Rhaedas, to news in Putin’s plane has left Moscow for St. Petersburg. Looks like he is fleeing from the advancing Wagner Group military column
Rhaedas avatar

Brave Sir Putin ran away.
Bravely ran away away.
("I didn't!")
When danger reared its ugly head,
He bravely turned his tail and fled.
("I never!")
Yes, brave Sir Putin turned about
And gallantly he chickened out.
("You're lying!")
Swiftly taking to his feet,
He beat a very brave retreat.
Bravest of the brave, Sir Putin!

roadside_yeti, to antiwork in CEO says COVID gave us bad habits, prescribes unemployment of 40-50%

Counterpoint: maybe he needs to learn that he’d be nothing without the backs of the workers for him to stand on.

Jaysyn, to politics in The cringiest presidential campaign ad video you will ever see, courtesy of Ron DeSantis
Jaysyn avatar

Ron DeSantis is a fascist.


I love how everybody throws around comparisons to fascism and Nazis these days. We could focus on the left or the right and easily create a list of all the things we've done that was similar to things Nazis did. It really isn't hard to do...

During World War II, Democratic President Franklin D. Roosevelt signed Executive Order 9066, which led to the forced relocation and internment of around 120,000 Japanese Americans.

Under the Democratic administrations of Presidents John F. Kennedy and Lyndon B. Johnson, the FBI's Counterintelligence Program (COINTELPRO) targeted various political groups, including civil rights activists, anti-war organizations, and socialist and communist groups.

The Democratic administration of President Woodrow Wilson used the Espionage Act of 1917 to suppress dissent during World War I. The act was employed to prosecute individuals who criticized the war effort, including socialists, pacifists, and anarchists.

Democrat Bill Clinton invoked executive privilege to withhold information in various investigations, including the Whitewater controversy and the Monica Lewinsky scandal.

Democratic President Barack Obama faced criticism for the use of drone strikes and the extensive use of executive orders.

The Democratic administration of President Barack Obama faced criticism for its continuation and expansion of surveillance programs, such as the National Security Agency's mass surveillance programs revealed by whistleblower Edward Snowden.

We could talk about how Presidents Bill Clinton and Barack Obama, continued and expanded the "War on Drugs" policies. Which disproportionately affected minority communities and led to mass incarceration, raising concerns about civil liberties and racial inequality...

Good old "Drug War Joe".

We could discuss how countless groups of college libs attack people who they aren't intelligent enough to have a conversation with. Or how the libs are trying to coerce speech through legislation with their fantasies concerning deadnaming and misgendering.

Or you know, we could accept the facts that both sides are similarly as evil as the other. Instead of just pointing fingers and acting like children.


I like your username.


Unfortunate that it represents so many aspects of the modern world.


Cool stuff

Ron DeSantis is a fascist.


Restrictions on education about sexual orientation and gender identity, a ban on gender-affirming care, an anti-trans bathroom bill, and measures that limit academic freedom and allow healthcare providers to discriminate based on religious beliefs.

Or, for the people who don't follow the religion of LGBTism... Laws concerning a reality check. "Gender affirming care" is mislabeled, should be "gender denial". Bathrooms are segregated based on sex to protect women from sick or aggressive men.

These are all great things, these people need mental help, and being their "yes men" or playing into their fantasy is not the help they need.


How is restriction on education ever a good thing? Maybe you should have educated yourself with studies on the topic, then you might not have embarrassed yourself like this.


Or maybe the government should stay out of people’s personal lives and let them live however the hell they want as long as they aren’t hurting anyone. These dweebs spend way too much time worrying about what is or isn’t in other people’s pants. Who cares?!


You might want to reevaluate your own education if you think "playing into a fantasy" makes any logical sense for how people treat each's not a game.

Or, maybe you should consider that if what you're saying is true, why isn't there education on that, rather than the restriction of education on something that was approved elsewhere?

Or even how this entire "facade" can be held up all around social life, if in your eyes most of it is in regards to public bathrooms.

It honestly just sounds like you're poorly educated on the subject.

edit: Based on the fact most of what you're saying further down is just political talking points, and not anything based on something you yourself could've come up with...I think poorly educated is pretty right on the dot....

Frog-Brawler avatar

DeSantis IS a fascist though. That’s not loosely throwing around the term.

dismalnow avatar

In case you weren't aware:

If you want to talk TO people about a topic, comment in that thread.

If you want to talk AT people about a different topic, create a new post.

Kill_joy avatar

Hey grandpa I think you accidentally logged on to kbin instead of truth social this morning.


