Hart, to news in Musk Overruled Tesla Engineers, And Now They Are In Serious Trouble

Engineers, raise your hand if you've tried to do good work despite your management's 'support.' Oh, look at all the hands going up!

bfg9k avatar

Tale as old as time.

Engineers: "This is possible but we will need to equip every car with an expensive sensor suite"

Management: "So you're saying we can just remove the sensors and figure it out with your engineering magic, you guys are really good at that, you got my iPhone connected to ICloud so you must be reeeally good with technology."

Engineers: "..."

Management: "Also, anyone not up to this task is fired."

Butterbee, avatar

Also, we are shipping it next week.


After the meeting a few of the smart ones asked for clarification over email to get it writing.


This is true, but when safety is on the line it actually goes further than that. As an engineer you have an ethical duty to say no to making a product unsafe for end users or the general public.

It doesn’t matter if you get fired, if your boss goes to the media to bitch about you, if your boss threatens to sue you, you as an engineer hold a position of public trust to keep the people that use your product safe. If you don’t respect that and take it seriously, well we see where oceangate ended up.


Yeah my boss has been going back and forth with me on this for months. Wanting to release unsecured products to the general public. I’m getting exhausted with him. I hold the keys and frequently I’ve told him no, and threatened to quit. Each time they just retreat back and hold a meeting how it will “stay on dev for now”. The features aren’t even feasible to release in the near future but I know they will force the issue. My resignation letter is on the table.


I’ve been there, my boss once interrupted me to ask me to turn our product into a quadcopter


“Sir, with all due respect, I don’t believe turning a commercial diesel filling station into a quad copter doesn’t seem feasible.”


It tracks with the zoomers. Make it happen.


You just need to think outside the box. like these lads did:

realChem, (edited )

This is the most management-ass "feature" request

RandoCalrandian avatar

Ocean gate hasn’t faced any consequences yet

And neither have FAANG companies for the massive social consequences to ubiquitous surveillance

This moral high ground you think you’re standing on doesn’t exist, and won’t until engineers who push back get the support from society to do so. They currently are very much expected to stand up to a corporation on their own, risking their own livelihood, and that’s plain bullshit


The number of times I've rejected something because of security flaws (usually database injection), only to see other engineers later approve and merge the pull request is infuriating. There seems to always be an engineer who is willing to make an unsafe product.


Yep, it's a damn shame, but we're gonna let them do that because we don't want to be responsible for deaths or security flaws and ultimately there's organizations and people out there who value that if our current jobs don't


That value is instilled in many types of engineering, but not as much in software engineering.

RandoCalrandian avatar

And the people paying the engineers are highly motivated to keep it that way

ozoned, avatar

Management ALWAYS knows what's best! Obviously!

Hence why they constantly come running for us to fix it when shit goes as we say it will.

squaresinger, to foss in Open Source Is Struggling And It’s Not Big Tech That Is To Blame

I did maintain an opensource project for a while and that taught me how to do it correctly:

  • Don’t. Just don’t.
  • If you really, really want to, just do what you need to fulfill your needs, never do something for someone else.
  • If someone is really insistent, say you’ll do it if that person pays for the implementation of the feature, and use your day job’s hourly rate for it.
  • Then don’t implement anything you don’t want to, because nobody is going to pay for it anyway.

Or to put it differently: Never see your project or contribution as anything more than a hobby. You will never see an return on investment.


You can leverage your projects to help land jobs. Other than that yeah, you don’t owe anybody anything.

zib avatar

If anyone demands I implement some feature into one of my open source projects that I either don't have time for or don't want to do, my response is one of the following:

  1. I'll get to it when I can (if I actually care to do it)
  2. You are welcome to implement it yourself and submit a PR
  3. You are welcome to fork the project and do it yourself or convince someone else to do it

But thankfully, my projects don't have a very wide audience, so requests/demands are rare.


But you have to implement [Insert Niche Feature That Adds No Benefit For The Average User] because I need it and can’t be bothered to implement it myself! /s


As I understood it, one of the foundations of open source development is scratching your own itches, then putting what you made up for grabs in case it scratches someone else’s. There shouldn’t be any expectation of support on your part beyond an email or two. The code’s out there if they want to scratch the itch a different way. It’s kind of a homesteader ethic.


That’s basically right. But it’s quite a difference what you have to do to scratch your itch, and what you need to do for it to be useful for others.

If you do it for yourself, there are no tests or documentation or even a GUI. It’s quick and dirty, all configuration is hardcoded. If you need a different config, you’ll just change the code.

