GalaxyBrain, avatar

Don’t blame me, I voted for Kodos


I’m writing in Hillary. It’s her turn

DefinitelyNotAPhone, avatar

I’m not sure how someone can look at the mask-off cryptofascism of the American political system at this point and convince themselves that voting blue over red makes the tiniest bit of difference. The mountains of corpses both parties routinely inflict on the world at large makes any tiny delineation in rhetoric (and it is just rhetoric, because anyone with eyes knows the national level Democrats aren’t doing shit about fuck even on culture war issues that they’ve fundraised off of for three decades, let alone any of the systemic evil and rot leaving billions in destitution) so fucking irrelevant that it’s honestly a joke someone could even bother to try and shame people into casting votes that statistically would never influence the outcome of an election even if it was a fair and democratic process.


I’m voting for myself. President me. I’ll make Fortnite illegal. Mango vapes will have federal protection and in fact will be mandatory

AOCapitulator, avatar

Don’t vote for a child smelling genocide endorsing rapist, maybe?

If your system only allows you to choose between 2 of the worst people you’ve ever heard of, that’s a bad system you shouldn’t condone or blindly participate in?


Eagerly looking forward to ticking the “against Trump” box in the ballot. Haven’t seen one worded like that before

Ascrod, avatar

The bickering in this thread is just the latest example of how broken American politics is. There are no good candidates, only least bad ones, and we are forced into these shitty choices every single time because the people in power value profits over human rights and dignity.

I’m voting Biden, but I’m not happy about it.

booty, avatar

I’m voting Biden

I’m not gigachad-hd


Ah, so that’s what kind of instance this is. A Republican one


They support Trump and Russia “ironically”, so far that it’s not even ironic anymore.


My guy, if I had only two party’s to choose from, I’d also be pissed.


I wouldn’t describe “I don’t know if I can vote for a guy supporting genocide” as bickering


Do you remember when liberals were arguing over how they’d vote for Mussolini over Hitler lmao

This is how their brains work


I get where they’re coming from, the problem is there’s no exit strategy. By voting for the lesser evil election after election you still get to the worst shit imaginable, it just takes a while.

GalaxyBrain, avatar

Just don’t vote then. Who tf cares

GarbageShoot, (edited )

Wringing your hands won’t change the fact you’re supporting a genocidal ghoul.

If Democrats get your support unconditionally, then that encourages them to completely ignore what you have to say because they already got your vote and that’s all you’re good for to them.


I find it fascinating how liberals here cannot conceive that Biden and Trump might as well be the same person. Their policies are identical because it doesn’t matter anymore. America is on rails. This is a country run by a profit algorithm.

The only distinction between Biden and Trump to me is Trump is funnier.


Gotta love the damned privs out here again to remind us all that white “leftists” have a collective memory of “as far back as I can go before I have to acknowledge that Republicans make things materially worse for the people I say I’m an ally to whenever they’re in power.”

Hey you edgelord “genocide joe posters”, it’s me, an actual fucking palestinian here in america to tell you that the Republicans think the problem is that we’re not doing that shit here too.

When Trump rides back into the whitehouse on the backs of your militant refusal of solidarity, it’ll be on you when some Trucknuts McGee bastard beats me in the streets, and tells me that my Sand N****r ass should be grateful that he didn’t bring a rope.

It’ll be on you when Red States begin abolishing no fault divorce to trap women in abusive marriages because it made Steven Crowder big sad one time.

It’ll be on you the next time a trans kid is faced with the choice to either run away or almost certainly die and absolutely be disowned.


It’s a year out from the election. “I won’t vote for Joe” only means trump wins if democrats refuse to run a better candidate.

Where the hate for the democrats running an unelectable demon?


You mean the guy who’s been negotiating the release of palestinians being held hostage in Israeli prisons, or the one who secured Palestinians the right to access their own natural resources?

You’re the one who isn’t doing anything to help us by insisting we deserve to die by trump’s hand if you don’t get your demands met.