I understand the desire to educate, but this post just reeks of whataboutism. Which by the way is a popular method of normalizing horrible behavior favored by authoritarians and proto-facists.

ripcord avatar

I detect no desire to educate here. It is 1000% defensive whataboutism.

fearout avatar

It’s not even defensive. Reads like an actively aggressive stance.


Did you try to “both sides” the fact that Desantis is a fascist?

Stick to the topic at hand or keep your whataboutism to yourself. Everyone can see right through that crap.


Oh yes, because when I think facts and understanding, I think about painting as many political factions as I can with the same broad strokes.

That's what nuance looks like, right?


Really top notch analysis.


You are part of the problem, you fucking Nazi apologist donkey

HipHoboHarold avatar

So you have fascist Republicans on the far right

And somewhat fascist democrats who are right of center

Guess as a leftist I'm good then. Seems to me like we have a right wing problem. But even then, only one of the parties is pushing for genocide


Bro Barack Obama didn’t try to ban books and make gay people illegal.

How about you address the topic? Do you think gay people should be illegal?


DeSantis isn't "making gay people illegal", he's doing what is right by protecting women and children from your BS.


If he wants to protect women and children he should ban religion.


Then he should be going after pedophiles and rapists, not gay people. I imagine you know that you disingenuous fuck. Peddle your both sides nonsense elsewhere.


Why is it “acting like children” to say that a political leader is fascist? Who cares if both sides do it, Desantis is the one running for office.

Informing people that a presidential candidate sucks is a public service, not “childish”.

Your comment kind of comes off as excusing Desantis’ behavior because “both sides do it”, and that is practicing good logic.

JelloBrains, to SquaredCircle in AEW has terminated CM Punk with cause, effective immediately
JelloBrains avatar

I lifted this from elsewhere, and they lifted it from Reddit, who lifted it from the Wrestling Observer, so it's hot potatoes and probably half fucking wrong... but apparently a third party that witnessed it says Punk started it, then he went at Tony.

"Another version, and this would be a neutral source who was not a wrestler but was there and witnessed it and his version was that right after Perry came to the back, Punk went nose-to-nose with him aggressively and asked him if he had a problem. That person said Perry said he was just looking to get heat as a heel. Punk shoved him hard, Perry got in his face and in that version Punk sucker punched him and went for a choke. People immediately broke it up and Khan was yelling at Punk to let him go.

That person said that once they were separated, Punk lunged in Khan’s direction but a number of people got in his way while Punk was yelling “I Quit.” Monitors were knocked down during all this. Joe was very upset and went to calm Punk down."

Javish, to SquaredCircle in [Alvarez] The belief within AEW is that Punk and Jack are both suspended pending the results of an investigation, which would mean neither will work All Out. avatar

Punk isn’t worth the drama and headaches.

GeekFTW avatar

He really is not.

cupcakezealot, to SquaredCircle in [Media Matters] "Fox News' Tyrus promises to assault his children if they share their preferred pronouns" avatar

I never understood the way people are anti trans by saying they need to protect kids and then advocate straight up child abuse.

And by the way, this behaviour from Tyrus is the exact same behaviour that came from Leelah Alcorn’s parents which led to her death - and these people never learn.

People who say teachers and parents shouldn’t be open about letting their kids express themselves never experienced what life was like growing up trans but not knowing it because your only exposure to trans people were transphobic movies and tv shows in the 90s.


I never understood the way people are anti trans by saying they need to protect kids and then advocate straight up child abuse.

It’s because they’re cunts.

ImADifferentBird, avatar

Because it’s not really about protecting kids. It’s about protecting themselves from things that confuse and frighten them.

They are willing to use violence to make sure they never have to make the effort to understand someone or something, even against their own kids.

cassetti, to politics in The cringiest presidential campaign ad video you will ever see, courtesy of Ron DeSantis

Lol in response to the ad

Madison_rogue avatar

Leopards ate my face moment...


For sure. What were they expecting ?

Madison_rogue avatar

Definitely not Ron DeSantis.

victron avatar

Fuck, beat me to it lmao

Frog-Brawler avatar

If the shoe fits...


Any person who supports DeSantis already looks like an absolute idiot. LGBT or otherwise

BackOnMyBS, to ukraine in According to Lukashenko's plan, the leadership of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation will resign, and Prigozhin will focus on projects in Africa. avatar

This is wild! Please correct me if I am wrong.

Putin was a dictator that ruled through a strongman public persona. However, the leader of the mercenary group, demanding a change of the military's top leadership and calling the premise of the entire war false, takes control of the main Russian city from which the offense on Ukraine is supported, is shown on video having the support of the city in public, and literally threatens to take Moscow with only ~5k troops. Russia's military forces against Ukraine have been effectively cut off from logistical support. This happened in ~2 days. Meanwhile, while Putin flees in a plane, called the mercenary leader a traitor and said that he would be prosecuted for treason. The mercenary leader then backs away in the final moment, and flees to another country that brokered the negotiations. Putin drops charges and now the military is changing leadership.

