
It’d really be great if journalists even attempted “educating” readers or providing meaningful context. But then again, would it get this kind of traction?

The interesting story here is that interest rates are raised to SLOW spending and encourage saving. The interest rates spiked to CURB inflation. It has worked, despite most journalists seeming keenness for it not to, for the most part. If consumers and businesses reduce their spending due to higher costs of borrowing, this will bring down prices over time, aligning with the Fed’s inflation targets.

No one explains this to the average person, ever. Ironically, the story here should be consumers are spending money even when saving it should be incentivized because they can’t afford not to… because of profiteering by large companies, grocery chains, etc as well as stagnate wages for the past few decades. This means that inflation will creep up faster than it should because of demand-driven inflation. This makes the problem worse for low-income earners.

It seems to me that THAT type of inflation might require less of an “interest rate adjustment fix”, and more of a wage adjustment fix. Even potentially a regulatory fix to go after price gougers.

Emmie, (edited )

Pretty fun stuff I mean I wonder where it is going. Will there be some kind of collapse crisis or smh


So is that what’s keeping the economy afloat?


I’ve gone the other way with this. I’ve significantly cut my spending down in the last couple years. No more eating out, no vacations, grow my own food, don’t eat meat, no ac and minimal heating to only to keep pipes from freezing. Even with all that and more I’m spending as much as I did a few years ago but a much more restricted lifestyle. Be cool if my pay rate kept up with this inflation but my union agreed to a shit contract just before all this started.


As a SWE I hope we have the gusto to unionize soon


This is literally a tool tip in the fascist parody helldivers 2.


I love how Fortune always deflects from the actual issue: wages aren’t matching prices, which means the average American is getting screwed by company owners and wealthy investors, at work, at the bank, at university.

It’s not about interest rates or inflation, although those are both relevant. If inflation were evenly balanced, it wouldn’t hurt most people, right? That is definitional. And high interest rates block house purchases, but in theory they also benefit house owners who have fixed interest rates. So again, if people were able to afford houses in the yhr past few decades, this wouldn’t be such a big issue.

StaySquared, (edited )

“Getting screwed by government”

That’s the primary issue. Stop deflecting from the fact. Government is and always has been a problem. Fix government spending, checks and balances, audit the fed thoroughly, and everything else will fall in line.

ahriboy, avatar

Stop spending on war. Problem solved.


Facts. Not just that… our government is infatuated with spending tax dollars on really stupid studies. For example quails high on cocaine.

And these amongst a long list of other wasteful spending:

Fauci’s NIAID spent $478,188 to turn monkeys transgender $6.9 million smart toilet analyzes “anal print” Feds give $300,000 to virtual reality penguin study The State Department gave $25,000 in grants to Chinese surfers Harvard spent $75,000 in federal grants to blow lizards off trees with leaf blowers


Bootstraps are too expensive to buy because your daddy thinks his broken ass house should be worth a cool mil.


Oh. Oh shit it hurts that reading this made me self-aware of this behavior. It’s one thing to be in this mindset and not be aware of it and it’s another to have it written out in front of you. 🤢


My retirement plan is a heroine overdose. I’ll try to do better than that, but I’m not expecting much.


Ya know, I’ve been saving better than most my age. 401k, savings account, emergency fund, investments, crypto, etc. and I keep being reminded that no matter how much I save, I’ll still never achieve the American dream without help.


I’m in a similar boat, minus crypto. If anything it’s made me realize how big that chasm has become.


What the fuck is this American dream anyway?


douchebags gonna douche


Yes, that’s me.


Economists: “WONTFIX: Working as designed.”


it actually kinda pisses me off. we have been dropping the ball as consumers for a long time. if people would just stop buying all this bullshit, the market might reconsider.


Lots of news articles this week using a lot of words to say “Americans don’t have savings”


“Prices are going up but wages aren’t. What have millennials done to cause this?”


Millennial here.

We exist.


