panos, to mastodon avatar

I know that people who run #firefish servers are probably somewhat frustrated right now, since the project's last stable release was back in July. I do hope Kainoa gets more active and things start rolling again, however I checked the closest alternatives/firefish forks. Another thing that makes open source software great: you never run out of options!

So, #Iceshrimp still pretty much looks and feels like firefish, but they've added some nice (performance, mostly) improvements and also have better #mastodon api support. They also plan to do a full rewrite, which is quite an ambitious project. It's certainly a project worth watching.

#Sharkey on the other hand started as a firefish fork (from what I understood) but rebased to #Misskey v13 (Firefish had cut ties with upstream misskey on v12) and is building on top of that. This is also a great option if you like Misskey's direction but want improvements like post editing.

And finally with #Catodon, which is in the making and will soon be another option, we're taking a different approach. We'll implement some improvements from Iceshrimp, like the great work they've done on mastodon api support, but in general we won't exactly be taking the "improved misskey" direction. Instead, we'll be using Misskey/Firefish as our starting point, but we also want to simplify some things - as well as build extra functionality on top of the essentials. So some of the less important and useful features will be removed in order to offer a more consistent and user-friendly experience.

More on specific changes we're doing in a few days!

admin, to random

We just upgraded to #iceshrimp v2023.11.4 which includes a security fix ​:neocat:​

AntoineD, to random

L’intégralité des endpoint n’ont pas encorte été implémenté…
Mais cette première version de la réécriture total de l’API Mastodon dans la branche de développement d’#Iceshrimp ​:iceshrimp:​ est tellement plus rapide et stable que celle d’avant ! 🚀

Depuis cette après-midi, j’ai un grand plaisir à redécouvrir les clients Mastodon pour se connecter à mon instance.

chikorita157, to random avatar

I’m happy that I made the move to @Sharkey in late November as I was not really confident in the direction Firefish is heading. It was evident with the slow performance and local timeline would fail to load. Activity was decreasing on Sakurajima Social before the move because of how bad of an experience it was.

After the move, activity started to pick up again thanks to the improved performance. Misskey 13 resolved all the issues Misskey 12 forks are facing that caused Foundkey to go EOL with Firefish in the mess it’s currently in (Iceshrimp has the same scaling issues, but at least from what I heard, that team is at least responsive.

With Firefish Social in a worse mess as there are reports no new posts are being fetched, making the timeline 5 days old and the admins completely unresponsive. At this point, I don’t know if it’s even possible to migrate the account off Firefish Social if federation is not working on that server. This is why we dumped Firefish for Sharkey.

With that, besides our server, a handful of established Firefish servers are starting to jump ship to IceShimp or Sharkey. Infosec Exchange’s Firefish server transitioned to IceShimp. It should be even easier to migrate to Sharkey as there are documentation on how to do it.

I do recommend Sharkey over IceShrimp since it has a public timeline view (for visitors), more moderation tools and performance. The Sharkey Team is very responsive and helpful. Of course, they are adding back features that are in Firefish.

But I have a feeling that at the rate things are going for Firefish, it may have a bleak future ahead unless it can turn things around.

It’s unfortunate to see Firefish turn out like this, but it’s not surprising.

#firefish #sharkey #iceshrimp

bumble, to random

Well done to the team behind the scenes here on for the work in migrating the code base to 's standard.

This gives great opportunities for both software types to grown and deliver their own unique experience, from a more stable base.


lightone, to random

Recently I've seen posts that #Firefish project is in trouble? Its flagship server being unavailable, and people are impatient about new releases. Sad if true, though I hope its death is slightly exagerrated. Anyhow, I've learnt that people are migrating to other Misskey forks (mainly #IceShrimp, #Sharkey, and #Catodon) And Iceshrimp devs are rewriting the JS backend on C# 😯

box464, to random

I've collected all my work on and into one place! It should be useful to anyone using and (for now) as well.

If anyone has questions about AiScript or any of the features I've examined in blogs, happy to share what I've learned.

don, to random avatar

Offene Sharkey & Iceshrimp Instanzen

Es sind wieder ein paar Instanzen hinzugekommen.

Schaut euch mal um, ob da was für euch zum Testen mit dabei ist.

Falls euch der neue Account sehr gut gefällt, dann könnt dir sogar euer Konto von Mastodon dahin umziehen.

