I Tried Reddit Again and it Sucks Now

I installed the official Reddit app and went on it to see what the old place was looking like now. My inbox was filled with spam. The “home feed” shows subs I never subscribed to. There are so many ads. Between the ads and the the extra subs in the feed, it’s hard to just scroll. I also noted a lot of spam in some of the subs. Maybe they are subs with no mods? I’m not sure what’s up with that.


It does suck I’m presently suspended at the moment for abusing the report feature by reporting a Nazi supporting targeting Georgia grand jurors. Not only do they frequently not remove Nazis you can get suspended for reporting Nazis. I’m done with reddit for good. It’s a cesspool like Twitter.


Yeah its not going to be surprising if a few of their employees are nazis

@TruTollTroll@lemmy.world avatar

Dude the same thing happened to me when I got in an argument with a mod! only our was about Muslim crimes that happened and me saying they were bad.(the one where the teachers was accused of showing Muhammad but did no such thing and was killed) yeah i said thay was bad! . The mods, they said I was committing islamaphobia?! Then he reported me for harassment for arguing with him and boom… banned… Fuck reddit a d the mods!!


You’re doing God’s work. Never stop reporting fascists wherever you see them.

Uranium3006 avatar

Spez is a Nazi. Welcome to the resistance


Do you drool every now and then when you forget to close your mouth because you’re so concentrated to breath so you don’t die? Because, you’re either retarded or… Well, no “or” because no sane person can have such an utterly stupid take, calling someone a Nazi, a fucking Nazi (!), because his views don’t align with yours. Wow, dude, wow.


I think jumping straight to calling Spez a Nazi is ridiculous.

On the other hand, Reddit has repeatedly aggressively looked the other way when it came to communities that blatantly violated the rules such as The Donald, jailbait, etc, while cracking down on and banning far milder users and communities.


spez. nazi. spazi.


I hadn’t heard of that idea as yet. He’s not generally well liked, given his position and personal role and the enshittification process of Reddit and generally entitled attitude possessed of many similarly wealthy people. I mean put more simply he certainly seems to be a dick, but I hadn’t heard he was in some way associated with Nazism. What did he do?


He’s not a nazi they’re just throwing shade


He is a Trump supporter at the very least.


LOL don’t think about it too hard. Nazi = “people I don’t like”. AKA Godwin’s law.


I mean, reddit kept t_d around for years after they helped organize a nazi rally.


That sounds much more like corporate interests and a related lack of will to get embroiled in moderation than evidence of ideological preference.

The t_d folks liked to go to Reddit to organise their nazi rallies and that basically just meant more traffic for Reddit which on a crude level is generally good from Reddit’s perspective. It can be bad when it scares advertisers or when it drives away a larger amount of traffic from people put off by an apparently Nazi bent to the website they came to for killing time, compared to what they gained from a small group of freaks.

It’s one subcommunity of a very large forum website that from afar just looks like another, additional contingent of users. If they start to hear some grumblings about it being a bit fucked up to allow this kind of community they could be tempted to intervene but that would mean taking active moderation steps which companies like Reddit have mostly not seen as their job or priority, especially Reddit which gets other people to do it for them for free, and then on top of that there’s some degree of risk that doing so would damage the brand when it causes a stink and people start screaming censorship.

Eventually it becomes worth acting to get rid of something like this when enough stink is raised that news of the existence of the community and the types of discussions going on there goes mainstream and starts to spook advertisers and an actually large number of mainstream users.

This to me looks far more like a deeply held and passionate belief in the idea of “more money, and not less money” than for Nazism. I’m sure they’d just as soon embrace Nazism if the winds shifted and they thought on balance it’d work out more profitable to keep the right wing extremists happy than the rest of society, but at least right now it’s pretty much not the case so they’re forced to act despite a cynical reluctance wholly unrelated to ethos.


So they’re not necessarily nazis, but they were willing to platform nazis because it made them money?

I’m not sure “collaborating with nazis for profit” is a moral win here.


It isn’t. Just a different thing.


Of course he is not associated with nazism, the dude above is stupid af, throwing labels of nazism just for fun.

