Hamishcampbell, to internet

The "protocol wars" of new #openweb protocols, including #bluesky, #Nostr, and #activertypub, am suggesting that bridges between them are a good solution to the current issues. All of these protocols are #4opens and #openweb native, which is a positive development. However, the cultures of these protocols are different and this can create messiness in the discussions.

I advocate for a grassroots #DIY culture and urge people to focus on building bridges rather than adding to the mess.

Hamishcampbell, (edited )

@raccoon the key part is #4opens we don't have to ask its #FOSS and yes not saying you are not right, the current non federated #bluesky would be pointless.

#Nostr all ready has a working 2 way bridge to #activertpub, I am transparently reading and replying to #Nostr users.


atomicpoet, to fediverse

Evan Prodromou (@evan), the co-author of #ActivityPub, does not like Bluesky.

He believes it's a setback to the Fediverse and slowing its growth.




@atomicpoet @evan @fediversenews Ain't Jack making ? At least this random article says he endorsed it https://www.freethink.com/internet/nostr, and now he's on ? I thought that was a Twitter effort.

musicmatze, to random

This #nostr thing looks really nice.

jeremy, to fediverse

Nostr: Verify your name on your WordPress site

Another day, another social network. In my continued quest to try new decentralized networks, I had to create a small WordPress plugin to verify myself with Nostr.


#activitypub #en #fediverse #nostr

Setok, to fediverse
@Setok@attractive.space avatar

Briefly played around with #Nostr. In theory the concept is interesting, with a truly decentralised approach (using relays) but if people think #Mastodon is tricky to get, they will truly struggle with Nostr. I think that can be possible to improve with better clients (web and apps), but now the experience is very unfriendly.

Most profiles seem to be crypto related.

If you want to connect then my public key is: npub10gecemd5whd0lce6kdjpyrxr87jmh58a8ynwqg50ufqzx6sd2lwqrqkn35

@Setok@attractive.space avatar

Btw the first sign of #Nostr being a tricky sell for the mainstream is that I have to share my profile with that unintelligible long public key. While I get the logic, it is quite the turn off as an identity. Doesn’t create a sense of ‘me’. Personal branding. Also doesn’t work well with offline sharing. Perhaps a relay-related human understandable address would work better? A bit like what I think #BlueSky is doing.

aral, (edited ) to fediverse
@aral@mastodon.ar.al avatar

Which of these Twitter alternatives is not funded by the douchebag billionaire behind Twitter?

blake, to random

#nostr's "report" event type uses the number 1984... I guess that lines up just right with how public safety is viewed by the Nostr community...

erlend, to fediverse
@erlend@writing.exchange avatar

The titanic is sinking and we’re out here quarreling over which life boat is more seaworthy.

Anything that floats will do!

The doom-cruiser is also on fire and the captain - pretending everything is fine - is closing cabin doors from the outside.

For now let's just make sure everyone gets safely off the ship, shall we?

Once the rescue operation is over we'll get to work on tying our various makeshift rafts together into an increasingly cohesive super-fleet.

#fediverse #bluesky #nostr

danyork, to fediverse
@danyork@mastodon.social avatar

Very useful analysis from @mmasnick about #Mastodon, #BlueSky, and #nostr .. and #decentralized messaging in general.

#Decentralization is critical to prevent the kind of mess and chaos we are seeing with Twitter right now.. and have seen with other sites, too.

From: @mmasnick

frumble, to internet German
@frumble@chaos.social avatar

Mal ne Durchsage an alle wegen #Bluesky: Jack Dorsey ist raus. Der hat das mitgegründet, aber offenbar das Projekt verlassen, als er von #Nostr gehört hat.
Daher auch nicht schlau, sich in der Kritik daran immer zentral an Dorsey aufzuhängen.

