
anachronology avatar



The research and study of unknown, possible, or suspected histories



I exist, I think

jaror avatar



All the side effects were never mentioned to me
I am innocent of uncontrolled abuse

muse avatar



If you're reading this, Kbin has magically worked again. Our admin seems to be in desperate need of a team. Send help.

CoffeeAddict avatar



I am nothing without my morning coffee.

Co-Moderator for @Neoliberal on kbin.social

Other aliases:
Mastodon: @CoffeeAddict
Lemmy: @Coffee_Addict

KarthNemesis avatar



hello, i am just a friendly lurker at heart
...recovering recluse

I think you're neat.

FfaerieOxide avatar



I've been called "a giant faggot" but I'm medium at most. ♥️



My other account is Moldy@programming.dev PM me there if messages refuse to come through to this one.

TheMoreClubNY avatar



Exclusive Social Sports Club for Business leaders.

Nachoman_Randy_Sandwich avatar



Ohhh yeahhh

JosephTJames avatar



Zimbabwean/Australian communist. I love parkour, martial arts, biology, video games and nerdy stuff

snarf avatar



Surfin', cruisin', snarfin'. I like food.

AirborneRadio avatar



Reddit refugee just trying to find a place that isn't shit
Nihon Falcom, Zero Escape, PerfumeJP, and D4DJ fan

PC: AMD Ryzen 7 5700x, EVGA RTX 3070Ti XC3 Ultra

karrbs avatar



Creator of Content, Code, and Coffee
Current Game:


digitalmarketingcompanymumbai avatar



Empower your digital presence with Mumbai's premier digital marketing company. Specializing in SEO, PPC, social media marketing, and content creation, we tailor strategies to drive engagement and boost conversions. Partner with us for innovative solutions and exceptional growth in the competitive digital landscape of Mumbai.

Sabata11792 avatar



DM me cute anime girls.

Pamasich avatar



Software Developer, Switzerland
Languages: German, Allemanic (Swiss German), English
Hobbies: Gaming, Anime

I almost only watch seasonal anime.
As for games, I currently mostly play Star Rail, Noita, and Shotgun King.

ripperonline avatar



At Ripper Online, we pride ourselves as one of Australia's premier online retailers and wholesalers, specializing in a diverse range of products including CCTVs, Security Alarms, Antennas, and HiFi accessories. With a commitment to quality and customer satisfaction, we offer an extensive selection of cutting-edge technology and reliable security solutions. Our dedication to excellence, paired with competitive pricing and exceptional customer service, ensures that our clients receive top-notch products.

Kierunkowy74 avatar



Today's social media transform us into merely numbers.
No problem for me.

Alts: @Kierunkowy74 (kbin.earth) @Kierunkowy74 (PieFed)
Polish account: @Kierunkowy74
Mastodon: @74 or @Kierunkowy74 (alt)



Say goodbye to dishwashing woes with our Dishwasher Repair service in Tacoma. We offer professional repair services for all types of dishwashers, regardless of the brand or model. Our experienced technicians can tackle any issue, from drainage problems to electrical faults. We strive to provide fast, reliable, and affordable repairs, so you can enjoy the convenience of a fully functional dishwasher. Trust us to handle your appliance with care and expertise. Schedule your

wyvernwaddell avatar



I'm just this chick, right? Amateur android hacker, ebike builder and owner of six of the worlds coolest parrots. Zen Buddist by habit and preference.
Bicycles, camping, pagan festivals and science fiction are my hobbies.

glomag avatar


  • Scientist

  • Beer Drinker

  • Advocate for distributed / user-supported communities and media

I wish that I was skinnier but I love beverages.

simonwood avatar



Lecturer in Medical Education at Cardiff University, lapsed mathematician, garden railway builder & Doctor Who appreciator.

LinusWorks4Mo avatar



came from reddit and haven't looked back

Ranger avatar



Hello! o/

livus avatar



If you like international and eclectic news, come and join me at @worldwithoutus (Link for Lemmy = worldwithoutus).

I've also started helping out at @worldnews, (Link for Lemmy = worldnews), @movies, (Lemmy = movies), and am a ghost at @13thfloor (Lemmy = 13th Floor).

buyativanonline1 avatar



About Ativan (Lorazepam)

Ativan is an anti-anxiety medication. and it has soothing and anticonvulsants. It is the first line of treatment for managing acute and short-term anxiety and allied conditions. It helps reduce stress and induces a calming effect on the brain and body and now you can Buy Ativan Online from a legit pharmacy



If You like RPG, fantasy/horror stories or text-based games/interactive fiction/gamebooks, I invite You to my blog: https://adeptusrpg.wordpress.com/


@jerzone@techhub.social avatar



Mt biker, hiker, trail runner, programmer who likes mapping, electronics, tinkering, photography, 3d printing, and slowly learning CAD.
Profile is older b&w dog with head sticking out from under bright blanket.
Header image of black cat peaking out from dark blue blanket.
I’m detecting a theme …

@realTuckFrumper@mastodon.social avatar



A news center for the Left. I say bad things!

