@EmperorHenry@discuss.tchncs.de avatar

Dust for prints!

I found Prince!

No no no! Finger Prints

I don’t think so.


I know it’s a small detail but not all non-binary people are agender.

@EdibleFriend@lemmy.world avatar

Genuinely curious about this because I had always assumed those were the same thing.


Non-binary people don’t fit neatly into the gender binary but might still associate with a gender, agender people meanwhile have no gender. Someone can be both or either one (I’m personally both).

@EdibleFriend@lemmy.world avatar

aaaaaaaaaaah that make sense TY :D


Wouldn’t gender-fluid also fall under the NB “umbrella”?


Not necessarily


Gender-fluid is more like a superposition on the binary. You can collapse the wave function and take a measurement but a split-second later it could be different.


Ok. That makes sense to me. Thank you!


This is firmly in the realm of semantic definition that most people don’t need to know IMO, definitely not in casual conversation. Like the precise botanical definition of a nut, ‘true crabs’ vs other kinds of crabs, and other such specialised definitions in various fields of study. For everyday discussion, broad labels are fine. Non-binary, agender, gender-fluid and maybe more that I’m ignorant of can all kinda be used interchangeably in most contexts and I think there’s nothing disrespectful in that. Expecting more is expecting too much.

If talking with one’s therapist about it or in circles where this is a main topic of discussion, yeah precise terms are useful, but outside of that it’s fine to mix them up.

I just felt this needed to be said. I’m absolutely in favour of people like you chiming in with the definition though, in the right context like here.


They all mean very different things, using non binary and agender interchangeably is one thing but using non binary and genderfluid interchangeably is completely different


Maybe it’s wrong, but do you think everyone in the world should know this? Though fwiw I don’t think gender-fluid is (or should be) used as a generic term for the others, the others feel more generic. I just wouldn’t think it comes from disrespect if someone does.


I lived in Burbank for a decade, and drove by the water tower a couple days a week.

Oh how frequently I wished they would come bouncing out.

@Resol@lemmy.world avatar

And now Spacetoon will forever forget this cartoon ever existed (because it has definitely aired it before)


Ohh, I should revisit Animaniacs. Haven’t seen any in years!


When I dived back into Animaniacs a few years ago, I was very happy that the episodes that I watched had aged really well.

Edit: Words are important for context

@sagrotan@lemmy.world avatar

“Finger prince” is a great joke too from that show. I laughed my ass off.

@captain_aggravated@sh.itjust.works avatar

Goodnight everybody!


Wacko is addicted to Don Knots comedy, you can always catch him watching old episodes of Matlock just for the guest appearance’s.

That used to be a running joke on the 90’s version of that show.

@Kolanaki@yiffit.net avatar

Wakko looks adorable AF in this image.


Wakko is adorable AF

@tsonfeir@lemm.ee avatar

While I like the joke, Wakko is actually a boy. He had a crush on Miss Bambon, so one could assume hetro. Humorously, Dot also had a crush on her. 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️


I agree that se is obvious supposed to be a boy, but I don’t understand your premise. You can be agender and have a crush on a woman.

@tsonfeir@lemm.ee avatar

Not really trying to make a point. But he’s not agender. Dot is bisexual though.


Your comment seemed awfully opinionated for not trying to make a point.

@tsonfeir@lemm.ee avatar

Don’t read it like that.


Nonbinary does not imply asexuality.

@tsonfeir@lemm.ee avatar

True. Wakko’s pronoun is “he” as the show has decided.


And plenty of nonbinary humans use and prefer the pronoun “he”


Also true. But we must consider the fact that when the show was airing, though I’m sure non-binary people certainly must have existed at the time, non-binary was not something that was part of the mainstream consciousness. So would not have been acceptable in a kids show. And though I’m not sure it would even be acceptable in today’s day and age by most mainstream standards, it’s more acceptable now than it was 30 years ago.

