GottaLaff, avatar

🍋 launched its own car insurance. These drivers say it's a lemon

promised cheaper, better, even “revolutionary” auto insurance after Tesla started losing sales because of high premiums. But understaffing left some customers waiting weeks or months for compensation as they continued making payments on crashed cars.

Doppelganger75, avatar

@GottaLaff Just did our part to show our support for Musk and bought a Hyundai Ioniq 5. 🙂

GottaLaff, avatar

@Doppelganger75 You rock!

martinicat, avatar

@Doppelganger75 @GottaLaff (saw this on my morning walk) I’d love to drive a “Rippin I3”🍸😹

GottaLaff, avatar

@martinicat I absolutely LOVE mine. I've had 2, the first in 2015, then in 2018. And now they've stopped making them. I was heartbroken. @Doppelganger75

martinicat, avatar

@GottaLaff oh noes! But they will last for years & who knows what the future may bring🍸😺

GottaLaff, avatar

@martinicat I know! In fact, the Mustang EV is pretty awesome. But my car is so solid, it will indeed last for years until I need more range. Then I'll have to switch.

martinicat, avatar

@GottaLaff bmw are rightfully proud of that car — I saw an “exploded diagram ” version on display at the bmw museum in Munich this summer! 🍸😺

GottaLaff, avatar

@martinicat Whoa!

JayElbey, avatar

@GottaLaff @martinicat @Doppelganger75
Ok, so now I gotta ask: Do you take the EV on your trips to Canada? If so, how does that work out charging-wise?

GottaLaff, avatar

@JayElbey No. I have an old 2018 BMW i3 that they don't make anymore, so the range is not nearly enough. The newer EVs have way better ranges than mine (which is only about 180) and I do see them on the road up. We use Mr. Laffy's car to drive that far. @martinicat @Doppelganger75

JayElbey, avatar

@GottaLaff @martinicat @Doppelganger75
I was thinking an i3 might be a little cramped for a long drive with you, Mr. Laffy and Hammy in it for extended periods of time, but I have no first-hand experience with one.

Thinking of buying an EV next, but I'm hoping to get another 3-5 years out of the current one. By that time I hope the charger situation will be much improved!

GottaLaff, avatar

@JayElbey We need an SUV for all the stuff we drag to Canada, so my car is too small. For every day trips, it's plenty big for Hammy and us. @martinicat @Doppelganger75

artemesia, avatar

@GottaLaff there's a certain conflict of interest inherent in buying your car insurance from the manufacturer.

GottaLaff, avatar

@artemesia 100%


@GottaLaff Tesla has been an instant NO since we started our EV search. Got an XC40 BEV earlier this year and can't be any happier.

It's not an electric Volvo - it's a Volvo that happens to be electric. And it's a fantastic ride.

GottaLaff, avatar

@mookoz Good to know!

PJ_Evans, avatar


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  • GottaLaff, avatar

    @PJ_Evans Oy.

    tinkb333, avatar

    @GottaLaff anyone who believes Tesla car insurance isn't a scam is a fool.

    GottaLaff, avatar

    @tinkb333 Or that Musk isn't.

    GhostOnTheHalfShell, avatar


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  • GottaLaff, avatar

    @GhostOnTheHalfShell You're probably accurate.

    WhyNotZoidberg, avatar

    @GottaLaff want some Trump steaks w that?

    GottaLaff, avatar
    LinuxAndYarn, avatar


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  • GottaLaff, avatar

    @LinuxAndYarn I think that’s a given

    LinuxAndYarn, avatar


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  • GottaLaff, avatar

    @LinuxAndYarn Sadly, your post won’t affect them.

    LinuxAndYarn, avatar


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  • GottaLaff, avatar

    @LinuxAndYarn Agree.


    @GottaLaff everything Musk puts his hand in becomes trash. When he hyperfocus in one company like Tesla and Twitter the people at SpaceX can work. Twitter also used to be better.

    Teop_Versant, avatar

    @GottaLaff We should go back to gas guzzlers, then. Or make a flawless product from the start. No car manufacturer is without similar lawsuits. In the famous words of Condoleeza Rice, "Growing pangs".

    GottaLaff, avatar

    @Teop_Versant LOL, do you own stock in Tesla? And seriously, to make it so black and white as to say “We should go back to gas guzzlers then…” is not at all responsive to the problems Tesla has had. “Growing pangs”? Tesla’s been around for years now.

