huggydave, avatar

I'm doing a bunch of writing challenges, listening to a load of music and nursing a broken heart, so let's do the #30DaySongChallenge

huggydave, avatar

Day 1 #30DaySongChallenge - A Song you like with a colour in the title.

This was surprisingly difficult, as I couldn't think of a song off the top of my head, so let's go supremely sappy and pick a song off of Marillion's Misplaced Childhood.

Lavender's such a sweet song, like I get the sentiment of hearing a song that reminds you of someone you love, even if most of the lyrics are a bit silly.

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Day 2 #30DaySongChallenge - A song you like with a number in the title.

I could cheat and say Six Degrees of Inner Turbulence, which is technically a 42-minute song, but instead I'll go from a song from one of my favourite albums.

Seven by Symphony X off of Paradise Lost is one of those songs that just hit me immediately with just a raw, intense metal power.

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Day 3 #30DaySongChallenge - A Song That Reminds You Of Summertime

I'm usually not a big fan of the summertime, and ironically whilst this hasn't been a good summer for me it's the one I've least dreaded because of the heat.

As for songs, it would have to be something whistful and nostalgic, so it will have to always return to The Beatles and Strawberry Fields Forever.

After all, living is easy with eyes closed, misunderstanding all you see.

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Day 4 #30DaySongChallenge - A Song That Reminds You Of Someone You'd Rather Forget.

Not so much a person, although we do not talk anymore but definitely what she did to me and how broken that left me. When I had my first break up I listened to Pink Floyd's The Wall on repeat and when I hear Hey You I still catch the memories of that first painful betrayal.

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Day 5 #30DaySongChallenge - A Song That Needs To Be Played Loud

So so much of my playlist is designed to be bellowed at the top of my lungs and played loud.

But let's go with something from Battle Beast, Beyond the Burning Skies, because there are times when we need to push higher and get that awe-inspiring view of the world.

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Day 6 #30DaySongChallenge - A Song That Makes You Want To Dance

Again so many, especially if headbanging counts, but I'm going to go for the song me and one of my closest friends will always get up for when it plays in rock clubs.

Movies by Alien Ant Farm is just so much fun despite being a breakup song, mostly because it is about freedom and self-awareness that it isn't truly working.

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Day 7 #30DaySongChallenge - A Song To Drive To

I don't drive, so I wasn't sure where to go with this, whether I should have a song that powers me forward whereever I travel or a song I associate with driving.

I couldn't decide between this, the entirety of Myrone's Drift Stage Vol 1 and Sebestian Grampl's Midnight Run, but it's got to go to the sadly short-lived Ironbunny and Lightning Speed.

Seriously, half my music's great pumping driving anthems.

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Day 8 #30DaySongChallenge - A Song About Drugs Or Alcohol

I'm going to go with a song which is kind of ambigious and a song I adore as a love song, but I strongly believe is about cocaine.

Seal's Kiss from a Rose is amazingly good and one of the earliest songs I have a really vivid memory of.

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Day 9 #30DaySongChallenge - A Song That Makes You Happy

Thankfully, for as many songs there are that emotionally affect me, make me sad or sting right now, there are also songs I turn to for comfort.

Probably my favourite, and one of my favourite songs ever is Surrounded by Dream Theater.

Whenever I'm at my most frightened and saddest, this reminds me that there will be a day the shadows will flee and I will awaken from the longest night.

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Day 10 #30DaySongChallenge - A Song That Makes You Sad

Going to have to double-dip with my favourite band and choose one of their bleakest songs ever, one that I listen to and resonate with when I feel isolated, alone and like I cannot be open with how I feel, when you see the future dressed as a stranger, and love can only endure when it stays on the page.

Space Dye Vest is absolutely, heartbreakingly incredible.

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Day 11 #30DaySongChallenge - A Song You Never Get Tired Of

My tastes change quite often, and so eventually I get tired of a lot of my favourite songs for a bit and switch genres.

Honestly, to go a bit out of left field, one song I've never tired of listening to is the CityPop legend Plastic Love by Mariya Takeuchi.

It's the perfect song to lament a prelapsarian past you were never alive for.

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Day 12 #30DaySongChallenge - A Song From Your Preteen Years

This is a bit tricky because I wasn't really into music until my late teens outside of video game soundtracks, The Beatles, Bob Dylan and whatever pop music my brother listened to.

But I will probably pick the first song off the radio that I vividly remember hearing and being moved by despite being 5 or 6 and not really understanding what it was about.

Fugees - Killing Me Softly With His Song

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Day 13 #30DaySongChallenge - A Song You Like From The 70s.

A lot of my favourite songs and one of my favourite eras of music is 1970s progressive rock, but if we are talking about a single song that evokes that era for me the most I've got to go with one of my favourite unheralded prog epic.

Van Der Graaf Generator's A Plague of Lighthouse Keepers is every bit as strange as it is uniquely evocative.

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Day 14 #30DaySongChallenge - A Song You'd Love To Be Played At Your Wedding

Okay, this is a rough question, not just because of a recent break-up, but because I'm simply not interested in ever getting married.

I'll try and think of a song that I find deeply romantic that would be the song I'd play as my first dance.

Honestly, it's going to be Peter Gabriel's In Your Eyes if it's anything.

True love is about feeling unity and oneness and few songs express that more.

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Day 15 #30DaySongChallenge - A Song You Like That's A Cover By Another Artist

So, so many great examples, but I'm probably going to go with Super Trouper by Amberian Dawn.

