



Fiber arts. SoCal. Social justice. Snark.

Federated avatar


(Tess-sear Eh-ks)

🔞 Might be lewds or I might overshare about personal things.

  • Into dnd, #ttrpg, drawing (mostly maps), creating tales and campaign ideas, check out my
  • Big into #crocheting check out my store!
  • Aspiring poet and writer!! Check my Wattpad!

Energetic or depressed most of the time.

Things I post most weeks on no particular day.

  • make a map
  • post cover art of Dungeon magazine
  • me plants
  • my poems
  • dreams avatar


Hello! My name is Shaun Aranda and I own and operate BuildMeABear.Biz LLC! I am the Master Craftsman in my shop, and everything in my shop is made with the utmost of love! I I have my home store online at BuildMeABear.Biz and My Etsy Shop can be found by searching my name or BuildMeABear on Etsy! I look forward to the community of artists and crafters, and even more to the lack of the big corporate jungle of madness! Feel free to follow me and to direct message me with questions or requests!


My name is Caz. I am into all things crafty, especially crochet, and I run a little part time crochet shop on Etsy. I am also a full time parrot slave and a bit of a techie.

#fedi22 tags: #parrots #birds #petsofmastodon #birdsofmastodon #crochet #crocheting #craft #toys #art #fibreart avatar


Former child, space bum. Knitter, crocheter, general crafter. avatar


Zierpflanzengärtnerin - nur noch auf Balkonien | Büro- und Personalgedöns |

Profilfoto - Mein Avatar von duolingo - schulterlange graue Haare, Brille auf Nase, lila Oberteil, Hintergrundfarbe helles grün
Hintergrundfoto - Reife Tomaten liegen auf einem großen braunen Holztisch

Meine Toots werden nach einem Monat gelöscht.

#häkeln #stricken #strickmaschine #nähen #kreativ #backen avatar


The thoughts and art of Lisa Blackwell-Dickinson- hippie mother, scruffy ol’ home-edder who likes to burn stuff. She/her avatar


Here for the science and the creative arts. #Dogs are a bonus. 😷 #Introduction #StainedGlass #sculpture #photography #Ontario #MastoArt #ArtAdventCalendar #AltText #FensterFreitag #ClimateCrisis #crochet #sewing 🇨🇦

Avatar - 1875 stained glass quatrefoil in a gothic window above a church entry. Gold, lavender, green, blue and red etched glass.

Header - Duffy & Willow. Duffy is an opinionated Westie with an attitude. Willow is an overly affectionate rescued shepherd/lab.


#cppprogrammer, hobbyist of #crochet, #rpg player, #boardgames player, #languagenerd avatar


Sculpteur de petits animaux mignons

#sculpture #bois #woodcarving avatar


Spinnen, stricken, häkeln, weben - mit Fasern und Garn kreativ werden. Stricken und Häkeln habe ich als Kind gelernt, Spinnen kam ca. 2005 dazu und 2021 dann auch noch weben.

Spinning, knitting, crocheting, weaving - give me fiber or yarn and I'll get creative. I learned to knit and crochet as a child, started spinning about 2005 and 2021 the weaving bug bit me.

#knitting #spinning #crochet #weaving #Handarbeiten #stricken #hakeln #fibercraft #wool #yarn avatar


Being awesome. Black cats. Reading comics. Playing video games. Watching anime. Ghost stories. Needlecrafts. Reading biographies. Nightwing. Deadpool. The Mets. In fandoms for over 25 years. I also sing. Green belt in Okinawan Goju-ryu Karate. Married to 39. She/her. San Antonio, Texas.


🌸 Art Historian 🌸 Clarinettist 🌸 Books 🌸 Crochet 🌸 Gaming 🌸

In a relationship for 3 years 🥰! avatar


I organize books for fun at the public library. Knit, crochet, cook, read a lot, walk a lot , look at things. Small menagerie of birds and squirrels. Petsitter.

Lived in Venice Beach in the 60's, Utah in the 70's, and Oregon ever since. Big fan of Alaska, Seattle, San Francisco, New York, and Hawaiian Beaches.

All photos are by me on a phone camera, unless credited.

Avatar photo is me wearing an orchid. Banner photo is a skein of waterfowl in the skies above Eugene. avatar

MandyCanUDigIt avatar


Mechanical Engineer Art, engineering and DIY avatar


Kleiner Häkelhund und Friends auf Entdeckungsreise
Profilbild: wir Häkels mit zwei älteren Peanutscomicbüchern
Titelbild: Joschka, Charlie, Snoopy Woodstock und Manni im Rettungsring der Kong Harald auf unserer Postschiffreise.