    I’ve driven BMW i3s since 2015, with ZERO issues. No lawsuits.

    In fact. Musk is the only one who I’ve seen with this many issues. And lawsuits.

    Teop_Versant, avatar

    @GottaLaff In the interest of fairness, yes. What exactly is everybody expecting. People just want to dog other people, and the process. It will take awhile to perfect any product. If I owned a Telsa, I would not drive on autopilot cause it is clearly not full fault free, and possibly never will be. All car manufactures have similar problems.

    Teop_Versant, avatar

    @GottaLaff I am also invested in HYZN. It is my way supporting climate change.

    GottaLaff, avatar

    @Teop_Versant You can invest in companies that don’t support Nazis. You can divest once you’re aware of their fascistic tweets.


    BonehouseWasps, avatar

    @GottaLaff How did Musk fanboys find their way to the Fedi? Did someone give them directions in crayon?

    Teop_Versant, avatar

    @GottaLaff I knew that was coming... (name calling). You just want to be ugly.

    philip_cardella, avatar

    @GottaLaff @Teop_Versant I doubt very much that's a real account. Musk had thousands of bots on Twitter defending and promoting Tesla BEFORE he bought Twitter.

    That's probably just a bot.

    GottaLaff, avatar

    @philip_cardella Exactly. I remember years ago when I got my i3 and some Tesla owner (supposedly) started telling me how mine was a piece of junk compared to his Tesla. I'd never encountered that before, and ended up realizing what he was doing after a brief exchange.

    msbellows, avatar

    @philip_cardella @GottaLaff @Teop_Versant Twelve followers and a weird name. Blocked.

    GottaLaff, avatar

    @msbellows Yep, blocked him. @philip_cardella


    @philip_cardella @GottaLaff @Teop_Versant

    We are being invaded.
    I have had more conversations that I consider abusive in the last two weeks than I have my entire time on Mastodon.

    GottaLaff, avatar

    @Teop_Versant LOL, oy.

    So you have a financial interest in their success and compare apples to oranges.

    Thanks for the chat.👋🏼

    Teop_Versant, avatar

    @GottaLaff No other options. right. That's it case closed, all solved.

    GottaLaff, avatar

    @Teop_Versant Yup. You are giving money to an anti-Semitic Nazi-sympathizer. #Toodles

    bynkii, avatar

    @Teop_Versant @GottaLaff oh nonsense. Show the data proving every EV manf. Has the same problems at the same level as Tesla.


    @GottaLaff @Teop_Versant

    Bro is a far right religious dude who pretends he's not and goes around bashing Biden while telling people to wait and see about Trump. It's a brand new account too.

    He's a troll.


    @Itty53 @GottaLaff Oh wow. I scrolled through his posts before blocking and reporting him. Christian Nationalists are batshit.


    @Yup_Its_Holly @GottaLaff

    Total batshit but somehow always very reserved and controlled and measured when they're Just Asking Questions™. But nah, they know Satan when they see em. Looks like Biden, clearly. 🙄

    Disingenuous motherfuckers, all of em.

    GottaLaff, avatar

    @Yup_Its_Holly I failed to read his TL. @Itty53

    GottaLaff, avatar

    @Itty53 Oh, I blocked him.

    mls14, avatar

    @GottaLaff My 2016 VW e-Golf is just about to hit its 8th birthday. Far cheaper than a Tesla, and still running great!

    GottaLaff, avatar

    @mls14 See? There ya go.

    cmdrwilkens, avatar

    @GottaLaff @Teop_Versant The Volt PHEV was first sold in 2010 with the Prius PHEV in 2012. Between those teams, the BMW electrics, Ford's push into the field...this is a decade plus old market for the rest of the field. What I can't find is any major recalls or lawsuits associated with any of the major hybrid/PE vehicles in this period. I'm sure there are some but the issues have been with non-EV components like the big airbag recall a few years back or the Toyota window switch.

    GottaLaff, avatar

    2/ I’m boosting this to see if you guys agree or disagree with @Teop_Versant’s point about “no car manufaturer is without similar lawsuits.”


    Olyindivisible, avatar

    @GottaLaff Thanks.

    GottaLaff, avatar
    markrsmith, avatar

    @GottaLaff two words: Ford Pinto

    Also Ford Edsel

    But on a per-car basis Tesla is kinda high.

