
Holy what? That last paragraph. Did he really say that?

wick, (edited )

It does look like it was hacked, but I don’t have any experience with how a duplicate stream source plays out in a situation like this. Just that I can’t easily imagine how misclicks or a bad setup would result in this particular series of events in something like OBS.

The twitter and kiwifarms threads are predictably useless (also this one, c’mon guys, use your brains, we’re supposed to be better than reddit). According to the groypers Nick was outed as gay some time ago, but he prefers femboys over this kind of stuff. I’m not a Fuentes lore expert but I feel like I’ve heard this before so maybe it’s true.

Kinda funny to see the right eating itself alive in the kiwifarms thread with neonazis screaming crazy antigay bigotry on one side, and groyper neonazis coping hard on the other.

But what I really want to know is how the stream key was stolen. I hope whoever did it comes forward soon. I feel like the groypers aren’t going to be fazed by this and will just build themselves up with more conspiracy. It would be better imo to just slam Nick for his trash op-sec.




A Nazi troll. Really not worth thinking about.

@retrospectology@lemmy.world avatar

Just enjoy your ignorance on this one.


Agree with the other reply, but I will say one of his least terrible things but you may have heard about is he was a major source of Kanye’s “I love Hitler” tour. He was with him on almost every appearance, if not every one of them.




“I want attention, watch this.”

Stop. Talking. About. Nazis. And. FACISTS.

Unless they’ve actually done something like killed people or something. Covering shit like this is exactly what they need. They have no shame.

Ragdoll_X, (edited )
@Ragdoll_X@lemmy.world avatar

Posting about this in a place as left-leaning as Lemmy really won’t positively impact Fuentes in any way. We just get to have a good laugh at the fact that he and other Nazis are complete buffoons.

@Diva@lemmy.ml avatar

All reactionary politics is sexual pathology example #349598927


I’m not a big fan of this line of thinking, because it very quickly leads into “Every homophobe is a closeted homosexual”, which is some genuinely insane levels of victim blaming when you actually think about it. Are we seriously going to suggest that queer people are to blame for our own oppression? And for that matter, if homophobia is only enacted by closeted queer people, then what made them closeted in the first place? In a world where no straight person is every homophobic, no queer person would ever have felt any shame about who they are.


Thins are not as discreet as that.


Historically the church and then law made them closeted in the first place!

It wasn’t always abnormal for (wealthy) men to have male concubines or lovers- until the Abrahamic religions that is

The cool thing about (religious) propaganda is it doesn’t have to be true, it’s only biased on faith. Faith that these white men know the divine and will stop you from having a fearful afterlife. They don’t need proof, just faith. Few people get butthurt no one wants to hurt their butts and they ban it for everyone


I think usually when I see that idea, is more along the lines of “doth protest too much, methinks.” A lot of the most vocal homophobes are at least slightly bi or at least seem to like either , partly just because of how common being at least slightly bi is and they go out of their way to deny it. That can be true and still much more casual homophobia by straight people can still be the most common source of homophobia and what pushes people to extremes in their denial. But I also wonder if the argument is sometimes made in hopes of making people afraid of being too homophobic in fear of being seen as gay.


Shame is a hell of a motivator

@Diva@lemmy.ml avatar

it very quickly leads into “Every homophobe is a closeted homosexual”, which is some genuinely insane levels of victim blaming when you actually think about it.

I was being intentionally hyperbolic for comedic effect rather than trying to be totally nuanced.

There’s plenty of examples of people who are outwardly liberal being homophobic- it happens all the time towards people who are seen as ‘not on their team’ ie how often Democrats (online, comedians, etc) will mock someone like lindsey graham because he’s a bit queeny.

You also see it when liberals do stuff like portray Putin and Trump kissing because men kissing bad, right?


To be clear, this wasn’t a “call out” or whatever the fuck the kids call it now. I just think it’s really important to always interrogate the implications of our arguments. Things we say in jest can still reinforce dangerous or damaging ideas.


Are we seriously going to suggest that queer people are to blame for our own oppression?


I’ve never seen anyone make this claim.

