

Federated avatar


DC suburban hairstylist, sewer, knitter, wfpb cook, I lost 80lbs and reversed my Type 2 diabetes with the wfpb diet as laid out in Forks Over Knives. Currently attending KYTT200 (kundalini yoga teacher training) #adhd avatar


#Artist. Couturier. Magical homosexual.

The elf in the custom #couture tailoring business Elfkin.

Married for the past 15 years to the extraordinary

Living in the belly of the West Hollywood beast.

Made with parts from 🇬🇷🇬🇧🇩🇪.

It should go without saying that all Black and trans lives matter.

Alt text. Profile pic: line art illustrated head of a man with a shaved head and beard. Header: stylized flower outline being stitched on denim. avatar


Retired musician. Now I sew things. avatar


Spinnen, stricken, häkeln, weben - mit Fasern und Garn kreativ werden. Stricken und Häkeln habe ich als Kind gelernt, Spinnen kam ca. 2005 dazu und 2021 dann auch noch weben.

Spinning, knitting, crocheting, weaving - give me fiber or yarn and I'll get creative. I learned to knit and crochet as a child, started spinning about 2005 and 2021 the weaving bug bit me.

#knitting #spinning #crochet #weaving #Handarbeiten #stricken #hakeln #fibercraft #wool #yarn avatar


Fantaisie responsable, pièces uniques, prêt-à-porter, sur mesure. Speaks 🇬🇧 elle/she avatar


Frogs are cool. Crafting is cool. Video games? Pretty cool! Snail mail is cool. Me? Uncool.
Melbourneish, Australia. She/her


Hello! I'm an artist living in Delaware making interesting dolls using hand sewing techniques. I'm also an elementary art teacher, but am not working in the public schools at present. avatar


Sew, Bike, Code(λ), Repair, METAL, Drink Coffee, Repeat avatar


My life and interests in bullet points.

  • mother to a severely dyslexic kid. I do a lot of advocating, as severe dyslexics get shut out of the written internet so you do not see their viewpoints expressed.
  • long covid suffer, but able to manage it
  • Engineer, except math and science jokes.
  • Crafter, mainly sewing. Love any kind craft and art.
  • Lover of history and architecture
  • old house lover, love my 90 year old house.
  • black cat affectionado. So cats. avatar


Product manager on hiatus, feminist, rock climber, geek, maker. I make and sell geeky/nerdy bags and jewelry. Currently recovering from ten years in tech, spending most of my time #reading, #sewing, and working with #polymerclay. Lives in #somervillema but grew up in #batonrouge #louisiana. #mlis from #uw #seattle. Move slow and fix things. Leave the world better than you found it. She/her

Online shop: avatar


#Ukrainian and all over the place: #3dPrinting, #Sewing, #Weaving, #Inkscape, #FreeCAD happen often. There is a chance of baking, degus and selfies.
I practice #projectorSewing and have a sewing/digital alteration #Youtube channel.
I mostly live on #Discord and have my own tiny server connected to said Youtube channel.

Older profile: avatar


Creator and spirit worker who works magic with words, paint, ink, music, textiles, and herbs. Founder and Temple Mom of Ariadne's Tribe (inclusive Minoan spirituality). Tarotist. Gardener. Living history demonstrator. Queer. They/she.

[Profile pic: I have pale skin, blue eyes, long gray hair that photographs blond.]

[Header: My original art of the Isopata Minoan seal ring, a ritual trance-dance scene with four priestesses and interesting visions.]


I’m a fiber #artist, #cosplayer (ish), #enby ♾️ ♿️🏳️‍🌈

Trying my best to make all kinds of things because I can and it’s the closest I’ll get to actual magic ✨

I’ll be posting about #embroidery, #cosplay, #cottagecore, maybe #gaming, but mainly lots of #crafting. Soft and cozy vibes with a goofy humour. This is a patch of the internet I want to tend with a kind viewpoint.

I don’t consent to my images being used for AI datasets.

#fedi22 avatar


#Textile waste upcycler and #climate #artist who reimagines, repairs, and refashions garments. Co-producer and one of 5 featured artists of Climate Gallery’s Artivism #VR exhibition. Also a home #gardener, #web3 practitioner, and a stray #cat caretaker.

#textileartist #climatecrisis #reducereuserepurpose #fashion #sewing #sustainability


Geek who writes from vocation, knits from nervous habit, and works in IT. she/her/hers

Personal web site at: avatar


Magische Kesselguckerin, Autorin, Journalistin, Texterin, Foodbloggerin, Feministin, Wollflüsterin, Kunsthandwerkerin. Wahlberlinerin. Antifa. BiPoC (white passing). Spoonie. sie/she.
Zimt ist Liebe. 💙❤️🖤


Marine, Martial Arts & Fiber Artist. She/Her. I keep my Follow list small deliberately.