On top of that it’s very likely that most real people at that time who would likely identify as non-binary would not have identified themselves as such and would have chosen a he/she pronoun of some sort to identify themselves in order to conform to the social standard of that time.

@tsonfeir@lemm.ee avatar

Still, we should celebrate the characters who are designed to be nonbinary, to represent that community, not try to decide for that character 30 years later.


Right, to me it feels dishonest and pandering to change a character later like this. I don’t feel it’s winning points with anyone.


Oh, nevermind then. Yall, no points can be given, this person feels it.

I’m glad you were here to discount the other posters who were enjoying it. That was a close one.


Someone holds a different opinion and is engaging in civil discussion. Boo, not allowed >:[


Nah. Abed in Community is the best example of how you can have great representation for a group (autistic people) even if the character wasn’t initially written with that trait in mind. He was initially just written as a character, not an autistic character. Animaniacs had plenty of gender fuckery going on that kids like me noticed in the 90s

@tsonfeir@lemm.ee avatar

I did notice it that too. All of them wore clothes opposite of their perceived gender at one point. But it’s a cartoon. They are genderless. And not in a nonbinary way. They are whatever the script tells them to be.


Yes, and in the script in the OP, wakko is genderless and nonbinary

@tsonfeir@lemm.ee avatar

In the script it’s also making fun of people who claim they don’t have an agenda, but they really do. It’s subtle, but this is a right-leaning comic.


But we must consider the fact that when the show was airing,

Hulu rebooted it in 2020. The latest season was released in February, 2023.


He’s a Warner sibling, which means that at any moment he’s exactly whatever is necessary for the joke to work.


He? Shouldn’t it be they?


Not necessarily. Nonbinary covers a broad range of gender identities that don’t all exclusively use they/them.


Thanks for the info!

@PiratePanPan@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

We will finally achieve world peace when people realize gender, sex, and pronouns can be separate

@Draconic_NEO@lemmy.world avatar

Also pronouns aren’t necessarily dependent on gender, they’re dependent on the person’s pronoun preferences. Even someone who seems like they might use a specific set of pronouns based on their gender might use a different set of pronouns, as an example I knew someone who is a demiboy and they go by any pronouns.

CC: @magic_lobster_party


It should be whatever Wakko prefers. Perfectly fine for a nonbinary person to use “he”.

Edit: And also, pretty sure that’s another layer to the joke. Cause Wakko is just out there living his life while the world spins around him making definitions and boxes that have no bearing on how he lives.



@Dud@lemmy.world avatar

What, not to going to be pedantic about them spelling gender as genda while you’re at it?

maniel, (edited )

That’s a completely different thing, because it’s on purpose to match the “agenda” word, while “nonbinery” on purpose or not, is what someone who doesn’t read much would write, as a non native English speaker I’m kinda pedantic about such errors


I definitely read this in their voices

“And remember kids! Yakko spelled backwards is Okkay”

@FlashMobOfOne@lemmy.world avatar

I am one of the <1% that vote Green.

My only agenda is shouting into the void because I am effectively powerless.


You are not powerless, but on Lemmy you may feel like your opinion doesn’t matter due to the overwhelming liberal population.

@FlashMobOfOne@lemmy.world avatar

I’m a Green Party voter.

I am powerless.


I guess I gotta appreciate the honesty??

FlashMobOfOne, (edited )
@FlashMobOfOne@lemmy.world avatar


It’s not a bad thing to be a Green Party supporter. Do you not support democracy?

Oh wait, we’re talking about Democrats here. They only pay lip service to Democracy for their party alone.


Green Party is good politically, but they’ll never win unfortunately. So by voting Green Party you are only wasting your vote.


Sounds like If you don’t vote Biden you are wasting your vote. Good thing we have choices

@FlashMobOfOne@lemmy.world avatar

No, I’m wasting my vote by rubber stamping the two parties who’ve ruined the American experience over these last four decades.


