

fear avatar


The only thing you have to fear.

boysmithers avatar

  1. Makes electronic music,
  2. Listens to a lot of music
  3. Reads books about music
  4. Plays Halo Infinite



Former Sailor, past Mobile DJ, bragging up Nova Scotia, and sharing amazing places. Extremely varied interests (except Sports), no hard-line Politics, just part of daily conversation. If you don't describe your photos, I probably won't boost them. Here to share what I know for newbies on Mastodon. Talks too much. Easily excitable. Early riser full of ADHD & Vinegar!

Life is what you make it.

#WAYCTV (𝐖hen 𝐀re 𝐘ou 𝐂oming 𝐓o 𝐕isit?)
Profile Photo of a younger me, animated. avatar


San Francisco Bay Area, East Bay, California, Gen X, Gen Y, bisexual, pansexual, liberal socialist, nature and animal lover, geology, astronomy/astrology, physics, spacetime, sacred geometry, paganism, art, books, cats, cannabis, sunsets, fog, redwoods, magic ✨ avatar


Writer of books. Typer of keys. I can whistle Stravinsky in two octaves. Author of "OCD-Free" by Eric Gordon; Monstermon Cards; & Father-Son Cookbook: a 25 Year Correspondence
#intersectionality #BLM #nonviolence #progressive #comedy #comedywriter #amwriting #blogger #ocd #mentalhealth #startrek #doctorwho #hireme te/ter

Profile pic is my design of a heart inside a peace sign. I call it "Heart of Peace"; banner says "Violence, in all its forms, is the enemy."


Silly little pictures from my silly little life 📸 avatar


lover of #tech, finder of narwhals, can fix my own printer, #cat parent. #queer #artist. avatar


Couple from Scotland. Been together 19 years, married for 10. Mostly pics of our #BlackCat Maya. #SociallyAwkward #Introvert #IDIC #LGBWithTheT 🏳️‍⚧️ #nobridge


Born in 2006. Loves making biscuits and surfing sunbeams. Most proud of scratching post collection. #BlackCat Diagnosed with CKD in 2022.

Profile picture is a head shot of Yams. avatar


Bunch of rescue cats in the West of Ireland. or All photos © tribeofma These cats enjoy the outdoors and not starving. They accept gifts 🍗


Blogger/journalist at and

#databreach #ransomware #dataprotection #privacy #cybersecurity #transparency #HIPAA #F1 #coffee

Posts have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration or my dogs, who remind everyone to use the Oxford comma.

The header pic is my beautiful Senna, a northern husky we rescued in 2018.


Author. The Host of #PennedPossibilities. Weaver of weird and wonderful tales. Published in #DoctorWho magazines and books. I dabble in different genres of fiction. Podcast Host. #TTRPG and #DnD Game Master. Pan, enby, she/they. INFP, word nerd, and daydreamer. Writer of RP stories. Gamer. OCD. #ActuallyAutistic and learning. Multiple Sclerosis warrior. Beethoven aficionado. Peter Capaldi fan. Nordic Pagan. The peanut butter to's jelly. Forever's soul sibling.


In memory of a lovely black cat in #Colorado. Made it to 21 years! May all your #pets live as long. avatar


Programmer, sysadmin, guitarist, singer, climber, cyclist. haproxy fan boy. Co-founder Brightbox.

Currently faffing with #homeautomation, baking #sourdough and restoring an antique #pianola

#cats #dogs #yorkshire #guitar #singer #ruby #devops #diy #boardgames #cooking #curry #bouldering #climbing #cycling #kubernetes

#socialism #feminist #antiracist #lgbtqrights #transrights


Threat analyst @ Emsisoft. Shawnigan Lake, BC


Data Scientist living in Granada (Spain) I speak Spanish, English, French, German and a little Portuguese. From Salamanca avatar


Gardener, photographer, reader, and lover of black cats. 🐈‍⬛
"If I knew the way, I would take you home" R. Hunter

He/him avatar


#Watercolors, Fruitcake, Herding #Cats, #Nephelolation with a soupçon of #writing and a dash of #gnomes. Tech, community, web, fruitstand survivor. #fedi22

My avatar is a photo of me with a rather glowy landscape behind me. I am wearing two buttons on my black shirt: "Resist" and "Dare to call it treason".

My header is a lot of white and grey clouds with some blue sky peeking through. I spend a lot of time chasing and looking at clouds.