The entire ABBA covers album is great, but I really like this version of the song when I'm kind of lukewarm on the original.

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Day 16 #30DaySongChallenge - A Song That's a Classic Favourite

It's tricky for me to differentiate between songs I like that happen to be classics and a classic favourite so I'm interpreting it as a song that I've listened to and loved for a long time.

I'm probably going to go for a song that I apparently liked since I was a baby, which is Bob Dylan's The Times They Are A-Changin'.

It's a classic protest song, even if this era of protest music rings hollow today.

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Day 17 #30DaySongChallenge - A Song You'd Sing A Duet With Someone On Karaoke

Okay, I'm going to go with a bit of a strange choice here, and one of two I was struggling to pick.

Rhapsody of Fire are a pretty interesting Italian power metal band that at one point managed to do a duet with the late Christopher Lee.

It's utterly brilliant, although finding someone with a deep enough baritone to sing with me will be the tricky part. ^_^

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Day 18 #30DaySongChallenge - A Song From The Year You Were Born.

1990 was a strange strange year, filled with a lot of interesting song choices, but I'm going to go with possibly the highest commercial peak for prog metal in Queensryche's Silent Lucidity.

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Day 19 #30DaySongChallenge - A Song That Makes You Think About Life

I know what this song likely would have been had this been any earlier than say Day 14, but either things have changed in my life or my mindset has changed away from a song like Oceans of Regret.

Instead, I'm going to opt for Reiko Takahashi's absolute gem of a CityPop song Sunset Road and give a faint smile and say goodbye to the tossing and turning waves.

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Day 20 #30DaySongChallenge - A Song That Has Many Meanings To You

This will almost certainly be a progressive rock song, and in that case it will have to be Dancing With The Moonlit Knight by Genesis.

Partly a response to criticism about the "americanisation" of rock music, partly a comment on cultural imperialism of Great Britain in general, partly fantastical and partly a lament about the pursuit of materialism.

huggydave, avatar

Day 21 #30DaySongChallenge - A Song You Like With A Person's Name In The Title

As tempted as I am to cheat and use Kayleigh by Marillion, I'm going to instead go for a song that's just a lot of fun to listen to despite being about a breakup.

Toto's Roseanna might be thier best song that isn't an outright meme like Africa is.

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Day 22 #30DaySongChallenge That Moves You Forward

My Day 19 choice Sunset Road would totally fit for this, but since I don't want to reuse a song for this list, I'll think of another song that's helped me push forward in dark times that are finally going away.

Broken Survivors by Beast In Black is a song of how even through the deepest heartbreaks love and passion can endure.

huggydave, avatar

Day 23 #30DaySongChallenge A Song You Think Everybody Should Listen To.

So many choices, so many options. Most songs on this challenge I think everybody should listen to, so instead of going for my catch-all favourites, I'm going to choose a song you might not have heard but you should.

The Summer Jam by Periphery is just a fantastic song in a way I struggle to really add to with words alone.

huggydave, avatar

Day 24 #30DaySongChallenge A Song By A Band You Wish Were Still Together.

This one is tricky, because a lot of the bands I like are older ones I don't really want them to still be together and in some cases such things are quite impossible.

I'm going to repeat an artist and go with Ironbunny. They had so much potential but had to break up just at the point where they had something really good going on.

There's a lot of tragedies like that.

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Day 25 #30DaySongChallenge A Song You Like By An Artist No Longer Living

Also too many tragic examples of people who have left us.

There's a lot of places I could take this but I'm going to go for a song by the band about what would ultimately take the lead singer's life.

Are You Dead Yet? By Children of Bodom is one of several songs about singer and lead guitarist Alexi Laiho's alcoholism, which would claim his life in 2021.

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Day 26 #30DaySongChallenge A Song That Makes You Want To Fall In Love

So very many, a lot of which I've posted elsewhere. I'm nothing if not a hopeless romantic.

A lot of CityPop songs are perfect songs about fleeting but beautiful moments of love, crushes, and summers that you hope last forever.

I'm going to go with Sebastian Grampl's Crush, featuring Vanessa Ekpenyong and Tommy Reeve.

I love this song so very much and it's an underrated crush anthem.

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Day 27 #30DaySongChallenge A Song That Breaks Your Heart

It was only going to be a matter of time before Cain's Offering's Oceans of Regret was going to make it into this list, although I was tempted to choose Constellation of Tears instead

A devastatingly desperate song about a supremely toxic relationship that is either over with the singer not letting go or mortally wounded by infidelity.

"I'm waiting with my wounds wide open" is a desperately powerful line.

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Day 28 #30DaySongChallenge A Song By An Artist Whose Voice You Love.

I gravitate towards great singers because when I used to perform in bands it was as a singer.

With that in mind I kind of have to choose Tarja, one of the most incredible metal singers there perhaps has ever been.

Wierdly though, whilst Wishmaster or Nightwish's cover of Over the Hills and Far Away are probably better peformances, Dark Chest of Wonders works so well because it's a bit against type.

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Day 29 #30DaySongChallenge A Song You Remember From Your Childhood.

This seems quite similar to Day 12's question, and a lot of my songs would fit here, But I'll go with a song I vividly remember specifically listening to in the car with my dad as a kid and constantly rewinding the intro on the cassette tape because I loved it that much.

Europe's The Final Countdown has one of the best keyboard solos ever and probably shaped my love of metal and cheese.

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Day 30 A Song That Reminds You Of Yourself.