How fucking dare you negotiate over the voices of the people most in need,

If you really have the privilege to turn your nose up, doing so is betrayal, especially from someone who marches and says all the pretty words of being an ally.

Dr. King was talking about your lot in Birmingham, all the performance of agreement, none of the work of solidarity.

The other party believes the issue is that we don’t have a similar policy of genocide here in the states and you really wanna ask where the hate’s at for the party that doesn’t do that shit here? I’ll tell ya where it’s at, it’s with all the shit privs who can’t see past themselves to fucking know better.


You mean the guy who’s been negotiating the release of palestinians being held hostage

Lmao. The guy facilitating the sale of weapons to Israel?

insisting we deserve to die by trump’s hand if you don’t get your demands met

You seem to not understand what I’m saying. Demand better of the democratic party.

[the hate for Dems is] with all the shit privs who can’t see past themselves to fucking know better.

Hahaha Hahaha ok


Exactly how much influence over Israel’s actions do you think his administration would have if it took the kind of hard line you’re looking for?

Israel has a far right xenophobic government and suffered a massive blow from Hamas. Short of invading Israel, there is nothing the US can do to prevent bloody retribution on Palestinians. By standing firm with Israel, we at least get a seat at the table to try and shape the response to reduce harm to civilians. We have actually had some success in that, though not as much as we would like.

Meanwhile, we have this quote coming from Harris: “Under no circumstances will the United States permit the forced relocation of Palestinians from Gaza or the West Bank, the besiegement of Gaza, or the redrawing of the borders of Gaza".

That’s a damn strong signal to Israel that US support for Israel is being undermined by their actions. That is how you leverage a relationship towards a change in outcome. Biden actually has a seriously skilled foreign policy team that’s following the path most beneficial to Palestinians, not the one most aestheticly pleasing to Palestinian supporters.

I’m a fierce critic of Biden, and I’m outraged that he decided to run again in 2024. Still, I think his administration has taken the right approach with Israel. I don’t think every step was handled perfectly, but the overall approach is correct, and he is doing it in the face of serious political backlash. That’s actually what leadership looks like.


That’s a ton of words that don’t answer the question: why is Biden running again when he polls worse than “unnamed democrat”? Does he want to lose?

Daily I see memes “you must vote Biden” and never memes saying “Biden should not run”. I can’t tell who’s stupid and who’s paid for

Exactly how much influence over Israel’s actions do you think his administration would have if it took the kind of hard line you’re looking for?

But I can’t even begin to understand what you mean when you say actually it’s good they sell weapons to Israel.


That’s a ton of words that don’t answer the question: why is Biden running again when he polls worse than “unnamed democrat”?

It also doesn’t answer a whole lot of other questions that weren’t asked.

Does he want to lose?

How should I know? Almost certainly not?

But I can’t even begin to understand what you mean when you say actually it’s good they sell weapons to Israel.

Do you think that if we refused then they wouldn’t just go buy them elsewhere? It’s notable that, for the first time, conditions have been imposed on how the weapons can be used. The conditions aren’t as restrictive as they might be, but that’s another signal that our “unconditional support” of Israel is in jeopardy.

We have always sold weapons to Israel. Stopping now wouldn’t impact the war, but it would destroy any influence we do have over Israel’s actions.


Again unanswered love it nice chat


Still hasn’t been asked. And ya know what? If ya ask it, nobody’s obliged to answer it. That’s kinda how this Internet thing works. I never claimed Biden should be running in the first place. My comment was on his handling of the Israeli Palestinian conflict.

Aabbcc, (edited )

Thanks for chiming in it’s been VERY helpful I’m nominating your comments for hall of fame because I’m allowed to and that’s how the internet works


Unfortunately the Overton window moves with the voters. Leftists boycott every election like it’s some kind of flex, but all the Democrats do is move further right to capture more right wing voters. Because why bother catering to leftists.

Where the hate for the democrats running an unelectable demon?


