@floatybirb@mastodon.social avatar

Launching my thread for The Fabulous Journey To the Center of the Earth (1977) aka When Time Began. I'm not totally sure what this movie's title should be, so I'm not going to hash tag it.

However I am excited that this movie might have dinosaurs, caves and bellhops.

@floatybirb@mastodon.social avatar

Today's #Monsterdon starts with a tribute to a different movie with the same title, and then shifts to some Tinted Geology Slides. We then cut to Hamburg 1898, where Santa Claus has disguised himself as a reddit user to better sneak into a book shop.

He sells some Ominous Leatherbound Books to the bookshop dwellers, that I guess are Mysterious Explorer Logs, or possibly spellbooks from the adventurers Santa defeated. He leaves with an ominous warning, returning to his polar workshop.

@floatybirb@mastodon.social avatar

#Monsterdon We switch to scene number two, where some 19th century geologists are debating Platonism versus Aristoteliani... I mean, um, whether the core of the earth is made of lava or gas or ghosts or whatever. They all look exactly like what you'd expect.

This scene is a bit like a youtube comments debate in real life, where all the positions are probably equally mad.

@floatybirb@mastodon.social avatar

#Monsterdon Shifting to YET ANOTHER SCENE we are introduced to new characters, Rock Lady and Bellhop Twink. Rock Lady is admiring her rocks, which I think Bellhop Twink knocks on the floor somehow; I'm not sure what happened because I was shitposting while watching. Anyway, Bellhop Twink is a nationalist who thinks war is fun, while Rock Lady thinks war is bad and boys are dumb for liking it.

@floatybirb@mastodon.social avatar

#Monsterdon After a dinner of whatever it is that Europeans eat, Professor Muttonchops (chief Uncle of the house) and Bellhop Twink use their linguistic talents to decipher the book that Reddit Santa gave them at a book shop. Anyway, they discover it is a code that is read via mirrors to keep its secret hidden from vampires.

@floatybirb@mastodon.social avatar

#Monsterdon It turns out all of our characters are science people of various classes. Bellhop Twink knows linguistics, Rock Lady knows Geology and maybe Physics, and Professor Muttonchops is I guess also a geologist? Anyway, this team is going on an expedition to the secret center of the world (which is in Iceland), even if this means that Bellhop Twink has to do a mild desertion.

We begin our expedition by boarding a train and getting yelled at by the conductor, then switch to a sailboat.

@floatybirb@mastodon.social avatar

#Monsterdon Oh no I'm 17 minutes into this movie and there is ANOTHER character with muttonchops. I will call the second muttonchops guy (who I think is some kind of fossil museum spy), Ichabod Muttonchops to distinguish him from Professor Muttonchops.

@floatybirb@mastodon.social avatar

#Monsterdon After leaving the Cool Gigantic Library Museum, we wander into a shop to barter for health potions and upgraded accessories... I mean... um... lamps and other real world supplies. We meet a guy who has a pipe and whittles. Having got some lamps, we proceed to hike up the zigzaggy Icelandic mountains while goofy background music plays. So far this movie is foreshadowing many JRPG conventions.

@floatybirb@mastodon.social avatar

#Monsterdon Bellhop Twink, who is no longer dressed as a bellhop, sneezes and Rock lady smiles at him, demonstrating a potential Horny Character Arc.

After more goofy music, we arrive at an upside down smoking chandelier cave that is the entry way to hell and/or a secret dinosaur world.

Also, I think the whittling guy is a party member now. He has nothing to live for and so is fine joining this cave expedition.

@floatybirb@mastodon.social avatar

#Monsterdon this movie has an appropriate amount of ladder climbing for a movie about descending into the bowels of the earth.

@floatybirb@mastodon.social avatar

#Monsterdon Appropriately, we find some initials of the past explorer who I guess wrote the Ominous Leatherbound Spellbook at the entrance of the smoking chandelier cave. Then everyone climbs the ladder down, except for Bellhop Twink, who is not afraid of war, but is afraid of volcanoes.

Notable Fact: they have food for 60 days and water for 10 days. Professor Muttonchops plans to drink the secret cave water they will undoubtably find.

@floatybirb@mastodon.social avatar

#Monsterdon three minutes into this cave, we loose all our water and don't bother trying to recover it. Great job guys.

Fortunately, they find some water that Mr Whittler Pipe licks and then barfs up. I'm gonna guess he follows the dog philosophy of eating everything in case it happens to be food and gacking it up if it isn't.

@floatybirb@mastodon.social avatar

#Monsterdon oh crap we found the portal to the wind dimension inside this cave. Also, the wind is poison, but fortunately we brought gas masks, which I didn't know were even a thing in 1898.

