
AH. DevOps Engineer. I post about #Gaming, #SteamDeck, #Linux, #Anime, and #Tech in general.

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irfan, to apple

Apparently a lot of people (esp Japanese?) are upset at this new #Apple #iPad Pro ad from a couple of days ago. I guess I can see why though, a bit like throwing thousands' worth of food away just for content?




ngl thinking about it the vibe of the ad felt off - crushing those artistic/creative equipments... into a single iPad that replaces them all... hmm. Maybe some years from now we'd get the same ad but instead of the tools being crushed, it's the professionals that use them and instead of giving birth to an iPad, it's their latest LLM lol.

rakyat, to random avatar

Yes there will be AI features and all that, but all I want for iOS is a smarter screen orientation for the iPhone i.e. stay in portrait mode most of the time but switch to landscape mode automatically when playing videos that are meant to be viewed that way.


@rakyat I just want landscape mode support for the lock/home screen lol, it'd make it so much easier to use when mounted in a car. I'd want CarPlay on our phones (as a mode or an app, anything) but that'd be asking too much.


@rakyat definitely, but cmon Apple and heck even Google, not everyone can afford a new car or the upgrade to have CarPlay/Google Auto. I find it funny that phones keep trying to get bigger but the way you'd interact with your phone is still the same with iPhone 3G/iPhone 4 days when they were tiny in comparison.

I'd be so happy if we could just get a simple "drive" mode that puts everything or the essentials into a landscape "hub" for music, maps, etc. cos I certainly don't need a bigger screen mounted to my car - just my iPhone 11 will do. I thought my Android phone could save the day but meh, it's the same, locked ecosystem after all.

rakyat, to random avatar

All things considered the Type C racial slur debacle ended up being a very wholesome incident as most Malays quickly condemned the parties involved, most Chinese weren’t offended at all (at least among my own circles) and there’s a lot of self-reflection on our end along the lines of “many of our own racial slurs are even worse, so let’s all be better”. All while the minister of national unity was sleeping. Maybe there’s hope for this nation after all.


@rakyat true, a lot of the times that first part is true too but this one was somehow more noticeable - maybe cos it's "less sensitive/controversial"? anyway my fav is one listing down if Chinese were Type-C, what ports/connectors are each of the other races haha.


irfan, to Steamdeck

This is wonderful news but seeing the list of patrons, why does #Valve not join the sponsorship programme though? - I know (or I think at least) that they often/occasionally sponsor #KDE (as an org, or devs) to do some work for them, and I'm not denying that they contribute a lot through funds/code to #FOSS/#Linux, but seeing that the #SteamDeck comes shipped with #KDEPlasma (which I still think is a really smart decision) and since Plasma is a huge part of the Steam Deck (literally half of the software exp), it'd be great to see Valve commit to a recurring sponsorship programme to the KDE folks.

They certainly have the money for it, surely. I hope this will be true someday.



irfan, to gaming

I remember seeing my brothers' #gaming PCs just stopped getting upgraded, including their GPUs. My eldest brother's PC stopped "growing" with an #NVIDIA #GTX ~500 (or 700) series. My second brother's PC stopped at an NVIDIA GTX 1070.

Mine was upgraded several times from a GTX 1050 Ti, to GTX 1070 Ti, to an #RTX 2070 Super, and lastly to an RTX 3080 Ti ~2 years ago using money I got from a job I did funded by the EU lol (otherwise... I would never have gotten an XX80 series honestly).

Seeing my brothers' PCs and the sad state they're in, I swore I'd not "grow old" and stop upgrading my PC hardware every couple of years. Now, I fully understand them not because of the rising commitments of them having families of their own etc. but just... this is enough lol and I suspect it will be enough for ~6-10 years at least. No offense, but my younger self would think I sound boomer as hell rn saying what I just said.


rakyat, (edited ) to random avatar

To all the Apple fans watching the event at Battersea Power Station, did you know that the mall is owned by Malaysians & partially owned by all Malaysian employees through our Employees Provident Fund?


@rakyat Apple fans? also event - as in the just finished Apple Event? was Battersea featured in said event, cos if yes I missed it.


