SteveThompson, avatar

Murderous terrorist organization that mercilessly raped, slaughtered, beheaded and cruelly violated Israeli families, some wrapped in each other's arms, along with more than 1400 innocent people "says Israel's strikes on refugee camp kill more than 195 people"

I don't believe them. Neither should you. There's no room for truth in animals of their kind. Main goal of their media propaganda is to blame Israel and always for something spectacular.

#Hamas #Palestine #Gaza

xs4me2, avatar


Indeed, despicable murderous thugs is what they are… they are not part of a solution…


@SteveThompson I read that some Palestinian numbers on overall civilian victims (the 7000) are credible, as they come from a reliable health source, and even though Hamas are notorious liars

Properganda, avatar

@supergrobi @SteveThompson then by all means share this “reliable” source you read.


@Properganda @SteveThompson did you read the NYT article? it says much more than Biden not trusting the numbers, and I read a similar assessment of the Gazan health ministry's reliability in an OKish German (journalistic!) magazine

Gazans Release Names of 6,747 People They Say Were Killed in Israeli Strikes

SteveThompson, avatar

@supergrobi @Properganda If you're talking about Human Rights Watch, they have an agenda. I wouldn't trust them but I would trust what the article says before that content. It's obvious the journalist is making an attempt to seek to disqualify the Biden commentary if it is out there, and she found it.

So basically, she took the U.S. government stance, which is accurate, like it or not, and muddied the story with the viewpoint of an organization with an agenda. She did the terrorists' homework.

Properganda, avatar

@supergrobi @SteveThompson There are undoubtedly many civilian casualties as in any war/conflict, but what should be clear is #Hamas #Iran started this war & should not be trusted, legitimized, but condemned & stopped —not just for the sake of Israel, but for the sake civilization & humanity.

xs4me2, avatar

@Properganda @supergrobi @SteveThompson

Seen this before, Hamas cannot be trusted. Same for hiding weapons etc. in schools, hospitals and mosques. A bunch of murderous thugs that is holding the Palestinians hostage with dreams of a fundamentalist future. They are simply incompatible with a solution, a death cult.


@xs4me2 @Properganda @SteveThompson true, they're like Islamic State.


@xs4me2 @Properganda @SteveThompson multiple sources claim that thousands of children died in Gaza. Please Israel, stick to "Eye for an Eye" and stop this!

"Gaza becomes ‘a graveyard for children’ as Israel intensifies airstrikes"

xs4me2, avatar

@supergrobi @Properganda @SteveThompson

It needs to stop… there simply is no future in massacre, hate and killing. I doubt however if Hamas wants peace. They are a proxy for Iran wanting total destruction of the state of Israel. The Palestines to them are mere pawns…

Properganda, avatar

@xs4me2 #Hamas #Hezbollah #Iran #Putin clearly DO NOT want peace! These are bloodthirsty authoritarian tyrants & fascists, who want to topple the West & #RuleOfLaw in order to ruthlessly rule without accountability.

#Israel & #Ukraine are not just fighting for their own survival, but for #democracy #civilization & #humanity

xs4me2, avatar


Fully true…

SteveThompson, avatar

@xs4me2 @supergrobi @Properganda It's going to stop. As soon as Israel determines that the Hamas terrorist government has been decimated enough to where it is safe for them and for non-combatant Palestinians to return to Gaza.


@SteveThompson @xs4me2 @Properganda the question is how many Gazan civilians will be killed along the way until IDF reaches that goal. It seems to be way too many already.

SteveThompson, avatar

@supergrobi @xs4me2 @Properganda I see it this way:

Despite any accusations trying to blame Israel for random, indiscriminate bombings, Israel is targeting Hamas, not innocent civilians. Whereas Hamas has a reputation of using women and children as shields, and targeting them mercilessly.

Israel exists as a democracy following the rules of war and that, sadly, means civilian casualties. Hamas is a terrorist propaganda machine entrenched as the government of Gaza, designed for mass casualties.

xs4me2, avatar

@SteveThompson @supergrobi @Properganda

Yes, to me that seems the correct view in this pool of online sentiments…
Their (Hamas’s) goals will never be reached.

The problem though is that this hate, this killing and pain will lead to revenge and more killing, how to break this circle of violence?

