glynmoody, avatar

EU-wide digital wallet: MEPs reach deal with Council - this is an absolute disgrace, it will open up everyone in EU to invisible, unstoppable government surveillance. shame on @EU_Commission and @Europarl_EN details:


@glynmoody @EU_Commission Agreed: That shit provides no benefit for the end user but solely enables #Cyberfacism and #PoliceState...

Literally making it possible to delete people from registries and locking them out of their identity makes it trivual to commit #ForcedDisappearance and illegally #deport and #denaturalize citizens into being #stateless.

A wet dream for #Christofacists like #Orban and #LePen...


@glynmoody And lets not get into the #unconstitutionality of abolishing peoples' right to #privacy, #security and the #RightToRemainSilent as pillars of #HumanRights the #EU once swore to uphold and protect...

Or were these just fine words, @EU_Commission ???

quincy, avatar

@kkarhan @glynmoody

#EU #trilog and virtual trolley problem experts:

what are the next opportunities to stop this trainwreck?

KatS, avatar

@quincy @kkarhan @glynmoody I suspect the solution is to replace the existing CA system altogether, with something that takes into account everything the cryptography community has learned from SSL/TLS.
That would leave them with an empty victory, and us with better security.

Ideally (IMO) that would involve displacing the existing hierarchical system in favour of a more decentralised web-of-trust thing, but... how many PGP keysigning parties have you been to in the last five years?


@KatS @quincy @glynmoody well, we see how #WebOfTrust and such attemots get cockblocked by the #GAFAMs - or does noone else remember #CAcert?

#Apple and #Microsoft flat-out refused to even consider it and @mozilla was at least willing to work on that regard.

In the meantime we see #Govware #Backdoors in #Windows that are so obvious it's flabnerghasting why this binary trash isn't illegal like a submachine gun because it certainly harms #NatSec way more than one...


@KatS @quincy @glynmoody But to back to your argument:

The imentire #Internet is fundamentally broken and the only good way to do it is like @torproject to have a self-certifyibg namespace:

Oh wait, #Cyberfacists want to #ban #Tor as well because it allows #privacy and #anonymity!

KatS, avatar

@kkarhan @quincy @glynmoody @torproject And that's part of the challenge: coming up with something that they can't outlaw without also hurting measures like this.

quincy, avatar


Of course they'll want to ban that next, they've been itching to for a long time ...


@quincy such a ban is a red line they should not cross, because for a lot of people that would be a clear decalaration of war against them...

And I'd rather not fuck around and find out in that regard...

glynmoody, avatar

@quincy good question; I suppose we just have to kick up a big stink until they see sense, but we don't have much time @kkarhan

thomasjorgensen, avatar

@glynmoody @quincy @kkarhan I am not sure that I understand the issue: Does the use of one certificate make the issuer able to see everything that I do when not using that certificate?

glynmoody, avatar

@thomasjorgensen @quincy @kkarhan a government - or rather its intelligence agency - could use a certificate claiming falsely to be any entity, allowing them to intercept traffic to that entity, then pass it on (man in the middle attack). even though the browser maker knew this was false, they would be forbidden from revoking the cert...

thomasjorgensen, avatar

@glynmoody @quincy @kkarhan but that would be forbidden by existing laws, I could go to the ombudsmand, if this happened

quincy, avatar


the thing is, they're trying to mandate what runs on the user's system. that's a no-no, and no amount of procedure can fix this fundamental breach of security and basic rights.

trust can't be mandated and attempts to do so make one intrinsically unworthy of trust.

@glynmoody @kkarhan

thomasjorgensen, avatar

@quincy @glynmoody @kkarhan OK, but I also drive on the right side of the road. Sorry for being the devil's advocate here, but I am sincerely trying to understand

glynmoody, avatar

@thomasjorgensen @quincy @kkarhan the key issue is that EU governments will be able to carry out surveillance on any encrypted Web traffic, invisibly, and impossible to stop


@glynmoody @thomasjorgensen @quincy Exactly.

It's basically a mandated into basically everything because in the end everything uses / (with fewer and fewer exceptions like @torproject )...