@rakyat I see, yea cos the event was pre-shot/edited at Apple Campus as per all recent Apple events. Usually the later event where they showcase the iPhone is the one hosted live and that one will be @ Apple Campus too - but even that one isn't always/fully live anymore since the pandemic. Looked up Apple + Battersea and found a simple site which I guess lists down sessions hosted at their store @ Battersea.

irfan, to random

Life as a consumer in Malaysia is easy: see "Produk Melayu" or "Produk Buatan Muslim" and the like -> don't fucking buy.

Otherwise if it has no stupid mentions of race or religion, and if it's a good or safe product for you (i.e. for consumption) then please buy all you want. If it's a local product, I say that's better.


I'm adding this in case my point isn't clear to some: I'm not saying you shouldn't buy a product made by Malays/[insert race here] or Muslims/[insert religion here], please do.

What I'm saying is that you shouldn't buy a product that proudly states that it was made/sold by Malays/[insert race here] or Muslims/[insert religion here]. The reason why should be obvious.

Also for context: this is referring to the new "Darsa Fried Chicken" brand that are dubbing themselves as (what should be) a Malays/Muslims' choice of alternative to #KFC (due to boycott).

For one, I don't find the need to boycott KFC because it's NOT in #BDS's list and I'm not one to go willy nilly boycotting brands just because - but if you are trying to look for an alternative to popular, foreign brands due to their rising prices and deteriorating quality (which most people say as their true reason for boycotting KFC in Malaysia), get your fried chicken and other fast food meals from #Marrybrown.

I'm sure most Malaysians already have heard of it but yes it's local, it came from Johor and used to be something I could only (easily) get from there but they've expanded to pretty much everywhere for a quite long while now. If you've not tried it, or it's been a long time since you did, please try them when you're feeling up to it because their foods and also just as important, selection of foods are actually really good and much improved from their old days.




@rakyat I don't think I've heard of Richiamo but I do know that most people, esp Malays who often frequent to Starbucks in the past have migrated to Zus - which is nice. I hope the increasing revenue means better working conditions/salaries for their staffs tho cos I've seen plenty saying that it is quite bad (understaffed, low salaries vs competition i.e. Starbucks). Interestingly I also saw someone in the Philippines recommending going to Zus, so I guess they've expanded? They seem to have good potential rn to be on par or closer with Starbucks.

I've also not heard of Sugarbun or LFC but I'm interested. I forgot to mention Hot Bird is also local right haha, and my second time eating it, upping the spiciness level to the highest level this time, was really good! The portions are great too including the fries.

irfan, to random

This only happens right after I'd be back from said country to even benefit from it.

After I went back from my work trip to Singapore ~last year, QR payment between Malaysia-SG suddenly became compatible. Afterwards I went back from Bali for vacation, QR payment between Malaysia-Indonesia became compatible.

This time I'm set to head to Osaka by the end of this year, Japan's QR payment is set to be compatible with Malaysia's QR payment and other countries the following year in 2025.

The force in this (cashless) chosen one is strong.



@ubi my pleasure! hope someone sponsor me to go to more countries for everyone's common benefit ​:blobfoxangrylaugh:​

irfan, to fediverse

Moderation in #Fediverse currently works this way (as far as I can tell):

  • Instances could enforce their instance block and mute list. This gets passed down to all members of their instance.

  • Users could have their own block and mute list of users or instances. This only applies for them, on top of the home instance's list.

This works great for the most part, but previously there have been plenty of discussions/arguments of instance members perhaps not agreeing to certain blocks/mutes enforced by instance maintainers - in cases such as this, since individual members have no power to "override" these rules for their account (i.e. to federate with users of another instance that's been blocked by their instance maintainer), their only choice as the last resort is for them to move to another instance.

I imagine it'd be great if it works this way instead:

  • Instances could enforce their instance block and mute list. This gets passed down to all members of their instance by default.

  • Users could have their own block and mute list of users or instances. This only applies for them, on top of the home instance's list.

  • However users could also override the home instance's list granularly, if they would want to for example, federate with an instance that's been blocked by their home instance.

As someone who's not really delved into the workings of the Fediverse/#ActivityPub or any of the projects using it all too much, this "feature" suggestion might totally be technically nonsensical or maybe expensive though for it to make sense or be possible to achieve. Just thought this might be an improvement for what I think is already an excellent moderation system that we have here.

irfan, to random

Are like.. electric toothbrushes a good (#oral/#dental) investment or...?