They just showed how politically weak and scared Putin really is, not even having control of his own immediate subordinates. They outed that the reason for the war was a lie. They just lost the leader of the mercenary group. They just lost the city from which they support their offensive on Ukraine. They just showed how vulnerable Moscow is, and by a ridiculously small unit of 5k troops. They almost had a civil war.

My best guess is that a coup was successful, and Putin is no longer in charge. We just don't know who really is in charge. They are keeping him there for a soft transfer of power, but a coup happened. The new Minister of Defense will terminate the offense on Ukraine, and the powers that control Russia will place a new face as president.

Anyone else have a better guess?

UnmeltedByRain, avatar

I'm not sure Russia gets to terminate the war at this point. Even stopping offensive actions wouldn't meet Ukraine's requirements. Russia needs to be expelled from all of Ukraine, including Crimea.


They could terminate the war (by leaving) but not just the offence.

UnmeltedByRain, avatar

That would be awesome, but I suspect Putin would sacrifice the lives of his entire population before giving up Crimea.


Why? Between the two Russia is the bigger part.


For Putin? Two Reason: 1. He would look super weak and unsuccessful if he lost Crimea. 2. It's in Russias mind very very important to keep Crimea and additionally a land Bridge to Crimea to "control the black sea" with their navy...

Both are Bs.


I was more pointing out it's an exaggeration to say he'd sacrifice the whole rest of Russia.

At this point Ukraine is not his biggest problem, though. He has internal challengers.


I'd think you'd struggle to get even his immediate, hopefully liberal, successors to give it up. There are even more liberal Russians that support Crimea's annexation on account of it historically and ethnically being seen as Russian, obviously the ethnic cleansing practiced during Stalin's time helped ensure this. The Crimeans themselves are hard to say because nearly any poll that has actually been conducted on them has been biased one way or the other. I'd still guesstimate that a good majority of them will possibly want to stay with Russia since war support seems decently high there. I don't think there is an easy path for Crimea to come back to Ukraine even if the Russians agree to relinquish it.

CanadaPlus, (edited )

Yes, when Ukraine takes it (which is I think where we're headed) they're going to have a hell of a time integrating it. It was added to Ukraine after Stalin died; when people say it's not historically a part of Ukraine they have a point.

exohuman avatar

Putin is still in charge. That’s not going to change. The mercenary leader got what he wanted by sacking the Minister of Defense and busting open the false justification for the war. He never mentioned Putin as a bad guy in all of this. He only said the Ministry of Defense tricked Putin into the war and then didn’t fund it. Putin was weakened but is still in charge.


Could he possibly believe that, though?

DevCat, avatar

By placing the blame for the war on the military leadership, could this give Putin an out to stop the war and absolve himself of all blame?


"In charge" as in what he says goes but what he says it seems can be easily manipulated so does he really have power or is he just the talking head?

Anomander avatar

As weird as it is to say, especially because there's lives at stake and this shit ain't game of thrones, Prigozhin acted a helluva lot smarter than I had expected. I had him pegged as a convenient dumb thug, but he has played his cards overwhelming correctly here.

Putin is still visibly running shit while shit is circling the drain, and is still the big boss that is leading the charge for war.

Prigozhin has spent a lot of this war sending meat into the grinder, to be sure, but it's also looking like he's gone out of his way to send the conscripts into the heat and has kept back his more seasoned and loyalist troops. Those troops loyalty has likely been reinforced by Prigozhin protecting them from being included in meat-wave attacks, while at the same time they've also seen exactly how Russia itself treats its own soldiers. He's been given a perfect environment to forge an ultra-loyalist core within his mercenary company.

He's waited until things are absolutely, massively, dire for Russia and when he knows that Russian supply and troop movements won't be able to respond to brief insurrection. It's almost unquestioned that he could not take Moscow, much less seize power directly. He doesn't have the manpower, he doesn't have the support among the elites, he doesn't have the supplies. He cannot coup. But he managed to rattle huge portions of establishment Russia, show that establishment Russia is not as safe or secure as the establishment says, and has aligned himself with veterans, ultra-loyalists, and anti-war camps all in one move. Then, by taking the overnight deal and agreeing to withdraw, he not only "gets away with it" but even looks like he was the generous one, granting reprieve to the capital.

