CactuarJoe, avatar

Oh dear, my sibling @meredeth has sent me #BaldursGate3 Let's see if I can get it running on my potato :D

trixter, avatar

@CactuarJoe @meredeth I'm tempted to try it on my M1 MacBook Air since it sounds like it might actually work and I am excited by the novelty of a game that will work on Mac that's not a charming 2.5D indie, but I have so many games I need to play right now.

CactuarJoe, avatar

@trixter @meredeth It seems to be running pretty well on my years-old gaming PC, so it might be worth a shot :D

trixter, avatar

@CactuarJoe @meredeth but starfield

CactuarJoe, avatar

What kind of character should I play? I was thinking Paladin but I gather that's the most popular class choice and I'm a contrarian. Rogue? Bard? Something weirder? #BaldursGate3

CactuarJoe, avatar

Huh, you can be a necromantic Druid. That sounds fun. Or Arcane Trickster looks neat. Or Great Old One Warlock? :D #BaldursGate3

CactuarJoe, avatar

Apparently multiclassing Spore Druid/Necromancer gets you fungal zombies. I may have to play a necro again ;3 #BaldursGate3

CactuarJoe, avatar

Finally done downloading, let's see how this does ^^; #BaldursGate3

CactuarJoe, avatar

Well, it autodetected the correct video card, that's a good sign. #BaldursGate3

CactuarJoe, avatar

If I had a nickel for every game I've played that opens with someone shoving a tadpole-like creature into my eyeball, I'd have two nickels.

Which isn't a lot but it's weird that it happened twice. #BaldursGate3

CactuarJoe, avatar

Interesting that race selection doesn't seem to affect stats. #BaldursGate3

CactuarJoe, avatar

And now to spend the next ten years on my physical appearance <3 #BaldursGate3

CactuarJoe, avatar

There we go. I'll be going for a more physically offensive Druid build, so she's a former soldier who deserted and went into the wilds. She's practical, experienced, and a bit of a buzzkill. Maybe having a tadpole in her head will teach her to relax <3 #BaldursGate3

CactuarJoe, avatar


CactuarJoe, avatar

Quick, squiddy, repolarize the deflector dish #BaldursGate3

CactuarJoe, avatar

I like all the options you get in combat that aren't just "attack". The Pathfinder game I just finished seems pretty limited in comparison. #BaldursGate3

CactuarJoe, avatar

I pulled a man out of a rock! Baby's first level up, too :3 #BaldursGate3

CactuarJoe, avatar

Yeah I get the impression Astarion and I aren't gonna get along :P #BaldursGate3

CactuarJoe, avatar

Well, there's my first crash. Thankfully not a repeatable one, but I did have to reload after trying to talk to Wyll. #BaldursGate3

CactuarJoe, avatar

Okay, well, that was a couple hours. Initial impressions: This game runs so much better on my potato than I was expecting. Seriously, I've played games with lower requirements that looked worse, I'm very, very impressed.

It's also a lot better organized and balanced than Pathfinder: WotR was. It's pretty easy to wander into encounters above your level in BG3, but the actual intended-for-your-level encounters have been very fair so far. #BaldursGate3

CactuarJoe, avatar

One thing keeps tripping me up -- In BG3, "skip your turn" is the Y button on my controller. In Pathfinder, the Y button was "open the menu." I have had a couple, shall we say, reflexive accidents in combat :P #BaldursGate3

CactuarJoe, avatar

...I'm probably gonna be comparing this game to Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous a lot. WotR was the first tabletop-based game I'd finished since the first Neverwinter Nights game like a decade ago, so it's gonna be a point of reference for me. #BaldursGate3

CactuarJoe, avatar

Anyway, cast is looking pretty interesting so far, visuals are good, interface... I wish the "highlight interactables" button was a toggle rather than a press, and I can see organizing my quickslots is gonna be a pain, but other than that it's looking pretty good. #BaldursGate3

CactuarJoe, avatar


CactuarJoe, avatar

Tried being cordial and friendly to the goblins. Didn't work. Time to kill 'em all <3 #BaldursGate3

CactuarJoe, avatar

The downside of not knowing much about this system right now -- I had no idea the goblins might surrender if you took out the leader. I spent most of the fight picking off higher-damage attackers and healers. That fight was a lot harder for me than it had to be :P #BaldursGate3

CactuarJoe, avatar

Man, encounters in this game have a tendency to escalate pretty seriously. Think I might need to back up, see if I've missed something. Feels like I've fallen behind already. #BaldursGate3

CactuarJoe, avatar

Think I might restart as a Rogue. I'm reminded that I rolled like three different characters in Pathfinder before I found one that I liked :P #BaldursGate3

CactuarJoe, avatar

Early rogue indications are good, but I forgot to take a screenshot in the character creator T_T #BaldursGate3

CactuarJoe, avatar

Let's hear it for games that let you hide your helmet :P #BaldursGate3

CactuarJoe, avatar

Ahahaha you can give Gale a hi-five when he's stuck in the waypoint :D #BaldursGate3

Gale: Ow! Perhaps I should have clarified. A HELPING hand, anyone?

CactuarJoe, avatar

Oh, also, the Rogue. A Halfling Rogue! She abandoned a boring life as a weaver in a Baldurian shop in search of fun and adventure! She's a smartass :D #BaldursGate3

CactuarJoe, avatar

Lae'zel and Shadowheart in the party together, it's the Spite And Spit Sisters! Slur and Slander! Two haters, no waiting :P #BaldursGate3

CactuarJoe, avatar

I may be absorbing the writing style of this game a little bit :P

CactuarJoe, avatar

The stealth approach is pretty fun, actually :D In that battle against the thieves in the chapel basement I was able to sneak attack three of them to death, then used the explosive barrel on the others :D #BaldursGate3

CactuarJoe, avatar

...Gale died in a fight and then his spectral self appeared and subjected me to a Magic Tech Support Call ._.;

I like the guy but if the party member with the lowest HP is gonna turn into a necrotic bomb every time he trips and bangs his head, I may have to find another wizard >_> #BaldursGate3

CactuarJoe, avatar

Aw bummer you can't change the appearance of hired characters. I was hoping to do a #DungeonMeshi run later :P Oh well, maybe there's a mod. #BaldursGate3

CactuarJoe, avatar

Did some general poking about in the Goblin Camp, trying to decide on a strategy. Bluffing my way in is probably safest, but I hate to have these critters think I agree with them on anything >_> #BaldursGate3

CactuarJoe, avatar

I'm wracking my brain trying to figure out who in my party does the actual cooking at camp. Right now my best guess is Wyll. A solid cook, but unbearable to be around while he's working. You like that recipe? Let me spend five hours telling the story of where and how I learned it :P #BaldursGate3

CactuarJoe, avatar

Astarion obviously doesn't cook. Shadowheart MIGHT but I suspect she eats out more than she cooks. Gale seems like the kind of guy who gets mad that he has to actually eat to not die. And Lae'zel... Do the Githyanki eat bugs? They seem like they'd eat bugs. #BaldursGate3

CactuarJoe, avatar

...Y'think Withers cooks at all? "What is this?" "Food." "Are you going to tell me what KIND of food?" "No." #BaldursGate3

CactuarJoe, avatar

Love it when I make a Perception check to find a trap, and a party member walks past me and triggers it >_> #BaldursGate3

CactuarJoe, avatar

Wonder if the Goblins are gonna think something's up when I walk out of their leader's room wearing her armor. :3 #BaldursGate3

CactuarJoe, avatar

Ooooh is there anything more satisfying than finding a huge pile of treasure? <3 <3 <3 #BaldursGate3

CactuarJoe, avatar

Oh, Gale is DIVORCED divorced. Dang, yikes. #BaldursGate3

CactuarJoe, avatar

So Shadowheart's just gonna say what I'm thinking out loud now, is she? :P #BaldursGate3

CactuarJoe, avatar

No, YOU ran around for an hour doing sidequests until Karlach liked you so you could get her approval during the party, shut up #BaldursGate3

CactuarJoe, avatar

...And here we see Lae'zel, treading the line between horny and creepy >_>; #BaldursGate3

CactuarJoe, avatar

My favorite kind of comment thread to read when I start a new game is one of those "What part of [game] did you discover embarassingly late" threads.