@Passamezzo@mastodon.social avatar



Musician, historian and mother.
Early music specialist and historical consultant for film, television, radio and theatre.
Director of early music ensemble, Passamezzo.
Also #cats #bridge

@3sat@zdf.social avatar



3sat macht den Kopf an. Hier wird's auch mal ein bisschen nerdig - das geht sich schon aus.

@br00t4c@mastodon.social avatar



Woke Antifa Mobster. 24/7/365 stream of: news, salty commentary and vitriol from a mostly leftist/progressive perspective. News feed is my own custom, hippie-biased algo. Commentary is me. I try to answer in a somewhat timely manner but often fail, so... sorry. #fedi22 #news #resist #antifa #woke #politics #socialjustice #fbr #ifb #science #openscience #openaccess #opendata #reproducibility #opensource #foss #privacy #based

@jrconlin@soc.jrconlin.com avatar



Got two Turing tables and some microcode.

I work on back-end server-y type stuff at a place that keeps rockin' the free web. I like rust, python, and horrible puns (not necessarily in that order).

I tend to be nice for selfish reasons (I don't like hanging out with jerks).

#programming #rust #python
#mentoring #DadJokes
#fedi22 #searchable

@jeanneavelo@framapiaf.org avatar



Principalement #vélotaf et #vélo utilitaire à #Orléans 🇫🇷 / tenancier d'un #blog #wordpress sur le même thème. Contenus originaux et traductions.

Homme amateur de bilboquet, de robe de chambre et de quiche à l'oignon. :mageia:

Note 🇬🇧/🇺🇸: I can read English and I can nearly write in English if I really need to (albeit slowly 😇).

@SocraticEthics@mastodon.online avatar



🇺🇦Clearing House for Ukrainian News and War Updates from multiple English source located around the globe. News may be in real time or as close as possible.
Not a bot.
⚠️Warning: Videos and Photos may contain Graphic and/or Violent content depicting actual war footage. Viewer discretion is advised
💙Slava Ukrayini! Heroyam Slava!💛

@auschwitzmuseum@mastodon.world avatar


@gratefuldread@gratefuldread.masto.host avatar



Administrator of gratefuldread.masto.host, Fediverse instance of Grateful Dread Peace Media - Diverse Spectrum of the Left: aggregated LEFTIST news, arts, culture, activism, peace - always monitored #RevolutionaryLove - Natalie Davis, owner/editor

"I have no country to fight for; my country is the earth, and I am a citizen of the world." — Eugene V. Debs

"Way too fine to be this stressed." -- Lizzo

No Threads/Meta

@fluepke@chaos.social avatar



Hacker™️ | Arts | CCC | Technical Diver | AS208135 | Flipdots | InfoSec shitposts | NB on HRT | Bestatter deines Blockchain Startups | er/he | sivizius 💕

"Zusammenrottung aus dem Kreise der politischen Gegner mit Hacking-Affinität"

📢 Follow-Requests welcome. Please have a non-empty profile page or briefly introduce yourself, in case we don't know each other.

@tangee@mastoot.fr avatar



J'aime raconter des histoires, chanter et cuisiner (VG). Bobo wokiste écolo, féministe, catho.

Co-fondatrice de https://tooter.social/@Cybele - Visites contées et théâtralisées de #Lyon.

Photo de couverture : Adam et Eve sur un chapiteau de la Basilique de Vézelay.

Sur le fediverse depuis le 03 novembre 2022.

@DemocracySpot@mstdn.social avatar



#Queer #Southern #Hillbilly #Artist
#Photographer #Storyteller #Editor #DJ

"It was the freshest move I've ever seen—like he was floating on air." — #UtahSaints

"Nice and decent people...feel it." — #GrooveArmada

"This ain't no drill!" — #HoneyDijon

@vik@mastodon.nzoss.nz avatar



Aged RepRap core developer, ex- firefighter, emergency medic, longhair coder, Incident Creator at the Masterton Fab Lab, and a Twitter refugee.

"Si potest non bonum esse, cave."

@Diablo@c.im avatar



"El Diablo existe, yo todos los días lo veo en el espejo"

@rdrozd@101010.pl avatar



Na co dzień Świat Czytników, e-booki/czytniki, bieganie, symetryzm, fotografia i Wikipedia. Kiedyś WebAudit i pisanie o UX/marketingu.

