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thingsiplay, in Retro games really did look better on a CRT
thingsiplay avatar

@LastoftheDinosaurs There are filters for emulators called "Shaders" which can make games look close to a CRT look and feel. I use RetroArch to emulate games, which has first class support for such Shaders for use with any supported emulator core. If you want, have a look at what is possible with an article I wrote a while back, which has sliders to see a before and after effect:

Here a screenshot without and with my favorite Shader called "Royale" and a variant of the Shader that simulates even more characteristics, "Royale NTSC SVideo" :

ChrisFhey avatar

Very interesting read. Thank you for sharing.

It's impressive how much of a difference those CRT shaders make, and it explains why I often remember games looking better than they do when I try to replay them now.

Odo, in A cache of '90s internal documents at Sega has suddenly appeared online

All those Twitter links didn’t work for me, so I had to go digging. Here’s a direct link:

RaoulDook, in Why are younger generations embracing the retro game revival?

It’s because those old games are good and fun


Simple as


Gameplay always wins over everything else. The rest is a bonus.

whotookkarl, avatar

Classic movies, music, etc why not expect classic games?

BolexForSoup avatar

Helps to have decades to separate the wheat from the chaff lol

yukichigai avatar

This is the key, yeah. It's not that you can't find new games that are good and fun, but it takes a while before there are enough reviews to know if Game X is a smartly designed game or absolute trash.

Meanwhile multiple people have spent the last several decades analyzing literally every game released for NES/SNES/Genesis/etc. and most games are available on multiple platforms for super cheap.

BolexForSoup avatar

Let’s also not forget that the entire video game industry crashed in the 80s and one of the leading causes was a lack of quality control lol

leigh, in A cache of '90s internal documents at Sega has suddenly appeared online avatar
bloup, in Why are younger generations embracing the retro game revival?

It turns out that, just like fancy graphics, not constantly trying to empty your customers pockets actually represents some kind of economic value. The ironic thing is so many of these old games were literally designed to steal your quarters.

BolexForSoup avatar

I’ve never liked the argument that graphics aren’t important in a visual medium. I also find there is a strange overlap of folks that excuse Nintendo’s visuals as “prioritizing the gameplay and art” while also decrying anyone playing sub-1440p @144fps and ultra settings as basically wasting their time.

So no, I don’t think it’s appropriate to equate prioritizing visuals to predatory gambling-like practices that attempt to make the audience into an army of addicts.


I don’t really understand what you think my comment is about but I promise you it’s not that.

BolexForSoup avatar

I guess I’m just having trouble parsing it, no worries


Sorry it wasn’t clear. I’m saying that the monetization stuff is so bad, that young people who would otherwise be put off by the retro graphics in a lot of these games, are willing to look past them.

BolexForSoup avatar

That makes sense! Sorry for jumping on you there. Lately just gotten a little tired of how much people say graphics don’t matter when it’s a cornerstone of a video game. I like big, bad visuals. The opening to final fantasy 8 for instance still takes my breath away as much as it did when it came out because I can remember how revolutionary the visuals were.

I totally get you’re not saying that now, just musing lol


Well, only the arcade versions of games were designed to steal your quarters. The home console versions were much better about not harassing your wallet.

For instance, Gauntlet Legends on its arcade cabinet hardware drained your health at a consistent time based rate. Add more quarters to gain more health. All home console versions abolished this health drain mechanic.


That’s mostly true, except for games made specifically harder so that you’d have to rent them multiple times (eg: ActRaiser 2 NTSC-U/C / SNES is much harder than its NTSC-J / SFC counterpart).

teft, avatar

games made specifically harder so that you’d have to rent them multiple times

Fucking BattleToads


I didn’t know they artificially ramped up the difficulty! That game had a reputation when we were kids! Thanks for sharing


Yep. Buncha bastards.


That’s mostly true, except for games made specifically harder so that you’d have to rent them multiple times

Wait this was a thing game designers actually to into account? I’ve never heard this


There was definitely the occasional tom-foolery with publishers and designers here and there but it was also generally never at the expense of game play.


Probably some games did after the home rental market got started, but a lot of older games were difficult specifically to extend the experience. Cartridge storage was small, so if it was too easy you’d get through all 10 levels in less than a day and then feel like you hadn’t got very much for your money.