And since that would be mandatory, it would be trivial to plant false evidence under people.

Not to mention what happens when the certs get solen (see and )...


@glynmoody @thomasjorgensen @quincy

That is #cyberfacism and I regard it as an act of self- and mitual defense to refuse to comply woth such bs!

thomasjorgensen, avatar

@kkarhan @glynmoody @quincy @torproject so yes, the issuer of these certificates would be able to see everything - also on sites that do not use these certificates, or no?

quincy, avatar

@thomasjorgensen The issuer could very well (be pressured or tampered with to) issue rogue certificates for any site it would like, to intercept or even help modify the traffic, since it's a root CA.

@kkarhan @glynmoody @torproject


@quincy @thomasjorgensen @glynmoody Also the Application Vendor could be forced to accepr said #Backdoor cert and not prompt about it.

Kinda like almost no device will complain if one degrades the #encryption or wireless standard on #GSM ( #2G) / #3G / #4G / #5G networks...

lobingera, avatar

@kkarhan @quincy @thomasjorgensen @glynmoody ... which is following the logic, that the network configures the device (and not vice versa).

I remember at least that some GSM phones displayed if A5/0 was used.

thomasjorgensen, avatar

@lobingera @kkarhan @quincy @glynmoody I have more questions: if this is not mandatory, could Google (that has both a wallet and a browser) not deny certificates from public wallets and force Chrome users to go to the Google Wallet and make it the de-facto universal wallet?

quincy, avatar

@thomasjorgensen They sure could. Google has never been on the users' side ... @lobingera @kkarhan @glynmoody


@quincy @thomasjorgensen @lobingera @glynmoody in fact didn't they try countless times to force shit that noone wants onto people, from to removing the to "" aka. mandatory that one can't disable...

Let's not forget - like all - was a collaborator, is subject to and and thus not only capable but able and willing beyond the legally mandated minimums to do so.

DON'T TRUST GOOGLE - or anyone!

quincy, avatar

@kkarhan @thomasjorgensen @lobingera @glynmoody

I think it all converges. WEI, QWAC, ...

quincy, avatar

@kkarhan @thomasjorgensen @lobingera @glynmoody

Hence my snarky remark about the conditions under which I prefer governments to google

quincy, avatar


(OT: I once saw a T-shirt: "cthulhu for president - why vote for a lesser evil"

That was before Trump though ...)

thomasjorgensen, avatar

@quincy @lobingera @kkarhan @glynmoody I prefer governments to Google

quincy, avatar

@thomasjorgensen So do I. Unless governments are forcing people to use google services ... or legislating against privacy ... @lobingera @kkarhan @glynmoody

quincy, avatar

@thomasjorgensen @lobingera @kkarhan

So let's make sure the offending parts are struck from the #eIDAS proposal ... they aren't necessary at all for the wallet to work


@quincy @thomasjorgensen @lobingera @glynmoody Yeah, tho I do see this as a way to shoehorn more #cyberfacism retroactively into stuff...

Just like with #eCall + banning #anonymous #Prepaid #SIM cards basically making a #GSM #tracker mandatory in #cars under the dalse claim to do "roadside assistance and distress calls" when other options would've offered the same at far less cost, better privacy and better coverage...


@lobingera @quincy @thomasjorgensen @glynmoody Yeah, some Devices even warned about the Network security being poor.

Nowadays one needs spechal devices/socs and stiff to even be able to measure the status as is...

glynmoody, avatar

@thomasjorgensen @quincy @kkarhan you wouldn't know about it if carried out by intelligence agency; and they are allowed to do it because of ridiculously broad exemptions for national security

thomasjorgensen, avatar

@glynmoody @quincy @kkarhan I would not know if my phone is tapped, but the police/intelligence services would still need a warrant. Is this a technical issue or an issue of trusting the checks and balances within our political systems?

glynmoody, avatar

@thomasjorgensen @quincy @kkarhan both: this breaks the trust system underlying encrypted Web transmissions; it also means there that by default EU intelligence services/police can eavesdrop on encrypted streams. it's the death of online privacy, and it's illegal to undo it. there are lots of other political issues to do with - say - Hungary issuing certificates that must be respected, which means that nice Mr Orban gets to read anything he wants to. might be useful for that nice Mr Putin...