Oh this is difficult, as I have a close relationship with music so all the songs I have used are ones that could easily represent me in one aspect or another.

I used this song in a answer for one of my characters but Warlock's All We Are fits as well.

I'm incomplete, I'm still working on myself, but I know that better times are ahead, not just confined to memories.

huggydave, avatar

Okay, so #30DaySongChallenge was so much fun that i'm going to keep going with the #30MoreSongsChallenge !

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#30MoreSongsChallenge Day 31: New Born

First song I remember, that is going to be quite tricky. I was told as a child I loved Bob Dylan.

I suspect it would be either this or Hello, Goodbye by The Beatles, from when I was extremely young and remember basically nothing else from my life.

huggydave, avatar

#30MoreSongsChallenge Day 32: The Specimen

What would be the exemplar for my favourite music genre?

I have a few favourite genres but if we're talking my absolute favourite, progressive metal, then it will have to be a Dream Theater song.

This is not my favourite DT song, but this might be the best example of the sheer audacity of prog metal.

It is Octavarium. It is 24 minutes. It is worth taking the time to listen.


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#30MoreSongsChallenge Day 33: Express Yourself

Okay, time to come clean: I did spend time as a heavy metal musican, to the point of having studio recordings of songs and some footage of my band online. The "Sings about unicorns" thing isn't entirely rubbish.

What inspired me to be a musician myself though? Sunshine Of Your Love by Cream, as it was the first song I learned on bass guitar and lit the spark that maybe I could be on stage if I tried.


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#30MoreSongsChallenge Day 34: The Guilty Pleasure

I don't have many guilty pleasures. I love a lot of music, some of it is sillier and less cool to enjoy than others but it doesn't make me guilty to like it.

There's one album/song that comes close though, and that is the very awesome artist Edgar Winter's bizarre and wierd album based on L Ron Hubbard's Mission Earth

The title track, Cry Out and The Spacer's Lot are all great, but Joy City makes me smile so much.

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#30MoreSongsChallenge Day 35: Sing-Along

So very many songs qualify for this, partly because I used to be a singer for a band, but also because I've always loved singing.

A lot of the songs I've put on this list are ones I know off-by-heart, but I want to pick one that's not Free Bird, Bohemian Rhapsody or Take on Me.

I will instead choose the first song the band I was in covered, and one of the best metal songs ever, Master of Puppets by Metallica.

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#30MoreSongsChallenge Day 36: Misheard Lyrics

No way it could be anything but Jimi Hendrix's Purple Haze.

"'Scuse me whilst I kiss this guy" has made it such a bi anthem for me, especially since the song is even about the colour purple!


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#30MoreSongsChallenge Day 37: Fallen From Grace

I go through phases of loving songs then getting sick of them, but outside of artists becoming outright monsters I struggle to hate a song for all that long. Hate's a strong word, after all.

This is itself a borderline case as whilst I did love it as an 8 year old, I found it increasingly disturbing and annoying as I got older, and it didn't even get back any ironic joy like Blue (Da-Ba-Dee) did.

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#30MoreSongsChallenge Day 38: The Late Bloomer

There's a lot of genres and bands that I don't like initially and then get really into later on when I find a particular song that works as a perfect entry point.

Arch Enemy's a good example as a band I didn't quite get and therefore didn't like. It was too abrasive and too heavy for my taste initially.

Then I heard Nemesis again after about a decade and it made perfect sense.

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#30MoreSongsChallenge Day 39: A Fresh Favourite

This was quite tricky, and unfortunately the song I wanted to choose by this artist was three months past the threshold. I'm cutting it fine with this one too.

Ai Furihata dabbles in voice acting as well as few other genres of music, but her take on CityPop is fantastic.

Whilst CITY is by far her best song, Love is A Work Of Mind is not bad at all either, sounding like it could have been on the SNATCHER soundtrack.

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#30MoreSongsChallenge Day 40: The Odd One

This will be difficult because there aren't that many genres I truly dislike and I tend to find multiple songs in a genre when I do.

Black metal might be the exception though, as I tend to prefer the mood rather than the music.

Except for Argesk. They're an awesome, relatively new black metal band and the only band from that genre I have merch of.

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#30MoreSongsChallenge Day 41: A Hidden Gem

I don't want to be a person who just assumes they are the only person who's heard a song so I've got to pick something I think few people listen to but also should.

I will reply with a bunch of other obscure but great songs but this one is the one everyone should hear but few have.

Minako Yoshida's on the border between CityPop and japanese Jazz Fusion and everyone should hear an amazing song delvolve into jam band greatness.

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#30MoreSongsChallenge Day 42: Forty-Two

The answer to life, the universe and everything eh...

It's a clichéd answer, but there is no way I'm not going to pick Journey of the Sorcerer by The Eagles.

The Hitchhiker Trilogy of Five might be my favourite book series so forgive me for picking the most obvious answer.

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#30MoreSongsChallenge Day 43: Silence Is Golden

Way, way way too many to count. I love jazz fusion and progressive metal, both of which are prone to great instrumental work.

I'll reply with some honourable mentions but in terms of one instrumental I love more than any other, it'll probably be Asayake (Sunrise) by Casiopea.

It's just such a joyful, incredibly bouncy hit of music. It used to keep me going during very cold and long commutes.

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#30MoreSongsChallenge Day 44: The Experience

I may have wasted some of my favourite live performances on previous days, but I will choose a song I have seen and utterly adored live.