I live on Occaneechi Land.


Frontend Team Lead. Interested in software quality, personal growth, and learning from others. Avatar image: “The Banquet” - René Magritte #Sewing #SoftwareEngineering #Frontend #Art #Culture #Snapshots avatar


London-based member of the tofu-eating wokerati, usually knitting, sewing, reading or making something or other #knitting #sewing #dressmaking #crafting #reading #fiction #scifi #archaeology #walking #travelling #StarTrek #fedi22


Male he/him cree métis, treaty 6, cree territory. My family felts and beads. A artist who photographs, crafts and collects miniature mukluk boots
treaty 6 métis region 4, amiskwaciwâskahikan
turtle Island kânata
ᒣᑎᐢ ᐨᕒᐊ #sewing #indigenous #crafts #handmade #beading #beads

Support a Indigenous Mastodon Instance

📷🎮🕹️🎸👨‍🎨🎨🌎☮️ #MMIWG #MMWIG2S #ProtectICWA avatar


(Tess-sear Eh-ks)

🔞 Might be lewds or I might overshare about personal things.

  • Into dnd, #ttrpg, drawing (mostly maps), creating tales and campaign ideas, check out my
  • Big into #crocheting check out my store!
  • Aspiring poet and writer!! Check my Wattpad!

Energetic or depressed most of the time.

Things I post most weeks on no particular day.

  • make a map
  • post cover art of Dungeon magazine
  • me plants
  • my poems
  • dreams avatar


I speak thru art while gargling humor. Weaver. Peace Corps 1966. Vegan 1974. Hound celebrant. 🏳️‍🌈
Yoyo and Baba are rescued racing greyhounds.
Animals and art and news #HoundsOfTwitter #pandemic #weaving #covid #Greyhound #Greyhounds #GreyhoundsOfMastodon #Vegan
Wear a mask! avatar


a fat lady (she/ they) who makes stuff avatar


Enthusiastic about nature, kindness, puns, tea, personal websites, lichen, bags, space, hobbits, social justice, ending climate change, naps, reading, watercolors, laughing, bookbinding, bicycling, paddling, vegan cooking, sewing, and ham radio.

Living w/ fibro & MECFS, MCAS, anxiety, ADHD.

GenX, happily married to for 29 yrs, mom of two adult kids (one hard-of-hearing, one autistic trans). Wears heart on sleeve. Trans rights are human rights.


Out somewhere on a ridge in 🇨🇷. Walter wrangler. Former Creative Director/Copywriter turned sustainability wonk turned food grower. Pretty damn good cook. Fluent in Spanglish. 💜 historical fiction. Super-fan of K-Drama. I fold my pizza. Borahae my OT7 Army! 🫰🏼
Been there. Seen it. Climbed that.

No bio. No follow.

#DopeOldPeople #BTS #BTSArmy #KDrama #Permaculture #Sustainability #DIY #RenewableEnergy #Sewing #Foodie #Borahae #DogsofMastodon #MastoDogs #CostaRica 🇨🇷 #PuraVida #NoBridge avatar


Designated servant of Masha + Mirah 😺 English + German teacher, sewist and dance ballet. avatar


Hullo, I'm Icy (she/her)! I play games on the internet and sew cool stuff in my "spare" time; I'm a SysAdmin the rest of it. Nice to meet you!

❄️ #ESO Stream Team
❄️ Sat-Tue

#ESOFam #ElderScrollsOnline #Starfield #Gaming #Sewing #VintageSewing #Twitch #SysAdmin avatar


lover of #tech, finder of narwhals, can fix my own printer, #cat parent. #queer #artist. avatar


Scientist. Lacemaker. Special fan of Ipswich Lace. avatar


#Energy, #Regulation, #REMIT, #EnergyLaw, formerly on #EnergyTwitter work @AutoriteitCM, love #Rotterdam, #Tango, #Outdoors, #crochet #handspinning Boost/bookmark is not endorsement etc. Toots mostly Dutch and some English avatar


Artist and Unreal Engine tinkerer avatar


One masters in Counseling and another in CS. I love talking #Technology and #MentalHealth.

Tech geek and advocate of minorities in tech. Previously a longtime Microsoftie. Coach and mentor at SelfWitte, DefCon SOC Goon, and #BurningMan regional Ranger at Critical Northwest. Lives near #Seattle in the lovely PNW. #Polyamorous (#polyamory)

This account is set to autodelete posts older than 2 months.


