
Name-Not-Applicable avatar



I'm just this guy, you know?

reflex avatar



Ten minutes later I was sorry.
But ten minutes later I was somewhere else.

guyrocket avatar



Hello. I am a single, middle aged man from midwestern United States. Pic is not me.

notincharge avatar



The cig smokin' will not be televized.

livus avatar



If you like international and eclectic news, come and join me at @worldwithoutus (Link for Lemmy = worldwithoutus).

I've also started helping out at @worldnews, (Link for Lemmy = worldnews), @movies, (Lemmy = movies), and am a ghost at @13thfloor (Lemmy = 13th Floor).

FaizalR avatar



Interested in polemology, global Islamic conflict & technology. Connecting accounts.

temchonghanggia4tech avatar



Nhu cầu in tem chống giả tại 4Tech: https://temchonghanggia4t.com/ đang được nhiều công ty và doanh nghiệp lựa chọn để bảo vệ người tiêu dùng cũng như cơ sở sản xuất hàng hóa. 4Tech đang là công ty in tem chống giả, tem bộ công an,... được đánh giá cao trong lĩnh vực in tem chống giả hiện nay mà bạn có thể tham khảo.
Địa chỉ công ty 4Tech: https://maps.app.goo.gl/7e6NVFXuoCf6zhqeA

Sabata11792 avatar



DM me cute anime girls.

e0qdk avatar



I write code and play games and stuff. My old username from reddit and HN was already taken and I couldn't think of anything else I wanted to be called so I just picked some random characters like this:

>>> import random
>>> ''.join([random.choice("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789") for x in range(5)])

My avatar is a quick doodle made in KolourPaint. I might replace it later. Maybe.


Alt: e0qdk@reddthat.com

Alto avatar



I have a math degree and still can't do basic addition

Anti-tankie leftist

KarthNemesis avatar



hello, i am just a friendly lurker at heart
...recovering recluse

I think you're neat.

nataliaellinore avatar



My opinion belongs only to myself. If you want, I can give some. Perfect smile and sparkling eyes 😊

My Baskadia



Refugee of the great migration

Onii-Chan avatar



We probably don't agree.
I probably said something you didn't like.
You look lovely, by the way. New shirt?

CharlesReed avatar



PI currently working out of Oakmont, Massachusetts.

Alt account on https://kbin.run/u/CharlesReed

symfonystation avatar



Hi, I'm Reuben, the Ringmaster of Mobile Atom Media and Code (https://www.mobileatom.net/). Symfony Station (https://symfonystation.mobileatom.net/) is my latest venture. I moderate the Symfony magazine here (https://kbin.social/m/Symfony) and created the Symfony Universe Collection. (https://kbin.social/u/symfonystation/c/SymfonyUniverse)

A graduate of the Univ. of Georgia and an MA graduate of Georgia State, I live in Orlando. My full-stack developer certification is from the Univ. of Central Florida.

Hegar avatar



Mostly kind chonky weirdo. Gentle nerd freak of the pacific north west. All nation states are vermin.





Full time Lurker

StarChip avatar



Interested in science fiction and futurology, astronomy, hiking and nature photography, open source and self hosted tech solutions. I'm also on Mastodon @StarChip

majestic_flamingo23 avatar



Just like others, expat of Reddit. A nonconformist into all sorts of things that has a Mastodon account of the same name. Science, Technology, Entertainment, and Sports to name a few. And of course FOSS and privacy that borders on obsession. Definitely a tinfoil hat type. Following interesting things and trying to be a good person.

missingno avatar



Pleroma: @missingno
Twitch: missingno_fgc
Youtube: missingno_fgc
Steam: megamissingno
Cohost: missingno-fgc


HubertManne avatar



I am very typical earthling. I like earth food and earth drink and earth sports and earth media. Im all about earth things because I am so typical and earthling. so typical as to be very boring and not worth investigating or looking into because I am definately from earth.



also misericordiae@literature.cafe

FaceDeer avatar



Basically a deer with a human face. Despite probably being some sort of magical nature spirit, his interests are primarily in technology and politics and science fiction.

Spent many years on Reddit and is now exploring new vistas in social media.

Somewhereunknown7351 avatar



Reddit: u/Somewhereunknown7351

Hypixel forums: Someplaceunknown

WorldAnvil: Someplaceunknown

::: spoiler spoiler

kindenough avatar



Get off my lawn!


