@ramsey@phpc.social avatar

Let’s get all controversial up in this #PHP

danb, (edited )
@danb@fosstodon.org avatar

@ramsey folks that complain about internals voting decisions to their large social audiences, without being willing to get involved in the PHP project itself to get voting rights, are causing harm by vilifying the internals team & creating an "us vs them" gap which may further disincentivise others getting involved.


@danb @ramsey That's fair. I'd counter that the barrier to entry to the "PHP project itself" is, or at least feels, very high. So an argument could be made that either PHP internals needs to be an easier club to get into or that there should be some representation from the larger user community of users who don't contribute code to the language itself.

@Girgias@phpc.social avatar

@EdGrosvenor @danb @ramsey Because this is being portrayed by the people pushing an "us vs them" agenda.

I am the living proof (and maybe even Nikita) that this is horseshit.

I joined the internals mailing list when I was 19, when the signup process was even more broken than currently. Got involved by doing translation and doc works, and then seeing some of the nonsense in the docs started contributing to php-src.

@Girgias@phpc.social avatar

@EdGrosvenor @danb @ramsey And I didn't, and still don't, know anything about email, nor OS, don't use containers or Docker, haven't done a computer science degree, nothing that would give me an advantage in contributing.

I "learned" C by hacking on php-src, reading on stuff when I needed, and just dug through the layers and layers of macros using the little docs we have (less than nowadays).
For reference, the only other programming language I knew (and this is kinda still true) was PHP.

@Girgias@phpc.social avatar

@EdGrosvenor @danb @ramsey So no, the barrier to entry of the project isn't high. I'd argue it's too low. As anyone can just sign-up onto the list and start writing their opinions about what the language should become.

But every single person that complains about it being an exclusive club is not willing to sign-up onto a mailing list and actually provide meaningful contributions to discussions.

Voting is the last step of a whole process.

@Crell@phpc.social avatar

@Girgias @EdGrosvenor @danb @ramsey I also came in though Docs, despite having been list-active for over a decade before that.

The problem is, there isn't just one problem. Internals' structure is just a mess all around, but every attempt to even marginally improve it has been voted down by the arch-libertarian/anarchist wing of the voting pool. It's basically a gerrymandering problem. 😞

@Girgias@phpc.social avatar

@Crell @EdGrosvenor @danb @ramsey Oh the project's governance is a shit show. That I agree, and I have a lot of opinions about it.

@heiglandreas@phpc.social avatar

@Crell And IIRC the tone has become much better than... whatever... 15 years ago?

Feels much more civilized now (sometimes still improvable for sure but... 🙈)

But steering a group of people that are used to steering themselves (however good or bad that works) means taking away freedom and power.

/cc @Girgias @EdGrosvenor @danb @ramsey

@Crell@phpc.social avatar

@heiglandreas @Girgias @EdGrosvenor @danb @ramsey Oh, definitely. The trajectory has been in the right direction, but the drag from legacy processes, people, and assumptions has been severe.

@ramsey@phpc.social avatar

@Crell @Girgias @EdGrosvenor @danb I came in by making updates to the PHP-GTK website, back in 2004. 🤣

@dragonmantank@phpc.social avatar

@ramsey @Crell @Girgias @EdGrosvenor @danb Docs always seemed to be the back door to the project (not meaning that in a bad way, our docs are superb because of that). I always found it frustrating trying to help and getting nowhere.

I’d love to be more involved than yelling on a mailing list, it’s just not always clear short of “help with docs”

@ramsey@phpc.social avatar

@dragonmantank @Crell @Girgias @EdGrosvenor @danb I would like for us to provide a way for folks to get involved in helping with systems, but since this requires a higher level of trust, it’s difficult to find ways to involve people to build up that trust.

@deleugpn@fosstodon.org avatar

@ramsey @dragonmantank @Crell @Girgias @EdGrosvenor @danb even docs has a higher-than-needed entry barrier. XML is not the gold standard in 2023 anymore. But improvements can only be done in small incremental and large restructuring is impossible. Not to mention the "we cannot favor any framework, let's build everything with pure PHP like in 2005" mindset.

