTING THERE, doing nothing at all with my body but talking--but because I "look female," my upper torso is always and automatically thrown into the same category as hardcore porn. Meanwhile anyone who "looks male" can LITERALLY BE DOING A STRIP TEASE, or "comedically" playing with his nipples, and HE is left up, patriarchy-safe, unbanned.

How does this not infuriate more people?? Almost every time I bring the subject up of gender-specific to anyone my age or younger (and occasionally those before my generation), they agree that banning nipples only on those who "look female" is and absurd, and yet year after year, the status quo just...doesn't change. All these platforms performatively claim to support / equality (especially in June) yet this blatantly unfair demonstration of oppression against those who "look female"--I phrase it that way because it doesn't matter what you identify as, what you were assigned at birth, none of that--only whether algorithms and legislators think you "look male" or "look female"--stays in place, unchallenged and unabated.

Sorry, same old rant..back to video editing. Maybe someday we'll crack the code to forcing these companies to pretend to support re:censorship 🙃

Image: nonsexual female nipples partially visible under a text layer

GW, to random

One privileged white dude's awakening to 's racist and subtext

Fascism is the militant reassertion of paternalistic authority, pecking order with the fascist leader as the supreme father figure. cult fascism fits perfectly. No wonder it marginalizes civil rights for women, gays and minorities, all of which are at cross purposes to fascism’s goal: To rewrite history, making the white male great again by subordinating all to the father figure.

QueenValhalla, to random avatar
GW, to Women

“It’s About Controlling #Women”:

Veterans Reject Tommy Tuberville’s Antiabortion Crusade

Tensions are boiling among female veterans (and on Capitol Hill) over the Alabama senator’s blockade of almost 400 military officers.

m getting angrier now,” Joanna Sweatt, a Marine Corps veteran, tells me. “[Tommy] #Tuberville is definitely agitating me.”

#misogynist #abortionrights

jackLondon, to random

One thing much clearer as a consequence of the #covidInquiry - #Cummings is a #misogynist

He hated the PM's wife for having influence

He talked over female colleagues

He called a senior female civil servant by the C-word

He claims he could have made things work better had he been listened to - it seems to me he was a major part of the problem in a Downing St that had become totally toxic


toplesstopics, to random avatar

It's kinda funny/sad... I'm a activist ("seeking to destigmatize the sight of nonsexual female nipples so that maybe someday we can have the right to go topless in public and online that men get) but I rarely feel like posting any topless photos or videos online anymore...

Part of that is because we're in winter now and it's effin cold, part is because even when I pre-censor the hell out of my content before posting to mainstream platforms, it still gets banned--see for receipts 🙃)
But mostly it's because I HATE giving the pornbots anything new to blatantly disregard the purpose of my content by unabashedly spanking the monkey to it. I'm stuck in such an effin catch-22; because American (and most world cultures) view female nipples as *sexually explicit nudity," then if they do see female nipples, they treat them as sexually explicit nudity, regardless of context or consent. And it's certainly not helped that the only place I CAN post my nonsexual female nipples where more than ten people can see them (a slight exaggeration, but that's what it feels like on mastodon and Peertube 😜) is on sites INTENDED FOR PORN... I can only state so many times that "my nipples are not on display for your sexual pleasure," but people don't go to porn sites looking for nonsexual content, so of course the vast majority of people who stumble onto my content on porn sites treat it as, well, porn.

Gender-based is so blatantly absurd and / (not to mention transphobic - at what point in transition does someone "look male" or "look female" enough to lose the right to go topless in public and online?) that I can't help wondering why more people don't question this status quo, and especially speak out about it. Pretty much any time I talk to a millennial or younger (rarely but sometimes, Gen x or boomer 😋) they go "yeah you're right, it doesn't make sense!" but then that's the end of it, conversation over. They don't have the interest or will in bringing it up to anyone else, or posting about it on their own social media. So while do greatly appreciate the words of support, it remains depressing that the only one actually putting her neck on the line (as far as posting my actual tits to the internet, where I get stalked, doxxed, shamed, discriminated against, and possibly even endure threats to have my children taken away by CPS) seems to be me.