I had no idea you could use potions as multitarget heals by throwing them at party members standing in a given area. Apparently you can pick up bodies and use them as improvised weapons. Arrows can flip levers from across the room. If you drop a poison bottle in camp it'll stay until you rest and you can repeatedly dip your weapons. #BaldursGate3


@CactuarJoe it might be easier to describe what I have not missed at this point, and steam says I've been playing for over 40 hours. (⁠ー⁠_⁠ー⁠゛⁠)

CactuarJoe, avatar

@meredeth Oh same. I went through that thread like what? What? WHAT? WHAT? :P


@CactuarJoe yeah, you got a link, so I may join you in incredulity?

CactuarJoe, avatar

@CactuarJoe okay legit, the Throw A Potion At Them instead of Walk Over And Waste An Action Helping Them Up is about to change my life.

Contrariwise, avatar


  • Loading...
  • meredeth,

    @Contrariwise @CactuarJoe throw it on the floor at their feet, it does splash healing. (^_^)

    CactuarJoe, avatar

    ...Karlach has a teddy bear. You're killin' me over here. #BaldursGate3

    CactuarJoe, avatar

    Also I got a critical success on an Athletics check with my Halfling Rogue and the cutscene showed her kicking double doors off their hinges and I can't stop thinking about it and laughing :3 #BaldursGate3

    CactuarJoe, avatar

    Me: Yes I know Lae'zel is overbearing and rude and kind of an asshole, but I'm sure once we meet other Githyanki it'll turn out they're not all like that.

    Me after meeting other Gith: Ah. Nevermind.


    CactuarJoe, avatar

    Lae'zel: My totalitarian dictatorship is totally rational! It's the OTHER guy's totalitarian dictatorship thats wrong! #BaldursGate3

    CactuarJoe, avatar

    Going back to clear out the Goblin Camp is fun, it's a good ol' fashioned dungeon crawl ^^ #BaldursGate3

    CactuarJoe, avatar

    Finally found a Ring of Jumping. No Halfling should be without one <3 #BaldursGate3

    CactuarJoe, avatar

    Finished the Sussur Bark weapon sidequest, went for the dagger. Once it gets outclassed damage-wise I can throw it at people to shut them up :D #BaldursGate3

    CactuarJoe, avatar

    Now that I'm Lv. 6, I feel like I'm starting to get a handle on things. The early game was a lot harder than where I am right now. Something #BaldursGate3 has in common with #Pathfinder WotR.

    CactuarJoe, avatar

    Holy SHIT that fight in Grymforge I spent the whole thing an inch from death! That was fucking wild. #BaldursGate3

    CactuarJoe, avatar

    I got Nere out of the cave-in and told him the Myconid Sovereign wanted his head and he was like "you're here to kill me on the orders of a mushroom" and I was like, well if I wasn't before I am now, you made it sound fucking awesome :D #BaldursGate3

    CactuarJoe, avatar

    Man, the Hag fight was a pain in the ass. God save me from trickster bosses @_ #BaldursGate3

    CactuarJoe, avatar

    Drown are like... if there was an entire society based around tying girls to railroad tracks. Made up entirely of guys with waxed handlebar moustaches, with a religion and hierarchy based around moustache-twirling. Led by the goddess of tying girls to railroad tracks. #BaldursGate3

    CactuarJoe, avatar

    The golem in the Arcane Tower should've been a party member. #BaldursGate3

    CactuarJoe, avatar

    Me: It's been a busy day, I think I'll relax tonight.

    Also Me: Let's see if my party can take down that 300 HP boss in the forge :D #BaldursGate3

    CactuarJoe, avatar

    He actually wasn't too bad. Knowing I needed Bludgeoning damage in advance was the key, I buffed Karlach into the stratosphere and went to town. Didn't even have to use the hammer platform ^^ #BaldursGate3

    CactuarJoe, avatar

    I'm sorry, Mystra wants Gale to suicide bomb the Absolute? I knew they were divorced I didn't know they were THAT divorced, jesus tap dancing christ #BaldursGate3

    CactuarJoe, avatar

    Lol Karlach the fangirl :3 #BaldursGate3

    CactuarJoe, avatar

    Fight in the inn was pretty fun, after the last couple of battles it was nice to have an opponent I could actually poison :P

    Also we're definitely getting into "You may wanna look up a wiki article if you haven't played the first two games" territory here. #BaldursGate3

    CactuarJoe, avatar

    I will say, though, it's nice to run into an Unreconstructed Classic Mage, funny hat and beard and all. It's also nice to have a character like that and not have some obnoxious self-referential "we know he looks dumb" wink-wink at the audience quip along with him. They played that scene sincerely and I genuinely appreciate that. #BaldursGate3

    CactuarJoe, avatar

    Me: Oh boy, finally home and showered and fed! Time for a little #BaldursGate3!

    My brain, operating at about 10%:

    Worf says, "Die."

    CactuarJoe, avatar

    In general the AI in #BaldursGate3 isn't bad, but I do wish I could encourage NPC allies to focus on a single target rather than taking potshots at whoever is closest.

    CactuarJoe, avatar

    The longer I have Shadowheart in my party the more I want to play a Selunite cleric specifically to annoy her :P #BaldursGate3

    CactuarJoe, avatar

    It occurs to me that you could do an all-Druid run through #BaldursGate3 without respeccing anyone. You can recruit two Druids, BE a Druid, and then use the Druid hireling. Too bad there are only three Druid subclasses, you'd have to double up on one subclass.

    CactuarJoe, avatar

    I guess you could do two Circle of Spores, one as a Symbiotic Entity tank and one as a Druid/Necro. Or I think you might be able to do an offensive caster/healer pair with Circle of the Land. Either way, it could work :D #BaldursGate3

    CactuarJoe, avatar

    I don't know why I expected a place called the House of Healing would be anything but grim, but man. That is impressively grim. #BaldursGate3

    CactuarJoe, avatar

    I've run around with most of my party members enough that half of them are inviting me off for a romantic evening. It's depressing having to reject so many of them ^^; #BaldursGate3

    CactuarJoe, avatar

    Oh thank god, Gale doesn't want to fuck. I was worried. >_> #BaldursGate3

    CactuarJoe, avatar

    The best part of Karlach is that she's a dork. :3 #BaldursGate3

    CactuarJoe, avatar


    And that's an ACTIVE SKILL that he just HAS in his QUICKSLOTS???

    hey gale this fight's annoying, can you just blow yourself up thanks man



    CactuarJoe, avatar

    Defending the gate required some unusual tactics, that was a fun battle ^^ #BaldursGate3

    CactuarJoe, avatar

    Y'know, I may have to apologize for giggling a bit at the Owlbear in the D&D movie. Wildshaping into an Owlbear DOES actually solve most of your problems.

    Especially when it has the ability to leap halfway across the battlefield in a single move and land with an attack that knocks enemies down. That's hot. #BaldursGate3

    CactuarJoe, avatar

    Raphael and I really have a very Q/Picard relationship. He shows up, I sigh, he quotes poetry at me, I tell him to cut to the chase. Knew I shoulda made a bald black guy instead, coulda punched him in the nose and been done with it :P #BaldursGate3

    CactuarJoe, avatar

    Oooh, I'm gonna get some Thin Mints and Samoas and... Hello? Can you hear me? Are you still taking orders? #BaldursGate3

    CactuarJoe, avatar

    No YOU stayed up too late playing video games >_>;;; #BaldursGate3

    CactuarJoe, avatar

    Look, I thought I'd lost one of the Tiefling kids and you know I couldn't let that stand. <_< #BaldursGate3

    CactuarJoe, avatar

    Besides, I'm playing a Rogue, prison breaks are totally my character's idiom. Just 'cos I completed it by slaughtering all the guards FIRST and THEN opening the cells, it doesn't mean anything. #BaldursGate3

    CactuarJoe, avatar

    Esther wants me to STEAL A GITH EGG what the FUCK

    "Hey, can you kidnap a child for me? I want to prove a point."

    No? And also, no. What the fuck is wrong with you, lady? #BaldursGate3

    CactuarJoe, avatar

    Githyanki with facial hair are weird.

    Githyanki with male pattern baldness are VERY weird.