@Girgias@phpc.social avatar

@deleugpn @ramsey @dragonmantank @Crell @EdGrosvenor @danb ??????

So what do you want to replace docbooks with?
XML is perfectly valid, and if you tell me Markdown I will just answer NO.

Docbooks is used for a reason, and it's not like the PHP docs are the only docs using that DTD (e.g. Postgress docs do too, publishing does).

You are complaining about "non-issues" here.

@deleugpn@fosstodon.org avatar

@Girgias @ramsey @dragonmantank @Crell @EdGrosvenor @danb your answer here perfectly represents the problem. I didn't mention any replacement but you already have your mind set in NO.
Someone new tries to contribute to the docs, finds it cumbersome and is received with "shut up your opinion is invalid, contribute as is or gtfo. I can do it why can't you l?"

@Girgias@phpc.social avatar

@deleugpn @ramsey @dragonmantank @Crell @EdGrosvenor @danb > XML is not the gold standard in 2023 anymore

> PHP is not the gold standard in 2023 anymore

What's the difference?

@deleugpn@fosstodon.org avatar

@Girgias @ramsey @dragonmantank @Crell @EdGrosvenor @danb to me the difference is that any project/client/integration/whatever I work on, I don't have to convince anybody that XML is not worth supporting and it's already an agreed mindset. PHP on the other hand is still highly used and powering brand new systems, so much so that I have to refuse work due to the amount of demand

@Crell@phpc.social avatar

@deleugpn @Girgias @ramsey @dragonmantank @EdGrosvenor @danb Docbook is not some home grown dtd. It's a professional standard that's been used for over 20 years in publishing. I also agree that moving off of it is a non-starter for many reasons.

Thst said, it's also valid that it's not as readily apparent to a new contributor as Markdown or such, and that's a barrier. The answer is better docbook on boarding material for new contributors.

@deleugpn@fosstodon.org avatar

@Crell @Girgias @ramsey @dragonmantank @EdGrosvenor @danb it's not just about learning it. I did learn. I managed to make a few contributions. The system in place is not pleasant to work with. Two things that don't go well together are free labor and unpleasant labor. The fact that it's a 20 year old standard might be a strong sign of outdated solution.
Perhaps there's nothing better out there. I don't know. Why waste my time trying to help when the answer is already no before we even begin?

@Crell@phpc.social avatar

@deleugpn @Girgias @ramsey @dragonmantank @EdGrosvenor @danb Because changing from DocBook to $NewHotness, assuming we could agree on $NewHotness, involves hundreds of hours of unpleasant fee labor from someone else.

That's the flipside of "just learn it, noob": "just redo everything for me!"

Neither one is nice, nor productive.

And no, being 20 years old doesn't make it outdated, anymore than PHP is outdated just because it was written in the 90s.

@deleugpn@fosstodon.org avatar

@Crell @Girgias @ramsey @dragonmantank @EdGrosvenor @danb and comparing PHP with Docbook is only fair if you compare it with PHP version from 20 years ago. I bet PHP 5.0 is quite shiny and pleasant nowadays 🫠

@Crell@phpc.social avatar

@deleugpn @Girgias @ramsey @dragonmantank @EdGrosvenor @danb The latest release of docbook is from 2018. That's not long ago as specs go.

@deleugpn@fosstodon.org avatar

@Crell @Girgias @ramsey @dragonmantank @EdGrosvenor @danb I would never propose unpleasant work for someone else to do it. There are a lot of people eager, willing and interested to contribute. If I find a $HotNewThing that is pleasant and welcoming to newcomers I would put on the work myself. Maybe I would end up giving up half way through it, maybe I would succeed. Arguing against everything and everyone from day one is internals own doom.

@Crell@phpc.social avatar

@deleugpn @Girgias @ramsey @dragonmantank @EdGrosvenor @danb Even if you offer to do a lot of the work, it's still a major change for everyone else who works on docs, and requires a lot of build system work by the few people with server access.

