@wizardbeard@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar



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@wizardbeard@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

In what world is that a mobster deal? The game initially released saying that PSN accounts were required, this is in every store front description. The devs clarified that was not enforced due to technical issues at release time.

Sony funded the game in the first place too. They didn’t take advantage of a moment of weakness. This is all contract stuff agreed upon long before release.

It absolutely sucks ass, but this is an incredibly basic business deal. Sony stepped in to provide server support because it’s Sony’s game, and Sony makes money off it. Now that the game is more stable, they likely went back to Arrowhead and said “Hey, it’s time you sorted out the contracted requirement for PSN accounts. You agreed to this.” and here we are.

Maybe Sony told Arrowhead that PSN accounts could be made by everyone. Maybe Arrowhead thought they could push back on the requirement after the game came out without them required. We likely will never know what went on behind closed doors.

But this isn’t shady, just absolutely monumentally fucking shitty.

Unfortunately, as long as refunds are handled reasonably well like they were with Cyberpunk 2077’s PS4 release, gamers won’t really have a leg to stand on. It’ll just be complaining that they can’t play something they wanted to play, after getting a number of hours in it for effectively free.

@wizardbeard@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

I’ll second this. I’ve seen this with researchers, engineers in a variety of fields, construction supervisors, someone who overaw manufacture of nuclear test equipment, a handyman who makes stuff on an old fashioned loom as one of their many side-gigs, cpas, tech workers of all different stripes, commodities traders.

Any job that even somewhat relies on knowledge can get this way, if the person working it puts effort in and takes pride in what they do. The apparent complexity or prestige from the outside has little to do with it.

@wizardbeard@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

I generally prefer RetroArch. It’s a bit of a bear to get used to and configure, but once you learn it or get it set up well, it “just works”. Plus, being able to navigate everything with just the controller is incredibly convenient.

On top of that, the settings, saves, and savestates are compatible in retroarch running on any platform. That’s not such a big deal anymore that a lot of emulators have releases on multiple platforms, but it’s nice to be able to start a game on say, my phone, and pick it up on my desktop.

And I can’t get over the sheer depth of what you can do with shaders with it. I store my games in folders by console, so I can set up one preset and apply it to all games in a folder.

All that said, in my experience it doesn’t do great with consoles after the PS1 era. Dolphin is slower than standalone and afaik is a much older revision, I never even tried the mess of the experimental PS2 core, and while these aren’t much of a problem anymore the PPSSPP and DeSmume cores used to be pretty rough compared to standalone.

If you’re emulating newer stuff, I’d suggest standalone emulators. If you only want to emulate a few things, skip the configuration mess and go standalone.

If you have a large library to emulate, the up front config work of RetroArch is absolutely worth it. If you have a few things to emulate from PS1/N64, it might be worth it to use RetroArch just to avoid the plugin hell of standalone emulators for those systems. If you like being able to plug in a controller and just go, not touching your keyboard or mouse again until you’re done gaming, it’s worth it. If you want to fiddle with things like black frame insertion, run ahead, and shaders to get the best quality video output possible, it’s worth it.

@wizardbeard@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

If you don’t want the raw experience, the Viva New Vegas modlist does an amazing job of “vanilla plus”. Haven’t finished my latest playthrough, but nothing felt out of place, and it was less buggy than vanilla.

wizardbeard, (edited )
@wizardbeard@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

I understand this, but I also think it’s not reasonable to expect people to always stay silent when someone’s venting/feelings leads them to make broad, declarative statements about the badness/problems of a large heterogenous group.

Like, I know I have a lot of personal baggage from growing up in a household where my accomplishments were overlooked and every problem with myself or my actions magnified. The longest streak of doing well could be brought down with a single minor screw up. I know I’m far more sensitive to this sort of shit than the average person.

That said, there is a difference between all and most, or all and enough that it’s a problem. I don’t think it’s wrong to insist that difference is important, or at the very least that the difference exists. Insisting upon that distinction does not need to be a dismissal of the very real issues, it can simply be an insistance that the distinction exists.

Just as we should allow people to have their feelings that x group is bad, shouldn’t we also have some room to allow people to feel something when they’ve been lumped in with an amorphous blob of “badness” that they don’t actually belong to?

If you want to argue that “the bad feelings men experience by being lumped in with the bad elements of men are less important than the danger to women from those bad elements” then I’d agree with you fucking 100%. Actual danger trumps feelings, no fucking questions asked.

My issue is that usually the argument is instead that “If your feelings are hurt because someone said all men are abusive, that means that you must be an abusive man upset that you were called out”, “see, you saying not all men just means that I was right”, or just mocking the true statement of “not all men”.

Again, the distinction is important. This post is the first time I have ever seen someone suggest that the response to “not all men” is “enough men”. Fucking hell I’m behind that response all the way. I’m not about doubling down on insisting all men are shit.

