embedded, to python
@embedded@mstdn.social avatar

This week, Damien George spoke with Chris(@stoneymonster) and Elecia (@logicalelegance) about developing with and for MicroPython while Elecia tried not to spill all the secrets about her client.

The transcript for that show is available now( https://embedded.fm/transcripts/2023/8/3/456-left-right-symmetry-of-a-banana )!
Feel free to read through and share your favorite quotes.

#python #micropython #physics #embedded #Podcast

villares, to python
@villares@pynews.com.br avatar

O sensacional Nicholas Tollervey fez uma ferramenta com tema de #Python para criar tirinhas quando deu um curso sobre #MicroPython, os alunos podiam usar e compartilhar online os quadrinhos: https://pycomic.github.io

Traduzi e fizemos variantes dessa ferramenta em uma atividade do Sesc com Daniel Sena e Maraiza Adami durante a pandemia:

https://webtiras.github.io/pycomic #webtiras #pycomic

veit, to python
@veit@mastodon.social avatar

@jimmo announced that with the next MicroPython version v1.21, the u-prefix will be removed from MicroPython modules. This makes it much easier to share code with CPython and CircuitPython:
#Python #MicroPython

embedded, to python
@embedded@mstdn.social avatar

This week, Damien George spoke with Chris( @stoneymonster ) and Elecia ( @logicalelegance ) about developing with and for MicroPython while Elecia tries not to spill all the secrets about her client.

Join us for another exciting episode: https://embedded.fm/episodes/456 !

#python #micropython #physics #embedded #Podcast

andypiper, to random
@andypiper@macaw.social avatar

Rewrote my hacked-together HTTP-to-RF #PicoW #MicroPython project to use a sane library (Microdot) in place of my terrible manual sockets code. Now 163.7% more elegant.

itnewsbot, to python

The Past, Present, and Future of CircuitPython - Modern microcontrollers like the RP2040 and ESP32 are truly a marvels of engineeri... - https://hackaday.com/2023/08/01/the-past-present-and-future-of-circuitpython/ #softwaredevelopment #hackadaycolumns #circuitpython #micropython #adafruit #hackchat #python

blinry, to random
@blinry@chaos.social avatar

I've always wanted to build a compass belt, which indicates where north is using vibrations!

Today, I got the very first prototype working: A setup that vibrates when you point your smartphone north! 🧭

I point my smartphone in different directions – when it is in a 1/8th range of north, an attached microcontroller activates a vibration motor. A magnetic compass is shown for reference.

@blinry@chaos.social avatar

This was a super fun week project! It consisted of several components:

If you enjoy what I do, you can join my supporters on Patreon here: https://www.patreon.com/blinry

lobi, to random
@lobi@todon.nl avatar

I've got a spare regular ticket for #CCCamp2023. DM me if you're interested. Reshares appreciated.

@lobi@todon.nl avatar

Here goes once again: This time I asked #ChatGPT to generate the hashtags for all Global South countries. Sorry for any mistake and I hope I'm not being too spamy:

I'm selling 2 tickets for #CCCamp23 (#Germany, August 15th to August 19th, 2023)

Get them for -%20 if you're from the #GlobalSouth (#Africa #CentralAmerica #LatinAmerica #SouthAmerica #Angola #Argentina #Bangladesh #Barbados #Bolivia #Brazil #Chile #Colombia #CostaRica #Cuba #CôteDIvoire #DominicanRepublic #Ecuador #Egypt #ElSalvador #Ethiopia #FrenchGuiana #Ghana #Guatemala #Guyana #Haiti #Honduras #India #Indonesia #Iran #Jamaica #Kenya #Malaysia #Mexico #Morocco #Myanmar #Nicaragua #Nigeria #Pakistan #Panama #Paraguay #Peru #Philippines #SaudiArabia #SouthAfrica #SriLanka #Suriname #Tanzania #Thailand #TrinidadAndTobago #Turkey #Uruguay #Uzbekistan #Venezuela #Vietnam)

Free #flow3r badge (#MicroPython programmable #ESP32-S3 based #ElectronicMusic #OpenSource #OpenHardware multitouch device) if you're ≤25 y.o. (maybe a #student?)

€100 discount for getting all 3 (the 2 tickets + the flow3r)

Handover @ camp entrance against cash, or fully online (via some trusted 3rd party).

