@firefly@neon.nightbulb.net avatar



I am a #bibliologer and a #cryptologer. I study the Bible, codes, and ciphers among other things. I enjoy #poetry. I like #neologisms. I burn with insatiable curiosity about everyone and everything.

This profile is from a federated server and may be incomplete. Browse more on the original instance.

technicat, to random

thinking of a lowercase-only mode for my fediverse app

@firefly@neon.nightbulb.net avatar

DUB THINE APP, 'miniscule'

kissane, to random
@kissane@mas.to avatar

Given all the Threads discussion there is one short thing I need to say.

The simplest tech-world thing I learned from the whole Meta in Myanmar project is that Meta is WAY more callous, deceptive, and incompetent with the life-or-death things that matter the most than even most of their critics understand.



@firefly@neon.nightbulb.net avatar

WAY more callous

This corporate callousness is a direct result of the debt-based monetary system of the entire world, and of the specially constructed debt hypothecation system in the USA. As the monetary systems have grown less diffuse and more centralized the callousness has increased.

For many centuries, the central tenet of fascism has been a mandatory tax on all property of the poor, and requirement to pay the tax in a monetary unit controlled by the rulers. Nobody actually owns their home. They rent it from the state and must pay the ad valorem and land tax, or be forcibly ejected. This tenet of tax fascism holds true in feudalism and market economies, and under socialism. If the monetary unit is not a currency, then the monetary unit is the productive labor of the serf. By taxing homestead real estate and employee wages, all serfs are forced to participate in the economic and tax structure by running an endless rat race to keep from having their homestead confiscated by the state. Abolition of the homestead real estate tax on any primary domicile up to 40-80 acres, depending on annual precipitation, and abolition of the income tax on EMPLOYEE wages (not officer or executive), would liberate hundreds of millions of souls from the rat race. If you don't work in the job and pay the taxes, the fascist courts take your home and render you homeless. This is a crime against humanity and nobody is speaking out against it.

This property tax and income tax system is the FOUNDATION of Western imperial fascism. All political movements will fail and will only increase the reach of fascism into every aspect of human life. As economies grow more centrally planned and monopolistic, the control over everyday activities grows increasingly centralized.

If you are not moving to abolish the tax on homesteads in your country, you are hacking at the branches of evil rather than at the root. A people secure in their property and homes and wages are a free people. A people insecure in these are slaves.

It is very simple. A tax and money system based upon debt or hypothecation of property to debt will always wax more and more fascist. This is the story of human history and everyone is ignoring it at their peril. Many people praise the idea of taxing their neighbors to pay for public schools, where their children will learn to be obedient serfs and work endlessly to pay their taxes.

Certain people leverage themselves into this system through corporations, and in order to prevent themselves from ever being the poor downtrodden, they run roughshod over all the poor downtrodden. They get addicted to the status, and envision themselves having a superior rationale due to their success. To keep themselves on top, they feel motivated to keep pushing everyone else down in a relentless struggle for mastery over the serfs in the poor and middle classes.

Laws and policies and "programs" can not, do not, never have, and never will end these problems of corporatocracy. Simply by abolishing the tax on homestead real estate, and abolishing the income tax on wages, the entire economy is forced to undergo a metamorphosis away from debt and rent seeking, to actual productivity. A people secure in their homes are not forced to work their fingers to the bone in an economic rat race. They have the time preference to make more beneficial decisions regarding work and career because they don't have the stress of homelessness or bankruptcy always looming on the horizon. Your rulers want this shadow cast on you and they have engineered the tax laws for this very purpose. Of course they give pretexts and justifications and subterfuges, but the end result was the real intention, as in the maxim, "Outward actions indicate inward intent."

No one wants to hear this. They are happy to tax their neighbors to death as long as they feel it serves their social agenda. We can signal about how bad the corporations are, or as a people we can admit how bad we are for enlisting the guns of government to rob our neighbors of their wages and homes under the unjust property and income tax schemes.

