
The days are getting better. Things I am grateful for :)

Today I got a chocolate covered croissant with a friend. She gave me a gorgeous terrarium with a pink philodendron for my birthday and other pink leafy plants. Without even knowing that I love those plants, she thought it would be perfect for me.

Called a friend from work for an hour.

Cried in a soundproof pod at uni and am so grateful that I got to sit in one of those.

Journalled a bit and realised how grateful I am that I don’t have to be anxious anymore waiting for someone to show me that they love me. I also don’t have to go around catering to an extremely judgemental and picky person’s tastes, like music, movies, places to eat. He was very snobby about these things. I feel so free.

I added items to my achievable bucket list. Visit the DMZ between the Koreas and try pole. Two very different things. For some reason, I went down an internet rabbit hole on North Korea a couple of years ago. Would recommend listening to The Lazarus Heist podcast if you’re interested in the DPRK.

I deleted Instagram because I know I would unfortunately stalk my ex and his company. I am no longer doom-scrolling through sad breakup reels and other things that are a waste of time. I have experienced the JOY of missing out. Thought it would be super difficult to give up social media like that but it is helping me live in the present moment. It’s so freeing to consume YouTube and movies as opposed to solely short-form mind-numbing content. Gives you more to talk about too. I am keeping in contact with maybe five friends over text and the others? It helps you realise who really has your back. Quality over quantity. My friends have been screenshotting pictures of cute animals to send to me, and although I’m sad I can’t return the favour like that, it makes me happy.

Doing my assignments is still really difficult. I will try to apply for extensions.

Tomorrow I am visiting the GP and then the day after, I am touring a gym that’s nearby.

I am looking forward to getting myself back. I might cry tomorrow. I might agonise over the future or the past. But whilst it hurts, this change is one of the best things that I think has happened to me. I am so relieved for some reason.

Feel free to add to my list hehehe

@CEOofmyhouse56@aussie.zone avatar

There’s gonna be a new community on aussie.zone about health and fitness so make sure you join. Be kind to yourself and do nice things for you. I think you’ve got everything covered.


le vent/le thoughtsUgh, I need to socialise with friends more. There’s a meetup at a pub on Friday that my partners mates are going to and have invited us (and others). Partners ex-coworkers from an old job, have hung out with them heaps over the years. I just want to hide away forever, like the longer I go without seeing mates the less I actually want to. Which is bad for my mental health, bc I usually justify it with self-destructive thoughts (like “you’re not that funny or smart”, “you’re jobless so what’s there to talk about?”, “they just pretend to like you because they like [partner]”, etc). Which is not healthy. Wish I was socialised more as a kid, honestly, some of this I can tell is because I didn’t have friends when I was a youngun Of course this is all dependent on whether we’re negative come Friday arvo, but I already feel dread and am wrestling with myself about this.

@CEOofmyhouse56@aussie.zone avatar

Sometimes just getting out and listening to others is enough.


True true! I have done that before and had a lovely time each time.

I think it’s just, like, the depression. The simple chores, the simple self-care, the simple socialisation, is difficult to start but easy once I’m actually doing it.

I’m like an old lawn mower that required a good amount of arm strength and willpower to keep pulling the cord and pushing the machine at the same time to start, but once started, I’m revved up


This is highly dependent on transport/partner also being willing to leave (and I know how hard it can be for adults to get together). But is it possible to go for just an hour or two and then leave?


I have also done this before lol, this is definitely an option as where I am and where the pub is, is very much serviced by a lot of PTV.


Hi friend


Hello, I have neglected you. This shall be amended in the coming weeks 💜

If partner and I are well, you are welcome to join us at the pub too this Friday arvo of course :)

Baku, (edited )

I’ve been poking through old emails for a while and found my old library card number. Out of curiosity I logged in (apparently they don’t shutdown your account after 2 years like the others I’ve been with). Apparently I forgot to return an item and my accounts been barred with a $50 fee. Honestly not as bad as I was expecting, although I don’t remember them ever emailing me about it.

Apparently they’ve also rebranded which is nice. I remember them as being a drab grey building with “area library corporation” written on it. Apparently they’ve dropped the corporation part of it and redecorated, which is nice

Edit: the book is over 6 years overdue, so at least it’s not a monthly fee 😂

@tone212_@aussie.zone avatar

People who send each sentence of their message

In seperate text messages

Instead of compiling all thoughts into one text

So you receive a bunch of texts and notifications at once

Annoying or acceptable?