It makes some sense that the people who violently bottle up all of their impulses, who are then the most unhappy about it, just to fit in with their right wing community are then the ones who A) think about it the most often, and B) imagine that the “devil’s temptation” and the repression thereof is normal for most people, when it really isn’t.

—But this isn’t the same as saying that only gay people are homophobic. It’s just a kind of pathology that leads to being the most militant about it. You end up working the hardest to fit in because you’re the most at risk of losing that.

But even more than that, I’m not sure I believe straightness is really “real.” If everyone is “a little bit queer”, and conservatives are the only ones rejecting that, then this is just an indication that their ideas don’t really pan out. They would claim straightness is normal, default, but they can’t hold themselves to it; it’s not actually possible.

So, those are two different answers to the one problem you’ve put forward, but in either case, or neither, I don’t really see this as the gays attacking themselves. The right wing is just kinda wack, you know?


If you’ve never seen anyone make the claim that every homophobe is a closeted homosexual, then congratulations, welcome to the Internet, this must be a really exciting first day for you.

And if you read it a little more carefully, you’ll notice that I was not accusing the previous commenter of making that claim. I said that their argument felt dangerously close to making that claim. It’s important to interrogate the implications of our arguments, even (in fact, especially) when they’re made in jest or for the purposes of mockery. It’s all too easy to get ourselves into mindsets that seem reasonable, but actually have really dangerous implications.


If you’ve never seen anyone make the claim that every homophobe is a closeted homosexual

No. This one:

queer people are to blame for our own oppression

This is a dangerous implication, but I don’t see it being made. In this thread. And elsewhere. I don’t see people, even conservatives, making this accusation.


Because no one makes that accusation directly. I’m really trying not to be a dick here, but you do know what “implication” means, right?

If every homophobe is a closeted queer person then that automatically implies that homophobia is only perpetuated by queer people. That’s not what people think they’re saying when they make that claim, but it is the only logical conclusion.

And just because you didn’t think about the implications of something, doesn’t change the fact that they’re there.


Your interpretation implies that the queer element of the oppressive queer conservative is the more substantive one.

I think most people correctly recognize it is the conservative element that is the more oppressive one.

I think even conservatives recognize this because the only time they don’t want credit for the nasty things they do is when they’d get in trouble. They like the oppression. They want the credit.

So, you are hearing people blame queer people. And I am hearing them blame conservatives.

A queer person is fine. Naturally. A queer conservative, well… what happened, right?

The fear you have then, I suppose, is that someone might hear the word “queer” or “lgbt” and think “Ah. You must be a conservative. Too bad you banned gay marriage for yourselves, hm?”, which is something I’m really trying to impress on you here: does not grok with me.

I don’t see this implication you’re worried about being reinforced—that means reflected in the other things people do and say—because this idea of the self-inflicted wound is not useful to anyone’s political ends.

Granted, maybe someday in the future, conservatives will try to use ideas like this to absolve themselves, the same way holocaust denial works.

But today, I only see people pointing out a strong hypocrisy among the conservative community. One that is conservative-self imposed: by living so inauthentically, they are placing themselves into a pressure cooker.

And further, because the ideal conservative lifestyle is so strict, as authoritarians are won’t to do, everyone is placed in this pressure cooker.

Heterosexuality, a different sexual pathology, is expressed very conservatively in the incel community.

Like, on some level, you are arguing against the adage “everything is about sex, and sex is about power,” which, as far as I know, is pretty well regarded. It’s not a secret that the right wing is insanely insecure.

I am sorry to have gotten a bit condescending here, but then I should be asking why you are giving me lessons on subtext.

I’ve looked at your comment history, you seem like a smart person. I don’t really understand where this is coming from.


If all black birds are ravens, then if a bird is black, by definition it is a raven.

If all homophobes are queer, then by definition all homophobia is enacted by people who are queer.

Therefore, the statement “every homophobe is a closeted queer person” automatically excludes all straight people from being capable of homophobia. The moment a straight person does something homophobic, they must, according to this line of thinking, actually be a closeted queer person.

