metin, (edited ) avatar

When I was a youngster in the late 1980s, I formed an Amiga game dev team with 2 friends.

Before making games, we started by trying to sell game music that used minimal RAM, made with our music editor SIDmon.

To promote our game music, this energetic music module was composed by our musician Ramon Braumuller. The file, including tiny sampled sounds, is only 22 kilobytes.

Check the hashtag for more tunes.

Wraithe, avatar

@metin Well, that took me back. These are MOD files, right?
Somewhere, I have floppy disk after floppy disk, filled with songs in this format.

metin, avatar

@Wraithe 👍 Yes, the songs were mod(ule)s. Often, mods were made using one of the Soundtracker / Protracker editors, but this mod was made using our own SIDmon music editor.

metin, (edited ) avatar

As a youngster in the late 1980s, I formed an game dev team with 2 partners.

Before making games, we tried to sell low-RAM game music, made with our editor SIDmon.

To promote our music, an army game style tune was composed by our musician Ramon Braumuller. It's only 42 kilobytes, Including sampled sounds.

Note: this recording has a glitch at 6 seconds.

Check the hashtag for more tunes.

racchio, avatar

@metin this track deserves a game!

metin, avatar

@racchio Yeah, we had plans for an army type game back in those days, but decided to go for a shoot-'em-up called Venom Wing, which got this soundtrack by Ramon:

metin, (edited ) avatar

In the late 1980s our small game dev team developed 2 Amiga music editors: SIDmon and Digital Mugician, both featuring synth sounds and sampled sounds.

Mugician was published by the British Thalamus game publisher in 1990, and was used for several Amiga games, including our own.

This is our composer Ramon Braumuller's 4-channel Mugician intro.

Check the #TeamHoi hashtag for more tunes.

#music #soundtrack #commodore #amiga #RetroComputing #retro #synth #chiptune #audio #sound #RetroTech #tech

hanno, avatar

I have been looking into Mugician previously and now that I have an Amiga again, I would love to try it out! I am new to trackers though and would really like some introduction, preferably one that is not a video 😹
Is there a manual available anywhere by chance? I have a weak spot for those, especially from late 80ties/early 90ties 😸
The disks are easily enough to find (and I believe you provided them yourselves on the Internet Archive) but documentation not so much, unfortunately.

metin, avatar

@hanno Thanks for your interest in Mugician. Good point about the manual. I've got an original box with the printed manual I wrote for Mugician, but will check if I can find it online first. I'll be back. 🙂

metin, avatar

@hanno Did quite some searching, but couldn't find it. I'll scan the manual tomorrow, when there's daylight in the Netherlands again. 🙂

I'll let you know when I've scanned and uploaded it.

metin, avatar

@hanno Scanned it, thanks for reminding and motivating me to do that. Maybe it would never have happened if you hadn't shown interest. 👍

hanno, avatar

Oh, WOW, thank you so much!! 🙀😻

Now I feel excited like a 12-year old and eager to dive in -- after the proper study of the manual of course 😸

metin, avatar

@hanno You're very welcome. 👍 Thanks again for your interest in Mugician, and please let me know how it goes.

metin, (edited ) avatar

Continuing a thread about our Amiga music and editors (see previous posts), here are some screenshots from our Digital Mugician, published in 1990 by the British Thalamus game publisher.

Motivated by a request from @hanno, today I scanned the manual I wrote for Mugician.

The program, manual, info, music (as MP3 and mods) and more can be downloaded for free here:

#commodore #amiga #RetroComputing #RetroGaming #TeamHoi #RetroGames #retro #music #chiptune #synth #audio

metin, (edited ) avatar

Installed the BZR Player on Windows, capable of playing over 650 audio file formats, such as lots of Amiga module formats, including our Digital Mugician music editor files.

The BZR Player has a WAV output option, which enabled me to convert the 7-channel intro tune for a demo of our game Hoi (1992), composed by Ramon Braumuller.

Check the hashtag for more tunes.

metin, (edited ) avatar

… P.S.: The song ends a bit abrupt, because in the game demo it was looping to an earlier point in the song. 😊

dinosaurgerms, avatar

@metin Did this same composer do the music in Hoi when you're in the spaceship? I LOVE this tune, I listen to it regularly 🎧

metin, avatar

@dinosaurgerms Yes, all of our game and demo music was composed by Ramon Braumuller, using our own music editors. I've always been an admirer of his music. He lives around the corner of my home, and we still go out for a drink every now and then.

daniel, avatar

@metin @dinosaurgerms All the music Metin has posted so far is awesome! Could someone post the spaceship song mentioned so I can listen to it? 🥺

metin, avatar

@daniel @dinosaurgerms Comin' up! 👍 I've just converted it to WAV, trimmed it, converted to MP3... 😅

metin, (edited ) avatar

The BZR Player (see previous post in this thread) allowed me to resurrect an Amiga music module I hadn't been able to convert to MP3 yet.

