remixtures, to ai Portuguese avatar

: "Many tech writers have a constant fear that AI will take our jobs. I often think, what I’m doing isn’t rocket science. Any person with some education can do it. And yet, just as engineers struggle to write, tech writers frequently struggle with AI tools. They don’t understand how to use them effectively. Even though “prompt engineering” is often a ridiculed term online, again and again I hear feedback from TWs about AI not being useful to them, or they simply don’t have interest in AI, as if it’s irrelevant to their work. This blows me away. When I can ramp up on a product in an hour and write a user guide in a couple of days, and code a doc publishing script that automates even more tasks, how can AI not be useful? How can it not be essential?

An often repeated saying is that AI tools won’t replace us, we’ll be replaced by those who know how to use AI tools. I feel like this is more and more true. Consider this scenario: You hire a roofer to install a new roof, which mainly involves removing the old shingles and installing new ones. One roofer arrives with a hammer. It will take this roofer 2 weeks to do the job. Another roofer arrives with a pneumatic roofing nailer power tool. It will take this roofer 3 days to do the job. The cost of the first roofer is 4 times that of the second. The output is pretty much the same. Which roofer do you hire?

It’s the same with tech writers. Suppose you have a large project. One tech writer can create the documentation using AI tools in a quarter of the time, while the other will take 75% longer. Which tech writer do you hire?

Fortunately, I think tech writers can learn how to use AI tools as power tools. Especially with more awareness and knowledge about effective prompting techniques, tech writers can become much more productive using AI."

remixtures, to TechnicalWriting Portuguese avatar

#TechnicalWriting #SoftwareDocumentation #DITA #CCMS: "Whether we are talking about technology, governments, business, culture, or the environment – we live in a world of constant change. In our field of work, many of us see changes impact our documentation on a weekly, if not daily, basis. To keep pace with these changes and maximize content reuse, it has become standard practice to employ some form of topic-based authoring tool.

However, when technical communication professionals consider their content authoring and management strategies, the best solution is not always clear. Does it require a component content management system (CCMS) based on the Darwin Information Type Architecture (DITA)? Or will a more general solution for topic-based authoring provide the necessary features?"

remixtures, to TechnicalWriting Portuguese avatar

: "Finding the right balance between being too simple and too sophisticated isn't easy. You might get away with a generic onboarding how-to guide if your API focuses on one single feature (as OpenCage does). Otherwise, you need to craft different onboarding experiences for each one of the consumer use cases you want to support.

One thing that works for me is learning as much as I can from consumers before writing any API documentation. Then, I focus on the top use cases potential consumers are interested in. Since those will be the top entry points for most new API users, I prepare a tutorial for each. Each tutorial offers a safe environment where developers can easily sign up to use the API. Then, by following the steps in the tutorial they will end up implementing the integration that fulfills their use case."

remixtures, to TechnicalWriting Portuguese avatar

#TechnicalWriting #SoftwareDocumentation #Documentation: "Even if you have the same title, you can have different experiences with your career and learn different skillsets if you seek out different team sizes, company stages, reporting structures, and working environments.

Identifying that variation has been crucial for me as I’ve stared down a lifelong career doing “just writing”. Did I really want that? Thankfully, technical writing doesn’t look the same everywhere, and that variation is what keeps it exciting for me.

In chatting about next steps in a technical writing career with a mentee, we came up with the following list of experiences and job situations that could be on a bucket list for technical writers.

What types of experiences and job situations might make sense on a bucket list look like for technical writers? I’m still developing my own, but I wrote up this list to serve as inspiration:"

remixtures, to TechnicalWriting Portuguese avatar

: "With few books on technical writing, and even fewer trying to push tech writing into the minds of other professionals, TWfSD is an excellent, necessary book that capably bridges the gap between engineering and tech comms by directly addressing our partners in crime, software developers. I think both Chris and I would agree on making technical documentation a mandatory subject for Computer Science degrees, alongside modern DevOps and PMO techniques. This book could be the basis of a “Documentation 101” course in the syllabus of any modern CS degree (and I’d certainly pay to see Chris as the instructor)."

remixtures, to TechnicalWriting Portuguese avatar

: “We know that the decision to make a purchase or maybe to buy more of your product is heavily reliant on the kind of technical content you have and whether the users see that what you have is what they need from a functionality and capability perspective. This is throughout the user journey. If a user is just browsing around for a solution, if you have better content than your competitor, they’re most likely to come back to you. If they’re on the verge of just onboarding, they will use technical content to onboard, and so on and so forth.

What we are seeing is that documentation portals, which is the home for technical writers, are actually becoming the number one traffic for a company’s users. If you know how to measure that and you can actually see that linear growth in traffic, and you know that part of this traffic is people making a decision to buy your product, this is definitely something that you want to surface up to your leaders and justifies an investment in making your content better. That’s just one example.