Babymetal are an utterly sublime band to see live and whilst this isn't from the performance I saw live, this is one of my favourite live performances I've ever seen.

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#30MoreSongsChallenge Day 45: A Local Hero

Before I moved to my current home, I lived in Preston for decades, and whilst there are not too many great bands and musicians from the city, there will always be Xentrix.

Tremendous 80s thrash metal with that distinct guitar tone that seemed to be lost by the time of Metallica's Black Album.

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#30MoreSongsChallenge Day 46: The Tower of Babel

Well, my love of City Pop highlights that language isn't really much of a barrier when it comes to my enjoyment of music.

Instead of going for City Pop I will venture to the very similar genre of Kawaii Metal, and the particularly unique Gion-cho by Band-Maiko.

Whilst also being performed in Japanese, it also I believe uses a traditional shamisen in its mix.


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#30MoreSongsChallenge Day 47: Surprise!

I've so many examples of local bands I found out about and loved due to showing up to a gig, but let's go for the most dramatic example.

In 2009 I went to Liverpool to see Dragonforce live. Supporting them was a Swedish power metal band named Sabaton who sand all about war and battles.

Fourteen years later I saw them headline at Leeds and they are one of my favourite bands ever.

Here is The Price of A Mile.

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#30MoreSongsChallenge Day 48: Outta My Head

To be honest, I often listen to music in a way that creates ear worms that I get sick of, stop listening to and then come back to and fall in love with again.

If we're talking a song that just randomly enters my head a lot is the Steve Winwood song Higher Love, especially its utterly phenomenal cover by Whitney Houston.

There is a more famous remix by Kygo, but the original is way better.

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#30MoreSongsChallenge Day 49: Outta My Head

A lot of my favourite songs. I'm very much a night owl and so many songs explicitly are about the night.

City by Ai Furihata, Metropolis Pt 1 by Dream Theater, Vienna by Ultravox and basically anything off City Hunter by Sebastian Grampl are honourable mentions.

But I have to go back to Beast In Black and Moonlight Rendezvous, a cyberpunk-themed power metal ballad that just hits me the right way at night.

huggydave, avatar

#30MoreSongsChallenge Day 50: The Accomplice

My favourite non-music activity is writing, but almost every song on this list reminds me of writing and creativity, so we'll go to my current obsession which is fitness.

I've been working out a lot lately because for the first time in my life I actually enjoy it, and whenever I do it reminds me of Ace Buchannon's wonderfully charming Buns of Steel

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#30MoreSongsChallenge Day 51: Bye, Folks!

A song to play at my funeral...

Since I was 17 or so I've always joked about playing Pull Me Under by Dream Theater, but I do think it fits surprisingly well for me.

It's Shakesperean, my favourite band, one of my favourite songs, my favourite genre, kind of ironic, literary. It works perfectly.

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#30MoreSongsChallenge Day 52: I'm Out

I always try to give all of the music I encounter a chance. After all, it clearly resonates with someone otherwise it would not be acclaimed.

There used to be a lot more bands that were acclaimed that I hated, such as Pantera, Slayer, Lamb of God. Those sorts of bands.

Honestly, it's probably something like Five Finger Death Punch. I don't get why I'd listen to that when every aspect of thier music has been done better.

huggydave, avatar

#30MoreSongsChallenge Day 53: From The Flicks

This is not necessarily one of my favourite songs, but it is a fantastic song from one of my favourite films ever made.

Wake Up by Rage Against The Machine was the best concluding statement of a film that redefined cyberpunk.

"Where we go from there is a choice I leave to you."

huggydave, avatar

#30MoreSongsChallenge Day 54: Homesick

A lot of the music I listened to with my dad definitely qualifies as songs that remind me of home.

Probably the most interesting for me in recent years is Roundabout by Yes.

It's far more well-known as that song from JoJo's Bizarre Adventure now, but I always associated with trips out with my dad, especially when we went to see my brother at university.

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#30MoreSongsChallenge Day 55: Wanderlust

Now Beyond The Burning Skies by Battle Beast would be perfect here, but I like my own place and use writing and reading as my way to explore the world so it takes a hell of a song to make me want to travel a lot.

So instead of songs about other place or travelling it has to be song about the motivation to find something new, and ultimately FM-84's Never Stop (featuring the incredible Ollie Wride) is absolutely it.

huggydave, avatar

#30MoreSongsChallenge Day 56: The Noughties

This is going to be really tricky, given that my tastes in music really started in the noughties as I found the music that really spoke to me.

Arch Enemy, Children of Bodom, the Dream Theater albums from that era could all qualify here, but I'm going to pick a song that screams of a very specific era.

Bullet For My Valentine's Hearts Burst Into Fire is so late 2000s it hurts, but it is so fantastic that it still resonates.

huggydave, avatar

#30MoreSongsChallenge Day 57: Feels Like Yesterday

Even trickier than yesterday, as the 2010s is such a strange kalaidoscope of a decade, with so many different genres defining an era where everything and nothing seemed to speak to the moment.

The most evocative songs of the 2010s I only heard in the 2020s and the songs that defined the 2010s were made in the 1980s, so here's the compromise.

The Midnight's Days Of Thunder is kind of a cop-out but it fits the time.

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#30MoreSongsChallenge Day 58: Rage Against

Hmm, angry songs that I use as catharsis, a lot of the songs I tend to listen to tend to channel anger in wierd ways or are more about channeling anger directed inwards, but I definitely have a few floor pounding songs I love.

