Jaluvshuskies avatar



I don't like sand

Thoughts / recommendations on the available Discord modified Android clients?

Hey all, I am an avid BetterDiscord user. I have a OnePlus8t running Namelss13 custom rom (mentioning that for compatibility reasons) and looking for the smoothest, up-to-date, and best experience modified discord app with a sleek looking UI that has plugins & themes...

Jaluvshuskies avatar

Ori and the Blind Forest + Will of the Wisps, hands down

Edit: behind the scenes soundtrack

Jaluvshuskies avatar

I think I definitely have more of a relaxed claw, I used to have a suuuuuper bad claw grip but it got slightly better over the years

I use all 3 for a lot of games, so going down to 2 would be tough. It would probably have to have a lot of perks to make up for that

Oh, I forgot to mention that I love heavy mice, at least right now. Maybe because it being heavy makes it feel more premium and so less cheap? So I have a lot of weights put in this mouse

Jaluvshuskies avatar

I'm honestly not sure. I know my pickiness is making this really difficult and I might have to comparomise somewhere, but I'm not a fan of the asus chakram design that much. I'm hoping to get away from annoying quirks anyways, so maybe it wouldn't be for me either lol

Jaluvshuskies avatar

Oh man 3rd person is my favorite, so boy do I have a list for you. It's so hard to keep this short lol

  • Control Ultimate Edition
  • Hogwarts Legacy
  • Any of the Zelda games (but really the classics, so using an emulator)
  • Star Wars Fallen Order + Jedi Survivor
  • Splinter Cell games
  • Warframe
  • Vindictus
  • Black Desert Online
  • Assassin's Creed games (I enjoy both the "og" games and the "new")
  • Risk of Rain 2
  • Valheim
  • Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning
  • Outriders - got a lot of hate, but our group of 3 had a lot of fun in 155 hours for the cost
  • Tomb Raider games
  • Star Wars Battlefront 2 Classic
Jaluvshuskies avatar

Absolutely fucking glorious!

It makes me so happy seeing reddit come together against this bullshit

Jaluvshuskies, (edited )
Jaluvshuskies avatar

Can someone please ELI5 federation to me? I keep seeing threads and comments about this but I don't understand the concept. Does federation essentially just mean connecting all different instances and platforms across the fediverse which is how I can use kbin and see all the content here even if it's from Lemmy?

edit: thanks everyone for the answers :)

Jaluvshuskies avatar

This has me really, really interested.

For someone like me who used reddit exclusively for finding information, would this be a replacement that is the same or better? I never like random clickbait articles or sources that are sketchy, and I never know which are legitimate good sources of information, so I just stuck with reddit

I loved reddit because I would be able to find dozens of threads about my question, with dozens of comments and discussions around the subject. I could read through real enthusiasts answers and actual genuine experiences, which I consider extremely valuable. I take each comment with a grain of salt since obviously one random internet person might not be right, so I read many comments and put them together in my head, to decide on a best solution

Another reason is because I could almost always find an answer to my specific question. Super specific niche computer problems with answers that won't break your PC, custom rom for OnePlus 8t, yubikey configuration, bitwarden, financing, best money management software, cooking, intermittent fasting, I could go on

But, I didn't just use it for information, I also used it to get help about something (like asking questions or following up on a discussion) - but that's probably more going to be replaced by kbin

Jaluvshuskies avatar

I really really like this answer. I've been torn on rewriting my comments & deleting the account because I have some useful information, but I absolutely do NOT want reddit profiting from OUR knowledge and help for people anymore. It's entire success is built on the people helping other people

Though for some things I'm torn on reposting to kbin because they haven't been updated in a while or might not be accurate anymore

For example, I wrote a MASSIVE "returning / new player guide" for Vindictus, which is a very old MMO with a small community. It has been super helpful for a lot of people in the past, but as you know, MMOs update and change a lot so it's definitely out of date, but not entirely. Even if I gave the raw message and all of it's images to someone else to re-write the post, the community is so small and it would be hard to find someone who would even care. So it would be weird to just repost a partially outdated guide. Know what I mean?

Some other examples are niche within other games. So like for the game Control, I posted a guide on how to fix a bug for x thing. Or for Outriders, I posted a farming method for a resource or something

Do you have any advice for me?

