Updated - programming.dev defederation on hold

Update: In light of the programming.dev update here programming.dev/post/8399272, the defederation is no longer going ahead.

However, something more needs to be said. Even here on Blahaj, some of our users took issue with the choice to defederate over this issue.

So I would like to give some background and context.

Blahaj Zone exists, because both Kaity and I left mainstream social media to escape transphobia. Reddit, with its lackluster approach to fighting transphobia, and twitter, with its outright celebration of transphobia pushed us here, to the fediverse, and to create Blahaj Zone and Blahaj Lemmy.

To that end, we will continue to treat transphobia seriously. Our goal is to create a space where gender diverse folk can exist and let our defenses down a little, where we don’t have to worry about getting dragged in to an argument with a transphobe, or a bad faith actor “just asking questions”.

If you are looking for a more reddit like experience, where in the interest of increased engagement, we let low level transphobia slide, and push responsibility for dealing with it on to community mods and individual users, then you will likely not be happy with blahaj going forward. If you choose to stay here, understand that we may defederate again in the future over similar issues.

The choice is yours.


It has recently been brought to my attention that the lead admin of programming.dev is engaging in ongoing transphobia.

You can see the conversation in question here programming.dev/comment/6131539

For that reason we will be defederating from programming.dev in 48 hours.

There are only three communities on that instance used by small number of our users, so this won’t have a big impact, but if you are one of those users, you will need to use an alt account on another instance if you wish to access the communities.


It’s actually ridiculous that HL still produces such a shitstorm.

It’s a tech instance, posted tech news about the game winning an award. People were defending the game, because it’s simply not by JKR. It’s based and licensed on her work, sure, but let’s be honest here - does anyone actually believe that she played a role in development of HL? She probably okayed licensing it after some manager recommendation.

You claim that your instance goal / instance admin goal is to provide a safe space for trans folk - that’s awesome. They brought tech news without any notion of supporting transphobia or JKR, and have been trying to not discuss JKR or being trans or not, simply because it’s off topic, not because of transphobia, but because it’s not relevant for them as a tech instance. Respect other instances goals and admins as well. Being an ally does not mean that they need to focus everything around being trans or not, but simply giving a neutral ground.

Calling the whole instance out as transphobe because of a single thread with hexbear troll involvement is childish, just as this defederation thread with 48 hours of a deadline. If you’re that triggered by the thread and the mention of hogwarts legacy, then at least be honest about it, play your instance admin card, and defederate. Doing it like this is constructing childish drama, and looking for confirmation. And you’re not even getting it by your own instance members.


Wow. Of all the misguided takes “The TERF Empress of Wizard Fiction did not personally program the TERF Wizard Fiction game” is pretty pathetic.


Though as a tangent, it would’ve been hilarious to see her write the story and dialogue of the game to see how much of a turd it would’ve been, like the fantastic beast movies

RoseTintedGlasses, (edited )
@RoseTintedGlasses@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

[I got a bot to automatically delete all my comments over 1 month old so you can’t see this comment anymore]


So everyone involved seems to agree that transphobia is bad, but the dude had an idiotic notion of what constituted transphobia.

I feel that if we are in the business of defederating anyone who fails a purity test then lemmy will be quite small indeed.


I’m okay with that. The smaller lemmy is, the better it is for me.

@ada@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

I will defederate from any instance with admins that excuse transphobia. If that makes our part of the Fediverse quite small, that sucks, but it is what it is. I moved here to get away from social media that won’t take action on transphobia. I’m not suddenly going to decide it’s ok if it means we get more traffic.

dodgy_bagel, (edited )

I understand completely. A space like that needs to exist.

Thank you for the work you put in.


And this is why blåhaj zone is the best lemmy instance, I’m so glad I found this place.

@cupcakezealot@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

best instance and best admins blobcat, cozywave

@FirstMajesticComet@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

Not talking back or being snarky but if you feel that way you might seriously want to look into Lemmy.world and sh.itjust.works, they have very bad track records of letting transphobes and bigots run wild, Lemmy.world is the worst, many of the people they’ve banned for bigotry have been unbanned or were only given temporary bans to begin with, often times they won’t even action users who are engaging in transphobia, even if reported. It’s really not great.

I used to believe Beehaw was a bit overly strict but honestly I can see they blocked these instances for good reason, especially Lemmy.world.

@antik@lemmy.world avatar

often times they won’t even action users who are engaging in transphobia, even if reported. It’s really not great.