thomasjorgensen, avatar

@glynmoody @quincy @kkarhan but is this the case for everything I do on my browser or only when I use services that requires that specific certificate?

glynmoody, avatar

@thomasjorgensen it applies to every Web site, even outside EU, because any certificate can be spoofed and thus abused @quincy @kkarhan

thomasjorgensen, avatar

@glynmoody @quincy @kkarhan In any case, if you want to do something political I would spin it like this: If you want this to work for example for banking, travelling or education, you need to ensure that citizens trust the system. This requires solid privacy guarantees, and then you say how to concretely solve the problem in the regulation.


@thomasjorgensen @glynmoody @quincy The only correct solution is to not even attempt to brick that trust!

If they had any warrant or legitimate interest, they'd have sufficient intel to kick in doors...

If not then we should question for an "intelligence agency" to exist as beinf fundamentally incompatible with freedom and human rights necessary for any decent democracy.

glynmoody, avatar

@thomasjorgensen @glynmoody @quincy In fact, they don't and you'd be surprised how easy it is to get Telcos to hand over data when the alternative is getting their HQ searched by police and staff held at gunpoint to do so.

Noone's gonna risk jail for any customer, amd I'm not saying this because I work for an ISP.

But you'd be surprised how mich cyberfacism is already pused under guise of "#NatSec" and "Fighting #OrganozedCrime" or whatever #figleaf...


@glynmoody @thomasjorgensen @quincy basically the #cyberfacist consept of "#LawfulInterception" foced down the throat of #SoftwareVendors just like the "P.R." #China does...

ErikJonker, avatar

@glynmoody @thomasjorgensen @quincy @kkarhan ...but that in itself is not something new, a government intelligence being able to intercept my traffic, for me more important are the safeguards and legal framework around it ? 🤔

quincy, avatar


Such a backdoor must demonstrably not exist. That's the only guarantee worth anything in the merciless digital world.

A system is compromised or it isn't, however much one could desire lawful interception in some cases.

@glynmoody @thomasjorgensen @kkarhan


@quincy @ErikJonker @glynmoody @thomasjorgensen +9001%

Amything else is #Cyberfacism and incompatible with a free society and human rights!

ErikJonker, avatar

@quincy @glynmoody @thomasjorgensen @kkarhan then an ordinary phone tapped (voice) is also unacceptable in all circumstances ?

quincy, avatar

@ErikJonker Making every phone undetectably tappable is unacceptable, as far as I am concerned, yes.

@glynmoody @thomasjorgensen @kkarhan


@quincy @ErikJonker @glynmoody @thomasjorgensen +9001%

I don't consider phomesto be secure at all.

And everyone who believes a centralized messenger like @signalapp or a privider like @protonmail will save their ass is either completely ignorant of cases besides #EncroChat & #ANØM or prefers to lie to oneself over the cold reality.

And it's not like I am the only one who works against #Cyberfacism...

And if that means I've to use a CB Radio & AFSK shit so be it!

ErikJonker, avatar

@quincy @glynmoody @thomasjorgensen @kkarhan ...ofcourse there must be checks& balances, legal framework, reporting (ex-post) etc, but some kind of surveillance in specific circumstances, controlled by law, must be possible, also in democratic societies. Not saying the EU proposal is without faults, i have not analysed it thoroughly...

quincy, avatar


When there's a legitimate target for tapping, that person can still be targeted with the right resources.

With due process.

But generalized mandated insecurity doesn't solve anything.

@thomasjorgensen @kkarhan

glynmoody, avatar

@ErikJonker you obviously have more faith in legal frameworks; the point is it should not be possible in the first place without legal safeguards, these backdoors are mandated by default - too easy to abuse @thomasjorgensen @quincy @kkarhan


@glynmoody @ErikJonker @thomasjorgensen @quincy EXACTLY THAT IS THE POINT!
Because all tech can be weaponized.

