

Child of a workers family, born in Germany from a mum, who loved the voice of Miriam Makeba and we danced in the kitchen on https://yewtu.be/embed/JBJVVhn7iuo?t=93. Therefore I've a black soul and was fighting against racism since my childhood.
In my youth I've been anarchist.

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Radixi, to Israel German

(German below)

I can't believe it.

There were weeks of outrage over the massacre in Bucha/Ukraine, in which 419 civilians were murdered, though the genocide of thousands of people in Gaza is tolerated by the German government as "Israel's right to defend itself"!!!


Ich kann es nicht fassen.

Es gab wochenlange Empörung über das Massaker in Butscha/Ukraine, bei dem 419 Zivilisten ermordet wurden, doch der Genocid an Tausenden von Menschen im Gaza wird jedoch als "Verteidungsrecht Israels" von der deutschen Regierung toleriert!!



#Israel #Gaza #Palestine

oatmeal, to israel

The "tragedy in gaza" turns out to be exactly what many Israelis suspected: a violation of the "open fire regulations" [yes, the IDF has them...]

Ynet reports:

[...] The initial investigation into the incident of the accidental shooting of the hostages found that one of the hostages signaled surrender - yet was still shot by an IDF sniper, contrary to the open fire regulations. Another hostage who was hiding in a structure yelled “help,” [in Hebrew] and was still shot dead at close range. A few hundred meters from the scene of the event, a structure was discovered with “SOS” and “help” and “hostages” graffiti in Hebrew, but it was not inspected out of fear it was booby trapped.

Hebrew https://www.ynet.co.il/news/article/ryxdvwo8a




Capitalism is forming the character of its so called "human capital". Patriarchy with its political economy is a civilized mass murder system.

When the soldiers injoy killing people, they are result of BiGTechs tittytainment games.

@whatzaname @israel @palestine

oatmeal, to Israel

This is what Biden should have said. Sadly he’s too involved if not complicit.
"Part of the problem in the end is 's arrogance," says a U.S. Air Force officer who has been involved in internal deliberations within the administration and discussions with his Israeli counterparts. "Even to us, in private and candid conversations, they have referred to the Hamas surprise attack and its brutality, they have invoked the , they have blamed Hamas, they have referred to 9/11 and argued the 'Never Again' justification for their unforgiving operation. The simple truth is Israel has lost the information war because it has destroyed so much, even if they can justify each individual attack."





"The simple truth is Israel has lost the information war (...)"

Let's reflect "information":

First fact: Israels administration didn't care and respect the information, that terrorists on Gaza are planing something... or was this arrogance? Or...what?

Why nobody of the organizers of the festival received this information?
Could it be a reason for it, that they (maybe, because I don't know them) were part of the anti-government-movement?




I don't find it funny when supposedly communist workers support national liberation movements.

By the way, the Romans called the area "Palestine". Catholic clerical fascism began with them.

@israel @oatmeal



Read the critic of Rosa Luxemburg on it.

@israel @oatmeal


Thank you @oatmeal

Thx for this information.

Didn'nt say "Bibi" that this article:

"Egypt warned Israel days before Hamas struck"


was a fake?


carolw, to random

If someone wants to know about Judaism and Zionism, ask a Jew. I am tired of coming across non Jews acting like the foremost authority on the subject. Most of the time they do not have the Jewish people’s best interest at heart.



If you ask two Jews you will get three until four opinions ... 😉

There are plenty of information in the internet and really good books in libraries... written from Jews. Therefore: No Goy is depending on other Goyim for achieving knowledge in Judaism and Zionism.



Ah, sorry it was a misunderstanding from me and I was in mood for joking...

By reading your first sentence, it's clear for me now! (I've got it!) , that there are reasons to argue scientifically.

For me the female vision of "Zion" is "Shekhinah".

What's about your vision?



This is the Map about the UN partition plan: https://www.hagalil.com/israel/images/azmaut5.jpg

How many and which Palestinian leaders participated in the plan?

Another question: Why was Al-Husseini (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amin_al-Husseini) not prosecuted in the same way as Eichmann?

He was a big friend of German Nazis, who prepared Yom-Kippur-War ( for example: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Johann_von_Leers )

In Appendix 1 of https://oceanofpdf.com/authors/peter-levenda/pdf-epub-the-hitler-legacy-the-nazi-cult-in-diaspora-how-it-was-organized-how-it-was-funded-and-why-it-remains-a-threat-to-global-security-in-the-age-of-terrorism-download/?id=001648839266 you can find more of them.

They continued the "War against the Jewish Bolshevism" after 1945. 😱


HeavenlyPossum, to random

Today I learned from one correspondent that Karl Marx was a big advocate of progressive income tax, that he used the term “bourgeoisie” to refer to people who work for a living, and that he was backed by Friedrich Engels, a British agent, because the British Empire wanted to create socialism in order to undermine poor governments around the world.

The internet is a wild place.

appassionato, to australia
@appassionato@mastodon.social avatar

Teachers in Australia warned against pro-Palestinian advocacy

School teachers in the Australian state of Victoria have been warned against taking part in pro-Palestinian advocacy.