@CEOofmyhouse56@aussie.zone avatar

Annoying but understandable sometimes. What I don’t like is when 3 messages are sent in less than 30 seconds with one being HELLO?

@Seagoon_@aussie.zone avatar

Since i barely use my phone i never even thought about it

plus i have my settings for no notifications

@Pilk@aussie.zone avatar

I don’t mind tbh. Interestingly Android 15 is adding “notification cooldown” feature, will see where they take it


Annoying, but in my defence, I had a friend who would refuse to read anything longer than about 3 sentences.

Putting them into different messages fixed that.

Unfortunately, that’s a habit that has stuck with me even though I don’t even talk to them anymore

@PeelerSheila@aussie.zone avatar

Annoying, but Mr P is dyslexic and he finds it easier to process this way. I occasionally miss one of the msgs.


I tend to do this. It’s just natural to me. Much of my communications early were via text on like games or messaging apps. It’s just how my thoughts come out idk

@Seagoon_@aussie.zone avatar


@useless_modern_god@aussie.zone avatar

Unhinged is the word you’re looking for.




Look, like, I can’t just


You know?

@useless_modern_god@aussie.zone avatar

Haha I just saw this. I was considering doing the same gag😂


Change my way of communicating

@Seagoon_@aussie.zone avatar

Daiso shopping spree. Finally got some new water colours, they sell out quick. Got 2 packs of muted tones which should be good for dinosaurs.


I can never spend enough time in daiso to look at all the awesome stuff they have.

@ajsadauskas@aus.social avatar

@Seagoon_ I love Daiso and Miniso. They're really good for things like makeup brushes and sponges and stuff.

The only thing is while it's cheap, you always end up leaving random kitchen gadgets and things like mugs with cute anime animals on them.

Also our fur babies love the giant stuffed toys they sell.

@Bottom_racer@aussie.zone avatar

All done!


Didn’t really have to punch that pH down with too much vinegar. Looks a bit under 4. Went for a little bit of apple cider, little bit of white wine and some white.

Kept the brine so can pad it out more if need be.

Is hawt.

@Thornburywitch@aussie.zone avatar

Well today was interesting in the Chinese sense. Took the day off work cos dentist appointment at midday. Then bike got a flat tyre on way to dentist. Took bike to bike hospital to be mended and consigned my soul to public transport. Nearly late for dentist. Then dentist said YOU NEED TWO MORE FILLINGS THAN I PLANNED FOR YOU! So had to wait around in Niddrie central after the appointment was re-scheduled for later on in the day. After all that, had to go pick up bike before getting home.
On the plus side, Niddrie shopping strip is actually pretty nice. Lots of food options (which I couldn’t take advantage of thankyou Mr Dentist) and some interesting clothes. I was particularly taken with a hot pink fitted faux fur vest in the window of one shop - teamed with a sleek black embroidered black on black shiny shirt underneath with leather look leggings and hot pink boots. Very Suzie Q. I sorta kinda wish I was 19 again, as at that age I’d wear that in a heartbeat. Also the last living Rivers store in captivity, and a pretty comprehensive range of specialty shops and wellness practitioners. Very few empty storefronts. They’ve widened the footpaths with one zillion caffs and there were lots of people out and about enjoying the sunshine. I’d actually make the trip there for clothes - not the faux fur though as I’m too long in the tooth now (dammit).

@Seagoon_@aussie.zone avatar

I used to live in Essendon and would shop in Niddrie sometimes. The Koala Bread bakery there used to have a line that went for ages.

@CEOofmyhouse56@aussie.zone avatar

Sam’s Cafe was the best with their woodfired pizzas. Not there anymore unfortunately.

@just_kitten@aussie.zone avatar

I’ve never been to Niddrie and its a running joke that most people haven’t heard of it (although the ultimate mystery suburb is Travancore). I really ought to check it out one of these days!

@Thornburywitch@aussie.zone avatar

If you’re looking for a Vietnam BBQ for $17 including drink - Niddrie is where to go. Couldn’t vouch for quality as mouth was numb but there’s a host of dining options - turkish, bulgarian, japanese, vietnamese, chinese, aussie, mediterranean, greek you name it.


