

Eigengrau avatar


(Ryn|Abyss) 𓆧 20↑ 𓆧 any pronouns cept she/her 𓆧 minors DNI 𓆧 ☭

mrbigmouth502 avatar


30 he/they Alberta, Canada


You already know who i am.

KarthNemesis avatar


hello, i am just a friendly lurker at heart
...recovering recluse

I think you're neat.

Naich avatar


Vaguely humanoid. Mostly made of meat.

clitoris avatar


hello why are you here

Saturdaycat avatar


I do drawings. I like some anime, some games, most cars, some techy things, archery, writing, and mostly just browsing kbin.

If you want to see my art profiles-



AskThinkingTim avatar


Twitter | Youtube | Instagram | kbin | Lemmy | Mastodon |

Federated avatar


I have been involved in IT since the 1960s. A health crises brought that to an end in the 1990s. Now fully retired I produce and present radio shows which I provide free of charge for radio/web stations around the world. Main interest is the music of the 20th century. Also keen on old movies I find on You Tube. Love to read anything from cereal boxes to books.
I have been using #linux as a desktop since 1999. Started with #debian then #ubuntu now using #linuxmint and some #raspberrypi servers.


#SoftwareEngineer, #neurodivergent, friendly #introvert, eclectic interests - tech, #history, #philosophy, #movies, #theology, #psychology, etc.

Aspire to build a #SearchEngine to replace Google that is #OpenSource, #OpenData, #OpenAlgorithm, #HumanAugmented, and that provides #SocioEconomic #opportunity to those who need it.

I provide software consulting, currently focused on Information Retrieval (aka search) with past experience in medical and others...

#csra #georgia #augusta #searchable avatar


Founder: How To Be Books
Ex- NationalWorld, Dataminr, ITV and Channel 4 News editor. Expertise:

📰 Breaking and world news
🌐 Tech and internet trends
ℹ OSINT and conflict
✊🏾 Feminism
♻️ Climate change
🇨🇳🇮🇳 China and India watcher, analyst
♿🧠 Disabled, mental health advocate
📚 Book nerd
🎙🎧 Podcaster
🎸 Guitarist
🎨 Painter
🎞 Movies and TV (horror, true crime, docs)
🌎 Traveller

Podcast: My views. (She/her) avatar

acryline avatar


An amateur hacker who works towards the advancement free software. Advocates for privacy and user freedom.

I have a #peertube channel hosted generously by

:alpine: - :artix: - :freebsd: - :debian: - :raspberrypi:

Aeons ago (like 2016), I used to have an account on You may consider this its spiritual continuation. avatar


#TransportPlanning & #MobilityJustice #research. Studying, teaching, learning, tooting about 🚶‍♀️🚲 🚌 & 🛣️, with occasional outbursts about #dogs, #kids, & #gardening. Searchable on tootfinder. Opinions my own.

Not anti-car, just anti-carbrain. Fare-free transit is good policy. A person, not a data point.

Lead tooter at avatar


(#introduction : voir pouet épinglé)

benjamin avatar


40naire plutôt chanceuse trop écrasée par l'ambiance actuelle pour rigoler.

tente l'année de "reconversion" après un parcours un peu chaotique et bien décousu, objectif devenir une bonne prolétaire.

libriste mais pas que, utilisatrice curieuse,
créatrice de trucs parfois, énervée souvent.

pouets à durée de vie limitée

🏴 Vannes en Bretagne avatar


😊 #Adult #Femboy ૮₍ ˶•⤙•˶ ₎ა #IRL #visual #artist! 🥺
✪ Interests: I love anime, manga, various types of video games, Linux, FOSS, diet, right to repair, etc. I am very political!
✪ Music: Breakcore for genre, Where are we going (By Smoking Alone) for song, Flyleaf for album, Linkin Park for band, and Mori Calliope for female singer.
✪ Media: Gurren Lagann for anime, and Berserk for manga.

Learn about the Fediverse: avatar


Ne me suivez pas, moi aussi je suis perdu 😱

ZX81=>ORIC ATMOS=>ATARI 1040STF => Debian/Android (Narf de mouarf...)