@Lev_Astov@lemmy.world avatar

Sir, this is the Internet and Godwin’s rule is law.


I reported extremely obvious spam repost bots and also got a permaban for “abusing reports”. Fuck em, they want rhe garbage content to overrun their site, they’re gonna get it.


I feel the whole point of this and Twitters bullshit was to get the lefties off of the last major social media left so everything can be Fox book ahead of the elections.


You should delete your account at r/redditseppuku


I ran shreddit to delete rest of my comments off the GDPR files that power delete suite missed. And it’s really fun seeing everything be deleted as the script is run.


They’re your comments and I understand the sentiment, but I do wish people didn’t delete their Reddit comments. Preserving what’s there will help people who look in the future - we just don’t have to add to it, and can (and should) devote our energies elsewhere.

Preserving but just adding a line after every comment directing people to Lemmy or wherever the user went would be much better.


That kind of built up history is exactly what keeps Reddit relevant though. It’s been the go-to place for so long that it stays just because it is where all the content is. And now with LLM’s any content you leave is going to get turned into a chatGPT bot to generate fake engagement for their ad numbers.

@falkerie71@sh.itjust.works avatar

To be fair, LLMs are still going to be able to scrape your content, and I’d say even more so since individual instance owners do not have big lawyer teams and dedicated server maintaining teams like in Reddit to protect their content from being scraped. My personal take is to just keep commenting and posting on the Fediverse and make this a better place over time, and just use adblockers whenever you need Reddit to find information.


No, but there is no monetary gain to scrape and repost on Lemmy. Reddit makes money when they do that, which means they’ll encourage it more.


I will never understand the desire to destroy human knowledge out of spite.


It’s not about spite. It’s about not wanting your past work and creativity to continue to help an individual and a company who are bad for society, and who are destroying a platform many people loved.


I assume you aren’t the kind of person who ever commented about DIY or code stuff then? If you were, hundreds of people would miss out on solutions to problems. Meanwhile, reddit and spez don’t lose a damn thing, except maybe a few hundredths of a cent here and there. If you’ve ever posted anything useful to reddit, you would be hurting people who are trying to use the Internet to help them in exchange for the idea of “getting at” some random CEO who doesn’t care.

On the other hand, if you never posted anything useful to anyone, carry on.


if you’ve never posted anything useful to anyone

First of all, I’ve put painstaking effort into a lot of contributions. It hurts to delete them. Second of all, I don’t need to be a contributor to be impacted by people deleting valuable comments, but I still support the deletion.

Reddit had become the “go-to” place for finding trustworthy user reviews, and it’s been shoring up weaknesses in Google’s search engine for a few years now. They don’t deserve the reputation of being that platform because they regularly abuse and alienate good-faith contributors, and the CEO of the company has been caught multiple times in lies and completely unprofessional and untrustworthy behavior.

Fortunately, there are backups of Reddit and archive systems. It’s time for users who care about contributing to bring their value elsewhere, where we can build new ecosystems of user-powered value and knowledge sharing.


Yep, that people continue to have the strongest reaction to deleting content shows that it is the only thing that has any impact, since it actually costs something unlike other actions that are as useful as virtue signaling.

All those old archives is what leads to click throughs and creation of new accounts too. I’m not sure why people think it just exists in a time capsule. After all that’s how lot of people end up creating accounts. Discovering they like the content or community after being recommended it by another user or search engine, and joining and contributing to it.

And there’s always archive.org too that backs up content.


My guy I am on this platform. Notice how this is not reddit? The reason why I have the “strongest reaction” is not because I support reddit, but rather because I have the experience of needing to solve some really hard problem, which leads to an ancient reddit thread with a deleted comment. It sucks. It’s still worth searching, because it’s rare that the answer has been deleted, and it’s still worth clicking, because you can’t tell the good answer was deleted. So reddit company gets the same clicks and data. It just sucks for the person, because you’ve deprived them of useful information. Archive really does not search that well a lot of the time. Yes, it’s possible that brand new internet users could be convinced to get a reddit account based on your comment. But if you edited it instead to add a link to lemmy and cite why reddit isn’t useful, you would probably do a lot more for them not going to reddit. After all, deleted comments are common far before the protests.