I got stuck there for an hour on a 43° day in 2019 with no water waiting for a tram that never came. I ended up seeking refuge in the library and hiding out there until I could figure out a way home. Fun times.

@Thornburywitch@aussie.zone avatar

Ouch. Not fun in any suburb. My condolences.

just_kitten, (edited )
@just_kitten@aussie.zone avatar

Whoops posted in the wrong thread. That’s a good sign that I’m staying off the phone.

I’ve been thinking of trying this cool vegan shepherd’s pie recipe but I think I’ll keep it for a colder month. For now I’m contemplating a basic roast veg for dinner, or… maybe some adaptation of borscht? I have 1 fennel bulb, 2 beetroots, potat, and a quarter head of red cabbage. Plus a tin of beans.

E: went with borscht adaptation. There’s no fennel in there but plenty of leek, a bit of celery, two beets and two potat plus some leek greens. Not authentic but tastes pretty alright once cooled down.

I may have added a fair chunk of butter 😬 and I snuck in some ajwain seeds as a thymey alternative to carroway + helps with digesting the cabbage. Adding a chunk of miso paste was probably a step too far, but whatevs. Umami 😎


@Seagoon_@aussie.zone avatar

Johann Hari, johannhari.com , dropped another really timely book this week, this time on Ozempic and other weight control drugs, why we get fat and how to not get fat. The problem is going back to a good diet doesn’t reverse the hormonal effects of a bad diet. Intervention may be required for a while.

And while I cook good meals from basic ingredients I also eat too much and eat some junk, not much junk , but obviously enough to mess me up.

I’ll get back to youse guys when I finish the book. 👍

@Catfish@aussie.zone avatar

Fourth nosebleed for the day…

@CEOofmyhouse56@aussie.zone avatar

There’s an art to picking without hurting one’s self.


If fingers weren’t meant to go up the nostril, then why are they the perfect shape to do so?

Riddle me that, Yahweh!

@CEOofmyhouse56@aussie.zone avatar

And why fingernails. Perfect digging tool.


are you the hilltop hoods? Edit: but seriously, might be worth getting that checked out.

@Catfish@aussie.zone avatar

Had it cauterised several times as a kid. Didn’t help for long.


Always love when I get an incoming call from Mrs B going “Now dont panic, everything is fine! But… someone bit Tinyest” “Oh damn! Is everyone ok?” “Yeah so turns out Tinyest stuck his fingers in someone elses mouth, the other kid bit down and Tinyest was surprised to discover that getting bitten hurts”. “…” least i dont have to save for Uni!

@underwatermagpies@aussie.zone avatar

Anyone know whether the Geelong rental market is as borked as Melbourne? I’m half considering a job there.


I mean this is the nicest possible way, but… you understand that means you’d have to LIVE in Geelong, right? You cant even go home and take a shower because you’d just be showering IN Geelong.

@Seagoon_@aussie.zone avatar

Couldn’t be as bad as living in Rowville.


Ah Rowville, the PTV deadzone of the SE.


Hey! Its not a deadzone per say. The state government just assumed it was a suburb of bus enthusiasts.


Lol, I have vivid memories of the 901 and the smell. Or from FTG Rd the 753 and the 693


@ajsadauskas@aus.social avatar

@TinyBreak @StudChud Many years ago I dated a girl who lived in Rowville, and I can confirm there's plenty to do there.

You can choose whether you want to go to the Coles or the Kmart at Stud Park Shopping Centre. Maybe both?

Or you can wait and wait in a traffic jam on Stud Road.
Or wait and wait in a traffic jam on Wellington Road.
Or wait and wait in a traffic jam on Kelletts Road.
Or wait and wait for the bus to Knox and Ringwood.
Or wait and wait for the bus to Dandenong.
Or wait and wait for the bus to Glen Waverley.
Or wait and wait for the bus to Boronia.
Or wait and wait for the bus to Caulfield.


Hey, there’s a woollies there too 🤣


Stud Rd, Wellington Rd, Kelletts Rd

You have brought back so many memories 😅😭

@Seagoon_@aussie.zone avatar

I stayed in rowville for over a month once, made me really appreciate living downtown

and I would rather live in a real country town than rowville,


Haha yup it’s… An experience that should not be repeated.