Guter Text: https://www.techdirt.com/2023/04/28/six-months-in-thoughts-on-the-current-post-twitter-diaspora-options/

Dieses libertäre Manifest für soziale Medien hat Dorsey im Dezember ’22 verfasst, als er frisch von Nostr entzückt war:


cmorris, to fediverse
@cmorris@mastodon.social avatar

Mike Masnick (@mmasnick discusses
#ActivityPub/#Fediverse/#Mastodon, #Bluesky, and #Nostr in this useful piece, “Six Months In: Thoughts On The Current Post-Twitter Diaspora Options” at Techdirt https://www.techdirt.com/2023/04/28/six-months-in-thoughts-on-the-current-post-twitter-diaspora-options/

ppatel, to fediverse
@ppatel@mstdn.social avatar

Thanks to @mmasnick for the clear and cogent explanations in this article about what's happening with various decentralized protocols llike #ActivityPub, #nostr as well as #Bluesky. I think clearing up some of the concerns and the fudd was needed. I wish people would wait a little and listen.



atomicpoet, to random

I hope Bluesky doesn't succeed.

AT Protocol, I can deal with. Bluesky, I can't.

Everything I hate about Twitter is currently on Bluesky. I hate the memes, the trolls, the algorithms.

I realize my brain doesn't function like most other people. I'm wired a different way.

But generally, when I see an "ayyy lmao", I don't think that bodes well for a social media platform.


@atomicpoet I’ve literarily tried every new platform since Twitter & Pownce.. most recently #Post, #Nostr, #Bluesky, #Substack Notes and even #T2. While BlueSky seems to be the most intuitive coming from Twitter (along with Substack and Post) none of these platforms can compete with #Mastodon when it comes to interaction and overall culture.

mmasnick, to random
@mmasnick@mastodon.social avatar

It's been six months since Elon took over Twitter. I have some thoughts on the "Twitter diaspora" and the current decentralized alternatives: https://www.techdirt.com/2023/04/28/six-months-in-thoughts-on-the-current-post-twitter-diaspora-options/

@hybridhavoc@darkfriend.social avatar

Great article from @mmasnick breaking down the three front-runner decentralized social protocols. For anybody interested, check it out. Loved seeing shoutouts for #Calckey, and for alternative Mastodon web clients like #Phanpy.


I’m still betting on #ActivityPub of course, and have tried #Nostr. I look forward to getting invited to #Bluesky at some point, and in seeing what their federation actually looks like. Until that’s in place it’s all kind of moot.

@troed@ioc.exchange avatar

@mmasnick Thank you! You've changed my opinion on #BlueSky with this post.

Also, maybe you intended for this to be the obvious conclusion of your own, and if it was I agree. It won't matter if we use BlueSky, #Mastodon or #nostr in the end. Content will mostly federate freely inbetween the protocols.

As an example: If people ask me if I'm still on #IRC the answer is "yes", although for me IRC channels are just additional #Matrix rooms nowadays.

hamishcampbell, to internet
@hamishcampbell@mastodon.social avatar

The "culture" and assumptions behind these projects differ. #bluesky comes from Twitter, which has a history of surveillance capitalism, while #Nostr comes from the #Encryptionists and #bitcoin communities. #activertypub, on the other hand, is rooted in the #4opens traditions and the #openweb.

synoisia, to internet

Just posting this because I'm seeing it over and over.

Jack Dorsey isn't on BlueSky. He gave them some money and is on their board but he's spending all his time on Nostr and even logged onto BlueSky for one second yesterday to say so.

#bluesky #nostr #socialmedia

anders, to internet
@anders@mastodon.cyborch.com avatar

Couldn’t we just make a adapter? Two options come to mind:

  1. Make a PR for BlueSky that implements
  2. Build a service which “impersonates” all mastodon users on bluesky and all bluesky users on mastodon.
@darren@c.im avatar

@anders Absolutely someone could, and very likely will. When it happens, I hope its bi-directionnal. The one way relays from #nostr to #fediverse, and those from twitter, are not very engaging.

aral, (edited ) to internet
@aral@mastodon.ar.al avatar

New job opening at Bluesky (part-time; multiple positions available).

“Looking for useful idiots to legitimize us so we can achieve network effects before we screw over our user base.

Right candidate can state ‘I’m willing to give them the benefit of the doubt’ in public with a straight face in full knowledge that we’re a Silicon Valley outfit backed by the founder of Twitter.

Previous work on Web 2.0/3.0 essential.

Similar positions available at #Nostr.”

#usefulIdiots #jobOffer #BlueSky

jan, to fediverse
@jan@toot.io avatar

ActivityPub was not invented in 2018, in fact it has a history of multiple protocol iterations since 2008 including OpenMicroBlogging and OStatus.