@rysiek@mstdn.social avatar



Hacker, activist, free-softie ◈ techie luddite ◈ formerly information security and infrastructure at https://isnic.is/ and https://occrp.org/ ◈ my opinions are my own etc.


profile image: drawing of a head and shoulders of a cat-person, in a space suit.

banner image: long-exposure photo of a large tent, brightly illuminated from inside, looking as if it is made of lava

#foss #libre #privacy #infosec #fedi22

(public toots CC By-SA 4.0 if applicable)

🇪🇺 🇵🇱 · 🇧🇦 🇮🇸 · 🇺🇦

@br00t4c@mastodon.social avatar



Woke Antifa Mobster. 24/7/365 stream of: news, salty commentary and vitriol from a mostly leftist/progressive perspective. News feed is my own custom, hippie-biased algo. Commentary is me. I try to answer in a somewhat timely manner but often fail, so... sorry. #fedi22 #news #resist #antifa #woke #politics #socialjustice #fbr #ifb #science #openscience #openaccess #opendata #reproducibility #opensource #foss #privacy #based

@gratefuldread@gratefuldread.masto.host avatar



Administrator of gratefuldread.masto.host, Fediverse instance of Grateful Dread Peace Media - Diverse Spectrum of the Left: aggregated LEFTIST news, arts, culture, activism, peace - always monitored #RevolutionaryLove - Natalie Davis, owner/editor

"I have no country to fight for; my country is the earth, and I am a citizen of the world." — Eugene V. Debs

"Way too fine to be this stressed." -- Lizzo

No Threads/Meta

@msquebanh@mastodon.sdf.org avatar



Family Caregiver.
Eco/Social Justice Activist. Disability Advocate. Decolonizer. Accessibility Consultant. Eldercare Liason.
Teochew Chinese. War & Polio Survivor.
Neurodivergent. Nature lover. Cat lover. Photographer. Avid gardener. Water & forest protector. Moss toucher. Tree hugger. Bird watcher. GenX. Anti-capitalist.
Vancouver Island, BC.


#AsianMastodon #BIPOC #StopEcocide #BeTheChange

@realTuckFrumper@mastodon.social avatar



A news center for the Left. I say bad things!

@mredig@fosstodon.org avatar



iOS/macOS/Swift Engineer - be kind to others - you don’t know what they are going through, even if you think you do! https://fosstodon.org/@mredig on twitter

@krzyzanowskim@mastodon.social avatar



 unrelated. too young to die. I'm here for bugs. https://CryptoSwift.io, Founder https://swiftstudio.app 🛠 TextKit2 certified expert. Text editor implementer by day.

@ShitOnABrick@lemmy.world avatar



“I’d rather get banned shit-posting than live long enough to see myself become a janny” = formally u/unhappy_grapefruit_2 and u/ram_ranchh now ShitOnABrick

“If we don’t believe in freedom of expression for people we despise, we don’t believe in it at all.” ― Noam Chomsky

@sanlaville11@piaille.fr avatar



Du 🍷, du 🥂, des 🌺, des 🦆, des 😽 Des dessins qui valent mieux qu’un discours, Musique, Films #TLB #StandWithUkraine #OlivierDuboisIsFree #RapatriezLes #NEP2027 #AllezZou #CroquetteArdente

@zrb@astrodon.social avatar



Software engineer in astronomy. Interested in high-energy astrophysics, leftist theory, and permaculture gardening.

@ailurux@chaos.social avatar



he/him nonbinary 🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍🌈 queer, poly, trans, neurodivergent and proud ✨ maker of things ❤️ web dev, comp sci, gamedev, art, electronics, crafts
currently working on #tangara

@ifixcoinops@retro.social avatar



Hello! I fix #pinball machines and #arcade games, and tell you all about it! I fix lots of other things too, and occasionally tell you about that. I also run one of the web's longest-surviving #textAdventure games, called Improbable Island, and I often write here on Fedi about decade-scale online community management stuff. Husband, dad, professional Thing Fixer and amateur woodworker in my early 40's, an #immigrant from the UK to the USA. Gun enthusiasts pls do not follow/interact.

@mozz@mbin.grits.dev avatar



Theerre's the hostility I was trying to bait into existence

@GayDeceiver@mstdn.social avatar



California expat living in the South. Loved by Dog, Servant to Cat. Happy with guy. I do NOT have a problem with glitter, you do. Been told I’m funny.

@doomscroller@mastodon.online avatar



Dharawal Country

They claim their labours are to build a heaven, yet their heaven is populated with horrors.
Perhaps the world is not made. Perhaps nothing is made. A clock without a craftsman.
It’s too late. Always has been, always will be, too late.

Pronouns: Space/Time

Header: Dr. Manhattan to Silk Spectre: "You're going to try to convince me to save the world."
Profile: Dr. Manahattan on Mars: "I am tired of Earth. These people. I am tired of being caught in the tangle of their lives"

@beep@follow.ethanmarcotte.com avatar



Designer. Started that responsive design thing. Writes a bit, or tries to. Spends a normal amount of time thinking about The Locked Tomb series.