Anyway, we walk on the narrow ledge by the poison soup sea as the wind buffets us, and then a tiny Godzilla pops up to see if we look like food or not. So far, no one is dead but we don't have any water.

@floatybirb@mastodon.social avatar

#Monsterdon Professor Muttonchops: "We have no water and no guidebook and no plan! But.. there might be science inside this poison death cave! Let's take a vote! Remember, if you vote to go back it means you're a coward!"
Rock Lady: "I'll vote yes, because science I guess."
Bellhop Twink: "I vote yes, because IMPERIAL PRUSSIA!"

@floatybirb@mastodon.social avatar

#Monsterdon the location people did a good job finding enough caves for this movie, along with weird museums and other places.

Anyway, Rock Lady is wandering through the mud cave now, and ominous music plays because we might be being stalked by scary cave people! Anyway, she trips into some quicksand and starts screaming, because quicksand is a common cave hazard.

Anyway, a scary cave person secretly rescues her then runs off, but no one believes her, possibly because sexism.

@floatybirb@mastodon.social avatar

#Monsterdon I'm glad the scary cave people in this movie are nice, or at least include some nice people. Not all cave people should be mean.

Follow me for more well developed hot takes.

@floatybirb@mastodon.social avatar

#Monsterdon after hearing what sound like echoing voices we end up shooting a flare gun for some stupid reason and collapsing a cave, I guess trapping them in the underworld forever.

Rock Lady brings up the cave person she saw and Professor Muttonchops continues to not believe her. Then everyone takes a nap except for Whittler Pipe who listens to the walls and hears some water. This makes Whittler Pipe Man the MVP for this expedition so far.

@floatybirb@mastodon.social avatar

#Monsterdon No Hans don't give the Professor the pick he has been wrong the whole time you give him that pick he will kill us all by mistake.

@floatybirb@mastodon.social avatar

#Monsterdon creepy cave man appears, having followed them. He reveals himself to be Aragorn, son of Arathorn, heir to the Throne of Gondor, only blonde and in a hat that's not quite a fez. He's as grumpy as Aragorn though, but he seeks science for the sake of science, rather than the defeat of a Dark Lord.

Anyway, he calls Professor Muttonchops a dumb ass, so that tracks. His name is now Mystery Cave Aragorn.

@floatybirb@mastodon.social avatar

#Monsterdon after everyone celebrates that they won't die of thirst because the underdark is full of water, Bellhop Twink falls down and hits his head. We discover an underground sea, one of my favorite underground tropes! Also the underdark is not dark, but mysterious lit from above!

Is there like a sun there? Is it glowing rock? Is there a day/night cycle I am completely not sure!

@floatybirb@mastodon.social avatar

#Monsterdon Division of Labor, underground sea edition:

Professor Muttonchops: Management
Mr Whittle Pipe: Build Raft
Rock Lady: Splash in Water
Bellhop Twink: Recover from Injury, then Splash in Water
Cave Aragorn: Fondling Cloth, Brooding

@floatybirb@mastodon.social avatar

#Monsterdon While Mr Whittle Pipe helpfully builds a raft, Professor Muttonchops explains that the mystery overhead lighting is an underground Aurora Borealis. I guess that makes as much sense as anything else.

We then find a giant mushroom forest, like the ones on the Orc planet in Warcraft II: Beyond the Dark Portal. Professor Muttonchops explains that these are very dangerous mushrooms. Then the ocean explodes and the mushrooms almost kill us I guess.

@floatybirb@mastodon.social avatar

#Monsterdon After the pointless mushroom interlude, we learn that the water in this cave realm have healing properties. Then we sail off on the raft that Mr Whittle Pipe built. I use the term "sail" loosely as it looks like the raft is pretty much just floating there idly.

We catch a fish and Mr Whittle Pipe cooks it. Mr. Whittle Pipe in this movie is an allegory for the entire working class, doing every single job somehow except explaining things and getting injured.

@floatybirb@mastodon.social avatar

#Monsterdon Our raft starts sinking for no reason, probably due to a design flaw that can be forgiven because no on the trip is a shipwright. Then a giant reptile thing shows up and start threatening Rock Lady, who is out for a swim.

Fortunately another almost identical giant reptile thing shows up to pick a fight with the first one, and a strangely bloody battle begins.

Our adventurers bravely try to float away on their very slow raft, which stops sinking just as mysteriously as it started.