The bitter truth is that when only the worst people in America come out to vote, only the worst candidates are electable. Being a demon is a plus for electability.


but all the Democrats do is move further right to capture more right wing voters.

That’s exactly the issue, innit? The Democratic Party doesn’t care about the issues or the vulnerable groups enough to stick to their principles, or try to figure out how to pull voters to the left. They care more about staying in power, and if that means throwing constituencies under the bus and moving right, they move right.


You’re way too idealistic about what politics is or should be.

The DNC isn’t good, or moral, and that’s not it’s job. It’s a business, it only exists to be in power as a representation of the voters.

The voters influence the parties. The DNC shouldn’t be trying to pull voters left. Voters need to be pulling the DNC left. If the most progressive candidates keep winning, if the most conservative candidates keep losing, it forces the entire Overton window left.

And that’s really the dream, choosing the most progressive of two progressive candidates, not the least regressive of two regressive candidates.


Well, I must disagree. Factions in the Republican Party have been engaged in a decades-long campaign to pull voters to the right, starting with Sen. Barry Goldwater’s conservative movement, leading into the Reagan Revolution, the Contract with America era, the founding of Fox News as a propaganda arm of the party, the (astroturfed) Tea Party, and on to today. The notion that a national party organization exists solely as the Platonic embodiment of the will of the voters strikes me as quite idealistic.


If the GOP ia trying to move people right it’s is a complete failure though, isn’t it? Women’s rights are popular, LGBT rights are popular, inclusiveness is popular, religious affiliation is decreasing. Being conservative is uncool and unpopular.

What the GOP succeeds at is undermining democracy so it can seize power with a minority. In fact, undermining democracy is the GOP’s only option, precisely because it fails so hard at pulling voters right.


That just doesn’t track history, though. Nixon did many things, like creating the EPA, that would be considered leftist today, not because he liked it, but because that was the political reality of the time. Then Reagan swept in on the Goldwaterite tide. Clinton overtly and explicitly moved right to steal conservative positions with his New Democrat movement.

Now we have a Democratic President breaking strikes as if he were ol’ Ronnie, and his supporters defending it because he got some minor concessions from the railroad for one of the unions involved. Even the signature achievement of Obama’s Presidency was a Heritage Foundation idea, pioneered as RomneyCare in Massachusetts.

We certainly have moved right in as a country in lots of ways, and somehow we’re on the verge of lots of people voting in a dictator.


US citizens are moving left, the government is moving right, because right wingers vote and leftists don’t.

Not voting: fucking around

Not being represented in government: finding out

We certainly have moved right in as a country in lots of ways, and somehow we’re on the verge of lots of people voting in a dictator.

Yeah the people who most consistently vote for the last 50 years are the ones most likely to enjoy a dictator.

Alaskaball, avatar

Not voting for Biden and there is quite literally nothing anyone can say to persuade me to vote for him.

Lanky_Pomegranate530, avatar

I don’t blame you man. That guy is a fucking joke.

Alaskaball, avatar

To expand on my point even further, in any future presidential election I will never vote for any president regardless of what anyone says.

If anyone can figure out why, I’ll make them an theoretical honorary mod of one of the channels I’m on.


I’ll throw out an unexpected guess— are you in a state where the electoral college means your vote doesn’t matter?

Alaskaball, avatar

Bing bong! Correct! And that state is Alaska, where the presidential election is already over while we’re just over 1/3 of the way through our day of voting.

Which is why it is in the most literal sense of the word a complete waste of time voting for a president to me.


Alaskaball is in Alaska? thonk

Nakoichi, avatar

So which channel do they get to mod?

Alaskaball, avatar

They get to be the theoretical honorary mod of main


I do, that guy is what’s standing between me and a camp!

Banzai51, avatar

Enjoy the Trump presidency. You’ll never vote again.


there literally was a trump presidency and that didn’t happen


And he literally tried to take over the capitol building to stop the transfer of power, not to mention how his supreme court has been steadily uprooting our democratic rights.