#jeSuisCanalHistorique je suis comme je suis et je me moque de savoir si cela convient à tou⋅te⋅s ou pas.
Ne vous sentez donc surtout pas obligé⋅e de me suivre. Je fais des efforts pour inclure (si j'y pense), pour rendre accessible (si j'y pense), pour remodeler mon cerveau. Je n'apprécie pas l'usage immodéré (ni les injonctions associées) concernant l'usage du CW. 🖖

#nobot avatar



Customer Support Specialist:
Engage Team: Branch Metrics Partner
@Vivaldi Ambassador & Soprano

I've been playing video games since the early 70's and still play them today!

Interests: #AllThingsTech #VideoGames, #iOS, #Android, #News, #Animals #Cats #Food #Music #Photography, #Food #MastoAdmin #Searchable #Fedi22


Former Sailor, past Mobile DJ, bragging up Nova Scotia, and sharing amazing places. Extremely varied interests (except Sports), no hard-line Politics, just part of daily conversation. If you don't describe your photos, I probably won't boost them. Here to share what I know for newbies on Mastodon. Talks too much. Easily excitable. Early riser full of ADHD & Vinegar!

Life is what you make it.

#WAYCTV (𝐖hen 𝐀re 𝐘ou 𝐂oming 𝐓o 𝐕isit?)
Profile Photo of a younger me, animated. avatar


(Tess-sear Eh-ks)

🔞 Might be lewds or I might overshare about personal things.

  • Into dnd, #ttrpg, drawing (mostly maps), creating tales and campaign ideas, check out my
  • Big into #crocheting check out my store!
  • Aspiring poet and writer!! Check my Wattpad!

Energetic or depressed most of the time.

Things I post most weeks on no particular day.

  • make a map
  • post cover art of Dungeon magazine
  • me plants
  • my poems
  • dreams avatar


Bon, vite fait parce que bon c'est pas comme si:
moitié gallo sarrasin moitié breton pur beurre, apprenti bassiste (mais ronchon professionnel), vieux métaleux et punk de contrebande, presque photographe, "voudrait bien mais peut point" linuxien geek, coco tendance anar et non violent à mi-temps.
Ouais, on est pas mal là je crois ...


Zürich-based anarcho-feminist; yes, I think there's a need for anarcho-feminism, not just specifically anarchism

autistic :3

Currently working as a PhD student in physical chemistry

I also make zines a lot

Things I wish I knew more about: sustainable urban gardening, gender theory, deep ecology

I have a priv alt on another server, PM me for info.

Another world is possible 🥰 avatar


Born. Still alive. avatar


Gender is a scam by bathroom companies to sell more bathrooms.


Eating too much cake is the sin of gluttony. however, eating too much pie is fine, because the sin of pi is always 0.

So eat a lot of cake, so Jesus didn't die for nothing. avatar


Solutions Architect. Recovering project manager. Maker of small-batch, artisanal bad jokes. avatar


#archives / #archivistodon / #archiviste 📄
#histoire 📜 (#19esiècle #20esiècle)
#généalogie 🌳
#féminisme :feministfist:
#OpenRefine 💎
#wikidata #wikipedia #commons 💻
#opendata / / #GLAMsdons 🔓

#hashtag and #RSS team

I have a dream : qu'#IsabellePlancke ait une piscine à son nom, et #EmmaChenu encore plus de rues #féminisonslespacepublic

Bannière : far ouest, pays bigouden. avatar


I'm from the 70s. I'm married. I'm a Mahayana Buddhist some Chan some Zen some Vajrayana. I have ancestors from Puerto Rico but I'm not Hispanic. I have ancestors from the Seneca nation but I'm not indigenous. I have ancestors from Ireland and France but I'm not European. I've never been to the place I was born. The borderlands are my home.

Entiendo Español y puedo imitarlo (más o menos). avatar


Transformation Guide & Meditation Teacher at the Transformational Mediation Group

Background in medical science and medical use of radiation. Certified in clinical hypnosis. Certified HeartMath Practitioner.

