
Palestinians started the conflict, Ukrainians didn’t.

Palestinians overwhelmingly support terrorism, Ukrainians don’t.

Palestinians want to subject you to Islamic law, Ukrainians don’t.

They’re hardly the same. They don’t deserve to be treated the same by the media or by you.


killing is killing lol

@Akasazh@feddit.nl avatar

Palestinians started the conflict, Ukrainians didn’t.

Debatable, the conflict is pretty old

Palestinians overwhelmingly support terrorism, Ukrainians don’t

That depends on what you call terrorism. There is a lot of terror, though.

@Akasazh@feddit.nl avatar

Palestinians started the conflict, Ukrainians didn’t.

Debatable, the conflict is pretty old

Palestinians overwhelmingly support terrorism, Ukrainians don’t

That depends on what you call terrorism. There is a lot of terror, though.

They’re hardly the same. They don’t deserve to be treated the same by the media or by you

They are very different, however they is a general trend in what superpower supports which side.

@RealFknNito@lemmy.world avatar

“What made you so radicalized?”

You did, Israel.

@Linkerbaan@lemmy.world avatar

No you don’t understand. Israel brutally barraged the car with bullets and murdered her entire family.

Then the 6 year old girl begged for her life on the phone so the khamass Palestinians sent an ambulance. Then israel shot the ambulance that was supposed to rescue her with a tank.

Then israel let this 6 year old girl which was begging for her life on the phone die a slow and painful agonizing death trapped in a car with her dead family members for at least multiple hours before dying from either an infection, being shot again, or a panic attack.

This clearly means that she died of natural causes so israel didn’t kill her directly and they aren’t responsive for this. Do you see how stupid you are sounding now?

By the way you forgot to condemn Hamas.


If only more media outlets were owned by Ukrainians.


I think your comparison is bullshit. Argument is not without merit but you chose a shit example that doesn’t make that argument


US corporate media lean in favor of Israel. As Abeer Al-Najjar (New Arab, 7/28/22) noted: “The framing, sourcing, selection of facts, and language choices used to report on Palestine…often reveal systematic biases which distort the Palestinian struggle.”

Maybe this will help.


3 of your examples are not American though, but British. The BBC and The Guardian certainly aren’t skimping on reporting facts about genocide in Gaza. This, and the fact that the context of the Gazan story is quite different, is why your argument has merit but this specific comparison isn’t particularly fitting.


You’re right. The meme could be better. I didn’t make it. I found it.


It’s also two completely different stories. One is about an air strike and someone who died in it. Another is about an air strike and someone who called for help and kept people on edge for days wondering if she would be rescued in time. Unfortunately, by the time they found her she was dead. These meme is outrage bait for emotional reactionaries.




Reactionaries are going to be outraged regardless. I don’t think we should cede the media narrative of a genocide to protect their feelings. The rise of fascism can only be countered with education or violence. I choose education.


When you so badly want to outrage others, you can find things to cause others to be so badly be outraged.

This meme is as bad as the “man in the street” interviews that only show you the side they want you to see.







EDIT: there’s tons of more articles just like this one.


Proceeds to show international news wires and international sources to show neutrality, thus steel manning the outrageous meme.

Edit: Find a NY Times or Washington Post next time to invalidate the meme.






What does steel manning mean in this context?


A stronger version of an argument that one is about to critically analyze.


ROFL! Not a single unbiased source among them. But it’s a good insight into where you get your programming from.

@bigMouthCommie@kolektiva.social avatar

no such thing as an unbiased news source. if you think there is, they are fooling you.


So… now you’re going to children’s education sources? Are you 12?


I thought you could use a basic understanding.


Says the kid that whines about shit that he’s not even old enough to vote against.


Media Literacy is helpful at any age.



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  • davel,
    @davel@lemmy.ml avatar

    I may disagree with some of Chomsky’s views, but Manufacturing Consent should be read in every high school in America.

    @davel@lemmy.ml avatar

    I think Chomsky & Parenti are intentionally kept out of the new, post-Trump media literacy curricula, because it would make people too literate. Just consider who was involved in crafting it.

    This week, the RAND Corporation released a new set of media literacy standards designed to support schools in this task.


    No one is going to give you the education you need to overthrow them. Nobody is going to teach you your true history, teach you your true heroes, if they know that that knowledge will help set you free.