Depressing, all of this…

SteveThompson, avatar

@xs4me2 @supergrobi @Properganda

"The problem though is that this hate, this killing and pain will lead to revenge and more killing...."

It will only lead to even more egregious deadly incidents, esp. if Israel is denied its right to strive to put a stop to it. Threatening words won't do it. Terrorists take verbal threats as dares, and challenges. And so it goes.

xs4me2, avatar

@SteveThompson @supergrobi @Properganda

Hamas needs to be fully destroyed so much is clear, aslong as they exist they will be a clear and present danger to Israel and more…


@xs4me2 @SteveThompson @Properganda not sure you are aware that Netanyahu supposedly supported Hamas in order to avoid any possibility of a 2-state-solution?
That's what thousands of civilians on both sides have died and will die for, Netanyahu's and Likud's mistakes.

xs4me2, avatar

@supergrobi @SteveThompson @Properganda

Yes, I was aware of that, and they were not mistakes but policy... right-wing policy...

SteveThompson, avatar

@SteveThompson @xs4me2 @Properganda Hey @pepita , having read your knowledgeable answer with the problems of a 2-state-solution, I wonder what your opinion is?
I'd think there must be an alternative to playing the game of Hamas, with Netanyahu following the inhumane logic of war that Hamas certainly has calculated for.
I'm not talking about appeasement, but what e.g. Obama did with his drone war instead of full-scale war with boots on the ground and thousands of dead civilians.


@supergrobi @SteveThompson @xs4me2 @Properganda not optimistic it will not just continue to be a permanently unsolved problem... I see no solution without both rotating leadership on all sides and this new leadership agreeing to redraw borders, and move some people, to something more rational that allows both parties basic dignity and security. (Western "no ethnic cleansing" absolutism is in the way here.) how to get there I know not. best outsiders can do is be gently supportive.

xs4me2, avatar

@pepita @supergrobi @SteveThompson @Properganda

A 2-state solution or no solution at all... it's been going on in its current state since the 40s...

Properganda, avatar

@xs4me2 @pepita @supergrobi @SteveThompson

The best outsiders can do is:
Stop being played by #Iran & #Putin —who are benefiting most from those calling for a #CeaseFire instead of for #HamasReleaseHostagesNow #BringThemHome & ignoring and/or rationalizing #Hamas & #IslamicTerrorism

#HamasEnemyOfHumanity #StopPutin #StandWithIsrael #StandWithYkraine


@pepita @SteveThompson @xs4me2 @Properganda 1/2 As the obviously Last Hippie Standing in this thread, I just cannot believe that killing thousands of civilians can be the right thing to do.

Not only because of the Palestinians, but also because of Israel's security: this is exactly what Hamas wants Israel to do, to fuel the conflict further.

Answering bombings and killings with more bombings and killings in an even larger scale will fall back on Israel, just like Netanyahu's hardliner policy.

SteveThompson, avatar

@SteveThompson @pepita @xs4me2 @Properganda 1/3 That's an interesting conversation you had with @MisuseCase .
So what do you think the Hamas monsters expected Israel to do? I don't think they are stupid monsters.
You didn't answer on when you'd think that civil casualty numbers become disproportionate, with that silence sounding a bit like anything that Israel's national emergency government now does is per se right, or questioning it would be taking sides with Hamas.
So I went looking at ...


@SteveThompson @pepita @xs4me2 @Properganda @MisuseCase 2/3 ... how that emergency government is constituted, and what factions exist:

Turns out that opposition leader Lapit says:
"it’s still necessary to “take the extremists out of the government of extremists,” and pointed to Ben Gvir and Smotrich, saying their presence in the security cabinet is “no way to make decisions.”"

There was another poll earlier saying that Israelis want Netanyahu to go ...


@SteveThompson @pepita @xs4me2 @Properganda @MisuseCase 3/3 ... and the only open question was whether he (and his government) should go before or after this war.

Letting him stay until after this war would be an invitation for him to stay longer in power the longer this war takes.

That would be horrible.

SteveThompson, avatar

@supergrobi @pepita @xs4me2 @Properganda @MisuseCase You don't need polls. If you've been watching Israel these last nine months you've seen the thousands of people protesting Netanyahu across Israel.

xs4me2, avatar

@SteveThompson @supergrobi @pepita @Properganda @MisuseCase

The resistance to his right wing cabinet has been obvious. In that sense, the Hamas attack was a godsend, distracting attention from his problems. He should go ASAP... the right wing settler policy is going nowhere... but into trouble...