    CactuarJoe, avatar

    Walkin' around the Gith creche and they're all like "What's up, 𝘴𝘭𝘶𝘳" and "Hey, 𝘴𝘭𝘶𝘳" and "It's a lovely morning! How are you today, 𝘴𝘭𝘶𝘳?"



    trixter, avatar

    @CactuarJoe Rude D:

    CactuarJoe, avatar

    @trixter Distinctly! It's, like, their defining trait! It's not great!

    CactuarJoe, avatar

    The more you learn about their backstory, the more hilarious the rivalry between Lae'zel and Shadowheart becomes :D

    "Oh, YOU grew up in a religious cult that controlled your every move and tried to mold you into something against your nature? Well I grew up in a MILITARY cult that controlled my every move and tried to mold me into something against my nature. We're totally different!"

    Like, just kiss already.

    CactuarJoe, avatar

    Maaan I got both Lae'zel and Shadowheart to defy their culty upbringings, that's a good feeling :D Cry freedom, Disaster Twins :D #BaldursGate3

    CactuarJoe, avatar

    Karlach continues to be an absolute menace. With an Elixir of Bloodlust, if she kills an opponent on her turn she can attack up to FIVE TIMES. I gave her the Boots of Speed, too, so she's zipping all over the battlefield picking people off. It's great :D #BaldursGate3

    CactuarJoe, avatar

    It must be exhausting to be evil. Imagine trying to put together a plan -- for LUNCH, hell, let alone a world domination plot -- with a reasonable chance of success when everyone from the lowest goblin to the second in command thinks THEY should be running things. And they keep KILLING each other trying to do it! You arrive at your conquest target with half the men you started with! Because every Private has been trying to kill their Sargent! No wonder so many Dark Lords go mad. #BaldursGate3

    CactuarJoe, avatar

    Getting more crashes as we go along. Probably not a great sign :/

    CactuarJoe, avatar

    hahaha holy shit XD

    Aylin, ma'am, I know it's been a hundred years but please try to keep it in your pants in public! #BaldursGate3

    Isobel: AYLIN. We'll see you later.

    CactuarJoe, avatar

    I think I'm gonna respec Shadowheart. Not just for plot reasons, but I'm finding Trickery Domain Cleric to be... Lackluster. In a lotta ways. I really need a healer and buffer, and I'm using almost none of the Domain spells. Though I will admit Dimension Door saved my ass in that last fight. #BaldursGate3

    CactuarJoe, avatar

    The Dream Guardian is a MIND FLAYER? I knew there was something off about them, but jesus harold christ! #BaldursGate3

    grrrr_shark, avatar

    @CactuarJoe Yeah, that's like... a big ole kick to the gut, ain't it?

    CactuarJoe, avatar

    @grrrr_shark A great twist :D

    CactuarJoe, avatar

    ...So the Githyanki have an alliance with Tiamat? The five-headed dragon queen?

    That sounds. Not great. #BaldursGate3

    CactuarJoe, avatar

    This game has the BEST names. #BaldursGate3

    CactuarJoe, avatar

    One thing I wish this game had -- a "let me get into your inventory" option for party members not currently in the active party. I forgot who had the Amulet of Speak With Dead and had to disappoint a bunch of my companions by adding and then removing them from my party >_> #BaldursGate3

    CactuarJoe, avatar

    Man. I made it to Baldur's Gate proper. It's full of cops, conservatives, and robots. The people I LIKE are arguing between nonviolent resistance and EXTREMELY violent resistance. I'm being followed by a shapeshifter who keeps threatening my life.

    It's Twitter.


    CactuarJoe, avatar

    Why is it every tyrant's first request is "Trust me, just please trust me, I know it looks bad, but for your OWN good, just trust me this one time!"

    Man, no. Fuck off. #BaldursGate3

    CactuarJoe, avatar

    Every time I talk to Raphael I get the overwhelming sensation of having just walked onto a used car lot >_> #BaldursGate3

    CactuarJoe, avatar

    I'm enjoying The Emperor as a character, he's far more complex than I expected. I do think a lot of what he tells you about himself is, at least in part, manipulation, but a lot of it is honest, too. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if the honest stuff is manipulation, and vice versa. #BaldursGate3

    CactuarJoe, avatar

    I wonder if The Emperor notices how... smoothly he steps into the shoes of a ruler. His life in Baldur's Gate was a co-ruler in all but name, but he talks about it like a summer fling.

    In some ways, he's not all that different from Gortash, though I think he'd take great offense at the idea. #BaldursGate3

    CactuarJoe, avatar

    A lot of the conflict in him comes from the fact that he's a member of an inherently tyrannical race -- the illithid's very lifecyle is based around the theft of memories and the imprisonment of thought -- who values freedom so very highly.

    I really want to know what would happen if he were forced to make a choice between HIS freedom and the freedom of OTHERS. I don't see him as being particularly altruistic, soooo #BaldursGate3

    CactuarJoe, avatar

    Weird thing about Act 3 of this game is all the little unfinished plot hooks you can see laid bare. NPCs referencing things that are obvious quest branches, except those quests don't exist. You can wander upon a murder scene with two men comforting a child whose parents were just killed -- but it doesn't lead to anything. Hell, you can find two unique pieces of Infernal metal for Karlach, but they don't do anything. It really stands out, given how complete the first 2 acts felt.


    CactuarJoe, avatar
    CactuarJoe, avatar

    My brain reeeeally wants me to start my Necro run now >_> #BaldursGate3

    CactuarJoe, avatar

    Patching and verifying took all morning so now I get no #BaldursGate3 until tonight >_>

    Not sure why one patch requires me to redownload the entire 150GB game but okay <_<

    CactuarJoe, avatar

    The fun thing about #BaldursGate3 is that you can blow up a fireworks shop and a robot will arrest you for trying to pick something up off the counter.

    Like, c'mon Pinocchio I just threw a Fireball at the Whizzy Twizzlers. This is grievous bodily harm AT LEAST. And the guy was an asshole, so malice aforethought! Give me a little credit.

    CactuarJoe, avatar

    Man, when they said everybody in this game wants to bone you they really did mean everybody. Yikes. #BaldursGate3

    trixter, avatar

    @CactuarJoe This game seems incredibly horny, just based entirely on what I've seen online.

    CactuarJoe, avatar

    @trixter Thankfully it's not JUST horny. But my god yes it is VERY horny ^^;

    CactuarJoe, avatar

    Ugh, I accidentally blew up an exploding barrel and that flipped a switch and killed half the prisoners I was trying to save from the Iron Throne :/ I feel bad about that, but I did save half of them, and that's not nothing. #BaldursGate3

    CactuarJoe, avatar

    Decided to multiclass my Rogue into Ranger a bit. The last two or three levels of most classes are kinda meh, huh? I feel like spellcasters need them for the spell levels, but martial classes get, like, nothin' for Lv. 11 and 12 :/

    Anyway, throwing three levels into Ranger does cost me two feats, but it gets me a whole raft of useful things -- Hunter's Mark, Find Familiar, Enhance Leap (a big deal for a low STR Halfling I can tell you), and Gloomstalker next level :D #baldursgate3

    CactuarJoe, avatar

    Oh great I wandered into ANOTHER wizard dick measuring contest. Spectacular. #BaldursGate3

    CactuarJoe, avatar

    Really my biggest complaint with this game is that often the best strategy is to do every fight twice so you learn what gimmick to prepare for before you go in >_> #BaldursGate3

    CactuarJoe, avatar

    Woo, blew up the Steel Watcher Foundry! That was a fun sequence, even got to tell Wulbren to fuck off :D Barcus is kind of a dork but he's got the right ideas, he should do fine as a leader. And very few people died! A solid outcome. #BaldursGate3

    CactuarJoe, avatar

    That sure is a bag fulla hands on that murderer. #BaldursGate3

    CactuarJoe, avatar

    Through a lot of this game I find myself thinking what my #Pathfinder Lich would think of things. Like, she would've hated Balthazar. She'd have called him an artless tinkerer whose main achievement was finding a good target for a fairly basic life exchange spell.