Also, do you or does anyone else here know of a way that I can back up all of my comments and posts locally, like to a txt or some other text source?

Jaluvshuskies avatar

That's what I'm going to do I think. I understand the pain from removing comments that have and would have helped people, but reddit will continue to profit off of that information, which they absolutely do not fucking deserve. Those people that were helped, have already been helped. New users seeking information will have to search elsewhere

Something has to be done to the existing data in order to get more people away from the platform, and there is an absolute plethora of information so I don't even think the people doing this will have a large enough impact as we'd like (though, I could be wrong in estimating how many people are rewriting their comments). At least, future content creators have already moved away so a lot of "new" information shared on reddit will be on the decline, or less of an incline

If I've written any guides or posts that are helpful, I will repost it over here and edit the original post on reddit to remove the content and redirect them here which will also inform more people about the fediverse. The people who needed the help have already seen it, and anyone else seeking the information will hopefully be pulled away from reddit and to a better platform. There -has- to be a point at which people move away from reddit for information, so that other places like kbin can grow into a more suitable replacement with just as much, and eventually, more knowledge

Jaluvshuskies avatar

Kind of, but not fully. It's more like I'm aware that the reality is I have to start being careful even if I'm still considered "young", more like don't do any stupid shit

I swear, since the day I turned 28, anytime I stand in 1 spot for more than 30 seconds where I lock one of my knees, if I then adjust or move, I get fuckin rice crispy knees LOL

I had my gallbladder out in my late 20s, but that's more caused by gaining 50 lbs in college and then losing 20 lol

Other than that, that's basically it so far, thankfully. I don't really have back pain or other stuff. I have a sedentary job (I'm in IT) where I sit at a desk almost the entire work day (we do 1 walk), but I also can take a 1.5 hr break if I go to the gym instead of 1h, so I do that instead, which helps my health. I'm trying to do tennis on Tues and Thursdays as well

Jaluvshuskies avatar


fuck spez

I have relied on using reddit as my google search for literally any topic or question I would have. I've had lots of laughs, met a lot of friends, and helped a lot of people. I have learned sooooo much from other people on a topic I was so lost about and most of the time they were extremely helpful or nice

I'm nervous that kbin might not become the new source of information (since google absolutely sucks ass). If anything it would take a long time to grow just purely out of members and data, considering reddit had to grow in order to be my search database. Either way, I'm hopeful. This place feels cozy

How much of an impact is the protest really having on Reddit?

I read The Verge's latest interview with Steve Huffman here and it seems as though the Reddit blackout is having little to no effect. It also seems as though the communities at large don't really care and will probably just use the official app or don't really know there are 3rd party ones. So it seems this will pass and be...

Jaluvshuskies avatar

Since you touched on a subject I've been torn on, so you will continue using reddit as a source to look up information - what if you have a follow-up question or anything that would be easier to continue discussion on reddit, in order to solve problems? Or will you strictly use reddit to look up information across threads, read comments, and that's the most they'll get?

Eventually, I hope that the fediverse/kbin will have so much more content that I can switch to that instead

There are just sooooo many niche questions and answers that I can find on reddit, and not just 1 person's opinion, but like 10. Literally anything from questions about tinting your cars windows, to birthday ideas for an engineer who loves cars, to christmas ideas for people who have everything already, to how to get yubikey working with oneplus8t, to real study tips for certifications, to that very very specific issue that's crashing your PC but can't figure it out. I want to continue finding information given from people who are genuinely interested in sharing and teaching, not making profits

That's my only gripe bc google sucks ass. Curious to see how you're handling it

Jaluvshuskies, (edited )
Jaluvshuskies avatar

Same here - but Boost user. I am strongly considering editing all of my comments (I'll have to look around and see if there are any ideas of a copy/paste format I can just use) which I think could be more valuable than deleting

But I'm not sure if the next step, deleting my account, would be more hurtful than my edited comments. It would be something like "this comment has been wiped in protest of spez's api changes that blah blah dont want free profit from our shared knowledge" compared to the comment still existing but my username being removed

I'm just so torn on deleting the account with all the history and people I've helped and met along the years. I guess I just need to hear a convincing enough argument to help me pull the trigger lol

Jaluvshuskies avatar

Can you provide a link to the "noise" memo that was leaked? I must've missed it because I haven't heard of this. If it convinced you and was the final straw to delete your account, I'd be interested in seeing it as well

I'm more set on overriding all my comments, but I'm still on the fence about deleting the whole account. At least, once I know with 100% certainty that they won't be reverted back to their original states (if possible)

Jaluvshuskies avatar

This has to be bumped up higher, I think people are still deleting their accounts before making sure their comments are either staying deleted or rewritten!!!