“The government does not support the action that has been put forward by a small subsection of the Education Union,” Mr Carroll said. “This action is inflammatory, it’s divisive and only sows more seeds of disharmony in our community.”




It's the same in Europe.

Schools in France (Banlieus) are burning very often...

It will take some time and many schools in Europe will burn...

In Berlin even school rectors can prohibit Palestinian scarfs...


oatmeal, to israel

Are Israelis are afraid the facts of the occupation might be weaponized against them...?

Ynet columnist: Better not to prosecute the October 7 terrorists. It will be a circus

[...] The foreign attorneys who will be recruited to defend the terrorists will turn the process into an international show trial against Israel, the occupation and the siege on Gaza.

[...] In these proceedings it will be argued that Israel besieged and starved Gazans for years and all they wanted was to free themselves from the chokehold. The attorneys will insist that Israel did not move towards a solution and the Palestinians were left with no choice but to shake the foundations. They will add that anyway many of the October 7 victims were killed by Israeli soldiers and air force helicopters, and they have no chance for a fair trial when the process takes place in the occupiers' territory through biased judges representing the state that is responsible for the occupation and refugee problem in the first place.

Hebrew: https://www.ynet.co.il/news/article/h1dkgpeht




Let's remember the so called "Zeitenwende" after 2001 9/11: The global society dropped into "the war on terror" against Al-Quaeda. As result ISIS, da'esh, was created and the Nato didn't defeat Taliban in 20 years

The "war-on-terror" of 2001 created more terror, more wars and more victims, isn't it?

We've to analyse this carefully, because the Gov. of Israel said on Oct. 7: "This was our 9/11" and is speaking about "the war on terror" against Hamas.

"Such so-called civilian collateral damage was a primary reason so many Afghans turned against the Americans after initial good will in the early years of the U.S. intervention." wrote Adam Nossiter and Eric Schmitt (NYT) on August 30, 2021.
The civilian collateral damage in Gaza is huge and doesn't affect only Palestinians: It's affecting imo Arabs/Muslims at all and will lead into not only a moral and political firestorm if the so called "civil society" doesn't stop it.

@israel @palestine

Radixi, to israel German

"In less than two months, more than twice as many women and children have been reported killed in Gaza than in Ukraine after two years of war."


And what this sentence and introduction of the NYT article is telling the readers?
That the Israeli military has committed more war crimes than the Russian (including the Wagner Group) ?


Stoat, to glasgow


Scotland demo

Saturday November 25th 1PM

Assemble Buchanan Street steps

#Glasgow #Palestine



I'v e to agree @davidpnice , because the construction of a nation is always basing on the question and attribution: "Who is a real citizen and who's not?" This is leading into exclusion of human beings. Currently nationalism and fascism in Europe is rising and deportations of non-citizens too.

@Stoat @palestine



US is a nation too and that's the "work" of the national state.
I know from colonized African people, that they were suffering, because the European colonialists destroyed their tribes by creating nations and borders.

@davidpnice @Stoat @palestine

Radixi, to Israel German

Ich habe den Eindruck, dass viele Menschen wenig über die Entstehungsgeschichte sowie Unterschiede inkl. heutigen Tendenzen des Judentums bzw. der globalen jüdischen Bevölkerung dieses Planeten wissen.

Ich habe viele kennengelernt, die sehr geschichtsbewusst sind und mich z.B. auf die Schriften von Flavius Josephus hingewiesen haben. Bekannter als die antikolonialen Aufstände und Kriege der Juden gegen die römischen Besatzer (siehe: https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/J%C3%BCdischer_Krieg) sind leider in Europa die "Gallier" (Asterix&Obelix) als Comic-Helden. obzwar sie Phantasieprodukte sind.

Dementsprechend haben also Juden/Jüdinnen antikoloniale Befreiungskämpfe geführt, noch bevor es "Palästinenser.innen" gab...

Eben deshalb stehe ich allen, die auf ein "antikoloniales Befreiungsrecht" der Palästinenser*innen pochen ohne diese Geschichte zu würdigen und ohne auch Juden zu den Indigenen des Territoriums zu zählen, die von den patriarchalen Kriegen z.T. vertrieben wurden, recht kritisch gegenüber.



Nachtrag zum Taz-Artikel: Was Stefan Grigat leider völlig ausblendet ist die Kontaminierung der arabischen Länder sowie des Iran mit dem Antisemitismus des NS. Letztere setzten ja quasi den WWI als "Krieg gegen den jüdischen Bolschewismus" fort.

Dazu geforscht haben der Historiker Wolfgang G. Schwanitz
sowie Matthias Küntzel




Die Kultur von Araberinnen/Musliminnen und JudenJüdinnen ist sehr ähnlich und sie haben über einen langen Zeitraum hinweg friedlich miteinander gelebt. Auch in Spanien/Portugal. Viele Jüdinnen sprachen ehr arabisch als hebräisch. Und beide wurden von den christlichen Kreuzrittern verfolgt.

