mariyadelano, avatar

Hi friends. We’ve got some post-coup and news to discuss.

As I suspected… none of this is over, it seems.

First of all - is still nowhere to be seen and never confirmed that he arrived in

I’m confirming some of what I’m seeing on Telegram and will be updating this thread over the next hour. Strap in?

mariyadelano, avatar

So #Prigozhin’s Telegram press account has been completely silent since he announced retreat at 11:23 am mountain time (US) on June 24.

And then there are so few updates about him anywhere. The only message I see is:

“He says hello to everyone and will answer questions when he is on normal communication,” as told to a Russian journalist

#Russia #Ukraine #UkraineRussiaWar #RussiaUkraineWar #Wagner #Putin #RussiaCoup #RussiaCivilWar #News

mariyadelano, avatar

So if Russian outlets aren’t really talking about what’s happening with Prigozhin anymore, what are they talking about? (Still in relation to the coup)

Let’s look at the Telegram channel for Russia’s main “news” / propaganda network, RIA Novosti.

First, we see a video from #Rostov asserting that everything is “calm”

#Russia #Ukraine #UkraineRussiaWar #RussiaUkraineWar #Wagner #Putin #RussiaCoup #RussiaCivilWar #Prigozhin #News

mariyadelano, avatar

RIA Novosti is also announcing that bus and transport schedules are back to normal across #Kaluga, #Lipetsk, #Voronezh Oblasts / regions

Then a few hours later same for #Rostov

Don’t see any messages that #Moscow is fully back to normal. They still have a “holiday” tomorrow

#Russia #Ukraine #UkraineRussiaWar #RussiaUkraineWar #Wagner #Putin #RussiaCoup #RussiaCivilWar #Prigozhin #News

mariyadelano, avatar

What’s strange is that while #Rostov was apparently evacuated almost immediately, #Voronezh still had Wagner troops in it and they were in the process of leaving as of 4 am EDT

#Russia #Ukraine #UkraineRussiaWar #RussiaUkraineWar #Wagner #Putin #RussiaCoup #RussiaCivilWar #Prigozhin #News

mariyadelano, avatar

Similar delay with #Lipetsk

Their local government announced that Wagner left the region only as of 6 am EDT today

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@mariyadelano #Voronezh ? Isn’t this where one of the nuclear stockpiles is?

mariyadelano, avatar

@Cozy yep, the one Wagner were threatening to take control of

mariyadelano, (edited ) avatar

If we listen to Russian government’s stance that Wagner are forgiven and everything is OK, I find it curious how many posts are about damage from Wagner

Damaged more than 10,000 km of roads near #Rostov

20 houses damaged near #Voronezh

And airplane ticket prices going back to normal after a “spike”

#Russia #Ukraine #UkraineRussiaWar #RussiaUkraineWar #Wagner #Putin #RussiaCoup #RussiaCivilWar #Prigozhin #News

tshirtman, avatar

@mariyadelano one to four helicopters, possibly two planes? these things are not cheap either 😬

mariyadelano, avatar

The only other coup-related updates on this channel (which, again, is basically Russian government's main news outlet for their stance on things) are:

#Russia #Ukraine #UkraineRussiaWar #RussiaUkraineWar #Wagner #Putin #RussiaCoup #RussiaCivilWar #Prigozhin #News #RussianCoup #Belarus



“ the US knew about the coup and didn't warn Moscow”

Hahahahahahahaha breathe hahahahahahahaha

FinchHaven, avatar



"the US had data about the coup in advance but was under absolutely no obligation to warn Moscow”"


That's better

cc @mariyadelano

mariyadelano, avatar

Now let's see if other channels or independent news from Russia covered any details mainstream propaganda may have omitted. I'll start with Meduza

When authorities raided Prigozhin's office in #StPetersburg they apparently found solid gold bars and fake passports in Prigozhin's name. But shortly after - all mentions of the raid were removed

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mariyadelano, avatar

The situation with roads near #Moscow is very confusing.

Russian transportation authorities first announced that all movement limitation were removed... and then a couple hours later that they were still active.

As of 5:43 am EDT - the entrance to one of Moscow's bridges was still blocked off

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mariyadelano, avatar

Additionally, as of 6:14 am EDT the "anti-terrorist measures operation” was still in effect in #Moscow, #Moscow region, and #Voronezh region.

If the terminology is confusing - this is Russia's weird state of emergency that they introduced while Wagner were advancing.

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mariyadelano, avatar

There have also been announcements across a couple Russian Telegram channels that Wagner killed at least 13 and estimated closer to 20 of Russia's pilots.

But none of Russia's official sources have mentioned the planes, helicopters, or pilots anywhere.

