
Developer, tinkerer, loving everything creative. Trying to deal with only being able to pursue a few passions at a time. He/him.

A fav from me == like/congrats/+1

I keep my main posting feed about my work on ActivityPub in GitLab, but you'll see me replying to posts on my subjects of interest, such as #dnd, #travellerrpg, #shadowrun, #soloroleplaying, #3dprinting, #digitalart, #blender, #krita, #ecology, #DIY etc.

Profile picture: literally "" (that is, me and my dog - #nethack joke)

This profile is from a federated server and may be incomplete. Browse more on the original instance.

Crell, to programming avatar

1 does not mean true.
0 does not mean false.

That is a 50 year old hack in #C that we have not managed to escape yet; it's even inconsistent. (Unix error codes are the other way around.) It's high time we moved on.


@Crell Golang totally changed my view of C/unix with its return err idiom, making me realize "damn, that's actually what C/unix is doing!". It's not that 0 == true, it's that we're returning "is_there_an_error"! Now, instead of doing int ret = 0; ... return ret; in C, I do int err = 0; ... return err;, and it all makes sense.

This is not exactly answering your point, but I don't have many opportunities to say how this change makes me happy, so here it is, and thanks for the opportunity! ^^

bagder, to random avatar

In the end of December 2023 I reported a security problem in Apple's version of the command line tool (not present elsewhere).

I've told them I will go public with the details after 90 days.

It's not a critical flaw, but it bugs me that they don't act nor respond.

kik, (edited )

@bagder Big companies… 🙄 The only people who read your mail probably had no clue what curl is or saw it as unplanned request for work that should be discarded. You'll see them react when higher ups will hear about the problem in the press.

scottboehmer, to battletech avatar

CGL has opened up their official discord server:

#BattleTech #Shadowrun #Leviathans


@scottboehmer Wow, given the negativity Shadowrun players can have against the game and the company (at least, those vocal online), that's quite brave! ^^

dangillmor, (edited ) to random avatar

Dear journalists who remain on Twitter:

You actively participate on a site operated by an extremist right-winger who promotes other extremists who want, among other things, to end democracy. The end of democracy means, in case you haven't grasped this yet, the end of freedom of expression.

This means you are actively supporting his business -- and you're doing it for free.

Please grow a spine, and stop helping the people who hate you and want to destroy what you do.


@dangillmor It keeps getting better and better :

EDIT: there are reports that her account is accessible again (can't confirm, I don't have an account).

masukomi, to 3DPrinting avatar

Someone on Reddit asked a question that showed honest interest in but just didn't understand what you could meaningfully do with it. They also had a bunch of misconceptions about its limitations.

As a result, I've put together a blog post that should hopefully give curious folks a good idea of what you can really do with a 3D Printer other than make silly things to put on your desk. Includes many examples.

Please share with anyone you think might benefit.


@masukomi Great article and great point. 👍️ I have a feeling you and the person you're answering to are actually agreeing. :) "It is all about holders" is the feeling you get when all you do with your printer is browsing Thingiverse/Printable to print other people designs. I often say to people considering buying a printer : "it's like a musical instrument. Sure, you'll have a bit of fun playing by heart other people compositions, but it only shines when you make your owns".

Also, I can confirm resin printers are killing it for minis creation! 😅 I use my SLA printer at least two or three times as much as my FDM just for that. And there too, once you're getting comfortable with sculpting, the fun raises exponentially.

PS: the image in point 7 is broken.


@masukomi Oh, I see your point. The idea may still look attractive to non-musician. I guess I'll have to find a better metaphor. 😅

I play soloRPG, so gladly my need for minis never stops. Not sure if I would have invested in a printer as well either if it was just for a gaming session every now and then that will probably stop after a year. 😅 And I can confirm minis is all I do with my resin printer. Functional prints don't work because resin prints are very brittle, plus they tend to never be the exact size you modeled them. That's why I still use my FDM actually. SLA for art, FDM for functional.


@masukomi Oh yeah, with FDM printers, it works great. .1mm precision sounds awesome, it's close to first generation resin printers! My FDM is nowhere that close, but at least it's predictable. 😅

The thing with the resin printer is that after printing, you cure your piece by exposing it to a UV lamp, to solidify it and make details appear crisper. Which works great! But also causes the piece to shrink by an unpredictable amount. 😅 (depends on the exposition, on the resin, on the model, etc) So yeah, fitting pieces together is often a no go. :)


@masukomi Oh, ok, we are more and more soloroleplayers, that's awesome! ^^

Totally, I see your point. I play three difference games (dnd, Shadowrun and Traveller), so gladly I can have both. I use minis for dnd and theater of the mind for the others (which works especially well for gunfights over possibly long distances). But minis battles have became my pretext to sculpt, so I'm happy to continue with it. ^^

I'm also attempting something new lately: digitally drawing maps, displaying them on my tablet and playing with the minis on top, which now makes a good pretext for drawing too! I'll try a few more times to see if I like it, and then I think that for the first time in my life, I'll buy a TV. To put it flat on my table and display maps. :P (because yeah, the tablet is a bit short in available space 😅)