2010 another company named diaspora raised $200k to create another federated protocol. In 2018 #diaspora peaked at 1 Mio. users with 200 federated servers. Then the core dev decided to ignore #ActivityPub. That was the end.

Lets see how #Bluesky and #Nostr inventing the wheel again.

Lazarou, to random
@Lazarou@mastodon.social avatar

So #Nostr is a hive of crypto dudes and bigotry? So odd for something #JackDorsey has had a input on should turn out this way...

notizie, to fediverso Italian



Riportiamo l'interessante post pubblicato dall'account di @feditips

Non credo che la gente si renda conto del pericolo in cui si trova il Fediverso.

L'unica cosa che impedisce alle società e ai VC di prendere il controllo di questo posto è che il Fediverse è distribuito su molti server diversi, il che rende molto difficile l'acquisto.

Se la maggior parte del Fediverse finisce su mastodon.social, che ora è una forte possibilità, non ci sarà nulla che impedisca che la maggior parte di esso venga venduta a Musk o Zuckerberg o chiunque altro.

Più grande diventa mastodon.social, più è probabile che si verifichi un buyout.

Ecco cosa controlla ora l'organizzazione Mastodon gGmbH di Eugen Rochko:

-Il software e l'API del server Mastodon (sebbene la versione attuale sia FOSS)
-Il server mastodon.social, che ha 1 su 7 di tutti gli utenti Fediverse
-Le app Mastodon ufficiali, ora dicono alle persone di registrarsi semplicemente su mastodon.social
-Il sito ufficiale su joinmastodon.org
-Il marchio per la parola "mastodon", che consente loro di dettare termini a qualsiasi server che lo utilizza

Questo è un pacchetto allettante per tutti i potenziali acquirenti.

Il marchio da solo conferisce a Mastodon gGmbH un enorme potere, consente loro di dire a qualsiasi server utilizzando la parola "mastodon" nel suo nome di dominio quale software o fork può utilizzare.

E sta peggiorando. Mastodon gGmbH sta ora realizzando app ufficiali che indirizzano le persone a registrarsi su mastodon.social invece di un server affidabile casuale o una scelta di server affidabili.

Più persone si iscrivono su mastodon.social, più allettante Mastodon gGmbH diventa un obiettivo di acquisizione.

Con tutto ciò in mente, ecco un suggerimento:

➡️SE mastodon.social diventa più del 50% del Fediverse, sia per utenti totali che per utenti attivi mensili, il resto di noi dovrebbe defederarlo.

Attenersi a mastodon.social perché "è lì che sono le persone" non ha senso. La crescita centralizzata causerà semplicemente la replica qui dei problemi di governance che abbiamo visto su Twitter e Facebook.

La crescita deve essere decentralizzata per proteggere l'indipendenza di tutti i server Fedi.
♲ mstdn.social/@feditips/1102604…

@_aid_85_@mastodon.social avatar

@notizie @feditips @fediverso a tal proposito non sarebbe più "resiliente" qualcosa completamente distribuito e decentralizzato come ad esempio #nostr ?

aakselrod, to internet

There's one main thing I like about #BlueSky, #Nostr, #Cwtch, and the in-development P2P-ified #Matrix over #ActivityPub and Matrix as they're generally deployed now: your ID doesn't depend on DNS.

I've not been in the Fediverse very long, but I've already seen people lose their entire social graph because an admin unilaterally took down an instance. When you tie your identity to DNS, you're at the mercy of the domain owner and every point of control over the DNS as a whole, including the court systems in every authoritarian jurisdiction. Not your keys, not your identity.

I like the admins of my instance here, but I see the toll it takes on them running it even with the community's contributions. It's a lot of pressure and a lot of power to have that much control over identity and trust for your users.

I don't think we have to wholesale move to other protocols, though. The beauty of open networks is the freedom to build bridges. When people do migrate between them, it can and should be as smooth as migrating between ActivityPub instances in the happy path, and remain fully interoperable.

wjmaggos, to internet
@wjmaggos@liberal.city avatar

so (decentralized?) #bluesky rolled out an iOS app before they added a second server, right after #substack rolled out notes and media companies started talking about leaving Twitter. it exists to serve Twitter and is a delaying tactic against the #fediverse. same with #nostr.

what we're building here is a threat to all entrenched wealth and power. it will remove all unearned influence over our attention. it enables people power like the world has never seen before. they should be afraid.

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