Jaluvshuskies avatar

I have a case, the one I use is the dbrand grip. No protection plan and I have a screen protector which is the UniqeMe lens + screen protector (tempered glass). I don't have any scratches or dents (bought jan 2022)

Jaluvshuskies, (edited )
Jaluvshuskies avatar

I loved the way you wrote this for some reason. Very clear and well-informed

Probably like most of us, I use reddit as my search for quite literally almost any question or research I do - and this was done multiple times a day

I honestly have no idea what I'm going to do to find information. I absolutely LOVED reading real people's real and genuine with anything. Tech, cooking, intermittent fasting, specific games, guides, custom android roms, careers, I could go on forever. And I would look across dozens of threads and even more comments, and then smash them together in my head to come up with the most likely accurate answer to my problem. And let's not forget when dbags or misinformation is dowvoted to oblivion!

As a techie, I can't even count on my hands how many times I have found someone random person having the same completely random and specific PC issue that I had - and they showed what they tried, what didn't work, then I look in comments and find 6 different valid potential solutions. It was absolutely glorious and so useful

I hope that somehow, something even greater emerges from all of this that fills in this "need". I don't think reddit will ever be the same, and now I'd feel dirty using it to find information even if most of it will probably still be there

EDIT: wanted to add that I'm also worried because reddit was so easy to use and user friendly (at least in the ways we modified it lol) which made it really easy for people to join and add to the mass amount of information on the platform. I'm concerned that kbin/lemmy won't work as a true replacement because they don't seem nearly as straightforward

Jaluvshuskies avatar

Exactly. Everything is so fucked

I have been shouting from mountains to my friends about reddit's usefulness on finding actually valid and specific information. They never believed me and basically thought I was just wrongfully and overly obsessive.. I have no idea how they find information in such an efficient manner. They're like, I just use google.

absolutely wack

Jaluvshuskies avatar

That's a good point. I wasn't part of reddit when it first came out, so I suppose I'm spoiled by it's current UX and UI, which is where it's at after being polished for over 15 years

Now for the dreadful waiting game! It will be neat to be part of kbin while it grows though

Jaluvshuskies avatar

I hope they're doing alright. All the 3rd party apps are phenomenal, but after trying them all, I sticked with boost in the end. Hands down one of my favorite apps. I showed them extra love for sure

The Future of Reddit after the Blackout

As an effect of the recent Reddit blackout, the company is now surrounded by disappointed investors and community. I predict that Reddit may end up facing the same fate as Tumblr: being sold to another company. Only time will tell what the future holds for Reddit, but one thing is for sure - the protest will leave a lasting...

Jaluvshuskies avatar

I know 2 days isn't enough, and I hope the protests continue and reddit ends because of spez and the bs api changes

It's tough for me because I rely on reddit so much, like I look up information at least once a day here. It's my search engine, I can type in literally any question on Google with the word reddit in it, and find dozens of threads with even more comments and discussions of real people with their real experiences, often still actively talking about the subject

I'm in IT, and I haven't tied out both Lemmy and kbin, and I'll admit it was even confusing for me

One of the toughest adjustments is not being able to use Reddit Boost

I have complete faith in the community and it's developers to create something for us even better than reddit. I just worry how long it'll take to grow and whether it'll be a true migration. If not successful, I won't know what to do because I'll feel dirty continuing to use reddit lol

Unless of course.. We somehow get a user made 3rd party reddit app via APK. That'd be neat. Dunno if reddit would be as strict as snapchat about that though, or how possible it'll be (unless that's literally what they made impossible, I just figured they didn't make it public anymore, but can still be modified, like betterdiscord/aliucord/vendetta, Instander, frost for fb, revanced)

Jaluvshuskies avatar

Idk why, but the first game that comes to mind is Mini Motorways. Give it a shot if you're looking for something entertaining to play in short bursts!

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