And while the intent is to point out conservative hypocrisy, the effect, very subtly, is to craft a universe where straight people are absolved of any culpability for the existence of homophobia. It becomes, by definition, a queer problem.

I am not arguing against any of the things you seem to think I’m arguing against, nor am I making any of the points you seem to think I’m making. Everything in your previous comment is a response to an invention that exists solely in your head. I am making the point that I have just stated, as plainly as it is possible to state it. If you’re still not getting it, sit back, have a cup of coffee, and read it again.


Strawman argument and stupid


Please learn what that term actually means.


Methinks the computer protests too much. How’d conservatives make a gay chat bot?

squid_slime, (edited )

image of a press releasei am not sure how credible this is (cant verify whether this was only streamed to 1 of the 3 platforms) I’m all for bashing on a nazi but if what hes saying is true then we probably shouldn’t spread this as gospel

Edit: if false and knowingly supporting a factious narrative then this becomes a slur and not a report on a hypocritical nazi. what is said in the above link looks to be reasonable, as when streaming to multiple platforms it would be highly likely that this would be done from a single instance of obs, so when only 1 of the 3 hosting sites has gay porn streamed to it it is reasonable to believe that a hacker has hijacked the stream apposed to the nazi using 3 streaming applications, disconnecting 2 and continuing to watch gay porn on 1, nonsensical.


I don’t support Nick Fanta or any other political streaming mouthpieces, but just as you said this sounds like a plausible explanation and if true then we’d all be better off acknowledging the truth rather than running with sensationalist lies.

That is to say, the people that downvoted your comment are children who can’t employ critical thinking to see the uncertainty here-- or perhaps they know something we don’t.

Regardless, fuck this Nazi streamer in particular, and all like him. But goddamn people make sure you have your facts straight otherwise you make your opponents look more credible than yourself you tools. Seriously, you make everyone who supports your view look like idiots by being blatantly obvious idiots.


he sounds like a class A twat tbf.

saw a clip of the stream and seems very much like he was hacked as the video was not normal porn but a compilation akin to fail/shock videos.


was it just the porn, or was there anything that would indicate he was watching it? Because yeah it sounds very much like he might have been hacked based on the description of it only occuring on the one platform-- if it didn’t go through OBS, then it obviously was not him forgetting to turn off his stream…

but yeah, again, the dude has always sounded like a twat regardless


Telegram link in top right of the stream, and just porn full screen with multiple clips one after another, mostly fisting but hard to tell with the video being censored and seems to be sped up considerably.

Funny enough though I did see earlier reports of viewers seeing a tab open in the nazis browser linking to trans porn this was last year but ive not looked too much into that yet.


You’re admonishing us for not giving the (incredibly cliched) claims of an literal unabashed nazi the benefit of the doubt, but we’re the tools…? The man got caught looking at gay porn without disabling all his connections and now he must have been ‘hacked’ by someone who “most likely isn’t Israeli intelligence”. Take a look at yourself, man. He’s a NAZI. He doesn’t need or deserve your bizarrely moralizing support.


I am admonishing you for not acknowledging uncertainty that contributes to the credibility of your argument. It doesn’t matter who your opponent is-- if you use a false argument against them, you tarnish the credibility of your side.

khepri, (edited )

It would seem even more nonsensical that if he was streaming to 3 platforms at once using a single application, that a hacker could just hack a single one of those in-progress OBS streams and replace the content while leaving the others alone, without rebooting the stream or affecting the rest of OBS. But I have no clue what happened to be clear, I just don’t see how he was streaming to three places using a single OBS and somehow 1/3 of the output changes. Because it’s not like if just his Cozy got hacked, that would somehow allow a hacker to step into an-progress pre-recorded stream and take it over, you’d have to close the existing stream coming from whatever “webapp” he is referring to and start a new one, which is not what it sounds like happened. I’m not a OBS, Cozy, or streaming expert by any means, just my opinions based on this super limited info.


the stream had ended on all 3 hosting sites and then on 1 of the hosting sites a stream started up after seconds of the stream ending. it depicted a shock style compilation of gay porn. it was the type of video used to troll and not the sort for getting off to