Let's stick with the simplest and Children Of Bodom's Hate Me.

huggydave, avatar

#30MoreSongsChallenge Day 59: One-Hit Wonder

Ooh, okay this is going to be an interesting one, as this is not about artists where I only know one song but only love one song from them.

I'll probably go for one of the first metal songs I ever heard, Star One's Intergalactic Space Crusaders.

The rest of Star One's repetoire's fine, but none of their songs resonated with me anywhere close to this ode to Blake's 7 did.

huggydave, avatar

#30MoreSongsChallenge Day 60: The Runner-Up

Final day of 30 Days More!

There is another challenge board I saw which I will switch to in this thread, probably under the hashtage #30DayMoreSongsChallenge .

As for a runner up that I didn't just use, I'm going to pick a song for Day 46 that I've just recently heard and love.

I've just recently found the wierdly goth rock-tinged Kawaii Metal group NECRONOMIDOL, and cassilda is exceptionally catchy and fun in a dark way.

huggydave, avatar

#30DayMoreSongsChallenge Time even if this this actually a #31daysongchallenge

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#30DayMoreSongsChallenge Time even if this this actually a #31daysongchallenge : Day 1: A song that makes you feel like you're in a music video.

Specifically, the first verse bit where the song goes "Walking through winter streets alone he stops and takes a breath of confidence and self control" I feel like I'm in a slow motion montage in a music video.

It's Learning To Live by Dream Theater

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#30DayMoreSongsChallenge Time even if this this actually a #31daysongchallenge : Day 2: A song you'd cry to in the shower

So many options, most of which are songs that are a bit odd to get sad to.

I'll avoid Hey You, Oceans of Regret or other songs I've already selected and pick something from an odd time in my life, one I'm thankfully long past.

I went through a The 1975 phase and the song that hit me during that dark time was Somebody Else, and it still affects me.

huggydave, avatar

#30DayMoreSongsChallenge Time even if this this actually a #31daysongchallenge : Day 3: A song for hanging out with friends.

Okay, so this is not typically the sort of song you think of when you think of songs that rally friends together since it's a nearly nine minute power metal song about one of the longest fantasy book series ever, but Wheel of Time by Blind Guardian's one of those songs that brings my closest friends together.

huggydave, avatar

#30DayMoreSongsChallenge Time even if this this actually a #31daysongchallenge : Day 4: A song that gives you inspiration.

Okay this is tricky because songs inspire me in a lot of different ways and I'm not sure which to choose here.

Okay so Six Pack Twins by Deadlift Lolita is a song about two people united through a pursuit of individuality through fitness, and it is inspiring for me going through a fitness journey even if I won't be a buff idol or pro wrestler.

huggydave, avatar

#30DayMoreSongsChallenge Time even if this this actually a #31daysongchallenge : Day 5: A song that isn't in your usual genre.

A little tricky given there's not a lot I won't listen to, but I did stumble upon 18+ by Scene Queen which wouldn't be something I'd seek out but is absolutely phenomenal.

Its topic is unfortunately exceptionally timely given Russell Brand's allegations too...

CW: References to abuse/ grooming in the lyrics.


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#30DayMoreSongsChallenge Time even if this this actually a #31daysongchallenge : Day 6: A song that makes you miss someone.

Too many songs; I tend to connect quite a few songs to people I know, but I'll go with a song that reminds me of my late Granddad.

Frank Sinatra was his favourite singer, and Strangers in the Night is one of my favourite songs by him.

#music #amlistening

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#30DayMoreSongsChallenge Time even if this this actually a #31daysongchallenge : Day 7: A song that you think is overrated.

Okay, so there are some really good songs by the band Slayer, but in general I'm not the biggest fan of thier music, and World Painted Blood is a good example of why that is.

It's not a terrible song, but it's exceptionally safe, and despite Slayer's reputation for being edgy and dangerous, thier music feels like a band afraid to experiment.

huggydave, avatar

#30DayMoreSongsChallenge Time even if this this actually a #31daysongchallenge : Day 8: A song that makes you feel you're in a dream.

It will most likely be some kind of prog rock odyssey, but the most dream-like song for me that's always taken me places is Close To The Edge By Yes.

It's surreal, unique and has a wierd pastoral quality for somewhere that does not exist.

huggydave, avatar

#30DayMoreSongsChallenge Time even if this this actually a #31daysongchallenge : Day 9: A song from your teens that you forgot about.

There probably won't be that many I truly forgot about, since I'm always fascinated by obscure music from when i was younger.

However, whilst I still know some Enter Shikari, Anything Can Happen In The Next Half Hour is definitely a song I only really remember listening to as a 17 and 18 year old.

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#30DayMoreSongsChallenge Time even if this this actually a #31daysongchallenge : Day 10: A song that reminds you of someone you love?

Can I pass on this one? It kind of opens up relatively new wounds.

If not, I'm going to put down Muse's The Dark Side and leave it at that.

huggydave, avatar

#30DayMoreSongsChallenge Time even if this this actually a #31daysongchallenge : Day 11: A song from your favourite album.

Okay, so the album is Images and Words by Dream Theater. It's been my favourite since I first heard it and will likely be my favourite until I die.

In terms of the song I'm going to go with Under A Glass Moon, an amazing feat of musicianship with some pretty sweet lyrics.

huggydave, avatar

#30DayMoreSongsChallenge Time even if this this actually a #31daysongchallenge : Day 12: A song you wish you wrote.