Generation X here.

We sound coolest, and nobody blames us for shit.


And whose fault is that??? HMMMMM points at you


cHeCkMaTe LiBrUlZ!


Thanks, Skeletor!


There are dozens of us. Dozens!


Now there’s a baker’s dozen!

supersquirrel, (edited )

Millennial here.

I wish I didn’t.

thoughts (no self harm talk, just sadness!)___ My society clearly hates me and doesn’t want me to exist, my parents bought the modern austerity riddled American dream hook line and sinker and so they believed they shouldn’t help me too much after I became an adult and basically they severed that deep link between parent and child for… some shitty neoliberal ideologies that are empty as fuck? I am a millenial and I exist, I don’t want to, even though I was given a lot of privilege when I was younger I am ADHD as fuck and life is honestly genuinely miserable. The world wasn’t designed for my brain, it was designed to shunt someone with my brain into jail or a death spiral of some kind of addiction (you ever looked up the percentage of prisoners in US prisons that likely have ADHD? It is shocking).
It would be one thing if things were getting better for ADHD people, but they are quickly accelerating towards being worse in every aspect, random ADHD med shortages because the FDA wants us to die, more and more executive function required for basic tasks (more paperwork, more scheduling, more consequences for not following rigid schedules perfectly), less and less energy and free time available left over after work, less and less tolerance for simple mistakes at work, more complex and brittle steps to get healthcare help that involve a million carefully designed give-up points custom designed to coax an ADHD person into never utilizing their healthcare because they can never get through the hoops to do it. The job application process of sending out resumes to online job after online job alone is catastrophic for my ADHD. I am not going to hurt myself, or by extension others around me, after all that is precisely what is making me sad in the first place. I have lost that flame inside me because I know I won’t be able to live a fulfilling life where I am genuinely happy in a way that I don’t always go to sleep at night wishing I could disappear painlessly and be forgotten by all…. unless I win the lottery either literally or get the rare job that doesn’t treat me like shit. (Then I am happy and am surrounded by a bunch of dying people like me that I have to try to ignore…?). It is hard because therapists are usually older adults and they just can’t understand this depression as a rational response from an entire chunk of a generation rather than an individual pathology. Focus on the positives! they say….and I think… I will eventually die of old age or health problems (hey can’t afford the doctor or dentist so that will speed it up :P ) and wont have to force myself to survive in a society with rules designed to put me in a constant state of suffering while constantly coding my desperate struggle to keep basic aspects of my life together as laziness, naiveness, lack of work ethic, lack of personal responsibility etc…



I relate to this immensley.




hey, I’m sorry you’ve been feeling down. I can’t offer a solution, but I just wanted you to know you’re seen. and if you want to talk about it more, absolutely feel free to shoot a message.

fwiw, I absolutely sympathize. I’m a young adult with adhd, and struggling with depression, though the latter is getting better I think. I went pretty quickly from being a “gifted kid” to being what most would consider an underachiever. I don’t, to be clear; I’m proud of where I am, regardless of how it seems to compare to some of my friends. it’s still a mad reality check, though.

on a related note, I left christianity a year ago, and holy fuck has that been an adjustment. most of my optimism was always rooted in religion, and without that worldview, it’s suddenly on me to find new reasons to be even a little hopeful, even to want to be alive. I’m not suicidal, but for a while there I couldn’t say that I wasn’t. I do feel like I’m happy to be alive now, and that’s great, but holy crap this is not as easy as it was when I believed in an all-powerful benevolent god. ah well.