All that doesn’t really fly if you expect someone else to use the project.

On the other side, especially if it’s too polished, idiots will perceive the project as being a commercial one and demand that you do what they want.

If you don’t know the stories, maybe read up on the maintainer of core-js or Marcel Bokhorst. These two people complained about how tough it is to make good open source software. Both talked specifically about their toxic audience. So in turn the audience ridiculed them and they even received death threats.


I suppose the thing is, I personally wouldn’t care much if anyone else used it or not, my itch has been scratched. If someone else finds it of use, great! If they need changes, they’ve got the code and can get crackin’ on it themselves. Or, they can pay me to do it if we can agree on a price. Outside of that I have no expectations.


That’s definitely a healthy way of dealing with that.

But with this way, something like Linux, Distros, Firefox, Blender or LibreOffice would have never happened. There are those who want to build retail-level open source software, mostly out of idealism, and then you are stuck between a non-monetizable rock and a toxic hard place.

But I totally agree with you, unless you are super idealistic, your way of handling it is probably the most healthy one and the one that will cause you the least amount of trouble. And it’s also what I do, except when I sometimes do get idealistic.


I put it to you that ideals may constitute a scratchable itch.


That is true, but then you probably are in trouble ;)


Depends on how hard you scratch! lol

TuneAFish, to random in 19 Things A Real Man Does When He Is In A Real Relationship

‘Real man’? If anyone implies you’re a fake man they aren’t trying to help you.

Wigglehard, (edited )

This community is designed and set up to help younger male users figure out the traditional traits of masculine leadership. Recent studies show how lonely and disillusioned young men are in particular. I think we should encourage good traits in young men. And no one said anything about some kind of personal attack against “fake men”. Sounds kind of like a personal issue to be honest, no offense.


Except these lists don’t uplift men.

If you’re a man and you do X, then X is a thing real men do.

Comparing what you do, as a man, to what other men do to check if “you’re a real man” is an inherently insecure thing to do.

These kinds of lists seek to destroy men’s self esteem. “You don’t do Y? Then you’re not a real man” is not helping anyone. It is a good way of finding men with low self esteem, or creating men with low self esteem so you can sell them things though.


I disagree, its just a guideline like self help book shit, if you let this type of content get you down or depress you i think you should seek a therapist idk cz im not a professional


To any men reading after this:

You see what these lists do to people? They destroy your self esteem to the point that you double reply to strangers on the internet that don’t give you the attention you crave.

To Wigglehard: Please stop, you’re embarrassing yourself.

I said what needed saying, you told me to go my way and let you go yours. I was happy to leave it there, thanks for proving my point though.


I drive tractor trailer trucks for a living and only post while im working, sometimes i cant get back to the person Immediately. And your comment “ you double reply to strangers on the internet that don’t give you the attention you crave.” keep reaching cz tbh i dont care if ppl like it or not, im a keep posting stuff like i have on this website for the past three years and other social networks, if you don’t like this community i would suggest you stop being a cry baby about it and move the on or block me or this community cz your post is pathetically irrelevant to anything other than you basically saying “reeeeeeee how dare you define what a real man is, you’re destroying peoples self esteem mr wiggles, reeeeeee” Just my opinion mr fish dude


Thanks for proving my point again.

I suppose I should point out: you did reply to me immediately. Then when that didn’t work you replied to me again, hence “double reply”.


Dude i dont give a fuck tbh


You already proved you do though. Hence the little rant above.


Your just mad that you got it all, a dick and a vagina


You don’t care so much that you’re imagining my genitals? Thanks for proving my point.


Lol I guess i walked into that one, why are you mad bro, dont like my politics or something what made you choose exploding heads, lets talk


Post nut clarity makes you want to talk I guess, here’s the comment you ignored. Thankfully, you demonstrated my point about these lists and their readers’ self esteem:

Except these lists don’t uplift men.

If you’re a man and you do X, then X is a thing real men do.

Comparing what you do, as a man, to what other men do to check if “you’re a real man” is an inherently insecure thing to do.

These kinds of lists seek to destroy men’s self esteem. “You don’t do Y? Then you’re not a real man” is not helping anyone. It is a good way of finding men with low self esteem, or creating men with low self esteem so you can sell them things though.


I’ll admit fully that im a bit hot headed at times and never said i cant be an asshole so my bad on that, i did respond with my thoughts on young ppl men in particular feeling disillusioned in today’s society, i think society has forgotten and dismissed certain values, i think helpful discussions on make leadership or values would help, like for example why is it that fatherless homes are an epidemic in society, are men not living up to certain standards, idk what the solution is, im not a professional


Obviously, some men’s self esteem is through the floor. Articles like this one are actively making it worse and profiting on the misery.