Another example, which is another value metric that we often measure, is returning users. What we’ve seen is that when people visit your documentation often, and even to be more specific, more than twice in the previous 30 days, they’re twice as likely to actually become a paying customer.”

remixtures, to TechnicalWriting Portuguese avatar

: "Your API is nearing completion and it’s time to let the world know about it. This means that it is time to complete your API documentation effort. But, where should you start? How do you know if you covered everything that your decision makers and developers will need to select your API and get started successfully?

This article provides a checklist to help you identify the documentation you will need for launching your API. We will also include some things to consider post-launch as well to help you continue to improve your documentation."

remixtures, to TechnicalWriting Portuguese avatar

: "Why is it essential to establish a clear documentation workflow? How can developers, project managers (PMs), and techwriters work closely together without being a bottleneck? You may be familiar with these issues or looking for a better solution to make the customer and internal (in-house) documentation workflows more efficient.

The development of our workflow spanned about 4 to 5 years, during which we achieved smaller goals and had to adjust our plans along the way.

The actual implementation took 3 to 6 months, but this is surely not its final form. Our work environment and industry are always changing, so we need to keep experimenting to adapt quickly. Now, after reflecting on our progress and making adjustments, we've brought everything together in a more organized way. Even though we had the components ready, it still took a lot of effort to complete the whole picture."

remixtures, to webdev Portuguese avatar

: “If you’ve ever wondered how a website works and whether or not you could build your own, this book is for you. The Static Site Guide walks you through the process of building a website from scratch by using hands-on examples. You’ll learn what a website is and how some of the most popular website technology works. By the time you reach the end, you’ll have built your very own website, and you’ll know how to do it again on your own.”

remixtures, to TechnicalWriting Portuguese avatar

#TechnicalWriting #DITA #Markdown #SoftwareDocumentation: "Moving from DITA (Darwin Information Typing Architecture) to Markdown for technical documentation involves weighing several benefits and risks, which are pertinent to the specific needs and workflow of technical writers

While Markdown offers notable advantages in terms of productivity, collaboration, and alignment with modern development workflows, it also presents significant challenges in content structure, scalability, and feature richness.

Technical writers must be prepared to navigate the less-structured environment of Markdown and may need to employ additional tools and practices to compensate for the loss of certain key capabilities inherent in DITA’s more complex system.

The decision to transition should therefore be made with a thorough understanding of these trade-offs and an assessment of the specific needs of the documentation project.

Let’s dive in."

remixtures, to TechnicalWriting Portuguese avatar

: “Tech writing isn’t going anywhere, but it might change its name soo

Tech writing is unlikely to disappear. The sector where we’ve seen the biggest growth in recent years is computing: writers have always been present in software and hardware companies since the 60s. But even in highly regulated sectors, such as aviation, manufacturing, and pharmaceutics, docs are a necessity for legal and compliance reasons. You could call those the bastions of our craft.

The pace of change in tech is increasing, though, in no small part due to the advent of large language models and an increased emphasis on automation. Better UX also means that user docs are seen as less necessary, with docs priorities shifting towards more technical products that often require development skills. “How can I transition to dev docs?”, a fellow writer asked me the other day.“

remixtures, to TechnicalWriting Portuguese avatar

: "Why is it essential to establish a clear documentation workflow? How can developers, project managers (PMs), and techwriters work closely together without being a bottleneck? You may be familiar with these issues or looking for a better solution to make the customer and internal (in-house) documentation workflows more efficient.

The development of our workflow spanned about 4 to 5 years, during which we achieved smaller goals and had to adjust our plans along the way.

The actual implementation took 3 to 6 months, but this is surely not its final form. Our work environment and industry are always changing, so we need to keep experimenting to adapt quickly. Now, after reflecting on our progress and making adjustments, we've brought everything together in a more organized way. Even though we had the components ready, it still took a lot of effort to complete the whole picture."

remixtures, to TechnicalWriting Portuguese avatar

: "I initially developed and implemented Docs as Tests at Skyflow, a startup that moves fast and releases features and updates even faster than I’d experienced before. I searched for tools to help me manage the pace of changes: there were style linters, API testers, and engineering-focused testing tools, but there wasn’t anything to easily help me validate the product descriptions or procedures in my docs. So I built my own, and Doc Detective was born. Doc Detective is a toolkit that parses docs and runs tests (like stepping through procedures) directly against UIs and APIs. It’s designed so non-engineers can use it individually, but teams can also collaborate. When I set it up to test my docs, it caught issues that I had no idea of. It was a game-changer.