Contributing against the grain of an OSS project is hard. It really can only be done by an insider. That is not unique to PHP.

I say that as someone who made a career of being against the grain. :-)

@deleugpn@fosstodon.org avatar

@Crell @Girgias @ramsey @dragonmantank @EdGrosvenor @danb that actually makes a lot of sense and describes perfectly how it feels like the ones on the outside want to help build something they feel is better but the ones on the inside don't welcome the unpleasant work to change and might not even feel like its better. Over time less folks are willing to endure working with the existing system

@Crell@phpc.social avatar

@deleugpn @Girgias @ramsey @dragonmantank @EdGrosvenor @danb Only Nixon could go to China.

I'd been a major Drupal contributor for 5+ years before I pitched the big Drupal 8 overhaul, and even then it was a major uphill battle for 5 years.

Understanding group dynamics is important to being able to change groups.

@dragonmantank@phpc.social avatar

@ramsey @Crell @Girgias @EdGrosvenor @danb I’d also love to get more involved with testing, but it’s always something that I feel like I hit an operational roadblock doing it. But that could also be a “well find a way to make it better” situation too.

@Crell@phpc.social avatar

@dragonmantank @ramsey @Girgias @EdGrosvenor @danb What road blocks do you hit on testing? Writing tests is probably the easiest "onramp" in internals dev.

(The biggest hurdle there being "compiling C code", which is a mess, no debate.)

@dragonmantank@phpc.social avatar

@Crell @ramsey @Girgias @EdGrosvenor @danb Mostly the compilation process, and a lot of the gaps are in extensions with makes that doubly hard for writing good tests since a lot of PHP tests are kinda international tests.

Writing the tests and understanding the test harness isn’t so hard.

@Crell@phpc.social avatar

@dragonmantank @ramsey @Girgias @EdGrosvenor @danb So, better/more-findable docs for "how to build this bloody thing" would be helpful.

@timwolla@phpc.social avatar

@Crell @dragonmantank @ramsey @Girgias @EdGrosvenor @danb It might make sense to provide a ready-to-use GitHub Codespace / Devcontainer configuration here: https://docs.github.com/en/codespaces/setting-up-your-project-for-codespaces/adding-a-dev-container-configuration/introduction-to-dev-containers. Every GitHub user has at least some free hours per month, which might be sufficient to get one's feet wet.

@bobmagicii@phpc.social avatar

@ramsey @Crell @Girgias @EdGrosvenor @danb i came in working on code generation for php-gtk XD


@danb @ramsey I'll also add that one person in particular about whom this could easily have been a subtoot has, in fact, contributed at least one PR to the core along with an RFC that was rejected. So it's not exactly fair to say that everyone who's complaining loudly from the outside has failed to ever get involved. Their involvement just didn't count for anything because the vote fell the other way.

@danb@fosstodon.org avatar

@EdGrosvenor @ramsey Just to confirm, my post was not in reference to a particular person but a wider pattern I've seen emerging.

In regards to the barrier to entry, yeah, there's likely some truth to that, it'll always be a hard line to define, but PHP does provide the avenue of "regular participant of internals discussions" for lead project maintainers, which I haven't seen being well taken advantage of by those complaining of process.


@danb @ramsey Admittedly, I don't pay a ton of attention to the fine details, but this is the first I've heard of that particular path to entry. It might be that there needs to be more communication around wanting input from people in influential positions within community projects. If you reserve it for the top dog, they won't likely get involved. Taylor is too busy building. But I'm sure there are influential people in the community who would happily jump into the mailing list.

@ramsey@phpc.social avatar

@EdGrosvenor @danb The internals mailing list and RFC process is open to all. Voting rights are restricted in a fuzzy sort of way; the project knows these need to be better-defined, but we don’t know the best way to go about it. Still, everyone can participate in discussion and proposing changes.