#Sharkey #Iceshrimp #Instanzliste

NicolasConstant, to fediverse

I completely missed that #IceShrimp was doing a .NET rewriting. That's quite exciting, there wasn't a lot of .NET #ActivityPub implementation so far, and I'm curious to see how they will tackle some of the tricky parts of the protocol.

AntoineD, to random

​:iceshrimp:​ Nouvelle MàJ de sécurité d’#IceShrimp !

⚠️ Attention, nous avons corrigé un problème de sécurité critique (voir plus de détails).
Cette faille concerne Misskey et tous ses forks.

Veuillez mettre à jour vers v2023.11.4° si vous êtes sur stable

Veuillez mettre à jour vers le dernier commit dev si vous êtes sur dev

Veuillez mettre à jour vers v2023.12-pre2 si vous êtes sur v2023.12-pre1

tous les paquets et images ont été mis à jour, docker comme archlinux.

#IceShrimpFR ​:flag_francophonie:​

scribblans, to random avatar
183231bcb, to fediverse

What's the status of federation between Lemmy/KBin and Misskey/Sharkey/Firefish/Iceshrimp? I just tried loading several Lemmy and Kbin posts in Sharkey and it doesn't work. I remember having the same issue with Firefish, and I vaguely recall hearing awhile back it was something related to authorized fetch. Have their been any recent developments on that front?

mima, to fediverse

It seems like there's a rivalry brewing between #Sharkey and #Iceshrimp on which one's gonna be the definitive "Western #Misskey" of the #fediverse ​:sagume_think:​

One could even say that there's a.. cold war going on between them 🥁​:laughing_cirno:​

#fediversemeta #joke #jokes

don, to mastodon avatar

Deutschsprachige Mastodon Instanzen

Frisch für euch aktualisiert!

Oder schaut euch mal eine andere Plattform an, zum Beispiel oder

Dahin könnt ihr sogar euren Account mitsamt den Followern übertragen.

Natürlich gibt es noch viel mehr tolle Plattformen im Fediverse, eine gute Übersicht findet ihr immer beim

PS: Ein wirklich tolles Projekt, das wie alle anderen auch immer mal wieder eine kleine Spende braucht.

prawned, to random

15-20 minutes to load last batch. As I mentioned before, one gots to be patient. Lol.

Slow search is not unique to iceshrimp in the fediverse. I have experienced similar things on a large friendica server.

I wonder how iceshrimp's search capabilites would hold up on a server 1000 users or more. Would iceshrimp even want to have software that supports such server size?

Just a note, iceshrimp may have only started to get slow for me after I loaded dozens if not hundreds of results initially.

#IceShrimp #FullTextSearch


ewan, to mastodon

Find it funny that I can use the official #Mastodon #iOS client with my #Iceshrimp account lol.

jo, to iOS

I think MissRirica is the best Misskey app on iOS. I use it with my Sharkey accounts at & and can't wait until moves over to Sharkey so I can use it again. It's essentially the PWA in a wrapper and it has support for antennas, the Deck UI, and multiple accounts - all features which I absolutely must have access to.. These options don't exist in Kimis, the app Firefish had planned to fork for its own app. MissRirica used to work with Foundkey & Firefish accounts, but the app devs dropped support of the older version of Misskey that they and Iceshrimp fork from.

#iOS #Misskey #Sharkey #Firefish #Iceshrimp


prawned, to fediverse

Ok, I need help! How do I create an antenna that fetches two short words like for example cat and top. I heard regular expression can be used, but I have had a hard time writing them here. If someone could provide me an example, I think it could help me find the appropriate learning resources. Thank you!

#Iceshrimp #Misskey #Firefish #NewHere

prawned, to random

So I just found if one's sits on the bottom of a search page for minutes upon minutes, more results will eventually load.


tournesol, to random avatar

wtf, why regex is so hard ??

We just want to find how to get a word and I’ve been looking everywhere !!