As I said in my other reply. I don’t live that life so we might not get all the cues but if anyone on our team sees transphobia it will be removed.

@FirstMajesticComet@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

I think a bigger problem is that like Reddit or Facebook Lemmy.world lets these people continue to post and participate there, most only get temporary bans, I distinctly remember a person who used the R-slur multiple times and was blatantly transphobic, yet last I checked he only got temp banned, and otherwise are completely welcome back even after such atrocious behavior.

One user I can refer to is Mojave, but he certainly isn’t the only case, there are plenty more like him. I remember he had quite the abusive spree in !egg_irl, if memory serves he made quite a few transphobic attacks, unfortunately it doesn’t show up in the modlog because they purged him rather than removing (he also apparently had some very bad behavior in !transfem but I’m not there and don’t remember it).

Gormadt, (edited )
@Gormadt@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

In defense of temp bans: sometimes people will learn from their past mistakes so starting with a temp ban is a decent idea rather than just jumping to a permanent one.

Of course on Lemmy you don’t get notifications when you get banned, so it’s not as effective of a tool as it could be. Hell you don’t even get notifications of a comment being removed.

Edit: Banning in general on Lemmy is broken IMO. If you’re from a different instance and you get banned you see no difference in your day to day interaction in the other instance. You can still post and comment, it’s just on the other instance you are banned from the people on that instance don’t see that content. Couple that with the lack of notifications when you get banned or your comments get removed and people won’t know that their behavior is unacceptable and they won’t change.

RoseTintedGlasses, (edited )
@RoseTintedGlasses@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar


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  • FirstMajesticComet,
    @FirstMajesticComet@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar


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  • RoseTintedGlasses,
    @RoseTintedGlasses@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar


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  • Omega_Haxors, (edited )

    There’s a reason they’re called sh.itholefor.nazis. The communities are hit/miss but GOOD GOD is the comment quality in the absolute shitter. Lemmy world is also really bad their admins will flat out perm ban you for being socialist. Those instances are a blight on the federation.

    nadwwwimni, (edited )


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  • good_girl,
    @good_girl@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar


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  • Omega_Haxors, (edited )

    I’m as shitty as the people around me. Notice how I haven’t really had issues on any of the other instances? I don’t go around looking to start fights, I just have strong principles and refuse to back down for anything. Yes that’s going to be bad optics in some circumstances, that makes it really easy for them to find a good excuse to throw the hammer. Back in the day when I did care about optics people would just flat out make up a reason bordering defamation to get rid of me and everyone would buy it so as far as i’m concerned I’d rather it be for an honest reason than a made-up one. If you want to see an example of LW banning socialists just look at the rest of the mod log and you’ll notice a trend.

    I got banned from hexbear because I pushed one of the admins on their pro-crypto stance (my take is that crypo is nazi shit) and they didn’t like I was talking back to them, everything else you see in the modlog is basically post-hoc justification. Lemmy world did it because I wouldn’t stop calling fascists on their shit. Those are the real reasons why i’m banned from those instances.

    @good_girl@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar


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  • antik, (edited )
    @antik@lemmy.world avatar

    Proof on the “MAP pride shit”? Jarfil wasn’t posting CP, he was saying those people needed help. And while it’s hard to agree with this because those that act on it deserve a bullet for all I care but you want to make it look like posting CP is ok on Lemmy World.
    Guess who was the first instance to defederate rqd2.net and brought their MAP support forums to light?

    Here is the list of instances we block on Lemmy World and the reasons why: gui.fediseer.com/instances/detail/lemmy.world

    That’s the main reason why we have fediseer, to keep those bigots and pedos out.

    We do take action when we see transphobia. But if the whole discussion about a this game has made anything clear it’s that there are concepts and dogwhistles that might go unnoticed to cis male folk like me because I don’t live that life.

    But go ahead and defederate from Lemmy World.

    @FirstMajesticComet@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar


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  • antik,
    @antik@lemmy.world avatar

    He was arguing that it should be ok to generate AI images, trying to make a case that it was better than actual CP. Also something I find disgusting and don’t agree with. But now that the technology is here I can see why it’s something that should be discussed.

    But you’re twisting things to fit your narrative here.

