sfwrtr, to 13thFloor
@sfwrtr@eldritch.cafe avatar

Ch 9 Nbr 17 — Other than writing, what's your go-to creative outlet?

Photography. You can check my feed. I called it my short form until I decided I could write short short stories. I also have a site where I sell them.

[Author retains copyright (c)2024 R.S.]


sfwrtr, to 13thFloor
@sfwrtr@eldritch.cafe avatar

2405.17 — Have you ever written for other age groups? (MG, YA, A)

My publisher pegged me as a YA writer. Lately, I've been pushing the envelope to adult in general, and in particular writing an erotic fantasy as one of the WiPs. It can all change in revision, of course...

[Author retains copyright (c)2024 R..S.]


thedapperdiner, to elixir
@thedapperdiner@sfba.social avatar

Doing the #sugar #cube and #Chartreuse #Elixir tasting at #HalfwayClub in #SF

sfwrtr, (edited ) to 13thFloor
@sfwrtr@eldritch.cafe avatar

#PennedPossibilities 317 — What clothing materials or outfits feel the most comfortable to your villain?

She was arguably a villain, and she got a thuggish prizefighter to try to kill the MC. She also tried to help a coup d'etat in the mob, which failed. The MC meet her in an alley when the MC dissed her gang boyfriend and she tried to slit her throat. The MC took away her ivory handled jackknife, which becomes a character by itself in later stories. She goes by the moniker of Mustang, maybe because like the car she's unsteerable?

She's described as

"The women looked overly girly in garish reds or pinks, with matching makeup and bracelets, except for a buzzed-cut blonde tanned woman [Mustang] who wore brass stud piercings. (Didn't brass have lead in it...? Poisonous... Oh, never mind.) It worked; she looked tough, more so maybe than her gold chain-wearing boyfriend in a white tee shirt."

We're talking cotton here. Cheap. She's wearing something tight and black around her hips.

[Author retains copyright (c)2024 R.S.]

#BoostingIsSharing and #CommentingIsCool

#fiction #fantasy #sf #sff #sciencefiction #writing #writer #writers #author #writingcommunity #writersOfMastodon
#RSstory #RSReluctanceStory

sfwrtr, to escribiendo
@sfwrtr@eldritch.cafe avatar

2405.16 — If your characters were in a museum, how would they act?

It would depend on how they ended up in the museum. If the devil-girl were put on display, it would end badly for whomever put her there. Were she a patron, she'd be indistinguishable from the crowd. Once she got herself into a sealed vault without breaking in or using the vault door; the interior turned out to be somewhat of a museum (it had family pictures), but she didn't steal anything. It did help her solve a kidnapping, however.

[Author retains copyright (c)2024 R..S.]


sfwrtr, to escribiendo
@sfwrtr@eldritch.cafe avatar

#WritersCoffeeClub Ch 9 Nbr 15 — Have you ever attended a writer's fair / festival to promote your work? Would you?

I haven't.

I consider it if it were for the trade, that is for writers, publishers, and booksellers. If it were for the general public, considering that I feel knowing my gender could add a subtext to my stories I don't want, I'd have to think long and hard of the benefits of attending.

[Author retains copyright (c)2024 R.S.]

#BoostingIsSharing and #CommentingIsCool

#fiction #fantasy #sf #sff #sciencefiction #writing #writer #writers #author #writingcommunity #writersOfMastodon

sfwrtr, to escribiendo
@sfwrtr@eldritch.cafe avatar

2405.15 — Who are your most and least gullible characters?

Of the MC's in the two current WiPs, it's exactly the opposite of what you might think.

The devil-girl had been very successful in most all her endeavors, but she'd never gotten to where she was if she wasn't used by someone every... single... time. Mind you, it doesn't always end well for those who gulled her!

Wintereyes comes across as an ingénue and innocent enough that you'll fear she'll get used like a tissue and thrown away dirtied. Not the case. She mediated between a dragon and a farmer whose silo got burnt down. The dragon apologized! (So did the farmer.) She's observant, quiet. Around people she's shy, but says what she sees and sets misunderstandings straight. Kind and helpful, everyone—humans, dragons, wolves, even cats—ends up doing what she sees is best for them and they like it, despite plans they might have had for her. Because she understands what she doesn't know, her skepticism and guilelessness plays havoc on those trying to use her.

[Author retains copyright (c)2024 R..S.]


sfwrtr, to escribiendo
@sfwrtr@eldritch.cafe avatar

316 — Does your MC or SC have a hard time connecting with others?

Both MCs in the current two WiPs have a hard time connecting with others for different reasons. They could be summed up for one they're people and for the other they're not animals.

If you've followed my posts, you're welcome to guess which is which.

[Author retains copyright (c)2024 R.S.]


sfwrtr, (edited ) to escribiendo
@sfwrtr@eldritch.cafe avatar

315 — What smells remind your MC of their childhood? CW: Food, gross.