But Doc Detective is just a tool (a good one, I like to think!), and no tool solves every problem. I wanted to find a way to apply my learnings to the broader docs community, and I came up with Docs as Tests—a strategy that can be implemented with whichever tools you choose to validate your docs. I’m excited to share my learnings with you and to learn from you as well."

remixtures, to TechnicalWriting Portuguese avatar

#TechnicalWriting #SoftwareDocumentation #Markdown #XML #DITA: "Think about how in Markdown you would ensure that “all our how-to guides must have an h1 title, followed by one or more paragraphs, followed by one or more steps to achieve the guide’s goal”, and then consider how easy it is in DITA.

This is just not really possible today, at least in any popular Markdown-based framework.

There is a path
Bridging the gap between Markdown and structured authoring will require building new tooling and standards. It’s unlikely that CommonMark or any other popular Markdown flavor would consider going in this direction, so we’ll have to create tools around Markdown.

We at Doctave have some ideas about how to achieve this, and have a roadmap on how to get there. At a high level there are a few things we would need:

✅ A parser and template system that is Markdown-aware
❌ A language for describing constraints and rules for your Markdown content
❌ An engine that enforces those rules on your content
We’re already part of the way there!"

remixtures, to TechnicalWriting Portuguese avatar

: "Why are SDKs so important to ensuring your product is tuned for developers?

It all comes down to helping your API consumers integrate faster. When people decide to integrate with your API, they have a job they want to get done. They think your API could be the fastest path to solving it. But too often, building an integration with the API is as painful (or even more painful) as the original job. That’s counterproductive, to put it mildly. There are a hundred things your users would rather be doing than reading your API docs and writing basic integration code. The less you require of them, the happier they’ll be. And SDKs are the best tool for making sure your API remains unobtrusive.

The definition of an SDK is straightforward: It’s a library that surrounds your API and handles the boring parts of the integrating process, such as:

  • Constructing an HTTP request
  • Managing an authentication token
  • Handling retries
  • Parsing paginated responses

More powerful SDKs will go beyond request and response-handling basics and provide type safety and hinting in the integrated development environment (IDE). This means users don’t have to open a docs page; they’ll get all the information and feedback they need directly in their coding environment. It doesn’t get more efficient than that."

remixtures, to markdown Portuguese avatar

: "Summary:
Enable JavaDoc documentation comments to be written in Markdown rather than solely in a mixture of HTML and JavaDoc @-tags.


  • Make API documentation comments easier to write and easier to read in source form by introducing the ability to use Markdown syntax in documentation comments, alongside HTML elements and JavaDoc tags.

  • Do not adversely affect the interpretation of existing documentation comments.

  • Extend the Compiler Tree API to enable other tools that analyze documentation comments to handle Markdown content in those comments.


  • It is not a goal to enable automated conversion of existing documentation comments to Markdown syntax."

remixtures, to TechnicalWriting Portuguese avatar

: "I wrote last month about how to test docs code examples. Now, let’s look at what to test in docs code examples.

  • Test the claims you make in docs
  • Use the APIs you document
  • Demonstrate common usage patterns and best practices
  • Figure out where you can safely omit boilerplate code

There are also a couple of “don’ts” when writing and testing docs code examples:

  • Don’t show “wrong” code
  • Don’t recreate comprehensive engineering tests for edge cases"

remixtures, to TechnicalWriting Portuguese avatar

: "It's interesting to notice that while "maintenance costs will have peaks whenever there’s a new release or a fix to the API code, support costs will keep growing over time until they become almost 100%."

Why does that happen? Design and implementation costs evaporate as soon as an API is "finished" and consumers are using it. After that, the only thing that still matters to consumers is that the API behaves as it should. If not, they'll look for ways to fix the challenges they're having, and that's where support comes in.

Unless consumers can get all the information they need from the API documentation. If the API documentation can be the preferred method consumers use to troubleshoot their integrations, then you'll end up spending less on support. There will be less hand-holding required as consumers can fix their issues by themselves."

remixtures, to marketing Portuguese avatar

: "So, it looks like API documentation is a form of marketing. It's not traditional marketing but more like one directed at a very specific technical audience. An audience that knows what they want and is very knowledgeable about certain technologies.

The goal of documentation is to help a target audience engage with the API as quickly and easily as possible. By aligning the needs of consumers—using their preferred programming languages and offering SDKs—with the business objectives, documentation is a marketing tool you can use to drive results."

remixtures, to TechnicalWriting Portuguese avatar

#TechnicalWriting #Markdown #SoftwareDocumentation #ContentStrategy #TechnicalDocumentation: "So what happens is that Markdown allows you to be the ninja content strategist: you entered the organization, you are not asking folks to learn anything different than what they know. And then you start building on it.

You have to realize that this is a Trojan horse strategy. Like, you want the docs to be the product, fine. This is what all tech writers want eventually. But be very careful about the product not being, for example, the pipelines or the site you’re gonna render. I mean, that might be part of the product. The product is the docs, right? But you have to enter a software company with Markdown with that mindset. Otherwise it will just turn into something that’s not even a feature, and lose importance.

