
I was thinking to myself, “when will the effects of climate change get so bad that they provoke revolution” but then it occurred to me: they already did. Just in the wrong direction.

Syrians fled a civil war driven by the worst drought in a thousand years and Europe responded with a wave of reactionary fascism.

Central Americans fled rising temperatures that are killing agricultural workers and the U.S. responded with a wave of reactionary fascism.

Russia just happens to be in a war for control of some of the world’s best farmland.

Sudan is in the middle of a civil war and Niger just had its umpteenth coup.

Reactionaries are already at war with us over climate change. It’s only going to get worse as the world gets hotter.


@HeavenlyPossum Exactly
#neoliberalism causes #climatechange and social destruction and #billionaires
A whole generation of #corrupt politicians bending toward #money
People in anger choose populism and #fascism

#neoliberalism leads to #fascism


@HeavenlyPossum right-wing power grab for resources, globally



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  • HeavenlyPossum,


    A military dictatorship does not represent liberation regardless of the character of the regime it overthrew.

    @wooliex@mastodon.social avatar

    @HeavenlyPossum Russia “just happens” to be in a war - that’s a particularly passive way of framing the actions of an aggressor state.



    That was meant as a sarcastic critique of the idea that Russia doesn’t have material motivations of its war of aggression. Sorry that didn’t come across.



    Oh well in that case

    @landley@mstdn.jp avatar

    @HeavenlyPossum David Graeber predicted that about 10 years ago. It would take some digging to pull up the specifics but here's a random example of the kind of thing he talked about: https://www.disenz.net/en/david-graeber-on-harmful-jobs-odious-debt-and-fascists-who-believe-in-global-warming/



    Absolutely. In retrospect, I think the long duree of climate-driven political rot and collapse have obviously started long ago.

    @landley@mstdn.jp avatar

    @HeavenlyPossum Everybody around here is waiting for the Boomers to die. It's learned helplessness, but with a distinct expiration date.


    @HeavenlyPossum What in the flying fuck happened in here? I'm just going to torch my History degree because, obviously, the whole 20th century in Europe is vastly different than anything I have read or studied. Sweet baby Jesus.


    @HeavenlyPossum Ugh I replied to the wrong part of this conversation. This was in response to the Faye Loves Godzilla rant about the Nazis being environmentalists. I don't remember that being discussed at the Wannsee Conference or in Generalplan Ost.



    You never know what off-handed comment will trigger someone’s personal obsession


    @HeavenlyPossum I do feel like this has really ramped up lately. I guess it was just a matter of time for Mastodon to become like this. Especially with large unmoderated instances or openly reactionary ones.



    Honestly, a lot of it is from people who self-identify as “leftists” in some way but aggressively hold some weird and not at al predictable grievances


    @HeavenlyPossum Yeah, I'm always skeptical of people like that. Though I definitely run into self-described leftists that have some batshit ideas and knowledge of history. It does make me wonder what cesspits of the internet they are coming from where these ideas were fostered or encountered.

    Though I'm skeptical of a lot of online "leftists" in general. Places like Reddit and Revleft really cemented that skepticism for me.



    Ding ding ding! You discovered the secret that anyone with a basic grasp of history already knew.

    Did you know the NAZIS and many extremely despotic people ran on platforms of aggressively tackling climate change? Including Hitler? The Nazis ran as conservationists who needed to invade the whole world in order to "save the environment".

    There are people who are following this play book again. Talking heads that people currently love are going to try to sabotage elections.



    The Nazis did not “run on a platform” of climate change, aggressively or otherwise. The Nazis did not justify their aggression via environmentalism. This is ahistorical nonsense.



    They literally did!!! They literally used that as one of the many reasons to try to conquer the whole world!!

    Did you know that Hans Asperger's signature was on at least 700 papers designating that Autistic children should be given lethal amounts of barbiturates???

    because they were not the kind of Autistic who could serve Nazi Austria?

    No! You didn't! Because you refuse to fucking LOOK



    I’m not sure what Asperger has to do with an ahistorical claim that the Nazis used environmentalism to justify their conquests or that the Nazis “ran on an aggressive campaign” of climate change, a phenomenon that was not part of public discourse in the 1920s or 30s.

    What is it that you think I should “fucking LOOK” at that would prove this weird and unnecessarily hostile point you’re trying to make?