@Tom_Hanx_Hail_Satan@lemmy.ca avatar

It’s not that I disagree with anything you said, except this. “If what hes saying is true then we probably shouldn’t spread this as gospel”

Why not? Fuck em. If John Q public knows who this guy is, it’s probably his connections to Kanye and Alex Jones. Maybe MTG. It’s up to the audience to scratch beneath the surface. If they do and they let people misrepresenting a nazi watching gay porn effect their opinion on fucking anything then John q public is a piece of shit desperate for both sides trash. If that’s the case, fuck em. That’s worst case scenario, best case scenario is more make up on all those fucking clowns.


Fuck em indeed but spreading falsities will only discredit the left. Besides character assignation is low brow fascist behaviour.


"The Jews hacked my site to make me stream gay porn!"🤣🤣🤣


As they are wont to do.


Gay Nazis… goddamn it why do Nazis ruin everything


Fun Fact: Ernst Röhm and The Brownshirts were super gay. Apparently during The Night of the Long Knives, Röhm and a huge amount of Brownshirts were scooped up during a massive gay orgy. I bet that was a wild ride until it ended in prison.

@FlyingSquid@lemmy.world avatar

As a Jew so Jewy that I moderate c/Jewish, I can tell you for a fact that I personally use the mind control setting on my space laser to make Nick Fuentes think about sucking cock all day.


Thank you for your service


dang, I gotta seriously reconsider not being jewish. All these perks sure seem worth the trouble

@FlyingSquid@lemmy.world avatar

Warning: You do have to cut off the tip of your penis.


My mil asked me to do that one. Never saw her again


Pshhh done. Next?

@FlyingSquid@lemmy.world avatar

Now that’s commitment. At least it was done to me when I was a baby so I don’t remember it.

@NOT_RICK@lemmy.world avatar

How many liters of children’s blood does that take?


You’re doing Yahweh’s work.


Those little hats are mind control transmitters, aren’t they?

@FlyingSquid@lemmy.world avatar

Please. They’re called beanies and some come with propellers.

(If I had a dollar for every time some idiot called a yarmulke a beanie…)

@dumbass@leminal.space avatar

Dude I think you got the coordinates wrong, you hit me instead.

@FlyingSquid@lemmy.world avatar

It’s a wide beam.

@dumbass@leminal.space avatar

S’all good, maybe swing it past again next week, you know for calibration…

@umbrella@lemmy.ml avatar

i kind of wanted to see the reactions too.


ah yes, a classic.


Is everything Republican rail against just self loathing projection?


A few of them are true Captain Planet cartoon villains in their hearts (McConnel, MangoBastard), but for the most part yes.


Every single member of Donald’s cabinet was comically evil. Like the sort of appointments that would happen in a comic book so that the reader knows for certain they are completely corrupt.

@captain_aggravated@sh.itjust.works avatar

I once heard someone try to say Captain Planet was actually harmful to discussions on environmentalism because it portrayed the “bad guys” aka oil barons, loggers etc. as physically deformed monster men who were cartoonishly Evil with a capital E, and people who watched the show as a child treat people who work at power plants or refineries or whatever as if they’re Just Evil and don’t have room to debate that stable grid power is exceptionally important.

But no turns out they genuinely are physically deformed monster men who are cartoonishly Evil with a capital E.


I’m yet to see a radical be against something and it not be because they hate themselves. Either they want others to suffer like them, or to struggle like they had to, or to not let the “unworthy” be more similar to them.

  • You can’t be gay! - probably closeted gay
  • you can’t work from home! - probably is a bad worker if noone is watching over them
  • You can’t abort! - probably did it themselves and regretted or are the result of a failed attempt
  • You can’t have x! - probably has x and doesn’t want others to be equal to them
  • You can’t use drugs! - probably uses drugs

I’m pretty sure my mother, who is staunchly against abortion, is only against it because my grandmother offered to pay to abort me and my mother refused the offer and regrets it. She was 18 and her aunt then refused to pay for her college because she got knocked up. But you get what you get, and she got a gay son. 🤷🏻‍♂️


The evidence is mounting. Pretty sure this has been researched by psychologists, does anyone know of a good book about this?