Or to put it simpler:
This is more irresponsible than giving a 9yr old an Uzi set to full auto and waiting for disaster to happen, because it would not just be a single 9yr old with a single mag but giant orgs with hundreds of thousands of people.

And like will all "National Security" bs, this will get extended until someone can be searched for a parking ticket or alleged littering...

ErikJonker, avatar

@glynmoody @thomasjorgensen @quincy @kkarhan ...i see, that's a valid criticism, mandated by default and/or too easy to abuse is not a good idea.

quincy, avatar

@ErikJonker @glynmoody @thomasjorgensen @kkarhan

it's not exactly a novel point though

and yet we're still forced to have this discussion every year ...

ErikJonker, avatar

@quincy @glynmoody @thomasjorgensen @kkarhan ...personally i hope tools like Signal develop further and provide some "safe" space for people

quincy, avatar

@ErikJonker Me too. Such a space must exist. @glynmoody @thomasjorgensen @kkarhan

KatS, avatar

@ErikJonker @quincy @glynmoody @thomasjorgensen @kkarhan Don't worry; eliminating this safety is the aim of ChatControl, which still isn't dead yet.

quincy, avatar

@KatS @ErikJonker @glynmoody @thomasjorgensen @kkarhan

How do these poisoned proposals manage to proliferate ... it's like a hydra

KatS, avatar

@quincy @ErikJonker @glynmoody @thomasjorgensen @kkarhan Like a Hydra, indeed.

Off the top of my head, I'd put it down to a long-term, carefully-thought out campaign by a well-funded bunch of fascists who are very bitter about having lost in the past.


@KatS @quincy @ErikJonker @glynmoody @thomasjorgensen in fact, that IS the case...

See #America2025 and the evagelical-christofacists networks that are well connected - ESPECHALLY IN THE #EU!

thomasjorgensen, avatar

@kkarhan @KatS @quincy @ErikJonker @glynmoody where I am beginning to understand is that making government certificates mandatory is a way to rein in big tech, but there would need the same kind of legal safeguards that prevent phone tapping and the police kicking in my door. I think that as a citizen, this would work for me

quincy, avatar

@thomasjorgensen @kkarhan @KatS @ErikJonker @glynmoody

but no, precisely: making government certificates mandatory is no way to rein in big tech!

I think what you want is a government-run CA that can be used for official processes and e-commerce.

That would be just the thing. No intrusive overreach needed.

quincy, avatar

@thomasjorgensen @kkarhan @KatS @ErikJonker @glynmoody

In the #eIDAS proposal it even says that one of the goals is that the whole thing is going to be voluntary.

How does that square with the kind of overreach that seems to follow from Article 45?


@quincy @thomasjorgensen @KatS @ErikJonker @glynmoody like with a lot of #cyberfacism expect this to become #mandatory sooner than later...

KatS, avatar

@kkarhan @quincy @thomasjorgensen @ErikJonker @glynmoody This: it'll start being voluntary. Over time, it'll become increasingly difficult to do without.

In Spain, it already takes several weeks to get a new ID card printed. It's an obvious move to steadily increase that lead-time, so that people increasingly just give up on even trying.


@quincy @thomasjorgensen @kkarhan @KatS @ErikJonker @glynmoody als freiwillig wäre hier nur die Wallet. Mehr nicht ! Die Browser MÜSSEN unsicher werden.

Inwieweit und vor allem wie lange bleibt diese Wallet freiwillig, wäre hier die Frage. Die war auch erst freiwillig. Jetzt kommt der nächste Schritt zu OptOut, dann mit Sicherheit verpflichtend.

  • Vertrau nicht Deinem Staat in dem Du lebst. Er will nur Dein Bestes, - Deine Daten und volle Kontrolle - über Dich ! *

kravietz, avatar


It’s simple - the whole narrative built around eIDAS by Mozilla & friends is bullshit

@thomasjorgensen @kkarhan @KatS @ErikJonker @glynmoody


@kravietz @quincy @KatS @thomasjorgensen @ErikJonker @glynmoody not really...

I do expect people to be first incentivized than nudged than forced to use it.