@wizardbeard@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

Not dickriding microsoft here, but they have provided all the tools to fix this. They just can’t make them happen automatically on effected machines because they broke something particularly complicated.

You need to have enough space to resolve the issue (which was caused by not having enough space in the recovery partition in the first place). You need to adjust the size of the parition (traditionally a risky operation, especially through Windows). You then need to download a specific update while skipping another, install, and reboot.

They have provided scripts for backing up the recovery partition, expanding it, and restoring the contents from backup if expanding fucks the contents. They have provided a script to download and install the specific update to fix the problem once you have enough space in that paritition. They did not automate restarting the computer (piss easy to automate), or to hide the problematic update (easy through UI, probably a pain to script).

@wizardbeard@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

It’s more than strictly a recovery partition. It is also used for updates and the files needed to roll individual ones back. The entire issue was that they had an update that didn’t properly handle when there wasn’t enough space for it in the recovery partition.

@wizardbeard@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

They don’t need to reinstall the OS to resolve this issue though, unless they absolutely fucked their paritions.

Which is why Microsoft couldn’t automate a fix. It’s incredibly easy to fuck your partitions to hell and back, especially through Windows. Too many conditions to check for and try to handle automatically.

@wizardbeard@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

Then any Chromecast or Firestick device that runs the Android TV OS will work fine. Just have to sideload the SmartTube app. Directions will vary by device, but it’s generally not too tough.

I believe the best cost to feature value is Walmart’s one. Don’t recall the name at the moment.

@wizardbeard@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

David Tennant’s performance in Jessica Jones stuck with me for a while. It took a while for me not to assume his characters would be evil after that, and I was already familiar with his run as The Doctor.

@wizardbeard@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

Dude, you’re getting banned because you’re being an asshat. Just downvote, block, and move on when you find that someone isn’t worth replying to. Lemmy is still small enough that you’ll filter out the people you personally consider shit quite quickly.

@wizardbeard@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

I like how his upper arm is yelling “EXTEND!”

Anyone know any games similar to the Spyro GBA ones? Isometric collectathons? I need more like this.

I wrote an article about the 3 games and just how good they are. Imo, they're extremely underrated. I really wanna play more games similar to it but I can't find much in the way of isometric collectathons(?) at all. Looking for any suggestions. Apologies if this isn't the right spot. GBA is retro right?...

@wizardbeard@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

There’s at least one Banjo Kazooie game on GBA in a similar style.

On the original Game Boy there’s Conker’s Pocket Tales (Conker in his original child friendly form).

@wizardbeard@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

You’ve got a bit of misunderstanding of how bitcoin works, and they definitely aren’t using the juryrigged supercomputer for unmasking. Most likely human analysts and investigators with some minor algorithmic help for analyzing tumbled transactions on the chain.

Bitcoin is inherently traceable. The entire concept of the blockchain originally was to have a distributed ledger of all transactions available and verifiable by anyone, so the banks couldn’t go “no that transaction never happened”.

The anonimity of being able to instantly and freely create wallets with little to no identifying info attached was a side purpose, but not a true purpose. Your wallet is effectively just a username they’d have to find a way to connect to your real identity.

All bitcoin transactions are auditable by anyone.

So most criminals use tumblers, scattering a transaction into irregular pieces that move across a shit ton of wallets before slowly making their way to the actual destination wallet.

But even those are traceable, just difficult. Over time and through seizing black market servers, intelligence agencies can build maps of what wallets match up to what. Sellers leaving donate links in forum signatures, finding the tumbler accounts from a seized market, etc. Then by using external info like knowledge of the payout amount and how many wallets its going to end up in, they can analyze the block chain ledger and connect the dots.

TL;DR- Bitcoin has always been psuedonymous, not actually anonymous, and is more easily traceable than other options by fucking design. You are only as anonymous as the distance between your real identity and your wallet address. Practice proper OpSec for shady business.

@wizardbeard@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

Who prevents him from buying an atomic weapon and setting it off for a meme stunt or internet points ?

You have to be joking.

Nearly every military in the world. Countless regulatory agencies. Intelligence agencies the world over. It’s pretty much known that the US made stuxnet to kill one country’s nuclear program. Do you seriously fucking think they wouldn’t stop a single billionaire?

There’s also the fact that even he’s not that insane, and any other billionaire out there who wouldn’t want the effects of a nuke going off to get in the way of their own shit.

If you were talking a dirty bomb, that might be within his reach. Buy some mines in third world countries, mine up some material, strap it to a conventional bomb. That’s also many orders of magnitude less severe (while still horrific). Also, most mining rights in areas with worthwhile radioactive material available have already been bought up by other entities with similar financial levels of backing.

Actual nukes require quite a bit more than just an explosive and some radioactive material to build anyway, and things like nuclear material refinement facilities are quite easily visible from satelite imagery. They also require specialized hardware that is closely monitored. Sure he could pay to reverse engineer and/or get it built. Good luck keeping that secret for as long as it would take.