Well I guess I am just wondering how more rentals from a video store would benefit the developers financially? I mean I’m sure I could research but surely game studios didn’t get any kind of percentage from the rental places based on how many times a title was rented right?


They didn’t want you to rent it multiple times. They wanted you to rent it once, be unable to beat it, but be intrigued enough that you purchased the game from a store. If you could play and beat a game in a single rental, there was little incentive to buy it (so the developers thought, and I imagine had some data to back it up).


More rentals = more demand = more copies purchased by rental stores (I can’t rent you the game you want if someone else has it right now).


Did game companies get royalties from rentals? I though the idea was that you’d want to buy it if you couldn’t beat it in a rental period


Except there were so many Japanese games not brought to the west because they were deemed too difficult for western gamers.


You say this like you’re correcting the person you’re responding to, but they didn’t dispute this. Both can be true.


Both were true!


The game companies also wanted gamers to call their hotline if they get stuck, where they would charge by the minute to give tips (and they weren’t known for their brief calls).


But is making a game harder to discourage rental and encourge purchasing stealing your quarters? Id argue no. You still get value if you renting the game, and the idea of rentals is really that if you like it then you pay to own it.

NoDignity, in My Sega Saturn still doesn't read memory cartridges.

A few things I have observed over the years you might want to check. Take a flashlight or something and look at the actual contacts in the port and see if they are bent. Sometimes the old cheap 4 in one carts have poorly made PCBs what arent beveled correctly or are too thick and squish the pins and they no longer make good contact. It looks like an official one in the pic but unless you have had this since new who knows what someone threw in here. see here for some more info on that

Also these backup carts do just sometimes go bad though I don’t know if I have ever seen an official one go bad but buying a new one to test may help with that as they aren’t that expensive. They also usually have lots of built in features like an action replay and acting as an extended ram cart. Just make sure to try and check that the pcb is made correctly with that link above

guyrocket, in The cartridge art was always so kickass. You just had to use your imagination quite a bit...
guyrocket avatar

And later we were further deceived with cut-scenes that were so much better than the gameplay.


….which itself gave birth to everyone’s favourite small print .

*not actual gameplay


I never liked those FMVs. They age so badly too, those FMVs looked like a blurry mess when I was playing PS1 games on my PC using an emulator


Ff8’s seamless cinematic to cut-scene swaps were amazing. Ages very poorly, tho.

lobut, in The cartridge art was always so kickass. You just had to use your imagination quite a bit...

I remember playing Doom for the first time and I remember thinking that graphics would never get any better than that. Like the arm even moves when he walks!

How horribly naïve I was.


My peak game i think it was F.E.A.R., my pc couldn’t run it at full but I remember thinking it couldn’t possibly get any better than that


In some ways it didn’t.


No microtransaccions, no battle pass, just a nice story to tell through a videogame, awesome soundtrack also


I remember getting deep into that game, trying to make my own levels with megs of RAM and having things crash. Changing all the sprites on some of the mobs, recording my own sounds and replacing various noises in the game. I learned how to strafe using 100& keyboard (couldn’t look up or down in that game), and dominating the evil. Good time to be a teenager. I still think some of the secret rooms in that game were some of the best.

The_Picard_Maneuver, avatar

Same. It was too realistic.

FlyingSquid, avatar

I remember feeling the same way with Myst. “It even has video!”


I had those moments multiple times. I remember thinking the same about International Karate on the Amiga. Then my mind was blown with Street Fighter II, Max Payne was one for sure as mentioned elsewhere and let’s not forget Carmageddon, which got a little bit too realistic. Graphics technology developed so fast, you can’t compare it to today’s upgrades. As I’m older now 10 year old games still feel “new” to me.


Agreed. I used to be blown away by a game from a technical standpoint 2-3 times per console generation and at a similar clip on the PC side. Now we are getting GTA V and Skyrim re-released for the 10th time. Neither of those games were groundbreaking at the time (IMO) as they both were good but predictable progressions from their previous entries.

Playing DKC and seeing the detailed sprites, Mario 64 (and several others) ushering in 3D, the FMVs in FF VII, and the enemy AI in FEAR, these things felt like monumental leaps forward. Nowadays, the closest thing I can think of is something like Elden Ring or TotK which to me is just taking an existing good game (Dark Souls/BotW) and slapping a mechanic onto it (Open world/crafting). They are both excellent games, but neither compare to the leap forward of FF VII or Mario 64.

