StillIRise1963, avatar

SOMEONE is going to be elected president of the U.S. in November. It can either be the guy you yell at who changes his approach, or the guy you yell at who puts you in a camp. Up to you.

nus, avatar

@StillIRise1963 even if nothing else was different between the two, Project 2025 from the Republicans speaks for itself. We're facing a potential genocide on US soil with Trump.

And I would be shocked if his apocalyptic evangelical handlers allowed him to somehow start giving anything but more aid to Israel.

CWilbur, avatar

@StillIRise1963 And in case you have any doubts, think carefully about what that word ‘camp’ means. And maybe it’s not you. Maybe it’s your kid. #VoteBiden #voteblue all the way down the ballot.

Blinxeto, avatar
kimlockhartga, avatar

@StillIRise1963 I am concerned that many people don't care what happens to other people, and these same people are deluded into thinking that nothing bad will happen to them.

It's like the old story of how a guy who just died is allowed to choose between heaven and hell. Heaven seems boring to him, but the Devil makes Hell seem like a great place. So the guy chooses Hell, but when he gets there, it's nothing like the place he was sold on. When he asks what gives, the Devil says "Yesterday, we were campaigning. Today you voted for us."

busticated, avatar

@StillIRise1963 but i already voted exactly once and it didn’t immediately fix everything

sleepytako, avatar

And if that person is DJT, that's the DEMS fault. Carrot and stick.

The Democrat leadership is doing 2016 over again with a side of 2002 warmongering. Something, I must add, that pretty much +90% of the Dems in power back in 2002 we're wrong about then as they are wrong about now. In particular the current president.

Y'all put yourselves in this position. Not me. Enjoy the mess you made.

StillIRise1963, avatar
JamesK, avatar

@StillIRise1963 @mcnado I will continue to yell into the void in hope that he changes his approach.

StillIRise1963, avatar

@JamesK It’s not a void. He has changed the approach. Yell for more.

MoBlack, avatar

@StillIRise1963 How can you say this when we are currently watching protesters who are yelling at Biden to change be thrown into jail and brutalized en masse, all while Biden explicitly states the protests have not and will never change his approach about anything?

StillIRise1963, avatar

@MoBlack Because I CARE ABOUT THEM and don’t want them to end up in a CAMP or DEAD.

MoBlack, avatar

@StillIRise1963 they are currently being arrested. They are already in a camp called jail. The thing you're worried about is already happening

StillIRise1963, avatar

@MoBlack I’m not interested in having a non conversation with anyone this ignorant of history and illogical. Have a nice life.

MoBlack, avatar

@StillIRise1963 go fuck yourself likewise

njwatt, avatar

@MoBlack @StillIRise1963 you can point at something bad while recognizing it can get worse. Every anti-voting argument from leftists seems to boil down to “things are already bad so what’s the point?” But things can get much, much worse.

MoBlack, avatar

@njwatt @StillIRise1963 on this issue though things are not "getting worse", they are exactly the same. So you can't tell me that I "need" to vote blue for Palestine when it would be:

  • unconditional aid to Israel

  • the US government lying for Israel and covering up human rights abuses

  • Palestinians dying by the thousands

  • posters spied on, arrested, beaten, and smeared as anti-semites

Regardless of who's president

njwatt, avatar

@MoBlack @StillIRise1963 Trump and Biden are both on record with what they want to see happen, if you can’t see a distinction that’s on you. Also the American election is not and shouldn’t be 100% about Palestine. Trump is on record wanting to arrest and deport more people than live in Gaza. They matter too

(Edited to fix a typo)

MoBlack, avatar

@njwatt @StillIRise1963 Trump and Biden are both on record supporting the exact same shit on Palestine, yes. And Biden even has a longer track record of being a shameless Zionist than Trump does. He supported the Israeli assault and civilian massacre in Beruit in the 80s, for example, even when most Americans did not

njwatt, avatar

@MoBlack @StillIRise1963 so if you see no difference on Palestine, shouldn’t you evaluate the other differences? What conclusion do you come to when you look at what the country will be like in 2025?

MoBlack, avatar

@njwatt @StillIRise1963 the presidential election is decided by, like, 3000 people in Pennsylvania and Michigan, states in which I do not live and cannot vote in. I already voted in my state's state elections, securing trans rights and abortion rights in our state. I have zero (0) reason to give a shit about who's president next year, and negative reason to vote for the geriatric genocidal fuck who is helping to eliminate the Palestinian people

MoBlack, avatar

@njwatt @StillIRise1963 And by the way if American """democracy""" (lol, lmao) is at stake here why is Joe Biden risking it over Israel? Who do you think those key voters in Michigan are? They're not Christian men. You're asking Arab and Muslim democrats to overlook the sanctioned and paid for slaughter of our own people for "the greater good".