How is lemmy overwhelmingly liberal? I’d say there are more leftists then liberals here


Just because you can't solve everything all on your own doesn't mean you're effectively powerless.

What does make you powerless is refusing to act because you have to be part of a crowd to help, instead of some lone avenging angel who can solve everything with a snap of their fingers.

@FlashMobOfOne@lemmy.world avatar

No, what makes me powerless is that 99% of people who vote make the same choices every election regardless of the quality of the candidate.

And that, I definitely cannot change.


As long as you decide to be powerless, you are.

There's also more than just presidential elections. Candidates not from the two ruling parties have a much greater chance in downticket races. You just have to give enough of a shit to pay attention.


At some point in history, voting was about picking the best, most qualified candidate.

In recent years, voting has become picking the person that makes the other color lose.

I wonder what the Founding Fathers would think of what their country has become.

@Jimbo@yiffit.net avatar

At some point in history, voting was about picking the best, most qualified candidate.

In recent years, voting has become picking the person that makes the other color lose.

I got some bad news for you buddy

This issue is not recent by any stretch of the imagination.

Also the founding fathers sucked and were constantly drunk slave holders.


Also the founding fathers sucked and were constantly drunk slave holders.

Hey now, let a man have his drink now and again, or we’ll put another tax on whiskey.

The best Founding Fathers were the abolitionists among them, though. Most of the slave-holders who shat up the founding are long-forgotten by popular culture, except for Jefferson and Madison.

@FlashMobOfOne@lemmy.world avatar

I imagine most would be pleased. They only ever wanted the voice of wealthy men to matter in the first place, and now it’s the supreme law of the land.


I don’t think so, they were trying to get away from a government that pushed too heavily onto the people. Regardless, it was a question that can never have an answer, since we cannot ask them.

@FlashMobOfOne@lemmy.world avatar

When they created the United States, their Constitution only allowed the vote to wealthy male landowners.

They’d be exceedingly pleased with the way things turned out. They never wanted common people to have any real voice beyond dying for wealthy people’s property.


At least you’re honest about it

@FlashMobOfOne@lemmy.world avatar

No reason to hide it.

The shameful thing is being a proud Democrat or Republican after the last 40 years of regression for the American people.


The shameful part is people like you help usher in fascism so you can feel superior

@FlashMobOfOne@lemmy.world avatar

That is numerically impossible.

My side has no power whatsoever.


Except to starve the non fascist of a vote which you admitted to

@FlashMobOfOne@lemmy.world avatar

That is a falsehood.

You all deprive yourselves of our votes by failing to follow through on your promises, along with those of the half of this country that can’t afford to miss a desperately needed day’s pay in order to vote for someone they know is only going to ignore them once elected.

Your party is the problem. You don’t get to beat people down and then pretend you’re the aggrieved party because they didn’t stand up with blood pouring down their faces and ask for more.


Yeah it’s a falsehood unless you look at what the options are and have some ideas of what the future holds, which we do

What you’re doing is entirely self-interested jerking, only useful to feel (falsely af) superior

I gotta say your username makes a lot of sense in this context. No concern for working together with others

@FlashMobOfOne@lemmy.world avatar

Thank you for your opinion.

Good luck with the election. Your entitlement to the votes of Greens without doing anything to earn them is definitely a bold strategy.


You are aligned with Jill Stein. Just sit with that a minute

@FlashMobOfOne@lemmy.world avatar

Jill Stein isn’t putting kids in cages or helping the Israelis commit Holocaust 2.0.

Sit with that a minute.


Yes we all know that Biden personally drinks Palestinian blood but your leader thinks 9/11 was perpetrated by the US government among other moronic ideas.

@FlashMobOfOne@lemmy.world avatar

Yes we all know that Biden personally drinks Palestinian blood

I mean, he might as well be. His response to the Israeli pogroms was to give them even more weapons. You and I get to pay for those weapons, which is more than enough for me to vote for someone else.