To the bulk of the public, there's a shuffling of chairs at the top of the military - while more pragmatically speaking Prigozhin has arranged for removal of two of his direct rivals, and has negotiated replacing them with allies. It's been widely rumoured and seems to be accepted that Wagner was given some of the worst assignments and was routinely under-supplied - not just because that's The Russian Way, but because Shiogu and Gerasimov saw Prigozhin as a direct threat and Wagner losing troops or looking weak directly erodes his power in Russia. He's come out of this with a large core of loyal, seasoned, troops still reasonably equipped, and has put on a performance of power and strength that it was impossible for Russia to miss. He got to go through the spectacle of beating the Russian military on home turf in one their own strongholds, and had both their own troops and local citizenry appearing to side with Wagner's threat of coup - but all without having to commit entirely and risk the probable failure.

The balance of power behind the curtain has shifted significantly, for all that the man in front of the curtain - Putin - remains firmly in charge. And Prigozhin even managed to tiptoe through the entire episode without challenging Putin directly and while giving Putin a way out of the PR disaster he's facing - that just happens to require aligning himself even more closely with Prigozhin's camp.

Like, not going to go all out like this is 5D chess shit or something, but it's an impressively cunning series of moves to have set up his forces for this moment, to know when to strike, and when to accept terms and take an exit; all of which I'd have thought would be above the head of a guy who mostly seemed like more of a brutish fixer than someone who might be adept at playing political games.

I think at this point Putin is looking for a way out that isn't a bullet. The real problem for dictators isn't gaining, or holding, power - it's how to retire safely.

At the moment, there's impasse. Putin is still in charge, Prigozhin is still deferential, and this matter has resolved in a way where neither man has to maintain conflict or lose face. Prigozhin has his forces out of the crucible that will be the coming months of counteroffensive, he's safe to consolidate and build power in Russia, while Putin is still holding the bag on the failed war and Putin's main option as far as passing the buck will involve blaming the high-up military and intelligence figures - who are currently responsible for keeping Putin safe. He'd have to turn to other allies to protect him, and Prigozhin is posturing up to become the only viable option.

exohuman avatar

Now that makes sense. Thank you for that explanation.

ickplant, avatar

Putin was weakened but is still in charge.

I think this is very accurate. He was absolutely weakened by this "rebellion," but he is still the top guy. It will be interesting to see how this affects the war going forward.

FaceDeer avatar

The only reason he's still in charge is that, weak as he may be, everyone else is weaker. Putin has spent the last two decades trying to ensure that nobody is stronger than he is, not so much by building himself up but rather by tearing everyone else down.

That's been working for him in the short term, but I think this may be building up a really big problem for Russia in the longer term. When Putin finally does fall - as he surely will - there will be no succession plan and there will be nobody strong enough to step into his role.

ickplant, avatar

Totally agree. Russia's screwed in the long run regardless, he made sure of that. I'm a Russian immigrant, have been living in the US since 2001. I haven't seen much future for my country since the 2012 election (it's the last one I bothered to vote in, it became clear they were a total farce, and Vlady boy was making himself tsar). And then they attacked Ukraine. I lost all hope. I'm not wasting any time trying to make Russia better. I'd rather invest time and money into helping people hurt by them.


There was an interesting theory posed on Reddit (I sneak back there to lurk) that was a bit condescending "I am very smart" but I thought the central premise was actually interesting: this was all an elaborate way to desert since the rumor was they might get absorbed into the regular army and/or not get paid (or maybe they wanted to be assigned to an easier job back in Africa but got threatened so this was their work strike). They had to do it as a group because, individually, they'd have no negotiation power. The feint on Moscow was a show of force to get paid off. So, there was a van packed full of money that was somehow lost and found again in the middle of all this.

That's why the terms are that they get the treason charge dropped and the ones who didn't join just become part of the regular army.

The ones who supposedly "go back" to their staging areas may conveniently melt away/scatter with cash in hand. We'll see if they make it, or get picked up one by one as they try to make an escape. It will be interesting to know what the head count ends up at whatever base or staging area they were supposed to go back to.

Hole in the theory is that they can't expect to just take the pardon and rejoin society without consequences or end up just going back to the front line again rendering the whole thing pointless (unless they just wanted the money, being mercenaries).

If the desertion theory has any credence, that's still good for Ukraine, as Russia loses a chunk of fighting force either way and if news of this deal gets out to the regular army, others may think about using this method of desertion ("Hey, it worked for those guys...") Either way, a squad or platoon can't desert without getting mopped up but a battalion or division deserting will have a lot of leverage.

Neon_Carnivore, to SquaredCircle in SRS: I just typed the address Christian gave on AEW Dynamite into Google..
Neon_Carnivore avatar

Fucking legend.

