Eezyville, avatar

So what if the deep fake consent?


Governments grasping at straws. More news at 8.


Seems like a waste of resources that could better be spent on other things.

tal, avatar

“Deepfake pornography is a growing cause of gender-based harassment online and is increasingly used to target, silence and intimidate women — both on and offline,” Meta Oversight Board Co-Chair Helle Thorning-Schmidt said in a statement.


I think that there’s an argument for taking the opposite position. If someone could make deepfake porn trivially and it were just all over the place, nobody would care about it; one knows that it’s fake.

In fact, it’d kind of make leaked actual pornography no-impact as a side effect, unless there were a way to distinguish distinguish between deepfakes. And that’s a harder issue to resolve. I was reading a discussion yesterday about sextortion on here and talking about how technically-difficult it would be to keep someone from recording sex video chats, that there’d always be an analog hole at least. But…there is another route to solve that, which is simply to make such a video valueless because there’s a flood of generated video.


Deep fake recognition is already available. And, while what you predict sounds logical, these criminals prey on emotions. I feel that a lot of innocent people will be victimized even if deep fake porn becomes common.

gedaliyah, (edited ) avatar

This is why we should be making laws around likeness rights. If you damage somebody by publicly using their name to spread falsehoods, that’s defamation or libel. But, if you produce an image or video of their likeness instead of using their name, there’s no legal recourse. Makes no sense this day in age

cygnus, avatar

Who decides how similar somebody is “allowed” to look to another? There are people who bear an uncanny resemblance to others. And what of identical twins? Can one sue the other if they do porn?


The courts, probably. That’s what they are for.


I wonder what happens when it just accidentally looks like someone but was intended to be a fictional person. Also, how much can you base it on a real person before it’s considered a deep fake of that person? Would race-swapping be enough to make it a “new” person so it’s not illegal anymore? My intuition is that just eye colour or something wouldn’t be enough, but it’s a sliding scale where the line must be drawn somewhere even if it’s a fuzzy line.

What about an AI generated mashup of two people like those “what the child would look like” pictures back in the day. Does that violate both people or neither?

What about depicting a person older than they are now? That’s technically not somebody that exists, but might in the future.

What if you use AI but make it look like it’s hand-drawn or a cartoon?

What if you use AI to create sexual voice clips of a real person but use images that don’t look like them or no image at all?

There are just so many possibilities and questions that I feel it might be impossible to legislate in a way that isn’t always 10 steps behind or has a million unforeseen consequences.


Well, let’s find out. Please give me 20 sample photos of you, 30 minutes of audio and 10 of video.

I’m going to have you get gangbanged by 100 German men and upload it to xvideos.

Now, that is probably something you deserve to consent to, isn’t it?


There’s already laws against using someone’s likeness for commercial purposes without their consent, I’m guessing this will require the same fuzzy cutoff and basically just be up to the jury to decide or the judge to dismiss.

theodewere avatar

seems like the only way to deal with it.. make it equivalent to sexual assault..

FaceDeer, avatar

A naked picture of me simply existing is not equivalent to sexual assault. If you want to make it illegal then treat it as its own thing.


The only way to deal with it is to let so much of it flood the digital world that nobody cares anymore because there’s a deepfake porno of everyone.

This is a waste of money to ensure rich people don’t get porn made of them by poor people.

Poor people won’t be able to afford lawyers and aren’t able to take time off to show up in court.

theodewere avatar

you have a cracked view of jurisprudence.. maybe you look at too much deepfake porn..


I prefer real porn.

FlyingSquid, avatar

“Without consent.” I’m very curious who would consent to having deepfake porn made of themselves.


A user shared a story a while back about his wife and her sister giving photos and agreeing to it. Lots of kinky people out there.


Could be very lucrative if you are already in porn and want to make some money from your likeness. This guy’s gonna pay me $500 to make a video and I don’t even have to do anything?

Could also be very good for porn stars who have “aged out” but can still make videos using their younger bodies as weird as that may be.

BraveSirZaphod avatar

I can imagine a non-zero amount of people would consent to a deep-fake porn video of themselves having sex with some generic hot woman, just as one example.

FlyingSquid, avatar

That makes sense, I hadn’t thought of that sort of deepfake.


Better make sure the generic hot woman doesn’t resemble anyone real though.

cygnus, avatar

I have a hard time accepting this as a crime. What if the illustration hand-drawn, or clothed but still sexual in character? Is caricature illegal, by this standard?


There’s a big difference between a deep fake and a caricature.


Yeah, but only one of degree.


How so?


It’s making an image on someone that portrays them in an unrealistic and offensive context.


So if I use AI to make pornography of 50 men gang banging you, you will consider that to be on the same level as going to a carnival and getting a characture done?


The difference is so big, it easily becomes qualitative.


Ooohh, can’t wait to see us waste billions of dollars deliberating what is acceptable just like with copyright law.