“I’m not gay no more, I am delivert!”


With a last name like Fuentes, the Nazis would have probably thrown him in a camp. I don’t understand why some people are white supremacists when they aren’t completely white. It’s like, are they racist against themselves? It’s like watching Dave Chapelle’s stand up routine about the blind, black, white supremacist. Are people like Fuentes for real?


…Spanish people are white.

ParabolicMotion, (edited )

I don’t think Nazis would have seen it that way. After all, most Jewish people those camps were pretty pale…


Spain was literally under fascist rule at the same time as Germany and Italy.


Holy fuck, open a history book.


I don’t think Hitler viewed the Spanish as equals. That’s all I’m saying.


Is there any evidence for this?

Spain didn't fight in the war but there was a sizable Spanish SS division fighting for germany, although pretty much every European country and ethnicity had an people fighting on German side.

ParabolicMotion, (edited )

The fact that Spain allowed a Muslim mosque to be built across from Cathedral of Saint Mary the Royal of the Almudena just makes me question it. Also, the fact that Hitler was NOT Catholic, makes me think he wouldn’t consider a country of Catholics and Muslims to be on the same level as his people. Hitler’s plan for a master race was to make a race of blond haired, blue eyed people; traits of Norway and Sweden. I will never understand Hitler on that one. He was a short, O+ male, with dark hair who wanted everyone to resemble tall, broad shouldered, blond haired, blue eyed, people who typically have an rh- blood type. I’m surprised the man didn’t throw himself into one of those camps.


They literally funded Francisco Franco


I’m sure they used other countries like a tool, but it doesn’t mean they saw them as equals.


Well yeah but they notoriously didn’t see anyone but Germans as equals


Exactly. This Fuentes guy is trying to join a club that would immediately deny him admission. He really needs to self reflect. Everyone should be laughing at him.


But he isn’t trying to join the NSDAP. He’s an American neo-nazi. They’re more closely affiliated with the know nothings and KKK if anything. American whiteness is their thing. Frankly they’d probably be more supportive of his family than mine because my family immigrated (from Germany) not crazy long ago. Will they eat him? Of course, but more because that’s just what they do


The KKK hated Catholics and would burn crosses on their lawns before chasing them out of town in the 1960’s. He has a Spanish last name, and you think he has ties to the KKK? Spain is heavily Catholic. The KKK would be burning a cross on his family’s lawn.

I come from a Catholic family that lived in the South.


I guess that was their belated apology for having burned a cross on the lawn of their distant Catholic relatives. You gotta love the South.


What's wild is the South had way too much power and have spread their backwardness internationally.


Seriously. Try visiting a foreign country and asking for a Pepsi. The closer you get to the equator, the more likely they don’t sell Pepsi. They have Coca-cola, though.

Hegar avatar

'White' is a made up category that changes its meaning in different countries and contexts. All identities are arbitrary. If you derive social or material benefit from a fascist identity, you might decide it's worth it to be a fascist.

It's not uncommon for people who might be read as a marginalized identity to adopt an identity that hedges against being part of that marginalized identity - gay republicans, poor billionaire-stans, anti-immigration migrants, etc.


Right. I think grouping people by color would make much less sense than grouping people by something that actually matters in the event of an emergency. People have spent so many years hyper-focused on race, religion, color, and sexuality. When someone drops to the ground from cardiac arrest, no one cares about those things. What they should be asking is, “what is this person’s blood type, in the event they require heart surgery and need blood transfusions?” No one ever seems to care about the differences in people that can determine life or death at some point. No one ever cares about what really matters until it’s too late. Society wants to divide itself? That’s great! Let’s do that by blood type so everyone can live near their potential blood donors, and people they could potentially help in medical emergency. Everyone will just downvote this, I’m sure, and go right back to discussing racial supremacy and who said what to hurt someone else’s feelings, in the political arena.

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