Maybe I’m just jaded by adulthood and have my rose tinted glasses on.

SpaceCadet, avatar

As I’m older now 10 year old games still feel “new” to me.

It’s not just you getting older, it’s also diminishing returns.

It takes more and more effort, both in manpower as in graphical processing power, to make graphical leaps, and the visible returns are getting less.

You can compare it to video formats:

  • VHS => DVD: huge quality upgrade
  • DVD => 1080p HD: yeah that definitely looks better
  • 1080p => 4k: I guess it’s a little sharper?
  • 4k => 8k: Well it’s … more. Also: why is everything running so hot?

Well, 8k is in allmost all home-usecases useless, 4k a better choice. Except maybe for video walls. Eye resolution is limited by angular resolution (visual acuity).


I actually liked 3D movies and I even bought the Nvidia 3D kit to play my PC games in 3D, it was amazing (to me)!

But it was an imperfect 3D technology that gave many people headaches, so I can understand why it eventually got scrapped.

I do have a VR headset too, but besides Half-Life Alyx, there haven’t really been any VR games I am so hyped for that I keep going back to play in VR.

thingsiplay avatar

@lobut I thought Donkey Kong Country on the SNES was photorealistic and rivaled movies like Terminator 2, which used the same technology behind the scenes. I thought every game would look the same as Donkey Kong Country in future.


grew up with c64, spectrum+3, master system, genesis, nes, snes. So when I bought a ps1 with my paper round money and started up the intro to Soul Blade, that would become Soul Calibur, the graphics jump shook me to my core and brought tears to my eyes. I was like "THIS is the peak of graphics. Nothing can beat this.

Here’s the video:

pomodoro_longbreak, avatar

I mean that looks legit. I’ve got no nostalgia at play here, having never seen that intro before.


5 year old me thought it looked photorealistic.

GrammatonCleric, avatar

That was Mortal Kombat when I was 15


But mortal Kombat WAS photorealistic (in my head)

The_Picard_Maneuver, avatar

It still is in my head… Didn’t they use real photos/video for the animation?


I think it was the first use of motion capture in a video game.

It made Street Fighter look so cartoony and childish by comparison.

MyFairJulia, avatar

They did have people dress as the fighters and do poses and then took photos of them and turned these photos into sprites.

So the game was photorealistic (that is within the technological boundaries of the platforms the game ran on).

I’d love to see a 2D Mortal Kombat with the original photos taken from what we may consider the OG Mortal Kombat cosplayers.


I remember Altered Beast having amazing graphics, but it was just memory goggles. I was very disappointed when I got around to firing it up in an emulator.


Same, basically every game I played as a kid has awful graphics compared to modern stuff

FlyingSquid, avatar

Primal Rage too for me. “Stop motion animation? In a game? This is the height of technology!”


Heh I thought the same with Max Payne. (the first one)

FullOfBallooons, in The cartridge art was always so kickass. You just had to use your imagination quite a bit... avatar

Always loved that they play a Master System.


Not sure, aye. Cartridge slot is on the other side and it’s connected to the TV via RCA with stereo audio. hmm, I can’t think of another console that meets those prerequisites though.


I present Rigby, named after the finest fucking raccoon ever.

I present Rigby, named after the finest dumbest fucking raccoon ever.

brothershamus, in New Atari 2600 is coming in November
brothershamus avatar

Does the Atari 2600+ use emulation software to play game cartridges?

Yes, the Atari 2600+ uses emulation technology to play game cartridges. View the full list of compatible games here.

Oooohhh. So close.

WintLizard, in I re-purchased a Sega 32X. I don't know why... avatar

Now you just need to get the CD and your genesis will be complete!

eroc1990, avatar

The holy trinity.


It’s the tower of power

StinkySnork avatar

I almost achieved this. I had the master system adapter instead of the 32x. Does that count?


A Master Gear Converter would have made you a baller


I didn't know this existed until this minute, and now I really really want one for my Game Gear.

P34C0CK, (edited )

SEGA shelves at toy stores and rental stores were so chaotic in this era ❤️


Parents were so (understandably) confused when buying games lol

LordOfTheChia, (edited )

It started with a good idea. Games were selling for the SNES and Genesis with 3D chips built in (and were really expensive). Like Virtua Racer (SVP chip) and Star Fox (FX chip). So why not sell the 3D chip add on separately instead of paying $100 a cartridge.

