How has ur lemmy experience been so far?

Im joining in on the reddit ditching thing, and was kinda worried at first that i wouldnt be able to like use it the way i did reddit as it feels like a whole new place, but after engaging with posts and people and actually being a part of lemmy rather than being lurk mode all the time i was pleasantly surprised with how easy it is to become a member of the community, theres a reasonable amount of subs (or whatever the other word for em is) that fit my interests, enough linux content and shitposting for my liking, and the overall random posts made by people equally fed up with Leddit. (also i admit i used reddit a little cus there was this post on the fedora sub showing how to fix a sound issue i been having after a recent update)

TeaHands, avatar

Pretty great tbh. The tricky thing with being an early adopter is you kind of have to be the change you want to see, but I'm old enough to feel no shame about just barging into places and starting new threads as needed.

So far started two accounts on two different instances (I like to keep different subjects somewhat separate) and had really cool interactions on both.

Obviously there are a few UX issues, trying to sub to remote communities is kind of a nightmare, but hopefully I've subbed to enough that other people on my instance will find it a bit easier to find them through search.

Wilshire, avatar

There's A LOT less spam posts and reused joke comments.


Like a breath of fresh air. People are just talking now instead of regurgitating the same old tired tropes for maximum upvote points.

jeena avatar

Especially the part was kind of terrible, I got into some weird argument with Tiananmen Square massacre deniers and the mods started deleting my comments, so the whole discussion was meaningless and left me very worried for the future of this corner of the fediverse.


Yikes. Are there people like that in Ill need to keep an eye out then. Still not completely found my footing in all this yet. Might watch a video or read something to better understand all this soon.

Andreas, avatar

The history is that Lemmy was originally created as an independent forum for communists. Later, the devs experimented with ActivityPub federation and created the first federated Reddit alternative. The software itself is neutral and can be used by anyone, but the original communist users of Lemmy before federation was implemented are still around. The politics of Lemmy's original community scared off a lot of potential users from exploring federated Reddit, but bringing more users and awareness to Lemmy will also attract politically neutral developers who can maintain a good alternative.

An alternative is not even necessary if the devs are able to leave their ideologies out of the software's design, which I believe they are doing well.

maegul, avatar

And from what I've seen, the core devs have always supported and encouraged more instances to be created so that there's a diversity of communities ... I don't think want everyone to be just on here ( and I'd guess they especially don't want to conflicts to erupt over communism (where in the past some facist or neo-nazi brigading happened and that's why sign-ups require approval).

The answer is for some people to get to work and put up new instances. That's what happened at mastodon and it's what allowed the platform to absorb the twitter migration. We really shouldn't expect whole new open-source and free platforms to just be waiting for us to get tired of our corporate for-profit big-social-platforms. It takes a little bit of work from us ... either understanding a little bit about how things work, helping others, engaging, and if we're able, putting up instances, starting communities and contributing back to the source code.


Well, that's just not the case. Lemmy's devs have always been highly ideological. The case in point here is their handling of the slur filter.

The basic guiding principle of GPL software has always been freedom. Free software has always been explicitly political, but when you put out free code, you have to accept that it might be used by people you don't like. Adding DRM, such as the slur filter, is against the freedom and openness of the free software, even if the DRM is so half-assed as a slur filter that any half-competent dev could easily remove.

Andreas, avatar

They changed the compulsory filter to be optional and configurable by community admins. They haven't implemented compulsory features after that either, so I see it as a mistake they made when they didn't fully understand the principles of federation and still treated Lemmy as a centralized communist forum. We shouldn't hold those mistakes over them if they learned from it and changed.

maegul, avatar

Didn’t know about this.

But, from the cited comment on GitHub:

I want to make it very difficult for racist trolls to use the most updated version of Lemmy.

Fuck yea! This is awesome. Even if not terribly efficacious (I didn’t look into that).

And just to be clear: I talk about principles of platform and instance diversity … and you counter with ”what about racial slurs”?!


I love when anticommunist concern-trolls step on rakes like that.

maegul, avatar

Yep. Like there's a good point there from a software standpoint and whether this measure makes sense once the user base and spread of instances and cultures goes past a threshold (especially on the language barrier, but not as persuasively as they think I suspect given the grassroots origin of the software). It's probably at, past or near that threshold now, but similarly with the point at which friendly forks make sense.