Two stories, two MCs, two very different answers...


She was not ever particularly copasetic with her elevation from middle class to atmospheric. When she found herself having mistreated a servant, threatening their livelihood, her autistic construction of empathy as in /I'm living in her shoes and this is fear/ kicked in. She worked hard from that moment on to /be/ with anyone humbly, and the servants kept her secret of visiting in their quarters or at the homes safe. (Actually, not entirely as the servant-mistake was one of her guardian's "lessons," but let's ignore that.) What she came to adore was a peasant bread that represented in her head getting away from all her responsibilities. Buttery, cinnamony, yeasty, with lots of honey and chopped up pumpkin. Passing by an open bakery door will often remind her of simpler times.


She doesn't remember a lot before her gift manifested at age 7. The going theory is that it broke something in her head. Farm smells, flowers, even fields of corn, elicit nothing, though she visits her birth parents' land claim regularly when the Blue Feather's pack hunting grounds shift to that part of the Fell Woods. Her mother's cooking in her kitchen, usually fresh venison or rabbit Wintereyes caught, is simply human food. How she survived going off with a wolf pack at that young age is a tale I should pursue at some point. The fact is that she did. Survive. And well. The smells of a fresh kill, laced with steaming iron scent, does make her remember becoming wild and first running free. It also reminds her of the other smells associated with recent death, some quite noisome. There's a thrill there, even if in the beginning she was barely surviving on too rich organ meat her teeth could chew, or when the alpha wasn't kind, meat Mother Wolf chewed for her. That was a special smell she remembers fondly. Her brother—a hunter that the wolves soon tolerated so long as he didn't visit often—taught her to make fire and to cook meat. The half-burned smell of meat dropped into a wood fire still makes her mouth water, even as it dredges up memories of reaching into a fire and burns, and of ashes and charcoaled fat, which ground in her teeth like soft sand. She became a much more skillful campfire cook out of necessity.

Oh, one other smell: Wet wolf (which is identical to wet dog), because while a wolf could keep themself "clean" with their tongue, the result of a human attending a kill, skin caked with ground-in dirt, sweat, and later ash, was more than the sensitive noses of her pack could stand. They often chased her into streams. She splashed them back, of course!

[Author retains copyright (c)2024 R.S.]


Astralabe, to philosophy French
@Astralabe@lire.im avatar

🎆 Avant-première ! 😊

Anthony Gaté dédicacera le tome 2 de Nelo avant sa sortie officielle (le 21 juin). Rendez-vous à la Maison de la presse des Herbiers le 14 juin de 16 heures à 19 heures !

#AvantPremiere #Dedicace #Roman #Livre #SF #SFFF #ScienceFiction #MastoLivre

xalieri, to escribiendo
@xalieri@masto.ai avatar

Another feature-length e-book presentation from SRF Heavy Industries Document Division!

#Fiction #MosaicNovel #StoryCollection #WeirdFiction #LiteraryFiction #MagicRealism w/ #SF & #Horror elements 110,000+ words/490+ pages #EPUB #PDF #MOBI #AZW3

#WritingCommunity #WritersCommunity #WritersOfMastodon #WritersOnMastodon

$5 at https://l.xal.li/KOFI-TOT !

sfwrtr, to 13thFloor
@sfwrtr@eldritch.cafe avatar

314 — Has your MC ever felt as though they were reborn in the mental / emotional sense?

In the current story, she experiences a mental breakdown when events crush her worldview completely. [Spoilers, so you'll have to take my word on this.] Her understanding of what was evil, wrong. Her understanding of the trustworthiness of people, wrong. The goals she set to fix the magic that she saw as ruining others' lives... evil.

She's doesn't quite accept the latter. However, she finds it very weird to face the people around her without a deep down feeling that they will someday betray her.

[Author retains copyright (c)2024 R.S.]


NemuLumeN, to SF French
@NemuLumeN@shelter.moe avatar

Hello tout le monde. J’espère que vous allez bien. :blobcatbreadpeek:

Si jamais vous vous sentez d’humeur à lire de la #SF / comédie/drame #mecha et +, j’ai lancé une collecte pour mon #roman sur #Ulule : https://fr.ulule.com/tel-un-nuage-bravant-le-souffle

Je n’ai pas cherché à copier le style de qui que ce soit ; il s’agit d’un projet avec une approche assez personnelle. Jetez-y un coup d’œil ! 👀

PS : Je n’ai pas beaucoup de relais, ni l’aura des influenceurs aux milliers d’abonné·es. Si vous pouviez booster ce message... ☺️ :mastodon: 💪 :owi: #MastoLivre #Lecture #AutoÉdition

sfwrtr, to 13thFloor
@sfwrtr@eldritch.cafe avatar

2405.12 — Who is the best friend in your story?