If Joe Biden personally overturned Roe v Wade, would you even dare ask any woman to vote for him? It's utterly ridiculous and I think you know that

njwatt, avatar

@MoBlack @StillIRise1963 either Biden or Trump will be President in 2025. I’m looking at two imperfect choices like an adult and considering which is better. I choose not to imprison and deport tens of millions of our neighbors, and I think it’s pretty sick that you’re advocating against voting in that choice

MoBlack, avatar

@njwatt @StillIRise1963 if Biden loses the election to a senile criminal and tens of millions of people end up in deportation camps, all because he made himself impossible to vote for, that will be Joe Biden's fault and not mine

njwatt, avatar

@MoBlack @StillIRise1963 so what does not voting for Biden accomplish? It certainly won’t help Palestinians.

MoBlack, avatar

@njwatt @StillIRise1963 what does voting for Biden accomplish? It certainly won't help any Palestinians

njwatt, avatar

@MoBlack @StillIRise1963 you’ve just agreed that Biden winning helps the millions of people who won’t be violently rounded up in your city and mine

MoBlack, avatar

@njwatt @StillIRise1963 I didn't agree to shit

njwatt, avatar

@MoBlack @StillIRise1963 if Trump wins, you stated that tens of millions of people will end up in camps. Right?

MoBlack, avatar

@njwatt @StillIRise1963 people are already in camps and will continue to be in camps either way. They are already being arrested and will continue to be arrested.

njwatt, avatar

@MoBlack @StillIRise1963 will far more people end up in camps if Trump wins? I mean, Trump sure says they will

MoBlack, avatar

@njwatt @StillIRise1963 the I thank you for your service in voting for 1,000,000 people to end up in camps instead of the 1,000,003 that would end up in camps under Trump 🫡

samthurston, avatar

@StillIRise1963 can I keep yelling at the "change approach" guy even if I plan to vote for him?

Because I'm going to do both I think.

That okay with you?

StillIRise1963, avatar

@samthurston That’s as it should be. Have at it.📣

thepoliticalcat, avatar


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  • StillIRise1963, avatar
    rst, avatar

    @StillIRise1963 Unfortunately, the guy you prefer just endorsed police raids which put a lot of young activists in jail, while slandering the activists as anti-semites in the process. I agree the other guy would be worse given a second chance. But that's a hard argument to make to people who now have to choose between the candidate who did endorse jailing them, to the one that might (but didn't while he was in office). And it's all self-inflicted damage.

    StillIRise1963, avatar

    @rst It’s not hard at all if you have a modicum of fucking sense.

    GGMcBG, avatar


    The poison of American Exceptionalism has distilled into Murican Me-ism.
    We each think we’re our own island of certain expectations and entitlements, forced to live together. And if it doesn’t make us happy we shut it down.
    I think it’ll be a weak turnout with a margin leaving things up to SCOTUS.

    StillIRise1963, avatar

    @GGMcBG You’re actually talking about white American culture and I think that needs to be made clear. White people are not the default people. They are a group oppressing all other groups. And, the only reason we’re in this situation is because of racism. It’s a fight between white people.

    GGMcBG, avatar


    You’re absolutely right. I’m sorry for taking that for granted and including people who shouldn’t be.

    White exceptionalism will tank it for us all.

    StillIRise1963, avatar

    @GGMcBG Yep. It’s not “American exceptionalism,” it’s white American exceptionalism.

    SmilingFriends, avatar

    @StillIRise1963 Huh? Who invented that absurd angle of (I guess you mean) Trump wanting to put anybody in a camp (unless guilty of serious crimes, but that is already done today).

    I support re-socialization. Or, if that fails, then separation of offenders from the unsuspecting public which want to live in a high-trust society.

    StillIRise1963, avatar

    @SmilingFriends Get lost, Russian.

    ZillaMon, avatar

    @StillIRise1963 I despise Trump, but he is a symptom of something that is rotten in the body politic. There were others before him and others who will follow. Trump must be resolutely defeated, not just politically. Sadly the US squandered 4 years in resolving his treason. Many who supported him are still in Congress.

    StillIRise1963, avatar

    @ZillaMon Not squandered, stolen by the fascist GOP.

    ZillaMon, avatar

    @StillIRise1963 Instead of calling them fascists can we call them "unclean spirits".