A perfectly normal amount of time.

My new book is YOU DESERVE A TECH UNION! (You can purchase it from my bio, or just about anywhere books are sold!)

@augustocc@social.br-linux.org avatar



Todo dia alguma pérola da arqueologia digital dos anos 80 e 90.

Administrador e fazedor. Blogueiro desde antes da invenção dos blogs (BR-Linux, Efetividade). Governança, Gerenciamento de Projetos, Gestão de Crises.

🔗 Caso me envie um link não solicitado, pfvr me diga o que é e a razão.

🇺🇳 Postando quase sempre em Português, sometimes in English, e frequentemente em Sarcasmo.

🚫 Não seja um reply guy. Zoamos pedantes indiscriminadamente.

@insiderua@social.kyiv.dcomm.net.ua avatar



emerging technology, Ukraine, digital media

адмін українських інстансів https://dcomm.net.ua/

@billyjoebowers@mastodon.online avatar



#MusicProduction, #Recording, #Mixing,
Making records.
A lot of #Mastering.

#Bikes #MTB #Books #Dogs #Animals
#Sober #Desert person #Southwest #AZ #Arizona #Tucson
#Feminist #AntiFascist
Tango Pirate
Dandy Highwayman


Pretty freakin left, but I support Dems.


@oibaf@mstdn.facb69.com.br avatar



Meu nome é Fábio Oibaf e esta é minha instância particular no fediverso.

Guitarrista amador, trabalho com TI (SysAdmin), uso LInux, sou agnóstico, tento ser progressista em opiniões e condutas e sou um corinthiano sofredor desde a maternidade.

Falo sobre heavy metal, guitarra, esportes, Linux, tech, amenidades, política e fatos do Brasil e do mundo.

E sempre vou falar sobre o Corinthians!

Ainda uso máscara para vir ao trabalho por que aqui é repleto de gado.

Reacionários, conservadores, extremistas, cidadãos de bem e patriotários não são bem vindos.

:timao02: 🎸 :mastodon_oops:

#fediverse #mastodon #oibaf #selfhost

@jon@gruene.social avatar



A mix of German politics, European politics and railways #CrossBorderRail. In English and German.

Eine Mischung aus deutscher Politik, europäischer Politik und Eisenbahnen. Auf englisch und auf deutsch.

@WarNews@mastodon.social avatar



Bieżące informacje dotyczące światowych konfliktów. 📡

Kanał YouTube 👇

WarNewsPL - podcast


@daviwil@fosstodon.org avatar



Scheme hacker, writer, game developer, and Emacs inhabitor living in Athens, Greece.

I make videos about GNU Emacs, GNU Guix, Guile Scheme, and related topics on the System Crafters channel on YouTube.

✅ emacs mention in the profile

#gnu #emacs #guix #lisp #scheme #gamedev

@betoniusz@101010.pl avatar



(Often) Friendly Neighborhood IT-Man

@tusk81@mastodon.social avatar



Editor, America’s Voice 🇺🇸 Immigrant rights, LGBTQ+ rights, cats. Cancer survivor. Views here my own.

@Neverfadingwood@lingo.lol avatar



Scot living in Kraków, Poland.
English Teacher by trade.
Linguist by education and passion.
Other interests include music and politics (mostly British, Polish, rarely American).
Owned by Marmite (see avi).
#ActuallyAutistic, so please be direct.

"I can't understand why people are frightened of new ideas. I'm frightened of the old ones." - John Cage
"The best material model of a cat is another, or preferably the same, cat." - Norbert Wiener

@eniko@peoplemaking.games avatar



Founded LGBTQ+ gamedev studio Kitsune Games with https://peoplemaking.games/@Njord. Kitsune Tails, Super Bernie World, MidBoss, Ultra Hat Dimension, Lore Finder. Also: Coding History on YouTube. She/her. Dutch, former US greencard holder, now living in Cyprus

I do bad things to code

(Hello search engines, this is the Mastodon account of Eniko Fox)

@categulario@mstdn.mx avatar



I go on hikes 🥾. Ride a bike 🚲. Work with leather (mostly to make stuff I need) 🐄 and write software (for fun and for money) 💻

Consulting Software Archaeologist
Web Service Necromancer

Mi lengua es el español 🇲🇽
I speak English fluently 🇺🇲
ve Türkçe öğreniyorum 🇹🇷
Je voudrais apprendre le français 🇨🇦
நான் தமிழ் கற்க முயற்சிக்கிறேன் 🇸🇬

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