    @FirstMajesticComet@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar


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  • FirstMajesticComet,
    @FirstMajesticComet@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar


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  • Tenthrow,
    @Tenthrow@lemmy.world avatar

    He said it should be discussed. He didn’t say it could be posted or advocated for it in any way. What kind of echo chamber are you expecting for where you can’t discuss something in a civil way? He clearly states that he finds it disgusting and doesn’t agree with it, but you think that conversation on the topic shouldn’t be allowed? Yikes.

    @FMC8456@lemm.ee avatar

    User Jarfil was advocating for its use: “I, personally, think that all those pedophiles, ephebophiles, zoophiles, and serial murderers who happen to be necrophiles… should all be FORCED to watch FAKE —live action or not— versions of what makes them horny… every single day…” I’m sorry, what? How can you think that is okay?

    @Tenthrow@lemmy.world avatar

    Don’t be ridiculous. I don’t think that is okay, but as a point in a discussion, I think it’s okay for them to be able to SAY that. Are you kidding me? You are advocating for silencing the discussion, not the practice. Please get in there and engage in the discussion instead of trying to silence them and push them into some dark corner of the internet where no one will disagree with them and they spiral down an echo chamber. Sheesh.

    @FMC8456@lemm.ee avatar

    I think that people who advocate heinous crap like that should be shown the door and told to discuss it elsewhere, if no one wants to take them in that’s not my problem. It’s also not my problem if most places don’t want to associate with the places that will take them in.

    “Freeze Peach” isn’t something I believe in beyond not getting locked up for speaking your mind or having a bad take but even that has limitations such as threats, or advocating harm. In the case of CSAM and advocation of it, it doesn’t apply because lawmakers and a majority of people have decided that CSAM real or fictional is harmful, and thus have passed laws against it. On social media Free speech doesn’t apply because they are not governments and they are not arresting you, they are more akin to a club kicking you out, or rather, asking you to leave, than they are to a government arresting you for speech.


    From what I see, he seems childish more than anything about “MAP Pride”. He argued for jailing people who harm children.

    And he got banned for it. That’s a far, far thing from an instance endorsing “MAP Pride”.

    Find me an instance of someone being Transphobic that isn’t just “ignoring” pronouns in someone’s flair on Lemmy.world, and I’ll ban them myself. And I’ll have a talk with the mods of that community if needed. And yes, I’ll ban for intentional misuse of pronouns, but it’s gotta be pretty blatant and not just flair.

    I’m pretty tired of Reddit mods who get offended and ban anyone who argues with them. If you’re biased, you should recuse yourself. People with power should have a higher bar for their actions than others.

    @FirstMajesticComet@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar


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  • Dio9sys,

    Would it make more sense to just block that one admin? Defederation is typically for a community-wide problem, and I’ve really not run into any issues with normal users of programming.dev


    Hello, I’m not intending to debate the topic. I know announcements here are meant for users of this instance. Are there screenshots of what was said? Everything is removed now. I don’t intend to turn this into a debate of whether is was actually transphobic, I just want to see what was said. Thanks. ❤️

    @Ategon@programming.dev avatar

    Hey, im actually doing a post right now with some screenshots. Should be up in a bit on meta

    (was also the one that purged the conversation. things should still be in the modlog if youre interested in digging around for it)


    Thanks ❤️


    While I personally will block that instance (Fuck transphobia), I also am 100% against defederating based on politics. Can anyone recommend an instance that doesn’t defederate except against malignant spam/safety (viruses etc)?


    Copied from my comment down below:

    I chose lemm.ee because of how rarely it defederates. Blahaj is still federated, as is hexbear, lemmygrad, and beehaw, as well as stuff like lemmynsfw. For those who want to curate their own instance experience, I’m not currently aware of a better home (though if anyone knows of one, definitely let me know, of course!).


    Copying a top level comment from @Poxlox since I’m a blahaj user and 100% agree with what they’re saying and the view won’t get discarded.

    It seems many of the comments don’t agree that this issue is worth defederating. That whole thread was exhausting and filled with childish nonsense on both sides, fuck JKR fr but this is very silly. Please don’t defederate, and let people enjoy the game if they want to? Like, I’m pretty sure there are better fights to fight.

    @kogasa@programming.dev avatar

    I appreciate the sentiment. I hope we don’t defederate.


    I am going to repost my comment here because it was removed with the top comment and I believe it is relevant to the discussion. I would also like to add to it as well.

    Here is my addition after I had a good night’s sleep:

    I would prefer to federate with the larger lemmy community. However we are submitting ourselves to the standards and moderation practices of the larger lemmy community as part of that federation. In exchange, we should expect something in return, which should be a concrete goal.

