
I’m also @nicerdicer

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nicerdicer2, (edited )

The last time I bought a map was around the early 2000’s. I drove to another city and bought a city plan along with a newspaper. I used both to search for appartements to visit and rent while being there for the whole day.

The last time a physical map got handed to me was when I registered as a citizen in yet another city I went to study for. Students who moved there were handed a shoulder bag filled with some brochures along with a map of the city and a book with the timetables for all public transport routes as a welcoming gift. That was in 2007.

nicerdicer2, (edited )

An excerpt from a related article from the same website:

And making the low-budget movie meant long hours and, as the title suggests, a lot of running. “Run Lola Run” finds its 20-something protagonist in a race against the clock to help her boyfriend replace a drug dealer’s bag of money that he lost. Most movie stars would sign up for a few triathlons or employ Usain Bolt’s trainer to get ready for such a gig. Not Potente.

“I didn’t do any preparation really,” she admits. “I was probably smoking two packs of cigarettes a day at that point. And I was doing all this running — I was running in rehearsals, I was running when we shot all the different takes, and I would run again so we could get the sound right. I was carried along by all this energy.”

Ah, the 90s… It was still is a great movie.


Perhaps there will be a time in the future when we look back to when everything was “just” flat design. Meanwhile the UI will adapt the aesthetics of AI generated imagery which will be the new design thing then. Everything will look overly saturated but also a bit blurry, like AI generated landscapes. .

Or not. It depends on what data an AI will be fed with. Maybe it goes Frutiger Aero all over again (at least what the AI interpretation of Frutiger will be) since AI generators could be fed with the existing examples of such an era. We would have gone full circle.


I didn’t know. I thought it was some old painting which depicted something in a totally different and unknown context, like so many others in this communtiy. It is never too late to learn.


That’s an interesting one. When I was a child I liked the smell of new books and magazines. They had a rather pleasant odor. But since a couple of years now fresh-printed things smell just awful. I think the ingredients of the ink or the paper have been changed.


What a waste of resources. Millions of devices will now add to the landfill, despite nothing is wrong with them in terms of technical funtionality. Just because Spotify wants them do be discontinued.

It should be law that when a manufacturer decides on discontinuing an otherwise fully functional product in such way, they should be forced to publish the source code of the software used for the respective device as well as any other resources for free so that users of these devices at least have a chance to repurpose it.

This also stands for any “smart” / internet-of-things-devices where the main functionality is reliing on the operation of a server. When the servers discontinue their services your device is basically a brick with no other functionality.


Sehr gut! In meinem Post von heute mittag habe ich noch geglaubt, dass nichts passieren wird. Nun hat das Verhalten dieser Personen die gewünschten Konsequenzen herbeigeführt.


Leider wird auch hier nichts passieren. Im Zeit-Online-Artikel beteuert der Betreiber des Lokals zwar:

“Wir distanzieren uns von jeder Art von Rassismus und Diskriminierung.” Jeder Gast, unabhängig von seiner Ethnie, sei herzlich willkommen, bekräftigen sie. Die Teilnehmer der Gruppe bekämen Hausverbot.

jedoch gibt es einen Kommentar unter dem Artikel, der genau das Gegenteil behauptet.

So schreibt der Nutzer “Stonki”:

Hier eine Tripadvisor Bewertung aus Sommer 2017: Fremdenhass purJuli 2017 … Wir saßen im Außenbereich der Bar. Unweit von uns der Chef des Hauses. Alle mit guter Stimmung bis zu dem Moment als der Hausherr lauthals anfing - kurz vor schreien könnte es auch treffen - über Türken zu reden. Seine Weltanschauung war, ich darf zitieren, “In meinen Club kommen keine Türken. Solange ich hier bin erschiesse ich jeden Türken der hier rein will.” Solche und ähnliche Worte sprach er mehrere Minuten lang. Alle restlichen noch anwesenden Gäste samt Personal schämten sich nur noch. … vielleicht doch kein Zufall…

So wie es sich hier darstellt, stimmen das Verhalten der Gäste anscheinend mit der Gesinnung des Betreibers überein. Dies erklärt dann auch, warum dieses Verhalten nicht sofort abgestellt wurde. Da wird keinem der anwesenden Gäste nachträglich ein Hausverbot ausgesprochen. Die haben dieses Verhalten bewusst an den Tag gelegt, weil sie unter ihresgleichen waren (quasi geschlossene Gesellschaft, irgendwo anders habe ich gelesen, dass ein Eintritt von 150 € gezahlt werden musste) - selbst das veröffentlichte Video wird wahrscheinlich keinerlei Konsequenzen nach sich ziehen.