My criticism is loud only because I am confident it is a misguided effort to say “fuck you” to “the man” that undermines the work and hobby of thousands of real people.


Sounds like deleting is the best route to take.


This is some advanced reasoning skill you are exhibiting right now.


I can’t take all the credit. Your response was the most compelling one in favor of deletion.


The built up history gives Reddit momentum, but it’s not like when you Google a solution to some tech issue and find a Reddit post from 2017 that solves it, that’s materially contributing to Spez’s IPO-chasing metrics. No, that’s all about engagement, and active current users.

When you delete your history, you’re just reducing the total information available to random people who are looking for it. It may feel good lighting it on fire but that’s about it.

If we stop using it, it’s just a historical record. Stopping using it is enough.

@Appoxo@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

Ar least archive it, so archive org gets the engegemant instead of reddit.com

@Karlos_Cantana@sopuli.xyz avatar

I keep my account up because I’m in subs that have technical help for certain hardware and software and haven’t migrated anywhere. I have lots of answers to issues that can be very helpful when searching. It sucks that Spez has forced so many people to delete important help like that.



it is time. a month away from my reddit account has proven I don’t have any desire to return. Damn Spez, way to shoot yourself in the face you fucking bellend.


Don’t know what you mean. I don’t have hard statistics but it seems pretty apparent that Reddit weathered the storm well, just as he said they would.

Sure, some users got very angry with Spez and Reddit but ultimately didn’t go anywhere. They continue to complain about Reddit on Reddit.

Sure, some users left entirely but I’m certain many many more chose to subject themselves to the data-mining, ads, and pop-up notifications in the official app, thereby continuing to contribute to increasing Reddit’s value.

If Twitter has taught us anything, it’s that once you’ve built a sufficient userbase, there’s almost nothing they won’t tolerate.

vivadanang, (edited )

I don’t have hard statistics but it seems pretty apparent that Reddit weathered the storm well, just as he said they would.

did I say I had hard statistics saying Reddit was going down?

No, no I didn’t, but you imagined that and just ran with a few paragraphs retorting it lol.

Damn Spez, way to shoot yourself in the face you fucking bellend.

he’s lost thousands of mods. you know, the idiots (like me) who did exceptional amounts of free labor, keeping the place clean and fun. you can already see the effect in multiple subs, the spammers are back in force.

that’s how he’s shot himself in the face. They’re never going to go back after this shit, and now that lemmy exists, people are moving on to the better alternative.

LOL, oh yeah, Twitter’s doing great. How’s that advertising working for 'em?


Please, don’t reply to something you’re making up in your head in response.

bwahahahaha all the new rising posts on reddit are crypto scams. lemm.ee/post/6038434

that’s working out great for spezzo


did I say I had hard statistics saying Reddit was going down?

…did I say you did?

No, no I didn’t, but you imagined that

Please, don’t reply to something you’re making up in your head in response.

Pot meet kettle.

oh yeah, Twitter’s doing great. How’s that advertising working for 'em?

What does advertising have to do with the number of people on the platform?


silly me, I didn’t know how accurate your username was. gonna block this idiotic discourse because you either can’t or won’t read, or are just shitposting.


More like blocking me because of what a giant buffoon you’ve made of yourself

@x4740N@lemmy.world avatar

Star trek fan op?

@Karlos_Cantana@sopuli.xyz avatar

I am. Why is that pertinent?

@Resol@lemmy.world avatar

You’re not alone. Reddit is now basically just a shadow of its former self. And it’s all to make money.

Don’t you love it when big companies practice corporate greed? Because I f***ing don’t.


Reddit is nothing but a bunch of violent thugs , I had the sheer nerve to suggest non-violent passive resistance might be a viable form of protest and I was met with wave after wave of hateful responses and a downvote brigade.


Peaceful protests are a convenient way to gather everyone that disagrees with you and slaughter them all, unarmed. Just ask China about the year 1989


Or ask the British empire in India in 1947… Peaceful protests won them their independence and started the ball rolling for decolonialization worldwide.