Co-Founder @ Dodgy Code || Code Wizard || Ruiner of Things
#webdev #technology #founder #creator #photography avatar


Creative Director: #ThemeParks, Interactive at #Pixar ~ #KingdomHearts Consultant ~ Mom to an #autistic #limbdifferent son ~ she/her

SF Bay Area - Go #49ers! avatar


#Artist #Author ☕💀 ♏︎

ghosts & dreams ~ unheimlich ~ noir ~ beautiful-grotesque ~ art ~ books ~ liminality ~ horror ~ crime ~ anomaly ~ lore ~ pulp flesh ~ high strangeness ~ cinema ~ decay ~ curiosa ~ poetry ~ gallows humour ~ decadence/symbolism/expressionism ~ mysticism ~ melancholia ~ weird/wyrd ~ pathology ~ Thanatos /Eros ~ darkness ~ nature/super-nature ~ feline familiars ~ forteana ~ masks ~ eerie ~ nocturne ~ nostalgia ~ Lynchian ~ phantasmagoria ~ cathode rays

♏🐈📚✍️☕📷🎥🍄🍂🍒 ^◇^💀


Aging ex mainframe storage manager, channel Marvin the Paranoid android, like cats, tech, open world games,nature . Very amateur scientist /astronomer / climatologist.
Wide musical tastes, scouse sense of humour.
Absolutely no time for “alternative” facts.

Avatar: A grey squirrel in a field, dressing in armour with red and blue shield and a tiny sword
Banner: Small computer room showing IBM ES/9000 mainframe & accessories


🏔 denver dreamer 🎵 musician 📷 video producer 👨‍🏫 magistrate


Queerly rural Canadian Sociologist Zentangle CZT36 Gamer DJ Writer Activist Feminist Meditation Mandala Geek, lives in my 50 acre forest with Feyd and Rabban Harkitten. I post photos of my 2 spectacular black cats, my forest life, my Zentangle art, Lego, and Kaleidoscopic art. Pretty tame, no triggers! My main interests: #Lego #Zentangle #Cats #AFOL #KaleidoSaturday #Mosstodon Click #MyLifePerth to see my personal posts about my life


Climate scientist at DMI, Danish/British dual national, married Dutch, interested in glaciers, ice sheets, atmosphere and climate in Arctic, Greenland, Antarctic
Coordinator of #OCEANICE
WP lead on #PolarRES + #ProtectSLR

Mine dansksprogede toots er i helvede

#climate #science #openresearch #IceSheets #Greenland #Antarctica #cycling #kayaking #biodiversity #Arctic #Glaciology #Weather #Atmosphere #OA #PolarPortal #HorizonEurope #SeaLevelRise #fedi22 tootfinder avatar


Android Dev @ Zillow

Formally The New York Times, Twitter (1.0), Signal.


Ado (ādō, he/him)

Linux, Python, Typescript, Furry, Metal, Electronic, Classical Vocal

This account doesn't post/boost NSFW content.

Find me on other platforms: avatar


🏳️‍🌈 Cats and Cat Art. on the bird app. Lives in Arklahoma, serves a house with special needs cats and a semi-feral colony of TNR'd cats. 🏳️‍🌈 I use AI tools so if that bothers you please feel free to block.


I'm an artist who works with traditional media such as watercolor, ink, soft pastels and acrylic.
For me, inspiration is everywhere, especially in beautiful nature. My favorite subjects are animals, flowers, landscapes and colorful abstracts.
I love creating paintings that bring joy and happiness to the viewer.
If you like my art you can buy Fine art prints and more here:

#AYearForArt #artist #art #painting #mastoart #cats #birds #nature #abstract #FediGiftShop avatar


I'm a software developer, science fiction fan, and amateur photographer in the Cleveland area


Father of cats / Uncle of dogs / Web developer / Comic Collector / Gaymer

#funko #comics #cats #actionfigures #adhd #lgbtq #gardening #fedi22 avatar


Opinion Reader. Ciò che scrivo non è aiutato da IA.
Progetto automobili.
Mi piace
– ascoltare musica #prog
– leggere ( #letteratura fantastica)
– camminare in montagna.
Curioso di OpenSource, UX, geometrie frattali, architettura romanica, simbologia medievale.
Sto leggendo: Il vascello di Ishtar - di Abraham Merritt avatar


Connoisseur. Raconteur. Globetrotter.
Linux aficionado. 🐧 FOSS evangelist. 🌱
May contain traces of nuts & the odd swear word.

•Opinions are my own•

#CyberSec #IT #HR #F1 #MMA #FOSS #Linux #E2EE #PGP #Meshtastic #LoRa #StandWithUkraine🌻

🦣 Joined 𝟵 𝗔𝗽𝗿 𝟮𝟬𝟭𝟴 (RIP

📍🇪🇺 | 🗣️ en,pt | ✔ provenb943a2 avatar


A container of multitudes and an ebullient wally. Tina Belcher in her 40s. I'm ok.