Corporations are the only entities that should pay income tax. No flesh and blood human being with the status of EMPLOYEE should be taxed on their wages for hire. The power to tax is the power to destroy, and much destruction it does. Countless Americans are dragged out of their homes by county sheriffs while their homes are repossessed or auctioned off for back taxes. This is the heart of ryot tenure, which is old-world fascism. This abomination does not belong in America. It really does not belong anywhere in the world. But the rulers and their dependents love to have it so.

@firefly@neon.nightbulb.net avatar

That is well and good. It is easy to hate the big man. It is harder to love the little man. If we hate the fat cat while continuing to abuse the runt of the litter, are we any better than the fat cat? If we excoriate the rich while only giving lip service to the poor, wouldn't such hypocrisy make us Pharisees at heart?

I do agree on a host of limitations upon billionaire involvement in politics and bureaucracy, such as abolishing campaign contributions to lobby groups and PACs completely and requiring candidates to spend their own money for advertising, and placing caps on how much money TOTAL can be received by any candidate for office.

I also think people should keep their hands out of their poor neighbors' pockets by abolishing the income tax on employee wages and the property tax on primary dwellings.

Then the taxes can be excised from commerce between corporations, freight bills, imposts and duties. This would fundamentally alter both the economic and monetary system in favor of the have nots without a pile of even more abuse-prone laws and bureaucracy.

Corporations are creatures of the state and they should be taxed. All real estate held by all associations, corporations, and entities should also be taxed. This includes any non-domicile real estate held by religious corporations, churches, mosques, temples, etc. International and interstate non-profits should be abolished or taxed at a double or triple rate compared to those operating only within a domicile zone. Non-profit entities should be prohibited from operating outside the area of their domicile unless there is a compelling public interest approved by the legislature on a case-by-case basis. This would do away with many abusive tax shelter foundations and require the rich to put a big cut of that money to work in the economy instead of squandering it away in paper rents and interest-bearing schemes subsidized by the government through bank bailouts.

Polish Hackers Repaired Trains the Manufacturer Artificially Bricked. Now The Train Company Is Threatening Them (www.404media.co)

In one of the coolest and more outrageous repair stories in quite some time, three white-hat hackers helped a regional rail company in southwest Poland unbrick a train that had been artificially rendered inoperable by the train’s manufacturer after an independent maintenance company worked on it. The train’s manufacturer is...

firefly, (edited )
@firefly@neon.nightbulb.net avatar


If anything perhaps everyone involved should sue the train manufacturer for bricking the train with their DRM nonsense.

"Dragon Sector" is an OG name for a hacker firm.

"we discovered a ‘workshop-detection’ system built into the train software, which bricked the trains after some conditions were met (two of the trains even used a list of precise GPS coordinates of competitors' workshops)."

That is an anti-trust violation du jure. I wonder what kind of anti-trust laws Poland has.

firefly, to random
@firefly@neon.nightbulb.net avatar

Old skool is kool skool. Stay retro.

firefly, (edited ) to random
@firefly@neon.nightbulb.net avatar

At this point in history everyone is a bigot--depending on who you ask. You, dear reader, are a bigot. All I must do to confirm this is ask your enemy and he will tell me so.

I had to go out late last night and I turned on the car radio. Red Eye Radio was on the air. The hosts went on a several minute tirade saying anyone critical of the Israeli bombings and tactics was a genocidal bigot. So if you oppose slaughtering tens of thousands of people, you are now the bigot. It takes an Olympian amount of mental gymnastics for that logic to work.

The world has always been insane, but now the world has fallen off its nut. We don't have a media anymore. We have Pravda established by the power of noise-to-signal ratio. The real journalists get drowned out by the loud barking of the big dogs.

The U.S. Government wants this Gaza fiasco to continue. The U.S. has the power and influence to put a stop to this conflict in the middle east. The truth is that whoever owns the politicians wants endless conflict to continue.