    Right now, though, she'd be thoroughly annoyed. Can you imagine the annoyance of a master Necromancer faced with a serial killer? Ooo, you take people's lives, how scary. Shut up and get on the slab. #BaldursGate3

    CactuarJoe, avatar

    "No no, you don't understand, murder is an ART-"

    "Your life's work is a banana taped to a wall, and I'm feeling peckish." #BaldursGate3

    CactuarJoe, avatar

    ...Okay I'm pretty sure that was the final boss of one of the previous games I just killed. Bit of a dick, that one.

    I did appreciate him being a fairly straightforward stand-up fight, though. His minions weren't too hard to deal with, and although I did burn most of my spell slots it worked out pretty well in the end. #BaldursGate3

    CactuarJoe, avatar

    That's irritating. Ran into a bug where one of my party members won't follow the leader, had to reload an earlier save and go from there. Lost an hour or so. :/ #BaldursGate3

    CactuarJoe, avatar

    On the plus side, I can now make a joke of the one major encounter I played because now I know what to expect :P #BaldursGate3

    CactuarJoe, avatar

    My GOD Orin was an annoying goddamn fight! "Push these guys off the ledges, oh, except you can't TOUCH THEM" RRGH I spent the whole fight praying a Thundering Arrow would work that turn D:< #BaldursGate3

    CactuarJoe, avatar

    Stupid fucking murder edgelords 9_9 #BaldursGate3

    CactuarJoe, avatar

    Y'know, for a goddess of loss Shar is really greedy. #BaldursGate3

    CactuarJoe, avatar

    I can't decide which part of Shar's temple I like better, the callout post for her moon goddess sister, or the anti-masturbation propaganda :D #BaldursGate3

    CactuarJoe, avatar

    Shar, proponent of No Nut November #BaldursGate3

    CactuarJoe, avatar

    Also that fight was a bugger so I'm stealing all their silverware. #BaldursGate3

    18+ CactuarJoe, avatar

    Apparently Gale is one of the party members Orin can kidnap and I'm finding the idea kind of hilarious. Can you imagine the two of them in the same room?

    "Bhaal worship, huh? I once thought of worshipping Bhaal, but I was just tooooo smaaaart-" "SHUT UP OR I WILL STAB YOU" "No seriously, I need to eat your boots now or everyone dies."


    CactuarJoe, avatar

    Shar isn't really the Goddess of Loss. She's the Goddess of Dwelling on Loss, Like Really Stewing On It Until You Convince Yourself This Was All Someone's Fault and They Need to Be Hurt.

    C'mon Shar, I'm taking you to therapy. Yes, I'm sure you miss your perfect darkness, it was very important to you. Your therapist says you're in group today, that's worth talking about. #BaldursGate3

    CactuarJoe, avatar

    Gale's not a bad guy, but he does need someone with a strong grip on their morality standing next to him. Someone willing to whap him with a rolled up newspaper when he starts saying things like, "The POSSIBILITIES!" and "IMAGINE what we could do with that!" #BaldursGate3

    CactuarJoe, avatar

    Hm. Think I may have screwed up Jaheira's questline :/ #BaldursGate3

    CactuarJoe, avatar

    Well, the good news is Jaheira's questline being borked is a known bug, and you can pick up the quest further down the line without issue.

    The bad news is, I now have no idea what's going on in this quest's plot :/ #BaldursGate3

    CactuarJoe, avatar

    ...So that's Minsc. I can see why he's a fan favorite :P #BaldursGate3

    CactuarJoe, avatar

    I really do like Selune's Spear, and I'd love to use the Divine Intervention weapon, but the Staff of Arcane Blessing is just so amazing on my healer. Superpowered Bless! Combined with Whispering Promise I can drop ENORMOUS attack bonuses on the whole party with really basic spells! Sigh. Maybe next run I'll make Shadowheart a War cleric and actually use some of these neat toys she gets. #BaldursGate3

    CactuarJoe, avatar

    So apparently Larian figured out how to shave like 35% VRAM usage off their game on the Xbox, and they think the same technique could apply to PC and PS5:

    I was already pretty damn impressed at how the game runs on my absolutely ancient PC, and they can improve it still more? Honest to god I'm not one given to overeffusive praise, but holy shit folks. That's fucking crazy. #BaldursGate3

    18+ CactuarJoe, avatar

    The Emperor sure is getting bitchy towards the end of the game. I get the impression he's starting to worry we don't need him. Frankly, it's a reasonable fear. Now that I know it isn't HIM actually protecting me, I have no reason to entertain his obvious attempts at manipulation. #BaldursGate3

    18+ CactuarJoe, avatar

    That said, if he plays nice with Orpheus when we release him, he's perfectly welcome to stay to the end and remain out of the Elder Brain's reach. But after learning about the Knights of the Shield, I don't trust Ol' Squiddy further than I could spit a brick. #BaldursGate3

    CactuarJoe, avatar

    Ladies and gentlemen, my FOURTH jailbreak of the game! These keep ramping up, I can only assume my next jailbreak will be setting everyone free of planet Earth :P #BaldursGate3

    CactuarJoe, avatar

    ...Though if you want to count the Deep Gnomes and Dame Aylin as separate jailbreaks that's actually Jailbreak #5, now that I think about it.

    Actually, does rescuing the Gondians count as a jailbreak? I feel like it should. Jailbreak #6. #BaldursGate

    CactuarJoe, avatar

    ...This boss is singing at me. He's singing his theme song at me. >_> #BaldursGate3

    18+ CactuarJoe, avatar

    Aw man, I didn't find Mol's Contract until AFTER Raph was dead. I wish I'd known beforehand, I woulda been WAY more amped up.

    I have shepherded these Tieflings all the way from Act One, you bastard, get your slimy claws off them D:< #BaldursGate3

    CactuarJoe, avatar

    ...There are seriously people out there lusting after Raphael? Do they also get the hots for Saul Goodman? Do they salivate reflexively while passing the local used car dealership? #BaldursGate3 #ImJustPokingFunIPromise

    CactuarJoe, avatar

    Heh. Quicksave 666 was made inside the House of Hope :P #BaldursGate3

    CactuarJoe, avatar

    When you forget you're an enemy of the state and walk into the local fortress and have to kill a dozen cops to get where you're going 😬 #BaldursGate3

    CactuarJoe, avatar

    ...Filed under things you couldn't post on Twitter without a clarification and denunciation of violence AND a plea to the FBI not to put you on a list.

    CactuarJoe, avatar

    I've noticed the game runs a lot smoother and loads a LOT faster after the recent hotfix. :D #BaldursGate3

    18+ CactuarJoe, avatar

    The Emperor si fucking BALDURAN!? And Ansur, the Bronze Dragon, was fucking Balduran? In, uh, the other sense?

    Jesus #BaldursGate3

    CactuarJoe, avatar

    Also that fight was nasty first time I've actually been concerned my DPS might not be up to the task. #BaldursGate3

    CactuarJoe, avatar

    Messing around with a new character in the early game because I wanted to try out different classes. It's really kind of shocking how much better the game runs in the first two acts, the city is really resource intensive. #BaldursGate3

    CactuarJoe, avatar

    I feel like all the (relatively) easily available magic in Faerun should have changed this society far more than it did. Like, apparently cantrips aren't that hard to learn -- imagine a society where, after a few hours' study, you could throw a two-inch ball of fire across the room. It'd be a world where you'd have to assume everyone is armed.

    What I'm saying is, I wonder if Baldur's Gate has Concealed Cantrip laws.


    CactuarJoe, avatar

    Actually, hold up, that's why wizards wear pointy hats. By law, if you're capable of casting magic you are required to wear a pointy hat. That's why wizards get such elaborate pointy hats, they want people to know they're not just some stage conjurer who learned to cast Mage Hand as a gag.


    CactuarJoe, avatar

    That's why Elminster wears all those medals and things, right? Those are the Faerun version of not just a handgun license, but a license to carry the magical equivalent of a bazooka. "The bearer of this ornate golden chain has been licensed to wield spells with a wide AoE in the Western Heartlands."

    Or maybe, "Mystra says I can use my own good judgment with the magic nukes" :P


    CactuarJoe, avatar

    Actually I think the wildest bit of cheap magic that hasn't changed society is Speak With Animals.

    Like, it turns out animals in Faerun are pretty close to sentience. A farmer could go out, pick up a scroll of Speak With Animals, go home, spend a charming day chatting to their ox, and then eat the ox. And nobody would bat an eyelash.