There aren't actually any songs I wish I had written. In my own experience of songwriting, it's quite a personal, almost confessional process so if I tried to write a song I adore it'd be very different if I had written it.

With that said, if there's one song I wish I'd written it's Mr Crowley by Ozzy Osbourne, if only to actually get some facts right.

huggydave, avatar

#30DayMoreSongsChallenge Time even if this this actually a #31daysongchallenge : Day 13: A song you heard on the radio.

I don't listen to a lot of radio these days, but I actually really liked Midnight Sky by Miley Cyrus, in no small part because of its synthwave vibe and Stevie Nicks influence.

huggydave, avatar

Time even if this this actually a : Day 14: A song that calms you down.

Calming music is something I kind of stumble upon, but this particular song from the Final Fantasy VII soundtrack really resonates and relaxes me a lot.

huggydave, avatar

Time even if this this actually a : Day 15: A song that is sung by two people.

Duets... what is my favourite duet?

The Magic of the Wizard's Dream is superb but I am going to go for a less obscure one.

Bring Me To Life by Evenescence is a truly amazing song by a band that ultimately doesn't sound anything like this in the rest of thier repetoire.

I love this song for a lot of reasons but I lament that we didn't get more.

huggydave, avatar

Time even if this this actually a : Day 16: A Song That Makes You Want To Go On An Adventure.

Ooh, that's tricky, because it kind of depends on the type of adventure, and what kind of music I have gotten really into at the time.

With that said, Land of Immortals by Rhapsody (of Fire) is definitely a regular feature of "adventure time!" playlists for me.

huggydave, avatar

Time even if this this actually a : Day 17: A song you'd choose for karaoke.

Okay now we're talking! There's not many songs I wouldn't do for karaoke, and I used to sing in a band so I have the confidence to try.

As for a specific song, I often like singing A-ha's Take On Me, not because it's my favourite song by them (The Sun Always Shines On TV is underrated) but because it surprises people when I hit the higher note.

huggydave, avatar

Time even if this this actually a : Day 18: A song that tells a story.

I love prog rock and power metal, so there's a lot of songs built around telling a story. Yesterday's song was part of a huge story.

I'm going to avoid some obvious examples and go for a song that has a bit of a unique story told in a fairly unique way.

Rush's Subdivisions is about an alienated man trying to escape the conformity of the suburbs.

huggydave, avatar

Time even if this this actually a : Day 19: The opening track to your favourite album.

I've tried to make my choices for the song challenge diverse and avoid using the same artist and song too often.

Here, that's absolutely impossible. My favourite album is Dream Theater's Images And Words, and its opening track is the legendary Pull Me Under, thier only hit single.

huggydave, avatar

Time even if this this actually a : Day 20: A song by an artist no longer alive.

Tragically there's a lot of examples of this, and I'm not really sure where I should go with this.

I think I will go with Heaven For Everyone by Queen, released years after Freddie Mercury passed away as a posthumous epitaph. It's a lovely song but quite haunting at the same.

huggydave, avatar

Time even if this this actually a : Day 21: A song you discovered by pure chance.

So very very many. I listen to a lot of randomised playlists and song radios on Spotify so I end up picking up music I would have never found otherwise.

Choosing a recent example I stumbled upon the amazing all-female power metal band Lovebites and the song Scream For Me.

I love how much easier it is to find music that would have passed me by.

huggydave, avatar

Time even if this this actually a : Day 22: A song by your favourite band.

I'm sorry, it's Dream Theater again. I try to mix up a lot of the bands and not do the same band too many times in a row but with this question there's no way of avoiding it.

As for the song, we're just going to go with Forsaken. It's an amazing song with thier best music video ever.

huggydave, avatar

Time even if this this actually a : Day 23:
A song I'd want to hear at a concert.

I've been lucky enough to hear a lot of my favourite bands live, outside of the ones that for logistical reasons have never reached the UK.

I'll probably go with a band I am going to see in November, Battle Beast, and whilst there's loads of thier songs I want to hear live, here's one I don't think they'll play called The Eclipse.

huggydave, avatar

Time even if this this actually a : Day 24:
A song I'd hear in a café/restaurant.

Well, I went out to a restaurant last night and The Wicker Man by Iron Maiden was playing.

It was also a metal pub as well, but it still counts!

huggydave, avatar

Time even if this this actually a : Day 25:
A song that reminds you of spring.

Spring is a time of renewal and nature for me, so naturally I end up delving into fantasy and specifically power metal.

Twilight Force's Flight of the Sapphire Dragon is very much the type of music I think of. At once pastoral but also exceptionally grand and powerful.

huggydave, avatar

Time even if this this actually a : Day 26:
The last song you added to your playlist.

I tend to use my Spotify Liked Songs as a playlist, but wierdly enough the specific Night Tempo remix of Kaoru Akimoto's Kyo Wa Hitorikiri.

Here's the original instead, quite a sweet 80s mid-tempo ballad that's kind of thrown into a lot of CityPop playlists.

huggydave, avatar

Time even if this this actually a : Day 27:
A song for getting ready in the morning.

I may have already used this one, but few songs helped me wake up and get energised than Asayake by Casiopea, especially thier live 1985 version with THAT bass intro.

huggydave, avatar

Time even if this this actually a : Day 28:
A song with a good music video.

There's a lot of amazing music videos out there, several of which have I've used already, so I'm going to go the opposite route: a music video so bad it's a amazing.