The man’s a living embodiment of a chode with a diamond studded piercing. There’s plenty of shit to be upset at him about, or worried about, without getting anywhere close to this absurd. I sincerely hope that you weren’t being serious.

If you want shock factor, talk about the slave mines his family wealth comes from, and the slave mines where we source lithium from for EV batteries. Talk about the high frequency of using child soldiers as security for said mines, in addition to the child slave labor.

Talk about the highly likely intentional killing of Twitter by Saudi Arabian government’s investment into Musk as a retaliation for the Arab Spring and as a way to further control rapid information dissemination during crisises.

There’s real reasons to despise him, going for such extremely ridiculous exaggerations only hurts the point you’re trying to make.

wizardbeard, (edited )
@wizardbeard@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

Are you ok? You’ve doubled down on nonsense. Seriously, take a breath. Look into some treatment for anxiety.

The whole danger is that AI text generation doesn’t misspell, and comes across highly confidently.

There’s actual research out there on spotting AI generated text. Most of it is based off tone, frequency of some specific phrases, and sentence structure.

If you’re mixing this with the idea that spam emails and scamming comments are often misspelled, that’s done in an attempt to avoid word filters, and also to help ensure that people who fall for them are dumb enough not to notice, making them easy marks more likely to overlook other warning signs. If they aren’t trying to get you to take an action, or a coordinated push to manufacture consent, the chance of AI is low.

Also, the statistics about internet traffic you’re thinking about is about bots. That’s largely scripts and web scrapers, less so automated posters making arguments multiple levels down incredibly quiet threads on low user count social media like lemmy.

@wizardbeard@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

Let me be crystal fucking clear here.

You were not making a valid point.

Your hypothetical is so amazingly absurd that I did not fully believe you were being serious until I saw your response.

I’m still wondering if this isn’t some sort of weird ass false flag attempt to make people who dislike Musk look like absolute raving loonies.

I tried to give you places to begin looking into things yourself so you (and anyone else as delusional as you) wouldn’t be worried about something so unlikely as to be effectively impossible.

I’m not doing that work for you, I’ve already had to sit through countless discussions of this shit in my lifetime. Multiple nuclear engineers in the (extended) family, have met members of the regulatory orgs through them, and that’s what my parents wanted me to grow up to be (I fucked off into computers though).

Beyond that, I tried to give you some stuff against Musk that’s far more rooted in reality than the wildest speculation.

But I really couldn’t give a shit what you talk about. I just dislike seeing people undermining legitimate points by throwing around absurd exageration. Especially when there’s plenty of legitimate criticisms and concerns out there about Musk.

Please, do go on about how he’s going to somehow outsmart intelligence agencies that took out an entire country’s nuclear program with a single goddamn computer virus. At this point it’s just entertaining.

@wizardbeard@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

No, we really, truly are not.

@wizardbeard@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar
@wizardbeard@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

I always thought that the MC must have been a little dumb to do corporate espionage and agree to be paid in “knocked out” invasive surgery.

Like that’s just asking for them to just kill you to tie up loose ends.

@wizardbeard@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

See, this is what we should be using AI for. Auto generating dark text and slapping it as quotes on marketing images.

Give me more absurdist and non sequiteur humor, robot slave!

@wizardbeard@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

Lol, that’s not how this works. Unless you plan to either take away a shit ton of people’s voting rights, or to just kill them, you have to “play the crowd”.

That’s just how this shit works. As long as enough “deplorables” exists to tip the scales, you have to address them somehow, not pretend they don’t matter because they’re wrong.

Obama understood that there’s a massive amount of the voterbase unhappy with how things were, and campaigned on a generic idea of change, appealing to frustrated people on both sides of the aisle.

Talking down to people or calling them names isn’t a good strategy to get them to cooperate.

@wizardbeard@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

Unfortunately all you can do is try to thicken your skin and attempt to “manage upwards”.

“I appreciate the feedback and I’ll bear that in mind in the future, but there’s nothing I can do about this months later. Next time let me know when I still have an opportunity to correct the issue and I’ll gladly course-correct.”

And refuse to sign the review. Be specific that you don’t accept being penalized for mistakes you made months before you were told the rule.

You can push back while being polite and professional in some places, so it’s worth a shot if you’re already being shit on or are on the way out.

If you’ve tried it and gotten nowhere though, just disengage and try to stop caring so much.

Your manager’s failure to communicate is their problem, not yours.

@wizardbeard@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

I use EAC- Exact Audio Copy. It’s definitely more hardcore than the average person needs, including features for testing the physical capabilites of your disc drive and having settings for detecting and attempting to re-read CD sectors that have errors, but after you set it up you can easily rip to .flac (lossless, technically the best format to rip to, but larger) or to .mp3 vbr0 (99.9% of people can’t tell the quality difference from flac, and it’s much smaller size).

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