Properganda, avatar

@xs4me2 @SteveThompson @supergrobi @pepita @MisuseCase

Israel must be united if it’s going to succeed against Hamas, Hezbollah, & all the dark forces behind them. Netanyahu doesn’t have enough confidence of both, the #Israeli people & allies. IMHO, if Bibi prioritized #israel & #Jews over his political & personal fortunes, he would step down. Not likely, from everything we’ve witnessed.

So many serious challenges… so much at stake.

xs4me2, avatar

@Properganda @SteveThompson @supergrobi @pepita @MisuseCase

With this right wing government, the settler policies and his authoritarian tendencies, he is a big part of the problem. Only voting him out will help. His victory was a very narrow one, btw...

Many challenges indeed, the future of Israel at stake even.

In my view, the only way out would be a 2-state solution, one without religious fanatics in the core...

Properganda, avatar

@SteveThompson @xs4me2 @supergrobi

💯% Appeasement never works with radical religious fanatics & tyrannical thugs. Appeasement didn’t work w/Hitler & won’t w/Putin or #IslamicTerrorists

The reason we’re here is because nobody stood up to #Putin before & he certainly will not stop if he succeeds in #Ukraine

All the people crying #ceasefire have no common sense, need to learn from Richard Chamberlain & history in general.


@Properganda @SteveThompson @xs4me2 @supergrobi Neville. Richard’s a pretty good guy.

SteveThompson, avatar
xs4me2, avatar
xs4me2, avatar

@SteveThompson @blamellors @Properganda @supergrobi

And the peace in OUR time that did not happen unfortunately...

xs4me2, avatar
xs4me2, avatar
SteveThompson, avatar

@xs4me2 @blamellors @Properganda @supergrobi Looks like probably an Al Jazeera hit piece. Expect both bias and agenda.


@SteveThompson @xs4me2 @Properganda @supergrobi and some truth just like most major msm publications. Al Jazeera has some really good journalists .

xs4me2, avatar

@blamellors @SteveThompson @Properganda @supergrobi

Think so indeed, and we have seen the protests against him where he is aiming at more central power... it's only a few months back...

xs4me2, avatar
SteveThompson, avatar

@xs4me2 @blamellors @Properganda @supergrobi Stopped posting Al Jazeera news shortly after 10.07.

xs4me2, avatar

@SteveThompson @blamellors @Properganda @supergrobi

As I said, in war, the first victim is the truth... Hamas are a bunch of thugs, they killed more than 1500 innocent people in a pogrom of unseen dimensions. They are using the Palestinian case for their own distorted cause and as an Iranian proxy...

The Israeli settler policies of the right wing government are not helping at all and the only long term solution is a 2 state one... which the Palestinians turned down in the 40s...


@xs4me2 @SteveThompson @Properganda @supergrobi but accepted at Oslo and Camp David. The blame for the failure can be debated but Arafat did accept a two state solution.

xs4me2, avatar

@blamellors @SteveThompson @Properganda @supergrobi

He did... but now the secular discussion of 2 states has somehow turned into a religious one with right wing conservative Jews and fundamentalist Muslims... what a mess...

xs4me2, avatar

@SteveThompson @blamellors @Properganda @supergrobi

The truth is this needs to stop somehow, but how...

Hamas needs to be taken out. As long as the Palestinian civilians will be able to see this too, that will succeed. The more collateral damage, the more hate, and the spiral will continue...

SteveThompson, avatar
xs4me2, avatar

@SteveThompson @blamellors @Properganda

So about half of them don't...

SteveThompson, avatar

@xs4me2 @blamellors @Properganda Which 'about half' do you see winning an argument? Any argument?

xs4me2, (edited ) avatar

@SteveThompson @blamellors @Properganda

You can't win a religious war, which is what Hamas made this into... you can´t kill all Hamas as the world will not let you, so the hate and killing will continue....
mowing the grass as the elegant term for limiting the power of resistance is what has been going on for the last years...

How CATCH22 do you want this to be?

Any solutions?

Truly sickening is what it is....