I hope you have a lovely day, but if you don’t, that’s valid too. life isn’t always lovely, and there’s nothing wrong with acknowledging that. there’s nothing wrong with feeling down about it. all we can do is try to support ourselves and one another, y’know?

i’m sorry for the dreams that’ve been taken from you and the injustices you’ve experienced. you deserved better, and so did I, and so did most of us. thank you for being honest about it. 🫂


Thank you so much, I deeply appreciate these kinds of posts that don’t attempt to fix me but just engage in solidarity :)

on a related note, I left christianity a year ago, and holy fuck has that been an adjustment. most of my optimism was always rooted in religion, and without that worldview, it’s suddenly on me to find new reasons to be even a little hopeful, even to want to be alive. I’m not suicidal, but for a while there I couldn’t say that I wasn’t. I do feel like I’m happy to be alive now, and that’s great, but holy crap this is not as easy as it was when I believed in an all-powerful benevolent god. ah well.

I think the least interesting question about religion is whether god exists or not. There are many things you can take away from yourself about christianity that don’t have anything to do with a bearded man in the sky existing or not. It is enough to appreciate the beauty of how a spiritual perspective on life and the beings around you can lead you into a happier, better life even if you that spiritual perspective is fundamentally not reflective of science or reality as we know it.

It is like how I don’t necessarily believe we have souls (I mean whatever, but there is zero scientific evidence of souls or even suggestions that they exist), but the concept of a soul and how it can be affected by the world and other people is an incredibly useful way of looking at the human condition. It is a concept and word that does not derive its power from the fact that it exists, and you can appreciate that outside of believing there is something like a soul literally imbued into ourselves in some magic/spiritual way.

i’m sorry for the dreams that’ve been taken from you and the injustices you’ve experienced. you deserved better, and so did I, and so did most of us. thank you for being honest about it. 🫂

thank you for being honest and listening!


We didn’t do chit… the problem is and always has been, always will be, government.


Yay GDP!

whoisearth, avatar

Between this and stock indexes you have the most asinine metrics to determine if an economy is healthy.

I’m not saying I know what the solution is, but basing good times on how well Microsoft and/or Warren Buffett are doing is just stupid.


I’m not saying I know what the solution is

it’s bombs

whoisearth, avatar

Oh fuck off. I don’t get why so many people here have a literal hard-on for violence. Get out of your parents basement.

fukurthumz420, (edited )

i’m 50. i’ve been watching the political cycle for for more years than you’ve probably been on this planet. nothing changes. young ideological kids have their moment of clarity and proclaim “this is all wrong!”, and then do nothing about it.

and if you’re about to say something about protests, just stop. protests are useless. make them scared or hit their finances. those are the only things that matter.


They not only “do nothing about it”, most of them join in the wrong as they get older. I think it basically comes down to greed and jealousy. Not sure anyone can fix that.


our best bet (and likely our only hope) is to be well kept pets to a super AI. the path to that utopia is messy. AMA


“Everything is very expensive, and people can’t save money”


UnderpantsWeevil, (edited ) avatar

Its a curious state of affairs, because the stock market has been booming all the while.

If you have savings you’re getting enormous passive incomes. 20-30% jumps in accumulated investments annually. If you don’t have savings you’re watching prices skyrocket while salaries flat-line in the face of anti-inflation economic policy.

This does kinda raise the question “Where are equities markets getting all this extra cash from?” And the answer appears to be… its very profitable to charge people more and pay them less.

  • It’s* a curious state of affairs
  • it’s* very profitable
supersquirrel, (edited )

Literally nobody was confused by those grammatical mistakes, this is just a stupid grammatical rule designed to be a gotcha that grammar people can wield as proof that someone isn’t well educated.

Put the apostrophe wherever the hell you want, just write in a clear way that gives enough context that unless someone is a computer program incapable of tolerating slight grammatical mistakes they will understand fine.


The stock market is a measure of how much wealth can be extracted from the working class.

It does not measure the health of the economy. That sometimes the market is doing well as the economy is doing well is closer to coincidence than causality.

The fact that the working class can no longer save money, and must spend every dime is great for the stock market. Next they will come for the dollars we have not spent yet. Because mortgages are no longer feasible for most people they’ll have to find new debt traps. Cars will skyrocket in price, you’ll be able to take out a loan to rent an apartment. Student debt will spiral to laughably unrepayable levels.

