

Federated avatar


Hacker. kind of, taking care of security in critical infrastructure.
Woodworker as a hobby.
overall overlord (provisional) of

German expat living in Holland. Hackerspace and CCC

Toots in en, de and een kleine beetje nederlands

Born at 330PPM CO2. Fuck Nazis, everywhere.

The private team of toots here... avatar


I am a father of three, living in Australia, Wiradjuri country.

I am Regional CTO for Palo IT, however the opinions stated here are purely my own and do not represent the opinion and/or ideology or of Palo IT, employees, customers or partners

I'm interested in security, compliance, psychology, philosophy, IoT, sustainability, etc.

I am admin for, and

I post about many things, some jokes and mêmes, some tech, some questions... A bit of everything. avatar


🧊 3D artist ➔ #MagicaCSG #Blender3D
🎨 @Seven

🌍 Netherlands
🥕 Herbivore
⛔ Car-free
🚶 Hiker

⌛ Former…

🧑‍💻 Blender Foundation Technical Artist
🧸 Toy designer
💬 Comic creator
📰 News cartoonist
🌐 Web dev
📺 TV show animator
✍️ Magazine author, editor, illustrator
🕹️ 16-bit game dev ➔ #Amiga #MSDOS
💾 #Demoscene lad

My retro stuff:
🐘 #TeamHoi
🔗 ➔ Team Hoi section

#3D #Art #Design #Humor #Illustration #RetroComputing #RetroGaming #Science #Tech avatar


Programmer/Systems Analyst, Gamer Girl, Streamer, Absurdist, Premier Remix Culture Enjoyer, Voter.

Genderfluid, She/Her.

Send me cool unique games no one's heard of.

All Social etc links here:


Gen X ex dj atheist texan . In a fuck around & find out world, try to be a little less annoying. Now with extra Prick avatar


Pronouns: He/They

Chef, Dad, Dad Joke Enthusiast, 30 something weirdo, Digital Artist, Metalhead, Tattoo Nerd, Avid Gamer.

ADHD neurodivergent, occasionally genderfluid.

Paypal Tips ->

Use #deathmetaldad for heavy metal suggestions
Use #brokeartist for my artistic endeavors avatar


Elephants are better than birds. Kicked off Twitter for calling Elon a lying bitch. Likes a #pint & petting a #dog or #cat. In a flyover state in America. Bears, Cubs, & #Boardgames.

Alt account @emmreef1

Let's play some #hashtaggames

Header: Pop-tart mascot holding sign that says "dreams really do come true"
Profile pic: man with handlebar mustache and machine on head avatar


FunHouse Radio is a home for Novelty Records, Parodies, Weird Covers, Outsider Music, Oddities, Memes, Mashups, Comedy, Nonsense & Cringe – any genre. <-- ON AIR

Follow us for wacky news, memes, music, videos and blogs! avatar


International Social Media Consultant | French | Loves #Art, #Meme, #Photography, #Nature


Scottish person with a greyhound. Hard drive full of mouldy memes. :flag_enby: avatar


His highness Imperor the First. Ruler of Imps, Leader of Goblins, Player of Games, Speaker of English and German.

I stream, I co-op and I cheer-lead other creators and fellow human beings on their weird journey through this life of ours.

I talk #TTRPG content, grand strategy games, 4X games, guides for all of that, some #battlemap 's, #homebrew monsters, #dnd and #dnd5e stuff, #DMAcademy and other things that interest me. avatar


Jeśli traktujesz moje tooty na poważnie, skontaktuj się z lekarzem lub farmaceutą, gdyż każdy mem niewłaściwie zrozumiany zagraża Twojemu życiu lub zdrowiu. avatar


Posts by the enigmatic supervillain known only, to some, as the Librarian of Hermetic Library.

Archiving, Engaging and Encouraging the living Esoteric Tradition, Hermeticism, Aleister Crowley's Thelema, and much more. Open Access Occultism for over 25 years.

#magick #occult #occulture #esoteric #hermeticism #thelema #books #music #art #zines avatar


Scouse, not English.
Socialist. Designer. Anti-Fascist

(my avatar image is a Whippet
, wearing a flat cap and a scarf, because... reasons.)

#MasksInSchools #SafeEdForAll

#ChronicPain #InvisibleDisability #Hypermobility

#Socialism #AntiFascist #MemeMaker

*not an actual dog.

** Prone to profanity

*** zero tolerance for bigots

**** 'Scouse'= native of the People's Republic of Liverpool.

#TransAlly #LGBTQAlly #GRTAlly

:socialistflag2: :solidarity: avatar


Daniel Detlaf (he/him)
One-man flea circus, writer, sci-fi nerd, news junkie and AI tinkerer.