But, "lets just resist racism as much as possible even with weird software kludges" being a problematic "ideology" that undercuts any claim to fostering diversity? ... LMFAO!

Maybe put the software freedom and free-speech flags down for a second, look around and touch some grass.


Yeah, since the only true diversity is which particular flavour of a tankie you are.


If you've got a problem, you can just say it directly instead of presenting this non-sequitur like it's an own. If anti-racism is "tankie" to you then I'm a T-90.



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  • GarbageShootAlt2,

    lmao those damned "statists". Did I ever say you advocated for racism? What do slur filters have to do with communism? This is reply seems to be very confused.


    I write about principles of free software, and you interpret that as endorsing racist comments?

    If you actually cared about diversity, you'd know that many English slurs happen to be the same as other non-offensive non-English words; your particular narrow linguistic and cultural viewpoint isn't the only one that's valid.


    A slur filter isn't DRM and free software is in no way some kind of culture that obliges software developers to write code that lets you be more racist/whatever online, lol. The code is generously licensed and you can fork it if you want something else.


    When doing local development, I noticed there was an option in the admin screen to configure the slur filter. Perhaps the slur filter isn't hardcoded anymore like it was in that old github issue? Could an instance admin confirm/deny this?

    JohannesOliver, (edited )
    JohannesOliver avatar

    It is optional and editable, as mentioned at the bottom of the github issue.


    @Andreas right. all due to developers: no one fucking cares if your into a dead political system. frankly leave that shit at the door. and no one fucking cares about a fucking treatise about their happy shiny place like excellent to each other.

    @bruhsoulz @jeena @Woodyboye


    I think it was on the basis of you being personally insulting to the users. The modlog is pretty usable, so you can check why they were deleted

    LollerCorleone avatar

    That's the reason why I chose kbin over lemmy. However, beehaw also looks like a pleasant place though.


    While I'm subbed to a few communities I didn't wanna make an account over there for the same reasons. The general inclination is a bit out of my sphere.

    pitninja, avatar

    There aren't really as many leftist posts on from what I can see, but it's federated with, so if your account is on you see all the posts from there as well. And because they're federated, lemmygrad users can comment on anything on, so that's where you will see viewpoints come in that you may not agree with in news/politics/economics related threads. I don't know if has its instances whitelist & blacklist published anywhere, but there's a pretty good chance you'd know by now if it federated with lemmygrad. You're likely still browsing posts and comment threads on but aren't seeing comments from the lemmygrad users in those threads.

    jeena avatar

    As far as I understood, those were people who had accounts on, not


    And because they’re federated, lemmygrad users can comment on anything on, so that’s where you will see viewpoints come in that you may not agree with in news/politics/economics related threads.

    Oh boy, I didn't think about that. I never thought that would federate with a cesspool like grad. So yeah, this explains that. That's why I'm seeing so many shills.

    We have enough numbers to build a "de facto" second main instance which would be completely split from grad, should we focus on one instance? What if we tried to start an instance from scratch?

    pitninja, avatar

    You're certainly welcome to build your own instance and choose who and who not to federate with, but if lemmygrad folks specifically are who you're trying to avoid, beehaw might be a good spot for you.

    jeena avatar

    Oh, and even if they're annoying, I understand how federation works and that users from lemmygrad could comment there etc. and I can handle the shills, what I was surprised about were the mods on which started deleting my comments. Doing this, they make it impossible for me to even try to engage in a discussion and show a different point of view to the tankies.


    Yeah, lemmy part of fediverse is full of tankies. There is even a pretty active tankie instance over


    Lemmy.World has been pretty good so far and the people over there seem to be against that kind of shit. We will see as time goes on though!

    madjo avatar

    I'm still dipping my toes in. Got a bit confused early on, so now I have 2 accounts, one on and one on, trying both out to see which interface I like best.