It is very sad and annoying to see cultists on the left, right, center, and extremities toss around words like, "bigot", "racist", "anti-semite", to describe any criticism they don't like. It is the lowest form of yellow mendacity. The words are so often misused that they have lost all meaning in political discourse. At this point everyone is a bigot depending on who you ask. Now when you do encounter a real flesh and blood bigot, it is hard to find an apt word of description since everyone else is now a bigot, too. Just ask their enemies, and they will tell you so.

#Anti-Semitism #Gaza #Israel #Palestine #Bigots #Bigotry #Racism #RedEyeRadio

firefly, to random
@firefly@neon.nightbulb.net avatar

Grim news thus far ...


"As of Monday, Israeli forces have killed at least 18,000 Palestinians in Gaza, including 7,729 children. Israel’s siege has also injured 50,000 Palestinians and dismantled critical health systems in Gaza."

dictvm, to random
@dictvm@horrendum.com avatar

> fact checking partners

Fuck right off.

@firefly@neon.nightbulb.net avatar

Phaque Chequers ...

firefly, to random
@firefly@neon.nightbulb.net avatar

The Grand Garter General of the Imperial Baggy Jeans Mafia says this:

If your jeans don't have room for tools, they're not really jeans; they are denim leotards.

#BaggyJeans #Mafia #Jeans #Leotards #SkinnyJeans

@firefly@neon.nightbulb.net avatar

How about that CGI car in orbit in front of a swim screen? There are still a lot of people who haven't figured that one out yet.

What it accomplished is manifold, but mainly to get investors to pony up, and creditors to extend credit, and the fan boys to fan the flames.

CC: @misk

firefly, (edited )
@firefly@neon.nightbulb.net avatar

musk is one of the richest man alive, why does he need subsidies to do his job??

Socialism for the rich, capitalism for the poor. Next question ...

firefly, to random
@firefly@neon.nightbulb.net avatar

Almost everything put out by hackademics is three orders of magnitude unnecessarily complex.

When you show a simple solution that saves everyone downstream a zillion hours of hassle the hackademics think you are a stupid Lilliputian.

firefly, to Satanism
@firefly@neon.nightbulb.net avatar

Devil Olympics | Spiritual Predators | Sheep Dipped Devils | Twofold Children of Hell

Red pill hell. A deep dive into devilology.

Is hell a place you go when you die? Or have you already died and gone to hell? What if you are literally in the realm of the dead right now? What if you ARE the dead? Are you merely a shadow, and not really alive?

What if the biological definition of "alive" is wrong, incomplete, false, and of no use to mankind? What if the popular conception of hell is unbiblical and really a savage superstition? What if hell is here, now? What if this current world is a prison for your corpse and the real "you" is asleep at the wheel?

Does a lake of fire and brimstone await your soul for endless torture? Or are you actually in the lake of fire and brimstone now, today? What if you are on fire and don't even know it?

When the old devil is handing out military medals to his army, many Christian pastors and celebrity preachers will get the gold medals.

This article is a short examination of the common false mythos beneath the religious dogma of hell and hellfire. Find out what the Bible really teaches about hell, devils, and damnation. Dear reader, you have likely never been exposed to these ideas before. Click the link:


Just what is a devil, anyway? It is not what the religious people say. It is the religious people. This off-the-cuff article proves it.