Maimonides war in der arabischen Welt hochgeachtet und Moritz Steinschneider, der auch den Koran in die hebräische Sprache übersetzte, schrieb noch 1902 das Buch "Die arabische Literatur der Juden" (online hier: https://archive.org/details/diearabischelit00steigoog/page/n7/mode/2up?ref=ol&view=theater).

Jihad bedeutete ursprünglüch "Mühe" und basierte auf der Geschichte von Hagar, die in der Wüste Wasser finden musste, damit ihr Sohn nicht verdurstet.(1)

Doch 1914 entstand "Der globale Dschihad - made in Germany" und Kaiser Wilhelm instrumentalisierte den Islam für dem imperialistischen Krieg:


Auf jeden Fall gehört dies auch zur Vorgeschichte des IS sowie der Hezbollah und der Hamas.


(1) Natürlich ist diese Geschichte aus dem Tanach - in der Hagar von der eifersüchtigen Sarah verjagt wird - und auf die sich auch der Islam stützt, eine "Wunde Stelle" vor allem für Muslim*innen in der Gemeinsamkeit beider Religionen (Judentum&Islam).

oatmeal, to Palestine

No wonder thousands of people in North America and Europe are protesting for #Palestine. They are not supporting the #Hamas, and they're not antisemites ... they are protesting their leaders who made their countries complicit, alongside Israel, in war crimes.




I think, it's not suitable comparing the Palestinian tragedy with the "Holocaust". This, because Jews in Europe never committed terrorist attacks on civilians, as Hamas did.

I've the impression, that the rightwing Israeli government is committing a new Nakba for establishing a "Great Israel".

@oatmeal @israel @palestine



I reject this narrativ "Colonialism", it's not scientifical.

I think, you don't understand the difference between colonialism and imperialism. Colonialism is basing on settlements and exploition of slavery work. Imperialism is basing on valorization of capital. More explanations about it you can read in the books of Karl Marx and Rosa Luxemburg.

@israel @racingdaily @oatmeal @palestine



Henry Ford (for example) was not a settler, but made plenty of profit in Israel.
And Arab landlords (specially the family Al Husseini) benefited from the high prices of land, which was sold to the J.C.A.

European colonialists robbed the land from the indigenous people, but the Jews bought the land.

More in German language here:

@israel @racingdaily @oatmeal @palestine



"The farmers were then thrown off their lands."

Marx called it "Primitive Accumulation":


But surely, it was an act of expropriation.


@happymilk @israel



"There are many special features in Zionism that actually distinguish it from ordinary colonization. But let us not forget that the traditional process of colonization is, after all, only a scheme. It would be absurd to attribute a fetish character to each and every one of its components. Above all, the classical definition of colonization cannot be applied to the Portuguese colonization in Africa. Portugal was an underdeveloped country.

Is there any reason to deny the colonialist character of this expansion?

The concept of colonialism is a working concept that must be expanded and concretized through the analysis of the particular phenomenon to which one wishes to apply it. There is no such thing as "chemically pure" colonization. Incidentally, at the beginning the Zionists readily admitted the colonialist character of their enterprise. However, Kisch noted in his newspaper in 1931 that efforts should be made to remove the compromising expressions ("colony", "colonize") from the Zionist vocabulary. [24] It will no doubt be objected that this view of Zionism does not do justice to the Jewish pioneers."

[24] Frederick Hermann Kisch, Palestine Diary, S. 420 (28. Mai 1931).

(translated from: http://www.trend.infopartisan.net/trd0204/t310204.html )


@israel @racingdaily @oatmeal @palestine



"Let us look at the most obvious argument! It cannot be denied that the Zionist immigrants were persecuted in their home countries and that it was not their intention to rob the Arabs in Palestine. One can even add, because it is true, that the pioneers of the second wave of immigration fought precisely against the colonial behavior of the Jewish planters and that they were characterized by an egalitarian and collectivist ideal that found its concretisation in worker colonization. Let us also recognize that the first Jewish farms were based on the sweat of their labor under very unfavorable conditions. All this is true.

Nevertheless, a development cannot be judged by the idea one has of it, but rather by its actual content. There is no need to discuss the fact that the Zionists of the second Aliya were sincerely convinced that the aim was to found a republican Jewish community. Nevertheless, their enterprise was objectively a colonial expansion, as Herzl had instinctively sensed when he proposed to found colonial societies, which the Zionist funds then were.

Certainly this story is tragic: the persecuted become the persecutors. The principle of 'Jewish labor' leads to self-sufficient segregation. "



@israel @racingdaily @oatmeal @palestine

oatmeal, to palestine

#Golda Meir was truly a horrible person, on many levels. Other than retorting that there's no such thing as "Palestinian people" she also thought Arabs don't really love their children that much... words can impact real life.

According to Save the Children, 3,195 children killed in three weeks in [#Gaza] surpasses annual number of children killed in conflict zones since 2019.





Remember Margaret Thatcher: She was called "the Iron Lady"

@argv_minus_one @oatmeal @israel @palestine

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