Are men not living up to certain standards

You see that’s part of the problem. You think there’s some “man standard” you have to live up to, there isn’t, if you want to paint your nails that doesn’t make you any less a man. Here’s the man standard, the actual man standard:

If you’re a man and you do X, then men do X.

That’s it. Men who aren’t insecure about their masculinity don’t give a shit what an article says, they’re going to do what they want anyways, be like them.

After that, the problems become bigger than the stated scope of this community.


Some other time I’ll get into a philosophical discussion about proper values and society based on gender role but right now I’m making deliveries


Oh dude, stop. Or don’t, hopefully everyone sees what you’re doing and how. Honestly, starting off with the whole “see a therapist if you’re that offended” (the “you snowflake cuck” was unspoken but loud, don’t worry) was waaaaay too obvious.

Real men don’t think therapy’s an insult (d’ya see what I’m doing there? My tongue, however, is firmly in my cheek when I write shit like that).


I dont care, “seek therapy if you’re insulted” idk man its the internet bro, we all see shit we like and dont like, get real, most ppl spend way too much time on the web, given a choice i think ppl would be better off working on themselves in regular life than stressing about what some random fuck face like me wrote on a shit website deep in the shitterverse


Well, then open your own community promoting what you think is best and ill do this


You're posting to "random", not your own sub?

And you're posting a lot of abject nonsense about "real men". All men know how to be real men because they are real men. The only thing they need to know is to ignore the terminally insecure sadsacks who bang on about real men.

Nougat, to news in Musk Overruled Tesla Engineers, And Now They Are In Serious Trouble

tl;dr: Autonomous driving uses a whole host of multiple and different kinds of sensors. Musk said "NO, WE WILL ONLY USE VISION CAMERA SENSORS." And that doesn't work.

Guess what? I have eyes; I can see. You know what I want an autonomous vehicle to be able to do? Receive sensory input that I can't.


What’s worse is it will be hard to reverse this decision. Tesla is a data and AI company compiling vision and driving data from drivers around the world. If you change the sensor format or layout dramatically, all the old data and all the new data becomes hard to hybridize. You basically start from scratch at least for the new sensors, and you fail to deliver a promise to old customers.


Sounds to me like they should full steam ahead with new sensors, they will never deliver on what they've promised with the tech they are using today.

Old customers situation won't change and it would only be better going forward.

AngrilyEatingMuffins avatar

He’s such a fucking moron

bfg9k avatar

We also use way more than just our eyes to navigate. We have accelerometers (ear canals), pressure sensors (touch), Doppler sensors (ears) to augment how we get around. It was a fools errand to try and figure everything out just with cameras.


Also you can alter the vision input by moving your head, blocking the sun with your hand etc.

This seems like a classic case of ego from Musk.

kestrel7 avatar

How do we prove we're not robots? Fucking select the picture with traffic lights or buses, right? How was this allowed.

HappyMeatbag, avatar

“Honey, the car ordered itself new tires again!”


This news is months old. Honestly agree with musk on this one. We are able to drive with 2(sometimes only 1)low resolution(sometimes out of focus, sometimes closed) cameras on a pivot inside the vehicle with further blindspots all around. Much of our rear situational awareness comes from 2/3 small warped mirrors strategically placed to enhance those 2 low resolution cameras on a pivot. Tesla has already reverted to add some radar back in... The lidar option sounds like dystopia waiting to happen (just imagine all streets filled with aftermarket invisible lasers from 3rd world counties, any one of them could blind you under unlucky circumstances). The best way forward is visual, and if you watch up to date test drives on YouTube you can see they are doing quite well with what they have.

ivanafterall, to til in TIL: Benjamin Netanyahu’s Family Originally had the Surname Mileikowsky When They Came to Palestine from Poland in the 1920s
ivanafterall avatar

Maybe their family members committed acts they didn't want to be associated with.

Blue_Morpho, to dogs in Around 920,000 shelter animals are euthanized annually in the United States, with 390,000 of those being dogs

And yet everyone keeps talking about ethical breeders and how they absolutely had to get their purebred puppy from a breeder because of reasons.

If this was the 1980’s I could maybe accept a reason. But rescue organizations have made it incredibly easy to find whatever breed you want.

But no, people keep buying from breeders and dogs keep getting killed.


I agree, they over breed and then this happens


Icelandic sheepdogs would be a hard breed to rescue I imagine. Not popular over here at all.