@xs4me2 @SteveThompson @Properganda Hamas must go but how Israel responds matters too. It will take friends of Israel whose loyalty is unquestioned to advise restraint and calibration. Thankfully Joe Biden is such a man. A 50 year friendship has value in this case. I think Israel trusts him to offer advice.

xs4me2, avatar

@blamellors @SteveThompson @Properganda

Let's hope so, because the only solution will be one without war, I dare not even say peace... a form of coinciding might be too much to ask, hence a 2-state solution with a brick wall... as long as the killing stops...

BUT.... it will not work with religious fanatics...


@xs4me2 @SteveThompson @Properganda i know violence begets violence.

The ultimate weakness of violence is that it is a descending spiral, begetting the very thing it seeks to destroy." - Martin Luther King…

xs4me2, avatar
xs4me2, avatar

@SteveThompson @blamellors @Properganda @supergrobi

In war the first victim is the truth...but in this case I think they are right...

There are many parallels between Trump and Netanyahu btw.... they have similar reasons to want to cling to power... lots to lose...

xs4me2, avatar

@Properganda @SteveThompson @supergrobi

Appeasement will not work indeed, they will only grow more dangerous…

SteveThompson, avatar

@xs4me2 @Properganda @supergrobi One only need look at Donald Trump to see the disastrous effects of appeasement.

xs4me2, avatar

@SteveThompson @Properganda @supergrobi

Trump is a disaster in any case. A megalomaniac narcissistic fraud. He should never ever be allowed near public office again.

His actions as a president were erratic and beyond anything we have ever seen, the worst of the worst.... with Putin as the laughing third...

Properganda, avatar

@xs4me2 @SteveThompson @supergrobi

The series #Fauda on Netflix portrays this terrible cycle in #IsraelPalestineConflict
Watching it now & highly recommend.

xs4me2, avatar

@Properganda @SteveThompson @supergrobi

Hmmm, thx, will have a look….

xs4me2, avatar

@SteveThompson @supergrobi @Properganda

“Mowing the grass” again then. Its simply not a solution, nor is mass murder…

SteveThompson, avatar

@supergrobi @xs4me2 @Properganda

Not to diminish his loss and not that he didn't say this but it is an unrealistic view, a 'fantastic' one:

“All the families there were civilians who were looking for a simple life,” he told The Washington Post by phone. “We thought we lived in a safe place.”

He's wrong on 'all.' Even residents of Israel kibitzes attacked by Hamas had safe rooms, so perhaps he thought because his terrorist government had tunnels underground residents were 'safe' above ground?

SteveThompson, avatar

@supergrobi @xs4me2 @Properganda So the three journalists who wrote this story, some obviously sympathetic, managed to find a guy who lost everything and everyone. And by publishing his unique story in Washington Post it suggests that all Gazans are experiencing his story and the world needs to know.

It is either an expose or propaganda. Can it be both? Perhaps. But that it borders on propaganda one would have to look at possible loyalties of journalists for bias and other influential factors.

xs4me2, avatar

@SteveThompson @supergrobi @Properganda

The problem with news and online media nowadays…

SteveThompson, avatar

@supergrobi @xs4me2 @Properganda

The one story contributor is a "Gaza-based freelance photographer' who "deals with documenting daily aspects of life in Palestine, preparing images for printing and use on the Web, and preferring social reportage dedicated to the documentation of his people conditions." So he's on a mission.

Other Gaza journalist has this going on:

Since Hamas is at the center of that, hard to tell what's real.

Other reporter is a WaPo staff writer.

SteveThompson, avatar

@supergrobi @xs4me2 @Properganda

Seems mass media outlets were using Hamas propagandist photographers without knowing. They used some freelancers 'for the first time' to scoop the events.

"Media watchdog says it was just 'raising questions' with insinuations about photographers and Hamas"

"Both AP and CNN said..they would no longer work with Eslaiah...HonestReporting posted a photo of Eslaiah being kissed by Hamas leader Yehia Sinwar."

#Hamas #media #Gaza #photos

xs4me2, (edited ) avatar

@SteveThompson @supergrobi @Properganda

The thing is, like with Daesh, media coverage is part of the propaganda Hamas uses. This is not free press nor journalism, it is covering and documenting terrorist action to spread fear and terror.

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