Kinda like with #Prepaid #SIM|s in #Germany:

  1. you get them easily.
  2. If you ID yourself you'll be able to auto top-up and wire-transfer onto those.
  3. If you want to transfer your old phone number you gotta have to ID.
  4. It's illegal (since 07/2017) to offer anonymous Prepaid SIM cards - period.

@kravietz @quincy @KatS @thomasjorgensen @ErikJonker @glynmoody Also even before it was mandatory it was incentivized and i.e. Refugees who registered with the Adress of their correct legal adress in the form of Central Housing got their cards randomly blocked for no good reason and forced to ID...

Abusing marginalized people and discriminating against them doen the line, knowing those can't get any postpaid SIM due to lack of credit rating or income to get any good standing with creditors...

kravietz, avatar


Not sure if I understand correctly, but in #eIDAS there's literally zero "forcing people" to do anything — the regulation is about making GAFAM corporations to recognize the QCA certificates. You, as a citizen, are not forced to use eIDAS or anything — the regulation is targeted at Google, Mozilla, Apple, Microsoft. Exactly in the same way as GDPR did not force citizens to do anything, but it forced corporations to seek your consent bofore employing behavioral tracking against you.

@quincy @KatS @thomasjorgensen @ErikJonker @glynmoody


@kravietz @quincy @KatS @thomasjorgensen @ErikJonker @glynmoody Then I sincerely doubt said #GAFAMs will ever comply or that @EU_Commission will evershow teeth in any of those cases.

Otherwise they'd not shove Money up #Amazon (#aws) and #Microsoft (#Windows & #Office365)'s rear whilst violating #EU #Procurement Laws and #GDPR which they never did (#PRISM) noc ever can (#CloudAct) comply with! via #InvestigateEurope

quincy, avatar


I hope this will be the case.

The wording of the proposal, unfortunately, doesn't make it clear at all.

I cannot simply trust the lawmakers' "good intentions".

What good is a law that's meant to do one thing, but says something else?

@KatS @thomasjorgensen @ErikJonker @glynmoody @kkarhan


@quincy @kravietz @KatS @thomasjorgensen @ErikJonker @glynmoody

The opposite of good isn't bad but "wenn intended"...

quincy, avatar

@kkarhan Yeah, because it makes potential critics lower their guard ... @kravietz @KatS @thomasjorgensen @ErikJonker @glynmoody


@quincy @kravietz @KatS @thomasjorgensen @ErikJonker @glynmoody

It's also worse because it uses #figleafs to allow for demolishing of #HumanRights and #CivilRights...

And personally it only radicalizes me into demanding not just the reinstation of all rights that got axed but also demand interest on top in retaliation...

quincy, avatar

@kkarhan @kravietz @KatS @thomasjorgensen @ErikJonker @glynmoody

I second that demand. Right now, too often there isn't even an independent (or any) evaluation of "necessary measures" say 5 years after to see if they were really "necessary"


@quincy @kravietz @KatS @thomasjorgensen @ErikJonker @glynmoody instead "temporary" measures get their temporary statutes axed and get normalized into #facist #PoliceState regulations...

quincy, avatar

@kravietz @KatS @thomasjorgensen @ErikJonker @glynmoody @kkarhan

They have to make it crystal clear that the law cannot be abused against makers of browsers.

But it doesn't do that. On the contrary.

Please have another look at Article 45 and tell me how you read anything into it but unreasonable demands on what "web browsers" (or sometimes "web-browsers" (sic)) can and cannot do.

So AFAICS there's no reason not to raise the alarm.


palha, avatar


The problem is, that nobody can trust the EU in the area of civil rights (I think you could never because it was since beginning only focused to business but never to democratic principles beside the Sunday speeches for the public)

About this is the typical salamislicing tactic observable in the past to trick the EU citicens. Wire taping is a good example or the Internet variation of that like Pegasus and other survailance tools.

All this raised questions about the hidden agenda behind that. I'm very sure that a lot of shady organizations are behind that like we just observing with the "chatcontrol" case.

So yes, I expect that forcing people is at the end.