@masukomi Thanks! 👍️ I'll have a look at it, but I finally have a complete edition now that dnd 5e is over (except if the Vecna book is still 5e, it's not clear yet), so I'll try to keep it at that for fantasy. I'm a completionist, if I buy one book in the edition I need to buy them all (or I will regret it once they're out of printing! 😅), so I need to be very cautious in trying new games. :P (I authorized myself to get one fantasy game, one cyberpunk and one sci-fi ; plus Mythic)

Cool idea to make separate accounts! I try to keep my posting to one theme as well, so that people following me for that don't have to deal with unrelated things, but this lead me to only post replies on my topics of interest and often refrain posting. I'll emulate that, thanks for the idea! 👍️

imarfisi, to ukteachers avatar

I'm working on a the submission of an Erasmus+ projet for for . The objective is to continue the research of my previous project 🇫🇷 so the tool can be used by all over the world

It's very stimulating to work with colleagues from 🇩🇰 and 🇹🇷

I just hope I will have time to finish the submission before I give birth🤰🏼to number 3 (imminent).


kik, (edited )

@imarfisi @edutooters @education I wonder : do you have (or work on) MR tooling that are open, rather than proprietary walled gardens we see in consumer space?

I keep seeing commercial MR projects failing (Meta2, Magic Leap, Hololens, and now Vision Pro seems to go in the same direction from the start), and I keep thinking each time : "the tech is cool, what this field needs is its very own Tim Berners-Lee" (and a hardware company publishing their specs 😅).

EDIT: assuming that's what you want to work on? I see from Mixap website it's more in the field of what I knew so far as augmented reality.


@imarfisi My apologies, I didn't mean to question semantics, I just misunderstood what we were talking about at first. :)

Totally makes sense to go with what's already available in the classroom! 👍️And props for using web tech, that's a sure way to avoid those walled gardens.

mauve, to random avatar

Personally when it comes to open federated standards I ultimately only care how many compatible implementations are out there.


@mauve "A standard, with multiple implementations". The old adage is as true as ever. :)

That's also why I decided to work with ActivityPub rather than cooler things like ssb or dat (well, that's why I decided to move to ActivityPub after the rug pull that killed my Beaker apps 😅)


@mauve I hadn't until now, that sounds awsome! Do I read this correctly that the goal is to put ActivityPub on top of data hosted through hypercore? What the best place to follow the progress? (any RSS feed? ^^)


@mauve @dripline @sutty Awesome, thanks. That's a whole new branch of possible interoperability, I love that. Well, I have a lot of reading to do! 😅

milohax, to random

These 90+ second forced-to-watch YouTube ads are garbage. If you're on that platform and hoping to "monetize" ... well, you're losing another subscriber.


@milohax My usual way to watch Youtube videos is by downloading them with yt-dlp. No ads, no unresponsive interface, no tracking, and I can look at the video in the player of my choice (which… used to be a thing).

Best of all: all channels have a RSS feed. So you can curl a channel page, find the RSS link in it (look for "feeds/videos.xml"), and then download video with yt-dlp when there's a new entry without ever visiting their interface. :) Been doing that for years, it's been a perfect Youtube experience for me.

But of course it would be even better if creators were moving to Peertube. Most make money with their own sponsors, nowadays, anyway.

kik, (edited )

@milohax I remember having this problem once as well, I fixed it by always requesting videos in smaller resolution (I use -f 22 to watch on my laptop, but it obviously depends on your screen resolution ; you can see the list of available resolutions/formats with -F). yt-dlp request by default the biggest resolution available, I can see why youtube would be annoyed by that and trying to throttle it. :)

That being said, yes, even with that, I got used to watching a video being an async process. Most of the time, the videos I watch come from RSS so I download them in ~/Videos/queue/ and watch them later while eating. for the adhoc ones, I just start the download, setup a notification for when it's done, and do something else meanwhile. Still better than's experience. 😂 (especially on my webkit browser), to random

Morning all. Quite a day yesterday, and today so far. I’m obviously taking a beating from everyone who thinks the Bluesky bridge should be opt in. OK.

I want to run one idea by you all. The way the bridge is currently designed, no fediverse profiles or other content are proactively bridged into Bluesky. If someone on Bluesky wants to see or follow someone on the fediverse, they have to manually request it on the bridge. That fediverse user’s posts are then only bridged going forward, and only if someone follows them.

What if, the first time someone on Bluesky requests to follow someone on the fediverse via the bridge, the fediverse user gets prompted, “X from Bluesky wants to follow you. Are you ok with connecting with Bluesky?”, maybe via DM. I assume that would still be considered opt in?

Realistically, most people in the fediverse will never hear about the bridge. Traditional opt in and opt out both generally expect people to proactively find a setting or take some action, often one that only a tiny fraction of people ever learn about. I don’t really care how many people discover or use the bridge, but this kind of just-in-time prompt, only shown when someone wants to follow or interact with them, feels like a useful improvement in that it puts the decision in front of them directly.