First link on Google has two Icelandic Sheepdogs ready for adoption. That link is not even one of the big nationwide rescue sites:…

apocalypticat, avatar

Sounds like the perfect dog for the average suburban American that never walks or steps foot near a farm. Give me 2, preferably from an ethical, organic, free-range, non-GMO, grain-free, non-allergenic breeder. The only way to get a suitable well-behaved sheep dog for my 1-bedroom luxury apartment is by furthering the cruelty of those in shelters. It simply must be done that way, to fulfill my satisfaction. /s


Yeah people participating in dog trade are the cancer that is causing this.

I am not sure how shaming general population for misconduct of certain people is acceptable.

This reminds of reperations for slavery from current peasants while ignoring the elephant in the room ie crotch fruit of slave owning families who own large sections of the economy.

Classic fake mews misdirect to pin crimes of few on the taxpaying worker

Disgusting shit tbh


There are arguments for situations where common people can’t affect global corporations so corporations can be blamed.

But in this situation, pet overpopulation is directly under the control of the consumer. People buying from breeders instead of first adopting is the only problem. There are no other factors.


Even with corporations... people could vote with their money but there is also a strong bootlicker minority, i would posit that is takes about 20-30% of them to effectively block anything.

So even if strong majority prefers something, these clowns along with their corpo daddies can block anything.

Either way, just got to keep calling bad faith actors and doing the right thing yourself. Hopefully one day, enough people will do the same to make the change happen. Surely as fuck daddy sam or his corpo owners won't do hack shit on any issue that actually maters for working losers.


??? Breeders are entirely home businesses, not giant corporations. People buying pets from breeders do it for entertainment, not survival like food, shelter, or healthcare.

We can criticize people that buy instead of first attempting to adopt in the same way we can criticize someone who beats their dog.


I am not following what you are trying to communicate.


You said, “shaming the general population for misconduct of certain people.” Then you talked about corporate boot lickers.

This isn’t about giant corporations. This is about people who buy pets from breeders instead of adopting. The people who buy from breeders are the problem. There’s no evil corporation behind it.


You are missing the point i was making. That shiti article glosses over the crimes committed by breeders and buyers while attempting to socialize the risk and negative externalities on the general public. You should do more to save the animals, this is tour problem

Same way corps do, which was my original premise for comprison.

No, breeders and buyers either need to be taxed out of existence or just outright banned.

You want a dog, go to shelter and pay for it. Fuck you and your stupid hobby that's causing suffering along with huge financial costs to society at large.


Sorry for misreading your posts.

satanmat, to workreform in From 2017 to 2020, the U.S. Department of Labor recovered $3 billion in stolen wages from employers

I get (I’m pissed off that) they do it. Business are shit; but we know that….

What really pisses me off; in to a white hot RAGE?!!?

  1. Only 1 in 4 repeat wage theft offenders get fined, despite violating federal wage laws more than once.

WT actual F

Why are they not being fined 10x ???



Because enforcement is vastly understaffed compared to the legal teams at all these corporations.

timewarp, avatar

Because the wage theft offenders need that money for lobbying and political donations so they can get away with it more


Please stop being right.


Bitwise Industries stole our 401k money after they took it out of our paychecks. And two last paychecks. The CEOs are still not behind bars. And we never got our money back.The 401k money is gone but one of the CEOs got a new Tesla.


“They’re coming for your retirement funds. And they’ll get it. They won’t stop until they have it all.” ~ George Carlin. Philosopher mistaken as comedian.


Sure they’ll keep doing it. It saves more money than it cost in fines. They just use your stolen wages to pay the fines.


A fine means that it is legal for a price

BlushedPotatoPlayers, to technology in Free-Market Advocate, Elon Musk, Asks for U.S. Government to Put Tariffs on Chinese EV Imports

I don’t mind bashing Musk for a second, but as far as I know China follows a startup mentality with electric cars - the government supports the industry so they can sell cars below their actual price, and once they killed all their competition they can increase.

There’s no fair winning against this policy

Lautaro, avatar

That’s free market, alright.


Like that time a US state subsidised Tesla with a billion dollar factory in exchange for jobs most of which were never delivered. I bet in China at least they would expect their grant deal to be fulfilled.

I’m not trying to advocate for China, just pointing out how much of Tesla’s current position is the result of hand outs (see; carbon credits)


So they’re just like Uber. Why didn’t they put a 100% tax on them?


I would think that the winning move would be to impose enough tariffs to offset the foreign government subsidies, yet still promote some competition.