#CCCamp2023 #camping #camp #privacy #FLOSS #InfoSec #CCC #CCCamp #ChaosCommunicationCamp #hacking #hacklab #hackerspace #tinkering #makerspace

Frame from the flow3r badge teaser: A flower shaped device with green PCB leaves and white background. A hand is seen touching it and it lights up white. It's seemly powered by an attached USB C cord. It has a speaker and a circular display in it's centre.

olimex, to esp32
@olimex@mastodon.social avatar
w84death, to python
@w84death@fosstodon.org avatar
scruss, to random
@scruss@xoxo.zone avatar

Hmm, two metres of squishy waterproof possibly hackable RGB LEDs for $5? Yes please!

(This is speeded up 8x slo-mo video: standard rolling shutter speed produced horrible choppy visual noise)

a rolled-up coil of RGB LEDs pulsing a candy-stripe pattern slowly from blue to red to purple then green

@andypiper@macaw.social avatar

@scruss bit of a shame it’s IR and not RF. I have an RF-controlled light strip that surrounds the top of my #BambuLab X1C, with a #PicoW and #MicroPython driving the RF signals to dim and brighten etc.

w84death, to random
@w84death@fosstodon.org avatar

And the final font implemented!

#smolOS #XIAO #Microcontrollers #MicroPython


andypiper, to random
@andypiper@macaw.social avatar

Ridiculously, my first implementation of the lighting hack for my #BambuLab X1C ran over HTTP, not #MQTT. I shall now fix this. #MicroPython (adding, not replacing, is the plan)

@andypiper@macaw.social avatar

I ended up using my #NodeRED setup to do the work, since all of the other #MQTT flows are through there. Simple flow to figure out the intended command from the topic, map to the REST endpoint on the Pico's proxy, and that runs the RF TX command to change the light state. I could have potentially done this on the Pico W, but the HTTP-to-RF stuff works fine, so all I did there was a quick #MicroPython 1.20 upgrade, and a bit of tinkering with the network connection code.

scruss, to random
@scruss@xoxo.zone avatar

Okay AliExpress, third time's a charm. I've ordered another XFS5152CE #TTS speech synthesizer module. Will I get a third SYN6988 board instead?


@andypiper@macaw.social avatar

@scruss I have two... pancaked synth boards, one a SYN6988 and the other a SYN6658 (was labelled as XFS). You inspired me... well, someone else should at least test your #micropython code 😜

prcutler, to python

We want your Python on Hardware news! Starting to work on next Monday's newsletter already and show me your awesome projects using #CircuitPython, #MicroPython, and #Python. Reply here or email cpnews at adafruit dot com and don't forget to include a picture or two!

laurensvalk, to random

Hi @danderson Thanks for developing nxos back in the day! It might get some new life as we port #Pybricks #MicroPython onto it :)

andypiper, to random
@andypiper@macaw.social avatar

ICYMI - I hung out with @nickytonline a couple of weeks back, to chat #micropython #mqtt and gadgets and more! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gMA3oHDEqn0

andypiper, to random
@andypiper@macaw.social avatar

Updates to compression, gzip etc coming to #MicroPython (from the June meetup in Melbourne) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=emOc2QMQ8RI

prcutler, to python

We want your #Python on hardware, #MicroPython, and #CircuitPython projects and news for the Python on Hardware newsletter! @kattni and I are filling in for Anne for the next few weeks and we have big shoes to fill.

Got a cool project or news story? @ me here on Mastodon or email cpnews at adafruit.com - and don't forget a picture or two!

PlumpCat, to RaspberryPi

Introduction time!

I'm attempting to teach myself how to code using Python, MicroPython and CircuitPython. I am using a device called "Pygamer" that also lets me code games using Microsoft's makecode arcade. I am using a raspberry Pi 4b as my main computer. I chose to use a raspberry Pi 4b for a couple of reasons. The biggest reason is power consumption (8 watts vs 100+ watts) but the other reason is that it forces me out of my comfort zone. I also just wanted to see if it were possible to learn this stuff without a faster computer. It is possible but it's not plug and play that is for sure!

I am teaching myself this stuff becuase I became disabled around 4 years ago and was no longer able to work doing what I used to do (construction). Disability income is not enough to live on and grow unless you work really hard at learning a skill that doesn't require a large financial investment.

My ultimate goal is to reach a point where I can start tutoring programming and maybe even start a summer camp style electronics thing in the future!

So for now, as I learn, I document everything. I am attempting to build somewhat of a curriculum while I also learn the fundamentals. One day I'll use these materials in my lessons!