Beiträge, die älter sind als 1 Monat, werden automatisch gelöscht.


She/Her/Red happily married atheist with a kindred heart, lives in Yarntopia with all my crochet friends. Yarner of true tales and colourful threads. (AppalachianCrochet from avatar


Enderdragon, Calimero, Fille.wav. Lire Dune. Serial twitteuse et RT + encore ! Petites expérimentations d'expression, art, cuisine, crochet, etc. avatar


art, history, chalk art, books, disability, education, parenthood, crochet, Wikipedia, Los Angeles; she/her Current avatar: Me, fifty-something white woman, wearing a black beanie, black framed eyeglasses, and a large white mask avatar


It is true that fish stink. It is also true that the river is beautiful. But the river would remain beautiful despite the fish. What is noxious remains so. Normandi Ellis “Awakening Osiris: the Egyptian Book of the Dead” Tywyll Seren = Dark Star


I'm a crafter living in Sweden.

My crafts of choice are #weaving, #crochet, #TunisianCrochet, #machineKnitting, #knitting and #sewing.

I also have a pixelfed account if you prefer:
Sometimes the same things is posted on both, but not always.

#fedi22 for opt in search


Mechanical engineer, artist and maker avatar


Hi there, I'm Lexi / Cress (she/her).

I #knit & #crochet, and love PC #gaming and most #BoardGames. I'm an avid drinker of #tea (loose leaf Blue Lady), an occasional writer, and somewhat of a #geek.

I will usually follow back; please don't take it as an invitation to DM me; this is not a dating site. :-)

Avatar is a pic of me with freshly dyed blue hair. Header is taken from my 40th birthday party; a garden bathed in sunshine with chairs & tables, and to the right, a large inflatable pool.


Your friendly neighborhood Selkie. I am trying to scrabble together a new art business. #ND #AsianAmerican #ActuallyAutistic 🦭✨🪴 avatar


Asperger's, Cats, Books, Battlestar Galactica, Star Trek, The Expanse, Stephen King's Dark Tower series, Equality & Equity, Progressive, Resistance, Atheist, Buddhist

Character in Kim Stanley Robinson's book "The Years of Rice & Salt" calls herself Wei Wang Ren, or "She who has not yet died." avatar


Gardienne de 2 démons très doux (vraiment très très doux)
Faiseuse de trucs au crochet (surtout des peluches)
Et dev web pour payer des jouets aux démons et des pelotes pour moi 🧶
Achat possible des peluches au crochet, contacte par mail 📧


Faded flower child, left of centre, eccentric interests!

Also on Mastodon Party!


Avatar is a blue and yellow heart crocheted the weekend after Russia invaded Ukraine. Header is a picture of Alice reading her book on a crochet doily beside a wee vase with a flower in it. avatar


I’m a hobby collector and generally into anything creative. I’m also a software development manager working in the science arena. 🧶🪡🎨🧬👩🏻‍💻🧵🧫 avatar


Hi there! I'm a robot wrangler, freelance writer, choir singer, community manager, cat paparazzo, and Oxford comma enthusiast from Denver, Colorado. I've been autistic since forever and type 1 diabetic since 2016. Pronouns are she/her/hers.

Profile photo: Orion the gray and white tabby cat in the loaf position on a beige pillow, his mouth wide open in the middle of a yawn.

Banner photo: A large sunflower with a setting sun behind it. avatar


I'm a random poster, could talk about anything at anytime. I almost always follow back anyone who follows me. I write erotic stories, crochet and complain. A witch with tats and dreams. I read books and know things. avatar


Let there be Pouet!!

Doom Metalhead, serial crocheteuse et membre d'Alpinux
#metal #boardgame #crochet #linux #Manjaro #genealogie avatar


a fat lady (she/ they) who makes stuff avatar


Devotional Polytheist. Hedge Witch. Queer. Fiber Artist. Posts about Paganism and rural life in the Great Lakes region. He/Him

Header is the cover for my blog titled 'Great Lakes Pagan: Life and Craft in the Northern Forest'. The words are imposed over a landscape photo of a lakeshore with pine-covered sandstone cliffs cut out in curving patterns due to erosion.