    Assata Shakur


    You asked me to show a NYT article, I did- and now you don’t like it.

    My god this is so embarrassing for you.


    One of them was really good. The Wash. Post article was great too. Thanks for taking the time.

    @ComradeKhoumrag@infosec.pub avatar

    Ap and Reuters are more reputable journalists, but most of the ““news”” is broadcast by spin sites like CNN/fox/MSNBC/whatever crap


    You’re the one doing the man in street thing though. The post’s point holds up statistically yours doesn’t theintercept.com/…/newspapers-israel-palestine-bi…



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  • TokenBoomer,

    One of your examples was from 2021, before the current conflict. It doesn’t help your argument that you have to go back so far to find examples.



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  • TokenBoomer,

    Hope’s the only thing that keeps me going. Thanks for helping me raise awareness about the genocide in Gaza.


    You’re too ignorant to discuss this shit with. Go away.


    It’s my post. Kinda difficult to leave.


    Walk away kiddo.


    I’m in a car, miles from home. That would be unwise.


    As has been pointed out to you before- many times…

    How is it that you’ve managed to have the unpopular opinion on a site that’s dominated by socialist propaganda? You seem to embarrass both yourself, and your cause with everything you say.

    Just stop man. It’ll be better for everyone.


    Is the goal to be popular? Did I miss that in the sidebar for the instance?

    My goal is to fight misinformation and groupthink. If that makes me unpopular, so be it.


    Your unpopular TAKE on a site full of people that share the same ideology as you. How badly can one fuck up to manage that?

    Seriously… just reevaluate your entire stance on things and stop embarrassing yourself here.


    I don’t know you, but your personality sucks.


    I don’t know you, and I don’t care.


    It would be a really wise move to work on that.


    What part of “I don’t know you and don’t care,” led you to believe that your advice carries any weight here?


    Yes, keep going chimp


    I’m confused. What is this trying to say?


    They’re trying to say terrorism doesn’t deserve a response and genocidal psychos like the Palestinians/Hamas are the same as Ukrainians.

    And people are stupid enough to buy it.


    It’s a common propaganda tactic to use slightly different terms for the same thing, depending on how the victims are viewed by a country and its media. Some people die, as if they were doomed anyway, or as if they were just statistics in a paper. Some others are killed, like actively by the hand of the enemy, which makes it tragic and sad.
    It’s one of the differences between unworthy and worthy (of media coverage, or consideration by the public) victims.

    @Jerb322@lemmy.world avatar

    That the little girl just “died” and wasn’t “killed” by Israelis. “Baby killed by Russians” “baby died because we didn’t get there fast enough”


    Well, the second part is true, but they couldn’t get there fast enough because the Israelis killed the EMTs too.

    reflex, (edited )
    reflex avatar

    I‘m not sure if you interpret more into the words than there is. If you read the articles text thoroughly you’ll find a difference in those deads.

    • The dies-articles: „after phone calls“ , „after x days in car“, „days after cry for help“ and others. Those are all after some time.
    • The killed-articles: „in a air strike/ rocket attack“ which is immediately.

    This sounds quite correct from a grammar point of view. Still, it’s sad for the kids and family.

    @snek@lemmy.world avatar

    I noticed the stories covering that little girl’s killing don’t implicate the IDF at all, even though we have enough evidence.


    Elohim killed that girl because she worshipped Allah. /s


    That our media has a double standard, a bias for supporting Israel. Russia killed children in Ukraine, they say “killed”. Israel killed children in Palestine, but they won’t say that - instead, those children are just “dead”.

    Very little difference in practice because the killing by IDF is implied or deducted anyway - but it’s a difference in rhetoric.

    That six year old child was not “dead”, she was killed by Israel. Her relatives, whose corpses she spent her last days surrounded by, were killed by Israel.


    I would say " found dead days after" sounds better then "killed by Israeli and found days after".


    I hate that I had to exist in this timeline of life.


    fked up society we live in…


    How much longer can we tolerate this as Americans? This evil committed in our name while the domestic situation and infrastructure crumbles while we see disaster on the horizon …

    Arnt they supposed to at least keep us distracted with bread and circus? It’s like they think so little of us anymore they don’t even need to try.


    Were all gonna die, arent we?