    Do you use other parts of the fediverse? Or mostly interacting with lemmy communities?

    madjo avatar

    I'm also on and I have a pixelfed account somewhere :)


    Have you found kbin to be a good interface for interacting with mastodon or pixelfed? I think I have a dream of one platform to interact all the other popular fediverse platforms, but maybe that’s not realistic.

    madjo avatar

    You can use kbin as a mastodon thing too, from what I can see, but I haven't used it for that yet. I'd love it if I could attach my already existing Masto account to kbin, so that I could use kbin as the client for that account. But maybe that's a silly idea.


    Ah, neat that it works with mastodon too. I get confused why I need so many different accounts in the fediverse (one for lemmy, one for mastodon, etc.). I would think that since they’re all federated together one single account could comment on all the different platforms. But it seems like you need separate accounts because you need access to separate UIs to interact with each platform.

    TeaHands, avatar

    You can definitely interact with Lemmy from a Mastodon account, I've seen various people demoing it over the last few days and I've followed a couple of smaller communities here so they show up in my Mastodon feed. That said it's not the best interface for reading long posts.


    I've seen people from friendica too, I just wish there was a way to view mastodon and other non Lemmy posts that weren't connected to lemmy directly, as is if I view a mastodon account for example I only see what they've posted to lemmy unless I look from a mastodon account

    0x1C3B00DA avatar


    I would think that since they’re all federated together one single account could comment on all the different platforms

    You should be able to; #ActivityPub was designed for that. But the mastodon team decided early on that that kind of interoperability wasn't important to them so they built their own API and the rest of the fediverse has followed to remain compatible

    @bruhsoulz @madjo


    the first step or two are the hardest cus its so different from traditional social media, i made the mistake of making like 10+ mastodon accs on diff instances cus i didnt know how (or even if i could) follow/subscribe to other instances and have them in my feed xD

    TeaHands, avatar

    Oh bless you lol

    madjo avatar

    One thing that sticks out to me is that Lemmy-upvotes show up as "Favourites" on kbin, but upvotes on kbin don't show up on lemmy at all, as far as I can see.

    Ignacio avatar

    According to its github page, kbin is still in beta stage, and some features are still missing, but it's under active development.


    That's because they're different things in the fediverse.

    Lemmy upvotes are mapped to ActivityPub upvotes

    Kbin upvotes are mapped to ActivityPub boosts (basically a retweet in twitter language)

    This also means that Kbin users have to be much more careful with what they "upvote" as that causes the post/comment to be shown to everyone that follows them in the wider fediverse. They are looking to change this if I recall correctly, and there's a lot of communication between the devs of Lemmy and Kbin on how to approach both this issue, and unifying their API system so apps can work for both.

    jeena avatar

    Ah I was wondering why so many posts have no up/down votes and where those favourites are coming from. Thanks for the explanation!

    madjo avatar

    I feel indeed that those two should be switched. It makes more sense to have the 'favourites' be boosts instead of the upvotes. I wonder what the downvote is mapped to :)

    0x1C3B00DA avatar


    This also means that Kbin users have to be much more careful with what they "upvote" as that causes the post/comment to be shown to everyone that follows them in the wider fediverse.

    I think kbin is changing its voting system to match lemmy's so this isn't relevant anymore, but kbin users don't have to be much more careful. Kbin users should use kbin the way that makes sense and fediverse developers should handle how protocol things are interpreted.

    For years, there have been mandates for users to change their behavior to deal with weird interoperability issues between software (mostly in how mastodon handles things from other software). The way to solve these issues is for the various fediverse vendors to work on proper interoperability not force users through weird hoops.

    @bruhsoulz @madjo


    Fair. I don't pretend to be an expert on Kbin or anything, just what I read in a different thread.


    I dropped kbin when I saw that they were using some Google infrastructure and scripts. I think it's a good opportunity to degoogle as well.

    Kory, avatar

    Really good, there's so much positive energy and people asking all kinds of questions without being called names, it's very enjoyable overall.

    pushka, avatar

    Yeah ~ it's nice that it's nice ~ ✨


    the only names spouted here are bro, comrade, and dude. chad face

    TeaHands, avatar

    Not to be That Person but if we could maybe as a community try and avoid the very Reddit assumption that everyone is male, that would be awesome ;)


    That'd be nice. Also, let's ditch the Reddit generalisation that everyone is American!


    I think you mean "generalization".

    Golly gee don'cha speak 'Murican? :P

    TeaHands, avatar

    Hear, hear!