firefly, to privacy
@firefly@neon.nightbulb.net avatar
<br></br><br></br>No fancy-schmanzy skinny-pants pansy bugman landing page.<br></br>No fluffy pony rainbow sprinkle cupcake presentation.<br></br>Welcome to JAIL!<br></br><br></br>FRESH MEET.<br></br>DONCHOO WORRY.<br></br>I'LL PROTECH YOU.<br></br><br></br>▃ ╺▆▅⎽⎼⎽<br></br>╷▜▇▖▔▜█▖▝▆⎽<br></br>▅⎽▀▜▄▃██▞▜█<br></br>▐██▅▃⎽╶▀███▀<br></br>▟██████████▍<br></br>▜█████████▐▍<br></br>▜████████▀<br></br>███████▌<br></br>⎽▟█████▉<br></br>⎽▂▂▆████████▇▅▄▂⎽<br></br>╼▀▀▀▀▀▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▀▀▀▀▜█▖<br></br>▗▆▄▅▆▇▇▇███████████▇███▙<br></br>▔▀▀█▀▔▔⎽▂▂▂▃▃▃▃▃▃███████▖<br></br>██▆▅⎽▆▇█████▀▀▀▜██████████▎<br></br>▂⎽▔▔████▔⎽▂▂▃▄▄▄▄▄▟████████▇▖<br></br>▐████████████▛▀▀▀▀▀███████████▃<br></br>████████████▇▄▄▅▅▅▅▅████▝█████▘<br></br>█▜████▀██████▛▀▀▀▀▀▀███▉ ▔▜███<br></br>▝■▃▃▞▘ █████▙▄▄▄▅▅▅▅████▆▅███▘<br></br>┗▟▏  █████▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀████████▘<br></br>▐▜   ██⎽▂▃▃▄▄▄▄▅▅▅███████▘<br></br>▋  ▐█████▀▀▀▀▀▀▀██▀███▔<br></br>▐▉  ▐▐⎽▂▂▃▃▄▄▄▅▅▆▆▆▇███▇╸<br></br><br></br>

FRESH MEET is a security fire jail for the Bitmessage AppImage.


#Bitmessage #AnonymousMessaging #Anonymity #Privacy #Encryption

@firefly@neon.nightbulb.net avatar

They could just make magnetic connectors with a shallow socket. But those would last longer and you wouldn't need to keep buying new stuff.

CC: @Petter1

@firefly@neon.nightbulb.net avatar

Yes, it does impart a sense of gravity to otherwise mundane chatter. The only thing missing is letterhead with a monogram.

For some reason I don't yet understand, my fediverse server inserts the CC in some replies and I forgot to catch it. I haven't had time to analyze the rooster's guts yet.

firefly, (edited ) to random
@firefly@neon.nightbulb.net avatar

I notice that countless rubes use social media for their daily two minutes of hate. They have endless Goldsteins to shake their fists at, like obedient proles. Like parrots, the other proles chime in and shake their fists and shout at the evil Goldstein of the day.

The Party creates Godlstein. The Party created the two minutes of hate. It' is a show. It is a distraction scam. But the proles believe it is real.

In the meantime the proles love Big Brother, and kneel before him in adulation. None of them realize that their savior is their master.

As long as you spend your energy hating Goldstein you will never be a threat to big brother. But you call yourselves revolutionaries!

@firefly@neon.nightbulb.net avatar

CC: @fne8w2ah

"Less evil companies ..."

Is this what the world has come to?

@firefly@neon.nightbulb.net avatar

Google Fiber sounds like a laxative. Does the user poop it out?

firefly, to ArtificialIntelligence
@firefly@neon.nightbulb.net avatar

I suppose I should introduce myself. "You know how it goes. Fill in the damn titles."


With your insectful host, yon firefly:

Sole Puzzle Proprietor and Reluctant Roast Master

Grand Garter General of the Imperial Baggy Jeans Mafia

Grumpy Curmudgeon to the Clouds

I am creating cryptographic primitives to keep my mind in fettle. I will announce my industrial strength toys from this account. If you are interested in novel ideas then you have come to the right place.

If your jeans don't have room for tools, they're not really jeans; they are denim leotards.

I enjoy lights of every kind: neon, led, candle, lamp, torch, flash, strobe and bright eyes. I enjoy natural lights like fireflies, lightning, and stars at night, rays through fog, and campfires. I am a flashlight geek. I own more flashlights than a shark has teeth.