Banzai51, avatar

It almost did. Jan 6th was a coup attempt.
On the campaign trail a day or two ago he literally said, “…we’ve been waging an all-out war on American democracy.”

But go on and insist it is “both sides” to up your edgelord cred. You’re never going to find any politician that agrees with you on every issue. Unless you get off your ass and run, which we know is too much effort for you.


a half assed and unserious coup attempt. Trump wasn’t even directly involved it was less than a riot

The issue I disagree with Biden on is whether there should be a genocide

Banzai51, avatar

He’s being charged with it because he CAN be linked directly to it. Half ass or not, it was a coup attempt. Saying it was half assed or not serious is exactly what people said about the Beer Hall Putsch. Look what happened after.

And you can’t blame Biden for what Hamas did.

Nakoichi, avatar

Go fuck yourself.

Banzai51, avatar

Same to you.

Nakoichi, avatar

Hamas did not do this. Israel did this. None of this would be happening if they hadn’t been carrying out a genocidal project of colonialism and apartheid the last 75 years.

Banzai51, avatar

That displays a spectacular ignorance of history.

Alaskaball, avatar

Your brain is filled with a spectacular ignorance of history

TomBombadil, avatar

Are you aware, as a baseline, of the nakba?

AntiOutsideAktion, avatar
Kuori, avatar

die screaming, genocide denier

SoyViking, avatar

Then please enlighten us on the history of how occupying a foreign land and displacing, oppressing and murdering the indigenous population in order to build a racially pure society is not genocidal colonialism.

GalaxyBrain, avatar



Yeah but Hamas also did this. Palestinians would regularly march against Hamas with the protest slogan “I want to live!”,

You’re stanning for the arab equivalent of the cops who got the “I can’t breathe” slogan out into the public consiousness.

They are the equal partner of the Israeli state in the continued war of genocide against the Palestinian people, who’ll just fuck off to egypt with their looted billions once the IDF decides to wipe gaza off the map.


2 comments from telling us all we have to vote for your candidate to literally telling us to go fuck ourselves.

Democrats are so fucking good at campaigning.

Banzai51, avatar

If you can’t take it, don’t dish it out.


Lmao I can take it just fine I’m not over here crying because you told me to go fuck myself I’m laughing because apparently that’s your strategy to get people to vote for a candidate they don’t like.

“I know you don’t like him and he’s explicitly said he won’t do anything you want but have you co sidereal go fuck yourself”

Wow you’ve really convinced me

Seems like we’re back where we started where we both think the other can fuck off and I’m deffinitly still not voting for somebody doing genocide

AOCapitulator, avatar

Die painfully like the victims of your chosen president

Outdoor_Catgirl, avatar

Victory to Hamas and the freedom fighters of Palestine! Death to Israel and all zionists!


It was a coup attempt in the same way me screaming in my backyard is an attempt to become a super saiyan. Nothing happened. A bunch of meemaws and idiot conspiracy theorists milled about the house and Senate. They didn’t even have the gumption to take a shit on the podium.

They had their true enemies within spitting distance and none of them threw a bomb or fired a shot. They took selfies. Absolute morons.


Nobody’s blaming Biden for what hamas did they’re blaming him for the genocide Isreal been doing in response.

By the way he just approved sending a bunch of bunker busters so Isreal can bomb even more hospitals indiscriminately.


Bitch he literally tried to choke out his driver so he could go there himself to lead the insurrection in person.

Nevermind, the palestinians here in the states who’ll tell you that as much as Biden sucks, Trump’s issue is that we’re not doing it here too.


It almost did. Jan 6th was a coup attempt.

There was no mechanism for it actually succeeding. It was an attempt the same way a child attempts to transform into a bird.

AntiOutsideAktion, avatar

Jan 6th was a coup attempt.

And 2000 was a coup success. What’s your point? Something about protecting a democracy?

blakeus12, avatar

wow, 600 rednecks waltzed into the capital, completely unorganized with no demands.

coup attempt? fucking seriously?