Thanks to @Kio for the idea. It seems promising; I’m now planning to try it out well before launch. Let me know if you don’t like it.

kik, That sucks to be punished for building something cool (and interoperability is always cool). Stay strong, and thanks for your work.

samurro, to RPG

Why are you playing systems? are living off their social interaction and emergent storytelling, which is not-existent or strongly diminished when playing solo. Which system do you play and what makes them work for you?


@samurro Sorry, we're not that many following those hashtags :)

Personally, I play the same systems I play in group : dnd, Shadowrun and Traveller, with Mythic GME on top.

There are many reasons to love , like the love of writing (tried to have my friends play PbP, this didn't pan out 😅), the desire to finally be a player when you're a forever DM, the desire to finally see a campaign reach conclusion, etc. In about 10 years of roleplaying, I haven't see a campaign with other players reach conclusion, as a player or as a DM. Not once. Supposedly "life" gets in the way, systematically. Maybe I'm unlucky. And it's even more annoying when you've been doing worldbuilding specifically crafted for the characters of your players.

With solorpg, I can build as much as I want, nobody can take it from me. The emergent storytelling is there thanks to Mythic or other oracle systems - actually way better than when DMing. And the social aspect is there too, just have characters discussing.🤷


@samurro Oh btw, I forgot a very obvious reason to love : you can play when you want. You can play every night of a week if you want, then pause for two months, then start again, then play in a waiting room when you have a bit of time or something.

I play every night of the week (playing three different games), spending my evening writing instead of playing videogames or watching series (I still play videogames on week-ends to change a bit). I replaced consumerism in my life with creativity, that's awesome.

It goes beyond writing by the way, as there are a lot of close arts that work well combined with solorpgs : some nights, I'll just draw a cool scene from one of my games, or make a portrait for one of my characters. Other nights, I'm sculpting/3d printing/painting minis for my dnd combats. And when writing, exploring with Mythic the vastness of the worlds beyond me ridicules even the most big budget videogame. And I can have an other of those world every night if I want.


@samurro @lextenebris What is "ordinary ttrpg"? 😂 I haven't played with two groups who were playing the exact same way. Some prefer combat, some prefer exploration, some prefer epic stories, some prefer sandboxes. And then, there is the GM style. Some build a whole world in advance. Some follow written adventures to the letter. Some figure what's next just based on players suggestions, or rolling dice. And then, some groups are the same 4 or 5 players every week. Some are players coming in and out and never having the same table.

is modular by nature. is just one other way to play it. If your point is that "there are aspects of playing in group that you don't have when playing solo", well, yes? :D The reverse is true too. And there are aspects of playing in group one way that you don't get when playing in group an other way.

The good news is that you won't be struck by lightning if you play both solo and in group. Nobody asked you to choose either one or the other.


@samurro @lextenebris As you say, so much text. If you're still failing to see the interest of solorpg, maybe it's time to consider you may have preconceptions and are attached to them, to the point of refusing the answers to your very questions. And yes, you get heat because your contempt is showing.

laidbackdm, to maps

I’m digitally colouring a hand drawn map for one of my games and I have to admit it’s pretty cool 😂 (sorry, photographing the screen blurred the shot)

If you’ve got a map you’re working on, pop it on the thread 😊


@laidbackdm I'm surprised that I'm writing this, but… I like the fact that it's a photography of the screen rather than a screenshot, actually, it makes for a cool and original angle over the map. :) Maybe there's a bit of nostalgia for the SNES' 3d rotations of 2D map in this. 😅

Oh, and also : awesome map, congrats!


@laidbackdm 😂 Art is easy, really : it's just about pretending everything was intentional. ^^

mcc, to random avatar

Been getting this sense lately that the fediverse may be thinning out a bit, and in parallel getting a sense people I know are finally jumping to "bluesky" in numbers.

Trying to figure out exactly at what point I decide I'm willing to create a feed over there. My position has been "I'll post there when I don't have to use their servers to do it", but I continue to suspect this will literally never happen because their protocol is designed to look like federation without being ever federatable

kik, (edited )

@mcc Interfacing with the Fediverse could be very simple if all you wanted was to fetch content from it : each user has a outbox, which is a URL containing a json list of their posts, you can parse that, like a RSS feed. This is where the simplicity stops. :)

I you want to participate, ie post messages, you need: 1/ something that will post to other people inboxes to send them messages (all people you want to see your message, and you probably want to find the shared inbox of the servers to post only one message for all those that are on the same server), 2/ at the very least static files implementing WebFinger and your profile json page, servers will fetch that, 3/ signing your message with HTTP signature when sending them, that's a non trivial part

If you want to be fully integrated, that is, receive replies, subscribe to account and be notified of new posts, allow people to subscribe to you, etc, you need some inbox software. How you store things is up to you, though.

kik, (edited )

@mcc Note that while there is this outbox document with all posts from an user in it, which could theoretically be all that is needed to publish, this is not how clients are implemented (and not either how the standard recommends them to be implemented) : ActivityPub is not a pull protocol, it's a push one. So if you just expose a static outbox page, nobody will see your new posts. You have to push them to people inboxes.

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