    There will just be a small subset that remain to work on the Boston Dynamics Slave-O-Matics that the ruling elite use for all their daily needs

    @Jerb322@lemmy.world avatar

    Get ready for the soylent green…


    People will chase you out of the room if you say you’re not voting for Biden for funding a genocide. Because “Trump very bad”. Watch ME get chased out, too, now. Lol


    If you’re American you have to vote for either Trump or Biden though, you don’t have the luxury of voting neither… in a two party system an abstention equals a vote for the winner.

    Yeah, Biden funds a genocide in Palestine. Trump would do the same (he did move the embassy to Jerusalem…) plus ALSO aiding the genocide in Ukraine as he is already doing with his aid cockblock policy.

    There are times when the genocide supporter is the lesser evil. I don’t envy your country one bit.


    You are right about supporting the lesser evil. Even so not voting literally does not tally your vote for any candidate. In a metaphoric sense, it could be interpreted that way by media outlets and others with a political agenda.


    Yeah of course it does not actually tally +1.

    But in a two party system the winner is decided by the difference between the two parties’ votes, so if A gets 20 and B gets 25 those 5 votes were decisive.

    Not voting, in this system, equals to voting for B: had you voted for A, the advantage would have been 4 instead of 5. By not voting as opposed to voting A, the advantage is 5 rather than 4 - that is, by not voting you effectively gave one vote of advantage to B.

    Again, not because your abstinence was actually counted for B, but because your lack of vote helped the advantage grow bigger. If Trump wins it will be also because of you.

    @bigMouthCommie@kolektiva.social avatar

    i fully expect to have other options on my ballot


    They will exist in name only. They’re not real candidates.

    @bigMouthCommie@kolektiva.social avatar

    they'll really be on my ballot.


    You can write in “Mickey Mouse” if you want to, same effect

    @bigMouthCommie@kolektiva.social avatar

    no. writing in mickey mouse is a vote for Mickey mouse. I want to vote for Cornel West or Jill Stein. you're spreading election misinformation


    Don’t forget Claudia De la Cruz.

    @bigMouthCommie@kolektiva.social avatar

    I am suspicious of psl


    That’s fair. I’m suspicious of the DSA. Rumor has it that Biden is going to step down before the convention and hand the nomination to Cornel West.

    I’m joking, but one can dream.

    @bigMouthCommie@kolektiva.social avatar

    biden is going to stay in all the way to november to spoil cornel wests chances


    Fingers crossed!


    Mickey Mouse has a better shot to win than either Cornel or Jill. But I suppose if you’re throwing a vote away, it doesn’t really matter.

    @bigMouthCommie@kolektiva.social avatar

    more election misinformation.


    Says the kid who thinks Biden is guilty of genocide. Dude… just STFU. Please.


    That’s cope though… as they are not going to get nearly enough votes to win, those candidates are irrelevant. It’s stupid but that is how it is. A vote for them is functionally speaking the same as not voting. Like yeah sure you’ll have “sent a message”, but it’s still a virtual vote for the winner. And you don’t get to complain about him: you could have helped by voting for the other one.

    It sucks that you have to choose the lesser of only two evils (assuming your vote even counts, because lol electoral college) but that is the American way.

    @bigMouthCommie@kolektiva.social avatar

    a vote for them is not functionally the same as not-voting. it counts for them. suggesting it doesn't is just more election misinformation.

    @bigMouthCommie@kolektiva.social avatar

    > you don’t get to complain

    stop me


    No one is going to stop you, but no one is going to care about what you think down the road when you’re complaining about a problem you did nothing to stop.

    But we both know you don’t care about that, right? You’ll just fold your arms and pout your way through whatever excuses the cleverest among you spreads to the rest to adopt as your own reasoning.

    @bigMouthCommie@kolektiva.social avatar

    > no one is going to care about what you think down the road when you’re complaining about a problem you did nothing to stop.

    i do a lot more than vote, but voting against genocide isn't doing "nothing" to stop it.


    There is no genocide from Biden. Stop with that bullshit man. You need a new bit.

    @bigMouthCommie@kolektiva.social avatar

    there is a genocide. stop with that bullshit man. you need a new bit.

    GilgameshCatBeard, (edited )

    You’ve made it quite a point to speak so much about something you know so little about. It’s no wonder people laugh at you as much as they do. I sincerely hope you have alt accounts that are less embarrassing than this one.

    @bigMouthCommie@kolektiva.social avatar

    lots of personal attacks but a bit short on facts.