Bei dem Lokal handelt es sich um den Pony Club in Kampen auf Sylt.


As it has been pointed out by others, research data shows that plastic bottle caps are a significant part of trash that is washed onto beaches. In order to prevent that bottles now come with tethered caps. From this point of view this measurement might be understandable. But does one really lose the caps of these bottles that often? Is this really the problem?

Where I live these kind of bottles are part of a deposit system. When you return them at a supermarket you get your deposit (25 Cent) back. This alone ensures that these bottles barely end up anywhere in the enviroment in the first place. When these bottles are returned at the supermarket, all of the bottles do have their respective caps screwed on. This method is practical, as you can collect these bottles wtihout having to deal with leakages of excess liquids.

I never had any issues regarding that the cap is still attached to the bottle, which could be an issue when it comes to recycling these bottles. One major problem when it comes to recycling of plastics is that it is crucial that these plastics are separated by the material they are made of. That is why it is impossible to recycle compound materials, as they can’t be separated from each other (i.e. tetra pak, tetra bric). The most common way of getting rid of these kind of packings is to burn them and use their heat for generating electricity.

These plastic bottles on the other hand can be recycled easily, as they consist of only one material (PET) - given, that the label is made of the same kind of plastic like the bottle itself.

I don’t know if the bottle cap is made of the same material (PET) or if this is another kind of plastic (ABS, PS, …). Making these bottle caps from the same material as the bottle itself would impose a greater impact than tethering them onto the bottle.

At first glance this measurement sounds like a low-hanging-fruit-greenwashing-attempt that hurts nobody. Very similar to the ban of disposable plastic cutlery or the ban of plastic straws. Don’t get me wrong - I think that these things are an important step towards reducing pollution and garbage overall, but did you ever ask yourself: “How does the garbage get into the ocean in the first place?”


There is an eerie resemblence between the smallest neuron and the largest structure in the universe - Galaxy Filament


Ads in, before, and after videos suck.

But wouldn’t be an ad, which is displayed during a paused video one of the least annoying? Because, when I pause a video, I’m usually doing something else (bathroom break for instance, or, when staying at the computer, doing something in another browser tab or in a different program) and I’m absent from the video. Also, I can mute sound easily (one push of a key on the keyboard - which is a workflow that has to be executed then in addition to simply pausing the video and therefore would be annoying).

Or did I miss anything else crucial? Do you pause videos and stare at the paused video without doing anything else?

Anyway, this probably won’t be a problem if you use an ad blocker. Or if you download the video.


Back in 2565 BC cameras weren’t that advanced like they are today. Due to the long exposure time these people had to stand still for several hours in order to avoid too much blurriness of the photo. You can see that the people in the background (middle left in the photo) were moving slightly as the photo is a bit blurrier compared to the foreground.


Springt dann wenigstens ein gesetzlicher Feiertag für uns alle dabei raus? Oder ist das dann eher so was wie der Weltspartag?

Aller Wahrscheinlichkeit nach wird dies eine Veranstaltung werden, die mit viel Tamtam und viel Beweihräucherung sehr beschönigend auf die Herausforderungen der Streitkräfte eingeht. Keine Erwähnung wird der desolate Zustand von Material und Arbeitsbedingungen finden - man kennt ja die zahlreichen Meldungen (ein Bruchteil der Panzer, Uboote, Flugzeuge sind einsatzbereit, es gibt keine Schlüpper für die Soldaten, Nachtsichtgeräte müssen mit Kameraden geteilt werden,…).

Wie schon weiter unten erwähnt, lockt man eher diejenigen mit einem solchen Veteranentag an, die man lieber nicht in der Bundeswehr hätte.


Auf der Arbeit haben wir ein Laptop, bei dem der An/Aus-Knopf neben der Entfernen-Taste angeordnet ist (obere Tastenreihe, Tastatur mit Nummernblock). Zwar kann man softwaremäßig einstellen, dass der Rechner nicht direkt herunterfährt, aber es ist halt trotzdem noch nervig, wenn man auf den Sperrbildschirm gelangt (Windows).