Hey they had to shoot a gun exactly one time to get every single person to go home as soon as the concept of consequences metastasized in their brains.

How are we supposed to stop them next time.


Browbeating people into voting for a satanic right wing warmonger was a losing strategy in 2016 and it’s a losing strategy now. There is a massive chance now that Biden will lose as a direct result of his actions in Gaza. This is directly Biden’s fault and no amount of fearmomgering about January 6th will change it, for the record most people don’t really even care.

If you’re concerned about losing “our democracy”, blame the DNC. That they’re content with running a senile maniac who is actively facilitating a genocide should enrage you more than people online expressing their disgust with his criminal behavior.


Yea if democrats are so fucking concerned about democracy maybe they should, I don’t know, support one of the policies 80% of their base is loudly telling them matters to them.

Like not having Biden be the nominee.

Alaskaball, avatar

You’ll never vote again.

I’ve never voted for any president you baby-brained jackass. You might as well worship the ground I step on because me not voting apparently helped Biden and Obama win, by your twisted logic

Banzai51, avatar

If that simple observation set you off, go check your diaper. You DID ask us.

Alaskaball, avatar

Nobody asked for your opinion you trump-brained liberal cultist

ShimmeringKoi, avatar

I was already never voting again

Infamousblt, avatar
Infamousblt, avatar

None of the people Biden killed through war profiteering, supporting genocide, and policy failure will vote again either.

Glad to hear your proud to support all that death though. Good on you for owning up to supporting the atrocities

ShimmeringKoi, avatar

Not to mention letting covid rip


Social murder is murder and Biden is at the very top of the chain that led to those deaths

AntiOutsideAktion, avatar

What part of this presidency are you enjoying?

aaaaaaadjsf, avatar

Well in 1/3 of US provisional elections in the 21st century, the candidate with the most votes has lost the election thanks to the electoral college. So even if they did go vote, there is a 1 in 3 chance that the candidate with the most votes loses the election.

Which is really weird because the US brands itself as the bastion of freedom and democracy internationally, yet they do not follow two of the most important principles of democracy itself. Those being one man equals one vote, and the candidate with the most votes wins. Lots of people in the USA effectively do not have a vote for president with how the electoral college is structured.

GalaxyBrain, avatar

That’s not really a threat at this point.


Thats literally what you useless dumb fucks said right before Hillary managed to lose the easiest election of a lifetime using the exact same strategy you’re using this time.

Maybe Biden will exceed expectations and actually go to states he depends on to win.


When the fascists come for us, we’ll remember you as one of the collaborators that helped make it happen.

sovietknuckles, avatar

If Joe stepped down and endorsed Hunter, I would consider it


spray-bottle this site is hentai free, looking for it? leave hentai-free


The 2004 2008 2012 2016 2020 2024 election is the most important election of our lives. Democracy is at stake and we need to hold our noses and vote for the lesser evil.


If [current challenger or incumbent] gets elected you’ll never vote again.


Isn’t it a bit different when one candidate/party has outright said they plan to take steps to end democracy, and has previously participated in an attempted coup?


I don’t think either of those things is unprecedented.


Oh jeez it’s almost like the fuckers who want to end democracy don’t go away after losing at democracy one time.


Pretending like our elections are currently normal as usual is absurd, we literally had a coup attempt for the 2020 election.

Yes, the 2024 election has democracy on the ballot and it isn’t even a controversial statement to say so.



  • Loading...
  • MikuNPC,

    2000 - Gore decides to concede during a close recount

    2020 - The big lie, an attack on our Capitol, fake elector plot, phone call to Georgia pressuring it to flip, dominion lawsuit, and more.

    They do not compare, simple as that.



  • Loading...
  • MikuNPC,

    I’m aware of what happened in 2000, don’t get me wrong. But my point is recent events have been far more egregious, dangerous and unprecedented.