No one who is carefully curating their feed should follow me, I boost whatever catches my eye

I mostly post about:
#Writing #SciFi #Politics #AI #Climate #Science #Python #Space #TimeTravel #History #LLMs #Dystopia #OpenAI #AIEthics #Journalism #NewMexico #DemocraticSocialism

Albuquerque, NM
Avatar: Doodle of robot wearing a tie and name tag.
Banner: An alien landscape, gas giant in sky.


#FOSS supporter/ #Linux fan / #atheist / #nerd / #stoner / #leftist / #DemocraticSocialist / #IT professional / #Cat owner x2 / #TuskNotMusk / #AntiBigTech / #DetroitCityFC Supporter

Network+ certified

No gods, no masters / #BLM / #ACAB / #FREEPALESTINE

Billionaires should not exist.

A better world is possible.

warning: this account sometimes posts #weed content

:mastodon: :linux: :linuxmint: :fedora: :debian: :kde: :mate: :firefox: :protonmail: :duckduckgo: :ms_weed:

Twttr user for over 11 years. Moved to mastodon once el*n took over

Migrated from
Original start date 11/5/2022


Cyfron. Nauka, dank memy, lajfstajl.
Ukończyłem GreendaleCC z wyróżnieniem.
Menedżer Wykonawczy w Hampton DeVille. avatar


Just your average “indie-freejazz-space-lofi-grind-soul-folk-punk-noise-dub-blues-stoner-metal-reggae-doom” bearded guy

🔻 [ Autogestion & Sanuki Udon ]

👹 (( vilain gaucho mais gentil tatoué ))

:antifa: « Si vous n'êtes pas antifasciste, vous êtes quoi au juste ? »

#CosmoBidule #3615MaLife avatar


"You could speak a thousand tongues and still fail [to understand] if you lack knowledge of another's culture."
Grimoire Weiss, Nier Replicant Ver. 1.224… ❤

Green Humanist. 🍀🖖 Despises tech mega corps with a passion. Repairs shit. Helps people. Ethics > Laws.

#Fedi22 #Privacy #linux #OpenSource #gaming #politics #humanism #anime #yuri #trans #tech #3DPrinting #rust #diy #Godot #RightToRepair #nobot avatar


Chevalier solitaire anar antifa cripple punk.
Je ne veux ni commander ni obeir, je veux etre libre. Et je ne le serais que lorsque tout le monde le sera.
Poète lyrique, photographe, socialiste laser, Franc-maçon R∴F∴, végétarien, antivalidiste, queer pan aro-ace agenre, trouble anxieux, punk handibiker, gamer PS5 & home cinéphile 4K.
Doutez de tout, et surtout de ce que je vais vous dire. ♿ :heart_pride: :heart_pan: :heart_ace: :cannabis: 🐧 🖖
🎁 25/04/82 :twitter: 29/07/09 :mastodon: 03/04/17.


The kids are going to be alright. Where is my coffee? Jukebox/rotary phone operator specialist enjoying semi retirement. She/her. Blessed be. avatar


▁ ▂ ▄ ▅ ▆ ▇ █ 𝕄𝐄Μ𝔼ⓢ 𝔼𝔩ᎥŤ𝐞 █ ▇ ▆ ▅ ▄ ▂ ▁ memes, memes, memes and some red and orange pills. fresh harvested elements of culture, passed from one individual to another by imitation or other non-genetic means. 😉


Software Architect by day.
Drowning in too many hobbies by night. admin.

#NodeJS ~ #GoLang ~ #Linux ~ #Docker ~ #Apple ~ #HomeLab ~ #Jeep ~ #DIY ~ #LaserCutter ~ #3DPrinting ~ #atheist ~ :flag_pirate: :better_pride: :nodejs: :debian: :docker: :apple_inc: avatar


Just another desperate #Objectivist #Perl hacker. Lately into #cosplay and #dance, sometimes simultaneously.

Sorry libertarians, you can’t have #AynRand:

If you block me because you don’t like what I say, I win.

Other interests: #music, #Commodore #RetroComputing, #DoctorWho, #drag

No reposts:


#fedi22 #searchable avatar


Author of Chikorita157's Anime Blog. Comptia CySA+ and Security+ certified.

Yuri/Idolmaster/Magia Record/Uma Musume/Nintendo/Information Technology/CGDCT/Progressive Democrat/Japanese Music .