Now tell me what happened to MLK


End result? Civil rights legislation and the end of Jim Crow Laws. He did die though, but all his immediate goals were accomplished and significant progress was made on his major goals and he is a hero to millions.


I noticed when signed out, there is a lot more fight videos, rate me, am I ugly, kinda clickbait stuff that’s wasn’t there before the API change. It’s gross, like being on youtube while signed out.


I don’t know what’s going on there, but I’ve had a shitton of commenters on old thread comments that are months or a year+ old. Who is digging up old threads and replying to them, and why?

This maybe happened once a year before the whole API debacle, I’m getting 2-3 a week now.

@Karlos_Cantana@sopuli.xyz avatar

I’ve gotten a couple. I went through their profiles and they are making hundreds of comments a day to seemingly random subs. I can only assume that they’re bots.


I’m not using Reddit since the whole API stuff got closed. However I posted something to get some tech help on a specific service online. Despite being nothing wrong with my post it was getting down voted. The mod perked up and said it’s just Reddit and just get used to it. No thanks.

I miss the amount of content that would make me laugh but I don’t miss the utter dickheads that reside there. I’m sticking with Lemmy.


Infinity for Android is subscription only as of August 31st so it’s time to pull the plug for me!


I still believe all the big subs are just bots. Yes, social media communities tend toward an echo-chamber (that’s true on Lemmy and Mastodon depending on your instance and the people and communities you follow) but Reddit’s echo chambers are on another level. It’s basically that “danger to our democracy” video in written form.

I like to be surprised on the Internet. I like to hear and read something I haven’t heard or read before, and on Reddit, outside of some niche small communities, that’s not possible anymore. I suppose a part of it is because the powermods have way too much power on Reddit and they’re very ban happy even for total bullshit. So over time, only bots and people who can conform to the ever tightening rules stay on.


still use old dot, but the moment that goes away so do I


Can you Say why


I can tell you my personal experience with this.

•there’s a lot of content on the surface, but most of it comes from automated accounts and reposts. Posting anything on any subreddit is increasingly hard. Mods and users do what they can

•the anti spam automated system is off the roof, you can easily trigger that with a new account, and both mods and users can fall victim of that.

•the recommendation system is liquid filth. You touch a post once, now you’re getting flooded with content from that subreddit. You can turn off the recommendation system deep in the settings, certainly not in a user friendly context.

•notification galore: even if you turn off those recommended posts, those can be notified by the app (or via email) at any given time. So I accidentally interacted with some awful subreddit, now I’m getting said subreddit notified at 4 am. Not even kidding here. Not even tiktok dared to send me as much notifications as the reddit app/website.

•lots of hate speech. If you leave the good subs, you can find openly racist posts (muted shitpotlicssay after n-word posting, both in the title and in the comments) and extremism in general.

Unfortunately it’s still a useful resource for technical subs, which are still good, but reddit as a whole is fvched beyond belief.


Ok go on im listening


Honestly it’s what there is to it…those are my biggest gripes with that. I recommend using old reddit or just the site and turning off notifications. If you use their app as they want you to use it, it’s bad…


Those huge default subs are virtually impossible to comment in. Automods delete any posts that don’t conform to twenty different parameters. It’s maddening.

Explains how bots are the only activity in them, because they’ve been programmed to conform to posting rules that no human can possibly comply with.

@Linnce@lemmy.ml avatar

The content has become pretty boring too


One of my most favorite subs used to have the usual lovely posts and interactions. After the drama, one mod just posts a daily question. It’s boring. Hardly anybody responds. I don’t think people are allowed to post freely anymore, because it’s just full of these boring questions. One way to take down your subreddit.


Thousands of mods have moved on. The ones that left are probably doing fire control or nothing. It shows on how much spam is everywhere suddenly.


I deleted my account as part of the Great Reddit Exodus of 2023 but have periodically visited the site since without an account.

Many of the posts I see now seem really sensationalist and almost like they were created by bots. Of course, maybe Reddit was always that way and it just some time being away for me to realize that.

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