The MC is incapable of seeing that it is her.

For most of her story arc, she's suspicious of making friends having been a prizefighter and then working in the mob. She's also somewhat autistic, but trained to deal with people. The problem is that when she's amongst people, working with them, even the baddies, she's the type that gets the job done, teaches those that need teaching how to get the job done, and will always protect her teammates and subordinates, taking responsibility. You don't get in her face, however; certainly only once, anyway. Strangely or not so strangely, those in her orbit see her as a leader and personable. (All she wants is to go home to be alone with her books, but she'd never complain.) She goes along with it when others are friendly with her, not really knowing how to say no and understanding this was what she was trained to do.

To say she's well liked is an understatement. Not many people support you as she does, or will straighten you out and make you fly right when things are bad for you. She saves one marriage by punching the husband in the nose. She's there for others. She'll enjoy a meal with you if that's what you need and listen to you vent. At least one guy has a crush on her. Others fight for her. Some will risk their life for her...

She doesn't understand it though.

Ask her if she had friends and she'll say. "No."

[Author retains copyright (c)2024 R..S.]


sfwrtr, to 13thFloor
@sfwrtr@eldritch.cafe avatar

313 — Is your MC or SC one to confess romantic feelings early on, or to conceal them for long periods of time?

It's hard to know for sure. She has worked in a world were such attactions are a tool to control others, and she's controlled others with them. Having transitioned from being a criminal to operating in a similar capacity on the other side of the law, she ended up tailing a snobbish dandy... who went on, after various provocations, to being someone quite different than his affectations indicated. She thought to pin him in a wrestling hold to get information out of him, but he threw her off and she fought him only to a draw (not easy for anyone to do since she's a former prizefighter). When later that day she got him to drop his façade, she found him actually adorably vulnerable. Not really knowing her own reactions, she obsessively took him from dinner, to dancing, to... um... dessert in one evening.

Okay, she's very transparent in her feelings.

[Author retains copyright (c)2024 R.S.]


jonny, to random
@jonny@neuromatch.social avatar

Skeptical of how yall keep picking normal looking movies for #monsterdon but seeing some signs it might be good. #Olsen #WhoIsOlsen #FreeOlsen #OrNotIDKIfOlsenIsGoodOrBad

@AccordionBruce@mastodon.social avatar

@Theblueone @jonny
Much improved by Pat Boone’s bringing along his #concertina on the trip to the center of the earth 🌏


#SF #accordion 🚀🪗

sfwrtr, to 13thFloor
@sfwrtr@eldritch.cafe avatar

311 — What is a memory that makes your SC swell with pride?

That armor. The black dragon armor, light as an autumn breeze. The last who owned it, legends say, a million died to take it away from her, but failed in the end.

She gave it to me: The ruler of the world, the most powerful thaumaturge alive. I was the one who nearly killed her, when we fought for our lives incidentally breaking the Curse of Harmony upon her.

I didn't break the curse but was the one who nearly killed her. Yet...

My friend—whose life I saved by pushing her out of the way of a plasma bolt and getting my flank burnt as a result—reminded me of the legend. Made me test the magic, which let me fly like an arrow and loop and dodge more agilely than a sparrow. She added, "She told me it's the first time anyone's got that close in a century. It's a bribe, you know, A loan. She wants you to work for her. You impressed her. "


I impressed /Her./

[Author retains copyright (c)2024 R.S.]


oliviersaraja, to coffee French
@oliviersaraja@mamot.fr avatar

Bonjour les Mastonautes. Premier jour "vaqué" de ce long pont. On est dimanche, il était temps. J'ai transmis à mon éditrice le tapuscrit de mon prochain roman, la 4è de couverture et même quelques idées d'illustrations pour la couverture.
Je me sens un peu vide, mais j'espère trouver l'énergie d'aller courir un peu cet après-midi. Trop longtemps que je ne l'ai fait.
Un petit café avec moi? ☕️
#bonjour #cafe #roman #ecriture #sf

oliviersaraja, to philosophy French
@oliviersaraja@mamot.fr avatar

Tapuscrit terminé, prêt à être envoyé à l'éditrice! Je m'y serais décidément bien épuisé, ces derniers jours. Mais c'est fait.
#roman #sf #spaceopera #espionnage #aventure #action va être confié aux #editionsdu38 #mastolivre

psoul, to SF
@psoul@sfba.social avatar

Can anyone see the in the bay area???

lizzard, to SF
@lizzard@mastodon.social avatar

Sort of pinky through the camera but I can't tell at all if that's just how it usually looks. The fog looks so lush tonight

vl, to random French
@vl@nrkn.fr avatar

Jour 1 — loisirs
Dessin éphémère eau sur toile.

@oliviersaraja@mamot.fr avatar

@vl Une splendide photographie qui fait très #SF pour le coup 🙂

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