@airwhale@mastodon.social avatar



Hi all, I am Tormod 🇳🇴🇸🇪 (he / him)

My days are spent as a consultant in enterprise IT organizations, mainly focusing on teamwork and the people side of delivery. In particular with coaching, processes and enabling teams to work better together across departments and vendors.

My passions are in the areas of #photography, #graphicdesign, #typography and #music. And, of course, family ❤️

Happy to talk to anyone, and I will assume you're awesome until proven otherwise.

@neofinder@mastodon.social avatar



The amazing Digital Media Asset Manager Software, aka Photo Library, aka Video Library, aka Music Library, aka Disk Library, for macOS and iOS.

NeoFinder knows where your data is.
Catalog folders and entire volumes.
Find Duplicates. Edit metadata, ratings, keywords.
Create photo contact sheets, video contact sheets, web galleries.

Was CDFinder.

Written by Norbert M. Doerner in Germany.

#Bonn #Germany #Software

@Loukas@mastodon.nu avatar



Journalist, teacher, Londoner, Stockholmer.

Editorial worker at Freedom news.

Writing about autism, ADHD and disability.

Profile image description: me on a balcony
Background image description: dry grass reviving after winter

@mgorny@pol.social avatar



Tu piszę po polsku, tak jakby.

Gdybym miał opisać siebie w dwóch zdaniach: 1) jestem #kot (mam 3 koty, które to potwierdzą), 2) mając do wyboru N opcji, wybiorę opcję (N+1).

Pracuję nad #Gentoo, od 2010. Opiekuję się paczkami języka #Python, #LLVM, #Xfce. Jestem entuzjastą #OpenSource,

Wyznaję filozofię #CarFree. Lubię #natura i #kolej. Kręcę się wokół węzłów #Poznań, #Leszno i #Wrocław.

#MADAO. #AntyKapitalizm. #autyzm i #cukrzyca. Istnieje ryzyko narzekania i głupich dowcipów.


@FOSSGralnia@pol.social avatar



🎮 Polskojęzyczna grupa zrzeszająca entuzjastów gier komputerowych na otwartych licencjach, oraz organizatorzy wydarzeń związanych z tymi grami 🎮

Dołączcie już teraz, tylko na Matrix i Mumble!

@sharkitty@transgirl.cafe avatar



Queer and poly transbian shark-catgirl ​:blobhaj_heart_trans:​
You can refer to me either as Sharkitty, Shark, shork or Kitty ​:neocat_floof_cute:​

Moderator of transgirl.cafe ​:neocat_cofe:​

My gayness level on a scale from one to ten is: RecursionError: maximum recursion depth exceeded

I develop animation/VFX pipelines for a living. Most the tools I work on are #foss too! ​:neocat_floof_cute:​

I'm a beeg #linux nerd! I like playing video gaymes and riding longboards. I also practice Japanese fencing (Kenjutsu, Battodo and Iaido), as well as Jujutsu.

Am shork ​:blobhaj_table:​

I use #neovim btw ​:blobhaj_sunglasses:​

@ButterflyOfFire@mstdn.fr avatar



Nothing else matters.

Languages : ar, fr, kab

#FLOSS & #DataLove #fedi22 #TeamDZ #Algérie



Accomplish more every day.

TestFlight builds of OmniFocus 4 now available for Mac, iPad, iPhone, and Apple Watch.

#searchable #fedi22 #OmniFocus

@DenisCOVIDinfoguy@aus.social avatar



Sharing info on COVID since the start of the pandemic


💻 IT Systems Administrator
💪 GYMaHOLIC (COVID forced me to invest in a home gym)

@teixi@mastodon.social avatar



Teixi is a Software Craftsman.

Global Distributed Systems enabling Embedded Devices in Personal, Home, or Industrial Solutions.

Interested in Neuroscience LabTech & Non-invasive MedTech.

+++ #IoT #IIoT
--- #AI #AIoT

@gedeonm@mastodon.social avatar



Co-founder of Iconfactory.com, RIT alum, designer, emoji maker, Trekspert, aspiring chef, cancer survivor, doggo lover & all-around everyman.

"You're cool in my book" - LeVar Burton

ghed may-hew • he/him

#ProjectTapestry #LineaSketch #WallarooApp #StarTrek #Zelda #CritterCam #TeamOrca

@emill1984@101010.pl avatar



#esport, #podróże, #F1, #NASCAR #fotografia, #PilkaNozna, #IT
#giereczkowo dla Gry.interia.pl
socialki: http://lnk.bio/emill1984

Toots mostly in polish

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