    Getting other admins to agree that the things that are harmful to the trans community, such as transphobic video games that fund anti-trans causes, should be the low bar we ask of other lemmy communities. This is not a purity test, as others have suggested. This is a consensus that we should reach with lemmy communities about our shared reality.

    This consensus on our shared reality is desirable, because if the general lemmy community can agree on what is harmful to members of our community, then the larger lemmy community becomes a safer for place for members of our community. We are not asking the general lemmy community to stop playing the game or even to engage in a boycott, although we would of course appreciate that. We are specifically asking the general lemmy community to agree on what is harmful to trans people. This consensus on seemingly trivial issues establishes shared moderation practices that help us to achieve our goal of a safe place for trans and LGBTQ+ individuals on the internet. edit: typo

    Here is my original comment:

    This issue can seem insignificant and it can be tempting to want to brush it under the rug. I have personally have this urge to not to want to upset allies or potential allies. But Rowling as a famous, rich person does a lot of harm to trans people by contributing money to anti-trans causes. This game is the most recent piece of content that funds her ability to donate to those anti-trans causes. If this admin can understand that then we should be fine to stay federated.

    Unfortunately the nature of discourse in the post obfuscated this issue. Simply explaining the error in the admin’s argument backed up with sources should have been sufficient. The personal attacks do not add to the discussion and make it harder to arrive at any understanding. I think the conflict and ‘finding a win’ is sort of the goal with the tactics displayed in the thread, but that doesn’t mean we can’t talk about the issue seriously.

    The error in the admin’s argument is that the content of the game is not important when the profits of the game go to causes that undermine the well being of trans people.


    Again, I understand the nature of discourse made the topic seem childish. However, this is the fight we are fighting. There is no other hill for us to die on. We can only choose how we defend it, not who else is on the hill with us.


    It seems many of the comments don’t agree that this issue is worth defederating. That whole thread was exhausting and filled with childish nonsense on both sides, fuck JKR fr but this is very silly. Please don’t defederate, and let people enjoy the game if they want to? Like, I’m pretty sure there are better fights to fight.


    Honestly, the general consensus seems to not me “don’t enjoy the game” it seems more to be “do not pay for the game.”

    @princessnorah@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

    Outside of the topic at hand, you broke a very clearly stated rule on this post about top-level comments from other instances. Could you please respect the rules of the instance and community you’re posting in? This defederation doesn’t affect you.


    Since your comment is 100% how I’m feeling, I’ve copied it verbatim so that when this inevitably gets deleted, the discussion will still be had. lemmy.blahaj.zone/comment/5526747


    This issue can seem insignificant and it can be tempting to want to brush it under the rug. I have personally have this urge to not to want to upset allies or potential allies. But Rowling as a famous, rich person does a lot of harm to trans people by contributing money to anti-trans causes. This game is the most recent piece of content that funds her ability to donate to those anti-trans causes. If this admin can understand that then we should be fine to stay federated.

    Unfortunately the nature of discourse in the post obfuscated this issue. Simply explaining the error in the admin’s argument backed up with sources should have been sufficient. The personal attacks do not add to the discussion and make it harder to arrive at any understanding. I think the conflict and ‘finding a win’ is sort of the goal with the tactics displayed in the thread, but that doesn’t mean we can’t talk about the issue seriously.

    The error in the admin’s argument is that the content of the game is not important when the profits of the game go to causes that undermine the well being of trans people.


    Again, I understand the nature of discourse made the topic seem childish. However, this is the fight we are fighting. There is no other hill for us to die on. We can only choose how we defend it, not who else is on the hill with us.


    This article does a good job at explaining that Hogwarts Legacy is transphobic because some of the profits will be donated to anti-trans causes.


    Rowling herself has implied that her royalty checks are indirect indicators of the popularity of her views on trans rights. She will be profiting off Hogwart’s Legacy, and at least part of that profit will likely go directly into the hands of those responsible for pushing the fight to roll back trans rights, causes Rowling has implied she donates to.

    This article explains the antisemitic blood libel conspiracy theory that is a core part of the game’s plot.


    Players can choose to align themselves with Ranrok, but the game explicitly paints this as an evil decision, aligning those players with the Dark wizard faction. On top of that, Ranrok and his Dark wizard allies in the Rookwood Gang have a plan to harness the power of this forbidden magic by abducting the player character (who is a teenager) and extracting and using their blood. This latter detail hews uncomfortably close to “blood libel” conspiracy theories which have been leveled at Jewish communities across the world for centuries, in which Jewish people were accused of abducting and murdering Christian children in order to use their blood in sacrilegious rituals.