Mit viel Wohlwollen könnte man ja noch halbwegs die Entscheidung nachvollziehen, warum eine solche Taste mittendrin angeordnet ist (z.B. wenn die ausgelöste Taste einen neuen Videocall startet oder die Suche öffnet oder es irgendein anderer nutzloser Bullshit wäre - oder eben auch ein Screenshot). Aber beim An/Aus-Schalter? Wer denkt sich bitte: Joa, lass uns mal den An/Aus-Schalter neben die Entfernen-Taste legen, dann kann der User den Rechner schneller ausschalten…

Dass für die eigentliche Produktivität unnütze Funktionen mittels Tasten an Stellen gelegt werden, bei denen die Wahrscheinlichkeit hoch ist, dass man ausversehen diese auslöst, erinnert ein bisschen an die Handys der frühen 2000er Jahre. Dort gab es auch Modelle, bei denen prominent platzierte Tasten die Internetfunktion (WAP ?) eingeschaltet haben. Ausgerechnet diese Tasten ließen sich auch nicht umprogrammieren.


“House of the Rising Sun” has been covered numerous times. The most known version is from The Animals. I was today years old when I learned that this is the original version of the song. However, my personal favourite cover version is from BTO.

Another well-executed cover version is of the song “Johnny B. Goode”, covered by Peter Tosh, beause it is tranferred into a different music genre.


This is because there are no further lights than the HDRI background image present at the moment. The correct setup with the background picture an proper lighting will be the next step. I am testing various HDRIs for the correct color and reflectiveness of the cars’ painting, since the appearence is different with each scenery. The rendering you are referring to is the “best” compromise (without putting any further effort) yet.


Yes, I noticed that when the pictures were done rendering. I don’t know where it’s coming from. At first I thought that there was a problem with the mesh (i.e. not connected vertices) but the structure is fine. I haven’t investigated further, but it probably has to do someting with the material itself. For the sparkling effect I applied a voronoi noise which is scaled up.


My only question is why that car?

I own this car. It was easy for me to get photos of various things that helped modelling the structure.

without a doubt the worst vehicle I’ve ever driven

I’ve driven worse. But I can see your point. Compared to other cars there is not much comfort in driving. You always have to account for the price this vehicle is being sold (for this model in particular the price for a brand new car was at 10.000 €, with the most basic trim an the basic 1-l-engine). However, my car even has AC (for overtaking another vehicle one needs to switch it off so you have more power to the engine) and electric windows (but no switch on the drivers side for the passenger door). And it has a real dashboard with the instruments on the drivers side behind the steering wheel and a glove box with lid on the passenger side. Most small cars have that weird arrangement where the instruments are located in the center console and just a shelf for a glove box. When I was in Bavaria with its hill topography I had to even shift into lower gears on the autobahn because the engine is so weak - a thing which todays cars is not usual anymore. But fuel consumption ( - 4.8 l/100 km or 49 MPG) as well as maintenance (no issues so far at - 120.000 km or 74564 miles) and taxation is very wallet friendly - and it beats walking!


I start with the easiest part: The gas tank cap on the rear left side and the towing hook cap on the right front bumper. These parts were done surprisingly fast (15 min. each). Also the lock on the drivers door (5 min.).

Most tedious: the windshield wipers. Mostly because they were so small compared to the rest of the cars parts, which made it hard to navigate and zoom (already switched the units to millimeters, but still), and all three (2 in front, 1 in back) were individually shaped, so no mirror modifier could be applied). I just had to pull through during weekdays evenings. I would guess it took me 10 hours for all of them.

Medium: the front bumper with the fog lights and the lower grille as well as the upper grille: This took me a whole Saturday and Sunday; the upper grille was made during the weekdays - I would say 3 - 4 hours.

Hard: the inner structure of the front light. I had multiple photos of the light from top, side, front, etc. The main problem was that this thing is made of chrome (and plastic probably) which it made it hard to see the form/shape. And since everything else is made with eye measure, I had to alter the size and proportions to fit into the model. The problem was that when I (thought) I was finished, it stuck out of the side of the front glass cover. So I had to scale it down and had to re-arrange everything. I also made some simplicfications for the reflector. In the model it looks more like a disco ball. That is not the case with the real thing, but it was easier to merge a sphere with extruded lines to archive the relector-type appearence. See photos. This part took me the longest. I would guess it took the whole weekend (Saturday and Sunday) as well as some days during the week - approximately 25 - 30 hours.

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