@skinnylatte I see, is there any brand or particular model you could vouch for?

irfan, to random

As a Malaysian I feel like I should appreciate Laksa more. I always saw it as old people food lol. Maybe I’m just getting old myself.


@rakyat pay no mind to it, that was how I was growing up. If my parents like something then it’s old people food and that I prolly would/should like something else 😂 it was only recently when I realised how good Laksa can be lol, but still a very hit or miss dish for me depending on the shop/cook.

irfan, to random

What's the diff between life and medical insurance...?


ok from my premium statement, the plan type states it as Medical - so I thought I'd go with that (doing my taxes).

then... I noticed a big bold header at the top that says Life Insurance, so I guess that trumps the Medical part lol.


ok I'm done doing taxes <333 I'm just really hoping I could help my partner get hers done before the May 15 deadline cos atm she couldn't even log into the portal.

She forgot her password, and she has no means to reset it other than emailing a form + letter to LHDN, which she did last Wed but they've yet to return. All I can hope for is that they do return soon, and by the time they return she'd be able to log into the portal immediately.


was able to get a hold of a tax agent using their live chat yesterday and they were able to expedite the process of updating my partner's account so she'd be able to reset her password. we finished doing her taxes last nite wee

irfan, to random

If I was born Filipino, I would have been a much healthier individual bcos I wouldn't be eating desserts like Cendol, I'd be eating Buko Pandan Salad instead.


irfan, to macos

Here's another rant (gosh I fucking hate this junk don't I): it loves creating problems out of non-issues (literally never had this problem on 10/11 or the many distros I've used and still are actively using) and append a number to it.

One being... external disk mounts. For whatever reason, what started out to be an external device that's formatted appropriately, as vanilla as can be using Disk Utility and mounts to, say, "SSD1TB", will randomly at times just started consistently mounting to a directory it creates by itself, "SSD1TB 1" - which fucks up all my symlinks to that drive until I manually fix the issue so it mounts to the right mount point again.

Another being, which is more confusing honestly how it's able to fuck it up, which is its own local hostname. I set the hostname as "aerith", which macOS compulsorily add a suffix to it, ".local". It's been on that hostname perfectly fine for a week ~2 weeks or so - then out of nowhere one day while being out, it says that that hostname's already used in the network and they then changed it to "aerith-2.local". Weird, I thought, but I thought maybe it's a one-time thing at that Mamak (eatery) I was at. Since then though, even at my home or anywhere else, changing it back to "aerith" is impossible and it'd always change it back to "aerith-2" - which TRIGGERS me.

, please just dump macOS already and use any of the Linux distros or Windows (jk hell no) or (HELL NO). Y'all clearly have no idea what you're doing.


Another thing somehow butchers that I've not encountered on any other OS-es:

Setting up a static IP. Doing this itself is easy, not easier than but a lot easier than on . But for too many times now when I bring my out and about to get work done, I'd just thought oh all of these (public) WiFi and even my personal hotspot from my just straight up don't work. Then I remember, it was because of my static IP setting cos macOS somehow sets up network configurations such as having a static IP globally instead of per internet connection or WiFi SSID.

Why... would you enforce the static IP (I thought) I've configured for ONE connection, for ALL networks, obviously that wouldn't/shouldn't work? If private IP addresses in my home network follow a convention such as 123.321.0.X and I set a static IP of 123.321.0.11 for my Mac on a specific connection within my home network - when I use a different connection on a different network, OBVIOUSLY it wouldn't/shouldn't work since those other connections/networks highly likely uses a different IP address convention. Why can't macOS just default to DHCP, which it does, and apply these network configurations per connection rather than globally (bcos again, it just doesn't make sense)? Especially on the UI/UX side of things, it does seem like you're applying the configuration only to a particular connection you've selected - except it doesn't.

It's shit like this that makes me wonder who the fuck works at for this junk to be the case since forever and nobody's fixing it.

I'll add in a bonus though: macOS is also the only OS I've used that doesn't implement spell check (not correction) by default. For whatever reason, even as I'm typing this now, macOS straight up doesn't check or notify of any wrong spellings.

Googling how to enable it returns an official documentation by Apple with step by step instructions on how to have it enabled and yet the specific setting they mentioned should be in the System Settings' Keyboard menu just isn't there. Funny how that's a really common thing I encounter too - "it should be there, but it just isn't".

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