My imperial hobbies include games with crypto, code, and coffee. My imperial toys include text and smolnet tools. When I am not learning new things I like to fist bump clouds and thunderstorms. Righteo, tornado brah.

There are two great opposing forces in the digital universe: The Skinny Jeans Mafia versus the Baggy Jeans Mafia. My camp shall drive those Skinny Jeansters running away crying over spilled espresso.

firefly, to Bitcoin
@firefly@neon.nightbulb.net avatar
torvalds, to random
@torvalds@social.kernel.org avatar

Dear lazy-web - question time.

I’ve maintained a branch of the old micro-emacs (not GNU emacs) for decades. And by “maintained” I really mean “mostly kept working”. It’s a scrappy little editor from the eighties(!) and the “s” in scrappy is silent.

The version I have grown accustomed to isn’t even the most recent version of microemacs, it’s a offshoot from uemacs 3.9 that was maintained by Petri Kutvonen at Helsinki University because it was portable and supported DOS, VAX/VMS and Unix.

Over the decades, I’ve “enhached” that thing to actually mostly understand UTF-8, and increased some internal limits, but it’s mostly the same thing that I used in the early nineties.


I don’t love the fact that it’s a very limited text editor. I’d like syntax highlighting etc. But my fingers are absolutely hardcoded to it, and I am not in the least interested in something that makes me switch away from those (much less start using a mouse to move around etc).

Which is just a very long way to say: “Does anybody know of some slightly more modern GUI editor that actually has good support for really changing keybindings”.

And I mean really configurable. As in “I can make ESC-J auto-justify text, and ESC-Z be ‘exit-and-save, and ^X^C will exit without saving”. Not some half-way state where “sure, you can make ^X exit, but no, you can’t make ^X or ESC act as Alt / Meta keys for other keys?

And yes, I know one answer is “teach your fingers new ways”. But my micro-emacs works just fine, and so it really isn’t worth it to me.

And please - don’t even bother replying with “Xyz is a great editor” unless you know and can show exactly how to rebind a key sequence like that ^X^C. I don’t use nearly all the uemacs keybindings, but I use an odd set of them.

I’d rather maintain just a keybinding file than a whole scrappy editor.

Edit: clearly I should have specified that I’m not interested in yet another “runs in a terminal” editor, or some even older editor (ie “real” emacs, or vim) that just has had more lipstick applied over the years.

@firefly@neon.nightbulb.net avatar

Bump: Two GUI editors come to mind: Tea and Geany.

I think TEA is about as close to your wish as you are going to get. TEA will likely do 95% of your wishes except exit+save and ESC key in sequences. It is hackable and readable Qt/C++ so you can patch and push with ease.

"TEA is a C++, Qt(4,5,6) text editor with the hundreds of features for Linux, *BSD, Mac, Windows, OS/2 and Haiku."

GitHub: https://github.com/psemiletov/tea-qt
Debian: apt-get install tea (only two dependencies: anti-word, tea-data).

TEA text editor has endless configuration options including all the key mappings that allows custom setting of everything in the KEYBOARD tab as shown in the screenshot. Please note that the quirky monspace font is not the default TEA setting but from my own custom QT settings. You can apply any font you wish to the interface.

If you want to modify hotkeys via source code you would use Qt::QAction in tea.cpp in the repo. I'm not a Qt/C++ programmer but the source syntax is obvious and I have hacked other Qt interfaces to my liking with no problems.

One rough edge I found is that if the application is already open, passing a file via command line will not open it. I could not find any other UX bugs in it.

@firefly@neon.nightbulb.net avatar


There is also sublime text which allows configuring the keybindings in .json files It also allows ESC > command bindings. The user can put custom context and args in the binding actions.

download: https://www.sublimetext.com/

key bindings: https://www.sublimetext.com/docs/key_bindings.html

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