This is another law that only exists to protect rich people. Poor people can’t afford a lawyer and don’t have time to show up in court.


You seriously can’t see why deep fakes are a serious problem to everyone?

This law won’t protect just rich.

Imagine the chaos as some idiot teen creates a deep fake of some other teen in a compromising position.

Go talk to an attorney and see what they have to say about it.


You’d better not have a particularly vivid imagination or else you’ll be prosecuted for daydreaming.


Yea, this is a funny thing to think about.

You can jerk off to photos of people, you can imagine some wild things involving other people etc.

If you just create some deepfake porn to masturbate by yourself to, I don’t see a big problem with that.

The only issue I can find is, that due to neglect someone else sees it, or even hears about it.

The problem starts with sharing. Like it would be sexual harassment to tell people who you are masturbating to, especially sharing with the “actors” of your fantasies.

There is however another way this could go:

Everyone can now share nudes with way less risk.

If anyone leaks them, just go: “That’s a deepfake. This is obviously a targeted attack by the heathens of the internet, who are jealous of my pure and upstanding nature. For me only married missionary with lights out.”


Is caricature illegal, by this standard?


The official government announcement is linked in the article btw.

BolexForSoup avatar

I understand this won’t be a popular statement, but to me, it falls under I know it when I see it.

I don’t know the exact location of the line, but there is no artistic, scientific, or any other kind of merit to someone making deepfake nudes of a 14 year old and circulating them around school. The victim comes first in these cases. I don’t want to debate what is or isn’t child porn. I think we all agree this girl was a victim and this should never have happened.

To get away from the minors-argument: it’s just like how I can’t go around shooting photos of random people when they’re naked and then circulate them. Hell you can barely do that even if they aren’t naked except in particular circumstances where consent to be photographed is taken as a given.

Non-consensual deepfakes should, by and large, not be allowed.

cygnus, avatar

I can’t go around shooting photos of random people when they’re naked and then circulate them.

That’s wildly different. It’s like saying that writing about murder and actually committing it are the same thing.

BolexForSoup avatar

Deepfakes are already so good in many cases that the differences are basically trivial. The gulf between writing and committing murder is far wider. Not a great parallel IMO.

How would you feel if someone spread nude deepfakes of you? Your partner? Your child? Are you telling me that’s just like writing about doing something and not closer to committing the act and you’d just shrug and move on with your life?

cygnus, avatar

Deepfakes are already so good in many cases that the differences are basically trivial.

Then if anything it gives deniability to real nudes. “It wasn’t me, it’s fake!”

How would you feel if someone spread nude deepfakes of you? Your partner? Your child? Are you telling me that’s just like writing about doing something and not closer to committing the act and you’d just shrug and move on with your life?

It depends. There’s already a legal framework for defamation, so if the deepfake is made public and has a negative impact on me I can use that avenue. Simply making the deepfake, though, is akin to drawing me naked (not that anyone wound want to do that). It’s deeply weird but should not be illegal IMO.

BolexForSoup avatar

It’s not about deniability. I don’t want incredibly photorealistic nudes of me or my family spreading around with little to no consequences. I certainly don’t want to get into prolonged court battles over it. Why does somebody’s unfettered use of AI trump my dignity as a person? We have restrictions on photography and video baked into our legal framework. Why should this be any different?

I can’t imagine you would be so flippant if this was happening to you.

cygnus, avatar

We have restrictions on photography and video baked into our legal framework. Why should this be any different?

Because it isn’t real. Why should someone be charged for creating a work of fiction? Do you not see how dangerous that precedent is?

BolexForSoup, (edited )
BolexForSoup avatar

How is a paper facsimile generated with glass and light any more or less real than a near-duplication in a digital format? You are splitting hairs here. If the average person essentially can’t distinguish between a deep fake and a “real“ photo or agrees it is sufficiently similar for their purposes than it’s moot. Your argument hinges on whether or not something is “real“ and that is not a prior that most people agree with, nor is it a scientific or otherwise objective/measurable benchmark. You can’t just vacillate between science-y sounding responses and opinions like that.

There are deep fakes that look more “real” than some old photos. Where does that factor into this?

I’m being dead serious here when I ask: what constitutes “real”? Because that seems to be doing a lot of heavy lifting in your responses. And I don’t really see that word tossed around much in legal frameworks that’s for sure, certainly not as you seem to be using it. I’ve been in the visual/audio media industry for 15 years and I can tell you that your lines in the sand are yours and yours alone. The thousands of releases I’ve been responsible for over the course of my career make that pretty obvious.

cygnus, avatar

I’m being dead serious here when I ask: what constitutes “real”? Because that seems to be doing a lot of heavy lifting in your responses.

That seems pretty obvious to me: a capture of a person’s actual body, rather than a fabrication based on other source materials or created out of whole cloth. I’m not sure what your counterpoint might be. Do you consider CGI to be “real”?