    GottaLaff, avatar

    @markrsmith Look how far back you had to go. And their sales plummeted. His are still going strong.

    GottaLaff, avatar

    I take it back. @Teop_Versant is a troll who I blocked.

    ATLeagle, avatar

    @GottaLaff good. I thought troll at first read. Changing the topic of the conversation with bombastic claims... that's twitter political madness boiled down into one easy step. No need to expose yourself to that

    GottaLaff, avatar

    @ATLeagle exactly, thank you. I gave him the benefit of the doubt


    @GottaLaff I read some of his recent feed. Definite TFG'ist, and ElMu'ist.

    GottaLaff, avatar

    @ShrikeTron Yeah, I failed to read his TL. My bad.


    @GottaLaff Nah, you dodged a bullet. 😅

    GottaLaff, avatar
    DavidMHarlan, (edited ) avatar

    @ShrikeTron @GottaLaff

    Follow the link in his bio to his book of poetry on Amazon. I think he's a genuine loon. Came within a hair's breath of blocking him myself after a long thread of slapping down his magical "individualist" bullshit regarding his stance against unions. He gave up first.


    @DavidMHarlan Thanks, I had only dug as far as seeing that a book looked self-published at Amazon.

    Not interested in the content when the person posts so "off-kilter". It's like Scott Adams. No thank you.

    DavidMHarlan, avatar

    @ShrikeTron It's kind of like that look you take when you finally pass the lousy driver; "I know you're a lunatic, but what kind of lunatic are you?"


    @GottaLaff Looks like that account is now suspended.

    GottaLaff, avatar

    @Schlining I still see it. He blocked me, but it doesn't say "Account suspended" anywhere.


    @GottaLaff maybe it takes some time to propagate through the mastodon instances. Here's what I'm seeing ...


    @Schlining @GottaLaff ah. I think suspension is done by ones own instance. So he may be suspended on your instance and not on mine. And a human has to intervene to make that happen, I assume.

    PJ_Evans, avatar


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  • deborahh,

    @PJ_Evans @GottaLaff @Schlining still not suspended fyi

    Nonya_Bidniss, avatar

    @GottaLaff I preemptively blocked him after seeing his first couple of exchanges with you. Nope

    GottaLaff, avatar

    @Nonya_Bidniss I should have read his TL

    bynkii, avatar

    @GottaLaff I just did too.

    oreoteeth, avatar

    @GottaLaff The entire point of that account seems to be picking fights with large accounts to try to boost a self published book of bad poetry.

    GottaLaff, avatar

    @oreoteeth Ahhhh. Well, he's blocked.


    @GottaLaff I drive a Chevy Bolt. Thanks to lawsuits and, more to the point, GM's response, I got a four-year-old car with a one-year-old battery and the same range as a Tesla Model 3 for a fraction of the price. Bolt owners are loyal to the brand for reasons that have nothing to do with status: the car is reliable, practical, and easy to drive. Gas guzzlers generate lawsuits too, and there are plenty of EVs to choose from that don't come with the baggage that results from the company being owned by an absurdly wealthy narcissistic fascist.

    GottaLaff, avatar

    @BatSara You should direct that at Teop_Versant.

    I've owned BMW i3's since 2015 and had zero issues with them, and Bolts were on my list too.

    And I called the troll out to his face for his supporting a fascist.


    @GottaLaff I had i3s on my list but decided I need more range, since I live in fire-prone boondocks. I replied to you because you asked for responses. You blocked the guy who brought up the issue, so his handle didn't show up in the response list, and if he's a troll, I'd rather not interact with him.

    GottaLaff, avatar

    @BatSara Got it! Yes, I had asked, but then I edited my toot. Sorry for the confusion, and I don't blame you for not interacting with him. Ugh.

    I need more range too, but for that I use Mr. Laffy's car. Mine is for local use, so I totally get that. Just as BMW was increasing the range, they stopped producing i3s! The Mustang EV looks great too.


    @GottaLaff We certainly have similar taste in cars as well as politics! I also looked at Mustangs, but they were pricier and more car than I strictly need. What I love best about the Bolt is that it's like Mary Poppins' bag: bigger on the inside than the outside, so it's small, but if we have to evacuate, it'll hold the whole family and all our go-bags.

    GottaLaff, avatar

    @BatSara Love it!