    Trying to compare the 2 is uninformed at best, bad faith at worst.


    Several hundred bored far right small business owners and boomer QAnon weirdos walking around the capitol for a few hours, stealing a few things and then one of them dying from tasering himself in the balls with absolutely no actual change in power is not a coup.

    mar_k, avatar

    Lmao liberals will tell you we narrowly escaped the MAGA Reich because some incompetent losers broke a few windows and smeared human shit on the walls


    Your metrics are just vibe-based then.

    2000 was absolutely more of a coup than Jan 6th by almost every functional metric. Your main criticism of Jan 6th and Trump are based more on civility than actual policy. Nothing about Trump was uniquely terrible for a Republican president policy wise, he just said the quiet part out loud.


    also that coup was a joke they didn’t even do anything

    GalaxyBrain, avatar

    Tell that to someone in Iraq

    ProfessorOwl_PhD, avatar

    Wow, fuck you very much. Trump’s FAILED coup is more dangerous and egregious that Bush’s SUCCESSFUL coup? Trump’s complete lack of power is more dangerous than Bush redestroying the middle east on false pretences of chemical and nuclear weapons, mobilising terrorist attacks and organisations worldwide?

    The only excuse for such a pathetically stupid statement is that you’re a little baby who wasn’t around for any of the last 2 decades and are just making things up based on vibes. “wah wah wah, I can’t remember bush so nothing must have happened”. You are an embarrassment. Delete your account and jump in the ocean.


    You are an embarrassment. Delete your account and jump in the ocean.


    Alaskaball, avatar

    I am sincerely convinced that Trump is far smarter than Bush as well

    MattsAlt, avatar

    Idk I think Bush is definitely smarter seeing as he never suffered any consequences and Trump has been charged with crimes.

    As our friend Parenti says:

    Are our leaders stupid? Or are we stupid for not seeing how successful they really are at getting what they want?

    Patriot act and everything else under Bush vs Trump getting some new hogs in Mara Lago


    no I’ve seen bush talk he is stupid. Bush didn’t get in trouble because he has manners. The establishment doesn’t hate Trump for who he is he’s an old money rich guy maing tax cuts and hating immigrants ffs he is the establishment. Trump gets in trouble because he has no filter and says things which make the American establishment look like a bunch of assholes in front of their society friends and in Europe

    He is the most American president they’ve ever had and he’s just embarassing

    MattsAlt, avatar

    Say what you will, but that’s stupid to me.

    He has the bag and then suffers consequences for apparently no gain besides saying what hogs want to hear whereas Bush also cut taxes, literally stole 2 elections, and lied the US into trillion dollar wars with no consequence and is seen as a painter now who makes Masterclasses


    They will redeem Trump one day.

    Trump says that shit because it gets attention and he also hasn’t actually faced consequences yet and is very much on track to win the republican nomination and I wouldn’t rule him out for presidency

    MattsAlt, avatar

    Oh yeah I still think it’s a coin flip if he’s president in a year and change, don’t get me wrong, I just think Bush was able to accomplish all Trump did and much more with even less consequence


    they aren’t trying to do the same thing though Bush got into politics because it’s the family business. Trump seems to just want attention

    MattsAlt, avatar

    Agreed there, vanity is really the only reason Trump got into all this in my eyes


    I like to imagine you’re @Dirt_Owl but you slip into this alt when it’s time to drop knowledge on em


    I wish


    Thanks for another example of why voting for dema is a waste of time because they don’t even give a shit and will loose while claiming the moral high ground given the first possible opportunity.


    also American elections are rigged anyway. Neither group of politicians really bothers campaigning outside their base they just both compete to rig the election so their base’s votes count more


    About as long as it takes for you and your priv ilk to finally get that this is serious and stop having to be dragged kicking and screaming to the polling stations.

    DessertStorms avatar

    Not sure why the lol, I totally agree with this. US democracy has flaws that should be addressed, big ones being gerrymandering, electoral college (which will eventually go away due to NPVIC), and our judicial system.