The government could also 100 percent fund battery research; Put a government owned company out there to make a floor in the market (5 person hatchback with minimum amenities); Give us more than 7,500 in EV rebates on a select few models; Change CAFE standards so bigger isn’t automatically better; etc…

There’s a lot we could do. We instead chose the most reductive and protectionist route possible. And even then Volvo (Owned by Greely) says they may be able to get a refund on the entire tariff because of the other models they produce in the US.


Definitely need more subsidies or grants for domestic research. Though I don’t see the government owned company idea working mainly due to how capitalism is implemented here. The government tends to not directly compete with private entities.

Fully agree with clamping down (via higher taxes or something similar) on the giant vehicles and the loopholes they can abuse today.


Oh yeah, Americans would riot before buying basic goods from the government. Still it’s something that would be legal and is an option. Even floating the idea seriously could cause the auto makers to remember how to make those minimum amenity hatchbacks.


And the US supports the oil and gas industry. The government supports the industry so they can sell gas below its actual price.


We have 10 trillion dollars more GDP. If China wants to declare open season on EV’s there’s no reason we can’t beat them at this game. This policy is meant purely to prevent our auto industry from having to innovate like a competitive market would force. Nope we’re going to have 50k E-SUVs that spy on us and fall apart. And we’ll like it. Because they also passed legislation in my state to ban the sale of new gas cars in 6 years. And the mass transit system is. not. ready.


Have you seen the reports from China about their EVs? If it’s about falling appart, they’re far ahead of anything any western manufacturers could produce lol


You seem to think the ICE cars are not spying on you nor falling apart.


No, I’m under no illusions. I’m just not happy at the lack of competition.


2014 Kangoo begs to differ (no options, except the brown color).


We got one, it’s pretty much unkillable. We even used it to gather wood.


AFAIK every ICE car model has some cutoff year after which they have added spy tech. You do have to buy used to not be spied upon. Mozilla did a page on Renault here:…/renault/

I see a bunch of people freaking out over EVs, panicking about spying or being disabled remotely. But the newer ICE cars are, AFAICT, the same thing. I just want everyone worried about this 1984 shit to not be burying their heads in the sand. I’m worried about it also. We should organize against it. (I guess the person I responded to didn’t think ICE cars are any better, after all. But it did seem so at first.)

Yeah, buy used for now, but I’d like to stop the practice entirely. Otherwise they can just wait it out as more and more old cars are totaled or unmaintainable.


But is the Kangoo in the same price category as the EVs that spy on us? Is it even released at a time when major corporations spying on everyone is so normalized like it is today? I think both of these being no would explain why that car is so nice, simple, and reliable.

jmanes, (edited ) to technology in Free-Market Advocate, Elon Musk, Asks for U.S. Government to Put Tariffs on Chinese EV Imports avatar

This is how all capitalist markets progress, which is why I get annoyed when folks try to talk about this as though it is hypocritical. There is nothing hypocritical about a capitalist attempting to stifle innovation and competition for the advancement of their own personal wealth. This is what capitalism is about.

RidcullyTheBrown, (edited )

I think that what you’re saying is that actions of hypocrites cannot be considered hypocritical since it’s their nature to be hypocrites. It’s all a bit circular, isn’t it?

I think that in the case of Mr. Musk, the issue is that he has been seen as an innovator not just as a capitalist for much of his time in the spotlight. For 2018 Musk, this declaration would have been hypocritical. For 2024 Musk, whatever, why are we still listening to this clown?

jmanes, avatar

No, not quite. I’m saying musk has never believed in the free market in his life and has never argued in good faith. All of those wealthy types know exactly what they are doing. They publicly embrace a fake ideal of free market economics up until they no longer have to put up the facade.

RidcullyTheBrown, (edited )

I’m saying musk has never believed in the free market in his life and has never argued in good faith.

isn’t this the definition of hypocrisy?

jmanes, avatar

I suppose you’re right, it is. I am not articulating myself properly here. Let me re-frame this.

Every time we chalk things up to a bad actor being hypocritical, we are taking our eye off of the ball. The problems we are facing are not individual actors that are simply acting hypocritical in the moment. We are, in reality, dealing with a much larger issue. The economic structure is filled with grifters, liars, and exploiters at the top because that is how it is best leveraged.

So when articles are written calling some billionaire a hypocrite, we are not accomplishing anything. I would argue it is largely a game of masturbatory whack-a-mole to make ourselves feel better, because we cannot fix this system with random callouts and the (extremely) rare removal of “bad apples.”


We are, in reality, dealing with a much larger issue.