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mariyadelano, (edited ) avatar


As of 7:22 am EDT - Russian propagandist Kashevarova stated that military personnel soldiers in #Rostov who didn’t resist Wagner were arrested and accused of treason. As you might expect, official sources have not commented on this

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xs4me2, avatar


Brillant and ironic move by the regime if true...



Haha! Silly Russian trusted a Russian.

mariyadelano, avatar

More details on those fake documents found in Prigozhin's #StPetersburg office:

The passports had his photos but 3 names: Dmitry Geiler, Oleg Semenov, Drimtry Bobrov

Dmitry Geiler has prev appeared in patient lists from VIP-clinic "Sogaz" that also treated Putin's daughter and gov officials. Geiler was a frequent visitor.

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mariyadelano, avatar

Additionally, in that clinic's patient records Geiler was allegedly marked as "super VIP”.

A previous investigation into the clinic and attempts to identify this man found a job application for a driver and a photo of a man next to a car.

So Dmitry Geiler is a real person, and might have been Prigozhin's driver whose identity he "borrowed”.

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mariyadelano, avatar

How Russian media are covering Prigozhin:

"A few years ago, Putin said that betrayal can’t be forgiven - it is a betrayal that happened now. During a war, this is a serious crime. Prigozhin went mad”

"What happened is a real stab in the back for all of us.” "Mutiny during war - always a bet from foreign intelligence. [..] It's treason.”

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xs4me2, avatar

@mariyadelano In Russia there are no rules…



Do Russians pay any attention to their military? This sure isn't the first time they've turned on themselves. And who created Prigozhin? Who shoved buckets of money and arms at him? The same people who are now pretending to be shocked their monster turned on them.


@VHasch @mariyadelano

When a man teaches a dog to fight and kill, with pure ruthlessness & cruelty, he shouldn't be surprised when that same dog comes after his throat and tears his face off, thirsting for his blood.

was 's pitbull, trained to go for the throat. I doubt it was fear or love of his old Master that stopped in his tracks.

mariyadelano, avatar

Russian readers of Meduza are also definitely not in the mood to forget. Some quotes:

“If Prigozhin retreats to the shadows, he'll retain the love of many Russians"

“Together with fear I had some hope that maybe, something will change.”

“Wagner will cease to exist"

"The reputation of the world's ‘2nd strongest army' dropped even more”

#Russia #Ukraine #UkraineRussiaWar #RussiaUkraineWar #Wagner #Putin #RussiaCoup #RussiaCivilWar #Prigozhin #News #RussianCoup

mariyadelano, avatar

In #Belarus, people are not very excited about Prigozhin coming to them.

"Quiet panic. Worst case, if he stays in Belarus - we lose hope for freedom in future decades”

"This butcher was handed our country. We might start attacking Ukraine”

"It's a collosal tragedy for our people”

#Russia #Ukraine #UkraineRussiaWar #RussiaUkraineWar #Wagner #Putin #RussiaCoup #RussiaCivilWar #Prigozhin #News #RussianCoup


@mariyadelano Well, it was Lukashenko's bright idea...🙄


@mariyadelano @GottaLaff He’ll have tactical nukes sooner than later from his new home


@mariyadelano Belarus got the worst part of the fallout. 😥

kbsez, avatar

@mariyadelano @GottaLaff

Seriously, does anyone think this guy will not be thrown out a window or shot in the street within the week?

What makes him think Putin will just forget this and let him live?

Putin is not renowned for being a forgiving guy.... he's made him look weak. He's dead.

mariyadelano, avatar

Now a bit on Putin and what was going on there during the coup:

His two planes returned to Moscow, after disappearing from radar. Govt asserts that he "didn't fly anywhere"

Putin allegedly refused to speak with Prigozhin or take any part in negotiations, which is why #Lukashenko showed up at all

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mariyadelano, avatar

Moving on from Meduza, looking for info that we haven't covered yet from other Russian Telegram channels

As of 11:57 am EDT - “tens of Wagner fighters surrendered to the police in #Rostov and other regions"

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mariyadelano, avatar

Here's a very "normal" video of volunteers handing over food and water to drivers who were stuck on the roads leading to #Moscow while they were blocked off.

Nothing to see here, folks. Mhm.

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mariyadelano, avatar

I missed this earlier from Meduza:

It's reported that in #Volgograd a publicist named Mikhail Serenko was arrested after the authorities raided his home. He is allegedly suspected of assisting with Prigozhin's coup.

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mariyadelano, avatar

Andrey Kartapolov, a member of Russian Duma, states that they are working on a new law for regulating mercenary groups like Wagner, but that it's too "early" to talk about any decisions regarding their fate.