It's a song by Ramon Braumuller for a hidden sub-game in level 3 of our game Hoi (1992). The game was a shoot 'em up that increased in speed, so the tune reflects the hectic gameplay. 🙂

Check the #TeamHoi hashtag for more tunes.

#commodore #amiga #chiptune #RetroComputing #RetroGaming #GameDev #RetroTech #retro #music #synth #audio #soundtrack

SpookyDoom, avatar

@metin the Amiga as well as the C64 had some wicked cool sound chips. Even if I really like NES, SNES and Genesis/MegaDrive chiptunes. The Amiga and the C64 had a ballance between smooth and crispy punch none of the others could really match.

I think the first time after the Amiga i was really suprised by how awesome music in a few kb could sound was in Unreal and Unreal Tournament.
For me Turrican II started it and unreal Tournament pretty much ended an era. Kind of since it's a different tech

metin, avatar

@SpookyDoom 👍 Chris Hülsbeck's Turrican 2 title music inspired our coder to boost our Digital Mugician music editor with a total of 7 channels (which sounded crispier than the OctaMed method of splitting each of the 4 channels).

metin, (edited ) avatar

In 1990 our Amiga shoot-'em-up game Venom Wing was released by the British Thalamus game publisher.

I asked our musician Ramon Braumuller to create a fitting title tune, reflecting the adventures of a space fighter pilot. As Ramon is a very skilled drummer, I also asked him to process a drum solo into the 4-channel tune. The size of the tune, including all sound samples, is 168 kilobytes.

Check the #TeamHoi hashtag for more tunes.

#commodore #amiga #RetroGaming #RetroComputing #chiptune

mbt3d, avatar

@metin Pretty nice piece, and so small.

metin, avatar

@mbt3d Thanks Mark! I've always been a big fan of Ramon. 👍

metin, (edited ) avatar

In 1990 our Amiga music editor Digital Mugician was released by the British game publisher Thalamus.

Our music composer Ramon Braumuller made some demo tracks, including this one. Wait for the part with the sampled guitar riffs, which were live-played by the guitarist of his former band, Michel van Polen.

The music module, including sampled sounds, is 185 kilobytes. It loops, hence the abrupt ending.

Check the #TeamHoi hashtag for more tunes and info.

#amiga #music #chiptune #ElectronicMusic

daniel, avatar

@metin What a great song! I like the laid-back feel and the funky base.

The moment the guitar kicks in reminds me of the beginning of Search and Destroy [1]. Not so much the notes themselves, but the energy behind it. The guitar solo has a nice bluesy feel to it, which is a good contrast to the happy feeling at the beginning of the song 🙂


metin, avatar

@daniel Ahh, yeah, good ol' punk god Iggy. Such a figurehead of 1970s coolness.

And indeed, I understand the parallel. 👍

metin, avatar

Our small dev team's Amiga game Hoi was released worldwide on 3.5 inch diskettes in 1992.

This tune was composed by our musician Ramon Braumuller for a hidden bonus level in level 2.

Most of the game tunes were designed to be repeated, hence the abrupt ending.

Check other posts in this thread and the #TeamHoi hashtag for more tunes and info.

#commodore #amiga #chiptune #music #ElectronicMusic #RetroComputing #RetroGaming #game #games #gamer #GameDev #retro #VintageComputing #synth #audio

metin, avatar

Our Amiga game Hoi was released worldwide on 3.5 inch diskettes in 1992.

This cheerful tune was composed by our musician Ramon Braumuller for level 1, using our own music editor Digital Mugician.

The tune reflects the sheer fun we had creating the game back in the early 1990s.

Check other posts in this thread and the #TeamHoi hashtag for more.

#commodore #amiga #chiptune #music #ElectronicMusic #RetroComputing #RetroGaming #game #games #gamer #GameDev #retro #VintageComputing #synth #audio

kurth, avatar

@metin smilemaking tune :)

metin, avatar

@kurth Thanks! I think so too. 🙂 Always love Ramon's tunes.

proedie, avatar

@metin Why Amiga?