My Oshi (推し) Seiyuus/Seiyuu Units: 水瀬いのり/TrySail/内田真礼/東山奈央/上田麗奈/鬼頭明里


Admin/Owner of Sakurajima, Asian-American run.

Sakurajima Social (Alt) :
Avatar: Moeta Kaoruko from Comic Girls (game artwork from the now defunct Kirara Fantasia)

#animeblogger #anime #yuri #informationtechology avatar


Owner of and lead sysadmin

Our mastodon community is all about conscious living. Interested in joining? Use the following invitation:


niby random z internetu, ale chyba nie | sceptyk web3 (oh ale to się wspaniale zestarzało xD) | #miniświątek things | memiarz & shitposter | żywe proxy 🙃 | #człowieklitrówka avatar


Used to work at Tesla and System76 as well as doodle about with homelabs. Figuring out life now.
Daily driving tux since 2018, project use since 2004.
(Posts deleted after a few months)
Message me here if you add me on Steam, as I usually need context for friend requests.


What am I doing now:

Stuff I've done in the past:

Other tags that color my life:
#fedi22 avatar


memes in a federalized world

*botched jokes
*typos, sooo many typos
*incoherent stuff
*on my best behavior
*no bigot stuff, i for one agee with my instance
*boosts of other peoples hilarious stuff
*effort to give description to each picture
*lame puns
*did i mention typos?
*broken links

look out for orange elephants.
sometimes pays off to check pic description

this account may contain nafo and geopolitical neoidealist traces avatar


I'm Alex, also known as the innkeeper of the Gamer's Tavern, a cozy place where you can rest and have fun with others gamers. This channel main goal is to provide gamers a place to keep in touch and play together avatar


I'm a web developer. I'm also a dad. I enjoy programming, gaming, photography and learning.

Be nice. Be weird.

#webdev #devops #gaming #quebecois


Sempre #Octt a postare cose inutili, da oggi anche via #WordPress. 😼️
#POSSE #SpaccIntoFediverse

Web Developer differente dagli altri, 🕷️
ma pure io senza caffè non scrivo codice. ☕️
Ho gusti variegati di videogiochi, 🎮️
ma non posseggo liquidità. 📉️
Come conciliare le due cose? 🙊️
Con una grande bandiera nera! 🏴‍☠️️
E infatti se non fossi il ragno sarei il pappagallo, 🦜️
perché ahimè i dischi demo non esistono più. 💿️
Solo grazie all'elettricità vivo, ⚡️
perché è l'unico mezzo per schiavizzare i computer... 💻️ avatar


Actor. Writer. May have been in that thing you saw that one time (Dependent's Day, Jimmy Kimmel Live, Second City/Chicago Shakespeare). Vaccinated and boosted.

ORCID: 0000-0002-8304-5874

#actor #writer #actingcoach #producer #director #Shakespeare #film #tv #movies

Was on #Twitter as

I sometimes write playful screenplays about very capable people in extremely high pressure situations often playing out their internal damage on the world.


#Antifascist #Generalist

Be excellent to each other.

Except for #Fascists. They can get fucked.

If you aren't a #Nazi but I annoy you, you can mute my #Boosts

"Help grow your #local #bee & #Butterflies polulation"

Make Punching Nazis Cool Again


"The Resistance Will Be Federated"

🙏 Take my Stuff (Original posts CC-BY-SA 4.0)

Also at & with Resistance International

No TERFs or astroturf avatar


logical avatar


Vik Z
Vic Viper fighter pilot
V8 Interceptor
Chrome Lord
Anime lover and manga enjoyer.
In love with old hardware and Linux news. Love all things horror and cinema.
Retromántico empedernido.
Toots are deleted after 90 days. avatar


t3n, das Magazin und die Plattform für digitale Zukunft, beleuchtet online und im vierteljährlich erscheinenden Printmagazin aktuelle Entwicklungen und Trends im Digital Business. Die Redaktion liefert nutzwertige und relevante Inhalte für eine einzigartige und engagierte Community von digitalen Pionier:innen. &


A curious human being focused on creative disruption and making change for the better.

A "seasoned" campaigner and community organizer. An anxious Canadian 🇨🇦 adjusting to living with a #disability (inner ear issues/ sometimes vertigo).

These days i can be found working remotely, exploring decentralized decision making, coordinating a grants program and spending time with my dogs.

Writing a book called The Monkey Flower Experiment, it's about a group of people trapped together at an off grid university on the side of a mountain after a terrible storm. It could be described as a #SolarPunk Lord of the Flies. Stay tuned.

This is now my primary account.