    I spent some time watching videos on the game’s plot. I couldn’t find a specific line in a cut scene where the villain explicitly says he wants to harvest the protagonist’s blood. But he does explicitly set some guys after the protagonist to try to kidnap them. They need the protagonist because they are the only one who can interface with the MacGuffins, ie plot devices. This MacGuffin interfacing seems to be hereditary in nature. Also, the villain’s powers, specifically the graphics, definitely seemed blood themed to me.

    The game is transphobic and antisemitic. Arguing the game is not those things is transphobic and antisemitic. Whether or not the admin in question knew that is irrelevant.

    No one is mandated to educate people about any minority group that they are a part of.

    That being said, I wholeheartedly believe that it is in our interest as an LGBTQ+ community to educate people when an opportunity arises. So much hate and bigotry is derived from ignorance. The more we can do to educate people about transphobia the safer we and the people we care about will be irl.

    Ada is going out of her way to talk to the admin in question which she does not need to do, but I am glad that she is. She would be perfectly justified in defederating the instance without further discussion. Making a safe space for trans people means defederating from instances that espouse transphobia. By defederating, users on blåhaj zone will not see what this admin’s posts or comments, regardless of where the posts or comments are made.

    This is what the post in question looks like if your lemmy account is on blåhaj.


    Most of the comments are not visible because we are defederated from Hexbear.

    I’m really not a fan of how Hexbear users handled this. I am also not a fan of blåhaj being the admin’s trans best friend. Despite that, I think this comment from the admin is relevant so I’m linking it here.


    I get the sense that this admin is engaging in transphobia and antisemitism because of their ignorance involving the game. I hope that in talking to the admin, Ada will be able to explain the error in the admin’s position. Hopefully the admin will correct their position going forward and we can continue to federate with their instance. But I think that in the absence of that hypothetical success it makes sense to defederate.

    It took me a bit to think about it, but it’s good that we take a proactive position on combating transphobia. Tolerating intolerance for the convenience it might bring, in not having to make multiple accounts or having more perceived allies, really doesn’t do us any favors in the long run. If we don’t stand up for ourselves we are only giving cover for transphobes to maneuver covertly in our online space. Rowling is a terf. Hogwarts Legacy funds her terf causes. We don’t need blåhaj to be connected to instances that fail to understand that. The point is to have an instance that is a safe space for trans people and more broadly LGBTQ+ people.

    I’m adding this at the end, because this shouldn’t matter, but I think some people think it does. I am trans. I am ethnically jewish.


    Tldr. Upvote because trans jew who gave effort.


    I’ll take the down vote if the articles I linked to at least get read.


    You know what? I’ll read them. For you.


    but also if i wanted a cissie’s opinions on trans issues i’d surely have asked instead of telling

    Hmm. Was this the comment ? Using ‘cis’ as a slur is how we could quickly alienate allies from our human rights issue.

    @Gormadt@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

    That’s the fun thing about Hexbear, Lemmygrad, and other instances like them: they don’t want allies.

    Building groups of allies is how you win any civil rights or human rights issue. Hell without allies you just secure your own alienation forever.


    If you win you become part of the system. Can’t have that! Better to keep agitating in some rear guard battle forever.

    @Rakqoi@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

    I’m torn about this. Although I agree that the admin of that instance is being pretty transphobic and abrasive, I don’t know if it’s bad enough to defederate. In addition, I really like some of the communities there (especially the Godot community) and this might be the thing to push me off blahaj.zone…

    It’s a hard balance to strike, protecting vulnerable people from potentially harmful instances with bad policies, while at the same time, providing a valuable instance that people will want to use. Unfortunately, this will probably push me and some other individuals onto other instances that may have worse moderation and will likely expose us to a lot more bigotry. It’s a tough situation, and I honestly don’t know what the best option is.


    on that note, does anyone have recommendations for a neutral and controversy free instance but that also isn’t so quick to defederate?

    I understand instances like this wanting to defederate on principle and I’m sure it helps to curate a better experience for the people looking for that. Personally I’d rather make the choice myself to block communities I don’t like and leave defederation on an instance level to just blocking illegal content and poor moderation and the like.