TellumSiege avatar

lmao I wish I could've been a fly on the wall when Christian asked Danny where his dad was buried.

"Hey Danny, heard you're dad's dead. What a shame. What's the address of the cemetery he's buried in? Why? Uh, it's just for a project I'm working on..."

FlyboyM619, to SquaredCircle in Statement from Slim Jim regarding partnership with WWE

We need more to come forward about this too

GeekFTW avatar

Definitely, but at least Slim Jim will hurt them big time (it's their biggest sponsor since last summer.)

JelloBrains avatar

Yeah, they were a big Rumble Sponsor too, doing things with New Day about looking for their car. It sucks for the people involved with the Slim Jim campaigns.

If I'm Tony Khan I pick up the phone and have WBDiscovery's marketing see if they want to sponsor AEW, they may not, but I'd try it.

siv9939 avatar

Slim Jim commercials featuring Black Machismo is something I never knew I needed.

mctoasterson, to sneerclub in in case you wondered when Grimes was going to go full Nazi

The implication that there is or has ever been a monolithic “white culture” is idiotic. It is one of those assertions where the left and right horseshoe towards falsehood and depravity. That is to say both the Klan and extreme progressives agree there is a magic all encompassing definition of “whiteness”.

This concept itself is racist because it assumes Ashkenazi Jewish, Nordic, Russian, and Irish cultures are identical in some way, when they obviously aren’t. “The shared amount of relative pigmentation in skin” doesn’t culturally unite people, nor does it account for their shared values and traditions, or lack thereof.

SkipHuffman, avatar

@mctoasterson @dgerard the only thing white people have in common is high albedo.

aaronm, avatar

@mctoasterson @dgerard and it doesn’t even acknowledge the changing boundaries of “white”. The Irish weren’t white in America for decades. Jews weren’t white until post-wwii when “polite antisemitism “ became tainted and had to be discarded in the face of the civil rights movement.

bitofhope, avatar

I understand how “white” become the word for a sort of assumed racial default, but it’s really annoying to have to play this weird motte-and-bailey when people don’t understand or pretend not to understand that whiteness is not about skin pigmentation and never was. Wanna check my skin on a Pantone chart againts Hitler’s and then guess which one of us he thought was merely an “honorary aryan”?

I wish we had a better word for it.

dgerard, avatar

“Italian” was excluded from “white” in the US in living memory


I mean, we don’t consider Italians white too over here, but we also don’t think there’s some kind of “white culture”. I’m Flemish and that’s my culture, and it’s definitely not the same as any other Western European culture.

Shitgenstein1, (edited )

extreme progressives agree there is a magic all encompassing definition of “whiteness”.

What do you mean by this? Speaking for myself, what I’ve read on the left with respect to “whiteness” has been largely critical of the concept, e.g. that it exists by its function to other and marginalize those deemed non-white. Who are you talking about on the left that affirms a non-reductive concept of whiteness? Because it sounds like you’re both-sides-ing out of ignorance.

BowserBasher, to SquaredCircle in [SRS] WWE sources have indicated to Fightful Select that they're optimistic Stone Cold Steve Austin vs. CM Punk could happen, and the subject has been broached.

Is anyone really wanting to see this match now? I mean Austin had a decent match with Kevin Owen’s but that could have been a one off with KO doing the majority or the work to make it the match it was.

GeekFTW avatar

I am, have always been, and always will be a SCSA mark in-ring (tho as cupcake alluded to above: Fuck him out-of-ring cause he's an abusive pos to more than 1 women), but that being said even I don't wanna see this match.

I'm not much of a Punk fan in the first place but that match with KO, the setup for it, etc was a nice ideal retirement. Gave the crowd what they wanted, it wasn't half assed. Once Austin took his first bare-concrete-back-bump, shit was on.

Any other Austin match is gonna end up like HHH/Michaels/Kane/Taker in my view. Pointless, not needed, likely embarrassing and removes the point of the last match he had.

TommySalami, to SquaredCircle in [SRS] WWE sources have indicated to Fightful Select that they're optimistic Stone Cold Steve Austin vs. CM Punk could happen, and the subject has been broached.


ImADifferentBird, to SquaredCircle in [SRS] WWE sources have indicated to Fightful Select that they're optimistic Stone Cold Steve Austin vs. CM Punk could happen, and the subject has been broached. avatar

Only 10 years after I might have cared.

cupcakezealot, to SquaredCircle in [SRS] WWE sources have indicated to Fightful Select that they're optimistic Stone Cold Steve Austin vs. CM Punk could happen, and the subject has been broached. avatar

steve wants advice on how to bite the women he abuses too

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