Even just in words only.

How do I galvanize people enough to make their own original comments about this, even just a text post? I KNOW it's risky to let your friends, families and coworkers know that you believe in something as radical as "people who 'look female' shouldn't have their chests invariably banned from viewing outside of explicit sexual situations if people who 'look male' don't" but like, even an anonymous account...?

Anyway. Time to get ready for my livestream on a sex site so I can try to appeal to people going to a sex site looking for sex content to not treat my nipples as spank bank material for sex. 😩

toplesstopics, to Podcast avatar

So longtime friend of the Topless Topics community mrich (as we all know him by) and I have been tossing around a #podcast idea for a while (I know, I know...this one will be good though, I promise ;p) and I could use y'alls help in solidifying the concept before we jump in to making it.

Basically, the thought is to provide two different but respectful opinions on a variety of subjects--I'm a cis white woman "coastal elite" from California, he's a cis black man from the South, and we're both #progressive #leftists and huge nerds (especially #gaming !) We're also both #normalizeNudity (and of course #freeTheNipple / #topless #equality ) supporters, raised #nudist / #naturist though I reject the specific label these days (I got a whole video about it at if you're curious), and #sexPositive - I'm #bisexual and #polyamorous , he's straight and monogamous, but totally cool with other models, as long as it's all #consensual . We also (so many commonalities!) are both quite #artistic - he's mainly into #portrait #photography while I'm into #illustration both #digitalIllustration and #traditionalIllustration .

While we're still figuring out the structure of the podcast, the idea is to have a few somewhat disparate sections to it - gaming/ #comics / #cosplay /etc, then brief reaction to current #politics / #news (like #feminism , #LGBTQ , #racialJustice , anti- #capitalism , and so much more), and (hopefully) an interview with someone interesting ( #sexWorker , #activist , #artist , etc...whoever we can find that seems like they'd be a good fit for the pod! Then finally, maybe an "ask us anything" advice/reaction section to round out the episode.

I'm thinking we aim for <= 2 hours, one episode per month, but if we really get into it, maybe an episode every other week. I'm still gonna have to edit it and I have a lot else on my plate so I don't want to overextend myself too much. If we happen to stumble into wild success maybe I could hire someone else to do that part in the future, then we could record more often :p

On some subjects, of course I will defer to his expanded first-hand experience, like #racialInequality . And on other subjects, it'll be mostly my turn to step onto the soapbox, namely about what it's like to be a woman in this #misogynist #sexist world. We've chatted for many hours over the years and always gotten along swimmingly, so I don't anticipate undue friction in the longterm (a benefit of having so many like-minded opinions already). But I still think we have enough difference in life experiences to provide an interesting perspective on a variety of topics.

What do you think? Does any of that seem interesting to you? What kinds of things / people to interview would you like to see on a podcast created by a pair of different similar leftist nerds? Would you listen to such a podcast? Please, lay your feedback on me! All replies welcome, as long as you're not being a total jerk ❤️

strypey, to Israel

Most of you will have seen recent news media reports of an Hamas attack on Israel, resulting in Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu issuing a formal declaration of war:

A bit of context.

Netanyahu and his Likud party are ultranationalists, who claim a right to land Palestinian people have lived on for thousands of years;

"The Jewish communities in Judea, Samaria, and Gaza are the realization of Zionist values."


#Israel #Hamas


Yes, the on progressives is intense still to this day, the West have refined and vilifying, mostly labeling a public figure who opposes the as a and/or . They did that even against in .

In the 1930s they were '', but in today's era of we prefer the term '", especially over positive-sounding terms like ''.

toplesstopics, to Youtube avatar

posted this ominous warning at the top of my studio: "Under our existing external links policy, violative URLs posted within the video itself or in the video's metadata (titles, descriptions, and tags) may result in the video being removed."