Your leader

I mean, on the plus side, she can form a coherent sentence, which Biden definitely struggles with.


Yeah she is really good at spouting moronic conspiracy theories but let’s make fun of the old guy with a stutter because he’s an irredeemable child murderer. Your idiotic decisions totally aren’t going to lead us to fascism, thanks.

@FlashMobOfOne@lemmy.world avatar

let’s make fun of the old guy with a stutter

It’s not the stutter. By now you’ve seen more than enough very public examples of his inability to think.

he’s an irredeemable child murderer

He’s at least helping a whole lot of them in Israel, with our money.

Your idiotic decisions totally aren’t going to lead us to fascism

What’s going to lead to fascism was his inaction when people’s grocery bills doubled, or when their rent increased by 80%, or doing literally nothing to try and pass a minimum wage increase.

People don’t care if the candidate of change is a fascist as long as he promises prosperity.


Ah, a trump simp. Got it now.

FYI it was the hilarious bit about Biden being the reason inflation is how it is. That’s tucker Carlson bullshit.

@FlashMobOfOne@lemmy.world avatar

That is not what I said.

What I said was he’s done nothing meaningful to change it, and that’s not an opinion. That’s fact.


What’s fact is that the president is not a magical wizard, but in FACT the economy has improved under him so even if it were all up to him your argument doesn’t work

@FlashMobOfOne@lemmy.world avatar

Look up Nixon and his windfall tax.

The president is not powerless.


so the options are “powerless” and “magical wizard”. what a world you live in.

@FlashMobOfOne@lemmy.world avatar


I just gave you an example of precedent and how former presidents successfully navigated similar circumstances.

You’re just content to ignore it because it’s too hard for you to face the fact that Genocide Joe just doesn’t give a damn about the poor and working class.


Genocide Joe

this is screaming out loud “I like Donald Trump”, not fooling anyone

@FlashMobOfOne@lemmy.world avatar

Or that, maybe, I don’t think my tax money should be sent to a genocidal regime that is, in fact, murdering children en masse.

That you’re able to process and accept this says a lot more about you than it does about me.


The actions you are taking and have announced you will continue to take, will work toward significantly increasing the misery of Palestinian people. It’s not guesswork. It’s just basic observation of past events.

So yeah, I don’t really buy that you care about them, if your reaction is a toddler tantrum that will definitely hurt them…


That's because your side is just you.

@FlashMobOfOne@lemmy.world avatar

I know.

We have no power. I’m just shouting into the void because it’s the only recourse I have.


The concentration camp was never the normal condition for the average gentile German. Unless one were Jewish, or poor and unemployed, or of active leftist persuasion or otherwise openly anti-Nazi, Germany from 1933 until well into the war was not a nightmarish place. All the “good Germans” had to do was obey the law, pay their taxes, give their sons to the army, avoid any sign of political heterodoxy, and look the other way when unions were busted and troublesome people disappeared.

Since many “middle Americans” already obey the law, pay their taxes, give their sons to the army, are themselves distrustful of political heterodoxy, and applaud when unions are broken and troublesome people are disposed of, they probably could live without too much personal torment in a fascist state — some of them certainly seem eager to do so.

  • Michael Parenti. (1996). Fascism in a Pinstriped Suit

Many people have been living under fascism in the United States for decades, suffering under explicitly racist police and judiciary systems, fighting against explicitly fascist foreign policy, and trying to wake people up to the explicitly fascist rhetoric of both democrats and republicans.

First they came for the Communists,
and I didn’t speak up,
because I wasn’t a Communist.
Then they came for the Jews,
and I didn’t speak up,
because I wasn’t a Jew.
Then they came for the Catholics,
and I didn’t speak up,
because I was a Protestant.
Then they came for me,<— you are here
and by that time there was no one
left to speak up for me.