    CactuarJoe, avatar

    Like, the goblins in the camp in Act 1 were roasting a dwarf. I'm carrying around multiple pigs heads as camp supplies and the parallel didn't really hit me until I got to the city and met a very charming pig who helped me solve a crime.


    CactuarJoe, avatar

    ...Y'think Gale would be mad if I reclassed him into a Sorceror? #BaldursGate3

    CactuarJoe, avatar

    Eldrich Knight build is coming along, just hit Lv. 5 so things are starting to congeal. Won't really be ready for prime time until Lv. 7 when I get War Magic and can start going Cantrip-Attack-Attack on my turns. #BaldursGate3

    CactuarJoe, avatar

    So apparently using War Magic limits you to one attack. That's not gonna be a huge deal until around Lv. 10 when I get my third full attack per round -- until then, it's just like replacing an attack with a cantrip. Which, given that I have a number of pieces of equipment that add damage to an attack made after a cantrip, should still work out to higher damage.

    Dunno what I'm gonna do at Lv. 10, tho >_> #BaldursGate3

    CactuarJoe, avatar

    List of characters who should've been companions:

    -Strange Ox


    CactuarJoe, avatar

    Someone talk me out of starting another new character. >_> #BaldursGate3

    CactuarJoe, avatar

    Okay, Necromancer run started. I'm running with a party of all Hirelings, too, so that'll be interesting. I'm going Wizard (Necromancer), Paladin (Oathbreaker), Druid (Circle of Spores) and Bard (College of Valor). Three of four can summon undead, we've got some excellent buffs, and most of the party has heals of some sort so we don't need a dedicated Cleric.

    First stop is the Blighted Village, to pick up the Necromancy of Thay tome :D #BaldursGate3

    CactuarJoe, avatar

    OH ALSO it turns out you CAN modify Hirelings' appearance! I am doing a #DungeonMeshi run at some point :D

    The real problem there is, the DM party is FIVE. I'm gonna have to leave Izutsumi out :/ #BaldursGate3

    CactuarJoe, avatar

    I figure Laios goes Fighter at first, maybe Paladin (since he learns healing abilities later in the story), Senshi is probably just a Fighter, and a very basic one at that. Champion, probably. Chilchuck is a Rogue, of course, Thief subclass. Marcille is the real problem -- in combat she's a bog-standard Fire Evocation mage, but she's also the party's primary healer! Am I gonna have to multiclass her into Cleric? #BaldursGate3

    CactuarJoe, avatar

    Suppose she could do Tempest Cleric, since Thunder magic is flavored as explosions, but eh. It's not the same. :/ #BaldursGate3

    CactuarJoe, avatar

    ...Also totally just occurred to me that the earlier bit I did about Speak With Animals and eating sentient creatures was totally my inner Laios poking through :P #BaldursGate3 #DungeonMeshi

    CactuarJoe, avatar

    What's a pally gotta do to become an Oathbreaker 'round here? :/ #BaldursGate3

    trixter, avatar

    @CactuarJoe raises hand

    Break an oath?

    CactuarJoe, avatar

    @trixter Yeah! When playing Paladin you choose an Oath as a Subclass, each of which comes with certain behavioral requirements -- For example, Oath of Ancients requires you to seek peace before committing violence, so if you attack a non-hostile entity you'll "break your oath." It strips you of most of your abilities until you pay a fine, but it also unlocks a fourth subclass -- Oathbreaker Paladin! It's very Black Knight-ish ^^b

    trixter, avatar

    @CactuarJoe I do love me a fallen paladin.

    CactuarJoe, avatar

    @trixter I can't wait to give my Oathbreaker the set of skeletal armor you get later in the game. Gonna look so awesome :D

    trixter, avatar

    @CactuarJoe omg i love skeletal armor ffffffffffffffffff

    CactuarJoe, avatar

    @trixter >:3

    trixter, avatar

    @CactuarJoe I bought an Xbox Series X for Starfield but I have a feeling it's going to end up being for BG3.

    I've heard it would run adequately on my 2020 M1 MacBook Air but eh.

    CactuarJoe, avatar

    @trixter Totally worth it :D

    CactuarJoe, avatar

    There. Just had to punch a dog. #BaldursGate3

    CactuarJoe, avatar
    CactuarJoe, avatar

    Pel's based on my #Pathfinder Necromancer -- well, as far as I can anyway, you can't be a Dhampir in this game -- but the others are new. Brinna's just the default Halfling bard 'cos honestly that's a look. #BaldursGate3

    CactuarJoe, avatar

    I feel like the biggest problem with Necromancers -- and this isn't just a #BaldursGate3 thing -- is that devs seem uncomfortable allowing them to actually focus on what they do; summoning.

    I get why, additional characters on the field can be a very powerful thing. But the real issue is that they don't know what to do with Necromancers OUTSIDE that.

    Evocation Wizards can cast fat AoEs at Lv. 1, but Necro doesn't get the most basic of summons until Lv. 5. At least gimme an undead bird or rat!

    CactuarJoe, avatar

    There's also the fact that Necromantic summons often have other costs associated with them -- dead bodies, usually -- but they don't get much additional benefit to offset that.

    My actual dream Necromancer would be a class that can raise an enemy from the dead with all their abilities and stats intact. I recognize that would be a pain to balance, but it would be so much fun. #BaldursGate3

    trixter, avatar

    @CactuarJoe The additional benefit is “Now you have a zombie”.

    CactuarJoe, avatar

    I'd also love a high-level Necromancy spell that lets me splice monsters together Frankenstein-style. I think that would be awesome :D And SO MUCH MORE INTERESTING than the Necro-flavor Fireball and Necro-flavor Disintegrate we get instead. #BaldursGate3

    CactuarJoe, avatar

    Anyway, Repurpose was a good spell, they should spread that shit around more. #BaldursGate3

    CactuarJoe, avatar

    So here's a fun discovery -- if you knock a trader/merchant out with Non-Lethal damage instead of killing them, you can loot their entire inventory instead of just whatever they drop. Work that toggle, children. #BaldursGate3

    CactuarJoe, avatar

    It's really shocking how much of a difference Lv. 5 makes. Martial classes get an additional attack, spellcasters get a whole new spell level and TWO new slots... Stuff that was challenging at Lv. 4 is kind of a cakewalk at Lv. 5.

    The disparity is the closest thing I think #BaldursGate3 has to an actual balance issue - feels like some classes double in strength just from that one level.

    CactuarJoe, avatar

    So you can steal a wand that will raise a zombie from a corpse, but it only lasts ten turns and can only use Bash and some basic maneuvering abilities.

    Am I crazy? Shouldn't this have been like a first or second level Necromancy spell by default? Wouldn't that be more thematically appropriate than random Poison damage and temp HP? #BaldursGate3

    CactuarJoe, avatar

    So here's a fun combo:

    -The Spellsparkler is a staff that gives you Lightning Charges whenever you deal damage -- these add Lightning damage to every attack.

    -Gloves of Belligerent Skies adds 2 stacks of Reverberation whenever you deal Lightning damage. A target with 5 stacks of Reverberation gets knocked down.

    -Magic Missile hits multiple times, and each hit triggers both items. So not only are you dealing boosted damage, you're almost certain to knock the enemy prone :D


    CactuarJoe, avatar

    This is especially fun for Necromancers! Ghouls have a very powerful special attack they can only use on Prone enemies. Oh look at that, I can knock one enemy on their butt per round for super cheap :D #BaldursGate3

    CactuarJoe, avatar

    I will admit the Reverberation setup is a little rough on the ol' combat log, tho ^^; #BaldursGate3 #AtLeastItsNotTheMoneyNuke

    CactuarJoe, avatar

    Finally feeling like a real Necromancer, though :D #BaldursGate3

    CactuarJoe, avatar

    One day I'm gonna figure out how to stick to one character at a time. It is not THIS day, but :P

    By which I mean my Eldrich Knight has just learned that the Diadem of Arcane Synergy activates whenever you apply a status to anyone, not just enemies. Daredevil Gloves applies a status to you whenever you're within 3m of an enemy. It's pretty much permanent Arcane Synergy :D #BaldursGate3

    CactuarJoe, avatar

    Oh also, Boots of Stormy Clamour makes the Spellsparkler/Gloves of Belligerent Skies combo much more consistent. Reliably strikes enemies prone in two or three hits of Magic Missile :D #BaldursGate3

    CactuarJoe, avatar

    The best part of using Hirelings as a Necromancer is that story-wise, they're victims of the Absolute that Withers plucks out of the Fugue Plane for you. So they're not only undead, they're sentient undead who actually WANT to work for you! No control magic necessary! I don't know why more Necromancers don't do that. There should be Necromancer Hiring Fairs on the Fugue Plane. #BaldursGate3

    CactuarJoe, avatar

    You pick apart corpses and animate them? That's cute. My undead are unionized and get a mandatory six weeks off a year. After ten years they retire to a nice little Negative Energy demiplane. It's like a spa for the undead.