Care to articulate how you’d describe it?

Much more than just capitalism, right? Like that, plus our entire culture, generations of propaganda and indoctrination. All of our power structures, political, financial, military, media, education.

Everything. Much larger issue is an understatement. How do we fix it?

jmanes, avatar

I will say that I am no oracle, just one man. It is easy to perceive problems and very hard to prescribe solutions.

That being said, I can offer the following perspectives.

  1. We have lost control of our leaders to the wealthy. We do get to vote, but we do not get to vote for a working class person. In order to be elected into the high offices you need a lot of money and influence. This money is provided largely by the wealthy who have a shared interest in filtering us little people out of the process entirely.
  2. People (the masses) always have absolute power, but power must be shaped and directed for progress. Currently, a lack of class consciousness and the constant bombardment of propaganda to our televisions, our phones, etc, is ruining us. We also have no presence on the national stage via political party, as stated earlier, which exacerbates the directionless nature.
  3. Capitalism is largely unregulated in any way that matters, and has gotten us into a sustained feedback loop of the above points.

In order to fix these problems, we need to fight back through locally organized groups; tenant unions, renters unions, etc. Having the hard conversations with friends and family. Re-framing arguments and world views in terms of class rather than cancerous “red versus blue” politics. Showing up to peaceful protests while we can still participate in them. Pulling the levers of democracy given to us in local elections, and on the national stage, pulling the levers for the candidate that will not plunge us into immediate fascism as a stop gap. We need to do this now and with vigor to prevent the other potentials.

The alternative to action now, I’m afraid, will end in revolution attempts by a divided working class. This implies civil war where nothing is certain.


Yep, capitalism is at direct odds with competetive markets almost by definition.
"free" is the non-specific term tht they use rhetorically. "Competition" is the market feature that might theoretically benefit consumers in some circumstances - and they don't often include that word in their rhetoric.

It's always been about acquisition of market power, this is sort of opposite of a free market.
If any threat of consumer rights / anti-trust / labour rights or balancing of market power arises, their incentive is to acquire political power and influence to defend their power.

It was the same story in western Europe before industry and "capitalism", just the landed class monopolising land vs peasantry (and/or enslaved/indentured labour). Landowners monopolised all the votes and even when suffrage expanded it was usually top down. Until maybe 1789 when something else happened to the top.

Unfortunately I think many of the major progressive changes of the past (that benefit people in general rather than the elites - again in "the West") have mostly followed catastrophic events or political upheaval, or martyrdom.
Peasants revolts, black death, aftermath/stress of major wars, civil war, workers uprisings, race riots, 1929, ww2.

I guess the 1929 and all the FDR stuff and strengthened social policies in western Europe was all widely democratically backed (honourable mention to the banks' major incompetence , to hitler for being such a massive c*nt and a decent 50-or-so years of European imperial decline) .

So maybe there's some hope for the democratic or the MLK/Gandhi type approach - not that it worked out too well for those two individuals.


They believe in the “free market” insofar as the government being commodities to be bought.


I’m saying musk has never believed in the free market

Correct. No politican, economist or, indeed, capitalist “believes” in the (so-called) “free market” - they all know perfectly well that it’s a fairy tale designed to justify them and their cronies parasitizing at everybody and everything else’s expense. The regime that made Musk’s billions possible - the Apartheid-regime - knew perfectly well that the “free market” was a big, fat lie all the way back in 1948. That’s why they built all the public infrastructure that enriched white people’s lives (including Elon’s) while repressing the majority of South Africans into becoming the glorified indentured labour that made Elon’s daddy rich.

It’s no different than “hearts & minds,” “spreading civilization” or Cinderella’s glass slipper. They all know it and they have always all known it.


That’s why you work to make sure that there is competition. I’m pretty sure it shouldn’t come as a shock that a EV manufacturer doesn’t want to have to compete.

Rhaedas avatar

I agree that's it's a "hate the game, not the player". The issue is how much influence he could have to steer the market to favor his product vs. the competition. It's happened so many times in history where the better product fails because they can't play the game like the inferior company.

To quote "Pirates of Silicon Valley":

Steve Jobs: We're better than you are! We have better stuff.

Bill Gates: You don't get it, Steve. That doesn't matter!

So is it fair for the consumer for big companies to be able to influence the game itself and not just play within the same rules? I'd say no.


The players make the game. It's not a one or the other thing.

jmanes, avatar

I don’t think you’re really addressing my comment, which is just a criticism of how folks write about these “hypocrisies.”