I'll be working on this stuff for the next few years as I have a roadmap that leads into 2028. Here is hoping by 2028 I can laugh at my terrible attempts at programming today!

I will mostly be using microcontrollers for my journey as devices like the adafruit Pygamer and pimoroni PicoSystem are relatively cheap and they give you a choice of a few possible languages to learn. Not only that, the extremely limited hardware forces you to focus on game design principles and coding with memory in mind. This will keep me from running away with ideas like I did back when I was playing with Godot as I am very limited in what mechanics I am able to implement!

Those tiny game systems are going to be the basis of ALL my projects moving forward. The Pygamer especially as I was able to grab a few right before they sold out for good!

My favourite genre of games are RPGs and text based adventures. Ever since coming on Mastodon I have been thinking about what it would take to make a vision impaired or blind friendly rpg/tba. This would be my ultimate goal, to code accessible games but for now unfortunately I'm going to have to use the materials that already exist which don't have vision impaired people in mind whatsoever. That is okay though. I will be keeping accessibility in mind once I start actually coding my own game!

I never shared anything on the old social media sites but Mastodon seems infinitely more friendly and filled with similarly motivated people. I look forward to sharing with you guys and meeting others who are doing the same!


#Introduction #CircuitPython #MicroPython #MakeCode #MakeCodeArcade #RaspberryPi #Adafruit #Arduino #LearnToCode
#Pimoroni #Microcontrollers

andypiper, to random
@andypiper@macaw.social avatar
andypiper, to random
@andypiper@macaw.social avatar

Ready to learn what's new at the #MicroPython monthly meetup!

PlumpCat, to python

I am currently learning #Python and have a few devices that use either #MicroPython or #CircuitPython but I think the device that has the most potential is the #adafruit #pygamer. It boasts an extremely powerful #SAMD51 MCU and a whopping 192K RAM amongst a host of other nice little treats like a microSD slot, a really nice screen, 1w speaker (very loud!), 350mah LiPo and charging circuit using microusb and is laid out like the perfect #TinyGames device! It can run circuitpython, #arduino and it works with #makecodearcade!

I managed to grab a handful of these (thank you beautiful gf, I pay you back) from #digikey last month when I saw their stock had dropped from somewhere around 60+ units to 19. Thankfully my gf could lend me the money and now I have the brains of ALL my future #electronics projects!! I am an extremely lucky cat!

I learn best by doing! Having concrete, real world examples to experience first hand is key to me teaching myself how to code.

I am excited to share this #SelfTaught journey with the fediverse and I hope to meet some like minded individuals!

Is there anyone out there who is attempting to teach themselves programming by themselves? I'm sure I'm doing things inefficiently but I'm okay with that. I'm having a lot of fun so far and with time I will be creating some very fun tiny games using circuitpython mostly. #SoloDev

What are or were the methods you used when you were trying to #LearnPython? #LearnCoding #LearnProgramming

A close up of an unpacked and uncased Pygamer.

cta, to random

I have been teaching for a while...happy with it. Spending the summer looking at the environment...seems fine? Not totally sure why I would switch away from MP, CP seems only marginally more convenient. Perhaps you who are reading this feel strongly one way or the other? If this is the case I am interested to hear your thoughts!


@cta if you are teaching MicroPython, I can see why you wouldn't think CircuitPython is worth trying.

Here is my perspective as a beginner not in school and without a mentor.

CircuitPython is much easier to learn than MicroPython almost entirely due to the entry level learning materials that are available. As a beginner, there aren't many books or online tutorials that break things down into tiny, digestible parts.

Say what you want about adafruits supposed market capture but part of the reason people believe that about adafruit is becuase adafruit has an incredible amount of information, documentation and tutorials that walk you through all the key parts of CircuitPython. Without it, I certainly wouldn't have chosen the pygamers as the devices for my future projects.

Which, sure, I'd learn more by building my own but right now I'm trying to focus on programming, not electrical engineering.

From a beginner's perspective with no set curriculum, MicroPython was extremely difficult to find existing materials on that did not assume you were already proficient in programming basics. Adafruit doesn't hold your had, rather they just toss you a really in depth manual and let's you have at it.

I love pimoroni as a company that makes good stuff but their documentation is pathetic compared to adafruits. That only means something to beginners. If I had more experience I'm sure I'd feel a lot more comfortable with the paucity of information pimoroni gives you.

At least from my perspective, if you already understanding programming and actively teach MicroPython, then I would be surprised if CircuitPython mattered in your world!

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