Using bcatb or (?<span> is only looking into the litteral regex command </span>​:akko_wtf2:​<span><br></br><br></br>WE JUST WANT CATS<br></br><br></br></span><a href="" rel="tag">#iceshrimp</a><span> </span><a href="" rel="tag">#firefish</a><span> </span><a href="" rel="tag">#FRadminKey</a><span><br></br><br></br>RE: </span><a href=""></a>

jo, (edited ) to jpmusic

We had quite a bit of this here at back on #Calckey 14 when our MAU rose considerably. A move to #Iceshrimp didn't help. Trying to cut down costs by moving hosting introduced more unforeseen issues. We've lost a fair few people but we're more stable now. We're looking at moving to the #Sharkey fork of #Misskey v13 (which itself is a major revision & rewrite and not compatible with FF/IS) which seems to scale well by the looks of the massive instances that run it. But all this has been a big downer, and a lot of downtime. The reality is English-language forks of Misskey have never been tested at scale and when things go wrong trying to any documentation is difficult and most likely in Japanese. They've usually just commenced with a small single instance with some non-stock features added. I hope our eventual move to Sharkey doesn't come with a similar surprise, but seeing it sticks closely to upstream Misskey I think it might be ok.


AntoineD, to random

​:iceshrimp:​ Nouvelle MàJ 2023.12 Stable d’#IceShrimp !

Nous avons principalement consacré ce cycle de publication à l’amélioration des performances, nous espérons que vous aurez une expérience plus réactive !

Nouveautés principales :

  • Refonte de la recherche plein texte, retrait de Meili/Sonic/Elastic en faveur de Postgres gin_trgm avec prise en charge de filtres de recherche avancés.
  • Amélioration significative des performances du backend et de l’API.
  • Un cache HTML a été ajouté à l’API client de Mastodon, améliorant considérablement les performances (voir l’exemple de configuration pour plus de détails et d’options de configuration).
  • Les filtres de mise en sourdine des mots ont été complètement retravaillés pour améliorer les performances, en particulier à grande échelle.
  • Quelques régressions de Mastodon OAuth ont été corrigées.

Changement d’UI/UX

  • Les bugs des onglets «pages» et «galeries» ont été corrigés.
  • Les balises MFM centrale et petite s’auto-complètent désormais correctement.

Pour les autres changements techniques, vous pouvez lire le changelog complet

#IceShrimpFR ​:flag_francophonie:​

AntoineD, (edited ) to random

​:iceshrimp:​ Nouvelle MàJ 2023.11.1 Stable d’#IceShrimp !

Changement d’UI/UX

  • La mise en page «Centré» a été supprimée
  • La liste déroulante de choix de mise en page a été remplacée par un bouton qui fait alterner entre défauts et Deck.
  • Dans le style de TW «moderne», les boutons prennent la largeur de la zone cliquable.
  • La page de connexion OAuth a été entièrement retravaillée pour n’afficher que les informations essentielles.
  • Les infobulles ne sont plus affichées lors de la saisie sur écran tactile.
  • L’icône pour «marquer toutes les notifications comme lues» a été changée en ph-checks pour mieux refléter l’action.
  • Une nouvelle catégorie de préférences nommée «Bien-être» a été ajoutée pour permettant de masquer certains éléments addictifs de l’interface utilisateur.
  • Les posts en «Local seulement» ne sont plus affichées pour les visiteur·ice·s sans compte.
  • Les canaux ne sont plus visibles pour les visiteur·ice·s sans compte.

Pour les autres changements techniques, vous pouvez lire le changelog complet

#IceShrimpFR ​:flag_francophonie:​

sayunu, to random Japanese

・ Firefish のソフトウエア開発の中心人物である Kainoa さんがしばらく音信不通になっている。

・ サーバー では深刻な技術的問題が続いている。

・ Kainoa さんは Panos さんや Namekuji さんなどの数人を「コアメンバー」に招いたけど、対等に権限を分けたわけではないので本人以外では手出しに限界がある。

・ Panos さんと Namekuji さんで Misskey‐系の新規プロジェクトである Catodon を発足させた。


#Misskey のフォーク、色々あって全貌がよく分からない。誰か纏めてないのかな。#Sharkey は Misskey の直下で、Mastodon API を実装したりしつつ、できるだけ上流に追随する方針 ? #Iceshrimp は Firefish からの更なる分家で、大幅な書き直しとかしてる…らしい。

box464, to random

After looking at the changelog for #IceShrimp, I have to say I applaud their direction. They are focusing on the basics, and it may not seem flashy or new, but it sets the foundation for a more stable environment. Things like improved API performance, caching, and OAUTH enhancements have been re-worked. Kudos to the team for sticking to the core components instead of throwing out the razzle dazzle


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