To do so we need to look at Rhapsody's Power of the Dragonflame.

Made for about a fiver, I'm not sure what two kids on a bus and the band playing on train tracks says about dragons.

huggydave, avatar

Time even if this this actually a : Day 29:
A song that makes you want to dance in public.

The last song I did dance to in "public" (ie on my way home after a night out) was Cassilda by Necronomidol, but another song that makes me want to is what I came home from.

Vieon are a fantastic band and seeing them live was an incredible experience during a rough time.

Inter-City is thier most recent song and my favourite.

huggydave, avatar

Time even if this this actually a : Day 30:
A song you want to share.

Honestly, bascially any song I like will be one I want to share, but I'll choose a song that has been stuck in my head for a while.

Hot Stunner by Phaserland is bouncy, light, life-affirming and topped by the wonderful voice of Nikki Dodds.

huggydave, avatar

Final day of even if this this actually a : Day 31: A song your best friend loves and you hate.

This is difficult because most of my friends I met because of music societies so we tend to have quite similar tastes. It's difficult to find stuff I truly hate.

I think the one exception to this rule is Crazy B*tch by Buckcherry. It's a song I kept hearing so much that I have a pavlovian hatred of it now.

huggydave, avatar

Found another #30DaySongChallenge thanks to @osakajack !

Sorry for no alt text, I'll write each day's prompt in the thread.

huggydave, avatar

Another #30daysongchallenge Day 1: The Song That Is Your Best Karaoke Song.

It's a tricky one because I'm not all that terrible at karaoke so I try a lot of songs that usually you shouldn't really try and sometimes it works out kind of well.

If we're talking best karaoke song, as obvious a choice as it is, I've got to go with Bohemian Rhapsody by Queen.

huggydave, avatar

Another #30daysongchallenge Day 2: A song that you like that you learned something new from.

Within the fandom, learning history through power metal is literally called The Sabaton Effect, and literally any of thier songs would count here, but I'm going for Night Witches, the Russian 588th Night Bomber Regiment made up entirely of female pilots.

huggydave, avatar

Another #30daysongchallenge Day 3: A song I like from at least a decade before I was born.

With 1980 as the cutoff date, I have a lot of options to choose from, and it's a good thing I love prog rock isn't it?

I've done Pink Floyd, Genesis and Yes, so let's go with 21st Century Schizoid Man by King Crimson.

A statement of purpose by one of the most interesting bands ever and one of my favourite singers ever, the song's as utterly wild as that cover art.

huggydave, avatar

Another #30daysongchallenge Day 4: A jingle or song from a commercial you like.

It's a bit early for this advert, but the famous Toys r Us Christmas advert Magical Place might be amongst the greatest jingles in the history of advertising.

Interestingly enough, it was composed by Jordan Rudess, keyboardist of my favourite band Dream Theater too.

huggydave, avatar

Another #30daysongchallenge Day 5: A song you like from a musical.

I am rather fond of the very strange musical Chess, and I cannot help but love The Arbiter, a song about the referee of a chess match, told in the most 1980s way imaginable.

huggydave, avatar

Another Day 6: The angriest song you like.

I'm a metalhead so I'm kind of spoiled for choice when it comes to really angry music of various types, but I think the most nakedly vengeful song that comes to mind for me is Aesthetics of Hate by Machine Head.

It's not my favourite song from The Blackening, but there's something quite visceral about a song made as a vengeful response to an article on a music website.

huggydave, avatar

Another Day 7: A song you like where you misheard/misremembed a lyric.

I'm quite bad with mondegreens, so there's a lot of songs where I'll mishear a lyric and never be able to hear it the right way again.

Most recently, it's probably Thrill by Band-Maid, which makes sense given I don't speak Japanese, so I hear the chorus line "I've got to be on my way! 真っ平らな (matairana or completely flat)" as "my dynamite!"

huggydave, avatar

Another Day 8: A song you like from a video game.

There are far far too many to mention. I'm a huge fan of video games and a lot of my favourite songs come from game soundtracks, which can be powerfully emotional.

I'm going to go with a bit of an obvious one, which is Hopes and Dreams, the final boss (at least for the Pacifist Run) of the game Undertale.

Toby Fox's music is legendarily good but this song always gets me a little teary-eyed.

huggydave, avatar

Another Day 9: The most recently released song that is now one of your favourites.

This was much much harder for me to find than I expected, given that I had hoped Spotify would let you sort your likes by release date.

Regardless, it's probably Believing by Babymetal off of thier brilliant album from this year entitled The Other One.

There might be something slightly newer than this, but this song resonates a lot with me right now.

huggydave, avatar

Another Day 10: A song you used to like but grew out of.

I've tended to grow into a lot of music I thought I was better than as a teenager, so there's not a lot of songs that I feel I've truly grown out of.

It'd have to be something I listened to when I was really really young that's really painful to listen to now.

Okay so Girl Thing were an exceptionally short-lived girl group and Last One Standing is one of the most obnoxious songs ever.

huggydave, avatar

Another Day 11: A live version of a song you like better than the studio version.

This is a bit of a cheat, but Rammstein's live concert experience is simply impossible to match in the studio, as good as the music is.

This is live version of one of thier early songs, "Wollt Ihr Das Bett In Flammen Sehen?" where the difference is far more pronounced than say, Engel or Auslander.

huggydave, avatar

Another #30daysongchallenge Day 12: A song you like that has an excellent breakdown.