    Myrkul? Oh fuck that guy, he runs a sweatshop. Thirty cents an hour and you have to rent your own corpse back from him for fifteen. #BaldursGate3

    CactuarJoe, avatar

    Myrkul's totally a trust fund baby CEO. Was gifted his power by the last guy to hold his position, spent his entire life before that basically fucking around. Got into power and immediately made stupid changes that negatively affected everyone who used the service he was supposed to be managing. Spent decades having petty arguments with other, similarly pathetic powerful men instead of doing anything useful. Someone take Myrkul to the guillotine. #BaldursGate3

    CactuarJoe, avatar

    I can summon a couple of skeletons now. Y'know. A couple. :3 #BaldursGate3

    CactuarJoe, avatar

    Oh also, I never did post a picture of my Eldrich Knight, did I? I didn't have a strong idea of what she should look like so I went with Samus Aran. #BaldursGate3

    CactuarJoe, avatar

    Why is Karlach awesome? Because when you tell her you found the material needed to repair the Infernal Engine in her chest, which threatens to burn her alive and makes it impossible for her to touch another living creature, she shouts, "YES! I'm going to get a HUG! SOON!" :D #BaldursGate3

    trixter, avatar

    @CactuarJoe Extremely relatable

    CactuarJoe, avatar

    @trixter She's so very touch-starved and I'm over here fantasy Faerun-googling stuff like "Does the Druid's Grove treat burns" and "asbestos overcoat good for hugging?"

    trixter, avatar

    @CactuarJoe Awwwwwwwww ❤️‍🔥

    CactuarJoe, avatar

    Okay the portal fight in the shadowlands is awesome with this Necromancer party. I'm up to ten active summons so I wasn't actually outnumbered on the field until the birds came in, and by then I had a full firing line set up with my Skeleton Archers. Half the enemies were entangled by Plant Growth or Hypnotised and my Skellies picked the small fry off while my Necromancer's stupidly buff Magic Missile exploded people. That was hilarious :D #BaldursGate3

    CactuarJoe, avatar

    Y'know, I know I get Ghouls next level. And I know they're powerful, what with the Prone attack and the paralyzing touch. But it's gonna be hard to give up my Skelly Artillery. :/ #BaldursGate3

    CactuarJoe, avatar

    Not looking forward to the next part of the game. You have to put Shadowheart in your party or she leaves, so I either reskill her to fit my Necro party (which feels wrong -- Shadowheart would NOT be a Bard) or suffer through a big long section of the game with an incorrect party build (which is the RPG equivalent to the squeaky noise styrofoam makes). :/ #BaldursGate3

    CactuarJoe, avatar

    New tease from the devs says they're adding new epilogue content, can't decide if I'm glad or not that I haven't actually finished a run yet :p #BaldursGate3

    CactuarJoe, avatar
    CactuarJoe, avatar

    >Wild Shapes that do not have weapons will now benefit from having the Tavern Brawler feat.


    CactuarJoe, avatar

    >You can no longer loot the entire inventory of unconscious traders - instead you have access to a limited selection, as with dead traders. Nice try, pacifists.

    Aw :/ #BaldursGate3

    CactuarJoe, avatar

    ...Huh, looks like you might be able to recruit Minthara if you knocked her out rather than killing her at the Goblin Camp. Wonder if she'll still join if you sided with the Grove. It'd be nice to not have to choose between her and Halsin. #BaldursGate3

    CactuarJoe, avatar

    Oh hey, here's a fun bug I found this morning. Hit the doppelganger trial and my PC's double was my PREVIOUS CHARACTER.

    Well, at least the head was -- my first character was a Halfling Rogue, this enemy was a Human Fighter just like the PC. Just swapped the heads. Wild :P #BaldursGate3

    CactuarJoe, avatar

    Me, wandering through the Mind Flayer Colony with the constant background thoughts of The Absolute playing over and over #BaldursGate3

    CactuarJoe, avatar

    Taking Balthazar out with my Necromancer was really satisfying. Why wait for the final confrontation with him? Open the door, call him a hack, and sic your skeletons on him. Knock knock, dipshit. #BaldursGate3

    CactuarJoe, avatar

    Also he had a key piece of Necro equipment, so now all my undead are resistant to physical damage and my Pally can summon a dead 'un, too. Thanks a bunch, y'creepy bastard. #BaldursGate3

    CactuarJoe, avatar

    (Seriously though, Balthazar was a finger painter. Not only was his Greatest Work basically just a bigger version of Warding Bond, the hardest part would've been stumbling on an immortal to target it on. Like, never mind that he's more interested in splashing gore around than actually creating useful minions, never mind that his personal combat potential is ~nil, never mind that he DIDN'T EVEN BUFF HIS GHOULS. The thing he's proudest of was mostly a lucky happenstance!)

    (HACK!) #BaldursGate3

    CactuarJoe, avatar

    So fifty hours into my Necromancer run, I have learned that not only do you not actually need a BODY to raise the dead, but in fact all you need is one single bone. Which are littered ALL OVER THE PLACE. I've been carrying WHOLE CORPSES AROUND >:/ #BaldursGate3

    CactuarJoe, avatar

    Heh, I forgot I kept Us from the Nautiloid alive. So that's another summon. Also I feel more comfortable expending corpses on Fungal Zombies now that I know I can raise Skeletons from any ol' bone. So that's four more summons. :3 #BaldursGate3

    CactuarJoe, avatar

    Okay here's a brain-teaser. You can reanimate Skeleton Archers out of individual bones... But only in the Grand Mausoleum.

    For some reason.



    CactuarJoe, avatar
    CactuarJoe, avatar

    I'm likin' the mobility of Flying Ghouls, I'm not all that impressed with the damage. For how hard it can be to inflict Prone, you'd think you'd get more out of it :/ #BaldursGate3

    CactuarJoe, avatar

    Finally made it to the Lower City as my Necro. First order of business: kill Carrion and get the endgame Necro staff, Spore Armor, and fancy torch <3 #BaldursGate3

    CactuarJoe, avatar

    I'm a leeeettle concerned that the first time I rested in the city all the corpses I left out converted into pouches. I hope I can find an area like the Grand Mausoleum, or we're gonna run low on resources really fast >_> #BaldursGate3

    CactuarJoe, avatar

    Really the most damning thing about Balthazar's "Masterwork" is that Lorroakan of all people figured out how to do exactly the same thing. Like, congrats Balthazar, you're exactly on the level of a pathetic putz who squats in someone else's tower and can barely pull off a simulacra. Good job. #BaldursGate3

    18+ CactuarJoe, avatar

    The text is a little spoilery but I had to screenshot because of how incredibly cool my party looks in their endgame armor now :D :D :D #BaldursGate3

    18+ CactuarJoe, avatar

    Also I went for Partial Ceremorphosis on Pel and it really completes her look. Works great with the hood :D #BaldursGate3

    18+ CactuarJoe, avatar

    Also I was fast enough to grab a screenshot of this on this run. I don't have anything to add, I just like it :D #BaldursGate3

    CactuarJoe, avatar

    So I have the Staff of Cherished Necromancy now, and I'm having to rethink my build. See, the Spellsparkler setup doesn't work without the Spellsparkler staff, so now I'm building around the Life Essence effect of the Necro staff, which lets me cast a spell for free if I finish an enemy with a Necromancy spell. ...Which seem to be slightly bugged? There's supposed to be a time limit on the free spell, but the turn counter doesn't tick down. Bugged in my favor, at least :P #BaldursGate3