Used to live in Lysterfield, then Rowville, then Knoxfield. Very meh experience.


or shudders dandenong.

@ajsadauskas@aus.social avatar

Boronia, and back in the day Bayswater too

@just_kitten@aussie.zone avatar

Bayswater really has freshened up from what I hear. Amazing food

@Seagoon_@aussie.zone avatar

hit the jackpot, we’ve named every suburb my MIL has chosen to live in ( except corio ) ( against everyone telling her it’s a bad idea )

and she wonders why her neighbourhoods are shit, she has crappy neighbours, there is nothing to do and no where to go and nothing to look at. She complains rich people always live in nice places. ffs, she could have chosen a lot of better places that aren’t necessarily expensive


Wasn’t that bad unless you need a train. Safe area, plenty of shops, not far from Knox or Monash or east link. Fairly quiet. Lived there for many years.

@underwatermagpies@aussie.zone avatar

Haha, I quite like Geelong, but I’m generally in holiday mode when I’m there and that might colour things. Pretty sure they do have showers though!

I reckon since I’m going into all the logistics fairly thoroughly I probably won’t get the job, so it’ll be a non-issue. But we’ll see.

@ajsadauskas@aus.social avatar

@underwatermagpies @TinyBreak To be fair, it also depends on where in Geelong.

It's not that bad if you're in one of the new estates near Torquay or in a new apartment block in the CBD.

Corio on the other hand...


There's a good reason why Geelong maybe has a bit of a bad reputation sometimes.

@useless_modern_god@aussie.zone avatar

The Rolling Stones have been touring off and on longer than most of us here have been alive +/-

Over 60 years.


The cocaine fuels them lol

@Seagoon_@aussie.zone avatar

What if they fall over on stage?


The Fallen Stones


Then they’ll gather no moss.


I still don’t fully understand who/what they are. I thought they were a band, but then they were a magazine, but they’re also the term for famous music people, I think?

@useless_modern_god@aussie.zone avatar

Just a rock band that should probably gracefully bow out and maintain some dignity.

@calhoon2005@aussie.zone avatar

Jagger turned 80 last year…


I wish I could take as much drugs as he has and live to 80 wtf

@ajsadauskas@aus.social avatar

@StudChud @calhoon2005 Mick Jagger was born born before World War 2 ended. (You can look it up if you like — Jagger was born in 1943. Hiroshima and Nagasaki were nuked in 1945.)

When this song came out, the Rolling Stones were around 40. People were already starting to call them things like aging rockers and dinosaurs: https://youtu.be/SGyOaCXr8Lw?si=f0MmiyRYZ0Jj1ev1

That song came out 40 years ago.

@PeelerSheila@aussie.zone avatar

I always get a laugh out of this and watching the clip you just posted reminded me of it again.

@ajsadauskas@aus.social avatar

@PeelerSheila That's hilarious 🤣

Spot on impersonation!

@Thornburywitch@aussie.zone avatar

Nope. And never were a rock band as such. They were called that, but they played blues/ska fusion.

@useless_modern_god@aussie.zone avatar

Do you have any sort of source or documentation to support your claim that Rolling Stones are NOT a rock band? Interviews with band members stating that fact? Or claims from other experts within the industry?

Just curious.

Thornburywitch, (edited )
@Thornburywitch@aussie.zone avatar

Listen to the music. They’re primarily a blues band with a drummer. Some ska & Chuck Berry influences.
Try listening to Paint It Black, Angie, Ruby Tuesday - these are straight run blues with drums.

@ajsadauskas@aus.social avatar

@Thornburywitch @useless_modern_god A few more songs to compare.

Here's the Rolling Stones' debut single, Come On: https://youtu.be/_iAQVGOzj4M?si=G4aXaHDYxsNccU-B

Which was a cover of Come On by Chuck Berry: https://youtu.be/JgW6s8FPm_w?si=pu6K0qOb-_IBiyqg

Here's Can't Catch Me by The Rolling Stones: https://youtu.be/IK5gnx__M1M?si=NP61dxgx1oJLMd_0

And Can't Catch Me by Chuck Berry https://youtu.be/9jKrHzps0XM?si=2H9Wbjy4NhousbTk

(Just as an aside, John Lennon was a fan of that one too, apparently. Note the second verse begins "Here come a flattop, he was movin' up with me". Lennon borrowed that line for Come Together and got a lawsuit for his efforts.)