    @GottaLaff @Teop_Versant The i3 is my favorite BMW ever.

    bynkii, avatar

    @GottaLaff @Teop_Versant growing pains? The Roadster came out in 2008, the model S in 2012, the model 3 in 2017. If you can’t get it at least basically right after 15 years? Did Elon pick you for being the guy in the meme?

    DavidMHarlan, avatar

    @GottaLaff @Teop_Versant

    Also, it's Growing "Pains"

    Hunger is Pangs

    WhyNotZoidberg, avatar

    @Teop_Versant @GottaLaff Imagine choosing a worse option because your idol wants you to use it.


    @GottaLaff of course he scammed them, that’s what oligarchs do…

    iuculano, avatar


    Translation: the #ElongatedMuskrat just keeps on lying

    GottaLaff, avatar

    @iuculano How anyone would still buy his products is beyond me.

    iuculano, avatar


    it's mind-boggling, Laffy. Misinformation/Disinformation seems to be a winning tactic.

    GottaLaff, avatar

    @iuculano His car design is good, and his prices aren’t crazy. After that it’s all downhill.


    @GottaLaff @iuculano I would argue the latest car designs are terrible (removal of the stalks), but the supercharger network is fantastic. The superchargers are the only truly good thing they've done. I bought a Model 3 when they first came out thinking I was supporting electrification. The car has been to service so many times. And service acts like a shady mechanic (doesn't answer calls/texts) but is actually useful when you're in person. Planning to get a different brand when it dies.

    GottaLaff, avatar

    @nashenas I can’t tell the difference in designs. They all look fairly sleek to me. But now whenever I see one on the road, all I see is a swastika. @iuculano

    LiberalEd, avatar

    @GottaLaff @iuculano

    Teslas do 3 things better than most cars: accelerate, crash, and spy on their owners.

    And now with his new insurance's pay-through-the-nose option, your collision claim is processed some time after you make the final payment on the car, depending on how obsequious you are to Musk on naXi.


    @LiberalEd @GottaLaff @iuculano don't forget "go to mars" 🤦‍♀️

    colo_lee, avatar

    @GottaLaff well now, that's quite a surprise! Musk launched an "insurance" product which is good at accepting your money but not so good at paying out claims. Who could have imagined?

    GottaLaff, avatar

    @colo_lee Why do people trust him or his products?!

    colo_lee, avatar

    @GottaLaff It is weird, isn't it?
    Especially at this point. Maybe people could plead ignorance a couple years ago. But the idea of anyone buying anything from him at this point boggles the mind ...

    GottaLaff, avatar

    @colo_lee Exactly. Yet I see just tons of new ones on the road daily.

    Price drops and design help.

    colo_lee, avatar

    @GottaLaff I just try to be happy that someone is driving an EV rather than a fossil fuel burner when I see one on the road.
    I also give them plenty of space in case they're not actually driving themselves ...

    GottaLaff, avatar

    @colo_lee I try to do that too, but I can’t help the knee jerk reaction I feel to the name Tesla.


    @GottaLaff It never ceases to amaze me just how much of what this man says is wildly too good to be true, and is, on inspection, running on such a shoestring that there's no way it EVER could have worked at scale. I swear some of it feels like "I did some napkin math of a best case scenario and that proves it will work!" ... That might be generous even assuming such a calculation was made.

    GottaLaff, avatar

    @lothus He’d be kicked off Shark Tank

    PandaChronicle, avatar

    @GottaLaff gee! what a surprise! 🙄

    GottaLaff, avatar

    @PandaChronicle And yet I see tons of Teslas on the road. Why oh why do people keep him in business?

    PandaChronicle, avatar

    Definitely a mystery. I even see some here. Some of them must be ones purchased before it was widely known what an asshole he is, then you have to find some other asshole to sell it to.

    GottaLaff, avatar

    @PandaChronicle But I see so many with new paper license plates. Everywhere.

    LittleTownJane, avatar

    @GottaLaff In my state, insurance is a highly regulated industry. This would pull instant (negative) attention from the State.

    GottaLaff, avatar

    @LittleTownJane I wish he’d utterly fail and go away

    LittleTownJane, avatar

    @GottaLaff It is so astonishing that an individual is so wealthy, that taking a $44b purchase, made with credit/investors, and making it worth half that (if that), doesn't impact your life.

    GottaLaff, avatar

    @LittleTownJane It’s disgusting.

    BonehouseWasps, avatar

    @GottaLaff "My car's turned out to be racist. Can I make a claim on that?"

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