    CactuarJoe, avatar

    Anyway it combines great with the Armor of the Sporekeeper I got from the same fight. The Armor lets you spread different kinds of spores onto the battlefield, including frickin' HASTE SPORES. You can just drop an AOE Haste cloud that stays there for a couple rounds. The effect on characters only lasts one turn, but there's no post-Haste lethargy and nothing preventing you from just walking through the cloud again on your next turn. #BaldursGate3

    CactuarJoe, avatar

    Once I get my final spell level on Pel, her typical turn is gonna look like Black Hole → Circle of Death → Circle of Death or Dethrone :D #BaldursGate3

    CactuarJoe, avatar

    So my Necromancer's setup is more or less complete, I'm happy with what I've got. It's my Spore Druid who's proving fussy. See for most of the game I've been running them as a secondarily melee fighter - Symbiotic Entity gives them good bulk and Shillelagh is enough of a buff to make them hit pretty hard. But it's not holding up to late-game encounters #BaldursGate3

    CactuarJoe, avatar

    Druid only gets one attack, is the crux of the issue. Shillelagh works great on Torches, and now that I have the Torch of Revocation I can hit for like 40 damage a strike, which is GOOD, but my Paladin gets two, sometimes three attacks a round! Never mind if she Smites or, God forbid, is Hasted or using an Elixir of Bloodlust. I mean, as a more well-rounded defensive option I don't EXPECT Druid to hit that hard, but the gap is pretty extreme. #BaldursGate3

    CactuarJoe, avatar

    I've tried my Druid as a spellcaster, too, but Druids just don't get the oomph, and it just means she's competing with my Necro rather than my Paladin. The other option is to focus on support, but most of her support options are mirrored in the Bard I'm using! Hhgh. I don't MIND having such a flexible character in the party, but not being able to focus her build on something makes me ITCH. #BaldursGate3

    18+ CactuarJoe, avatar

    Beating the shit out of Raphael was somehow even MORE satisfying this time. That smug shit shows up to the fight with half a dozen allies but this time I outnumbered him >:D

    While his Cambions were trying to whittle down my Ghouls, I managed to catch him with Otto's Irresistible Dance AND THEN Hold Monster AND THEN got a Paralysis proc off a Ghoul! Poor bastard didn't even get to transform :D #BaldursGate3

    CactuarJoe, avatar

    I feel like Necromancers often don't have a particularly strong class identity. They're summoners, yeah, but the real question about any pet class is, what do you do AFTER you summon? Is the summon the support and the PC goes into attack mode after calling them? Is the summon the offense and the PC the support? If both the PC and the pet are offensive or both defensive, how do they compliment each other? #BaldursGate3

    CactuarJoe, avatar

    With this game, I feel like Necromancers don't synergize very well with their own pets. You get Ghouls that can paralyze, but spellcasters don't get any benefit from that beyond an enemy missing a turn or two. Skeleton Archers are solid long-range offense units, but being ranged offense units themselves Necromancers don't really NEED more of that. And Zombies have the interesting side effect of self-propagating mid-battle, but they require significant babying to be effective. #baldursGate3

    CactuarJoe, avatar

    Part of the problem is that, outside of summoning, Necromancers are a lot like Evokers -- ranged damage units that use powerful single-target spells and large AoEs. What Necros really NEED is either more meat shield summons, beefy Mummy-type undead like you get from Create Undead, or undead that buff the Necromancer specifically.

    ...Actually, given how many enemies in #BaldursGate3 are resistant or immune to Necrotic damage, one that suppresses Necrotic resistance would be really useful.

    CactuarJoe, avatar

    It's just weird how underpowered Necromancer can be, given the costs associated with it. You have to have actual bodies to raise, and the corpses you create in fights don't persist after a Long Rest, so every day you're starting from scratch. Most buff skills either don't work on Undead, or are single-target, and thus unsuitable for a half-dozen summons. Not to mention that, since Necro doesn't get Spell Sculptor, Circle of Death's huge AoE can be really hard to use effectively. #BaldursGate3

    CactuarJoe, avatar

    Anyway the practical upshot of all of this is that DEBUFFS are actually the way to go when you're Mancing a Necro. So I'm rethinking my Paladin -- she's a great offensive engine, but doesn't really bring much to the Necro Army beyond Aura of Protection. The question is, replace her with what?

    So that's today's thought to mull over :P #BaldursGate3

    CactuarJoe, avatar

    ...Y'know, I think Wildheart Barbarian may actually be a better buffer for Undead than an Oathbreaker Paladin. Huh.

    Two out of three Paladin Auras just straight up don't work on Undead. Meanwhile, Wolf Rage gets you an extra 3m/10ft of movement and automatic Advantage on attack roles against enemies near the Barb. Plus you can take Elk Aspect for MORE movement speed.

    Time to respec, I think. #BaldursGate3

    18+ CactuarJoe, avatar


    18+ CactuarJoe, avatar

    Oh I will feed Gortach his own intestines. #BaldursGate3

    CactuarJoe, avatar

    Necro build's getting increasingly taxing on the system. Loading the lower city takes a good five minutes now ^^;;; #BaldursGate3

    CactuarJoe, avatar

    Honestly, if I were going to throw a mono-class undead summoner into an otherwise "normal" party, I'd go with a Circle of Spores Druid. Wizard Necro does get stronger undead, but even with the one-more-per-spell perk, Spores gets WAY more. And it's basically self-sufficient-- buffs and crowd control from the special armor, debuffs and offense from the Druid spellbook, and like a half-dozen other summons to fill gaps! #BaldursGate3

    CactuarJoe, avatar

    Really wish I'd gotten a screenshot of Lucretious calling Pel beautiful. For multiple reasons.

    I mean, A) I took the Astral-Touched Tadpole, so she's very much not and B) I think that's the first time anyone's said that to Pel in either game I've played her in. I think she'd be touched. #BaldursGate3

    CactuarJoe, avatar

    Pretty sure Lucretious would be the only Necromancer in the game Pel would actually like. Balthazar was gross, Ketheric was a dabbler, Cazador was a clown, and Myrkul's work is impressive but the man himself? Absolute tool.

    Meanwhile Lucretious uses Necromancy for entertainment! What a genuinely unique idea! I think Pel would find it a little unprofessional, but actually inspired. #BaldursGate3

    CactuarJoe, avatar

    Uuuuugh, got a crash RIGHT IN THE MIDDLE of the big fight at the Sharran temple. -_- I was doing so well, too! Got like three or four Paralysis procs off of my Ghoul attacks, took out the leader on the first bloody round, then I targeted a group with Hold Person, interrupted their AoE Darkness on my main group (only had like a 40% chance to work! But it did!)

    And then it crashed.

    Suppose all that good luck was begging for it, huh? :P #BaldursGate3

    CactuarJoe, avatar

    Whoops, crashed again. I think the problem is we're riiiiiight up against what my very outdated video card can handle. Trying to keep track of all my summons (well over a dozen now) AND the eighteen~ish enemies in this battle is just hard for it.

    Also we're getting towards the end of the game and there's just a lot to keep track of. Entering the Lower City triggers eight minutes worth of loading now, it's rough. #BaldursGate3

    CactuarJoe, avatar

    (to be clear this isn't a complaint against the game, it's frankly a miracle it runs as well as it does on my decade? or so? old PC and I'm still impressed)

    CactuarJoe, avatar

    Suppose I could always start my shapeshifter build :p #BaldursGate3

    CactuarJoe, avatar

    My PC upgrades should be complete this weekend and I'm DEFINITELY not considering starting yet another run of #BaldursGate3

    ...Anybody buy that? No? Good.

    CactuarJoe, avatar

    Holy shit this game looks so much better with a decent graphics card :D #Baldursgate3

    CactuarJoe, avatar

    Doing a new run as a test. Gonna be a Druid/Necromancer based on Trash from Return of the Living Dead :D #BaldursGate3

    Oh and hey look! New video card means I don't have to have the stupid status bar open along the bottom! :D

    CactuarJoe, avatar

    Oh man saving takes like no time now. SSD was definitely the right way to go.