Rolling Stones, Sweet Little Sixteen: https://youtu.be/n-tYCwzTrrU?si=DDynnP4-MzxshiLp

And the Chuck Berry original: https://youtu.be/ZLV4NGpoy_E?si=xysXmQVLaih_w01A

(The Beach Boys really liked that one — just listen to Surfin' USA sometime. Like John, they got sued for their efforts.)

One more Chuck Berry songs for reference:

Maybelline: https://youtu.be/v124f0i0Xh4?si=0rv4e1rcPFzw3sIF

Now. Here's some of the lyrics from You can't always get what you want by the Stones.

"I went down to the Chelsea drugstore
To get your prescription filled
I was standing in line with Mr. Jimmy
And, man, did he look pretty ill
We decided that we would have a soda
My favorite flavor, cherry red
I sung my song to Mr. Jimmy"

Note the African American Vernacular English.

How many British people have you met who go around talking about drugstores?

Mick's almost going the full Iggy Azalea here trying to capture the lyrical style and delivery of Chuck Berry: https://youtu.be/Ef9QnZVpVd8?si=AjR8vc1MJrwVS_Un

To my ears there's a clear line that goes from the jump blues ( https://youtu.be/YhELpSeeipg?si=EYK0bdIx_hOhDss7 ) and artists like Big Joe Turner: https://youtu.be/YhELpSeeipg?si=JYqKpLB_jauoYsVL

To Chuck Berry in the '50s, to the Rolling Stones in the '60s.

@franksting@theblower.au avatar

@ajsadauskas @Thornburywitch @useless_modern_god Fair to say that RocknRoll descended from the Blues, and while the Stones always had Rhythm and Blues as their underpinning, they have been always a Rock n Roll band.

@useless_modern_god@aussie.zone avatar

TIL the Rolling Stones are not a rock band.

@ajsadauskas@aus.social avatar

So, 4 interviews in 3 weeks as “Christian name” as opposed to 3 interviews in 4 months as actual name. I wonder how they’ll react when they think they’re going to meet “Christian name” and get “actual name” instead.

@CEOofmyhouse56@aussie.zone avatar

It’s ridiculous that you have to do this. As someone who now has an arabic surname I get a lot of quizzical looks which make me laugh.


I’m expecting that exact quizzical look at these interviews. I’ll be looking sharp though so we’ll see what happens.

@CEOofmyhouse56@aussie.zone avatar

You got this buddy!

@ajsadauskas@aus.social avatar

@Gibsonisafluffybutt @Seagoon_ The joys of having an ethnic name (there's a reason I go by AJ these days).

It's a pity I don't know how to code apps, because if I did, I'd make one that automatically plays a response when it's asked the following questions:

Where's that from?

No, I mean where are you from originally?

No, I mean where's your family from?

Oh, and where's that?

Have you been back recently?

@just_kitten@aussie.zone avatar

Can you speak the language? Why not?/How do you say (stupid thing) in your language? is another one.

It’s not the 1980s guys…

@ajsadauskas@aus.social avatar

@Gibsonisafluffybutt @Seagoon_ Also, best of luck for the job interviews 🤞🍀

@Seagoon_@aussie.zone avatar

yes 🤞🤞🤞

@CEOofmyhouse56@aussie.zone avatar

You speak really good English AJ. Well done.

@Seagoon_@aussie.zone avatar

My mother got that once. She had been in Australia over 30 years by then. It was a politician who said it.


It fucking sucks that you have to do this. Makes me wonder what working for those companies is like


It’s interesting how every company is talking about diversity, equity and inclusion. And yet…here we are.


Oh, Australia loves lip service

@Alamutjones@aussie.zone avatar

My crud has progressed to a point where I can’t hear anything because my ears are blocked.

On the bright side, my flat is clean, my accounts are done and I’ve had a haircut. Now to do my neighbour/friend’s dishes - she’s not been well, and it’s something I can do to help her catch up on all the stuff she’s missed while she’s down

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