    Also Hans Asperger has everything to do with what I am saying when I have to constantly point out he killed children in the hopes to host another Nazi Gala at Am Spiegelgrund and people, today, still defend him.



    One of my favorite things about the fediverse is discovering all the new and unexpected ways that total strangers will get mad and yell at my about their personal grievances that are, at best, tangentially related to anything I’ve said.



    > Denies historical reality
    >Tells the person they're denying it to they're a liar
    >Pretends Nazis didn't do shit that they did and if they did, somehow it's irrelevant
    >Asks why that would make someone mad
    >Gets muted



    Oh but I was going to ask which of your sources supported this claim:

    “Did you know the NAZIS and many extremely despotic people ran on platforms of aggressively tackling climate change? Including Hitler?”

    Because this is terminology that didn’t enter public discourse until the 1980s.


    @HeavenlyPossum @Fayedray

    But the Nazis also dabbled in paranormal stuff, like cough seeing the future cough so ChEcK mAtE dUdE


    @RD4Anarchy @Fayedray

    It also reads like they were ascribing concern about climate change to fascists, as if concern about climate change is evidence of fascism. The whole thing is weird and has left me very confused.

    @Vincarsi@mastodon.social avatar

    @HeavenlyPossum @RD4Anarchy @Fayedray A quick glance at their timeline and there's a few articles about the "natural mysticism" that the Nazis used, in part, to justify securing Poland for food in service of creating the Ubermensch. It's pretty standard eco-facism vs environmentalism with a "this is the dangerous ways these ideas can be operationalized". This exchange reads like a 14yr old shouting about the very important thing that everyone must understand NOW! Anything but agreement is bad!


    @RD4Anarchy @Vincarsi @Fayedray

    Nazi expansionism had a lot more to do with shitty geopolitical ideas about the World Island that were fashionable at the time than anything related to environmentalism as we use the term today.



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  • HeavenlyPossum,

    @RD4Anarchy @skuppr @Fayedray

    I’m not innocent of that but I’ve tried to get better since I left twitter



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  • HeavenlyPossum,

    @Fayedray @RD4Anarchy @skuppr

    I used to pick fights on twitter, but I try not to since I moved over to Mastodon.



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  • HeavenlyPossum,

    @Fayedray @skuppr @RD4Anarchy

    Yeah, basically.



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  • skuppr,

    @HeavenlyPossum @Fayedray @RD4Anarchy super fucked and pathetic people misread/bad faith to do it tho like how manipulative/cruel can u get


    @RD4Anarchy @Fayedray @skuppr

    I think some of it is how broken and defeated people feel, so being a shitty bully can be an appealing way of feeling in control of anything. Some of it is the structure of social media itself, which encourages adversarial confrontation (even here, though it’s dramatically better than twitter was).



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  • HeavenlyPossum,

    @Fayedray @skuppr @RD4Anarchy

    I didn’t mean to imply that it’s inevitable; I’ve just observed that people denied control over virtually any aspect of their own lives will often seek control in pathological ways, like trying to start and “win” an internet fight.


    @skuppr @RD4Anarchy @Fayedray

    There was once a library at my university who saw a student taking a book that had not been checked out. She tried jumping over a turnstile to catch him and broke her leg. I have thought often about the enormous risk she took and cost she bore just to try to assert the tiniest bit of control in her life by exercising the barest bit of authority that had been delegated to her.

    It’s not an excuse for bad behavior, but I often noticed that I was the most combative on twitter, most deliberately sought to make someone else’s day shitty through pedantic argumentation, when I felt most powerless in the face of giant institutions.



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  • HeavenlyPossum,

    @skuppr @Fayedray @RD4Anarchy

    It’s a constant struggle—to present arguments and defend them and try to persuade other people without being a monstrous internet dick.

    I appreciate all the conversations we’ve had. Go get some sleep; same here.


    @HeavenlyPossum @Fayedray

    Surely not as bad as the bird site? And don't call me Shirley!


    @Ambigramart @Fayedray

    At least with twitter it was predictable; ancaps and neolibs were always circling like vultures. Here, I’ll toot about climate change and suddenly someone is yelling at me about Hans Asperger.

    @foolishowl@social.coop avatar

    @HeavenlyPossum @Fayedray Nazi eugenics has nothing to do with environmentalism.



    Nazis literally campaigned on environmental justice and embraced the movement as a core principle for why they deserved to rule the world, because it literally lit a fire under Hitler Youths asses.