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mariyadelano, avatar

Andrey Kartapolov, a member of Russian Duma, states that they are working on a new law for regulating mercenary groups like Wagner, but that it's too "early" to talk about any decisions regarding their fate.

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mariyadelano, avatar

Switching over to Ukrainian channels for a bit because here's a scary development not directly related to the coup but VERY much worth mentioning:

According to Kyrylo Budanov (Chief of Ukraine Military Intelligence), Russia has mined the Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant so that they can blow it up at some later point…

#Russia #Ukraine #UkraineRussiaWar #RussiaUkraineWar #Wagner #Putin #RussiaCoup #RussiaCivilWar #Prigozhin #News #RussianCoup

xs4me2, avatar


Senators Lindsey Graham (R-SC) and Richard Blumenthal (D-CT) held a news conference on Russian tactical nuclear threats
in which they introduce a Resolution To Address Threat Of Russian Tactical Nukes...


@mariyadelano Yes. I’ve been reading about it from various sources. It’s essential that Ukraine take control of the plant ASAP.

mariyadelano, avatar

Ukrainians started ringing the alarm on Russia reportedly planning to install mines around that power plant a couple of days ago:

Today the announcement is that Russia finished those preparations.

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mariyadelano, avatar

Final update for now:

This is a video from one of Russia's popular political commentary TV shows, Evening with Vladimir Solovyov w/ Eng subtitles.

“from this side of the border there's practically an open road to Moscow”

“this is a serious blow to the authority of the country, and to the authority of the president.”

#Russia #Ukraine #UkraineRussiaWar #RussiaUkraineWar #Wagner #Putin #RussiaCoup #RussiaCivilWar #Prigozhin #News #RussianCoup

picard, avatar

@mariyadelano Thank you for your efforts

Colby, avatar

@mariyadelano thanks so much

greenmountaingirl, avatar

@mariyadelano Again, thank you so much for this thread! The news about the mined plant is very scary.

Is there any speculation about whether this attempted coup significantly hampered Russia's ability to prosecute the war in Ukraine?

Again, thank you. 🙏​



mariyadelano, avatar

@kkaosninja literally nothing.

FinchHaven, avatar


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  • mariyadelano, avatar


    Russia's arrests be looking like

    mariyadelano, avatar

    Russia's Ministry of Digital Communications and Mass Media has just recommended that Monday, June 26, is made into a holiday for IT and media workers in "affected regions" because Saturday was "such a stressful day"

    (Speculation: are they trying to create a soft media blackout tomorrow? If all the journalists are off, nobody can report the news)

    #Russia #Ukraine #UkraineRussiaWar #RussiaUkraineWar #Wagner #Putin #RussiaCoup #RussiaCivilWar #Prigozhin #News #RussianCoup

    intermobility, avatar

    @mariyadelano clever! 🤡

    philip, avatar

    @mariyadelano In solidarity, I suggest we all observe this holiday and give ourselves the day off tomorrow.


    @mariyadelano Russia is trying to cancel Monday so no one knows he failed -again!


    Revolt ongoing irrespective of #prigozhin


    @mariyadelano This. This is curious.


    @mariyadelano I also saw they found a passport and other ID with Prigozhin’s photo but a different name and they wondered if Prigozhin wasn’t really Prigozhin.

    It’s fascinating how effective Russia has been at looking like a modern country while acting like they’re still in the 19th century.

    mariyadelano, avatar

    @biobrain i'm drafting a toot about that right now! yes, it's very very strange



    161 dot ru, local news in rostov region reported yesterday that wagner evacuated the city center and showed mobile phone video clips seemingly recorded by ordinary bystanders showing streams of people on the move

    i'm confused why a movement of militant nationalists would push people into the arms of their purported enemy rather than engage them in their cause


    I think it’s weird that Russian news is reporting that the US had known about the coup before hand and did not tell Moscow, essentially admitting that Russian intelligence failed. I thought Fox News was better then that.


    Crack in Russian army from generals and fatassess in Moscow. Next 2 weeks, army occupying 🇺🇦 moves back. Huge rocket attack on Kieve. Generals gone in Russia. War stops. Putin gone.


    @mariyadelano Everyone's looking at Prigozyn, but what's happening with Shoigu and Gerasimov? They were Prigozhyn's main targets and through this whole thing none of them have made a peep


    @mariyadelano has Putin been seen?

    mariyadelano, avatar

    @demvoter not that I know of.

    peteriskrisjanis, avatar

    @mariyadelano yeah I think that was all big massive BS.


    @mariyadelano when will this end :sadness:

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