@danb@fosstodon.org avatar

@EdGrosvenor @ramsey

It it documented in the PHP RFC guidance: https://wiki.php.net/rfc/voting#who_can_vote ("Who can vote" section) and I've seen this be suggested when folks ask for voting rights in internals.

@ramsey@phpc.social avatar

@danb @EdGrosvenor Like I said, it’s “fuzzy,” but the important thing is that a community member be an active participant (for fuzzy definitions of “active”) on the internals mailing list before they’ll be granted voting permissions.


@ramsey @danb It might make sense to consider asking every significant project (again, fuzzy, but some metric could be landed on) to nominate a member and fast-track that member to a voting position, contingent on them participating in some reasonable way in the mailing list.

@ramsey@phpc.social avatar

@EdGrosvenor @danb The “contingent” part is the hard part, since we don’t have a level of activity defined, and we’ve not done that for anyone in the past.


@ramsey @danb you could probably leave that to the project itself. They’d want their nominee to be an active participant because it’s in their best interest. So the voting right can sit with the organization and leave it to them who their representative is and what level of participation they require of that representative.

@deleugpn@fosstodon.org avatar

@ramsey @EdGrosvenor @danb what about Nikolas?

@ramsey@phpc.social avatar

@danb @EdGrosvenor If we were able to set up some kind of governance structure like #PHPFig, then we could have community projects apply for “representation,” which would get them a voting seat, but we’d need to define a level of active participation their voter needs to maintain. They’d be the liaison for the project and would need to participate in discussions relevant to their project’s interests.

@gcg@phpc.social avatar

@danb @ramsey I am very certain that the majority of PHP users are very happy and incredibly thankful for all the internals people for making the hard decisions for us and making the tools that we use everyday but loud enough as the complaining minority.

@MelvilleSpence@phpc.social avatar

@ramsey OK
For the love of God learn #PHP before touching a framework like #symfony or #laravel
There’s a pretty good #laravel learning path at Laracasts that starts with #PHP

@joepferguson@phpc.social avatar

@ramsey PHP Needs a code of conduct

@ramsey@phpc.social avatar

@joepferguson We have a code of conduct: you code, and I conduct.

@ramsey@phpc.social avatar

@joepferguson In all seriousness, the community could really drive this initiative, if they wanted to. There are plenty of votes they could find to work within the system, and @derickr might be happy to help (so would I).

@derickr@phpc.social avatar

@ramsey @joepferguson Not touching it again.

@joepferguson@phpc.social avatar

@ramsey I really want PHP to have the Python CoC. But I don't know if I'm the one to drive it.

I'm quite worried about the backlash that comes with it.

@ramsey@phpc.social avatar

@joepferguson I mentioned @derickr because he has this repo: https://github.com/derickr/php-community-health

But, yeah, the Python one is fairly straightforward and non-controversial.

@joepferguson@phpc.social avatar

@ramsey @derickr I feel like based on previous internals discussions that adopting something like Python's is the best course of action. Certainly takes off the NIH bits.

@ramsey@phpc.social avatar

@joepferguson @derickr Yeah. Some of the issues earlier revolved around who might have written something, rather than the content of the document.

@joepferguson@phpc.social avatar

@ramsey I and others have issues with the Contributor Covenant, which I believe the Python CoC is a fair / nice middle ground.

Nothing is perfect, something is better than nothing.

@ramsey@phpc.social avatar

@joepferguson @derickr This sounds like it could be a @phproundtable discussion. 😁 @saramg @eric

@radmen@101010.pl avatar


@Pol@mathstodon.xyz avatar

@radmen @ramsey Pipe operator ?

@dragonmantank@phpc.social avatar

@ramsey the new Default Method RFC is because people want inheritance but are so brainwashed with “composition over inheritance” debate that the only way they can reconcile this is to put implementation into interfaces.

@chrastecky@phpc.social avatar

@ramsey Users of php should vote as they are the ones working with what gets accepted.

@Girgias@phpc.social avatar

@ramsey The fact that after over a year and a half of @thephpf existence, contributing just over 10 000 USD will still put you in the top 20 financial contributors.

