kkarhan, to linux German
@kkarhan@mstdn.social avatar

I really did squash a lot of issues in OS/1337:

Good news: Network Support is in it.
Status: Still within #1440kB size for the #Core Edition.
Bad News: PCI(e) stack had to be yeeted in order to fit, so no #Networking in #VirtualBox

I'll now have to get my workflow to follow the pipeline that @SweetAIBelle has been builing...

#OS1337 #linux #EmbeddedLinux #Development #Kernel #Embedded #minimalist #Desktop #toybox

kkarhan, (edited )
@kkarhan@mstdn.social avatar

Granted I'm open and willing to suggestions to make that happen on the "#CoreEdition" of OS/1337 but as of now that'll be the limit.

Tho this could change later once #syslinux has been replaced with something more efficient...

I guess @landley may also be interested in the alternatives to syslinux for #mkroot / #toybox?

Either way, development is continuing and work is in progress...


SweetAIBelle, to random

This might sound silly, but I installed virt-manager to make things a little easier when using qemu, then created a new virtual machine with debian 12 on it... then installed qemu on that.

The actual reason for this is to make github account separation a little easier...

If you get virt-manager set up properly, it definitely makes using qemu easier, though. I practically just had to tell it to make a new virtual machine using this iso with this much memory and this big of a hard drive, and it was right at the debian install screen. (Set it up with xfce...).

Main tricky parts were that I had to install libvirt first, make myself a member of the libvirt user group, enable the service, and install dnsmasq. Not great, but could've been worse...

Used debian on the virtual box just for a little variety. I like to keep my hand in on different distributions a bit.

@kkarhan@mstdn.social avatar

@SweetAIBelle But then again I do want to develop @OS1337 into a solution that sits right in between @landley 's and @yoctoproject 's whilst being able to fit arbitrary restrictions like competing with @w84death 's in size and in terms of functionality and versatility.

But speaking of OS/1337, i really need to get crackin' on those open issues and start using the reworked scripts of yours so my old mess can get yeeted sooner than later...

@kkarhan@mstdn.social avatar

@SweetAIBelle Ideally we'd end up with something more featureful than #toybox's #mkroot when it comes to OS/1337.

Like a more modular configureability for targets and native- & cross-compiling, where supporting a new architecture/hardware is as easy as plopping in a profile with configs (plus i.e. necessary drivers / firmware not included in the kernel) into a folder and kicking off the build pipeline to generate a bootable image to dd onto a drive…

Tho I'd assume this won't happen b4 Q3/2024.

OS1337, to random

Thanks again to @SweetAIBelle for extensive contributions to OS/1337, making the pipeline and scripts to reproduceably build OS/1337 images and it's parts more flexible and nifty.


@kkarhan@mstdn.social avatar

@SweetAIBelle After all, I think that longterm OS/1337 should provide a simple yet versatile basis to expand to arbitrary complexity if desired, offering more features than @landley 's #mkroot since I'm convinced that a package manager [ https://github.com/OS-1337/spm ] and accompaining repository [ https://github.com/OS-1337/pkgs ] is obviously out-of-scope for the backbone of #Android, where everything interactive is ment to be on the fancy GUI layer for good reasons...



@kkarhan@mstdn.social avatar

@landley thx for hinting the #AboriginalLinux's slides.

Yes I am aware of the #RabbitHole I'm digging myself in and why you explicitly don't do that with #mkroot for very good reasons.

The project scope tho is to make a minimalist linux that just does run some applications built for it.

I don't expect to compete with existing distros.

I merely expect to be able to run #lynx on an old #ThinClient with a #transmeta CPU inside and similar lowest-end systems.



@kkarhan@mstdn.social avatar


Yeah, I didn't really leveraged code from for OS/1337 and merely took a look at it at times.

The inital and currently used scripts are loosely based upon @w84death 's Manual [ https://archive.org/details/floppinux-manual/ ] with just being replaced with and a current version as well...

Tho @SweetAIBelle is reworking the pipeline to be more modular and configureable, and I appreciate that a lot.


@kkarhan@mstdn.social avatar

@landley @SweetAIBelle I don't doubt that...

There are just a bit more functions put into OS/1337, including support for multiple profiles for building...

After all, it aims to succeed the nieche of ...

is obviously -principled for good reasons and I do think that is quite good....