They botched the release (no 3 games at launch) and full 3D consoles were too close. The Saturn was released in the US 6 months after the 32X.

Would have been interesting if they had released it sooner or if they had released Virtua Racer or Virtua Fighter with the 32X instead of the standalone releases.

Neat video on the built in 3D chips:

Edit: Video specifically about the 32x

peetabix, avatar

That would be totally mega.


I had this and it was glorious


make it even taller and add a sega channel attachment (if only the service still existed)


I wanted that service so bad as a kid. I terrorized my local cable company by calling every single day for months (sometimes more than once) thinking “if enough people called asking for it, they’d get it”. RIP receptionist lady.

PrinceHabib72, in Recently picked up Chrono Trigger - Amazing Game!

Chrono Trigger is so far ahead of its time, it’s insane. Enemies visible on the field map, battles taking place directly on the field map, character positioning mattering immensely, multi-character attacks, incredible music that holds up today, a compelling story with something like 15 total endings (granted, it’s not like they’re ENTIRELY different from one another, there are a few major branches with a few variations each)… Most of these things would all but vanish from games for twenty-plus years. I remember when Final Fantasy 12 came out, it was lauded for having the enemies shown on the map and battles taking place on the map as well.

thingsiplay avatar

@PrinceHabib72 Chrono Trigger also had New Game+, which basically created the term for RPGs. I played another JRPG long before Chrono Trigger, where enemies was visible on the playfield in dungeons: the infamous Final Fantasy Mystic Quest (fantastic soundtrack BTW).

onichama, in Retro games really did look better on a CRT

Relevant example.

It just looks soooo much better.


Symphony of the Night is one of the games that took the most advantage from CRTs. In them it creates an illusion of additional details. Without them it looks grainy and the gradients don't come together right.

thingsiplay avatar

@onichama Good game artists of that time period knew the limitation of their current technology and created the graphics with it in mind. In some games more apparent than on others. The linked image (often cited) is a good example of a game artist being aware.


which one, left or right? I dont game

wavebeam, avatar

The one on the left is an emulated version, and the one on the right is a photo of a CRT with a composite signal (the yellow cable that was pair with white and red audio) most common back in the 90’s. The image illustrates how the graphic designers for this game knew they were going to be displayed on a CRT that would fuzz the image and so they deliberately made Dracula’s eyes that color of red with that placement because they knew it’d get mixed to give it a more ethereal effect to look like he’s got glowing red eyes. The ruffles in his shirt are also a great example of how the CRT enhanced the look.


It really is a stunning comparison. Designing art for CRTs was like painting with light.

“It was not by MY hand I was once again given pixels!”

skellener, in Retro games really did look better on a CRT
skellener avatar

Better is subjective

Candelestine, in Friendship with Super Mario RPG ended. Now Tetris is my best friend.

Tetris never really goes out of style tbf. There’s something too fundamental about it. Pong was the first truly timeless game imo, one of the very few of the arcade generation. People could still play a basic version of that and enjoy it 100 years from now, it’ll have some appeal. Tetris is the best example in that camp. It’s a masterpiece. It requires no nostalgia to appreciate, no real background or anything. Just a really simple, dopamine-escalating puzzle that is accessible to pretty much all. SMB3, Chrono Trigger or Ocarina of Time can’t say that, they all require you to be the sort of person that enjoys that sort of thing. Tetris really doesn’t, you could give it to someone that hates video games. Just mute the volume maybe.

It’ll outlive us all, in similar iterations to its current form. Most powerful thing to ever come out of Russia, hands down. Putting a man in orbit? Whatever. Fields full of tanks and a huge nuclear arsenal? Meh, fat lot of good its doing them. Atilla the Hun? Okay, could make a case there. Tetris, though… The west has never truly matched it. I think Candy Crush is the closest we’ve gotten.


It’s also one of the very few retro games I’m good at. (Had to use save states in Yoshi’s Story, believe it or not.)


Not really you. The difficulty was naturally higher, for a wide array of reasons, most of which get ignored. Inputs were poorer, the management of difficulty curves was basically lolrandom, people didn’t know how to really tutorialize yet, etc etc.

Tetris doesn’t really suffer from any of these. Either they got lucky or designed it very smartly. Prob both. It’s a masterpiece. Most retro games aren’t, even our favorites.

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