    Kory, avatar

    Yes, please.


    Comrade is gender neutral!


    Dude is has become also, in the UK at least.


    Sorry, I must have missed this one. Was it a question that you discovered was answered in one of the sources?


    I'd assume that those words are generally meant in a gender neutral way. Maaaybe no bro, but Dude and Comrade are definitely gender neutral. I used to refer to Dudes and Chicks, but chicks got upset at that so now I just go for the Good Burger definition:


    I’m pretty inpressed with how much everything is improving in such a short time frame. Feeling optimistic.


    People and posts here are better. Tech experience is worse. The web interface is worse (too much broken JS and websocket crap), I can't login from a mobile browser, the federation scheme is confusing, the Android app story is not there yet, Jerboa doesn't support older phones that still work perfectly well with RedReader, yada yada. I have somewhat more retro tastes than probably most of the younguns here, so my thoughts are heading towards writing my own desktop front end. But I don't feel like I want to attempt mobile development.

    DeltaTangoLima, (edited ) avatar

    Quite enjoyable and, since seeing the site someone else posted, even better. I've found quite a few subs that have made their way over to Lemmy.

    My only gripe is that quite a few have made their way to, and it's buckling under pressure. I can't sign up on that instance, nor can I remotely sub to communities from my own instance. Once that's resolved, I think I'll definitely be happy to call Lemmy my new home.

    Can't go back anyway - deleted my Reddit account.


    Yes, really helped. And the lemmy link extension for chrome.


    I am so happy this exists. I wish it continued growth and success. It feels like the good old early internet and that’s a very good thing.


    My biggest issue for now is that it feels kinda empty for now. I hope it will pop just a bit more so that we have good content regularly


    Today is my 5th day in the fediverse and I like it! In the beginning there were some troubles regarding the registration, but it all worked out (I was not able to create an account with Firefox. After I switched to Opera, it worked). Also there are some issues with the auto-update of the feed. It suddenly starts scrolling and doesn't stop until I hit the refresh button in the browser. As far as I understand, this bug will be fixed soon.

    While being here for the last couple of days, I realised, how cluttered Reddit has become. Take r/askreddit for instance: There are so many very similar-to-another questions over there, I now wonder, if they have been created by bots. This applies to other subreddits as well.

    Browsing here and interacting with other users feels refreshing! It is like the early Reddit, when it was more community-focused instead of what it has become now, riddled with ads, bots and NFTs. I also like that there is no such thing as karma here.

    I certainly will visit reddit in the future, but I'm going stay with the fediverse. There is so much to discover!


    My biggest complaints are all UI based. I wish the UI felt a bit less crowded, and there was a setting that would instead load up pages that don't auto-update.


    I haven't found a simple way to explore and join new communities yet. I'm doing my best not to lurk which is definitely different for me.

    Briskfall avatar

    Unfortunately, I've been getting some 404 not found of some communities/magazines of some instances that are not from the instance I'm using, e.g. I'm using at the current posting account, but let's say that I tried to access something like there's no issues whatsoever (since it's the main instance where that community spawned off) but if I tried then I would get the aforementioned error code. I find it pretty inconvenient that caching/indexing of certain less popular (which I assume is what is happening) community working clunkily, it feels not as reliable than using a centralized service, but I guess that this is the price to pay for a decentralized system.

    Poiar, (edited )

    If kbin is like lemmy, then to add new communities, you have to do the following:

    Go to your instance in the browser. I.e., do not use apps like Jerboa.

    Go to your communities tab (magazines?) and set it to "all"

    Search for !skincareaddiction from your kbin instance. It will not return any results, but it will do the trick.

    Now the 404 will have disappeared for you and all other people in your instance.

    Instead of typing the url, search for only skincareaddiction without "!" and "" and it should be there.


    So far it is okay, the thing I'm most annoyed by is that is very hard to just casually browse all posts. It works okay, but after a while there seem to be a sync event or something happening bringing a ton of posts from a server and they are always added to the top of all, no matter what i sort by. If i sort by all - hot for example. A bunch of 1 vote posts suddenly are added to the top making me have to chase the list of the post i previously viewed. Does anyone know of a way to stop this sync from automatically happening?

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