#slaithwaite #ColneValley #Huddersfield #yorkshire
#cats #blackcats #dogs
#hiking #cycling (touring) #bouldering #swimming
#nature #gardening #GrowYourOwn
#art #textiles #crochet #embroidery
#history #SocialHistory #heritage
#books #SpeculativeFiction #HistoricalFiction
#gaming #oxygennotincluded #factorio #aoe2 #openttd

Profile alt: a 40 something white woman in profile. She has curly hair & glasses. avatar


Connecticut Yankee now living in East Passyunk (with a long detour through Jersey).
#Engineer with a consumer goods co., play a bit of #guitar, cat dad. Foodie and love to cook!
will most likelyshitpost about the Phillies during baseball season.


No one special. Transplanted “citiot” living in the country. Looking for peace. Never lost my idealistic inner child, hope for humanity

Interested in pretty much everything to some degree, but love animals, nature, geology, photography, travel, art, music, and medical research. I’m curious, so I ask a lot of questions.


This account has migrated to a new server: avatar


The trash goblin who runs Xennial nerd, genderqueer lesbian, foster cat parent, anticapitalist, neurodivergent, exhausted 24/7. Former geek culture columnist, former editor for a gay romance publisher, currently able to pay my bills and kind of hating it. Voted Most Likely To Die Falling Down Stairs After Being Tripped By A Cat While Carrying An Old CRT. #Fedi22 avatar


#Brompton | #Kwiggle | Race Bike | TangoArgentino: Dancing+Teaching | #taub #gehörlos | lautsprachl. + gebärdensprachl. | pro lgbtqia+ life | graphic designer plus knowledge in: PHP mySQL Frontend-CSS-Framework CMS web design

AVATAR: Keramikfigur 'Hotelpage', gelbe Hose, gelbe Kappe, violetter Hintergrund. In den Hosentaschen: Holzzahnstocher. Rechts Fähnchen mit: "MOIN!"
HEADER: links schwarze Katze auf einem blauen Sweater-Arm, rechts cremeweiß-graugetigerte Katze mit blauen Augen. avatar


IT, #PowerShell, #Azure, #SysAdmin, #SQLServer a little bit of #terraform. 🇨🇦

#Cats, #ModelRailways, #ScaleModels, #ModelRailroading, #Lego and randomness.

Fan of #DoctorWho, #StarTrek, #TheExpanse, #Stargate, #Babylon5, #RedDwarf, #scifi

Rory is the big cream floofy #MaineCoon and Sharpie is the little #BlackCat avatar

jspath55 avatar


Breaking News Reporter for The Record. send tips along to


Plant eater, animal lover, reader, socially disassociated currently, photographer, e-bike (now) rider.
I've stopped boosting images that lack alt text. Even ones that I love!
I live in Nova Scotia, with my husband, border collie and three Cornish Rex cats. I seem to spend 90% of my waking time in the kitchen, cooking and the rest out walking my dog.
I do not post or comment on anything political.
I write stories and take pictures. They are on my blog mostly.
searchable by tootfinder


I write #ShortStories and #drabbles, am a member of Codex and SFWA, and like to carry on about #Alabama (especially Huntsville), #Fossils, #MetalDetecting, some ill-mannered feline co-residents, and #genealogy from my perch on #CedarGapMtn.

(Formerly @That_MarcC on the bird site.)

Bibliography #ReadMe:


IT #security expert, interested in #IoT, #cryptography, #blockchain (since 2010!) and #hacking - FR&EN - opinions are my own
⚡️ avatar


💻 Pushes buttons randomly at UB (views very much my own, but Jem usually agrees). Formerly in corporate IT and copyediting/proofreading.

Loves lots of things (see pinned toots) – intolerant of intolerance.

:heart_bi: :cat_heart_eyes: :playstation: :steam: :apple:


#industrial #powernoise #ebm #house #techno #music #C2
toward an open and just world one angry track at a time

newsboat is my spirit animal
docker is my lex luther
delete pinterest!

the artist formerly known as

#fedifarm #farmageddon be radical, save seed!

organic builder of soil, accidental academic, non-celiac gluten sensitive pretzel enthusiast

Te Wai Pounamu Aotearoa

all my original posts are cc-by-nc fuck you commercial fedibro scrapers avatar


Computer #security chap. Public speaker, blogger, #DoctorWho fan since 1972. Author of Jacaranda Jim and Humbug games. Co-host of #podcast. Needs haircut.

#cybersecurity #infosec #SmashingSecurity



calibrating, stabilizing, vortexing, remain calm...

resonating beyond the green event horizon, phase-shifting dimensional networks on a lightcycle...


Creative Director. Curator. Conundrum.
Opinions are mine, unless also yours. avatar


#Author, Cloud Consultant, #Naturist, #Linux fan, #theremin, #bodhran player and #MicroFreak owner.
Also #vegan and #EVdriver.

Find out more about me:

Listed on #fedi22. Won't boost images without ALT text.
Sincere Intelligence proponent.

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