· ┈┈┈┈┈┈ · ꕥ · ┈┈┈┈┈┈ ·

#fedi22 #fedi23 #verowellness #health #wellness #meditation #selfregulation #manifesting #transformation #consciousness #spirituality #transformationalmeditation #podcast #fireside #tmgcommunity avatar


In a world filled with constant noise & distractions, I find solace in the simple things in life, the unspoiled beauty of nature. A way to connect with the Earth and find inner peace. I hope to leave behind a legacy of my love for #nature through my #photography, hoping to inspire others to find their own sense of solitude in the beauty of the world that surrounds them.
I invite you to slow down, breathe in the simple beauty & feel the deep sense of tranquility . All of my work is copyrighted. avatar


Software development coach and consultant ● I try to learn from everywhere. ● I follow those who enter into interesting conversations with me. ● He/him/they

Interests: #softwareDevelopment #VirginiaSatir #SatirModel #systemsThinking #humanity avatar


Never forget, for everyone in this world, a "flower meadow" can be created
Just believe it, for everyone

nickname...NGP...thank you my dear friend Tim

You will find my poems and ballads here

My second account
For my poems, thoughts, lyrics and threads

#betterworld #givethemavoice #poem #writing #democracy #kindness #photography #fotografie #love #liebe #together #zusammen #future #tolerance #human #history #greece #poetry avatar


I make silly animations & pictures. Everything I post is made by me, unless clearly stated otherwise.

Interested in all thing visual (#Animation #Photography #sillyScribbles) and many things relating to #Politics, #HumanRights & the world around us.

Have been known to meticulously edit photos to create something fantastical, but quite often just scribble on things.

Leans to the left. Quite a lot. Full of woke nonsense, & quite happy about it. She/her.

This is my main social media account. avatar


An Ottawa-based Ross who is inspired by people who have interests and pursue them.

Physics degreed, engineering careered. Enthusiastic about makerism, science, food, culture and art/design. Inordinately fond of breadmaking and chair design.

Trivialities, ephemera and daily activities.
#Ottawa #Canada #maker

Profile ALT text: Avatar is a white ceramic coffee mug like you might find in a diner. The banner is the famous Earthrise image where the Earth is just appearing over the moon. avatar


Describe myself in 5 tag-words:
#mathfolk #traveler #reader #programmer #searcher avatar


Hi / hoi / hej, Member of a one-forest household. 🇳🇱 living in 🇩🇰 (Billund) with 🇫🇷 kærste and 🇪🇺 baby.

Here to talk with other humans. Please feel free to follow or dm me. See my pinned post for an introduction.

#ecology #nature #plants #forests #trees #geology #humanism #liberties #history #climate #technology #utopia #maps #space #trains #lego #modelbuilding #books #dogs #cats #cycling #industrialsafety avatar


•Writer of contemporary lesbian fiction in German 🇩🇪 and English 🇬🇧

•№2-lesbian on Mastodon today! 🥇🥳

•Relationship status: legally separated ✖️

•has a cat🐈‍⬛

•lives in a small village in Germany in the middle of the woods🌳

•has worked as a waitress👩‍💼
•has worked in the food industry👩‍🌾
•has worked in the building industry👷‍♀️
•was a self-employed writer🖥️📚
•had to go back to a daytime job again⚙️

If you are searching for "introvert" in a dictionary, there's a possibility of me pictured there… avatar


That cranky tech nerd you watched that one time... avatar


Teacher, researcher, technologist

Tech, edu, society, humor, justice, health, finance, entertainment, languages, cultures,…

I strive to:

  • Keep open mind
  • Engage in good faith
  • Follow whole person
  • Be objective, respectful, social
  • Share and seek diverse, new topics

Engagement is not endorsement. searchable

Formerly: avatar


Informaticien le jour, papa toujours, musicien à mes heures perdues, réinventeur du monde le reste du temps, le tout en aimant la nature. Pfiew. avatar


👨‍👩‍👦 father
💻 IT specialist
🎨 frontend designer
🦌 @elk HU translator
👾 PC gamer
🎧 music fan
📰 news reader avatar


48 years old, Sun & Moon in Cancer with Gemini Rising, INFJ.
Embrace The Golden Rule, Life is Comedy. All DM’s accepted. avatar


Scouse, not English.
Socialist. Designer. Anti-Fascist

(my avatar image is a Whippet
, wearing a flat cap and a scarf, because... reasons.)

#MasksInSchools #SafeEdForAll

#ChronicPain #InvisibleDisability #Hypermobility

#Socialism #AntiFascist #MemeMaker

*not an actual dog.