If you click "learn more," it takes you to their "external links policy," which is laughably vague, just like their in-general page. You can read it yourself here: Note how they repeatedly say "this is not an exhaustive list," and there's no mention of nudity, only "pornography"--meaning it's up to that particular algorithm's programming bias what counts as "prawn" or not (to say nothing of the insanely blatant and viewpoint within the that "female-looking nipples are 'nudity' but male nipples aren't" 🙃)

The absolutely wildest thing is, if youtube would just give me half the effin leeway that they do these many other accounts that post FULL BODY, FULLY UNCENSORED nudity, I wouldn't need to direct people anywhere else to see the "patriarchy-unapproved" version of my videos. Honestly, this is pretty crazy...I learned long ago not to post any kind of clickable link anywhere in a youtube description or comment (after getting for linking to my own website, and a twitter post of mine, and a tumblr post, and a link to a discord server intended to serve as a resource guide and community for intersex people...) but getting these threats that even just having the url to my site on my page can get a video banned.

If you're a or who only posts your content to Youtube, I highly encourage you to start packing now, and get your feet into some less-faschy alternative platforms-- is a great place to start (you can comment if you want me to try to direct you towards more specific resources). Because if you "keep all your eggs in one basket," you're going to end up with egg all over your face (and none left to survive off of) once capitalism kicks that basket out of your hands.

se23, to UKpolitics

Tomorrow is TurningPointUK's monthly outing to demo Drag Story Time at our Honor Oak Pub.

Poster child this month is Laurence Fox newly banned by the far right GBNews for being too far right with his shocking misogynist attack on a jourmalist this week. Also banned was Calvin Robinson GBNews personality and TurningPoint organiser.

Will they dare to pollute our neighbourhood?

toplesstopics, to anime_titties avatar

A (quickly drawn) page for my "Day in the Life of a Activist" about the aggravation of dealing with / s who try to co-opt my fight for anti into normalizing FULL BODY nudity... I don't know how much is ignorance and how much is deliberate.

I think the disconnect comes from a place of self-centeredness, especially from cis men... It's such a revolutionary concept to try to see the world from the viewpoint of someone without their same that they HAVE to twist the argument around to something that they, themselves can benefit from as well. And since men ALREADY get to go topless anywhere in public and online that they like without getting or arrested for "sexually explicit nudity" then it's only freeing their lower parts that also interests them... Because that's currently a privilege NONE of us enjoy (except of course for the handful of places that allow nonsexual nudity, which tend to be very ableist and economically privileged to even get to.

They just can't see how the fight for is about giving the same rights to all s, not just men... Simply the (and indeed ) societal standard that says "female-looking nipples are 'sexually explicit nudity' while 'male-looking nipples' are not." does that make sense?

Inb4 "not all " and/or - - search the web the "not all..." fallacy if you want to know why that's a bs deflection from the argument. I don't have time to keep belaboring that point.

empiricism, to uk

Is the #UK turning into an authoritarian #police state?

“In the light of recent reports confirming that the Met is institutionally #racist, #misogynist, #homophobic & corrupt, it beggars belief that...the current government’s response has been to provide them with even more draconian powers to crack down on protest

toplesstopics, to makeup avatar

Currently fighting my issues as I try to film my daily Tiktok/Instagram/YouTube shorts despite having a fking breakout, yet feeling the fierce need to reject that dictate a woman should have a full face of (but look "natural") to be allowed to show her face online and in public 🙃

GW, to random

Beware the Men Who Double Down

When Luis Rubiales, the president of Spain’s soccer federation, faced global backlash for kissing Jenni Hermoso, a member of the Spanish team that won the Women’s World Cup, he did not exhibit remorse or embarrassment.

There are as many species of misogynists as there are infectious diseases

These men cannot be shamed for their behavior, not even when confronted with irrefutable evidence

#misogynist #narcissist #Rubiales

GW, to random

‘To his followers, this man is a messiah!’ Matt Shea on his long fight to expose Andrew Tate

Despite constant death threats, documentary-maker Shea has been investigating the world’s most notorious misogynist since 2019 But even he was shocked by what he uncovered

recent survey by Hope Not Hate which found that 52% of 16- and 17-year-old boys in the UK have a positive view of Andrew Tate

#tate #misogynist #rape

Your children, your nephews are watching Tate right now’

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