They’ll take every dime we have, then they’ll take every dime we’ll ever make. And when it gets to the point where there’s no more money to bleed, unless a new source of endless dollars can be found, the market will feed on itself.

If you think peacefully protesting Wall Street is going to fix that, I’ll sell you the Brooklyn bridge.

UnderpantsWeevil, avatar

The stock market is a measure of how much wealth can be extracted from the working class.

I’d argue it goes beyond that. Quite a few ticker symbols on the NYSE are speculative above and beyond anticipated surplus extraction. They’re functionally auction prices on coveted luxuries.

Because mortgages are no longer feasible for most people they’ll have to find new debt traps. Cars will skyrocket in price, you’ll be able to take out a loan to rent an apartment. Student debt will spiral to laughably unrepayable levels.

These have largely come to pass. The “loan to rent” is just your deferred payment on credit card debts to cover rising rental rates.

If you think peacefully protesting Wall Street is going to fix that, I’ll sell you the Brooklyn bridge.

Sure, I can buy it. I just don’t try to cross it for fear the NYPD will arrest me.


stocks are as divorced from actual value now as cryptocurrencies. real estate too. it’s all grift all the time. have a look at the value of djt or tsla, they’re nfts.

UnderpantsWeevil, avatar

it’s all grift all the time.

Its decades of cheap lending to people with all their consumer needs satisfied. If I can borrow at 4% and get 20% ROI, I’m going to borrow every dollar I can get my hands on.

On the flip side, you’ve got private lenders offering double-digit interest rates to the underclass. They’re lucky to get a cost of living increase year over year. So you’re asking people to borrow at 20% with the expectation of a 2-4% ROI.

have a look at the value of djt or tsla, they’re nfts.

DJT is fucking hilarious, because its pure vaporware. But TSLA does actually have factories and vehicle stock and revenue streams and such. Its mismanaged and overvalued, but there’s some amount of there there.

But who is holding Tesla? Vanguard Group, BlackRock, State Street Corp, and Geode Capital Management all have access to the Fed credit window - either directly or through proxies - and can borrow at miniscule rates. They get a positive ROI so long as Tesla appreciates at all. And the long term ROI on an electric car company looks pretty good, even if its overvalued in the short term. So buy buy buy!


Look up the Haymarket square protest.


“A harsh anti-union clampdown followed the Haymarket incident and the Great Upheaval subsided. Employers regained control of their workers and traditional workdays were restored to ten or more hours a day. There was a massive outpouring of community and business support for the police and many thousands of dollars were donated to funds for their medical care and to assist their efforts.”

bootlickin’ since time immemorial


Support for the 8 hour day also blossomed after the Haymarket incident. It lead directly to May day.

fukurthumz420, (edited )

you’re right, but i’d love to see, just for once, the people clap back with fierce resistance that amounts to “FUCK YOU I WON’T DO WHAT YOU TELL ME”. fuck the waiting period of change. i just want to know that we have the power to resist without compromise.

and when i say ‘the people’, i really mean the radical progressives.


They’ve already taken every dime we’ll make, plus every dime our children and grandchildren will make… That’s what the trillions of dollars in debt is.


We have been very lucky and fortunate to acquire the American dream. My wife and I wouldn’t have been able to do it without the help of her family though. Every time I look at the housing market it’s only gotten crazier.

TubularTittyFrog, (edited )

having family help isn’t the american dream. that’s the aristocratic dream, where land is only owned by the wealthy who inherit it.

It blows my mind that the world basically runs on Monopoly money and accounting smoke and mirrors.


return2ozma, avatar

The median home prices in California where I’m at.


I’m in the SF bay area. FML


Living there for two years… I realized I needed to gtfo of California. Thankfully I did two years ago.


I’ll see ya’ll in the Far North I guess. I’ll bring my own meth.


No need, there’s plenty up there for you!


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