Profile photo is me: a thin, clean-shaven brunet white guy with glasses wearing his signature grey knit hat.


Crafter. Dreamer. They/them. Middle aged, disabled, autistic single parent in East Europe. Has chronic pain, ADHD and executive dysfunction. Loves cats, needlework, yarnwork, plants and discussions. Listens to BTS, podcasts and video essays. Watches Critical Role and the odd Netflix show. Hates Disney, the company, not the artists. Can't read as much as they like any more. Posts sporadically. Also appears on Tumblr, Insta and Pillowfort.


Feanorian. Silencer. Gwynbleidd. Parent of Dragons to be. Stormblessed. Von Sittichen versklavt. Writes gay fanfics. avatar


Downwardly-mobile geeky queer disabled hippie/punk leftist Jewish senior citizen. What a long strange trip it still is. Currently residing in Kalapuya territory, (temporarily) western Oregon USA.

Header: M'aiq the Liar (Elder Scrolls Online version) saying "M'aiq paid a merchant to ship his things to Stormhaven. Half went to Stormhold, the rest to Haven. Stupid merchant."

Avatar: A graphic of a steampunk elf dandy in a peacock-hued suit, standing in a garden of purple iris.


🫖🛋 • 📚📖 • 🧶🪡

You will find this creature in its natural habitat, its own home. Most of its time it spends fiddling with yarn or thread, despite not being particularly good at it.
It also has a deep hunger for stories that support its efforts to distance itself from the real world.

Hi! I'm Sarah (she/her 🏳️‍🌈), the Stitching Hermit. I prefer staying at home over socialising (but I do have friends). I like to #read , #crossstitch and #crochet and I hate intolerance, hypocracy and inconsiderateness. avatar


Sporadic Twitch Streamer and yarn based crafter with chronic pain and a Tiny Dog. I found out at the age of 45 that I had ADHD which has been a huge relief!
Currently studying Environmental Studies with the Open University.
Located in NE England

Will likely toot along with Strictly Come Dancing and Eurovision
I wish to be a Discworld inhabitant please avatar


Computer scientist, PhD, hat lover, bloody leftist, she/her.
Born at 345ppm.


And the good girls go to heaven, but the bad girls go everywhere... avatar


MPH Epi '16. She/her. Wife, mother, dog owner, singer, writer. Southeastern US. Profile pic is detail of a water bug and flower by Maria Merian; header is my dog Henry's nose poking out from under a comforter. avatar


📩 Bayan Mo, iPatrol Mo Facebook page
📩 avatar


Writer. Birdwatcher. Photographer. Tibet activist. Could happily eat momos all day long. Vegetarian. Buddhist. Lesbian. Retired Librarian. Living on Jagera, Yuggera and Ugarapul lands 🌈 #writing #BirdNerd #FreeTibet #Hiking #Bushwalking #Camping #Travel

Alt Text for Avatar: a side profile of an older white woman wearing a beanie. Her face is illuminated by sunlight while the rest of the room is in darkness. The photo is of me. avatar


#Crochet designer and creator of eco-friendly gifts, crafts and kits for you and your home. European. INTJ. Share your makes with #LittleConkers avatar


Writer, Geordie, crone, Friend of DeSoto, Anarcho-curious

Interests: Writing , Sci-Fi, Stoicism, Atheism, Humanism, Science, Star Trek, Crochet, Anarchism, Red Pandas, Cats, PokemonGo, Fountain Pens, Journaling, Active Travel, Solarpunk, Minimalism, Tea, Revolution

Born at 322ppm
Lives in North East UK
Avatar is a red panda. Header shows two birds silhouetted against a deep orange sky, flying away from an open cage. avatar


Software tester and real life crafter. I live for video games, coffee, books and K-pop. 💗 avatar


#Energy, #Regulation, #REMIT, #EnergyLaw, formerly on #EnergyTwitter work @AutoriteitCM, love #Rotterdam, #Tango, #Outdoors, #crochet #handspinning Boost/bookmark is not endorsement etc. Toots mostly Dutch and some English avatar


Gwen Frankenstien from the internet
30+/bi/she/her. adults only pls.


I’m completely new to ‘social media’.
Still trying to figure this all out…

This instance seems friendly and hopefully people are patient as well. avatar


Booklover, into literary news, reviews and discussion, #TodaysPoem and #SundaySentence contributor, #SilentBookClub organizer, dog lover, proud Torontonian, very amateur but constant crocheter

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