Interests: #ClimateSolutions, #FOSS, #governance, #strategy, #urbanism, #PublicEngagement, #privacy, #cryptography, #interoperability, #infoSec, #CyberSecurity, #OSINT, #decentralization, #biomimicry, #StreetArt, #transRights, #IndigenousRights, #humanRights, #juggling, #jokes and #memes.


#LoveIsLove 🏳️‍🌈 avatar


Canadian, eh

#socialjustice #politics #climatecrisis #alternatetransportation #art #music #science #nevervoteconservative #health #space

NOTE: Racists and anti-LGBTQ+ will be BLOCKED

Democracy is fragile- let's protect it.
Mask up-Covid is real!

Keep an open mind but not so open your brains fall out.

Profile picture is two hands holding up a neon sign that spells out " hello there".
Header picture is an abstract of brightly coloured bubbles in blue, orange, yellow and red


Informatikerin, Food Hackerin und schwere Legasthenikerin. Kern Mitglied Anti-Stalking Projekt Team und RaumZeitLaborantin. avatar


Chti Geek Lillois et à Vélo


𝙼𝚢 𝟸0𝟸𝟺 𝙽𝚎𝚠 𝚈𝚎𝚊𝚛𝚜 𝚁𝚎𝚜𝚘𝚕𝚞𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗 𝚒𝚜 𝚝𝚘 𝚒𝚖𝚙𝚛𝚘𝚟𝚎 𝚖𝚢 𝙰𝙸 𝚂𝚑𝚒𝚝-𝙿𝚛𝚘𝚖𝚙𝚝𝚒𝚗𝚐

𝙼𝚢 𝚙𝚛𝚎𝚏𝚎𝚛𝚛𝚎𝚍 𝚙𝚎𝚛𝚜𝚘𝚗𝚊𝚕 𝚊𝚍𝚓𝚎𝚌𝚝𝚒𝚟𝚎𝚜 𝚊𝚛𝚎 "𝚜𝚌𝚛𝚞𝚖𝚝𝚛𝚞𝚕𝚎𝚜𝚌𝚎𝚗𝚝" 𝚊𝚗𝚍 "𝚌𝚛𝚘𝚖𝚞𝚕𝚎𝚗𝚝", 𝚙𝚕𝚎𝚊𝚜𝚎 𝚛𝚎𝚜𝚙𝚎𝚌𝚝 𝚖𝚢 𝚜𝚎𝚕𝚏-𝚒𝚍𝚎𝚗𝚝𝚒𝚏𝚒𝚌𝚊𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗.

𝚁𝚎𝚖𝚎𝚖𝚋𝚎𝚛, 𝚒𝚝'𝚜 𝙾𝙺AY 𝚝𝚘 𝚋𝚎 𝚠𝚑𝚒𝚝𝚎 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚗𝚒𝚐𝚐𝚊𝚛𝚍𝚕𝚢.

𝙼𝚊𝚔𝚎 𝚜𝚞𝚛𝚎 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚋𝚛𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚛𝚎𝚌𝚎𝚒𝚙𝚝𝚜! avatar


Mort au capitalisme et aux marchés financiers

Chanteur enchanté
Artiste Autiste
Music nerd

#Podcast C'est La Voix un mardi sur deux à 8h

#ADHD avatar


Cientista da Computação. SysAdmin. Trabalhador da Educação Pública Federal do Brasil.

Mestrando em Educação Profissional e Tecnológica.

#Literatura #Música #Arte #Cultura.

Computer scientist. SysAdmin. Currently working for the Federal Public Education in Brazil.

Master (in progress) in Professional and Technological Education.

#VocationalEducation #cyberproletariat #omnilateraleducation #marx #gramsci #engels avatar


Stop me if you've heard this gif before. avatar


Late boomer. Be nice but sarcastic.
Fan of Linux, Horror, Movies, Houseplants, Computers, Vintage Sewing Machines, MST3K, Svengoolie, Democracy and Equality, BLM, LGBQTIA+ piquant00
Counter.Social piquant00
bluesky avatar


Bald Eagle, been in the furry fandom since 2006. Numerous hobbies but can’t keep up with any of them. Chicken dad. Happily married to What do people put in bios? mastodon instance owner/administrator.


Former #Twitch :twitch: and #Kick :kick: streamer. I post a LOT of #AIart with the assistance of #midjourney. I am your typical hippie and :weed: smoker. Follow me for a variety of topics like #gaming; comments and opinions on tech news; World news opinions; occasional self-loathing and #depression messages. VERY #ADHD. Sometimes my thoughts aren't organized. If this isn't your thing, just keep moving, or block, I really don't care :) #fedi22 tfr

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