    Dude. Your entire comment history is FULL of people correcting your nonsense and calling you out, but you’re too stubborn to accept that you’re wrong. It’s hilarious reading!

    Them: you’re wrong though and here why….

    You: Waaaaaah! Stop making fun of me! I’m a victim!

    @bigMouthCommie@kolektiva.social avatar

    (incorrectly) disagreeing with me isn't "correcting" me. it's just being incorrect. calling me "stubborn" and characterizing me as crying doesn't change whether what i've said is true.


    I can pick almost ANY comment in your history and see someone correcting you and you whining about it. It’s fucking hilarious! Seriously… this could be a drinking game.

    @bigMouthCommie@kolektiva.social avatar

    again, just because someone disagrees with me doesn't make them correct. in fact, they usually aren't. your characterization of me as "whining" doesn't change that.


    Dude… almost everting today is challenged if not outright entirely wrong. No, someone disagreeing with you doesn’t make you wrong by default- though reality makes you wrong. Facts make you wrong.

    And when people bring those out- you STILL disagree with them. Your logic is incredibly faulty, and people have told you time after time how you’re wrong- and you still whine and moan about how they victimize you.

    You really should stop doing that man. Clearly no one is taking you seriously.

    @bigMouthCommie@kolektiva.social avatar

    >people have told you time after time how you’re wrong

    saying it doesn't make it so



  • Loading...
  • bigMouthCommie,
    @bigMouthCommie@kolektiva.social avatar

    characterizing me as trolling, whining, wrong, and embarassing doesn't change that i'm right.



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  • bigMouthCommie,
    @bigMouthCommie@kolektiva.social avatar

    another appeal to ridicule



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  • bigMouthCommie,
    @bigMouthCommie@kolektiva.social avatar

    >You may state that you’re right all you wish, but that doesn’t make it so.

    of course not: i'm right because i speak the truth



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  • bigMouthCommie,
    @bigMouthCommie@kolektiva.social avatar

    no, i mixed up the users i was referring to some time on friday

    @bigMouthCommie@kolektiva.social avatar

    >I know you’re trying to goad me into saying something you can report me for. Trust me. You’re notorious for it.

    mastodon reports don't work on lemmy



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  • bigMouthCommie,
    @bigMouthCommie@kolektiva.social avatar

    of course i have alts. have you ever searched for my user handle?



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  • bigMouthCommie,
    @bigMouthCommie@kolektiva.social avatar

    >I have no interest in what you have to say.

    my inbox says differently



    @bigMouthCommie@kolektiva.social avatar

    >I know you’re trying to goad me into saying something you can report me for. Trust me. You’re notorious for it.

    the only other account that's ever insinuated something like this is @Pratai (or was it @Pratai ?)

    @bigMouthCommie@kolektiva.social avatar

    >You’ve spoken a lot of nonsense, this isn’t up for debate-

    i'm not debating it. i'm refuting it.



  • Loading...
  • bigMouthCommie,
    @bigMouthCommie@kolektiva.social avatar

    >then I’m blocking you.

    how can i expedite this process?


    Be more boring.

    @bigMouthCommie@kolektiva.social avatar

    you need to be more specific

    @bigMouthCommie@kolektiva.social avatar

    characterizing me as laughable, wrong, entertaining, boring, or trolling doesn't make aynthing i've said untrue.


    Yes, it absolutely does.

    @bigMouthCommie@kolektiva.social avatar


    @bigMouthCommie@kolektiva.social avatar

    > Your logic is incredibly faulty


    @bigMouthCommie@kolektiva.social avatar

    >You really should stop doing that man. Clearly no one is taking you seriously.

    this is just rhetorical posturing. it's not a rebuttal of anything i've said.



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  • bigMouthCommie,
    @bigMouthCommie@kolektiva.social avatar

    if i were wrong you could demonstrate that.



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  • bigMouthCommie,
    @bigMouthCommie@kolektiva.social avatar

    no, this is just poisoning the well.



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  • bigMouthCommie,
    @bigMouthCommie@kolektiva.social avatar

    poesoning the well is an ad hominem



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  • bigMouthCommie,
    @bigMouthCommie@kolektiva.social avatar

    ad hom is also an inforrmal fallacy



    @bigMouthCommie@kolektiva.social avatar

    poisoning the well is defacto an ad hominem: you attack the person instead of what they are saying.