    Recent events have highlighted on a national stage weaknesses that must be fixed. Let’s get to work instead of throwing in the towel and allowing fascism to rise.

    ShimmeringKoi, avatar

    How many more of these stinking, double-downer sideshows will we have to go through before we can get ourselves straight enough to put together some kind of national election that will give me and the at least 20 million people I tend to agree with a chance to vote FOR something, instead of always being faced with that old familiar choice between the lesser of two evils?

    -Hunter S. Thompson, Fear and Loathing on the Campaign Trail '72

    MattsAlt, avatar

    Arendt is one to fucking talk since she supported segregation in America

    Bakzik, avatar

    And she fucked with a literal Nazi, Heidegger.

    Screw her.

    Alaskaball, avatar

    I guess she embodies her own quote quite well

    Bakzik, avatar

    Haha, indeed!

    blakeus12, avatar

    not a single election in U.S. history has EVER had “democracy on the ballot.” We don’t have a fucking democracy. When’s the last time anyone has picked a candidate? Year after year, everyone I talk to irl and online despises both candidates. Try to tell someone making minimum wage to go wait in line at the polls to vote, missing those work hours would be literally detrimental. Even if all of those things were disregarded, the popular vote has been fucking ignored in several elections for a convoluted system that was founded by fucking slave owners. even if donald shart “removed democracy” what would change? because Trump’s policy is slightly worse than joe brandons? both of them will uphold the status quo, fund the zionist settler colony, lock up latinx immigrants in concentration camps, build a border wall, prolong the proxy war, expand the military industrial complex, continue a fierce grip on the imperial periphery, i could fucking go on. the dems had a presidency and a majority in Congress when roe was overturned and what did they do to try and stop it? NOTHING. no matter who wins, democracy will never be at stake because THERE IS NO DEMOCRACY. so try and tell me democracy is on the ballot again. fucking do it.


    even if donald shart “removed democracy” what would change?

    Nothing really, the real reason why most liberals hate Trump is because he doesn’t hide the fact that the USA is not a real democracy and is a fascistic state. Usually the democrats try to hide it better than the republicans, so their voters can sleep well without thinking about all the people the US kills outside and inside their country.

    ShimmeringKoi, avatar

    Sorry, i don’t vote for genociders.

    AntiOutsideAktion, avatar

    Or rapists


    Or the iris… wait no, or segregationists


    Votes aren’t cast against candidates.


    They are in a two party system

    Nakoichi, avatar

    No they aren’t that is not how votes work.


    It is with the electoral college

    Nakoichi, avatar

    Which is anti-democratic and I am glad you mention it because it means my vote in california doesn’t even matter anyway lmao.

    Your democracy is a fucking joke.


    While there are two dominant political parties in the United States, every presidential election I’ve participated in has had more than two candidates to choose from. I’d appreciate it if you’d expand upon your point.


    Oh boy I’m sure this isn’t a question in bad faith asking how an extremely obvious and well documented flaw of first past the post works


    How many presidential elections have you participated in where more than two parties received any electoral votes at all?


    When did I claim to be an elector?


    I assumed you understood how a presidential election worked in the US. Was I mistaken?


    I’m not an elector, so why would you bring up the electoral college?


    Because they’re an instrumental part of how the election process works for quite a while now. If a candidate is receiving 0 electoral votes they are functionally as electable as you or I.

    You’ve more than proven yourself to be in bad faith here though, so you’ll have to pester someone else with future efforts.


    I’m literally just asking you to explain your own understanding of presidential elections and that’s somehow acting in bad faith? What else am I supposed to do, given that you mistakenly believe that there are only two political parties in the US and, for some unknown reason, I’m an elector and not just a regular voter?


    Against my better judgement, why not.

    If you’re acting in good faith why did you not answer when I asked if you understood how our elections work?

    If you’re acting in good faith where did I state you were an elector?

    If you’re acting in good faith why are you badgering with a question that you already know the answer to?