    "Environmentalists and conservationists in Germany welcomed the rise of the Nazi regime with open arms and hoped that it would bring about legal and institutional changes"



    @HeavenlyPossum i would like to not be a doomer but every day the evidence points closer to that direction

    @mcoorlim@mastodon.gamedev.place avatar

    @HeavenlyPossum "the world's best farmland" not for long as the climate shifts. Look to Siberia and Northern Canada as the permafrost melts.


    @HeavenlyPossum i have had an unestablished thought that authorities and powers might be slacking in resisting global warming seriously because they find global warming a benefiting tool to be able to use the Arctic ocean..

    @TransitBiker@urbanists.social avatar

    @HeavenlyPossum it really feels like we are in the months and weeks before everything just completely falls apart.



    The Russia's war has absolutely nothing to do with farmland.

    Look at the territory of Russia - it's extremely huge and low populated.

    Even though there's plenty of land to farm, it's not farmed, because it doesn't make sense economically.



    It’s just a coincidence I guess that the Russian state is in the process of expending its military might in an attempt to capture a country that represents a tenth or more of global grain production.



    It is.

    There are many reasons for the war, but the farmland has nothing to do with it.

    I grew up in a Siberian city with thousands of square kilometers of good farmland, which was not used for farming.

    Instead, it was and is used to mine coal, because coal makes more money.


    @HeavenlyPossum It took some digging, but I found Charles Stross´ old blog post, appropriately titled "some notes on the worst-case scenario":


    @largess@mastodon.au avatar

    That kind if crystalized it for me. I'd wondered why after the Australiqn mega bushfures, all the experts were blaming drought and clinate change amplification after our mega floods, all the experts were blaming climate change amplified flooding (more moisture in the air in a warmer planet).

    The conservatives blamed ... The Green polticans for not enough back burning and not enough dams, even though they are not in power in any state or nationally here in Australia and were themselves in power.

    How to get them to not seize what's left over after civilisations collapse and make it even worse?


    @Octale@nerdculture.de avatar

    @HeavenlyPossum so really 50 years of neoliberalism and 80 years of globalism killed the planet.

    If we’re ever to solve these issues, we MUST be mature enough to do the second order analysis on root causes.

    @szakib@freeradical.zone avatar
    @mad@freiburg.social avatar


    so sad and also so true



    @HeavenlyPossum And we didn't prepare.


    @HeavenlyPossum I'm doing everything I can to signal to Wil that this game of 'Catan' got a little out of hand...


    @HeavenlyPossum yes, fascism and rampant nationalism will take over as the southern hemisphere becomes unlivable and people move northward. The people left behind will turn to violent strongmen for supposed safety and survival.

    It'll be awful and ugly.

    @StarkRG@myside-yourside.net avatar

    @HeavenlyPossum I'm about 85% sure we're doomed as a species. We're not at the point of no return, that probably won't happen for another few decades, but we're definitely beyond the point that not making it worse anymore isn't enough, the positive feedback loops have already taken hold. Were we an intelligent species, we would shift a significant portion of our efforts into undoing the damage. We're not doomed because we're incapable of fixing it, we're doomed because we just don't care.

    @danjac@masto.ai avatar

    @StarkRG @HeavenlyPossum hence the Fermi Paradox. You only make it as an intelligent species not because you can make language and tools, but because you are capable of thinking ahead beyond your own lifetime.


    @danjac @StarkRG @HeavenlyPossum > thinking ahead beyond your own lifetime.

    That requires religious faith. Some of the cathedrals got built over multiple lifetimes. Rational people would not pay for something they don't get to enjoy.


    @mike805 @StarkRG @danjac

    Yeah I’m a little befuddled by this


    @HeavenlyPossum The future is not "2001: A Space Odyssey", but "Soylent Green".

    @ravenonthill@mastodon.social avatar

    @HeavenlyPossum when things get bad, the public is more likely to jump right than left. This is a compelling reason not to let things get bad.



    Are they? The people responsible for these fascist movements are a tiny minority of each society.

    @largess@mastodon.au avatar

    Inded but they seen to have a pied piper like effect on thier minions. Putin, Trump etc


    @ravenonthill@mastodon.social avatar

    @HeavenlyPossum the organizers, maybe. But look at how many people are willing to toe the Republican line!

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