It's just a different goal and thus justified as such...

rory, to FreeBSD

I've been re-reconverting a lot of my "stuff" to the BSDs (Free, Open, Net). It's refreshing. The Linux every-tool-has-to-be-a-swiss-army-knife ethos is exhausting after a while. The relative simplicity and clean organization of *BSD (especially OpenBSD) re-affirms my fondness for UNIX-y things.

You might think there's not that much difference but, in many cases, I'd rather admin a BSD box. Try it, you'll see.

Also, NetBSD is soo lean, it has made my old Pentium III almost useful again. Even with 333Mhz and 128 MB of RAM 🙃

@kkarhan@mstdn.social avatar

@rory Since then @SweetAIBelle and I have worked on OS/1337 and whilst we have some booting prereleases, I want to iron it out into something that works and that is easily extensible and "build from source yourself"...


Tho #OS1337 is not to be confused with @landley 's reference implementation of a #toybox + #musl / #Linux distro that is #mkroot, which is close to but not identical to the foundation of #Android, but exceeds my space requirements.

nixCraft, to random
@nixCraft@mastodon.social avatar

If you could code any fictional technology from movies or books, what would it be?

@kkarhan@mstdn.social avatar

@landley @OS1337 Tho I'm convinced #mkroot can't be pushed well under 1440k given that #syslinux as bootloader is a chonky boi.

I wished there was a better drop-in replacement but then again I've yet to do extensive research on that matter...

@kkarhan@mstdn.social avatar

@landley @nixCraft @OS1337 makes sense...

also #gzip is the lowest common denominator of #compression on #linux, so it does make sense given that #toybox aims to provide a good yet space-efficient userland, even if that means i.e. vi instead of neovim or ne.

And given that #mkroot is a minimum viable product of a complete toybox/linux distro that is able to reproduce itself from source, it's inevitably going to be big.

A "self-hosting" distro that fits on 1440kB is very likely impossible...

whitekiba, to random German
@whitekiba@squeak.social avatar

@kkarhan The fuck ist los mit den plötzlichen Cryptoboosts? Ist dein Account okay?

@kkarhan@mstdn.social avatar

@whitekiba Kommt drauf an...

Oft gibt's genug legacy zeugs und so gern ich's los werden will, so sehr ist's oft notwendig.

Auch wäre das nur das "Minimum viable OS" und natürlich würde ich das ganze sowie das abgeschlossen ist weiterentwickeln zu einem brauchbareren System mit mehr Optionen.

Quasi wie #mkroot von @landley ...



kkarhan, (edited )
@kkarhan@mstdn.social avatar

@landley @whitekiba @OS1337 sry.

My quest is to see if something like can be done with modern versions of & .

I know is meant to show a full + toybox / linux system for each supported architecture without sacrificing features and drivers along the way whilst retaining readability and reproduceability.

So OFC it can't fit on ...

But what can fit is a shimmed-down system able to load additional tools and/or flash/write a bigger system onto disk.

kkarhan, to linux
@kkarhan@mstdn.social avatar

I really did underestimate as compression for a :

I was able to just shove the pre-made, full & uncut binary from @landley and still have some breathing room.

Tho I expect this to change once I put a in that has actual capabilities...

This will be interesting for OS/1337.


the complete toybox binary outputting the commands it has implemented

@kkarhan@mstdn.social avatar

@landley I mean I know #mkroot will definitely remain the baseline of #toybox / #linux for a good reason...

I'll take notes later and see how much I can trim toybox too without having useless system...

In theory cat, dd, echo, ls, poweroff, reboot, sh / toysh, ip / ifconfig / ipconfig & wget should be sufficient.

Then just dbclient...

But yeah, minifying kernel is far more pressing then the xz compression of the rootfs is very efficient and not bottlenecking me, but the Kernel balooning is.

kkarhan, to linux
@kkarhan@mstdn.social avatar

Good news everyone!

OS/1337 now finally boots to a [quite castrated] version of / in glorious 80x25.

Thanks a lot to @SweetAIBelle and also thanks to @landley for nudging me in the right directions...


kkarhan, (edited )
@kkarhan@mstdn.social avatar

@landley Okay, I've not dabbled with the .config files...

Espechally since in terms of Hardware it makes more sense to [me to] optimize per-architecture [I've not seen VIA or AMD NICs on an amd64 or arm5r11 system]...