The value of Markdown is that it allow us to enter with very low friction into worlds that maybe haven’t even thought about docs.”"

remixtures, to generativeAI Portuguese avatar

#SoftwareDocumentation #GenerativeAI #LLMs #Chatbots - Smart recommendations for adopting #AI in #Technical Writing:

"- Think strategically, as in content strategy. The potential of AI content in certain scenarios, such as integration docs or code samples, is huge. Figure out where AI should interface in your information architecture and let the LLMs roam within the boundaries that you build for them. Shepherd AIs.

  • Test your assumptions, test everything. It’s already common knowledge that default LLMs’ output is good only up to a certain point, if not outright unusable. Even my kids can tell whether the stories GPT came up with are lame. Stage A/B tests and user research to verify how good LLMs really are.

  • Embrace metrics and docs observability. Don’t just unleash AI on a product and forget about it; instead, measure the impact of the AI-generated or AI-edited content across your product and content properties, see where they have the greater impact and where they could hurt your product’s credibility.

  • Hire with AI augmentation in mind. As I explained in Hiring technical writers in a ChatGPT world, writing skills are based on the same pattern matching and retrieval skills that LLMs mimic. Unless you expect writers to work offline on parchments, tolerate a certain degree of AI augmentation.

  • Advocate for your craft at work. Tech writers only write during a fraction of their time — the rest is spent chasing subject-matter experts, organizing information, and more. Don’t let stakeholders think that the deliverable is your job: Remind them how the cake is actually made."

remixtures, to TechnicalWriting Portuguese avatar

#TechnicalWriting #DocsAsCode #Markdown #Git #SoftwareDocumentation #GitWorkflows #SoftwareDevelopment: "When you use a docs as code workflow, you need to codify your docs processes and instantiate them in your Git workflow. So you not only need to define the following:

  • When to publish doc updates
  • How to release doc updates
  • How to coordinate a docs release with a product release

You also need to define Git best practices for your team about how to manage those, such as:

  • Whether to use release branches, or merge pull requests frequently but publishing infrequently.
  • Whether to use Git rebase or Git merge to maintain Git history in a given branch.
  • Whether and how to use feature branches and pull requests.
  • Whether to squash merge pull requests to main.

Even if you manage to define best practices that your team is committed to following, there isn’t a way to force your documentation contributors to adhere to all of these best practices. Due to the lack of enforcement of these best practices, you can easily end up in a situation where writers follow slightly different practices based on what their tools make easy to do."

remixtures, to TechnicalWriting Portuguese avatar

: "The best tutorials present information that helps consumers fulfill a use-case scenario that feels real and meaningful. Instead of coming up with a made-up use-case, you can research what are the things your API consumers would want to do. Then, create tutorials that teach how to achieve those results with your API. The goal of the tutorial is to educate readers on how they can use your API—or some of its operations—to get their job done.

So, what are the elements that a good API tutorial should have? Let's look at some of the most important ones:"

remixtures, to TechnicalWriting Portuguese avatar

: "A few months ago, I wrote about why you should test docs code examples. Today, I’m going to look at how to test docs code examples.

The specifics may vary from team to team and tool to tool, but this is the broad shape of what this process looks like:

  • Write docs examples in unit test suites
  • Excerpt example code for inclusion in docs
  • Include example code in docs
  • Run docs tests in CI

In another post, I’ll dive deeper on what your docs code examples and tests should cover. For this topic, I’ll follow a code example from the unit test suite to publishing the docs."

remixtures, to TechnicalWriting Portuguese avatar

#TechnicalWriting #SoftwareDocumentation #SoftwareDevelopment: "Soon after publishing Tips for hiring your first technical writer, some readers kindly suggested to follow up with a post covering the previous step in the tech writing journey, that is, the realization that one needs a technical writer. As there seems to be a strong appetite for this kind of content, I’m going to spend some words to list what I think are the most egregious signs that your team, company, or product requires a technical writer (or a tech writing team).

If you’re here reading this, you might belong to one of two groups: Either you believe that you need technical writers and arguments to defend the need for them in your team or you don’t know what I’m talking about and you’ve been sent to this blog by someone who does care about documentation. Whatever your group, you should be able to recognize the following signs in your workplace or project. If you do, it might be time to consider opening your mind to the possibility of hiring a tech writer.

First though, let me open with a simple premise: If you’re shipping a product and that product is more difficult to use than a kazoo, you need the product to communicate to users through UX writing, docs, or both, and create a team in charge of executing the underlying content strategy. If nobody in there is heeding to the docs hierarchy of needs, that might be due to a lack of docs culture, ruthless focus on other aspects of product development, lack of funding, etc. It’s completely normal, and also sad.

Now, to the signs."

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