Of course it’s not fair; that’s the entire foundational pillar on which capitalism rests. I’m not saying “hate the game, not the player”. Rather I’m saying the game is bullshit and the player should have his balls kicked with steel toed boot repeatedly.


Ok, what do you suggest? There isn’t any alternatives. You can just ignore the opinion of some billionaire and be done with it.


There'd be alternatives if people didn't give up before ever looking for them.

jmanes, avatar

We do not have the option to ignore the opinions of billionaires. Their opinions become government policy through lobbying and it impacts us all.

applepie, to aboringdystopia in Poll: Around 25% of young people in the lowest-income households feel “people like me don’t have much of a chance in life”

Using the term "feel" is another fake news white washing bullshit.

Poor people are subject to untetnable economic and social condition.

This is not issue of feels, this is issue of the regime subjegating poor people into wage slavery for minimal or no benefit.

It was cute when poor's stayed single mothers and coloureds... But that was not enough and now they are coming after "good" Americans aka whyte cucks but really just everyone who is less than affuent. So fake news got to run these clown stories to spin it up.

Anyway, quit being poor losers, sucks to suck, hit gud.

kamenlady, (edited ) to technology in Breaking: Samsung Pulls Out of Israel Amid Moral and Economic Decline avatar

As the renowned journalist Chris Hedges once wrote, “Children have been shot in other conflicts I have covered, but I have never before watched soldiers entice children like mice into a trap and murder them for sport.” It is this level of depravity, this wanton disregard for human life, that has rightfully earned Israel the condemnation of the international community

Iirc he wrote this in 2002.

Edit: scroll a little, until the magazine cover appears. Under the magazine is a small Download PDF link, that link downloads the PDF directly, without login or subscription…

massive_bereavement avatar

In 2002.... This felt like a ton of bricks.

misk, to technology in Breaking: Samsung Pulls Out of Israel Amid Moral and Economic Decline avatar

Highly misleading. Samsung Next, a Samsung VC firm closed Israel offices but will keep investing in Israel.

This appears to be original source from a month ago:

Today, I am sharing the news that Samsung Next has made necessary organizational changes in the Tel Aviv office to consolidate its activities. Israel remains an attractive market for Samsung Next, and the existing relationships with partners and portfolio companies will remain unchanged.

avidamoeba, avatar

Yes, and some of the sources are BDS themselves.

TropicalDingdong, to til in TIL Most Explosives used by Hamas Are Unexploded Israeli Bombs Dropped on Palestine

Man if there were only some way to prevent explosives from getting to Hamas…


Oh, I know! Use Palestinian hostages to detonate them on-site. That’ll solve two of Netanyahu’s problems at once /s

FlashMobOfOne, avatar

You know they’ve probably considered that.


Article 7.

hascat, to technology in “Job Creator” Elon Musk Has Fired Over 6000 Employees in the Last 4 Years, Some for Trying to Unionize

Why is half this article about population decline? The writing also seems weird in places. AI generated, maybe?


It reads like ChatGPT with the bullet point styling removed. At least, the half of the thing Medium would let me read without signing in did. No Medium, I’m not creating an account or paying you to read AI copypasta garbage


Elon Musk has fired a significant number of employees across different instances. Specifically, Musk has fired over 6,000 people at Twitter since taking over the company, reducing the staff to around 1,500 employees. Additionally, Musk sacked around 3,700 Twitter employees in the first week of November after acquiring the company, and further layoffs followed, resulting in a substantial reduction in the workforce. Overall, considering these instances and others not explicitly mentioned in the provided sources, Elon Musk has fired thousands of employees across various companies and contexts.

This opening paragraph is absolutely written either by an AI, or someone with a 6th grade understanding of writing. It’s painful to read.


That’s an insult to 6th graders

smileyhead, to technology in Why Linux is Best for Most People

I think that Linux is the worst for middle-tier tech people.

For elderies, kids or someone that just visit social media, listen to music on Spotify and edit photos from vacations this it is perfect. They might learn where the app store is, how to open up menu and that’s all.

For tech saavy, programmers, engineers I… don’t really get how you can use Windows at all until you are forced by your environment. Going from Windows to Linux to do work is just like going from ChromeOS to MacOS.

But the worst would be the midtier, a friend who does a joke in “ohshit.exe” style, but don’t know what is an executable. That has multiple free games from Epic Store he never plays but must be installed and work. That have bought Photoshop and “original” MS Office licence years ago for outdated version but keep it, because “original”. And that has some amateur audio eqippment that even if Linux have build-in drivers for, would complain the .exe installer from that “download for free” website does not work.