I might have used this song already, but Minako Yoshida's TOWN has an absolutely amazing breakdown, made even better in the hands of a live band that's allowed to completely let loose.

huggydave, avatar

Another Day 13: A song you like in a language not your native language.

A lot of the songs I've chosen throughout these challenges have been in Japanese, and there's probably as many songs in other langagues than in English.

So I'll just go for a song I am really enjoying as of late in the form of Never Ending Summer by S. Kiyotaka and Omega Tribe.

huggydave, avatar

Another #30daysongchallenge Day 14: A song that is an instant earworm.

So so many songs have been like that for me, so I'm going to avoid my immediate J-Pop predeliction and go for a song from an album full of earworms.

Everyone has a different answer for the best song off Paramore's Riot, but I think That's What You Get is the most earrwormy and is by far my favourite.

huggydave, avatar

Another #30daysongchallenge Day 15: A parody song you like.

Well, it can only be Wierd Al, the best parody musician by a mile.

As for the song, it's tricky to pick just one, so I'll go for I Lost On Jeopardy, which I swear is better than the original!

huggydave, avatar

Another #30daysongchallenge Day 16: A song that a good friend of yours loves but you don't care for at all.

There'll inevitably be metal songs and artists that I'm much more lukewarm on, mostly in more extreme metal genres.

It's really hard to find stuff I don't like rather than stuff I do.

I find Pantera on the whole quite overrated even notwithstanding all the awful stuff surrounding the band, but Walk in particular just never really grabs me.

huggydave, avatar

Another #30daysongchallenge Day 17: A song you like that is a less popular song on the same album as a very popular song.

Okay, so EMOTION by Carly Rae Jepson is one of the most surprisingly amazing albums ever, but whilst Run Away With Me is the obvious hit, I love When I Needed You so very much.

huggydave, avatar

Another #30daysongchallenge Day 18: A remix that you like better than the original.

It's going to be a Shep Pettibone remix, as they extend the song and add some really fascinating elements to popular new wave songs.

I'd probably go with the remix of Level 42's Lessons In Love, in no small part because of how it brings that sensational bass riff to the forefront of the mix compared to the Single version.

huggydave, avatar

Another #30daysongchallenge Day 19: A song you like from a movie soundtrack.

Alright, so Vince DiCola's not always been a popular or fashionable composer to like, but i can't say I don't absolutely adore his work on The Transformers: The Movie and especially Rocky IV.

The Training Montage theme in particular is something really really special, and I think influential to a lot of synthwave I'm into now.

huggydave, avatar

Another #30daysongchallenge Day 20: A song most people liked but you didn't care for.

I'll try to avoid ragging on Slayer or Pantera again, but a lot of thier music tends to be adored but I just don't get it.

This is going to be a bit of a tricky one. I'm going to go with Disturbed's version of The Sound of Silence.

It's not that bad, and I like a lot of Disturbed's more esoteric covers like Shout 2000 and Land of Confusion but it's so venerated that I find it dreary.

huggydave, avatar

Another #30daysongchallenge Day 21: A song that you would play for your fashion show walk if you ever had to be a runway model.

Let's say that's not exactly likely, but if I had to pick something, I'd go for this awesome metal cover of a half-decent song by a very decent pop artist.

Kesha's music outside of her early dollar sign era isn't actually as bad as people think, and Die Young's one of her best dance songs, covered to perfection by Everfrost here.

huggydave, avatar

Another #30daysongchallenge Day 22: An incredibly popular song that you like.

I'm hardly made of stone and I'm not someone who has a problem with pop rock at all. I'll give a lot of stuff a try that you might not expect from this thread.

Take Meatloaf for example. Not only do we share a birthday, but I absolutely love a huge chunk of his particular kind of opera rock.

I Would Do Anything For Love (But I Won't Do That) is his biggest hit, hence my pick.

huggydave, avatar

Another #30daysongchallenge Day 23: The funniest song you like.

Oh god, I love a lot of comedy music, and between Ninja Sex Party, Jon Lajoie and Wierd Al I've lot of options.

I'm going to go with my favourite funny song rather than the funniest song I like, which is the wonderfully cheesy and hilariously fun Laser Raptor 3D by Grailknights.

It's tongue in cheek but so close to earnestly serious that it becomes hilarious.

huggydave, avatar

Another Day 24: A song I like that is entirely or heavily spoken word.

Easy choice. Gil-Scott Heron's The Revolution Will Not Be Televised.

I don't think I can add a single thing to this masterpiece and Iif you have not heard it before, please give it a listen.

huggydave, avatar

Another Day 25: A song I like from a one-hit wonder.

The idea of the one hit wonder's always been a bit strange to me. After all, my favourite band are technically a one-hit wonder if top-40 singles hits are the only barometer.

I'll stick with a pretty universal example. Babylon Zoo made an amazing, strange electronic space rock song that sounded like nothing else on the charts before or really much since.

It's a shame they could never follow-up.

huggydave, avatar

Another Day 26: A song I like from someone with an extensive hit library.

Okay, so the obvious choice here is The Beatles. One of the most successful bands in history and one that I have been listening to almost since birth.

As for the song, it's so hard to pick just one that I love so I'll go with a Day In The Life, a surreal, wierd song that lodged in my mind for decades.

huggydave, avatar

Another Day 27: A song you like with beautiful lyrics.

So so many options, so I'll opt for a song by my favourite lyricist in Peter Sinfield.

He had an album of music he both wrote and performed, and The Song Of The Sea Goat is by far his best.

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