@floatybirb@mastodon.social avatar

#Monsterdon After floating around a little bit, we find an island that we decide to check for fossils. Fossils are cool and all, but they seem like a strange thing to check for once you've already discovered an underground sea perpetually lit by a magical sky, giant mushrooms and giant reptiles.

Anyway, we see some things we think are giant turtle fossils but they are real turtles and they are mad so we NOPE off the island. Then a storm happens and some fireballs fly at us from the sky.

@floatybirb@mastodon.social avatar

#Monsterdon because our boat was sunk by fireball weather, we are now stuck on another island that is mostly devoid of vegetation. Is there vegetation in this underground world aside from a few patches of scrub and some giant volcanoes?

Anyway, we lost Cave Aragorn but found his book, which is written in Attic Greek I guess because he's either a weirdo or an immortal. Then Rock Lady and Bellhop Twink wander into a valley full of dinosaur bones, which might not be safe.

@floatybirb@mastodon.social avatar

#Monsterdon Also, no one in this movie seems to have any sense of what a giant discovery it would already be. Just finding a great big cave with a poisonous soup in it is a major discovery; y'all have found an underground sea that is perpetually lit and full of giant reptiles and everyone is like "huh, okay. but we should find more stuff first."

@floatybirb@mastodon.social avatar

#Monsterdon having read my last post, Bellhop Twink has an attack of common sense and realizes that they should get out of here. Also, he proposes to Rock Lady, and I guess she is into him too. But then a Giant Gorilla is like "I object to this marriage!" and yells at them, so they hide in one of the dead tree trunks that is the only other large vegetation in this movie. We then hide in a small cave that is within the larger cave world that we are already in.

@floatybirb@mastodon.social avatar

#Monsterdon oh shit; inside the nested cave is a city of glowing advanced technology, where people in lab coats are I guess doing secret science. Cave Aragorn tells everyone not to tell Professor Muttonchops, because he's too stupid to try to leave the cave world already, and seeing a mysterious civilization of high technology white people inside a cave would make him want to stay even more.

@floatybirb@mastodon.social avatar

#Monsterdon anyway, as we're leaving, some dinosaurs chase us and we go back to the raft, which no longer has a sail. It is a mystery how this boat gets anywhere.

@floatybirb@mastodon.social avatar

#Monsterdon prediction: Cave Aragorn is an ancient greek guy who has been stuck in this cave for a long time. And the civilization in the cave have travelled back in time for some reason.

I guess the cave world is like a time tunnel or something. Maybe its where the Trodons in Dinosaur Train built their original time railroad and humans are just borrowing it.

@floatybirb@mastodon.social avatar

#Monsterdon our raft floats to a wall and Professor Muttonchops decides he needs to hack at it with a pickaxe until he finds a way out. At a random wall. Like he could hack at a different wall. He could hack at the floor. He could get back into the raft and sail somewhere else.

Cave Aragorn tries to talk some sense in to him, asking him to get on the raft while he... um... I dunno? Turns into the Kool-Aid man and breaks through the wall?

@floatybirb@mastodon.social avatar

#Monsterdon, OH! Cave Aragorn breaks through the rock wall by EXPLODING! of course! it's so obvious! why didn't I see it?

@floatybirb@mastodon.social avatar

#Monsterdon Having opened the rock wall, the raft floats through it like on one of those theme park water rides you get on in order to be jostled about a bit and splashed with water. I always liked those rides.

Anyway, the water level starts rising, pushing the raft and its four original passengers to another poison gas realm, where they run through a cave full of explosions. Fortunately they still have the gas masks.

@floatybirb@mastodon.social avatar

#Monsterdon After fleeing the exploding caves, we emerge near a smoldering volcano, because fuck physics. We find a local child and try to figure out where we are by speaking random languages at them. The child says that the exploding mountain is Stromboli, which might be a type of pasta, I dunno.

As a reward for all of his suffering, Mr Whittle Pipe has found a nice goat that he would like to cuddle, and carries it away from the explosion. Bellhop Twink takes the child instead.

@floatybirb@mastodon.social avatar

#Monsterdon the rest of this movie will be stock footage of a volcano going "boom"

@floatybirb@mastodon.social avatar

#Monsterdon Shock Ending: Cave Aragorn was Santa Claus the whole time! Who would have expected it?

@blogdiva@mastodon.social avatar

@floatybirb cave Aragorn, Jesus Rasputin, we gotta settle on one, LMAO

@floatybirb@mastodon.social avatar

@blogdiva We should maybe host a conference to settle this; I make up all my bullshit character names in isolation.

@floatybirb@mastodon.social avatar

@blogdiva What is the name of the one dude in the #Monsterdon movie who had time clones of himself and then exploded?

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