For tech saavy, programmers, engineers I… don’t really get how you can use Windows at all until you are forced by your environment. Going from Windows to Linux to do work is just like going from ChromeOS to MacOS.

I do native Windows, Linux and Android development and much prefer working on Windows since I like the software and tooling there better. At home, I don’t really want to fiddle with Linux anymore than I want to. Spending 2 days trying to fix my work PC’s Ubuntu installation not being able to detect my Nvidia GPU has scared me off bothering with it.

Coincidentally, I did not have fun switching over to my Ubuntu partition at work today and finding out my Bluetooth mouse stopped working with it all of a sudden.


Ubuntu installation not being able to detect my Nvidia GPU

NVidia and Linux… don’t get along very well. They’ve also been caught violating the GPL in their drivers, resulting in the kernel being hardcoded to block them in some instances. There is good reason why Valve picked an AMD APU in their handheld

Ubuntu partition at work today and finding out my Bluetooth mouse stopped working with it

Modern bluetooth controllers store the paired devices on their onboard memory, rather than only in the OS (allowing your bluetooth peripherals to work in the BIOS etc). If the two paired device lists fall out of sync, this could lead to erroneous behavior, especially since you’re dual booting two completely different operating systems using completely different driver implementations to talk to your hardware

Just wanted to share why things are broken - not trying to persuade you to change your workflow. Use whatever works best for you!


Thanks for sharing! I found it interesting.


Yea I get where you’re coming from. Unfortunately, my work requires me to use an Nvidia GPU so I can’t really budge on that front. It is what it is.


That’s a wonderful example. My average tech friend was an early adopter of SteamOS and called me a lot about wine.


Zorin OS has Windows App Support… You can run .exe and .msi on it…


I put zorin on my parent’s computer 2 years ago, while its a great distro, their windows app support is just marketing, its an out of date wine version with an unmaintained launcher. Worse than tinkering with wine yourself.


I really want to love WINE, but it’s so difficult to find .net framework installers that actually work on it. Luckily the few Windows apps I use under Linux work with Wine (using Mono as an alternative to .net), or were compiled for XP so run OOTB without any framework install necessary


Yep, don’t even dare to advertise it to a midtier person. There are just going to download random .exe and find out how broken it is and have no idea how to get back and uninstall the software.

Adanisi, avatar

A good way to fix this, I guess, would be teaching children to use GNU/Linux alongside or in place of Windows when they’re learning how to use computers in digital literacy classes.

Because this isn’t an OS problem, it’s a familiarity problem.


Agree, a lot of Windows weirdness is taken as like it’s like computers work overall. An example I give is when program freeze everyone knows Ctrl+Alt+Del to get the task manager. On Linux mostly there is Ctrl+Alt+ESC and click on the window to kill it.


For generations, parents have been giving kids their old cars or buying a used beater so they can learn to drive.

We need to get a generation of parents giving kids their old laptops or buying a cheap one off eBay with a light linux distro to extend its life.

Usernameblankface, avatar

I must fit in the middle here. I know that virtual drives exist, I’ve had a friend install one on my computer, but I never got it to work. I installed an old game off of a disk once, but when it quit working I had no idea why or what to do. I had a laptop and installed Ubuntu on it, and just never used it because I didn’t know what it would be good for and I got tired of constantly updating/fixing/troubleshooting it.

I’m used to the options and menus of windows, Linux is just confusing to me.


And are there even industry standard equivalent programs available for graphic designers on Linux?

Most FOSS alternatives tend to be a significant step back for folks used to their closed source industry counterparts like for example Adobe. The available video editing software is either a step back or closed source (DaVinci Resolve).

It’s probably the proverbial chicken-and-egg situation.


I mean, for UI-UX, Figma, Lunacy, etc. are available via browser. But I despise web-based clients.



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  • TheGrandNagus,

    Damn this is the opposite of my experience. As much as I appreciate some aspects on the philosophical side of Linux, and the lack of spying etc, but really the main reason I’ve stuck with it is that it just works.

    My updates don’t break things, my updates only happen when I allow them to happen, I don’t have to periodically run disk cleanup and crap like that to remove dozens of gigabytes of useless data like old windows updates, my search works properly, I dont get ads in my OS after some updates that I have to find out how to disable, I don’t have shitty MS apps that I can’t uninstall, dark mode actually applies to my entire system so I don’t get blinded at night when I open XYZ program.

    I probably lose a couple of hours every month on my work laptop just doing silly Windows nonsense that I just don’t have to deal with on Linux.

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