    @bigMouthCommie@kolektiva.social avatar

    >you’ll have “sent a message”

    the only message sent by a vote is "this is who I want to win". if you want the genocide enablers to win, you can vote for them. if you want the law and order candidates to win, vote for them.


    I’m voting for Genocide Joe. I’ve entertained voting for third party, but the the threat of fascism under Trump is real . I understand the sentiment, and can’t fault those who choose to abstain or vote third party. But a Trump presidency would effect the entire world and lead to more deaths.


    It’s probably because it’s hard to take them seriously when they’re supporting Russia perpetrating a genocide on Ukraine

    @bigMouthCommie@kolektiva.social avatar

    no one is supporting that


    One day you’ll understand how it works. Hopefully; the rest of us can keep things going long enough that democracy still exists by the time you figure it out.


    Yeah, because that’s stupid. Not voting for Biden makes a Trump win that much more likely and if you think he’s not gonna fund genocide, you might actually be living in an alternate reality. He’ll also do his level best to ensure Russia takes over Ukraine, hurt women domestically, do as much damage to the LGBTQ+ community as possible, trash the economy for anyone not ultra wealthy, and so on. It’s not an exaggeration to say that a second Trump presidency would be catastrophic, but hey, you show Biden on this one issue, buddy. Good for you for not being able to see the bigger picture and sticking to your principles at the expense of a lot of other people.


    And not voting for trump makes a Biden victory more likely.

    Why do y’all always leave out that part?

    @vind@lemmy.world avatar

    Because people that don’t like trump will be more likely to not vote at all than republicans.


    So your problem is voter engagement, if you won’t work on a better candidate, then you better work on getting people who don’t mind supporting genocidal actions on your team.

    You guys don’t want to run a better candidate, so you better start appealing to the lowest common denominator that you can.

    Maybe offer them money, every time I hear about Biden’s actions supporting genocidal actions someone brings up the economy.

    Maybe you should just bribe them, it shouldn’t be that hard for you to find people that care more about money than human lives on your side


    If you are voting for Trump then you are supporting genocidal actions as well, what do you mean?


    I mean don’t support genocide ever I don’t care what your two choices heart if your choices are supporting genocide in supporting genocide, then you don’t participate in that system.

    Then maybe next time people will be sick of the shit show that happens whenever they support a genocide and not do it again so they’ll have support of y’know regular people.


    You don’t see a third option that doesn’t involve supporting a genocide?


    Because people who say they’re not voting for Biden because of the genocide are almost never Trump voters in the first place, so Trump isn’t losing anything.


    Because it Doesn’t. Democrats are notorious for not voting when it comes time to actually vote. Whereas conservatives will vote in droves.

    Every Biden vote cancels a trump vote. But every trump vote doesn’t necessarily cancel a Biden vote.

    @bigMouthCommie@kolektiva.social avatar

    >Every Biden vote cancels a trump vote. But every trump vote doesn’t necessarily cancel a Biden vote.

    this has no internal logical consistency


    It will when you learn how things work. For now, just focus the basics like learning how to tie your shoes.


    Trump would 1000% be worse, but the silver lining of him becoming president is that liberals would suddenly have enough of a spine to say that genocide is a bad thing since trump would be at the helm instead of biden.

    @FenrirIII@lemmy.world avatar

    There’s too much money involved for our overlords to stop. The Israeli aid lobby is massive and feeds the war machine that our politicians personally profit from. Then there’s money that comes from Jewish donors and other interests that hate Muslims. It’s all about the money.


    Superbowl’s tonight, eh? He gets us. I wonder if he’ll smite that devil woman for fixing the big game. If I lose my bet I’m not paying up because she RIGGED it. This is a fight between our LORD and EVIL.

    …what’s a “Gaza” anyway? Like Lady Gaza or whatever?

    (/s in case anyone needed it)


    Watched this doc earlier, The Sign: Is the Apocalypse Coming?

    If I wasn’t an atheist, I’d be freaking out right now.


    Damn. It’s sad how hard it can be to tell when people are being serious or not when it comes to this stuff.


    Then, tomorrow, back to work. Company downsized and I do three people’s jobs now for same pay. CEO says I work much harder in the office than from home.

    News radio is sad, and I’m already sad, so I’ll listen to a funny podcast in traffic.

    Get home exhausted. Maybe do a good deed by up voting the stories people need to hear. Count down to weekend.

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