Related: everyone has opinions, but no one proposes solutions nor financing for said solutions.

@deleugpn@fosstodon.org avatar

@Girgias @ramsey @thephpf proposing solutions isn't enough. The entry barrier in PHP is catastrophic at this point and even when a new contributor comes in and try to implement some potential code clean up, internals and voters kicks the guy out

@Girgias@phpc.social avatar

@deleugpn @ramsey @thephpf One can say what ever the fuck one wants about this shitstorm.

But acting like that new contributor did is not how you interact with a project.

I was the person who reviewed their PRs, I was the one who merged them, I was pissed that they got reverted.

And yet, I'm not sure I want them to be a code contributor considering their attitude.

That RFC was flawed from beginning to start, but also being stubborn and insulting is not how you convince people.

@deleugpn@fosstodon.org avatar

@Girgias @ramsey @thephpf that last sentence can be said for both parties involved on it.
Though only one of the parties is a worldwide programming language that claims to be welcoming and easy to contribute

@Girgias@phpc.social avatar

@deleugpn @ramsey @thephpf Proposing solutions doesn't mean "throw away 27 years of code, frustrate everyone on the project, be annoyed at inconsistencies, insult long-standing contributors".

Do I think overall their changes were good? Yes, but they did do some idiotic changes and throw tantrums for no fucking reason.

@joepferguson@phpc.social avatar

@ramsey Open Source changed my career.

The PHP community changed my life.

@Crell@phpc.social avatar

@ramsey PHP's joke of a governance process is the number one threat to the language's future.

@ldpm@wandering.shop avatar

@Crell @ramsey You're not wrong, but this is a little on the nose, yes?

@Crell@phpc.social avatar

@ldpm @ramsey I don't beat around the bush.

@ramsey@phpc.social avatar

@ldpm @Crell I mean, Larry and I are both part of it, so I think we can take it on the nose.

@ldpm@wandering.shop avatar

@ramsey @Crell Maybe I've missed a lot, I certainly don't follow internal php politics. The repo from derickr you pointed to hasn't been updated in 6 years, which I believe is before the unpleasantness in the Drupal community that revealed the very sizeable holes in the governance process

@Crell@phpc.social avatar

@ldpm @ramsey Drupal's governance issues are entirely separate from PHP's governance issues.

@ldpm@wandering.shop avatar

@Crell @ramsey Understood. I'm reacting, admittedly with some emotion, to the irony that a person at the very center of a governance crisis in one community would point out the flaws in the governance of a related community.

That said, I have basically no idea what happened AFTER drupalgeddon regarding you personally, other than that I haven't seen you at Drupal events or at the platform.sh booth. I'm not attempting to speak from a position of authority here

@Crell@phpc.social avatar

@ldpm I've been involved in governance for over 29 years, in various organizations. I have written or cowritten several organization's charters.

I was at Platform.sh for about 5 years, then worked for TYPO3 for a year and a half. Now I'm a Staff Eng at LegalZoom. I have zero Drupal involvement.

The Drupal implosion wasn't about governance. It was about bigotry, hypocrisy, and lies. My Drupal governance battles were a few years earlier.

@joepferguson@phpc.social avatar

@ramsey PHP needs a steering committee

@wyri@haxim.us avatar

@ramsey We're all moving to ASP?

@heiglandreas@phpc.social avatar

@wyri Check your keyboard! You spelled PHP wrong....

/cc @ramsey


@ramsey People who want LTS should have to pay for extortionate enterprise support plans.


@ramsey PHP should have own courses about PHP

@GeePawHill@mastodon.social avatar

@ramsey Lookin' for trouble tonight, are we?

@ramsey@phpc.social avatar

@GeePawHill We’re currently voting on an RFC that would add interface default methods (and thus allow multiple inheritance), and I’ve had a few drinks—you might be interested to know this includes rye whiskey.

@GeePawHill@mastodon.social avatar

@ramsey It would be a very bad idea for me to join you in this.


I might do it. :)

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