Greek daddy elf living with my husband, a dog, and two cats in the heart of West Hollywood where I spend most of my time #sewing, #cooking, and #cycling with occasional bouts of #photography and #origami. #queer af. avatar


bla bla bla vélo, bla bla environnement bla bla gauchimse bla, bla développement web bla bla, alterpensisme, bla bla

je suis né à 341ppm de CO₂ dans l'atmosphère, si vous n’êtes pas terrifié par la crise climatique c’est que vous n’y avez rien compris

🍑, 🚲, 🎲🥐


This account will scratch the itch of 'mes doigts maladroits' (my clumsy fingers, in french) for some hardcore...



Brace yourselves. 😅 avatar


am liza sabater, the og blogdiva & resident afroboricua #antifa #dyslexic #ActuallyAutistic #AuDHD tití.

surviving breast #cancer is my F/T job; but #dogs, #cats, #sports, #sewing, #cooking and #Monsterdon give me the energy to continue chronicling American fascism.

so #fuckCancer & #COVID19, join a #union & fight for #UBI & #Medicare4All avatar


Wild Northern IL crone. Habitat: Local woodlands, creeks, trails, and quilt shops. Amiable unless threatened.

Posts are usually life #observations, #photography, #gardening, #quilting, and #USpolitics, Sorry about the last one. Can't help myself.

Background as an #ArtBuyer, #ContentManager.

#Wife and #Mom. avatar


Tinkerer Maker Solderer Mom • lateral thinker • LEDs improve everything


She/her. “If you can’t find the sunshine, be the sunshine.” Creative creator of creative things. avatar



I’m a gay nerdy tech guy (he/him) living with my husband Daniel ( in Seattle, WA. I enjoy partner #acrobatics, #lifting, #running, throwing #pottery, #baking, and reading SFF.

I volunteer as a developer and system administrator at Distributed Proofreaders (, the largest contributor of public domain ebooks to Project Gutenberg.


I do computers for work (k8s, devOps, accessibility) and any crafts I can get my gay lil hands on (knitting, stamp carving, bookbinding are some favorites right now). big fan of birds.

if you ever want any of my art just ask! commissions for custom work are also an option.

AuDHD, white, queer/trans/nonbinary

boosting/posting images with good alt text; if I fail to do so you're welcome to remind me

generally will follow back when we interact a lil

previously avatar


"An avid builder of contraptions"

Arts-and-crafts supervillain. science writer. vaguely woman-shaped creature. Grandota muy linda. avatar


👉 Senior Back-End Dev. Seeking Remote Position 👈

Autodidactic, Autistic, ADHD, Trans, and Geeky Programmer.

Queer friend of Camellia Sinensis.

If you want to hear my ramblings about Tabletop Role Playing Games check out my other account: avatar


Living in a forest on an island. Singer, songwriter, multi-instrumentalist, artist, author, world's first certified organic cannabis producer (2003), hiker, baker, brewer, #cats, #coffee, #baking #cooking, #cycling, #sewing, #gardening, #libra. First class honours degree in #drawing and #printmaking. Then I did music. #creativity #outdoors #environment #nature #cptsd #mentalhealth #inclusivity #music #recording #songwriting #gearsquad he/him avatar


YA scifi author 🚀 | spoonie ♿️ | player of Nintendo games 🎮 | aro-ace :heart_ace: | #faithfullyLGBT ✝️🏳️‍🌈
📚: THE IAMOS TRILOGY (Snowy Wings Publishing), CHEERLEADERS FROM PLANET X (The Kraken Collective)
Cozy fantasy as NORTHWEST MAGIC (Crimson Fox Publishing) avatar


I’m a hobby collector and generally into anything creative. I’m also a software development manager working in the science arena. 🧶🪡🎨🧬👩🏻‍💻🧵🧫 avatar


🚴‍♀️ #LifeBehindBars - #Gravel #RoadBike
👦🏻👦🏻👧🏻 #FatherOfThree - #FatherOfTheYear
🧑🏻‍💻 #ActiveDirectory Subject Matter Expert


Just finding new adventures! Ottawa based Sewist, Designer, photographer; baker; teacher; artist; digital creator; dancer; minpin mom; small town girl… she/her. Been running my own custom sewing and Design studio since 1988 and teaching Haute Couture Sewing for the Fashion Designer Diploma program at Richard Robinson Fashion Academy in Ottawa since 2021. Figuring this out!
Avatar is a shadow cast onto a tree,
header is a fuschia floral digital art on a black background. avatar


Housewife, mom, gamer, and obsessive creator of stuff that nobody ever asked for. Fancy comma lady. White settler on Treaty One Land in Winnipeg.
she/her 🏳️‍⚧️

Mimsy Crash Course:
• Talk to your partner.
• Get your eyebrows done.
• Fuck 'em.

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