    I chose lemm.ee because of how rarely it defederates, and I’m not aware of any major controversy with it. Blahaj is still federated, as is hexbear, lemmygrad, and beehaw. For those who want to curate their own instance experience, I’m not currently aware of a better home (though if anyone knows of one, definitely let me know, of course!).

    @Gormadt@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

    Still being federated with Hexbear and Lemmygrad is a deal breaker for me but thank you for the suggestion


    ?? I was suggesting it for the user above, who specifically mentioned wanting instances that weren’t quick to defederate.

    @Gormadt@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

    I had a very similar comment in this thread and while being tired AF I replied to your suggestion

    Maybe I thought it was a reply to my comment? IDK. I was tired AF.


    I have an alt there, but there have been some availability issues lately. Is it better now?


    The server was upgraded this past week actually, and I haven’t had any problems since.


    ee is one of my favorite instances because their users will occasional wander into a lemmygrad thread and get shocked as shit.

    Ategon, (edited )
    @Ategon@programming.dev avatar

    There typically will always be some form of controversy, tends to be just how the admins handle that

    I try to keep this instance federated with instances as much as reasonable (the only lemmy instances we really defederate with are burggit and rqd2 since their instance rules break our instance rules, lolicon+DMCA ignoring for the first and very questionable communities in the second (zoophilia, MAP)) and were dealing with the situation in this post internally currently to solve the situation here with blahaj. Should make a post in meta probably tomorrow

    I can give some recommendations of some instances with admins ive had positive experiences with (im one of the programming.dev leads though if that affects my stances on this)

    • startrek.website - I dont talk with these admins much but the instance tends to be pretty positively viewed across lemmy
    • slrpnk.net - one of the other niche instances. Admins seem relatively chill and I dont have anything negative regarding them. Active in helping stop spam accounts (defeds with hexbear + lemmygrad)
    • lemmings.world - has been pretty active in making tooling to help out a bunch of admins + the fediverse in general. Made uptime badges that some instances use, a linking system so you can link to something that sends people to the copy of it on their own instance, and a gui for fediseer which a bunch of admins use to keep track of defederations + endorsements (defeds with hexbear + rqd2)
    LadyAutumn, (edited )
    @LadyAutumn@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

    You can always make another account (on another instance) to view content from defederated instances.

    I’m not all that sad to see them go, honestly. I think proactively taking action against instances who tolerate or perpetuate transphobia is a good thing for an instance made to be safe for trans people.

    The admin could just as easily respond to all of this, there’s no way he isn’t aware, but he has thus far chosen not to.

    Edit: misunderstood that there was only one lead admin of the programming.dev instance.

    @Ategon@programming.dev avatar

    We have been talking about it internally currently (+ was talking with ada). I’m planning to do a post tomorrow

    @LadyAutumn@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

    Ah, I see your comment explaining how the administration of the instance is set up. I thought there was one lead admin, but my knowledge on that comes entirely from the thread on the transfem community. Pardon my ignorance on that point. I’m glad to hear that you’re in talks internally and with Ada. No one likes defederation, but I do understand why in this situation, some kind of action was warranted. Hopefully everything can be sorted out.

    Gormadt, (edited )
    @Gormadt@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

    Unfortunately the best option will probably be to see if the defederation takes place then if it does move instances.

    It’s a tough call but it’s starting to really seem like the right one.

    The problem will be finding a new instance, I think the solar punk one might be a good place but I have to see who they’re federated with first.

    Edit: Spleling


    Alarming, but thats fair. Thanks for bringing this to our attention and doing this to keep us safe.


    Yah, it’d be one thing if they had just like… packed up their opinion on the game and dropped the whole thing, but then continuing to hammer on about it and like, straight up ignore trans people telling you that they have a problem with the game and people buying it, that’s kind of another things.


    Fascists literally can’t not. They literally can’t.

    @Fal@yiffit.net avatar

    it’d be one thing if they had just like… packed up their opinion on the game and dropped the whole thing, but then continuing to hammer on about it and like

    Am I understanding you correctly, that the problem you have is that this person was responding to replies to him?

    straight up ignore trans people telling you that they have a problem with the game and people buying it, that’s kind of another things.

    And a trans person telling you they have a problem with the game, it means disagreeing is inherently transphobic?

    @queue@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

    Fuck the transphobes and if they refuse to change they can stay removed.


    Do I understand correctly that you’re defederating from the whole instance because one user from that instance said something you didn’t like?


    Anyone have screenshots of the conversations? It appears some of the admin in question’s messages are deleted

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