@quincy @KatS @thomasjorgensen @ErikJonker @glynmoody @kkarhan

#eIDAS #eIDAS2 #chatcontrol


@palha @kravietz @quincy @KatS @thomasjorgensen @ErikJonker @glynmoody

I've to agree...

"" and all the other shit completely go so hard against the "free and democratic order" the claims to represent that I consider these efforts of pushing for and literal forms of and from within, with and trying to entrench their shittyness into the system.

It's disgusting and bad!!!

quincy, avatar

@kkarhan @palha

And ... even if I had good reasons to trust the authorities (based on their spotless track record and foolproof checks and balances, in some parallel universe), they still wouldn't belong in my computer.

Trust cannot be mandated. It has to be guaranteed.


@quincy @palha Eeyupp!

#Trust depends on #mutuality.

If the state doesn't trust the average citizen then why should anyone trust the state?

quincy, avatar

@thomasjorgensen @kkarhan @KatS @ErikJonker @glynmoody

Just say it's there and can be used. And it will be. Big tech can't and won't be able to compete.

quincy, avatar

@thomasjorgensen @kkarhan @KatS @ErikJonker @glynmoody

There are precedents - some EU countries have infrastructure for qualified digital signatures;

and as for big tech, they couldn't even stop LetsEncrypt, the free-of-cost community-run CA that supplanted commercial providers in many ways.


@quincy @thomasjorgensen @KatS @ErikJonker @glynmoody Well, @letsencrypt isn't that "community-run", at least not compared to #CACert which #BigTech like the #GAFAMs cockblocked out of existance or rather steam...

#LetsEncrypt is their take but wothoit #Community or a #WebOfTrust and instead a #free #CA similar to what #Twathe offered for some time...

quincy, avatar

@kkarhan you're right. it's not really community-run (but still a good example).


@quincy it certainly is an upgrade to 's (discontinued!) and in terms of a but yeah, not a good replacement for IMHO...


@quincy @thomasjorgensen @KatS @ErikJonker @glynmoody it's not as if Goverments don't already have their own CAs for tjeir own.sites.and that thise ain't accepted - far fron it.

Some even have fancy EV-SSL certs...

But they don't get to hijack #SSL certs of other wrbsites and services...

KatS, avatar

@thomasjorgensen @kkarhan @quincy @ErikJonker @glynmoody It does nothing to rein in big tech at all. What it does is enable governments to systematically tap interactions with them, equally as with any other smaller tech.

If I actually believed that due process was required, and public accountability would be genuinely applied, I'd be less worried.

However, one of the provisions is that under "exceptional circumstances" the agencies can go ahead and JFDI, then notify the court some time in the following 48 hours.
Historical precedent says that "exceptional circumstances" will turn out to be remarkably common, that there will be no effective punishment for either misusing these powers, or even for "forgetting" to report their use.

quincy, avatar


And cliueless folks who really don't understand the collateral harm they're forcing on everyone.

Never underestimate the power of cluelessness together with narrow-mindedness ...

@glynmoody @kkarhan


@quincy @KatS @glynmoody +9001%

Thevproblem is not tjat those propsing the shit don't know of the harm they do with it - they know that damn well.

It's that doing such harm - and that includes even proposing such #Govware & #Backdoors - isn't penalized at all!

quincy, avatar

@kkarhan @KatS @glynmoody

There ought to be some rule against repeatedly proposing unconstitutional laws ...

Maybe some rate limiting would even be enough, so it doesn't end up being such a DDOS-like drain on civil society

kkarhan, (edited )

@quincy @KatS @glynmoody +9001%

Or even better: Enforce existing laws and ban said politicans from politics if not ban tjeir parties if they do such shite.

It's just frustrating that law gest selectivly applied to those...#


@kkarhan @quincy @KatS @glynmoody I know it’s a typo but ‘lolitics’ is a very good word for the state of politics for this past decade at least.


@CynAq @quincy @KatS @glynmoody I fixed the typo...

But yeah, #ClownPolitics seems matching...


@quincy @KatS @ErikJonker @glynmoody @thomasjorgensen simple: #Cyberfacists like #Zensursula get "promoted away" to the #EU when their #Cyberfacism gets them grilled by the public!

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