    StillIRise1963, avatar

    @ZillaMon WHY in the fuck would we do that?

    ZillaMon, avatar

    @StillIRise1963 Because they are hellish, Satan's spawn, the wicked children of false prophets and peddlers of their own twisted dogma. The very definition of Matthew 7:15.

    StillIRise1963, avatar

    @ZillaMon We’re not talking about god, we’re talking about politics. People and their choices. In the real fucking world we live in.

    StillIRise1963, avatar

    @ZillaMon I’m an Atheist. That means nothing to me.

    katzenberger, avatar

    @StillIRise1963 It is tragic how many Democrats still believe that an updated "Hillary strategy" would work, today.

    It wasn't enough to be the lesser evil in 2016, and it won't be enough in 2024, you haughty fools.

    cohomologyisFUN, avatar

    @katzenberger @StillIRise1963 Trump coming back into power means an end to elections, massive repression, illegal deportations, and death for many. Our system only gives us one alternative. You’re telling us to give up and throw up our hands, and just wait until the system kills us.

    What kind of arrogance allows Europeans to come on here and give these messed-up sanctimonious lectures to marginalized people in the USA trying to avert catastrophe?

    cohomologyisFUN, avatar

    @katzenberger @StillIRise1963 suppose you walked into a house where a small fire had broken out. It’s the third time it’s happened, because the wiring is faulty. The tenet reaches for a fire extinguisher and you yell “Stop using the fire extinguisher and make your landlord fix the wiring!” The tenet responds “I’ve been asking him to fix it for weeks. But right now, I must put THIS fire out NOW so I don’t end up homeless.” And your reply is “You stupid fool! There will just be more fires.”

    katzenberger, avatar


    The fire extinguisher is empty, since years, and you know it. You are saved by people helping you extinguish the flames. They help you because you helped them, and don't remember they exist only in a moment of disaster.

    Afterwards, they tell you to not foolishly press the handle on an empty fire extinguisher, in the hope it will magically extinguish the flames because it simply "has to".

    You get angry because how dare they criticize a fire extinguisher.


    cohomologyisFUN, avatar

    @katzenberger @StillIRise1963 if the choice is between using a shitty fire extinguisher or just letting my house burn down, possibly burning me (and my kids) up with it, you bet I’m going to try the shitty fire extinguisher.

    And as far as the rest of the world helping us put out the fire, I appreciate the offer, but you can’t help. You don’t get a vote in our elections. That’s not your fault—this is a mess of our own making.

    StillIRise1963, avatar

    @katzenberger Seems to me, you’re the haughty fool. I wish you could get all that you deserve because your whiteness wouldn’t save you this time. But, alas, we’ll have to save you FROM YOURSELF yet one more fucking time. If it were up to me, I’d love to watch you lord of the flies all fucking day long.🤡

    katzenberger, avatar


    To repeat: The strategy has failed in the past, and it won't work now just because it "must" work.

    Not much to say apart from that. I wish you the best.

    StillIRise1963, avatar
    IveyJanette, avatar

    @StillIRise1963 I know he would send me to a camp. And deport me to some country in Africa with a dictator that hates women.

    StillIRise1963, avatar

    @IveyJanette I’d be going right along with you.

    IveyJanette, avatar

    @StillIRise1963 That's what he wants. To make this country 100% white,straight and "Christian".

    CatDragon, avatar

    @StillIRise1963 pretty sure my name is on the send to a camp immediately list.

    ruikubla, avatar

    @StillIRise1963 not to me, I cannot vote in the USA election, I have to live with your stupid criminal choices.

    cohomologyisFUN, avatar

    @ruikubla @StillIRise1963 so you come on here and shit on Americans for trying to make their country better. Cool

    ruikubla, avatar

    @cohomologyisFUN @StillIRise1963 if "their countrie better" means the genocide of Palestinian people, fuck your countrie, you speak as the privileged you are. Your countrie, your problem, not like US use to do with other countries, solve it, or do you expect the rest of the world to forget
    The problem of US is the bravery of beeing out of range, all the wars and dead are far away, until one day, than you learn.

    cohomologyisFUN, avatar

    @ruikubla @StillIRise1963 no, a better country means (among other things) a country that isn’t involved in genocide.

    “Your country, your problem”. Yes. That’s why we are trying to fix it.

    We are on your side. Do you get it?

    The post you first replied to was posted by a Black American woman. Do you honestly think she doesn’t understand how evil the USA has been? Marginalized Americans don’t need your “both sides are the same” BS when we are fighting to avoid catastrophe.

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