Granted the version is my primary target since it's the one most desperately in need of something like OS/1337 and I can't commit the time necessary to support more as I've got € 0 in funding so it's not as if I can quit my dayjob to commit fully to it.

kkarhan, to linux
@kkarhan@mstdn.social avatar

I guess I fecked up on this build of OS/1337...

need to repackage rootfs.cpio.xz and see if that works....


#OS1337 #EmbeddedLinux #Linux #embedded #Development

@kkarhan@mstdn.social avatar

@SweetAIBelle OFC getting it to boot is the first priority...

Once that works it should be easy to get it to feature-parity with #mkroot and add i.e. dbclient or even ne to it:

@kkarhan@mstdn.social avatar
kkarhan, to random
@kkarhan@mstdn.social avatar

Someone asked me in regards to OS/1337 "why don't you just use mkroot from @landley ?"


And that is a valid question.

To sum it up:

  1. #mkroot for #i486 requires 3MiB of storage and thus is not an option for the 1440kB target size of the current, minimalist system.

  2. shure I could instead make a #Syslinux #bootFloppy but that feels like cheating...

  3. In the end the idea of OS/1337 is to build a #TUI-based #Desktop that can be built to run on everything.


@kkarhan@mstdn.social avatar

It's not that I dislike @landley 's work and #mkroot is propably the best starting point for #EmbeddedLinux development and everyone who wants to DIY a minimalist #Linux should check that out instead...

It's just that I intent OS/1337 to be a starting point for something wider in scope long-term than being the most frugally possible Linux that can compile itself and act as basis for the underlying #toybox/Linux that powers #Android.

kkarhan, (edited ) to linux
@kkarhan@mstdn.social avatar

:boost_ok: :boost_requested: :boost_animated:
OS/1337 development goes on...

Tho I'm a bit stuck on the boot pipeline...

Anyone any idea why?

#Linux #OS1337 #embedded #syslinux #Floppinux #EmbeddedLinux #toybox #boot #i486 #ix86 #OpenSource #development #Software

@kkarhan@mstdn.social avatar

@SweetAIBelle I'm not shure if me not specifying an offset was the mistake tho on #Floppinux that wasn't done either and I assumed that swapping #BusyBox for #toybox should just work.

I guess I was wrong...

And no I didn't use #mkroot as @landley would've done...

But maybe my toybox .config is also dysfunctional as I basically gutted most functions out of it since I only want to launch #dropbear #SSH Client (aka. #dbclient)...

@kkarhan@mstdn.social avatar

@landley @SweetAIBelle yeah.

I forewent #mkroot and tried to just drop-in #toybox instead since making a successor project to #Floppinux seemed a good idea.

After all OS/1337 should allow me to put like really old tech to ongoing use and do some "frugal computing" with long deprecared SoCs like 1st gen Intel Atom Netbooks...

I.E. stuff struggling to run #BunsenLabs #Linux...

gorplop, to random
@gorplop@pleroma.m68k.church avatar

I'm trying to play with SH4 CPUs in a few set-top boxes I have. This is difficult as the whole STLinux FTP server is long gone.
If you, or anyone you know has these files:


or any other STLinux ISO files, please ping me! I want to document this strange CPU and the tools used to put linux on it.

Please retoot for a wider reach!

kkarhan, (edited )
@kkarhan@mstdn.social avatar

@gorplop right now I'm still working on getting like a 1440kB 3,5" FDD relese (version 0.1) for -SX done but in theory everything should just cross-compile to 4 / ...

I just wanted to make something more practical to use than whilst also making something a bit more versatile than .


kkarhan, to bot German
@kkarhan@mstdn.social avatar

:boost_requested: :boost_ok: :boost_animated: WANTED: Instance Recommendations for a FLOSS Project:

I do want to setup a 2 accounts for OS/1337.

  1. One main account for news and announcements (kinda like @ubuntu and @thunderbird have).

  2. One #bot #account for publishing #git changes (similar to @linux and @netbsdsrc ).


@kkarhan@mstdn.social avatar

@HopelessDemigod It's kinda an exercise on and .

Kinda going from @landley 's and working towards building something that is actually useable and not just some EoL tool (i.e.
/ ) or a simple test of feasibility (i.e. which uses instead of ).

Imagine if we'd have OS/1337 in ?
Would not be as fast as but at least useable!

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