** Prone to profanity

*** zero tolerance for bigots

**** 'Scouse'= native of the People's Republic of Liverpool.

#TransAlly #LGBTQAlly #GRTAlly

:socialistflag2: :solidarity: avatar


I design & facilitate #meetings that become what people want & need
🔸 Love to #facilitate #connection, #sing, #dance, & #meditate
🔸 Author of 3 books on meeting design
🔸 14 years of 800+ posts on #MeetingDesign #facilitation #consulting #LifeLessons #FacilitatingChange, being trapped in an elevator with a Nobel Prize winner & other #stories at
🔸 Brit living happily in #Vermont USA since 1978
🔸 #Nonprofit board member junkie
🔸 Recovering #academic avatar


Ron Swanson + Kenny Powers + Ryan Reynolds

IT Network Operations for the day job.

C/Ku/Ka-Band #satellite Communications Expert 🛰️

APRS/ADS-B #radio guy 📻

#Cyberpunk OG :anarchy:
Gamer tag: Ea9leEye1969

Professional Storm Chaser - ⚡

#Breaking News/Weather guy 📡


Level 45 in this game of life.

Used to #DJ radio/clubs.

#BBS #SysOp in the 90's

Bird site Transplant. 14 years

Main site:

#TFR avatar


A married and happy geek from Ukraine living in Strasbourg, France. #Backend software engineer, #accessibility specialist.
My main programming languages are #PHP and #CSharp.
Pro-Ukrainian, pro-American, pro-European. Technical progress must not be stoppable.
Pagan, worshipper of Scandinavian gods.
Pronouns: He/him.
This account is multilingual. Posts may contain strong language, not always behind a content warning, and personal opinions.
No alt text, no boost. avatar


Storyteller, technology boy, world builder, and professional vibe curator. avatar


Counter errorist.
Lives in the #netherlands #haarlem works in the IT as software tester. From manual to automated and accessibility to soc testing/ penetration testing.

I love to play with #linux expecially #homeAssistant and #asterisk.
Write code that should have been written by developers.

Had a psychoses thought i was the holy spirit and needed to recue the world in a great godly scheme. Now all is fine except i have a plan to save the world.


#Bayesian, #Emergence, #Complexity, #Information amateur. Masters-#Physics, PhD-#Seismology. Now professional generalist working in the IT industry on #DataEngineering, #Mlops, #Reproducibility with #NixOS, and #FunctionalProgramming. Living in #Paris 🗼. Passing time with #Music, #Tango and #Books. avatar


🛠️ Solopreneur ┆ 💜 #opensource & #buildinpublic


I’m sharing my journey, ups, and downs, project insights, upcoming projects & everything related to #svelte, #devops, #nodejs, #php, #laravel, #marketing, #webdev, and #mentalhealth.


she/her or they/their, elder Millennial, German, soft nerd

Icon is a yellow swirl shape surrounded by a red glow on a blue background. avatar


lover of ladies and the ladies who love them


Rot artist, rotting 🥩🪰腐

Focus on ship art (all types) and comics. Occasional R18 and guro works.
Core brain worms: モブ霊/👑📖/❄️✈️/白赤
Currently incredibly 与ヤエ brained.
Español/English (all OK)

My only Fediverse accounts are listed below. If you see my art outside these accounts in the Fediverse, it's a reposter, please block them.


#AI, #AIEthics and AI Regulation, (Space) #Tech and generally the state of things. Also I write articles about stuff. My own views, obviously. Mistake Not My Current State Of Joshing Gentle Peevishness .. avatar


Co-editor of the 'Snipette' online publication. Also codes when he gets a break from #writing. He/him.

#xmpp #python #perl #xubuntu #linux #programming avatar



Software tinkerer and aspiring rationalist. Shamelessly kinky on main (w/ CWs). Obsessed with vampires and succubi. Lover of cosmic horror, found footage, 2000's PC games, and dark music.

Alterhuman, transhumanist, singularitarian. Nonhuman identity-haver. Autistic. POTS sufferer.

If I ever fail to CW something, or I CW something wrong , please tell me so that I can learn from my mistake.

I try to always provide alt text. If I boost something without it, I should reply with #Alt4You

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