Dafuq, ai?


“everything I don’t like is fascism”

Almost every presidential election I write in a name because neither two major candidates deserve my vote. Glad I get to help “usher in fascism”.


Jerkin’ for one


Always happy to rub one out.


No one was confused about that


Good. I was concerned word had yet to spread around sufficiently.


Right there in black and white

Almost every presidential election I write in a name because neither two major candidates deserve my vote.

May as well have written " I don’t care about outcomes or people less fortunate than me. I made a big statement and therefore my shit doesn’t stink"


I don’t really care to be honest, and there’s nothing you can do about. Unless screeching into the wind amounts to anything.


It’s obvious you don’t care. Otherwise you wouldn’t be sucking your dick at everyone else’s expense


Hahaha what does that even mean? You’re so mad. You’re just screeching insults. Delicious.


It is 12:30 PM. I am reading this exchange with no emotion until this comment. I have been stirred to tell you this: “Fuck you, Promethiel whispered calmly”.


You know I love it when you talk dirty to me.


You’re like an AI trained on third party douchebag posts to create some kind of all-encompassing super-douche


Buddy, your words/insults carry zero weight. You can’t hurt me. No amount of name calling will change that. Stop wasting your time.

Have a nice day.


And yet you respond


And yet you responded.

I think we’re becoming best friends.


I’m not bragging about not caring that I’m preventing a non fascist future


Preach, brother. Preach. Let the world know you’re on the right side of history. Wrap yourself in that thought at night. Like a warm blanket. But never forget to grab your weapons for the culture war. It needs life long soldiers.


Let the world know you’re on the right side of history. Wrap yourself in that thought at nigh

lmao the protest vote couldn’t be summed up better than this ^


Ah, c’mon man. Where is the name calling? The petty insults? Once you people devolve to that point rarely do you go back to anything else. Look at you raising the bar for alt lefts everywhere. I’m proud of you.


name calling

petty insults

That’s a creative way of interpreting what I did


It’s ok to be shitty some times, but at least be a man and own it. In most civilized societies, telling someone they suck their own dick and are a super douche is generally considered to be petty and name calling.

Though I suppose if a person always assumes they’re right, they wouldn’t consider it insulting. I guess you’re a victim of your own ego, and I forgive you.

Are we having a moment? I think so.


Not so sure about any of this. I’m just telling you the truth in a crass way. Not uncommon.


Your version of the truth, I suppose.

But it’s too late, I already have you tagged as best friend. No backing out.


Please keep voting.

Would I recommend you vote differently than you say? Maybe, but so what. Just please vote, and encourage others to vote.

@FlashMobOfOne@lemmy.world avatar

Luckily my city has excellent early voting, so it’s not too inconvenient.


They have an agenda, so they assume everyone else does too. It’s always projection.


Universal happiness and prosperity could be a part of an agenda as well right?


Not an agenda people talk enough about


no, because there is no such thing as universal happiness.

everyone’s happiness is different, and often conflicting.

for example, my father’s happiness would have been me playing football. I hated sports. hence, he hated me until he died for ‘hurting him’.


This is a strange exclusionary way of considering happiness, tbh.

Like even if I want, and maybe even would be most happy, to sit down in front of a plate of duck a l’orange for dinner doesn’t mean I can’t or won’t be perfectly happy eating a sirloin steak for dinner instead

Edit: for clarity, I am referring to your father’s view on happiness, not your response to it


That really sucks. Can practically feel the tension through your post. What a bummer… shouldn’t kill anybody to let somebody else be happy doing their own thang (and be happy not necessarily copying another person’s thang).

Less importantly:

When I think about ‘universal happiness’, I’d think it’s more about creating conditions where everyone has the opportunity to pursue their own version of happiness, rather than imposing a single idea of happiness on everyone.


yeah, but that’s not how people work.


He’d be much happier in the grand scheme of things if he accepted his kids as they are.

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