    No. You are not “literally just asking you to explain your own understanding of presidential elections” and you know it. You refuse to participate in the discussion in favor of your own, possibly with the intent of seeking some kind of so-called gotcha moment. It’s not coming. They’re are functionally two parties within our presidential elections.

    Since 1900 a third party candidate has received more than 5% of the popular vote (that’s you and me) roughly 6 times. That number drops to about 4 if you want more than 10%. In that same time a third party candidate has received any votes from electors (which are outdated but still very much the ones who are counted thus important to the process as it exists) in 6 elections. The last one was in 1972.

    And just to further reinforce, that’s any votes from electors. The highest in that time was in 1912 when Theodore Roosevelt received 88. George Wallace later got 46 in 1968 and Strom Thurmond managed 39 in 1948. They continue downward from there.

    So no, as you’ve been told by others, a third party candidate is generally not electable in the system we have. This is why the system is often called a two party system despite the existence of third parties. You’ll notice in common parlance they’re not counted, they’re called third parties. This is not a controversial opinion I hold, it’s how it is widely discussed by laymen and experts alike.

    But you already knew all that and instead chose to badger to try and, I can only assume, have some kind of moment or way you were right. You were acting in bad faith and I have no more time or energy for your type of “discussion”. Goodbye.


    I ignored your bad faith questioning of my understanding of presidential elections for the sake of civility. Second, this thread is about votes cast in the general election, not the electoral college; as I’ve tried to make clear, I do not vote in the electoral college. Third, your Wikipedia data-dive is fascinating, but irrelevant to your theory that votes can be cast against candidates.


    The US is under FPTP, only two candidates matter and voting outside those two or refusing to vote is mathematically identical to a vote for the candidate least aligned with your own values.


    Face it: there are only two candidates who realistically have a chance at winning the general election. It’s been that way for every US election we’ve seen.

    If you vote for someone who doesn’t have a realistic chance of winning, that’s about the same as just not voting at all.

    So you really have 3 choices: candidate A, candidate B, or indifference.

    And there are two possible outcomes: candidate A or candidate B.

    If one of those outcomes is at all preferable to the other, (e.g. either A is “better” or B is “worse”), it’s strategically best to vote for the main candidate you prefer, since that increases the chance of getting your preference of the two outcomes.


    Right now candidate A and candidate B are functionally the same.

    Infamousblt, avatar

    This is the democracy you’re proud to support? michael-laugh


    Who says I’m proud to support it

    Infamousblt, avatar

    So you’re ashamed to support it? Honestly that’s even worse. I understand quietly doing it because you think you have to but going around telling everyone about it and trying to convince them to as well doesn’t seem like shame to me. Seems like you’re proud about it

    blakeus12, avatar

    i think he means he doesn’t support it, he was pointing out the flaw of the two party system?


    That’s it exactly


    Sounds like a dogshit system not worth propping up.

    Abracadaniel, avatar

    What if I really disike the policies of both candidates?

    Maoo, avatar

    Better get rid of Joe then

    Lanky_Pomegranate530, avatar


    Nakoichi, avatar

    It’s way too late for that I think.

    MattsAlt, avatar

    It literally is, too many states have passed primary registration deadlines. Only option would be something happening at the DNC, which, michael-laugh


    What if Biden dies or gets sick?

    MattsAlt, avatar

    I think the DNC votes for it, not sure to be honest. not-hillary vs jokermala vs pete-eat showdown with possible special guests pritzger and newsom

    Rom, avatar

    Hillary losing to Trump again would be the funniest fucking thing ever please god let this happen.

    MattsAlt, avatar
    SoyViking, avatar

    Best they can hope for is that Biden’s earthly husk gives up the battle in time for them to pick someone less detestable.

    ShimmeringKoi, avatar

    That they haven’t already makes me think that he’s actually the best they’ve got


    I mean for real, who else are they gonna run? Ratboy? Copmala?

    buh, avatar

    Volcel police

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