BolexForSoup avatar

If you generate a deepfake it's based on information garnered from the person's actual body/face/etc. How is that any different? None of what you are describing is particularly distinguishing or measurable and I'm still failing to see where "real" falls here. If you use my face to generate a fake, because you have to use an image of my face to make that happen which according to you is "real," how is that functionally any different? You're still using my "real" image or whatever.

This reads to me like...I don't know, if I right click a photo and choose "duplicate" on my computer then I've no longer got the "real" image. Because it's "new" pixels not comprised of the original. You are trivializing the source of the image, aka a person.

cygnus, avatar

If you generate a deepfake it’s based on information garnered from the person’s actual body/face/etc. How is that any different?

Because it isn’t their actual face or body. I’m not sure what’s so complicated about what I’m saying. A photo or video is 100% accurate representation of a person, capturing their actual face/body at a real moment in time. A deepfake or CGI model or painting or charcoal drawing is not a capture of their actual face/body but merely a creative reproduction or interpolation.

This reads to me like…I don’t know, if I right click a photo and choose “duplicate” on my computer then I’ve no longer got the “real” image. Because it’s “new” pixels not comprised of the original. You are trivializing the source of the image, aka a person.

This analogy doesn’t make sense at all.

BolexForSoup, (edited )
BolexForSoup avatar

A photo or video is 100% accurate representation of a person

That's a pretty decisive statement considering it's been a core debate since the moment the first daguerreotype was captured and no one has conclusively answered it. If I use an 8mm lens is that an accurate representation of you? No, the lens by its very nature is distorting.

I have to use an image of you to generate a deep fake. You are the source. A photo of you, which again is somehow "real" according to you, is the required source to make this work. It is not like using a photo to paint a portrait. The distinction here should be obvious, if for no other reason than the end goal is an image indistinguishable from a “real” photograph or video.

Again you constantly jump between philosophical and measurable definitions. Your argument hinges on some notion of the "truth of the photograph," which is not a given in the slightest. And at the end of the day, that 14 year old student in Spain was harassed by her classmates in an absolutely vile, fucked up way that is only possible through the use of her "real" image. You need to take a step back and realize what corner you are standing in here. This is not some academic debate, this is real shit with real consequences. Hiding behind some arbitrary line of what constitutes a "real" image does not suddenly make this problem go away. I mean what are you even fighting for here? The right to depict anyone in any way to a mass audience with impunity? As if revenge porn wasn't a big enough issue already.

If someone takes a ton of photos of you and uses it to make a convincing deepfake of your kid(s) having sex or otherwise nude I have a feeling you're going to take this matter a lot more seriously. And make no mistake, that shit is already happening. Because kids can be absolutely horrific to each other. I don't even want to google what adults are doing.

cygnus, avatar

I already addressed how the existing legal framework is able to deal with this. Defamation and blackmail are very well-established legal concepts.

As for the rest, it’s clear to me that this discussion is going nowhere and I have no interest in continuing it. I can’t argue with someone who believes an artwork based off a photo is exactly the same as a photo.

BolexForSoup avatar

Deepfakes are largely works of art now? Sadly it does seem this was a waste of time.

Gigan, avatar

If they’re going to go this way, I don’t think it should be limited to just porn. There are plenty of ways you could ruin someone’s life without a deepfake being sexually explicit.


There already are a lot of laws covering that. This one is to cover an additional angle where people create deepfake without provably publishing it, the intent being that showing it to friends and verbally threatening to “leak” them should be easier to prosecute.

If you create a deepfake and share it, you’re slapped with two crimes.

FaceDeer, avatar

the intent being that showing it to friends and verbally threatening to "leak" them should be easier to prosecute.

That's blackmail, which is already illegal.


Using a mobile phone while driving has always been illegal if you could argue that it was dangerous driving or driving without due care and attention. They made a law specifically saying that using a mobile phone without hands free is illegal anyway. This makes it easier to prosecute because you don’t need to argue that they were driving dangerously or without due care.

I imagine that this law has the same intent of making this specific act illegal to prevent them having to argue that it fits another crime.


Yeah the way people can recreate someone “in need of assistance” to trick family or associates is really scary especially for people who aren’t exactly tech savvy. That seems to me to be a worse crime than an explicit video that is pretty obviously doctored

BolexForSoup avatar

This is what frustrates me so much about AI evangelists. They really do not give a shit about consequences. And then if you raise even the slightest concern, they call you a Luddite and paint you as somebody who is technophobic or otherwise small minded. God forbid we anticipate or otherwise try to deal with the myriad of consequences this tech is unleashing and will unleash.

I use AI tools every single day in my work. I have for years, pre-ChatGPT. They can be amazing and have made my video/audio editing pipeline so much better than it was even four or five years ago. But I don’t let it blind me to the real world harms these incredibly accessible tools can enable.

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