The Game Boy game Hoi.

metin, avatar

@proedie 🙂 We would have loved that, but back then, game console development was only reserved for a select amount of developers who had access to console development tools, usually via an established game publisher. Amiga game development was possible for everyone who owned an Amiga.

metin, avatar

Our Amiga game Hoi was released worldwide on 3.5 inch diskettes in 1992.

This rhythmic tune was composed by our musician Ramon Braumuller, reflecting Hoi level 2's construction site environment. The track was made using our own music editor Digital Mugician.

Check other posts in this thread and the hashtag for more.

GuyLateur, avatar

@metin Sounds great! Any particular reason for rolling your own music editor for this? I mean, a lot of editors/tackers had been well established by then.

Anyway, as stated, nice tune!

metin, avatar

@GuyLateur Thank you! 👍

We developed our two Amiga music editors, SIDmon and Digital Mugician, to be able to create tunes that used very little RAM, leaving more space for graphics and code. Our editors were able to live-generate sounds next to handling sound samples. Most trackers only offered sampled instruments to work with.

metin, avatar

@GuyLateur Ah, ik zie op je profiel dat ik ook in het Nederlands had kunnen antwoorden. 😉

daniel, avatar

@metin This is my favourite track in the game. I also really like the second level with all the elevators and moving steel beams. This track is so fitting with its industrial sounds!

At the moment, I'm still stuck in this level until I find the time to continue playing 🙂

metin, avatar

@daniel Thanks Daniel! I guess my favorite Hoi in-game tune is level 3. I'll post that tomorrow.

And if you don't get to play Hoi again, I am already very flattered that you took the time to get it running in an emulator and have played it. 👍

metin, avatar

Our Amiga game Hoi was released worldwide on 3.5 inch diskettes in 1992.

This jolly tune was made by our composer Ramon Braumuller for level 3, where Hoi flies around with a jetpack. Our own music editor Digital Mugician was used.

The track was originally composed for our uncompleted 1988 game Ragnov.

Check other posts in this thread and the #TeamHoi hashtag for more.

#commodore #amiga #chiptune #music #ElectronicMusic #RetroComputing #RetroGaming #games #gamer #GameDev #retro #synth #audio

metin, avatar

Our Amiga game Hoi was released worldwide on 3.5 inch diskettes in 1992.

This easy-going tune was made by our composer Ramon Braumuller for level 4, where Hoi needs to dive underwater.

The track was created using our own music editor: Digital Mugician.

Check other posts in this thread and the hashtag for more.

metin, avatar

Our Amiga game Hoi was released worldwide on 3.5 inch diskettes in 1992.

This mad tune was made by our composer Ramon Braumuller for level 5, an over-the-top abstract level filled with effects, which resulted in the first-ever epilepsy warning on a game box.

Check other posts in this thread and the hashtag for more.

metin, (edited ) avatar

Made a quick collage of cropped details from Hoi game screenshots I used for my Hoi soundtrack posts (see / hear previous posts in this thread).

Hoi info and free game downloads:

bitflipped, avatar

@metin ohhh i vaguely remember getting a demo of Hoi and being terrible at it 😅

metin, avatar

@bitflipped Don't feel bad about that. Hoi is fiendishly difficult and frustrating without unlimited lives. That option can be found in the Hoi AGA Remix:


@metin Sounds excellent! I wish I have listened to this then!

metin, avatar

@fabianfucci Thanks! It was spread as a SIDmon music demo disk in the late 1980s, but I guess it only reached a limited amount of people in those pre-internet years.

Hasenpaar, avatar

@paul Whatever the embedded audio format here is, @ivory can't display it. Works fine from the instance website.

Wraithe, avatar

@Hasenpaar @paul @ivory Can confirm, it doesn’t work in Ivory. But it does work in Mona.

alien, avatar

@metin this is absolutely amazing I love it

metin, avatar

@alien Thank you! I've told Ramon that his old Amiga tune is going kind of viral over here on Mastodon. He's flattered. 🙂

ohyran, avatar

@metin are there more - that song was amazing!

metin, (edited ) avatar
ohyran, avatar

@metin There are some genuine GEMS in there.... damn. Ramon must have been something else in terms of musical skill.

metin, (edited ) avatar

@ohyran Yes, I've always been a big admirer of Ramon's musical talent, ever since I heard a track he had made on the Amiga when we still were 16 year-old gamer pals. I immediately asked him to join our dev-team-to-be. We worked together for 10 years, and are still friends.

More info can be found in the "Team Hoi game devs" section of

Check the hashtag for more tunes.

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