    CactuarJoe, avatar

    Okay my curiosity and impatience got the better of me. I loaded up the fight I couldn't get past with my Necro. Used to be, when I tried to interrupt or break concentration on someone casting Darkness, the game would crash. But I've done both and no crash! If I can finish this fight, I'm declaring it fixed :D #BaldursGate3

    CactuarJoe, avatar

    (I will note, however, that loading the save still took like four minutes >_>) #BaldursGate3

    CactuarJoe, avatar

    Yup, no crash. Hooray! :D #BaldursGate3

    CactuarJoe, avatar

    "You can take a day off once in a while, Lae'zel" This is why Karlach is my favorite <3 #BaldursGate3

    CactuarJoe, avatar

    I'm gonna cry, it takes like no time at all to load the Lower City. And it looks gorgeous with all the video settings up on high, even with my 30~ish undead compatriots.

    Video games are good you guys T_T T_T T_T #BaldursGate3

    CactuarJoe, avatar

    The real tragedy is I've only got one or two quests left to do before the end of the game. I often get "I don't want it to end" syndrome towards the end of games and the three-week break I had enforced by corrupted video files is making it hit particularly hard this time. #BaldursGate3

    CactuarJoe, avatar

    Alright, time to send Pel into the final dungeon. God speed, you groady lich ( o_o)7 #BaldursGate3

    18+ CactuarJoe, avatar

    Aw dang, he just ate that poor guy's head right through his hat! #BaldursGate3

    18+ CactuarJoe, avatar

    The Emperor: You don't TRUST me??? 😭



    18+ CactuarJoe, avatar

    The Emperor: If you won't let me eat this guy's brain, imma go join the villain I've been fighting this whole game



    18+ CactuarJoe, avatar

    The Emperor: I know everything about you!

    Chief, you didn't even think I'd use the Hammer, fuck off. #BaldursGate3

    18+ CactuarJoe, avatar

    Emperor went down like a chump, Dragon got torn apart by my Ghouls, one more brain to bash >:D #BaldursGate3

    18+ CactuarJoe, avatar

    DIE BRAIN DIE #BaldursGate3

    18+ CactuarJoe, avatar

    I love the idea that WITHERS throws a party for you. Dude's a god of the dead and he throws you a party :3 #BaldursGate3

    18+ CactuarJoe, avatar

    I really will throw Volo into the river one day. #BaldursGate3

    18+ CactuarJoe, avatar

    Withers teasing some DLC over here :P #BaldursGate3

    18+ CactuarJoe, avatar

    A fine ending. Of course, given the character I was playing, there was no way it was gonna fit the story I have in mind for her. #BaldursGate3

    18+ CactuarJoe, avatar

    I figure she kills the Elder Brain, first of all. The death of the tadpole allows the necromantic magic that made her a Lich to reassert itself, and she erupts out of the Chionthar with the Crown of Karsus and returns to the Astral Plane to reclaim the Eternity and her phylactery.

    Six months later, she comes back for the party, to have a serious discussion with Withers nee Jergal :P #BaldursGate3

    18+ CactuarJoe, avatar

    I hope the DLC they're teasing at the end is fighting Vlaakith in the Astral Plane, I think that'd be awesome. And an excuse for more Spelljammers :D :D #BaldursGate3

    CactuarJoe, avatar

    Good god these credits are long. #BaldursGate3

    CactuarJoe, avatar

    Final playtime on this character: 119h 19m

    Logged playtime on Steam? ...Oh dear. 406h



    CactuarJoe, avatar

    But yes! Good job Larian! Excellent work. Will definitely pick up any expansion they'd care to produce, #BaldursGate3 was absolutely the best game I played in 2023 ^^

    CactuarJoe, avatar

    Operation: Annoy Shadowheart is a go :3 #BaldursGate3

    CactuarJoe, avatar

    First job, rescue Shadowheart in the most annoying way possible -- walk past her pod without talking to her, then come back with the key :3 #BaldursGate3

    CactuarJoe, avatar

    Also I think I might romance her, just to be SUPER annoying :D #BaldursGate3

    CactuarJoe, avatar

    I think I'm annoying Lae'zel almost as much as Shadowheart, this is great :D #BaldursGate3

    CactuarJoe, avatar

    Made Shadowheart a Light domain Cleric because I think she'd hate it. <3

    Also I took two levels of Paladin so I can be pompous at her in both that and Cleric conversation options :D #BaldursGate3

    CactuarJoe, avatar

    I love how much she hates me. We shall have a summer wedding <3 #BaldursGate3

    CactuarJoe, avatar

    I think I'll also do this as a Dream Guardian Zero Tolerance playthrough. No trust for ghaik :3 #BaldursGate3

    CactuarJoe, avatar

    Alright, knocked Minthara out. Let's see if I can get her to join my party. #BaldursGate3

    CactuarJoe, avatar

    I've got Shadowheart's approval at Medium, ha ha she likes me in spite of herself :D #BaldursGate3

    CactuarJoe, avatar

    I made the Dream Visitor look as much like a smarmy asshole as I could <3 #BaldursGate3

    CactuarJoe, avatar

    Also I got Shadowheart to drink wine with me at the post-Goblin-crushing celebration and then asked if she was worried Shar would be mad at her and ha ha she thinks SHE is gonna corrupt ME, that's adorable :D #BaldursGate3

    CactuarJoe, avatar

    My Eldrich Knight run turned into my roleplay run. I especially like her relationship with Gale, which from his perspective is her constantly holding him back from attempting greatness, while from HER perspective it's the magical version of "What have you got there?" "A KNIFE" "NO!!" #BaldursGate3

    CactuarJoe, avatar

    Gale: It's always "Gale, don't lick the outlet," and "Gale, don't open that cursed book," and "Gale, don't stick your fingers in the toaster." Nobody ever says, "How was the cursed book, Gale. Was it fun? It looked fun." T_T #BaldursGate3

    CactuarJoe, avatar

    Meanwhile, Lae'zel: "The only two emotional reactions I allow myself are fighting and fucking, you better hope I land on one you like."

    EK: "Both those options suck :/" #BaldursGate3

    CactuarJoe, avatar

    EK: "Young lady you are going to sit down and work through your childhood trauma while considering the impact your imperialistic culture has on others or I will TURN THIS PARTY AROUND AND GO HOME."

    Lae'zel: >:(


    CactuarJoe, avatar

    Was thinkin' about what each of the companion's favorite foods would be, and it occurs to me that Karlach would be an absolute fiend for bar food. Buffalo wings, onion rings, cheeseburger -- oh man, she'd be amazing at food challenges. Karlach would be the person rolling up to the Undefeated Six Foot Tall Hamburger Challenge -- y'know, the one with like nine patties and an entire box of cheese slices on it -- and be like "What's up, I'm here to ruin your whole financial quarter." #BaldursGate3

    CactuarJoe, avatar

    Ha, saved all the Gondians from the Iron Throne this run. Fuck you, Gortash >:D #BaldursGate3

    CactuarJoe, avatar

    AND I saved all the Gondians in the first and second levels of the Steel Watcher factory! I teleported the suicidal little bastards into the rafters with Dimension Door :D :D :D #BaldursGate3

    CactuarJoe, avatar

    Genuinely shocked there doesn't seem to be an Achievement for that. I would certainly call keeping those self-destructive twerps from encircling an exploding Steel Watcher with all the enthusiasm of a pyromaniac lemming a fucking achievement. #BaldursGate3

    CactuarJoe, avatar

    Killing Raphael is always gratifying. It is always acceptable, reasonable even, to burglarize his house and murder him with barrels of explosives. #BaldursGate3

    CactuarJoe, avatar

    Me: I'm not taking Astarion to Cazador's place with me because I don't trust him.

    Astarion, after I kill Cazador: Did you kill him without me because you don't TRUST me!?

    Me: Yes.

    Astarion: We're through!

    Me: Fiiiiiine, I'll reload and do it the NICE way, god forbid the POWER HUNGRY VAMPIRE ELF not get a good ending >_> #BaldursGate3

    CactuarJoe, avatar

    "You could just let him have his bad ending-"

    Yeah but then I'd feel guilty >_> #BaldursGate3

    trixter, avatar

    @CactuarJoe He's easy to pick on but hard to actually say no to.

    CactuarJoe, avatar

    @trixter He's super lucky my need to help people in video games extends to him too :P

    trixter, avatar

    @CactuarJoe I am here for all the Annoying Shadowheart content.

    trixter, avatar

    @CactuarJoe Where do I sign up?

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